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Found: 1214 articles, showing 80 - 90
... be exploited. For example, if individuals become totally expressive, there will not be any war in the world. It is impossible. But if you suppress the individual, then the suppressed energy is there and it can be used for violence. The whole of politics, and the whole history of man, depends on war. The whole society has been based on war, but war is possible only if the individual is not allowed...

... to express himself. This suppressed energy has been used for many reasons, for many causes, for many purposes: for war, for politics, for exploitation. I am against all suppression. I am for natural growth. I am not against discipline; I am against suppression. Discipline is a creative thing. It is never against something; it is always for something. For example, I am for the discipline of sexual...

... significant. It is the antidote to war. If sex is suppressed then you become violent. Really, wars are nothing but a by-product of suppressed sexuality, suppressed sex energy. Your politicians, your so-called moralists - regardless of how much they talk about peace, they are creators of wars. Now - and it is really for the first time in the world - the younger generation is for love, for sex, for life. This...

... is a very optimistic possibility. With these young people, a different world is going to be born. If we emphasise love and life more, no one will be ready to fight. It is really a question of choosing between eros and death. Make love not war - it is very symbolic. Make love and then you cannot make war. But if you cannot make love, you cannot make anything except war because the very energy that...
... approach moves outward, the eastern moves inward. The East thinks in terms of peace, silence, at-home-ness in existence, with existence. The west thinks in terms of conquering, of possessing. The western mind is basically at war, in conflict, it is aggressive. So become eastern; change from the western to the eastern. It is a change from the mind to the heart, from the male attitude towards the feminine...

... calm, quietude, tranquillity. And once you start thinking of the eastern approach, by and by you start relaxing. Because then there is no war, no war with anything at all - no war with nature, no war with society, no war even with yourself. Otherwise sometimes it happens that a person can even drop the world, drop possessions, start moving in, but starts fighting with himself; then the fight...
.... Man has not done anything much on the earth except fighting or preparing for fighting. There are only two periods in history: one is preparation for war, and the other is war itself. Man has never known peace. My history teacher in the high school was at a loss when I told him this, because he was talking about periods of peace when there was no war, and he was dividing history into war periods and...

... peace periods. I said, "I cannot agree with you because what do you do in your peace time? -- you prepare for war. So I would like to divide history into two periods: preparation for war, and war itself." He was a very nice gentleman, hence he was not angry. For a moment he was silent and then he said, "Perhaps you are right. My whole life I have been dividing history into these two...

... periods... but you seem to be more clear, because if there is a peace period, from where does the war come in?" The day we will have peace, then there will be no war. But up to now we have not known peace. What is the reason for all this conflict and war and violence and murders and massacres? The mind! The world will know peace only when we have learnt how to go beyond mind. Then you are not a...
..., it is not something natural that can exist on its own. It needs competitiveness, it needs conflict; it needs all kinds of jealousies, possessiveness, hatred, war. It can exist only with all that is wrong. Ego represents the unhealthy state of our being. It is assertive. To relax is against the ego, to be non-ambitious is against the ego. Just a moment of relaxation is enough and you will have the...

..., Buddha supports nonviolence; even Krishna in Gita does not support non-violence. Then Gandhi does a political trick again. He says the war in which Gita was spoken for the first time, the great war called Mahabharat, in which Arjuna became aware of the fact that millions of people will die and the whole thing seems to be useless - just for the power, for treasures, for kingdom, to kill so many people...

...; Arjuna argues in many ways, but finally Krishna wins him over, convinces him of the neCessity of war, because, he says, "This is the war of right against wrong, of religion against irreligion, of light against darkness, of divine forces against evil forces." Now Gandhi played a trick. He said that this war is only a metaphor, it never happened in reality, it is not historical. It is really...

... the inner war in man between the forces of evil and the forces of God, it is the inner war between darkness and light. And Krishna is saying to Arjuna, "Don't escape from the inner war - fight it and win over the darkness." Now this is a very cunning strategy. Nobody before Gandhi has ever said that the war between the Pandavas and the Korvas was just a metaphor. For five thousand years...

... Hindus - he was a Hindu - and he was murdered by a Hindu. He could not convince Hindus. He could not convince Jains either, because they continuously believed that Krishna is not a good man. In Jain mythology Krishna is thrown into seventh hell for the simple reason because he distracted Arjuna, who was going to renounce war. He forced him, persuaded him, convinced him, seduced him by beautiful logic...
... all the politicians live in fear, they are creating a world of paranoia, a fear-oriented world. Now, the Americans are afraid of the Russians, and the Russians are afraid of the Americans. This is so foolish. And because the Americans are afraid of the Russians, seventy, eighty percent of their energy goes into preparing for war; and because the Russians are afraid of the Americans - because the...

... Americans are preparing for war - eighty percent of their energy goes into preparation for war. Now this same energy can make this earth a paradise. There is no need at all for anybody to be poor in the world now. And if people are poor, it is because of these foolish politicians - these fear-oriented politicians. Now, the Russians cannot stop preparing for more war, because they say the Americans are...

... doing it: "Unless America stops, we cannot stop." And America makes it a condition: "Unless you stop, we cannot stop." Then who is going to stop first? And this is not only the case with America and Russia, this is the case with every country. India is afraid - Pakistan is preparing, China is preparing - so we have to prepare. Pakistan is afraid that India is preparing for war, so...

... Pakistan has to prepare for war. It happened, a procession was coming, a marriage procession, and Mulla Nasrudin was standing by the side of a cemetery wall. Night was descending, things were becoming dark. He was reading a book, a detective novel or something like that, and he was full of fear, and he was still dreaming about, thinking about the things he had been reading; and suddenly he saw this...

... problem. You are here because of me, I am here because of you. Now, it cannot be solved. There is no beginning and no end; it is a vicious circle." And this goes on and on... the whole world preparing for war, and the whole world wants to live in peace. It is because of these stupid politicians. Because their orientation is fear, they make the whole country afraid. They spread fear. They live in...

... market, the people. He moves into his unconscious through the help of alcohol. This is a temporary kind of madness which will be gone after a few hours. And whenever there are difficult times in the world, drugs become very important. After the Second World War, drugs became of immense importance all over the world, particularly in the countries which had seen the Second World War, in the countries...

... generation, are rooted in the experience of the Second World War. It is the Second World War that has created hippies, that has created drug-people; because life is so dangerous and death can happen any moment... how to avoid it, how to forget all about it? In times of stress and strain, people start taking drugs. And this has always been so. It is a way of creating a temporary madness. And by madness I...
... weapons. It is such a small thing to see: if we stop the idea of war, which the pope does not call a sin.... War is okay. He does not include war in his long list of sins. War is okay - because if he says war is a sin then all the popes up to now have been sinners because they have been continually warring, crusading against Mohammedans, against Jews, against everybody. And they have been saying that...

... the crusade is a holy war! No war is holy. No war can ever be holy. How can destruction be holy? How can killing be holy? How can butchering, slaughtering innocent people, children, women, old people, be holy? It must be holy in the same sense as the Holy Ghost: it is absolutely unholy. But the classes are there. The capitalist wants the classes to remain there because he feels that without the poor...

... war anywhere, and you will see that rich people will have facilities to protect themselves, and poor people will be simply dying. There is no need for war; there is no need for poverty. We have enough money, enough resources, but seventy percent of the whole world's resources goes towards war. If that seventy percent is prevented from going towards bringing death to humanity, there is no need for...
.... Man has passed through such a struggle for survival that he cannot forget those habits. So even though now we don't have wild animals to attack, we are preparing nuclear weapons. We don't have any reason to fight, but we are cultivating more and more arms just out of old animal habit. Everybody knows that the Third World War is impossible, simply because the Third World War will destroy everybody...

... same terms; every country is thinking in the same terms. So seventy percent of the world's wealth, production, genius, everything, is devoted to a war which is never going to happen. Just by making it so total, you have made it out of date. Professor, the mind had to develop in a destructive direction just to save itself. But now it is no longer needed. Now the destructive energy has to be...

... minutes. This totality is a great blessing in disguise. This means, now we have to find ways to protect ourselves from our mind's fear, to protect ourselves from our own weapons. Now there is no enemy to be killed; now the world war, if it happens at all, will be suicide. We have to save ourselves from our own minds. This mind was created for a certain reason: to save us from the animals. For centuries...

... and the context is totally different. Somebody asked Albert Einstein, "What do you think about the Third World War?" He said, "I cannot say anything about the Third World War, but I can say something about the Fourth World War." The questioner was puzzled. He said, "If you don't know about the third, how can you know about the fourth?" Albert Einstein said, "The...

... say anything about millions of birds, millions of animals, millions of trees - because the Third World War will be an end to all life on this planet. It is not just human beings who will be killed, it is going to be a loss to the whole universe. Scientists say that there are perhaps five hundred planets where some kind of life exists, but it is all guesswork. No certainty, no communication has been...

... little bit intelligent can be in favor of a third world war; only a few retarded politicians - and even they cannot openly say that they are in favor of a third world war. But their preparation continues. That preparation is dangerous, dangerous in many ways, because a third world war may happen accidentally: the weapons have become so sophisticated that just a push of a button.... Just a few days ago...
... that our peace is nothing but a preparation for war. Between two wars we have a gap of peace, but that peace is not really peace. It is only the gap between two wars, so it becomes a cold war. Thus, we have two types of war - hot and cold. After the second world war, Russia and America began a cold war. They are not at peace - just in preparation for another war. They are getting ready. Each war...

... disturbs, destroys. You have to get ready again, so you need a gap, an interval. But if wars really disappear from the world completely, then this type of peace which means cold war will also disappear, because it always happens between two wars. If war disappears completely, this cold war which we call peace cannot continue. What is your silence? Just a preparation between two angers. When you seem at...

... people." No one is violent for himself; no one ever has been. We are always violent to help someone. Even if I kill you it is for your own good, it is to help you. And even if you are killed, even if I kill you, just look at my compassion. Even for your own good I can kill you. So go on condemning the whole world. When India attacked Goa, when India went to war with China, Bertrand Russell...
... ENGAGED IN THE STRUGGLE AGAINST ATOMIC WAR, ATOMIC POWER, DESTRUCTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT, THE DISMANTLING OF DEMOCRATIC FREEDOMS, ETCETERA, CALLED ME AN ESCAPIST. SOMETIMES I WONDER IF THEY ARE RIGHT. ARE THEY? Satyananda, they are right, but they are right in a totally different sense of which they are not aware. Once can escape from reality, one can also escape to reality. And the second is the case...

... their way - it is not possible to succeed that way. We are not struggling against anything like that here, because we are cutting the very roots. They are struggling only against the leaves. From where does atomic power come? Who has created it, and why? From where does war come, and why? Who has destroyed the environment, and why? From where does all this destructiveness come? Why is there no...

... destruction. And there will be destruction, unless we change the very foundation of the human mind. Struggling against war is not going to help, because that is again another war. Have you not seen the pacifists and their processions, and how they howl and scream and how angry they are? And they are pacifists. And every pacifist procession ends in destruction: they start looting the shops and burning the...

... buses and throwing stones at the police. And they had come to propagate peace. This is an old stupidity. All wars are fought in the name of peace, all the wars have always been fought in the name of peace. Can't you see he point? Man wants to fight, any excuse will do. And peace is a beautiful excuse. All politicians talk about peace and prepare for war. And if you ask them why, they will say "...

...;how can we protect peace? We have to be strong, otherwise peace will be destroyed. So we have to prepare for war in order to have a peaceful world." And when the preparation has gone on for long then you have to do something, because otherwise the preparation becomes heavy. For example, a person has been continuously exercising and preparing himself, just in order to be ready to fight. Then one...

... a war: it becomes an economic necessity. Big world wars are fought once in a while, and between two big wars small wars go on - sometimes in Israel, sometimes in Korea, sometimes in Vietnam, sometimes Bangladesh, Kashmir... they go on. Because the great powers are creating bombs and and the Pakistanis will fight; they will become the market. Then the Israelis and the Arabs will fight, and they...

... you have put into them is lost. Sell them to backward countries. For them they are great things. For Russia and America they are out of date, useless, but for India and Pakistan they are just the last word. They are primitive as far as American technology and Russian technology are concerned; they are of no use. If Russia dn America go to war they will not be of any use; there is no point in keeping...

... them. So this whole game continues. We go on talking of peace, and we go on creating war. We have to understand the human mind; the human mind has to be changed from the roots. If the human mind remains ambitious then there is no possibility of a world without war: ambition is war. If the human mind remains sectarian - Christian, Hindu, Mohammedan - there is no possibility of any peace. Because those...

... sects will divide people, and any division is the beginning of war. Satyananda, you have not escaped from reality, you have escaped to reality. We are not talking about peace; there is no point in talking about it. We are creating the foundation of it. We are not pacifists and we are not marching on the streets and going on a long walk - to the capital - a pacifist procession with slogans and shouting...
... divide man you create conflict, you create tension. And then there is always a war going on inside. I would like you to learn the ways to drop this war, this constant on-going war. The body is you and you are the body. Respect your body, love your body. Respect your soul, love your soul. And don't create any conflict between the two. Listen silently and you will find that their voice is one. With that...

... have crippled you, paralysed you. Of course, it is easy to control paralysed people, it is easy to control crippled people, it is easy to dominate dead people. People who enjoy their life are difficult to control. It will be difficult to send people to war if they are really living their sex life truly. It will be impossible. Why? Why should a man who is immensely satisfied go to war? Because some...

... stupid politicians are fighting about some stupid problems? - where the boundary should be of one country, a few miles here or a few miles there? For those stupid things can you convince people to go and die? You cannot. If they are really living their life they will laugh at the whole ridiculousness of it - 'Why?' But right now it is just the opposite. People are so ready to go to war because they are...

... so dead. War gives them a feeling of life, at least some thrill. They are so bored - bored with the wife, bored with the husband, bored with the children, bored with the whole thing that is so-called life. War brings a little joy. People feel happy when there is war. You can see a subtle joy on the face of the soldiers going to the war. You can see thrill, adventure, all around. Why? Their life is...

... so dull that in comparison even death seems to be far better. If people's life is a celebration you cannot drive them to war. For foolish reasons - ideological, religious - you cannot drive people to war. They will simply refuse. They will laugh at the whole nonsense of it. You cannot force people to do ugly jobs, jobs that simply destroy their souls. But dead people can be forced anywhere. You can...

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