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Found: 438 articles, showing 290 - 300
...: unless you confess to the priest, the priest cannot punish you. And what is the punishment? Five dollars, ten dollars... and I don't understand how these dollars reach to Jesus Christ. And then he gives the bribe to God the Father: "Just forgive this man, he is a good man. Just look, he has sent ten dollars." Those ten dollars disappear in the pocket of the priest. They have nothing to do...
... has life been given to him, for what has he been allowed to see the rainbows in the sky, for what has he been allowed to see flowers, butterflies, people, rivers and rocks? For what? Because life is so obvious you tend to forget the tremendous gift hidden in it. In the beginning, everybody must have been a Baul, because civilization was not there to corrupt, society was not there to destroy. Priests...
... and again. Thousands of women became interested in Buddha, and they wanted to enter on the path, they wanted to be initiated, but Buddha resisted, Buddha tried to avoid it. The reason was that the method was basically male-oriented, and to allow women would corrupt the whole scheme. But he had to yield because he was a man of compassion. And when thousands of women came again and again to be...
... -- he would not have been right. Because if monogamy had been virtuous, what would have happened to the three women who are left without men? They would corrupt the whole of society. They will become prostitutes and the whole society would become an ugly scene. So Mohammed is perfectly right; I support him. But not now in India, where women and men are equal as they are everywhere, nature keeps a...
... when you are disciplining a child? You are forcing something which is not natural to him. You are asking and demanding something which he will never do spontaneously. You will punish him, you will appreciate, you will bribe him, you will do everything to make him social - to take him away from his natural being. You will create a new center in his mind which was never there, and this center will grow...
... crucifixion; otherwise you are just a half-baked potato. So what do you think about this great classic? At what point do you stop following Christ? If you are really following him you will have to bribe a few people to crucify you, because nowadays nobody is interested in crucifying anybody. People have their work, their concerns - who is interested?" He said, "The whole night I could not sleep. I...
... for seven minutes." I said, "How did you manage it?" He said, "Simple! I had to bribe three persons. One was the ticket collector. I had managed it that I would be traveling without the ticket and he would come and ask for the ticket. And I would get angry and I would say, 'There is no need for any ticket for me. We are saints and we are allowed every freedom.' So I became very...
... that something better is possible. The trees are happy and the birds are happy and the clouds are happy - because they have no becoming. They are simply whatsoever they are. The rosebush is not trying to become a lotus, no. The rosebush is absolutely happy to be a rosebush. You cannot persuade the rosebush. Howsoever you advertise the lotus, you will not be able to corrupt the mind of the rosebush to...
.... It is not possible, even in principle, no matter how much the church has been corrupted or how much evil was done with the hands of those corrupt and violent priests of any religion. Just because almost everyone you know is either corrupt or violent, who cares not for others, but only about his own self-interest, it does not mean there exists no honesty or love in principle. It does not follow...

..., embezzlement, and more caused by the need for money. 6. Most laws are enacted for the benefit of corporations, which have enough money to lobby, bribe, or persuade government officials to make laws that serve their interests. 7. Those who control purchasing power have greater influence. 8. Money is used to control the behavior of those with limited purchasing power. 9. Goods such as foods are sometimes...
... principle was advanced in the Talmud." (page 74) In a chapter "The War With the Spirits," Rabbi Trachtenberg states: "The methods of warding off the spirits fell into three general categories: 1. to drive them away ... 2. to buy them off with gifts, to bribe them and thus conciliate them; 3. to deceive them by disguising their intended victims, or by pretending that the situation was other than what it...

... European countries, during most of the time, anything could be fixed by a bribe. Nowhere was this maxim more true than in the Rome of the Renaissance popes. The Edigio Princeps of the complete Code of Talmudic Law, Maimonides' Mishneh Torah-replete not only with the most offensive precepts against all Gentiles but also with explicit attacks on Christianity and on Jesus (after whose name the author adds...

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How to Search

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  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
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  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).