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.... He is in great control. The man with no mind, or mindlessness, has nothing to control. He is just pure silence with nothing repressed, with nothing disciplined -- just a pure empty sky. Surfaces can be very deceptive. One has to be very alert about appearances, because they both look the same from the outside -- both are silent. The problem would not have arisen if the still mind was not easy to...

... you go on sitting silently, trying to control your thoughts, not allowing your emotions, not allowing any movement within you, slowly slowly it will become your habit. This is the greatest deception in the world you can give to yourself, because everything is exactly the same, nothing has changed, but it appears as if you have gone through a transformation. The state of no-mind or mindlessness is...

...; Naturally, great anger arose in Shantinath because he knew that this man knew perfectly well what his name was. But still he kept himself in control, and he said, "My name is Muni Shantinath." The man said, "It is a beautiful name -- but my memory is very short, can you repeat it again? I have forgotten ... what name did you say?" ... This was too much. Muni Shantinath used to carry a...

... millions of people feel great silence in him ... Yes, he has become very controlled, he keeps himself repressed, and it has paid off. So much respect and he has no qualification for that respect -- so much honor, even kings come to touch his feet. Your so-called saints are nothing but controlled animals. The mind is nothing but a long heritage of all your animal past. You can control it, but the...

... watchfulness you become infinite: that is the only thing within you which has no limits. Just have a look at your watching, witnessing. It is unlimited. No beginning, no end ... it is formless. This absolute stillness of the mind is exactly no-mind or mindlessness. It is not control, it is not discipline; it is not that you are putting all your pressure on your mind and keeping it silent. No, it is simply...

... not there. The house is empty. There is nobody to control and there is nobody to be controlled. All concerns for control have disappeared into a simple watchfulness. This watchfulness is expansive. Once you have tasted it a little, it goes on expanding to the very limits of the universe. WHEN OLD HABITS SUDDENLY ARISE, DON'T USE YOUR MIND TO REPRESS THEM. AT JUST SUCH A TIME, IT'S LIKE A SNOWFLAKE...
... expectations and you were fulfilling those demands. Now they feel that you are becoming irresponsible. When they say that you are becoming irresponsible, they are simply saying that you are getting out from under their domination. You are becoming freer. To condemn it, they call it 'irresponsibility'. In fact freedom is growing. And you are becoming responsible, but responsibility means the ability to...

... confused. Misery is very superficial. You can manage it just on the surface, manipulate it; it is under your control. That is the key word to be remembered about misery: it is under your control. And happiness is just the opposite. You are under its control, hence it is confusing. Nobody can control happiness. When it comes, it is too much. It is bigger than you. It is so vast and you are so tiny... as...

... if an ocean has dropped into a drop. It brings great confusion. But it is very blissful to be confused so. It is better to be confused with happiness than to be clearcut with misery. It is better to be controlled by happiness than to be in control with misery. That is the cause of why people go on clinging to misery. They can control it more easily. It is their own creation. They are the masters...
... not different energy; it is the same energy -- the same energy of anger -- changing its quality, going higher. Try it. It is not suppression, remember. People ask me, "Is Patanjali suppressing? Because when I am angry, if I think about compassion, will it not be a suppression?" No. It is sublimation: it is not suppression. If you are angry and you suppress anger without thinking of...

... same energy as the bliss; the energy is not different. You just have to know how to channel it. And, there is no suppression because the whole energy of anger becomes compassion -- nothing is left to suppress. In fact, you have expressed it in compassion. There are two ways of expression. In the West. now, catharsis has become very important. Encounter groups. Primal Therapy-all believe in catharsis...

... PERFORMED, CAUSED, OR APPROVED THROUGH GREED, ANGER, OR DELUSION IN MILD, MEDIUM, OR INTENSE DEGREES. THERE are laws, and laws: laws to suppress man, laws to help him bloom; laws to Prohibit, restrict, and laws to help him expand, increase. A law which simply prohibits is destructive; a law that helps to grow and increase is creative. The Old Testament Ten Commandments are different from Patanjali's laws...

.... Those ten commandments prohibit, restrict, suppress. The whole emphasis is: you should not do this, you must not do this, this is not allowed. Patanjali's laws are totally different; they are creative. The emphasis is not on what should not be done; the emphasis is on what should be done. And there is a vast difference between the two. In the Old Testament it seems as if the laws are the goal -- as if...

... the world is illusory, that the world is just a dream." It is so easy to console yourself by saying that. Contentment is a positive state of being; consolation is a suppression. But consolation looks like contentment. A man came to me and he said, "I am a man of contentment. For my whole life I have remained contented, but nothing happens." I was surprised. I asked, "What do you...

... compassion then it is suppression. You go on pushing it down and you smile and you act as if you are not angry -- and anger is bubbling there and boiling there and ready to explode. Then it is suppression. No, we are not suppressing anything, and we are not creating a smile or anything; we are just changing the inner polarity. The opposite is the pole. When you feel hateful, think of love. When you feel...

... have been suppressed for so many centuries that sublimation looks like suppression, so only catharsis seems to be the way. First you have to relieve -- you become a little weightless, unburdened - - and then you can be taught the art of sublimation. Sublimation is using the energy in a higher way, the same energy being used with a different quality to it. But you can try. Many of you have gone...

... will cleanse you. The same happens with negative as it happens with positive. Whenever you feel something negative, immediately change it into positive -- sublimate it. I am not saying force it, I am not saying suppress it -- I am saying allow it, help it, to become the opposite; help it to move to the opposite. And it is not difficult! One just has to know the knack. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... -- if you laugh you will lose silence, because in laughter you cannot suppress. Laughter is against suppression. If you want to suppress you should not laugh; if you laugh everything will come out. The real will come out in laughter, and the unreal will be lost. So whenever you see a saint sad, know well the silence is false. He cannot laugh, he cannot enjoy, because he is afraid. If he laughs...

... everything will be broken, the suppression will come out, and then he will not be able to suppress. Look at small children. Guests come to your home and you tell the children, "Don't laugh!" -- what do they do? They close their mouths and suppress their breath, because if they don't suppress their breath then laughter will come out. It will be difficult. They don't look anywhere, because if they...

... sad. So religious persons have tried in many ways to make you ill: go on a fast, suppress your body, torture yourself. You will become sad, suicidal, crucified on your own. How can you laugh? Laughter comes out of health. It's an overflowing energy. That's why children can laugh and their laughter is total. Their whole body is involved in it -- when they laugh you can see their toes laughing. The...

... that the real silence has happened. What is the difference between a real silence and a false silence? A false silence is always forced; through effort it is achieved. It is not spontaneous, it has not happened to you. You have made it happen. You are sitting silently and there is much inner turmoil. You suppress it and then you cannot laugh. You will become sad because laughter will be dangerous...

... look at something they forget. So they close their eyes, or almost close their eyes, and they suppress their breath. If you suppress, your breath cannot be deep. Laughter needs a deep breath; if you laugh, a deep breath will be released. That's why nobody is breathing deeply, just shallow breathing, because much has been suppressed in your childhood and after it you cannot breathe deeply. If you go...

... deeper you will become afraid. Sex has been suppressed through breath, laughter has been suppressed through breath, anger has been suppressed through breath. Breath is a mechanism to suppress or release -- hence my insistence on chaotic breathing, because if you breathe chaotically, then laughter, screaming, everything will come up and all your suppressions will be thrown out. They cannot be thrown out...

... in another way, because breathing, breath, is the way you have suppressed them. Try to suppress anything: what will you do? You will not breathe deeply; you will breathe shallowly, you will breathe just from the upper part of the lungs. You will not go deeper because deeper it is suppressed. In the belly, everything is suppressed. So when you really laugh the belly vibrates; hence, Buddha's big...

..., not yet a fully grown tree, not blossoming. The tree was there, but flowers had not yet come. Buddha waited. Now, I will tell you why Buddha waited for so many minutes, why for one or two or three hours he waited. Mahakashyap was silent but he was trying to contain laughter, he was trying to control laughter. He was trying not to laugh because it would be so unmannerly: What would Buddha think? What...
... not be. I am not an authority here. At the most a midwife, but not an authority. I can help you to be reborn, but I cannot dominate you, I cannot dictate things to you. You hanker for it. People come to me and they say, "Osho, tell us exactly what we have to do." But why can't you listen to your own heart? You have life bubbling inside you. The spring is there, the source is there. Go in...

... freedom. And the masses go on looking from everywhere: "Are you really following what the mass wants to be followed? Are you really following the idea of the mass, what a saint should be like?" Or if you are not following, then you become a fallen saint; then you are a sinner. I don't allow anybody to dictate my life. I don't allow anybody's life to be dictated by me. That's why I don't give...

... poultry trade. When he got it home, however, he found he simply could not control the rooster's romantic tendencies. Not only the hens, but the ducks, geese, and swans, not to mention a few stray nanny goats and sows, fled before the rooster's tireless onslaughts. Farmer Jones finally collared his gay bird and grumbled, "I did not pay a record price for you to waste your energies on every form of...

... masses, you can become one only in THEIR way. I am not interested in anybody else's way. I have found my way and my goal. I only allow people here who are ready to understand me and who are no longer obsessed with wanting to control me or are obsessed with wanting to be controlled by me. I am a free man, and I confer freedom on you. My sannyas is a declaration of freedom. It is not a discipline; it is...

... the dead people, the dead moralists, the dead priests? Who is going to restrict the mind? You? Who are you except the mind? The first thing to be understood: up to now humanity has lived under a curse, and the curse is that we have never been allowed to trust our nature. We have always been told, "Trust your nature and you will go wrong." Mistrust, restrict, control. Don't go according to...

... created this illness. Fasting is not natural. Yes, sometimes it happens in animals, but they don't BELIEVE in fasting, they don't have a philosophy of fasting. Sometimes it happens. One day the dog feels sick and he will not eat. This is natural. He simply does not eat because he does not FEEL like eating. He moves with his feeling; it is not a rule. Nobody has taught him to fast. In fact he will go and...

... against the philosophy of fasting. Don't make a rule that every Sunday you have to fast. That is foolish because how can you decide that every Sunday you will not feel like eating? Sometimes it may be Friday when you don't feel like eating. Then what will you do? You will force yourself to eat because it is Friday. When you feel like eating, eat. When you don't feel like eating, don't eat. Move with...

...;Forget about love because first we have to think about anger. Because if you cannot love deeply, that means you cannot be angry deeply." He was surprised, but that's how it turned out to be. From his very childhood, he had been brought up in a very religious family and he had always been told not to be angry, to control anger. He has learned to control. He has become so efficient that he does not...

... know that he controls. He has really become a controller. Now the control has become unconscious. He is a very controlled person. Everybody respects him - in the society he will succeed everywhere. He IS a success. But in his inner life he is a failure. He cannot even love. I told him, "You start by being angry, because my understanding is that when you come to a peak in your orgasm, you cannot...

... allow it because, if you allow it, you are afraid maybe with it the anger, the repressed anger, may also be allowed." He said, "What are you saying? I always dream that I have killed my woman. And I always dream that 1 kill her, suffocate her, while making love to her. And I am afraid that if I lose control I will not be able to resist the temptation to suffocate and kill her." Now the...

..., the professor; then in the society, the boss, the politician, the leader. Everywhere you are being told what to do and what not to do. And you are always seeking somebody to dominate you so that you can become dependent. Because you don't know how to get commandments from your own heart, from your own being, you always depend on some authority outside. This is ugly, this is miserable, this should...

... I SAID WAS I AM A DISCIPLE OF BHAGWAN SHREE RAJNEESH. I FELT HONORED BY HIM YET WAS A BIT UNCOMFORTABLE. MAINLY, I FELT GUILT TOWARD YOU. I AM BACK NOW TO YOU BUT VERY CONFUSED. PLEASE HELP ME. First thing, whatsoever you do, never feel guilty - whatsoever you do. To go to Muktananda's ashram is not a sin. It may be your karma, but it is not a sin. You have not violated any rule, because I don't...
... desire to rule comes from the ego; the desire to possess, to be powerful, the desire to dominate, comes from the ego. The greater the kingdom you can dominate, the greater the ego you can achieve. With your possessions your inner somebody goes on becoming bigger and bigger and bigger. Sometimes the boat becomes very small because the ego becomes so big.... This is what is happening to politicians, to...

... to dominate and one which likes to be dominated. In both ways ego is fulfilled because whether you dominate or are dominated YOU are important. If someone dominates you, then too you are important, because his domination depends on you. Without you, where will he be? Without you, where will his kingdom be, his domination, his possession? Without you, he will be nobody. Ego is fulfilled at both the...

... little greater, you would be more secure. HE WHO RULES MEN, LIVES IN CONFUSION.... Really, the desire to rule comes out of your confusion; the desire to be leaders of men comes out of your confusion. When you start leading others you forget your confusion - this is a sort of escape, a trick. You are ill, but if somebody is ill and you become interested in curing that man, you forget your illness. I...

..., politicians, gurus, and they stay healthy just because they are concerned with others. But if you lead others, dominate others, out of your confusion you will create confusion in their lives. It may be a treatment for yourself, it may be a good escape for you, but it is spreading the disease. HE WHO RULES MEN, LIVES IN CONFUSION.... And not only does he live in confusion, he also goes on spreading confusion...

... confused. Remain alert, because confused people always like to give advice. And they give it free of charge, they give it very generously! Remain alert! Out of confusion only confusion is born. ...HE WHO IS RULED BY MEN LIVES IN SORROW. If you dominate men, you live in confusion; if you allow others to dominate you, you will live in sorrow, because a slave cannot be blissful. TAO THEREFORE DESIRED...

... slaves also feel good being dominated. There are two types of mind in the world: the mind of those who dominate - the male mind, and the mind of those who like to be dominated - the female mind. By female I don't mean women, or by male, men. There are women who have masculine minds and there are men who have feminine minds. They are not always the same. These are the two types of mind: one which likes...

... extremes, only in the middle does ego die. Don't be dominated and don't try to dominate. Just think what will happen to you. You are not important in any way, not significant in any way, neither as a master nor as a slave. Masters cannot live without slaves and slaves cannot live without masters - they need each other, they are complementary. Just like men and women, they are complementary. The other is...

... is again the wife. And this goes on changing from left to right. It is a tightrope walk. You have to balance. You cannot dominate for twenty-four hours, because then the balance will be lost and the relationship will be destroyed. Whenever the tightrope walker comes to the middle, neither leaning to the right nor leaning to the left, it is difficult for you to observe unless you yourself are the...
... going to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents Energy — Mind and Matter 1. Paradise Forces and Energies 2. Universal Nonspiritual Energy Systems (Physical Energies) 3. Classification of Matter 4. Energy and Matter Transmutations 5. Wave-Energy Manifestations 6. Ultimatons, Electrons, and Atoms 7. Atomic Matter 8. Atomic Cohesion 9...

... control of manifested power and circulating energy is modified by the co-ordinate acts and decisions of the Eternal Son, as well as by the united purposes of the Son and the Father executed by the Conjoint Actor. These divine beings act personally and as individuals; they also function in the persons and powers of an almost unlimited number of subordinates, each variously expressive of the eternal and...

... divine purpose in the universe of universes. But these functional and provisional modifications or transmutations of divine power in no way lessen the truth of the statement that all force-energy is under the ultimate control of a personal God resident at the center of all things. 1. Paradise Forces and Energies (467.3) 42:1.1 The foundation of the universe is material, but the essence of life is...

... of Paradise and the motivating purpose of the Universal Father. (468.1) 42:1.4 Subsequent to even still greater progress and further discoveries, after Urantia has advanced immeasurably in comparison with present knowledge, though you should gain control of the energy revolutions of the electrical units of matter to the extent of modifying their physical manifestations — even after all such...

... stages of force evolution, but we recognize the intelligent action of the Ultimate in both levels of emergent-energy manifestation. Puissant and gravity energies, when regarded collectively, are spoken of on Uversa as ULTIMATA. (470.5) 42:2.14 4. Universe power. Space-force has been changed into space-energy and thence into the energy of gravity control. Thus has physical energy been ripened to that...

... point where it can be directed into channels of power and made to serve the manifold purposes of the universe Creators. This work is carried on by the versatile directors, centers, and controllers of physical energy in the grand universe — the organized and inhabited creations. These Universe Power Directors assume the more or less complete control of twenty-one of the thirty phases of energy...

... molecular stage of matter — matter as it exists on Urantia in a state of relatively stable materialization under ordinary conditions. (472.9) 42:3.11 9. Radioactive matter — the disorganizing tendency and activity of the heavier elements under conditions of moderate heat and diminished gravity pressure. (472.10) 42:3.12 10. Collapsed matter — the relatively stationary matter found in the interior of the...

... circuits and revolutions of the electron. These unique beings control and compound power by their skillful manipulation of the basic units of materialized energy, the ultimatons. They are masters of energy as it circulates in this primitive state. In liaison with the physical controllers they are able to effectively control and direct energy even after it has transmuted to the electrical level, the so...

... intermingle, extending from electron to electron and well-nigh from orbit to orbit. The next thirty electrons constitute the second family, or energy zone, and are of advancing individuality, bodies of matter exerting a more complete control over their attendant energy systems. The next thirty electrons, the third energy zone, are still more individualized and circulate in more distinct and definite orbits...

.... The last ten electrons, present in only the ten heaviest elements, are possessed of the dignity of independence and are, therefore, able to escape more or less freely from the control of the mother nucleus. With a minimum variation in temperature and pressure, the members of this fourth and outermost group of electrons will escape from the grasp of the central nucleus, as is illustrated by the...

... spirit — as the Thought Adjusters and other similar fragmentations. (481.6) 42:11.2 Mechanisms do not absolutely dominate the total creation; the universe of universes in toto is mind planned, mind made, and mind administered. But the divine mechanism of the universe of universes is altogether too perfect for the scientific methods of the finite mind of man to discern even a trace of the dominance of...

... forms — personality presences in every sense analogous to Urantia mortal bodies. Nearly all beings encountered in the seven superuniverses are possessed of forms. But there are a few exceptions to this general rule: Thought Adjusters appear to be without form until after fusion with the surviving souls of their mortal associates. Solitary Messengers, Inspired Trinity Spirits, Personal Aids of the...

... co-ordinate, in Havona co-ordinated, while in the universe levels of finite activities there must be encountered all ranges of material, mindal, and spiritual dominance. In nonpersonal situations of time and space, physical energy seems to predominate, but it also appears that the more nearly spirit-mind function approaches divinity of purpose and supremacy of action, the more nearly does the...
... you to become a politician and I would not like you to become a priest either. In fact there is no need to dominate others and there is no need to dominate oneself. Domination as such should be dropped: one should simply be. The very idea to dominate is egoistic -- whether you dominate others or yourself makes no difference. Have you not observed it? -- a person who feels that he has great self...

...-control becomes a great egoist. He goes on declaring that he has tremendous control over himself. His ego is strengthened -- there is danger. Domination as such has to be dropped. You should not become a priest. Become religious -- don't become a priest. To become religious is one thing, to become a priest is another. The priest by and by starts declaring that he not only has power over himself, he has...

... of the sixth to the seventh, sleep is no more needed. You have gone beyond duality. Then you are never tired, so sleep is not needed. This state of the seventh is the state of pure absolute awareness -- call it the state of Christ, Buddha, God. The same person has asked another question, related to the first: IF SEX CHANGES INTO LOVE, DOES THE URGE TO DOMINATE BECOME WILL, OR THE EFFORT TO BE...

.... And the fasting comes naturally -- you don't think about it, you don't take a vow about it, you don't take a decision about it: suddenly you feel that higher food is available and the lower is not needed... and the fasting happens. Then fasting is beautiful. The second chakra is related to the fifth. The second chakra is political -- domination, domination over others -- and the fifth chakra is...

... spiritual power -- domination over oneself. With the second chakra you try to overpower people, with the fifth you try to overpower yourself. With the second you try to conquer others, with the fifth you try to conquer yourself. With the second you become a politician, with the fifth you become a priest. And priests and politicians have always remained together: there is a conspiracy between the priest...
...... they did not allow any journalist either. The governor said, "After our secret meeting I will talk to you and inform you." And whatever he informed us about was simply lies and nothing else because we have found the confidential file which says just the opposite. What he had said to the people, to the journalists, to the media -- he was saying that everything is under control and we are...

... orphans, beggars, poor people, starving people. Now, naturally the catholic pope and his bishops and the whole army of their priests would like that abortion should not be legal, because if it becomes legal, Catholics will be less in number -- where are they going to find orphans. Birth control should not be allowed, it is against God; population should be allowed to grow as people become more and more...

... ever seen. So it is their research on it, and if they feel there is something I should know they inform me. And soon we are going to do something about it. We will be the first in the whole world to do something; right now what is being done is that every government is trying to suppress the information about it, because no government want the world to know how many AIDS patients they have. The...

... celebrate my death. Q: AND THEN GO TO THE FOUR WINDS, OR STAY TOGETHER...? A: That is for them to decide what to do. I am not to decide. Remember, that is the strategy of a politician: he want to even control people after his death. The religious leaders declare their successors, but what is the point in it? The point is dead over-ruling the living... When I am gone, I am gone. And it is a double thing to...

... be understood: when I am gone, I am gone to you -- you are gone to me. I will be doing whatsoever I want to do; you should do whatsoever you want to do. Nobody has to control. You cannot control me when I am dead. You cannot tell me what I should do after death. Neither will I say to anybody. I have made you love life, relish every moment. You know the secret. You will not miss me; you don't need...

... any successor. You are my successor -- everyone individually. If you still decide to remain together -- good; if you want to go separate on your own ways, that is even better. But I am not going to dominate you, either alive or dead. To dominate anybody in any way is criminal. Q: WHAT WILL RAJNEESHPURAM LOOK LIKE IN TEN YEARS? OR WHAT DO YOU WANT IT TO LOOK LIKE IN TEN YEARS? A: Nothing -- I never...

.... ALTHOUGH IT WAS LEGAL, PEOPLE FELT IT WAS A TAKE-OVER. IS THERE ANY CHANCE THE RAJNEESHEES WOULD EVER PULL OUT OF THE CITY OF RAJNEESH? A: There is no way, because they are absolutely wrong and we cannot compromise with anything wrong. It is simple democratic process that sannyasins are the majority, and whoever is the majority will rule. If they want to rule, they should create a majority and they can...

... have the rule. There is not problem in it. And one should not be so ugly in behaviour that you don't want to be ruled by the majority, and the minority wants to rule the majority. It is not a take-over. Otherwise, Ronald Reagan has taken over America. If majority supports, then that's a democratic process. And it is not a small majority. There are not more than one dozen people in the dead Antelope...
... and living of the Western peoples from the withering grasp of a totalitarian ecclesiastical domination. Secularism did break the bonds of church control, and now in turn it threatens to establish a new and godless type of mastery over the hearts and minds of modern man. The tyrannical and dictatorial political state is the direct offspring of scientific materialism and philosophic secularism...

... thought of falling under the dominance of strong religious convictions. Thinking man has always feared to be held by a religion. When a strong and moving religion threatens to dominate him, he invariably tries to rationalize, traditionalize, and institutionalize it, thereby hoping to gain control of it. By such procedure, even a revealed religion becomes man-made and man-dominated. Modern men and women...

... to do about it? Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world Contents 1. Influence of the Greeks 2. The Roman Influence 3. Under the Roman Empire 4. The European Dark Ages 5. The Modern Problem 6. Materialism 7. The Vulnerability of Materialism 8. Secular Totalitarianism 9. Christianity’s Problem 10. The Future (2069.1) 195:0.1 THE results of Peter’s preaching...

... Occident because they did govern themselves. Such unparalleled honesty, devotion, and stalwart self-control was ideal soil for the reception and growth of Christianity. (2072.9) 195:2.5 It was easy for these Greco-Romans to become just as spiritually devoted to an institutional church as they were politically devoted to the state. The Romans fought the church only when they feared it as a competitor of...

.... Philo helped some to mitigate their objections, but Christianity revealed to them an even better concept of one God, and they embraced it readily. 3. Under the Roman Empire (2073.5) 195:3.1 After the consolidation of Roman political rule and after the dissemination of Christianity, the Christians found themselves with one God, a great religious concept, but without empire. The Greco-Romans found...

... themselves with a great empire but without a God to serve as the suitable religious concept for empire worship and spiritual unification. The Christians accepted the empire; the empire adopted Christianity. The Roman provided a unity of political rule; the Greek, a unity of culture and learning; Christianity, a unity of religious thought and practice. (2073.6) 195:3.2 Rome overcame the tradition of...

.... (2078.2) 195:6.16 Freedom or initiative in any realm of existence is directly proportional to the degree of spiritual influence and cosmic-mind control; that is, in human experience, the degree of the actuality of doing “the Father’s will.” And so, when you once start out to find God, that is the conclusive proof that God has already found you. (2078.3) 195:6.17 The sincere pursuit of goodness, beauty...

... philosophy of life and the universe cannot be scientific because science recognizes and deals only with materials and facts. Philosophy is inevitably superscientific. Man is a material fact of nature, but his life is a phenomenon which transcends the material levels of nature in that it exhibits the control attributes of mind and the creative qualities of spirit. (2079.5) 195:7.10 The sincere effort of man...

... twentieth-century so-called science — atheistic science. The mother of modern secularism was the totalitarian medieval Christian church. Secularism had its inception as a rising protest against the almost complete domination of Western civilization by the institutionalized Christian church. (2081.3) 195:8.3 At the time of this revelation, the prevailing intellectual and philosophical climate of both...

.... Secularism no sooner frees man from the domination of the institutionalized church than it sells him into slavish bondage to the totalitarian state. Secularism frees man from ecclesiastical slavery only to betray him into the tyranny of political and economic slavery. (2081.5) 195:8.5 Materialism denies God, secularism simply ignores him; at least that was the earlier attitude. More recently, secularism...

.... Nothing can take the place of God in human society. But mark you well! do not be quick to surrender the beneficent gains of the secular revolt from ecclesiastical totalitarianism. Western civilization today enjoys many liberties and satisfactions as a result of the secular revolt. The great mistake of secularism was this: In revolting against the almost total control of life by religious authority, and...

... overlook the value of your spiritual heritage, the river of truth running down through the centuries, even to the barren times of a materialistic and secular age. In all your worthy efforts to rid yourselves of the superstitious creeds of past ages, make sure that you hold fast the eternal truth. But be patient! when the present superstition revolt is over, the truths of Jesus’ gospel will persist...

... of intelligence evade the religion of Jesus because of their fears of what it will do to them — and with them. And all such fears are well founded. The religion of Jesus does, indeed, dominate and transform its believers, demanding that men dedicate their lives to seeking for a knowledge of the will of the Father in heaven and requiring that the energies of living be consecrated to the unselfish...

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