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... to manipulate him, how to dominate him, how to become powerful over him. He is not concerned with anything else. His trip is that of power - how to control people. If he says something he says it with that idea. He is not concerned about truth. That's why politicians have to go on telling lies, to go on promising things which they know they cannot fulfil, which they know are not possible to fulfil...

... foolish; to judge man by history is nonsense. But without history there is no other criterion. You cannot judge from the past because it is no more, you cannot judge from the future because it is not yet, and by the time you find a criterion to judge man in the present, the present will have become past. It is changing each moment. Life is a process, a flux. Life is unpredictable. No rule contains it...

.... No rule can contain it. It is uncontainable. It has an absolute freedom. It goes on moving in new directions, new ways. It goes on finding new pastures of joy and bliss and ecstasy. Rules come from the past, that's why every society has different rules - because every society has a different history. Hindus have lived in one way, in one kind of climate, in one country; Mohammedans have lived in...

... not according to rules. Rules come from the past; love arises herenow. Intelligence is herenow; rules come from the past. And always remember, a person who lives through rules is bound to be unintelligent. In fact, to live according to rule is just a way to avoid intelligence. Then you can afford to be stupid. There is no problem. The rule takes care. You don't feel responsible. You are simply...

... following a certain dead rule, you are following it perfectly. Then you need not be intelligent. What is the point of being intelligent? When you go to the church ever Sunday you don't go out of your own inspiration, you simply go as a rule. You say a certain prayer that has been given by tradition down the ages - you simply repeat it. You are a gramophone record. It is not in any way connected with you...

... will be able to recognise Mahavira in his nakedness and he will be able to recognise Krishna playing on his flute with his girlfriend dancing around him. Now if you are too much of a Christian you think the man of God has to be always on the cross. That is just one instance; it happened once that Jesus was on the cross. But that is not the rule. There is another possibility also - Krishna playing on...

... things upside down, that is putting things into complete disorder. Man does not exist for the morals, the morals exist for man. Man is not the means, man is the end. But the moralist always thinks that the rule is more important than the man. The man can be sacrificed for the rule but the rule cannot be sacrificed for the man. The rule becomes more important. This is a very sorry state of affairs. The...

... rule cannot be more important than the man. The rule exists to help man, otherwise it is as if you sacrifice the blind man for the walking stick. Yes, the walking stick is helpful but it is not the end or the goal. Watch how you judge people. When you judge people, are you not making the moral principle the end? Are you not condemning the man and praising the principle? Things should be put in the...

... Jaina munis, the Jaina monks. They are irrelevant. They should be discarded. They belong to the dustbin. They are no longer relevant to the time. They are just corpses. If you follow the rule this is bound to happen. You will not be contemporary. You will be a contemporary of Manu or Mahavira or Moses but you will not be a contemporary of mine, you will not be contemporary to the society and world you...

... the other. His idea of power is not of this world, his idea of power is of that world - but it is of power. He also wants to dominate... in the name of God. The politician and the priest are not very different, that's why they have always been together. There has been a conspiracy between the priest and the politician to dominate people In the old days it was so and today it is so. The politician...

... and the priest have always been conspiring together against people. The priest used to say to people that the king was from God and the king in his turn would go and touch the feet of the priest. This is the conspiracy. They have a mutual understanding. They decided long before that their goal is the same. And they have a line of demarcation - the priest should rule the peoples' souls and the...

... politicians should rule the peoples' bodies. The politicians should not interfere as far as soul matters are concerned and the priests should not interfere as far as body matters are concerned. This was an understanding and a conspiracy. This is one way of relating to people. The other way of relating is the way of the poet, the painter, the artist, the singer, the dancer. He is not concerned with...

... said, 'I am a poet.' And the physician laughed. He said, 'Why didn't you say so before? Now take this money - first go and eat.' This has been the situation. The poet is poor, the painter is poor. When somebody wants to become a poet, the family thinks a calamity has happened. They are neither priests nor politicians. They are not concerned with the other in order to dominate them, to be powerful...

... even want relationship - politicians don't have friendships, they only pretend. They don't allow people to come very close; it is dangerous to allow people to become very close. The politician remains far away, aloof. He never comes close and he will not allow anybody to come close. He has to be constantly defensive. When people come close you cannot dominate them so easily. Politicians don't like to...
... are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents The Seven Superuniverses 1. The Superuniverse Space Level 2. Organization of the Superuniverses 3. The Superuniverse of Orvonton 4. Nebulae — The Ancestors of Universes 5. The Origin of Space Bodies 6. The Spheres of Space 7. The Architectural Spheres 8. Energy Control and...

... far as the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit are concerned — as creator partners — the universes are localized and individual under the joint rule of the Creator Sons and the Creative Spirits. As far as the Paradise Trinity is concerned, outside Havona there are just seven inhabited universes, the seven superuniverses which hold jurisdiction over the circle of the first post-Havona space level...

... concerning the superuniverses, I can hope to tell you little, but there is operative throughout these realms a technique of intelligent control for both physical and spiritual forces, and the universal gravity presences there function in majestic power and perfect harmony. It is important first to gain an adequate idea of the physical constitution and material organization of the superuniverse domains, for...

... Universes (169.1) 15:4.1 While creation and universe organization remain forever under the control of the infinite Creators and their associates, the whole phenomenon proceeds in accordance with an ordained technique and in conformity to the gravity laws of force, energy, and matter. But there is something of mystery associated with the universal force-charge of space; we quite understand the organization...

... control of many of their segregated stellar offspring, and their spiral appearance is occasioned by the fact that their suns pass out of the nebular arm in close formation but return by diverse routes, thus making it easy to observe them at one point but more difficult to see them when widely scattered on their different returning routes farther out and away from the arm of the nebula. There are not...

... and light well illustrates the vast store of energy which each unit of matter contains. The actual energy stored in these invisible particles of physical matter is well-nigh unimaginable. And this energy becomes almost wholly available as light when subjected to the tremendous heat pressure and the associated energy activities which prevail in the interior of the blazing suns. Still other conditions...

... enable these suns to transform and send forth much of the energy of space which comes their way in the established space circuits. Many phases of physical energy and all forms of matter are attracted to, and subsequently distributed by, the solar dynamos. In this way the suns serve as local accelerators of energy circulation, acting as automatic power-control stations. (172.12) 15:6.10 The...

... wheels, which are being gradually brought under control of the central governing sun. Comets also have numerous other origins. A comet’s tail points away from the attracting body or sun because of the electrical reaction of its highly expanded gases and because of the actual pressure of light and other energies emanating from the sun. This phenomenon constitutes one of the positive proofs of the...

... built up by the assemblage of floating space material, when they happen to be in proper relation to a near-by sun, are the more ideal planets to harbor intelligent inhabitants. The dead suns are not, as a rule, suited to life; they are usually too far away from a living, blazing sun, and further, they are altogether too massive; gravity is tremendous at the surface. (173.5) 15:6.15 In your...

... basically universal, but local influences have much to do with the physical conditions which prevail on individual planets and in local systems. An almost endless variety of creature life and other living manifestations characterizes the countless worlds of space. There are, however, certain points of similarity in a group of worlds associated in a given system, while there also is a universe pattern of...

.... (175.3) 15:7.12 If all the projected local universes and their component parts were established, there would be slightly less than five hundred billion architectural worlds in the seven superuniverses. 8. Energy Control and Regulation (175.4) 15:8.1 The headquarters spheres of the superuniverses are so constructed that they are able to function as efficient power-energy regulators for their various...

... sectors, serving as focal points for the directionization of energy to their component local universes. They exert a powerful influence over the balance and control of the physical energies circulating through organized space. (175.5) 15:8.2 Further regulative functions are performed by the superuniverse power centers and physical controllers, living and semiliving intelligent entities constituted for...

... this express purpose. These power centers and controllers are difficult of understanding; the lower orders are not volitional, they do not possess will, they do not choose, their functions are very intelligent but apparently automatic and inherent in their highly specialized organization. The power centers and physical controllers of the superuniverses assume direction and partial control of the...

... manifestations. During times of minus energy there are increased tendencies for matter to aggregate, condense, and to get out of control in the more delicately balanced circuits, with resultant tidal or collisional adjustments which quickly restore the balance between circulating energy and more literally stabilized matter. To forecast and otherwise to understand such likely behavior of the blazing suns and...

... the dark islands of space is one of the tasks of the celestial star observers. (176.3) 15:8.8 We are able to recognize most of the laws governing universe equilibrium and to predict much pertaining to universe stability. Practically, our forecasts are reliable, but we are always confronted by certain forces which are not wholly amenable to the laws of energy control and matter behavior known to us...

... stabilized. Gravity and absence of heat (cold) organize and hold matter together; heat and antigravity disrupt matter and dissipate energy. The living power directors and force organizers are the secret of the special control and intelligent direction of the endless metamorphoses of universe making, unmaking, and remaking. Nebulae may disperse, suns burn out, systems vanish, and planets perish, but the...

... in a local universe that its individual and combined circuits become indistinguishable from those of the superuniverse, when such identity of function and oneness of ministry actually prevail, then does the local universe immediately swing into the settled circuits of light and life, becoming at once eligible for admission into the spiritual confederation of the perfected union of the supercreation...

... mighty seconaphim and by other members of the vast family of the Infinite Spirit. In the work of these marvelous centers of superuniverse administration, control, ministry, and executive judgment, the intelligences of every sphere of universal life are mingled in effective service, wise administration, loving ministry, and just judgment. (179.10) 15:10.23 The superuniverses do not maintain any sort of...

... so far as they voluntarily submit matters for counsel or adjudication by the Ancients of Days except in matters involving the extinction of will creatures. Mandates of judgment originate in the local universes, but sentences involving the extinction of will creatures are always formulated on, and executed from, the headquarters of the superuniverse. The Sons of the local universes can decree the...

...) 15:13.4 The minor sector governments are presided over by three Recents of Days. Their administration is concerned mainly with the physical control, unification, stabilization, and routine co-ordination of the administration of the component local universes. Each minor sector embraces as many as one hundred local universes, ten thousand constellations, one million systems, or about one billion...

... interassociated into a meaning-of-the-whole; and it is for this reason that we have sometimes conjectured that the evolved and finished personalization of God the Supreme will in the remote future and from Uversa rule the perfected seven superuniverses in all the experiential majesty of his then attained almighty sovereign power. (182.3) 15:14.4 As Orvonton is unique in nature and individual in destiny, so also...
... whole idea, desire, ambition, is how to dominate people, how to control people. And naturally, guilt is one of the best mechanisms ever evolved to control people, to dominate people. Make them feel guilty! Once they start feeling guilty they are in your control. All dictators do that, all politicians do that. And your priest is just a politician behind the mask. The popes, the SHANKARACHARYAS, are all...

... politicians; they are not religious people. They have a very hidden politics how to dominate humanity, how to control people, how to make slaves out of people. And, of course, there is no better trick than creating guilt. It is a psychological technique. How does it function? To create guilt you first have to create an impossible ideal. You have to give an impossible ideal which cannot be fulfilled, which...

... have crippled you, paralysed you. Of course, it is easy to control paralysed people, it is easy to control crippled people, it is easy to dominate dead people. People who enjoy their life are difficult to control. It will be difficult to send people to war if they are really living their sex life truly. It will be impossible. Why? Why should a man who is immensely satisfied go to war? Because some...

... it only proves the rule. Hence no tradition - Sufi, Zen, Hassid - no tradition talks about it. They all insist that a Master is needed. Why don't they talk about it? Don't they know? They know. It has happened. A few times it has happened down the centuries that a man has attained to his self without going via the outer Master; he has reached directly to his innermost core. But why don't they say...

... that sometimes a rare person enters. But it is accidental, it cannot be made a rule. And to talk about it is dangerous because the egoist will fall upon it, will immediately jump upon it. That's why around Krishnamurti you will find all kinds of egoistic people. One who cannot surrender will sooner or later reach Krishnamurti. One who is not able to surrender, whose ego is really hardened, who does...

... will be a victim of anybody who wants to control him. the parents will control him, the wife will control him, the husband will control, children will control, the society will control. Everybody will control him because something immensely valuable has been destroyed in him - his respect for himself. He has lost that. And he will remain miserable, continuously miserable. How can you be happy if you...
... control an ecstatic man; it is impossible. You can only control a miserable man. An ecstatic man is bound to be free. Ecstasy is freedom. He cannot be reduced to being a slave. You cannot destroy him so easily; you cannot persuade him to live in a prison. He would like to dance under the stars and he would like to walk with the wind and he would like to talk with the sun and the moon. He will need the...

... it: ecstasy is against structure Ecstasy is rebellious. It is not revolutionary. A revolutionary is a political man; a rebel is a religious man. A revolutionary wants another structure, of his own desire, of his own utopia, but a structure all the same. He wants to be in power. He wants to be the oppressor and not the oppressed; he wants to be the exploiter and not the exploited he wants to rule...

... and not be ruled. A rebel is one who neither wants to be ruled nor wants to rule. A rebel is one who wants no rule in the world. A rebel is anarchic. A rebel is one who trusts nature, not man-made structures, who trusts that if nature is left alone, everything will be beautiful. It is! Such a vast universe goes on without any government. Animals, birds, trees, everything goes on without any...

..., because the mother is hung up in her head. Her life has not been one of fulfillment. Her love life has been a disaster. She has not been able to flower. She has lived in ambition. She has tried to control her man, possess him. She has been jealous. She has not been a loving woman. If she has not been a loving woman, how can she suddenly be loving to the child? I was just reading a book of R.D. Laing. He...

... the mother thinks it is just accidental - they had tried birth control, they had tried this and that, and everything failed and the child is there - so one has to tolerate. That tolerance is not love. The child misses love from the very beginning. And the mother also feels guilty because she is not giving as much love as there would have been naturally. So she starts substituting. She forces the...

... afford joy, because you cannot control joy. Just as I said a joyful man cannot be controlled by the society, let me say this also to you: that you cannot control your joy, you cannot control your ecstasy. If you want to remain in control, you will never be joyful; then you can only be miserable. Only misery can be controlled - by the society or even by you! Many people come to me, and they say they...

... would like to get out of their miseries, but they are not ready to move into a state of uncontrol. They want to control joy too. They always want to remain in control. They always want to remain the master, the boss. That is not possible. The boss has to go. The joy can erupt into your being only when all control has been removed. Joy knows no control. It is wild. And I say to you God is wild, and joy...

... is the first step towards God. Ecstasy is wild. You cannot control it. You have to lose all control. You have to drop into it, into the very abyss of it - and it is a bottomless abyss. You go on dropping and dropping and dropping and you never arrive to the bottom because there is no end to joy. It is a nonending process, it is eternal. And it so huge, how can you control it? The very idea is...

... stupid. "MAD WITH JOY, LIFE AND DEATH DANCE TO THE RHYTHM OF THIS MUSIC." And when you are madly dancing, madly singing, when you are joyful without any control, without your presence, when the joy is so full, overflowing - you are flooded with it and all control is abandoned - then you will see a miracle: death and life dancing together. Because then all duality disappears. If you are dual...
... would also like to oppress, to dominate; you would also like to possess, to be powerful. A man of selfknowledge cannot be made a slave, and he cannot make a slave of anybody else either. You cannot oppress a man of knowledge, and a man of knowledge cannot oppress anybody. He cannot be dominated and he will not dominate. Domination simply disappears from that dimension. You cannot possess him and he...

... move like rivers. He will be wild -- of course beautiful, natural, but dangerous to the false society. He will not fit. Unless we create a natural society in the world, a Buddha is going to remain always a misfit, a Jesus is bound to be crucified. The society wants to dominate; the privileged classes want to dominate, to oppress, to exploit. They would like you to remain completely unaware of...

... free. This man will be a freedom here in your world of slavery. Would you like not to be exploited? Yes, you will say, you would like not to be exploited. Would you like not to be made a prisoner? Yes, you would like not to be made a prisoner. But would you like the other thing also: not to make a prisoner of anybody else? not to dominate, not to oppress and exploit? not to kill the spirit, not to...

..., polished. Society is concerned with making a robot of you, not a revolutionary, because it is helpful. It is easy to dominate a robot; it is almost impossible to dominate a man of selfknowledge. How can you dominate a Jesus? How can you dominate a Buddha or a Heraclitus? He will not yield, he will not follow dictates. He will move through his own being. He will be like the wind, like the clouds; he will...

... will not possess anybody. He will be free and he will help others to be free. This is an even deeper difficulty than the first. You can avoid society, but how to avoid your own ego? You are afraid -- because a man of knowledge simply doesn't think in terms of possession, domination, power. He is innocent like a child. He would like to live totally free, and he would like others also to live totally...

... make a person into a thing? That is difficult. And remember: if you want to dominate, you will be dominated. If you want to exploit, you will be exploited. If you want somebody else to be a slave to you, you will be enslaved. They are both aspects of the same coin. This is the difficulty in selfknowledge; otherwise, selfknowledge should be the most simple thing, the most easy. There should not be any...

... yourself. It is not by chanting mantras that you have come up to now. Humanity has lived, and lived in millions of wrong ways -- wandered, missed, committed sin, murdered; war, exploitation, oppression, domination. You have been a part of it, you are responsible for it. Just by chanting a mantra for ten minutes you think all responsibility is gone, you have transcended? You call this chanting...

... are neither an indulgent one nor one who is ascetic. You simply remain in the middle. Everything becomes peaceful. This Heraclitus calls being temperate, being moderate, being balanced. In everything balance has to be gained. Through balance you will come nearer to truth, because truth is the ultimate balance. When you are balanced, suddenly the doors open. Now try to understand these sutras: IT...

... false. You weep when it is required to weep; otherwise you suppress. Watch in how many millions of ways you have become untrue. You say things you don't mean. You use words completely unconsciously -- and then you are trapped through them. You say to someone, "You are beautiful." It may have been just a mannerism with you, but you have touched the other person, you have stirred something in...
... them to wear clothes. Ladies take them for walks, and you know dogs - every tree creates a tremendous urge in them, which is natural... nobody has planted it in their minds.... Perhaps they are watering the tree just to help it grow faster. But the lady is embarrassed. So the first part of your question has to be understood: every new thing is opposed. For example, in India birth control is opposed...

... control? The Indian religious leaders have many arguments. One very famous Hindu leader, Karpatri... Just by chance we were traveling in the same compartment and we started discussing birth control. He said, "Don't mention that name, it is absolutely against nature. Just look, Rabindranath was the thirteenth child of his parents. If they had used birth control there would not have been any...

... involved? It is unnatural to prevent children whom God is sending..." I said, "Who told you that God is sending them? God has been practicing birth control from eternity. He has given birth to only one child, Jesus Christ. If you have learned something from God, learn birth control. He could have produced millions of children - but he is a wise man, it seems. And that too he managed without...

... getting married, via an agent, the Holy Ghost. So the blame goes to the Holy Ghost; God is completely out of it. But the Holy Ghost seems to have learned birth control, because in two thousand years since Jesus Christ he has not tried again." He said, "You always bring strange arguments. I am not a Christian and I don't know THE BIBLE or the Christian God." I asked him, "Then tell me...

... people. All Adolf Hitlers and others don't matter; even normal people are killing! So birth control will not make much difference. In one million, if one more is added, it will not make much difference. I told him a story.... A very famous noble emperor, Akbar, was bringing swans from the Himalayas. It must be the highest point where a lake exists of the purest water, Mansarovar. And strangely, in...

... invention. Remember, genetics creates the same fear - who will control it? You are not afraid of medicine, of who will control it. You trust the doctor - a doctor you don't know at all - that he will not kill you, that he will not cheat you, that he will not keep you sick as long as possible. Your question is: Who is going to control it? My idea is simple: there should be a world academy of scientists...

... can remain as provinces, so they can enjoy a little politics, but it will be just like you see kings and queens on playing cards: formal. They don't have actual force; they can't do anything. In their own country they can control telephones, railways and whatever is necessary for the country. The world government can be an umbrella that takes over all the responsibility of defending them. There is...
... power in their respective universes; they are as Creators and Gods, supreme in virtually all things. There is no penetration beyond their wisdom regarding the functioning of a given universe. (241.3) 21:5.9 After his elevation to settled sovereignty in a local universe a Paradise Michael is in full control of all other Sons of God functioning in his domain, and he may freely rule in accordance with...

... What are you going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents The Paradise Creator Sons 1. Origin and Nature of Creator Sons 2. The Creators of Local Universes 3. Local Universe Sovereignty 4. The Michael Bestowals 5. Relation of Master Sons to the Universe 6. Destiny of the Master Michaels The Paradise Creator Sons (234.1) 21:0.1 THE...

... parents bear their children. (234.3) 21:0.3 These primary Paradise Sons are personalized as Michaels. As they go forth from Paradise to found their universes, they are known as Creator Michaels. When settled in supreme authority, they are called Master Michaels. Sometimes we refer to the sovereign of your universe of Nebadon as Christ Michael. Always and forever do they reign after the “order of Michael...

... a creature (personal or otherwise), mind is the endowment of the Third Source and Center, the universal source of mind ministry to all beings below the level of Paradise Creators. (236.6) 21:2.8 The control of spirit designs and types depends on the level of their manifestation. In the last analysis, spiritual design is controlled by the Trinity or by the pre-Trinity spirit endowments of the...

... of experiential manifestation. These appear in the following order: (237.7) 21:3.5 1. Initial vicegerent sovereignty — the solitary provisional authority exercised by a Creator Son before the acquirement of personal qualities by the associated Creative Spirit. (237.8) 21:3.6 2. Conjoint vicegerent sovereignty — the joint rule of the Paradise pair subsequent to the personality achievement of the...

... Son is not only demonstrating his own fitness to rule but is also revealing the nature and portraying the sevenfold attitude of the Paradise Deities. The finite understanding and creature appreciation of the Father’s primacy is concerned in the adventure of a Creator Son when he condescends to take upon himself the form and experiences of his creatures. These primary Paradise Sons are the real...

... Urantia, he could, and did, truly say, “It is finished” — it was literally finished. His death on Urantia completed his bestowal career; it was the last step in fulfilling the sacred oath of a Paradise Creator Son. And when this experience has been acquired, such Sons are supreme universe sovereigns; no longer do they rule as vicegerents of the Father but in their own right and name as “King of Kings...

..., which forever removes him from the divine level of a Creator Son and elevates him to the experiential plane of a Master Son, one who has fully earned the right to rule a universe and administer its worlds. Such beings embody all that can be secured from divine parentage and embrace everything to be derived from perfected-creature experience. Why should man bemoan his lowly origin and enforced...

... evolutionary career when the very Gods must pass through an equivalent experience before they are accounted experientially worthy and competent finally and fully to rule over their universe domains! 5. Relation of Master Sons to the Universe (240.3) 21:5.1 The power of a Master Michael is unlimited because derived from experienced association with the Paradise Trinity, is unquestioned because derived from...

... to this event, that which cannot be sometime spiritualized will eventually be disorganized; that which cannot be sometime co-ordinated with cosmic reality will eventually be destroyed. When the provisions of endless mercy and nameless patience have been exhausted in an effort to win the loyalty and devotion of the will creatures of the realms, justice and righteousness will prevail. That which...

... mercy cannot rehabilitate justice will eventually annihilate. (241.2) 21:5.8 The Master Michaels are supreme in their own local universes when once they have been installed as sovereign rulers. The few limitations upon their rule are those inherent in the cosmic pre-existence of certain forces and personalities. Otherwise these Master Sons are supreme in authority, responsibility, and administrative...
... with YOUR consciousness you cannot be non-violent with others. Whatsoever you are with yourself, you are going to be with others. Let this be a fundamental rule of life, one of the most fundamental: whatsoever you are towards yourself, you will be towards others. If you love yourself, you will love others. If you are flowing within your being, you will be flowing in relationships also. If you are...

... believe in the uncaused because it can not control the uncaused -- with the uncaused the mind simply becomes impotent. So the mind goes on finding some reason or other. But I would like to tell you that whenever you are happy, you are happy for no reason at all, whenever you are unhappy, you have some reason to be unhappy -- because happiness is just the stuff you are made of. It is your very being, it...

... will try to be cold, collected, controlled. Control has become such a supreme value. It is not a value at all. A controlled person is a dead person; a controlled person is not necessarily a disciplined person. Discipline is totally different. Discipline comes out of awareness; control comes out of fear. People who are around you are more powerful than you, they can punish you, they can destroy you...

.... They have all the power to control, to corrupt, to repress. And the child has to become diplomatic. When sex energy arises, the child is in difficulty. The society is against it; the society says it has to be channelised. And it is flowing all over the child. It has to be cut. In the schools what are we doing? In fact, the schools are not so much instruments for imparting knowledge as instruments of...

... control. For six, seven hours a child is sitting there. This is to curb his dancing, to curb his singing, to curb his joy; this is to control him. Sitting for six, seven hours every day in an almost prison-like atmosphere, by and by the energy deadens, the child becomes repressed, frozen. Now there is no streaming, the energy does not come, he lives at the minimum -- that's what we call control. He...

... cent capacity, only then is flowering possible. So meditation is not control, it is not repression. If somehow you have got the wrong idea -- you are repressing yourself -- then you will become very controlled, but then you will be cold. Then you will become more and more indifferent, not detached. Indifferent, non- caring, unloving -- you will almost commit suicide. You will be alive at the minimum...

.... You can be called 'just so-so' alive. You will not be burning from both sides, your flame will be very dim. Much smoke will be there but almost no light. It happens to people who are on the path of meditation -- Catholics, Buddhists, Jains -- that they become cold, because to control comes easily. Awareness is very arduous. Control is very easy because control needs only a cultivation of habits. You...

... your own repressed mind that becomes devilish and wants to take revenge. To control that mind one has to remain so cold and frozen that no life energy is allowed to move into your limbs, into your body. If energy is allowed to move, those repressions will surface. That's why people have learned how to be cold, how to touch others and yet not touch them, how to see people and yet not see them. People...

... believe that it has happened, because nobody is going to lose in this deception except you. People who try to control themselves have chosen a very foolish way. Control will not happen, but they will become cold. That is the only way a man can control himself -- to become frozen so that energy does not arise. People who take the vows of celibacy will not eat much; in fact, they will starve their bodies...

... only managed to hit one!' Through control you will not even be able to hit one. That is not the way. You are fighting with leaves, branches -- cutting them here and there. That is not the way to destroy the tree of desire; the way is to cut the roots. And roots can be cut only when you have reached to the roots of desire. On the surface there are only branches -- jealousy, anger, envy, hatred, lust...

... attack could not break his habitual pattern. He remained controlled. He must have been a man of tremendous control. He remained cold, with not even a flicker of energy, and he said, 'AN OLD TREE GROWS ON A COLD ROCK IN WINTER.' Not only was he controlled and cold, he was so controlled, he remained so cold, that in such a dangerous situation, provocative, seductive, he could use poetic words to reply...
... rules, I mean they are not to be followed like an obsession. They have to be understood - the meaning, the significance. And that significance has to be carried in one's life. It is going to be different for everyone, so it is not a fixed rule. You are not to follow it dogmatically. You have to understand its significance and allow it to grow within you. The flowering is going to be different with...

... memorized them; he took every care not to forget a single detail. And the first day when he was on duty, the first visitor came. He told the visitor to leave his umbrella there outside with him at the door. The visitor was amazed. He said, "But I don't have any umbrella." So Nasrudin said, "In that case, you will have to go back. Bring an umbrella because this is the rule. Unless a visitor...

... leaves his umbrella here outside, he cannot be allowed in." And there are many people who are rule-obsessed. They follow blindly. Patanjali is not interested in giving you rules. Whatsoever he is going to say are simple directions - not to be followed, but to be understood. The following will come out of that understanding. And the reverse cannot happen - if you follow the rules, understanding...

... will not come, if you understand the rules, the following will come automatically, as a shadow. Desirelessness is a direction. If you follow it as a rule, then you will start killing your desires. Many have done that, millions have done that. They start killing their desires. Of course, this is mathematical, this is logical. If desirelessness is to be achieved, then this is the best way: to kill all...

... desires. Then you will be without desires. But you will be also dead. You have followed the rule exactly, but if you kill all desires you are killing yourself, you are committing suicide-because desires are not only desires, they are the flow of life energy. Desirelessness is to be achieved without killing anything. Desirelessness is to be achieved with more life, with more energy - not less. For...

... again alive. So what is the criterion? The criterion has to be remembered. Be more alive, be more filled with energy, vital, and become desireless. Only then, if your desirelessness makes you more alive, then you have followed the right direction. If it makes you simply a dead person, you have followed the rule. It is easy to follow the rule because no intelligence is required. It is easy to follow...

... the rule because simple tricks can do it. Fasting is a simple trick. Nothing much is implied in it; no wisdom is going to come out of it. There was one experiment in Oxford. For thirty days a group of twenty students was totally starved, young, healthy boys. After the seventh or eighth day they started losing interest in girls. Nude pictures will be given to them and they will be indifferent. And...

... this indifference was not just bodily, even their minds were not interested - because now there are methods to judge the mind. Whenever a young boy, healthy boy, looks at a nude picture of a girl, his pupils of the eyes become big. They are more open to receive the nude figure. And you cannot control your pupils; they are not voluntary. So you may say that you are not interested in sex, but a nude...

... picture will show whether you are interested or not. And you cannot do anything voluntarily; you cannot control your pupils of the eyes. They expand because something so interesting has come before them, that they open more, the shutters open more to take more in. No, women are not interested in nude men they are interested in small babies, so if a beautiful baby's picture is given to them, their eyes...

... able to enjoy only when you are free. Only an independent person can enjoy. A person who is mad and obsessed with food cannot enjoy. He may fill his belly, but cannot enjoy. His eating is violent. It is a sort of killing. He is killing the food; he is destroying the food. And lovers who feel that their happiness depends on the other are fighting, trying to dominate the other, trying to kill the other...

... powerful, the brothers are powerful, everybody is powerful, and the child is absolutely helpless. Of course, the first desire that arises is to have power - how to grow powerful how to be dominating. And the child starts being political from that very moment. He starts learning tricks how to dominate. If he cries too much, he comes to know that he can dominate through crying. He can dominate the whole...

... the only thing that is needed is power, more power. He will learn, he will go to school, he will grow he will love, but behind everything - his education love, play - he will be finding how to get more power. Through education he will want to dominate, how to come first in the class so he can be dominating, how to get more money so he can be dominating, how to go on growing the influence and the...

... territory of domination. The whole life he will be after power. Many lives are simply wasted. And even if you get power, what you are going to do? Simply a childish wish is fulfilled. So when you become a Napoleon or a Hitler, suddenly you become aware that the whole effort has been useless, futile. Just a childish wish has been fulfilled, that's all. Now what to do? What to do with this power? If the...

... should not become a fighting attitude - you should not become a warrior, you should become a meditator. If you are meditating, spontaneously things will happen to you which will go on transforming and changing you. Start fighting and you have started suppression. And suppression will lead you into more and more misery. And you cannot deceive. Many people are there who are not only deceiving others...
...The Only Golden Rule is There are No Golden Rules...

... Osho From Unconciousness to Consciousness: The Only Golden Rule is There are No Golden Rules Main Books Headers Help Your browser does not support iframes. < Prev  Osho From Unconciousness to Consciousness   Next > The Only Golden Rule is There are No Golden Rules From: Osho Date: Fri, 28 November 1984 00:00:00 GMT Book Title: From Unconciousness to Consciousness Chapter...

... living. It may seem a contradiction, but it is not. The people who remember maxims for life forget life completely. Yes, I have forgotten not only that, but a few more. It reminds me.... The one that I have loved most is: The golden rule for life is that there are no golden rules. There cannot be. Life is so vast, so immense, so strange, mysterious, it cannot be reduced into a rule or a maxim. All...

... maxims fall short, are too small; they cannot contain life and its living energies. Hence the golden rule is significant, that there are no golden rules. An authentic man does not live by rules, maxims, commandments. That's the way of the pseudo- man. The authentic man simply lives. Yes, if you ask the authentic man, he may tell you about certain rules, but they are not the rules that he has followed...

... committed suicide long before. Anybody living according to a rule is destroying himself, poisoning himself, because the rule was found by somebody who was not you, somewhere where you will never be, in some time, in some space, which is not your time and not your space. It is very dangerous to follow that rule. You will be distracting your life from its center, its grounding - you will misshape yourself...

.... Trying to shape yourself you will only misshape yourself, disfigure yourself. So all the rules I have talked about these two or three days - you have to remember: before all of them comes the golden rule. But I had simply forgotten about it. I got so immersed in wrestling with Moses - and poor Moses has never done any harm to me, nor do I intend to do any harm to him - but the word commandment...

... triggered something in me. It reminds me of when I was a postgraduate student. In India it became a rule that every student had to participate in a two year army training. I went to the vice-chancellor and said, "I simply refuse. I will not participate in any army training; the very idea is nauseous - that somebody says to me, 'Left turn' and I have to turn left. Who is he? And why should I turn left...

... in the first place? If I want to turn right or if I don't want to turn at all.... It is going to be difficult. It is better you find some way to keep me out of it." He said, "I can understand you, and I can see the difficulty. You have never followed any rule. I have had reports against you again and again, but I have never called you because I know that you may not be following the rule...

..., but whatsoever you will be doing must be better than the rule itself. I know you, I have been watching you," he said. "For example, many professors were reporting to me," he told me, "that you fall asleep in their classes. Now, this is not right. And if they wake you up, you create so much fuss about it - that nobody has the right to wake you, and what harm are you doing? You are...

... do this, not to do that: 'Go to sleep at nine o'clock; all the lights should be put out at nine.'" But my own light was not put out. The proctor came on the first day to tell me that this was not right. I said, "Don't you disturb me at all. I will read as long as I wish - sometimes the whole night, because there is the whole day to sleep in - and nobody can control me. And I always used...

..., raise their hands for or against, and decide things. Now, in a country like America the democracy becomes so indirect, and the person you choose... once you have chosen him for a few years then you don't know what he is going to do. During those few years you cannot control him. He may have promised you something and he may do just the opposite. Exactly that is what goes on happening. But in Athens it...

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