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... will reflect you. When you feel this again, the mind will say: You have not been suppressing enough, suppress more. But anger is there because of suppression, and the mind says: Suppress it more! Then there will be more anger. Your mind is sexual because of suppression and the mind says: Suppress it more. Find new methods, and ways and means to suppress it more so BRAHMACHARYA will flower. But it...

... he hit upon was to run away from it. That is the method everybody hits upon. It seems that the mind has a vicious logic. For example, if you feel angry, what will you do? The mind will say: Don't be angry, take a vow. What will you do? You will suppress it and the more you suppress, the more the anger will move to the very roots of your being. Then you will not be sometimes angry and sometimes not...

... cannot flower that way. Through suppression sex not only goes into the body, it goes into the mind, it becomes cerebral. Then a person goes on thinking about it, again and again. Hence so much pornographic literature in the world. Why do people like to see pictures of naked women? Are women not enough? They are, they are more than enough! So what is the need? The picture is always more sexual than a...

... become old; a picture always remains young and fresh. A picture is just mental. Those who suppress sex in the body become mentally sexual. Then their mind moves in sexuality, and then it is a disease. If you feel hungry it is okay, eat But if you think about food continuously then it is an obsession and a disease. When you feel hungry it is okay if you eat and are finished with it. But you are never...

... body will recover, but the mind can go on and on and on - ad infinitum. The body may recover, but the mind will never recover. If you suppress hunger in the body, it goes into the mind. The problem has not been thrown out, it has been pushed in. Suppress anything and it goes to the roots. Then the mind will say that if you are not succeeding, something is wrong you are not making enough effort. Make...

... relaxed, and the fighter is no longer there - he is sleeping. The enemy will bubble up. The mind thinks, either fight - if you fight then you suppress - or escape. But to where will you escape? Even if you go to the Himalayas the anger will follow you, it is your shadow; the sex will follow you, it is your shadow. Wherever you go, your shadow will be with you. THE METHOD HE HIT UPON WAS TO RUN AWAY FROM...

..., and she was very dangerous, she needed to eat raw meat. And she was very strong, even eight strong men were not enough to control her. She had a wolf mind. She had to grow up with wolves, a society of wolves, so she had to grow a wolf-mind. It was impossible to train her to stand on two feet. She would try two or three steps, and again, she would fall down and be on all fours. But she could run so...
... suppress it; that is easy. But there are two things you can do. You can create a false face; you can pretend to be something you are not. That saves you. Then you can move more easily in the society - more conveniently. And inwardly you have to suppress the real because the unreal can be imposed only if the real is suppressed. So your reality goes on moving downward into the unconscious and your...

... and try to create a state of BRAHMACHARYA - celibacy, purity, it is impossible. It is just magical. Without knowing what sex energy is, without knowing of what sex is constituted, without going deep into the reality of it, the secrets of it, you can create an ideal of BRAHMACHARYA. Then what will you do? You will simply suppress. And a person who is suppressing sex is more sexual than a person who...

... is indulging in it because through indulgence the energy is released. Through suppression it is there, moving in your system continuously. A person who suppresses sex starts seeing sex everywhere. Everything becomes sexual. Not that everything is sexual, but now he projects. Now he projects! His own hidden energy is now projected. Everywhere he will look he will see sex, and because he is...

... you are at a peak. One more question: Question 4: "LAST NIGHT YOU SAID THAT THE FULL ACT SHOULD BE SLOW AND UNHURRIED, BUT YOU ALSO SAID THAT ONE SHOULD NOT HAVE ANY CONTROL OVER THE SEXUAL ACT AND THAT ONE SHOULD BECOME TOTAL. THIS CONFUSES ME. PLEASE EXPLAIN THESE TWO THINGS." It is not control. Control is a different thing and relaxation is totally different. In sex, you are relaxing in...

... it, not controlling it. If you are controlling it, there will be no relaxation. If you are controlling it, sooner or later you will be hurried to finish it because control is a strain. And every strain creates tension, and tension creates a necessity, a need, to release. It is not a control; you are not resisting something. You are simply not in a hurry because sex is not happening in order to move...

... basic to create the valley; otherwise the peak will be created. And when this is said, it does not mean that you have to control. You are not to control your excitement, because that is contradictory. You CANNOT control excitement. If you control it, you are creating a double excitement. Just relax! Take it as a play; do not make any end. The beginning is enough. In the act, close your eyes. Feel the...

... start appearing, and when the valley appears you will forget your peaks. No peak is worth this. But you have to wait, and do not force it and do not control it. Just relax. Relaxation is a problem - because when we say, "Relax," in the mind it is translated as if some effort is to be made. Our language gives this appearance. I was reading one book. The book is entitled, YOU MUST RELAX! You...
... country to technology which was impossible for forty years. Because for forty years the politicians who were in rule were dominated by Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy of very primitive ideas. To Mahatma Gandhi all science and all progress stopped with the spinning wheel. After the spinning wheel everything is evil. Even telephone, telegraph, railway -- Gandhi is not ready to accept them. These forty...

... people who have come into power are unaware of many currents of ideologies which are against the growth of the nation. For example, anybody teaching against birth control. He may be a Christian priest, he may be Hindu Shankaracharya, or he may be a Mohammedan Iman. It does not matter who he is, but anybody who is teaching against birth control and telling to people that using birth control methods is...

... talking about birth control thirty years before and I was condemned because all the religions and their heads condemned me, because I am teaching people immorality. But when I started talking, the population of the country was only forty crore. If they had listened to me today we would have been in a far prosperous state. Today our population is eighty crore. In thirty years we have doubled. Now who is...

... poor, it is enough that in one hand BIBLE, and another a bread, that's enough. There is no need for a sword, there is no need for any argument, there is no need to convince anybody philosophically that we are better than your thinking. Hindus, Mohammedans, other religions -- it is strange that on one point they all agree... that birth control is something evil. But they don't see the consequences...

.... Birth control today is the only moral thing. Every religious person should adopt it if he has any sense of humanity and respect for life then birth control is not evil. But not to use birth control methods is evil because you are bringing so many people in the world who will be dying and starving. But all the religions somehow agree, and there must be some reason... there is, there is some vested...
... do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents The Planetary Princes 1. Mission of the Princes 2. Planetary Administration 3. The Prince’s Corporeal Staff 4. The Planetary Headquarters and Schools 5. Progressive Civilization 6. Planetary Culture 7. The Rewards of Isolation The Planetary Princes (572.1) 50:0.1 WHILE belonging to the order of...

... and sent forth to rule the evolving inhabited worlds. (572.2) 50:0.2 The signal for a System Sovereign to act in the matter of assigning a ruler to a given planet is the reception of a request from the Life Carriers for the dispatch of an administrative head to function on this planet whereon they have established life and developed intelligent evolutionary beings. All planets which are inhabited by...

... universe also imposes a certain test of faith and loyalty on all these Sons. (573.1) 50:1.4 But not often do these world princes fail in their missions of organizing and administering the inhabited spheres, and their success greatly facilitates the subsequent missions of the Material Sons, who come to engraft the higher forms of creature life on the primitive men of the worlds. Their rule also does much...

..., assembled from the bestowal worlds of the system. In Satania these counselors are at present all natives of Urantia. And there is an analogous council of seventy at the constellation headquarters also selected from the evolutionary beings of the realms. (573.4) 50:2.3 The rule of the evolutionary planets in their early and unsettled careers is largely autocratic. The Planetary Princes organize their...

... tribunals, and both spirit and physical controllers are subject to the findings of these conciliators. But no arbitrary execution is ever carried out without the consent of the Constellation Father, for the “Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men.” (574.2) 50:2.7 The controllers and transformers of planetary assignment are also able to collaborate with angels and other orders of celestial beings in...

... some knowledge of the Father’s rule and preserved for the world races the concept of the successive planetary dispensations of the various orders of divine Sons. 5. Progressive Civilization (576.4) 50:5.1 The loyal princes of the inhabited worlds are permanently attached to the planets of their original assignment. Paradise Sons and their dispensations may come and go, but a successful Planetary...

... of planetary development along physical, intellectual, and social lines, all evolutionary spheres progress in certain well-defined directions. (576.6) 50:5.3 Under the benign rule of a Planetary Prince, augmented by the Material Sons and punctuated by the periodic missions of the Paradise Sons, the mortal races on an average world of time and space will successively pass through the following seven...

... culture has learned how to profit and improve by experience, civilization has really arrived. Food, security, and material comfort still dominate society, but many forward-looking individuals are hungering for knowledge and thirsting for wisdom. Every child is provided an opportunity to learn by doing; education is the watchword of these ages. (577.3) 50:5.8 5. The epoch of philosophy and brotherhood...

... learn how to live in accordance with the golden rule. (577.4) 50:5.9 6. The age of spiritual striving. When evolving mortals have passed through the physical, intellectual, and social stages of development, sooner or later they attain those levels of personal insight which impel them to seek for spiritual satisfactions and cosmic understandings. Religion is completing the ascent from the emotional...
..., afraid of surrender, afraid of let-go, and in short, afraid of leaving yourself in an uncontrolled state. But everybody has been taught to control. The whole society goes on teaching every child to control. A controlled and disciplined personality is the goal. That is creating the trouble. Then you create a conflict; the mind becomes the controller and everything else becomes the controlled. A rift...

... energy... to protect. It is exactly as Gurdjieff used to say - that you put a guard on your house to protect you, but he has a bayonet, and one day he suddenly jumps on your heart. You have given him a job to protect you, but he becomes more and more powerful and one day he jumps on the master. He wants not to protect but to control. This is what is happening. The mind is just a guard on the outermost...

.... rather than being the doer. His inhalation would be God's exhalation; God's inhalation, his exhalation. (Osho has recounted an old indian story about God's nose being discovered by a seeker, and his being breathed by God. See darshan, March Osho said that control comes through the way we breathe and that if one breathes deeply in love- making, one will go almost wild, because the sex centre is massaged...

... in the world. Meditate on it, mm? (chuckling) [A group member says that he has been accustomed to discipline and control and it is difficult for him to suddenly become aware of his feelings in the group.] No, there is no problem... and one cannot suddenly start feeling. It will melt by and by, mm? And don't take it seriously. Don't be in a hurry, because you have been controlling for the whole of...

... your life, and now to lose control is not easy because the musculature of control has become fixed. It is as if you have been holding your hand as a fist for many years and now suddenly you realise that it has to be opened. But now the hand is almost paralysed; it has not been used, so treatment will be needed. Blood circulation has to move again. The muscles of the hand have shrunken inside because...

... good. So don't feel guilty. Are you going to do a few more groups?... Then I am going to give you a few meditations to do on your own which will allow you, by and by, to de-control. This group has done something but more is needed. And never feel a pessimist - there is no need. Within a month you will be flowing; there is nothing to worry about. Just give it a little time. [A sannyasin says: My mind...

... you will remain in confusion. The therapist cannot be chosen because he is outside you; he cannot always be there to help you. Feeling and the mind remain. If you choose reason you will feel less confused because reason is a great control, a great repression. It avoids all those things which can create trouble. It chooses only a few things and makes a very systematic whole out of them. So reason can...

... completely. It will explode. If you choose feelings, right now you will feel you are choosing madness, but later on it is going to give you a great pay-off. If you choose feelings you will not suppress madness, and then there is no possibility of your going mad. That's what I mean when I say go mad. Choose feelings because feelings are not repressive. In the beginning it will feel very very dangerous - but...
... you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents 1. The Mating Instinct 2. The Restrictive Taboos 3. Early Marriage Mores 4. Marriage under the Property Mores 5. Endogamy and Exogamy 6. Racial Mixtures (913.1) 82:0.1 MARRIAGE — mating — grows out of bisexuality. Marriage is man’s reactional adjustment to such bisexuality, while the...

... beauty appreciation of the Nodites and Adamites. But this Andite inheritance was absorbed by the evolutionary races in such limited amounts as to fail to provide sufficient self-control for the animal passions thus quickened and aroused by the endowment of keener sex consciousness and stronger mating urges. Of the evolutionary races, the red man had the highest sex code. (913.6) 82:1.3 The regulation...

.... (914.2) 82:1.6 The Sangik races had normal animal passion, but they displayed little imagination or appreciation of the beauty and physical attractiveness of the opposite sex. What is called sex appeal is virtually absent even in present-day primitive races; these unmixed peoples have a definite mating instinct but insufficient sex attraction to create serious problems requiring social control. (914.3...

... necessary for society to impose self-control upon the individual. (914.6) 82:1.10 No human emotion or impulse, when unbridled and overindulged, can produce so much harm and sorrow as this powerful sex urge. Intelligent submission of this impulse to the regulations of society is the supreme test of the actuality of any civilization. Self-control, more and more self-control, is the ever-increasing demand of...

... advancing mankind. Secrecy, insincerity, and hypocrisy may obscure sex problems, but they do not provide solutions, nor do they advance ethics. 2. The Restrictive Taboos (914.7) 82:2.1 The story of the evolution of marriage is simply the history of sex control through the pressure of social, religious, and civil restrictions. Nature hardly recognizes individuals; it takes no cognizance of so-called morals...

...-perpetuation is social but is secured by individual impulse. (915.6) 82:3.3 The mores, when respected, have ample power to restrain and control the sex urge, as has been shown among all races. Marriage standards have always been a true indicator of the current power of the mores and the functional integrity of the civil government. But the early sex and mating mores were a mass of inconsistent and crude...

... half sister, but such unions were not allowed under the later mores of the Jews. (919.1) 82:5.5 The first move away from brother and sister marriages came about under the plural-wife mores because the sister-wife would arrogantly dominate the other wife or wives. Some tribal mores forbade marriage to a dead brother’s widow but required the living brother to beget children for his departed brother...

.... There is no biologic instinct against any degree of in-marriage; such restrictions are wholly a matter of taboo. (919.2) 82:5.6 Outmarriage finally dominated because it was favored by the man; to get a wife from the outside insured greater freedom from in-laws. Familiarity breeds contempt; so, as the element of individual choice began to dominate mating, it became the custom to choose partners from...
... domination and mastering others, or he can be interested in mastering his own self. The first category is the category of the fools, but they make the major part of history: Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Nadirshah, Alexander, Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, Mao.... History is full of the names of the first category. It is a wrong kind of history to teach. The right kind of history will teach about the buddhas: those...

.... Don't waste your time in trying to dominate others. The effort to dominate others creates political conflict; the whole world is full of it. Even in personal relationships politics enters and destroys them. Even when you love a woman or a man, the mind starts its cunning ways to dominate, to possess, to destroy the freedom of the other... because you are afraid. You are afraid that if YOU don't...

... dominate, the other is going to dominate you. And for all those who want to dominate others, Machiavelli is the teacher. In India also a similar type of man has existed; his name was Chanakya. He preceded Machiavelli by thousands of years. Both men are the foundations of the extrovert mind; they have laid the foundations. And their first foundation is: the best way to defend yourself is to attack. Hence...

..., before the other attacks you, attack the other. Before your wife starts dominating you, you dominate her, or before your husband starts dominating you, you dominate him. A young man was going to get married. He asked his father, "Is there any advice for me?" And the father whispered something into his ear. The young man laughed and said, "I will take care of it." He went to the town...

... always followed him. What else to do? This has been the way down the ages: either the husband dominates or the wife. In ninety-nine percent of the cases the wife dominates, because the husband is trying to dominate in the outside world, in the marketplace. He comes home so tired, he comes home so frustrated, he has no desire, will or power to fight with the woman. And the woman has been waiting the...

... whole day, accumulating. Her energies are fresh and she has nowhere to go to dominate anybody else; only the husband is her dominion. Man has imprisoned woman in the house at a great cost, because he has taken away all other possibilities of going on ego trips. Now only one outlet is left - he himself - and he is suffering a lot. In fact, the Women's Liberation movement is not only woman's liberation...

... a problem for the cult: how to increase their numbers. So they would purchase or steal children. That was the only way; otherwise they would never have a great religion with millions of followers. No religion wants to use methods of birth control for the simple reason that that reduces their numbers. Catholics are against it, Mohammedans are against it, Hindus are against it. Everybody is against...

... birth control for the simple reason that it will reduce their numbers - and numbers are power. The more people follow your church, the more powerful you are. This is part of politics, power politics. They are not concerned about the future of humanity, they are not concerned with the misery of people, they are not concerned with poverty. To give birth to a child now is almost a crime, because the...

... persons, because they are all against birth control. They talk beautifully, they rationalize beautifully, that they are against birth control because birth control is against nature. If birth control is against nature then the pope of the Vatican should be against medicine, because that too is against nature. If a person is dying of cancer, let him die, don't give him medicine. On that point the pope is...

... from cancer and tuberculosis, then you have to use birth control. Otherwise how can the population be kept within normal, bearable limits? Those Russian sects were always in difficulty - where to get new people? And it was difficult to get converts because of their practices; so the only way was to purchase children from poor people or steal them. Both were practiced, stealing and purchasing...
.... But you are going so soon. You needed to be here for at least a few days to do one camp. One camp would have given you much insight. Some day or other you will be in great trouble because you look very repressed, controlled, disciplined. It gives a good feeling and people will appreciate you. It gives you a personality. That's why control became so important all over the world and people have tried...

... to control themselves. The whole thing that I am doing here is showing a way to remain in uncontrol and yet disciplined, uncontrolled and yet aware. Then there is a beauty. If you are simply controlled and not aware, you are already dead and all your sensitivity will be lost. If you do Dynamic meditation for at least three months, you will see things disappearing and a totally different quality...

... will happen to you. You will be silent, aware - with no control and yet in control because there is nothing to control. There are two different types of control: a person who has many things to control and is controlled, and another person who has nothing to control, so is controlled. He is completely empty and void and quiet inside. I will suggest you do few other groups in the West - Encounter...

... because it is always trying to perform, to prove things - if not to others, then to oneself. You need a little relaxation. Overdoing is not going to help. Your top-dog is too strong and it goes on torturing the under-dog. The under-dog wanted to sleep but the top-dog was not willing. The top-dog always enjoys some type of domination. It feels good and ego-enhancing that you will not sleep, will not eat...
... Contents Notes What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents 1. The First Shamans — The Medicine Men 2. Shamanistic Practices 3. The Shamanic Theory of Disease and Death 4. Medicine under the Shamans 5. Priests and Rituals (986.1) 90:0.1 THE evolution of religious observances progressed from placation, avoidance, exorcism...

... intermediaries, interpreters, and intercessors. 1. The First Shamans — The Medicine Men (986.4) 90:1.1 The shaman was the ranking medicine man, the ceremonial fetishman, and the focus personality for all the practices of evolutionary religion. In many groups the shaman outranked the war chief, marking the beginning of the church domination of the state. The shaman sometimes functioned as a priest and even as a...

... been employed. In the early development of their profession the shamans began to specialize in such vocations as rain making, disease healing, and crime detecting. To heal diseases was not, however, the chief function of a shamanic medicine man; it was, rather, to know and to control the hazards of living. (987.6) 90:2.2 Ancient black art, both religious and secular, was called white art when...

... soon followed by the appearance of those temperamental shamanesses who professed to be able to communicate with the spirits of the dead. (988.2) 90:2.6 Though of ancient origin, the rain makers, or weather shamans, have persisted right on down through the ages. A severe drought meant death to the early agriculturists; weather control was the object of much ancient magic. Civilized man still makes the...

... out, and even in the sixteenth century after Christ the directors of Occidental church and state were the patrons of astrology. Thousands of supposedly intelligent people still believe that one may be born under the domination of a lucky or an unlucky star; that the juxtaposition of the heavenly bodies determines the outcome of various terrestrial adventures. Fortunetellers are still patronized by...

... sorcerers and very frequently rose to such positions of influence and power that they were able to dominate the chiefs or kings. (989.2) 90:2.13 Primitive man regarded the shaman as a necessary evil; he feared him but did not love him. Early man respected knowledge; he honored and rewarded wisdom. The shaman was mostly fraud, but the veneration for shamanism well illustrates the premium put upon wisdom in...

... recognizes that matter is responsive to the intelligent manipulation of mind. Primitive man likewise desired to modify and even to control the life and energies of the physical domains; and since his limited comprehension of the cosmos led him to the belief that ghosts, spirits, and gods were personally and immediately concerned with the detailed control of life and matter, he logically directed his...

... efforts to winning the favor and support of these superhuman agencies. (989.4) 90:3.2 Viewed in this light, much of the inexplicable and irrational in the ancient cults is understandable. The ceremonies of the cult were primitive man’s attempt to control the material world in which he found himself. And many of his efforts were directed to the end of prolonging life and insuring health. Since all...
... not help you; on the contrary, they will hinder you. So let understanding be the only rule. Learn, grow in understanding, but don't follow rules. Rules are dead, understanding is alive; rules will become an imprisonment, understanding will give you the infinite sky. And every man is burdened with rules, every religion becomes nothing but rules. Because Jesus attained, because Buddha attained, their...

... life became a rule for everybody else to follow. But nobody else is a Gautam Buddha; nobody else is a Jesus Christ. So at the most you can become a decorated carbon copy, but you will never be your authentic self. If you follow Jesus too much you will become a Christian but never a Christ, and that is the danger. To become a Christian and to miss Christ is not worth it. You can become Christ, but...

... then Jesus cannot be your rule, only your own understanding will be the law. Jesus followed nobody. He had a master, John the Baptist, but he never followed any rule. He felt the master, he remained with the master, he looked at the flame of the master, he absorbed the master, he was baptised by the master, but he never followed any rules. Other followers of John went against Jesus. They said: This...

... man has betrayed you. He is going on his own, he is not following the rules strictly. No man of understanding can follow rules strictly. Only people who are dead can follow rules strictly because no rule is for you, you are your own rule. Understand, learn from others, just to find your own rule, but remember, never impose that rule on anybody else - that is violence. Your so-called mahatmas go on...

... understand and forget the rules. A wise man is free to move; a man who has rules cannot move, he always has to follow the rule. And life changes every moment - from moment to moment, it goes on changing, it does not wait for you or your rules. Every moment is new. And if the rule is old, you will always miss your step and you will always be a misfit. Whenever there is a man who follows rules he will always...

... be a misfit everywhere, because life goes on flowing and you are stuck with the rule. As I see within you, you are all stuck with rules. In your childhood, rules were given to you and you are stuck there. Since then you have never moved. You may have been jogging on the same spot but you have not moved. You may become old - seventy years old - but deep down you remain stuck. The whole effort...

...? Then you will find only thorns and no flowers. So he said: Okay, now I will make it a rule to be positive always. The next day his wife went shopping in the market and she told him to look after the children. When she came back she immediately felt that something had gone wrong. The whole house was sad, children were not running here and there - no noise. She became apprehensive. And then she looked...

... right - no problem. If the rule is followed, keep to the right, it is okay. If the rule is followed, keep to the left, it is also okay. Both are the same but one has to be followed. If you have both the rules then there will be traffic jams and there will be difficulty - unnecessary difficulty. When you live with others, life has to follow certain rules. Those rules are neither religious, nor moral...

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