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Found: 2264 articles, showing 1170 - 1180
... philosophers. But strangely enough they are the people who dominate the mind of humanity. There is a natural reason: they can dominate the mind because mind loves consistency and philosophers are consistent people. Ta Hui is saying: DON'T REMEMBER WHAT I HAVE SAID, AND CONSIDER IT RIGHT ... The day has passed, the statement is out of date. 'Right' belongs to the present. Never compare dead corpses with...
... whole world is full of religious people but there seems to be no religiousness anywhere. No religious values blossom, but just the opposite -- humanity lives on an almost subhuman level. Prem Nirmala, start from spontaneity. But no tradition, no culture, no civilization, will allow it, because they can control only dead people. And they can control through commitment. The spontaneous person is beyond...
... head; you may burst forth; you may start doing things which nobody has ever expected; you will not be in your own control. So the methods of Mahavira are perfectly right, but dangerous. And I don't propose that anybody uses any kind of method that breaks the barrier. Without breaking the barrier the past can be remembered, and that is through hypnosis. You can be made unconscious. In your...

.... Now scientists, particularly brain surgeons, have discovered seven hundred centers in your brain which contain all your life. And the strangest phenomenon that they discovered, and could not believe in the beginning, but had to believe because there is no other way, is that those seven hundred centers each control one aspect. For example, one controls your sex. Ordinarily, you think that the...
... black people, but it cannot continue the way it has up to now. It has come to a point of explosion. Now there is emergency rule. The whole country is under military rule, and South Africa has one of the biggest armies in the world. No journalist is allowed in, so nobody knows how many people are being killed and burned every day. My suggestion is simple: fifteen percent of the land should become a new...
... crime and they have to accept the responsibility. And they are still protecting Vatican and all its stupidities. In a world overpopulated, the pope goes on saying to people that birth control is against God, that abortion is against God, that the pill is the invention of the devil. The Italians should shut up this Polack. Either he keeps quiet or he goes back to Poland. Q: IT'S QUITE DIFFICULT, SINCE...

... they can be controlled. The whole idea was to centralize everything, particularly finances. And they have made their center in Germany in Cologne, so from there they will control the whole Europe. These people were doing exactly the same as all the religions have done. They have destroyed the individuals, they have destroyed their freedom, they have destroyed their joy of doing something on their own...
... often that you have forgotten that they are lies. That's the whole secret of advertisement: just go on repeating. On the radio, on the television, in the films, in the newspapers, on the walls, everywhere, go on repeating. In the old days it was thought that wherever there is a demand the supply happens on its own accord. Now, that is not the rule. The rule is, if you have something to supply, create...
... rebellious spirit. Question 6: BELOVED OSHO, IS THERE ANY GOLDEN RULE FOR THE DISCIPLE? Narendra, there is only one golden rule - that there are no golden rules. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... are wrong. No, he was defeated by a psychological trick. He was defeated by the cats, he was defeated by his childhood, he was defeated by a fear over which he had no control. He was kept imprisoned on a small island, Saint Helena. There was no need for handcuffs because the island was small and there was no way to escape from there. On the first day he was going for a walk, and because of the...

... different. That which remains the same is the real, and that which goes on fleeting, changing, and is not under your control, is a dream. Don't waste your time in dreams. One night Mulla Nasruddin suddenly nudged his wife and said, "Be quick! Where are my glasses?" The wife said, "Are you mad? What are you going to do with your glasses in the middle of the night?" Mulla Nasruddin said...
... about other things. Whatever I have been talking about - sterilization, birth control - every country will have to do it. They will not recognize it. They will condemn me for it. Their leaders and their religious leaders will condemn me, but they know that that is the only way: the population has to be cut. It does not matter whether they say it. We have initiated certain programs. If the programs are...

... homosexual. These homosexuals should not be allowed to rule a country. Now they will give away their own loopholes this way - nobody was asking them about homosexuality. But there is a certain logic in it. Homosexuality was born in Catholic monasteries so it is part of Catholicism - of course, a secret part. There is an inner link. The pope is the head of the Catholic religion. So if homosexuality was born...
.... You may try to control them, because control has been taught to you, but your body wants to join the dance. Whenever you have an opportunity to laugh, join; whenever you have an opportunity to dance, join; whenever you have an opportunity to sing, sing - and one day you will find you have created your paradise. It is not that one goes to paradise; paradise is not somewhere in the sky - it is...

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