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Found: 2264 articles, showing 1940 - 1950
... anybody can rule - immense power, immense riches. You will disturb things; we cannot allow it to happen. "You need not come, we are taking care of your business perfectly well. So you have to decide: either you get out and get lost - with due respect - or we will have to crucify you again tomorrow morning, because there is no other way to deal with you. When you are dead, we worship you; when you...
..., conflicting, fighting, trying to control all the others - one voice trying to become the monopolist. Gurdjieff calls them "selves; it is the same. You can call personalities selves or egos, and you can start looking for them - it is a tremendously charming game to look at them. In the evening, you decide that tomorrow morning you are going to get up at five. This you have been deciding for many years...
... Master knocks at your door, you reject. This has been my experience working on so many people; it is rare that when I knock at their door, they accept me - it is very rare. They reject in millions of ways - acceptance is difficult. Why? Because if you accept, your ego is lost. The ego decides whether to accept or not; the reason thinks whether this is true or not. The reason never loses control. Just...
... places where nobody can see and you will touch your nose. And you will enjoy it, I tell you. And then you will feel guilty that you have missed one more opportunity of getting to heaven. And the more you avoid it and the more you control yourself, the more you will ask, 'What has happened?' The nose was never attractive; you never even bothered about it. You were not even aware that it existed...
... they started killing each other. Now they are two dead persons, they have become an imprisonment for each other. They are simply afraid and bored, scared of the other. Once it happened: In a circus, there was a woman lion-tamer. And the fiercest lions were in her perfect control; she would order them and they would obey. And the greatest thing, when everybody's breathing would stop, was when the...
... the Irish parliament is going to introduce a bill which has become famous as the "Pill Bill." They want every eighteen-year-old child to be legally qualified to get the pill and other birth control methods, contraceptives, from medical stores, from the druggist. Up to now it has been illegal in Ireland, it has been a crime. Only a couple married by the church is legally authorized to...
... prove its mettle against the other. It was not just a political thing; deep down it was a religious idea that Jews have been carrying. Adolf Hitler has another master race - the Aryans, the Nordics - who are meant to rule over the world, so Jews should be completely eliminated. You cannot put the whole responsibility on Adolf Hitler. Yes, he is responsible, but Moses starts the game, and Jews down the...
... tirthankaras. If you count all the tirthankaras of all the circles, they will be millions and millions. So Mahavira is nothing unique. He is not trying to say, "I am the only one; with me comes the full stop." What happened to God after Jesus? Has he accepted the idea of birth control? Or is the holy ghost no longer interested in women? - has become really holy? What happened to God? In India the...
... one night in her palace. The bhikkhu replies, "There is no rule about this so I will not refuse your invitation. I will come, but the time is not yet right. When the actual reality of your body is revealed to you, that's when I will come. Right now you are mistaken. The day you awake to the reality of it, I will come." The prostitute could not understand this. The very meaning of a...
... submission is. It is one of the keys, but people are very afraid to use it -- because if you surrender, submit, you are lost. It is death-like. It is as if one is committing suicide. So people go on doing other things and they call it submission, surrender. To have this understanding, this glimpse that all that you have up to now been thinking of as surrender, as submission is not the real thing, is a...

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