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... lowest to the highest. Such a person has no interest in unnecessary philosophical questions. His problem is existential, not philosophical. He does not ask "What is love?" He lives it, enters into it, tries, falls many times, gets up again, and by experimenting, by trial and error, he learns. That's the only way to learn. The great questions of life cannot be answered philosophically: you...

... own answer, but at this moment, in this moment, to me life is just a cup of tea, because I am drinking tea." It is not a joke - it is tremendously significant. The old man is saying: "Life has to be lived moment to moment, then only do you know the taste of it. In this moment I am sipping tea; this is the taste of life." Never ask "What is love?" Start loving! We all have...

... the inherent, intrinsic quality to love. We are born with it; just as we breathe, we intuitively know what love is. Once you have known what love is, you have known the way to God. My only message is love. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...

.... Zarathustra is an immensely wise man. If you cannot understand his language, he will speak your language, but will make you experience his meaning. THE TIME OF THE MOST CONTEMPTIBLE MAN IS COMING, THE MAN WHO CAN NO LONGER DESPISE HIMSELF. BEHOLD! I SHALL SHOW YOU THE Ultimate Man. 'WHAT IS LOVE? WHAT IS CREATION? WHAT IS LONGING? WHAT IS A STAR?' THUS ASKS THE ULTIMATE MAN AND BLINKS. The ultimate man is...

... to be passed over". In Fateh-pur Sikri, this is the first sentence that welcomes you. The ultimate man asked, 'WHAT IS LOVE?' He knows what money is, he knows what power is, he knows what respectability is, but he does not know what love is. He asks: 'What is creation?' He knows technology, he knows science, he knows nuclear weapons, he knows how to destroy the whole of humanity - but he does...
... afraid of doubt and inquiry? My invitation is to inquire; because I know whatever I am saying is there within you, just as it is within me. Q: IT HAS BEEN SAID THAT IN YOUR COMMUNES THERE IS LIMITLESS SEXUAL ACTIVITY. IS THAT TRUE, AND WHAT IS SEX, AND WHAT IS LOVE? A: In the first place, there can never be limitless sexual activity. Biology prevents it. It is not within your hands. How many times you...

.... Just the middle way, the golden middle(*). And you asking me about "What is sex, and what is love?" Sex is something biological. All animals are sexual beings. Only man has the privilege to have something higher than sex. Not just the meeting of the bodies but the meeting of two souls. That's what love is. Love can contain sex. Sex cannot contain love. Sex is a small thing. Love is vast and...
... light exists or not? And if somebody with eyes asks that, that will only show that he is mad. Eyes are enough - one knows light exists. Whenever a man asks whether God exists or not he is simply showing his blindness. He is showing that his inner eyes are not functioning, that his insight is clouded. When somebody asks, "What is love?" what does he show? What does it indicate? It simply...

... indicates his heart is closed; his heart is not open like a lotus. He has forgotten all about his heart; he has bypassed his heart. He lives in the head; he has made his house in the head. And slowly slowly, logic is all that he knows, hence he asks, "What is love?" A man of heart will not ask, "What is love?" He will know. When you ask you simply show that you need clarity - not an...
... have at stake. You will have to become an intense flame of intelligence, of awareness. This is the commitment. I have risked with you, you have to risk with me. This commitment can grow into a great flowering: it all depends on you. Whether what I am doing is a mistake or not will be proved by you. Now it is out of my hands. This is my trust in you. The third question: Question 3: WHAT IS LOVE? WHY...

... sealed. What is asked of us in our time is that we break open our blocked caves and find each other. Nothing less will heal the anguished spirit, nor release the heart to act in love. You ask, "WHAT IS LOVE?" It is the deep urge to be one with the whole, the deep urge to dissolve I and thou into one unity. Love is that because we are separated from our own source, out of that separation the...

... desire arises to fall back into the whole, to become one with it. If you pull a tree out of its soil, if you uproot it, then the tree will feel a great desire to be rooted back into the soil, because that was its real life. Now it is dying. Separate, the tree cannot exist. It has to exist in the earth, with the earth, through the earth. That's what love is. Your ego has become a barrier between you and...

... just a door, the man is just a door. Man and woman are may understand it, you may not understand it, but the desire for love really proves the existence of God. There is no other proof. Because man loves, God is. Because man cannot live without love, God is. The urge to love simply says that alone we suffer and die. Together we grow, are nourished, fulfilled, contented. You ask, "WHAT IS LOVE...
... from where you are. And even there you deceive me. Drop deceiving, because deceiving me you are just deceiving yourself. And stop your mind from interfering between me and you. Let there be a communion. Enlightenment is possible. If it is possible for me, it is possible for you. If it has happened to one human being, it is everybody's potentiality. The second question: Question 2: WHAT IS LOVE? It is...

... unfortunate that we have to ask this question. In the natural course of things everybody would know what love-is. But I understand that nobody knows - or only very rarely - what love is. Love has become one of the rarest experiences. Yes, it is talked about, filmed, stories are written about it, songs are composed about it, films are made, on the TV you will see it, on the radio, in the magazines - a great...

... industry continuously goes on supplying you with the idea of what love is. Many people are continuously involved in it, helping people understand what love is. Poets, authors, novelists - they all go on. But still love remains the unknown phenomenon. And it should be one of the most known. It is almost as if somebody comes and asks, 'What is food?' Would you not be surprised if somebody comes and asks...

..., 'That is food?' If somebody has been starved from the very beginning and he has never tasted what food is, the question will be relevant. So is this question. You ask: WHAT IS LOVE? Love is the food of the soul. But you have been starved. Your soul has not received love at all so you don't know the taste. Your question is relevant, but it is unfortunate. The body has received food so the body...

... continues; but the soul has not received food so the soul is dead, or is not born yet, or is always on its death-bed. When a child is born he is fully born; he is fully equipped with the capacity to love and to be loved. Each child is born full of love and knows perfectly what it is. There is no need to tell the child what love is. But the problem arises because the mother and the father don't know what...

... all. A child is thought to be like a problem. If he keeps quiet, he is good; if he is not a screamer, a primal therapist - good; if he simply keeps out of the way of the parents - perfectly good. That's what a child should he. But there is no respect and there is no love. The parents have not known what love is. The mother has not loved the husband, the husband has not loved the wife. Love does not...

... - because the child is fragile, his body is fragile. Do you think a child left on his own will be able to survive? Just think how helpless man is. If a child is left on his own, it is next to impossible that he will survive. He will die. And that is what is happening to love. Love is left alone. The parents can't love, they don't know what love is, they have never flowed in love. Remember your own parents...

... the child, if they are loving to each other too, if the home has a love atmosphere where love flows, the child will start functioning as a love-being, and he will never ask the question, 'What is love?' He will know it from the very beginning, it will become his foundation. But that doesn't happen. It is unfortunate, but it has not happened up to now. And you learn the ways of your parents their...

... day you were surprised - 'How can daddy do this?' - and you are doing the same. People go on repeating; people are imitators; man is a monkey. You are repeating your daddy or your mummy, and that has to be dropped. Only then will you know what love is, otherwise you will remain corrupted. I cannot define what love is because there is no definition of love. It is one of those indefinables like birth...

... in his eyes. Now watch what you are doing. Are you doing the same as your mother would have done in the case of your father looking at another woman appreciatively? If you do that, you will never know what love is, you will simply be repeating a story. It will be the same act being played by different actors, that's all; the same rotten act being repeated again and again and again. Don't be an...

..., such a height of aloneness. Become individuals, the first thing. The second thing: don't expect perfection, and don't ask and don't demand. Love ordinary people . Nothing is wrong with ordinary people. Ordinary people are extraordinary. Each human being is so unique. Have respect for that uniqueness. Third: give, and give without any condition - and you will know what love is. I cannot define it. I...

... when a bird flies into the sky, when a bird is on the wing or the .sun rises or a lonely star in the morning is just on the verge of disappearing - if you know what beauty is, you will remember God in these beautiful moments. If you know what love is, you will remember God when you make love. If you know what joy is, you will remember God when you are full of joy. Those are the moments in which to...

... love is. No child receives the parents that he deserves - no child EVER receives the parents that he deserves. Those parents simply don't exist on the earth. And by the time this child becomes a parent he will have lost the capacity to love. It is almost like.... In Mexico there is a small valley where children are born and within three months they all become blind. It is a small, primitive society...
... nonpossessive quality, a nondominating quality. Otherwise love becomes a power trip. Don't be worried, Krishna Deva, about what platonic love is. Meditate on: what is love? Mrs. Green and her neighbor, Mrs. Kenyon, were having a chat one day. "Mrs. Green," said Mrs. Kenyon, "maybe it is none of my business, but after all we have been friends a long time and I am concerned about your reputation...

... for him and it is tonic for me!" That's what platonic love is: play for one, tonic for the other! More than that I don't know anything about it! The fourth question: Question 4: BELOVED MASTER, I AM A BUSINESSMAN. CAN I ALSO MEDITATE AND BECOME A SANNYASIN? Ram Prasad, one has to do something in life. Somebody is a carpenter and somebody is a king, and somebody is a businessman and somebody is...
... difficult ...." For example, you feel you are in love with someone. It is very difficult to say, "Perhaps I love you." But it is true. More than that is not possible in the state man is in. Your love is only a 'perhaps', because what is love today can turn into hate tomorrow. Or maybe tomorrow is too far away. What is love this moment may disappear the next moment. Just a moment before you...
.... It is true for everyone. Now the question. Whenever love exists it is divine, so to say "divine love" is meaningless. Love is always divine. But the mind is cunning. It says: "We know what love is. It is only that we do not know what divine love is." But we do not even know love. It is one of the most unknown things. There is too much talk about it; it is never lived. This is a...

... who has never known love may write a better poem about it than one who has known love, because the vacuum is much deeper. It has to be filled. Something has to be substituted in place of love. It is better to understand what love is first, because when you ask about divine love it is understood that love is known. But love is not known. What is known as love is something else. The false must be...

... the barriers that have been created around it. What you have been calling love is not love. It is just delayed sex. Then what is love? Love is not related to sex at all. Sex may come into it or it may not, but it is not really related to sex at all. It is a different thing altogether. To me, love is a by-product of a meditative mind. It is not related to sex; it is related to dhyana, meditation. The...
... you trust, you will feel a beauty, a blooming of beauty; but the mind says: Why? Why is this flower called beautiful? What is beauty? -- you are going astray. You are in love, the mind asks: Why, what is love? It is reported that Saint Augustine said, 'I know what time is, but when people ask me, everything is lost, I cannot answer. I know what love is, but you ask me: What is love? -- and I am at a...
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