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Found: 2264 articles, showing 380 - 390
... game of inner war, an inner politics arises - who is to dominate whom? Either the outside is to dominate the inside, or the inside is to dominate the outside. If the outside dominates the inside you become a materialist. If the inside dominates the outside you become a spiritualist. In either case you are half, you are not whole. When the outside and inside disappear, nobody dominates anybody...

..., because a domination is not a good state of affairs. The one who dominates will be thrown sooner or later, the oppressors will become the oppressed, and the oppressed will become the oppressors. It is just a fight between your left hand and right hand and the whole game is a pretense. Remember this paradox: the more you go inwards, the less of the outer there is. When you really reach to the innermost...

... have gained control of the one aspect, the other follows. If you meditate, love will follow - if you love, meditation will follow. This you have to choose. Meditation is easier - love is more difficult. Unless you want to move into the difficult unnecessarily - that is for you to decide - with meditation love comes automatically. This is my feeling: that ninety- nine percent in one hundred have to go...

... are gone I cannot disrupt my flow, so it is for you to go and come, but don't disturb me. And don't wait, because nobody knows when I will stop. I may start when the bell rings, but I cannot stop, because how can the bell control me? Starting by it is okay, but stopping? If something is incomplete, how can I stop? - I will have to complete it. So if you are fed up or bored, simply go. I tried many...
... the outside enemy." And of course there were enemies outside, because all capitalist countries wanted to destroy Russia. So Joseph Stalin had a good argument: If you want to survive, then you have to be absolutely one. No other voice - one single leader." And the people had to submit to it. The people who had made the revolution were finished by the revolution itself. And the people who...

... remain absolutely committed to the party line. No disagreement is allowed. The whole country has to believe whatsoever comes out of the high command from the Kremlin. The people who had thought of the revolution, the people who had for decades prepared for the revolution... this was not the revolution that they were preparing for - that the whole country would become a concentration camp, that...

.... We will stand in the open looking upwards, praying that if this is the will of God then we submit to it. But we will pray to God to change the heart of these people who have come to bomb us." Now, this is the man before the revolution - not much before, just ten years before. When the revolution succeeded, and Pakistan attacked Indian territory in Kashmir, the prime minister of India...

... will be the majority; you will vote in the country, rule the country. It is so simple. Go non-violent the whole way. If all the Hindus become Mohammedans, who is going to rule the country? These Hindus will still rule the country - because they are the majority, they are the most educated, they are the most cultured - and with no problem. And the people who would have attacked them would have been...
... family; the family depends on marriage; marriage depends on sex-suppression. Everything that is natural, forceful, has been inhibited, tabooed - so forcibly that you feel guilty about it and you go on fighting with it. Society has not only created policemen outside, it has created inner policemen, your conscience - a double arrangement so that you don't go astray so that you cannot be natural, you have...

... thrown out in catharsis: whatsoever you wanted to do and you have not done, do it, meditatively. Don't do it to anyone because that will create a chain of events - and you will not be in control. Just do it in a vacuum. If you are angry, do it in a vacuum. If you feel sexuality, throw it into the sky. If you feel anything, just allow it to move from your inwards outwards. Express it. A meditative...

... greater repressed unconscious about sex than men. Sex will become painful. If you have suppressed it, it is a headache. Anything can become a headache - just suppress it, that is the trick. It will become a suffering. And anything can become blissful - just express it, don't suppress it. This Freudian unconscious is all that you know right now. You don't know about the real unconscious, the Tantra...

... unconscious - that's why you are afraid. And afraid, you cannot let go. Afraid, you cannot lose control. You know that if you lose control, immediately the suppressed instincts will take over. Immediately, whatsoever you have repressed will come to the mind and it will insist on being acted out. That's why you are afraid. Catharsis is needed first so the fear goes. And then you can let go. And if you let go...
... inherit my freedom, my awareness, my consciousness. And each sannyasin has to be my successor, has to be me. There is no need for anybody to dominate. There is nobody for anybody to dictate to. They are on their own. If they want to be together they can be together. Out of their own freedom, it is their choice and their decision. If they want to move free they have all the rights to move free. So the...

.... But the same is done by Moses, Mohammed, Mahavira, Jesus, Buddha. On one thing they are all agreed: that when they are gone they have still to control the people who had come into contact with them, who had trusted them. But they don't trust their people. I trust my people. I know that they are living fully, joyously. They know how to live joyously, how to live fully, and that's enough. I have given...

... younger the kid the better leather you get, softer leather you get. Mahavira, seeing this whole scene happening in every town, every city -- young animals being boiled alive -- stopped his people. They were not eating meat, but they were using shoes at least, and that leather comes from torture. But Mahavira becomes decisive for the future too; he makes it a rule that his sannyasins should never wear...

..., that is not my company. I want to make a complete breakthrough about everything, and this is one of the most fundamental things. There is hidden in it a deep desire to dominate people, even when you are gone -- to put it in other words, that the dead should be dominating the living. That's what has been happening all around the world. The living are not given freedom even to choose their own course...

... get out of this stupidity -- and in thirty years they have doubled the population, in thirty years they have become twice as poor, they have gone far deeper into darkness. I was telling them to drop this idea that God gives birth to children, that you cannot prevent God from doing it. If God is giving birth to children, don't be afraid: use the pill, use all birth control methods. If God still wants...
... told him, "You will not be able to keep me here long." The girl went out.... because every prison wherever they went to put me was followed by the press, by the media. And the news media immensely helped me, and for the first time I understood that no television, no radio should be under government control, it is dangerous. Because televisions, the radios, the newspapers, they all forced...

... amazing, it is so obvious, why it goes on missing people. One thing, no population growth for thirty years. And simple methods are available, just people have to be made aware that if you go on listening to Mother Teresa and pope and shankaracharya - who are against birth control - then by the end of this century India will have one billion population. Half the country will be starving, and we will not...

... have any way what to do. And still you go on supporting Mother Teresa, go on giving her rewards and awards and Nobel prizes - without even seeing into the fact that these are the people responsible for poverty. All religious people who are teaching people against birth control should be imprisoned immediately. It should be a crime, the greatest crime, to teach people against birth control; otherwise...

... teach against birth control, against abortion. He can teach about spiritual things, that is his business; but he should not teach anything that makes this country more poor. If he teaches, he will be thrown out immediately. Q: THAT WILL TAKE THIRTY YEARS TO CHANGE THE COMPLEXION OF THAT SOCIETY. A: No, not thirty years. It will start changing immediately because I have few more things to say. That is...

... the long-range program so we don't get on whatever we do is undone by the population; so we prepare beforehand for thirty years absolute control. And for the time being, every country is devoting so much money and labor, intelligence, science, technology, to war - which should be absolutely stopped. Neither Soviet Union is very rich - people are poor. The dream of becoming rich for sixty years has...
... happens, it happens very rarely, such as to a Mahavir. Sometimes centuries and centuries pass and then a man like Mahavir appears who has achieved through yoga. But he is rare, an exception, and he breaks the rule. But yoga is more attractive than tantra. Tantra is easy, natural, and you can attain through tantra very easily, very naturally, effortlessly. And because of this, tantra never appeals to you...

..., perfect, absolute ego. Yoga would have appealed to Nietzsche very much because he felt that the energy which is working behind life is the energy of will - the will to power. Yoga gives you that feeling. You are more powerful through it. The more you can control yourself, the more you can control your instincts, the more you can control your body and the more you can control your mind, then the more you...

... said that if he is again given a life, rather than being a scientist he would like to be a plumber, because as he looks back, his whole life has been futile - not only futile, but dangerous to humanity. And he has given one of the deepest secrets, but to a mankind which is self-deceptive. I wonder... the day may come soon when we will have to suppress scientific knowledge. There are rumors that there...
... -- for example, anger -- with a remote control so you cannot see that anybody is doing anything to you. Nobody insults you, nobody humiliates you, nobody says anything to you; you are sitting silently, happily, and somebody pushes the button of the remote control and you become angry. It is a very strange feeling because you cannot see the reason anywhere, why you are becoming angry. Perhaps you will...

... same explanation -- that too is not yours. It is almost like a gramophone record. And the scientists have come to discover a tremendously meaningful thing: the moment the remote controller releases the center, it rewinds itself immediately. For example, your speech center: the remote control can force you to speak. There is no audience, you will feel awkward -- but you cannot do anything, you have to...

...; This is nothing but remote control. That woman functioned like a remote control and your speech center simply went into a recorded speech: "How beautiful!" Mind is a mechanism. It is not you. It records things from outside, and then reacts to outside situations according to the recordings. That's the only difference between a Hindu and a Mohammedan and a Christian and a Jew -- they have...
... is beyond mind's power. You cannot dominate the unknown. How can you dominate it? You don't know about it. The whole territory is in darkness. You have first to bring the territory into light, within your control. Mind is a politician and the whole of science is a by-product of the mind. And you can see the connection: finally what mind creates goes into the hands of the politicians. What Albert...

... going to be done with your discoveries, with your inventions. The politicians have their own ends, but I can see a very deep connection. It is the same mind that moves in the direction of science, a search for power: reduce the unknown into the known, and mind becomes powerful. The politician is also in the same search, the search for domination, power. And if science can support this, then the...

... politician is willing to manage all the money, all the manpower, all the intelligence that is needed by science. But whatever it produces will be used for more power, for more domination, for a world-conquering, destructive process. But the heart, Nivedana, has nothing to do with the known or the unknown. The heart is concerned with the unknowable. You can experience it, you can have all of it - the whole...
... going to happen simultaneously. On the one hand, death; on the other hand, a resurrection. EVEN AS HE IS FOR YOUR GROWTH SO IS HE FOR PRUNING. You have grown so many ugly things in your life. They have to be pruned - and that pruning is not against your growth. In fact, those ugly things that you have gathered around yourself - jealousy, domination, continuous effort to have the upper hand - will not...

... giving you these norms, but you will have to sign that these are the norms of your ashram." Who is he to dictate norms to us? Can he dictate norms to Mohammedans? Can he dictate norms to Hindus? Can he dictate norms to Christians? He knew it, that's why he has not signed it. We are giving him - in writing - our norms, although he has dictated them. Each word he has considered with his people. One...
... like killing you! - three times I have taken a cold shower, and again I have to take a cold shower. You could have simply said, 'Bring the KORAN.'" I said, "This is my own way. You don't have to dictate to me." Before taking a shower he tried to find the conductor. But the conductor was not in the compartment, so he took a shower. And while he was taking a shower the conductor came in...

... Hitler could not prove that the nordic Germans were the most superior people in the world, that they were born just to rule over the world, that in comparison to nordic Germans, everybody is sub-human - only they are superhuman. He convinced the Germans, and they enjoyed the idea. But nobody else in the whole world was convinced of this nonsense - everybody laughed. And their failure in the second...

... world war proved that they were not born to rule over the world. Hitler killed six million people with this superiority complex - because to kill the inferior people is good for the earth, they are an unnecessary burden. But the people he was killing were Jews - who have been carrying the same idea for centuries, that they are the only chosen people of God. But they have not been able to prove it to...

... convince the man. He would not go to the shop. He would wake up when he wanted, he would go to sleep when he wanted. He said, "What can I do? You cannot control a dead man's behavior. I am dead." Finally they took him to a psychoanalyst. The psychoanalyst said, "Don't be worried, I have cured many cases - leave him with me." First he tried to tell him, "You are not dead. You have...

... population was only four hundred million. And I was from the very beginning for birth control; I was condemned because religions are against it. I was for the pill; I was stoned, efforts were made to kill me, because I was "destroying their morality." If they had listened to me they would not be in such a trouble. Now the population is nine hundred million - more than double. And by the end of...

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