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Found: 2264 articles, showing 510 - 520
... the body and the physical sensations dominate you, you will never become aware of the non-physical dimension - the divine dimension. If you are utterly lost in the body - as you will be if you think 'Eat, drink and be merry' is the goal - then you will live at the very superficial level. It is as if you have been given the Bible and you go on looking at the cover, and you start worshipping the cover...

... very unloving space. The second thing is: be in a loving space. And a loving space is anxiety-creating; it is conflict, it is struggle, because a real person enters into your life. And there is clash and an overlapping of the boundaries; and all kinds of diplomacies and politics enter, and strategies to dominate, to possess. There is great war. Lovers are intimate enemies. Only out of that experience...

... worship in their own ways. There is nobody to dominate it is a democracy. Christianity is dictatorial, so is Islam. Hinduism is basically democratic. You can go and worship in the temple of Shiva, it is for you. You can go and worship in the temple of Rama, it is for you. You can go and worship in the temple of Krishna, it is for you. The man who worships in the temple of Krishna is a Hindu, and the man...

...! You don't know my people. Although the number is very small - only three million people - but it is far more difficult to rule three million Jews.' Indira looked surprised. She said 'What are you saying? Six hundred million people... And you have only three million people, and you say it is difficult to rule over three million people?' And Golda Meir said 'Yes, because these are no ordinary people...

... very much confused. His whole being will be on a volcano. He may start trembling, and he may become afraid that he may DO something. That's what he wrote to me - 'I cannot participate in Sufi Dance any more, because I may DO something. I may not be able to control myself I become so aroused.' This is bound to happen. If you are sexually repressed, then sex will bubble up when you dance. So you cannot...
... thing where they are without any control. The moment they fall asleep the control is lost. The conscious goes to sleep and the unconscious take possession, and the unconscious is the negative. And they are very much afraid because in the unconscious are repressed sexuality, murderous instincts, anger, rage, hatred - all kinds of scorpions and snakes and poisonous beings. They all start bubbling up...

... truth, he can only show you where you can go and see the bird on the wing for yourself. He cannot teach you principles, he can only indicate the way. He cannot inform you about truth, he can only inform you about the methods that can clean your heart, that can clarify your mind, that can subdue your inner turmoil, that can help you to stop your constant inner talk so that you are in a silent state of...

.... Friedrich Nietzsche has said, 'Madness in individuals is a rare phenomenon but in crowds it is the general rule.' It is very rare that people become mad individually, but it is almost the rule that crowds become mad. The general excitement is just too much, the fire of it is too much, you start burning with it - and it is very unconscious. And there is no responsibility any more and there is no problem of...

... ruptured in him, and he became pathological. He started on his own, deliberately, but one day he found that it was no longer deliberate; it was beyond his control. And sometimes it can also happen that under the right guidance, the fake can become the real - because if the fake is made aware of what he is doing, and if he is really in search and has chosen just a cheap way of performance, under the...
.... Moon! And whatsoever I am saying I am going to continue because I have nothing to lose. I have no vested interest, so whatsoever happens is good. The second question Question 2: OSHO, IS MORAL CHARACTER ABSOLUTELY USELESS? Vadan, MORAL CHARACTER simply means something imposed by others on you: it is not really religious. It is a form of domination, a form of slavery, because you have not come to the...

...? Right is right and wrong is wrong! There is no possibility of many moralities. There is no possibility of a Hindu morality or a Mohammedan morality or a Jaina morality, but there are different moralities. That simply shows all these moralities are inventions - inventions by different societies to dominate the individuals which make up those societies. It is a strategy for imprisoning the individual...

... far away; you can be controlled by anybody who knows about that electronic mechanism inside your brain. He can have a small remote control unit: he can push one button on it and you will be angry; he can push another button and you will be full of love; he can push a third button and you will become very quiet, and a fourth button and you will become utterly violent. Delgado has proved it. He...

... inserted one electrode in a bull's brain, and with his remote control unit he was standing there, the bull was let loose, and he pressed one button. The bull became so enraged that nobody had seen any bull so enraged, for no reason at all. And he charged towards Delgado. Thousands of people had gathered to see the experiment, and they thought the bull was going to finish Delgado, that this experiment was...

... country or whosoever rules the country can control the whole country. He can send waves and there will be great peace, and he can send other waves if he wants the country to fight some other country and people will be so violent, so murderous that one single individual will prove to be like ten or a hundred murderers. This is going to happen because now the secret cannot be kept away from the...

... politicians. The same thing has been done by the so-called moralists down the ages, but their process was a bullock-cart process. This is a jet-set age. Delgado is saying that this is the way to control human behavior. There is no need to teach morality - for what? Simply insert one electrode and let everybody be controlled. That's what the priests have been doing for centuries, but of course they were not...
... have avoided but could not avoid, surface in their being. Beautiful women, more beautiful than they have ever seen in the daytime, erupt. They think that it is Indra, the god of heaven, who is sending apsaras to destroy them. Nobody is sending any apsaras, nobody is interested in these poor fellows. Why should Indra be interested? For what? No, this is compensatory. In the day they control their...

... saintliness. In the night when they relax - and they have to relax, they have to rest - when they rest, everything is relaxed, their control is also relaxed. Suddenly all that they have been repressing comes up. Your day and your night are in constant dialogue. Psychoanalysts say that watching your day life is not as significant as watching your dream life, because in the day life you are pretenders...

.... Man has become so deceptive. What I'm saying to you is this: unless you become a unity this will continue. In the day you can control, you can become a good man. In the night you will become a bad man, you will become a criminal in your dreams. You will do the same things that you have been controlling the whole day, exactly the same things. If you have fasted in the day, you will feast in your...

... decide which pair, and anxiety arises. Now it is rubbish - but still anxiety arises. Anxiety has nothing to do with great decisions, anxiety has something to do with decision as such. Because you are two - whenever you decide, both your parts try to dominate. Your mother tries to dominate, your father tries to dominate. And of course you know well, they never agreed about anything, they don't agree in...
... asthma attacks. Then the whole night it was difficult to sleep. Thirdly, was my diabetes which is my inheritance. My great-grandfather had it, my grandfather had it, my father had it, I have it, my all uncles have it, my all brothers have it -- it seems to be something intrinsic, so it cannot be cured. It can only be kept in control. And my allergy needed dry air and cool air, no humidity. That's why I...

... be in the service of the country and how the country can be saved. For twenty years there must be a absolute birth control. Already you are eight hundred million people; by the end of this century, India will be one billion people. You would have crossed far ahead than China. You are going to create another Nigeria, far bigger and far more disgusting. If in Nigeria one thousand people were dying...

... any preference. Whomsoever the country prefers -- let the country decide -- and then join totally with that power. My idea is so that you need not create any war, machinery, technology, big army, so you can drop that and you can divert your whole energy in creating better standard of life for the people. Q:* YOU HAVE ADVOCATED THAT BIRTH CONTROL SHOULD BE ENFORCED; AT THE SAME TIME YOU SAY PEOPLE...


...? A:* It was... it was not really Sanjay Gandhi's fault; it was Indira Gandhi's fault, to bring elections too soon. There was no need. Birth control has to be forced. Democracy is not something that you can simply have. First you have to deserve it. India don't deserve it. What kind of people you have got who deserve democracy? Most of them are uneducated, they don't know even the meaning of...

..., you talk about democracy? Where people vote for the symbol: if cow is your symbol, then people will vote you, because you must be right; cow is the mother... holy mother! Nobody thinks that every kind of government needs a certain atmosphere. India is not in a position to afford democracy. It can be: Just twenty years of benevolent dictatorship, absolute birth control, alignment with a big nuclear...
... your statement lies the reason for calling the flower beautiful and that is - because you think so. But is your preference a rule of beauty? What is the basis behind calling a thing ugly? It is, that you think so. But is your dislike a rule set by nature, that a thing is ugly because you dislike it? What does your like and dislike show? It indicates all about you and not4ing about the flower; for...

..., delusion, ego! It seems man is surrounded by many ailments! This is not true. These are not so many maladies. The illness is only one. The same energy manifests in all these. If you suppress sex it turns into anger. We all have suppressed sex therefore there is anger within all of us more or less. . Now if you want to escape anger, you will have to give it another form or else it will not let you live...

... transformation takes place life. So when sex overpowers you, forget the object, forget that which catches hold of your sex, which catches hold of your anger, your greed etc. And begin to look within - what is happening within! Do not suppress. Allow full freedom to whatever is happening. Close yourself in a room, and plunge whole-heartedly in the happening. It is better to see what is happening as clearly as...

... the greatest. Churchill tried to evade him but the youth persisted. "If you must know, I consider him the greatest politician because he had the guts to shoot his son-in-law. When you address me as 'Papa'. I feel like doing the same, only, I have not the guts to do it." There are many folds within our brain. We hide them, suppress them, yet they come up on the surface at times. They come...

... the entire tendency, an absolutely unbiased mind is required. All the suppression is on account of the fact that that tendency has been branded as bad. So if you still consider it to be bad, you will still be suppressing it. It is on account of this that a most unfortunate happening takes place: The more a man tries to be rid of anger, the more wrathful he becomes. To escape a thing, it has to be...
... other to grow. Otherwise I will exploit, and the other will exploit me! Otherwise I will try to dominate and the other will try to dominate me. And it will not be a relationship, it cannot be love, it will be a subtle politics. Your marriage is a subtle politics of domination. Your fatherhood, motherhood, is a subtle politics. Look at mothers, just simply watch! -- and you will feel they are trying to...

..., with many selves, with no unity. At the most, if you make some arrangement, as everybody has to make -- if you control yourself, at the most you can become an assembly, not a crowd; and then too you will be the Indian assembly, not the British: at the most the majority of your fragments can move in one direction, but the minority will always be there, going somewhere else. So even a very controlled...

... dominate their small children. Their aggression, their anger, is thrown on them -- they have become objects of catharsis, and by this they are already burdened. They will move in life carrying mountains from the very beginning, and they will never know that life is possible without carrying such loaded heads; and they will never know the freedom that comes with an unloaded being. They will never know...
... ones who are not born neurotic. Many things are implied in that, but as a rule humanity is not so fortunate. So my emphasis is first to dissolve your inner division, to make you one - a unity. Unless you are one, nothing can be done. The first thing is how to dissolve your neurosis. So my technique accepts your neurosis as it is and tries to release it. My technique basically starts with catharsis...

... sanity. Release it! Inside, it will become poisonous. Throw it out, remove it from your system totally. Expression is what is moral. And to do this catharsis, you have to approach it in a very systematic, methodical way because it is becoming mad with a method - consciously mad. You have to do two things: remain conscious of what you are doing, and then do not suppress anything. In our minds...

... consciousness means suppression. That is the problem. The moment you become conscious of certain things in yourself, you start suppressing them. This is the discipline and this has to be learned: to be conscious and nonsuppressive; on the contrary, to be conscious and expressive. You are feeling miserable: what will you do? Either you will try some escape so that you can forget, or you will try something...

... sex was used as an exploitative thing. And kings can use you only if you suppress your sex, because suppressed sex becomes violence. You cannot create soldiers, you cannot create militaries, you cannot create wars if you do not suppress sex. A suppressed man is always in the mood to fight. That is the only way to release his sex. So kings, emperors, they cannot allow soldiers to have a sex life. And...
... IN TIME. Don't stretch a bow to the very full. If you are laughing, it is better to smile than to laugh because a smile never brings tears, only laughter. Or if you laugh, keep balance. Don't go to the very extreme. Remain on plain ground, otherwise sooner or later you will be thrown to the other extreme and then you will suffer. When you are happy, keep control; don't be too happy. There is no...

... in love, his life has gone. Very old people become wise in love, but then the possibility of love is gone. Bernard Shaw says: I always wonder why God wastes youth on young people. It should be given to old people, who are wiser, who have lived, known and attained a balance - but God goes on wasting youth on young people. In everything this should be the golden rule: always keep balance. An...

... success. If you go on succeeding you are bound to fail. There is a limit to everything. If you go on succeeding, a moment comes suddenly - flop - and everything goes beyond your control. Take everything in measure. If you are succeeding don't be in a hurry and don't move to the very end, because after success nothing is left, only failure. Always take everything in homeopathic doses. Allopathy is good...

... criminal. You started the whole thing first. This thief is just a victim. I know that he couldn't control himself, that is his fault. But you accumulated too much, and when riches accumulate too much with one man the society cannot remain moral, cannot remain moral. Thieves will bubble up, robberies will happen, murders will happen. All sorts of immoralities will happen - they are bound to happen."...

... could not remain in control by yourself. And life always creates balance, because imbalance is an ill state of affairs. If in a country politicians are too egoistic and they ask for too much respect, soon disrespect will come in. Soon there will be rebellion, soon there will be revolution, soon everything will be destroyed. All codes of morality, respect, manner will be destroyed. Politicians should...
...: N.A. Short Title: N.A. Audio Available: N.A. Video Available: N.A. Length: N.A. Question 1: OSHO, IS THERE ANY POINT IN LIVING? MAN has been brought up by all the traditions in a schizophrenic way. It was helpful to divide man in every possible dimension, and create a conflict between the divisions. This way man becomes weak, shaky, fearful, ready to submit, surrender; ready to be enslaved by the...

... condemned that although you know it is there, you cannot dare to accept it, that it is part of you - you go on denying it; you go on repressing it. You know only a very small fragment in you, which they call conscience, which is a social product, not a natural thing, which society creates inside you to control you from inside. The constable is outside, the court is outside controlling you. And the...

... base in every child for unfreedom of thought. They want to control your thoughts. They want to control your dreams. They want to control everything in you. It's through a very clever device - conscience. It pricks you. It goes on telling you, "This is not right, don't do it; you will suffer." It goes on forcing you: "Do this, this is the right thing to do; you will be rewarded for it...

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