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Found: 2264 articles, showing 1480 - 1490
... aggressive people -- in the name of peace they are showing their aggression. They are ready to fight: if they have power, if they have the atom bomb, they will drop th atom bomb to create peace. That's what all politicians say -- they say they are fighting so that peace can prevail. The problem is not war, and Bertrand Russells are not going to help. The problem is inner aggression in individuals. People...

... control even defecation, they go on hoarding even rubbish. Hoarding is a habit. To live in the moment, to live in the present, to live lovingly, to live in friendship, to care... and then the world will be totally different. The individual has to change, because the world is nothing but a projected phenomenon of the individual soul. No, he will be interested -- only he WILL be interested -- but his...
... heard that a man of Tao can walk through walls without obstruction. Why?" If you don't have any obstruction within you, no obstruction can obstruct you. This is the rule. If you have no resistance within you, in your heart, the whole world is open for you. There is no resistance. The world is just a reflection, it is a big mirror; if you have resistance, then the whole world has resistance. It...

... governments, the politicians, the church, the pope, they have all become scared because the new generation is too involved in drugs. They are very dangerous for society, because once you have glimpses beyond society you can never become a really adjusted part of it. You will always remain an outsider. Once you have a glimpse of the non-ego then society cannot dominate you easily. And if one goes too deep...
..., energy delights in action. If you cannot do anything, at least dance. And remember, energy needs action. If you suppress energy then you will become aggresive - don't suppress energy. This is one of the deepest problems for modern man. Primitive man needed much energy for his day-to- day life. Going for a hunt needed much energy - eight hours running in the forest fighting with the animals, then by the...
... center. That's why men are afraid of women so much. They come to me - so many men - and they say that they are afraid of women. What is the fear? The fear is because woman is the hara, moon - she eats man. That's why men have always tried to keep women in control; otherwise she will eat, she will destroy them. Women have always been forced to remain in a certain bondage. Try to understand the...

..., dreaming. Where are you? And remember, both minds are half half. One has to go beyond both. If you are in the sun mind, come to the moon mind first, because the way passes through that. If you are a householder, first become a gypsy. That's what sannyas is. I make you gypsies, wanderers. If you are too logical, I say trust, surrender, sacrifice, submit. If you are too argumentative, I say to you I have...
... race; you have come here to dominate - you are the master race." Even his friends never believed it in the beginning, and he himself never believed it in the beginning, because this was such a patent lie. But as he continued, by and by people started believing in it - they were hypnotized. And when other people were hypnotized by it, he too was hypnotized into thinking that there must be some...

..., Alexander, Hitler - successful in the world, powerful in the world. But can you find anything more ugly than them? Power is the ugliest thing, but everybody wants power, to dominate. Have you seen the ugliness of wealth? It has to be ugly, it cannot be beautiful, because it depends on exploitation. Blood is there, death is there, and many have been deprived of their lives... only then does your bank...
... and their romance and all their nonsense is just to catch the other. Once the fish is caught then they are unhappy, then they feel as if they are in a bondage. Each other's ego becomes a bondage, and both try to dominate and possess each other. This love becomes condemnation. If your love is wrong your prayer cannot be right, because prayer means love to the whole - and if you have been a failure in...

... grateful. This is what the meaning is: live through your being, not through your acts, because acts are on the surface, being is in the depth. Let things come out of your being. Don't manage and control your actions, transform your being. The real thing is not what you do, the real thing is what you are. Enough for today. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... Dostoevsky says 'If there is no God, then everything is permitted.' Obviously, if there is no God then all is permitted, then who is there to command you to do this or not to do this? Then disobedience or obedience are both meaningless. Then Adam cannot be turned out of the garden of Eden - there is no God who can prohibit him, and there is no God who can say 'Don't eat the fruit of this Tree of Knowledge...

... WHAT IS IT FOR? Why ask about man? Why ask about God? Why ask at all? Asking creates a barrier to enjoying. Philosophers are the people who enjoy life the least, and it is unfortunate that they dominate people's minds. And they are the people who least enjoy in the world - they are mostly miserable; they are always asking why. A woman told Immanuel Kant - a beautiful woman - that she had fallen in...
... said "Don't touch a woman, don't allow a woman to touch you." You have broken the rule, and now this is something, that you are asking to stay with the woman for four months!' Buddha said 'I have told you not to touch a woman, not to be touched by a woman because you are not centred. For this man that rule is no more applicable. I can see that he can walk alone by himself - I have been...
... and those electrodes can be controlled by remote control. You can have a small box of remote control push-buttons. You can keep the box in your pocket and any time you want to have a sexual orgasm, you just push a button. It will have nothing to do with your sex center; that button will just push something in your head - inside the head it will push those centers which are pushed by sexual energy...
... thing you are against will dominate you - maybe in a negative way, but it will dominate you. Friedrich Nietzsche was very much against Jesus Christ. But my own analysis of Friedrich Nietzsche is that he was too much impressed by Jesus Christ, just because he was against him. He was obsessed; he was really trying to become a Jesus Christ in his own right. His great book, THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA, is an...

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