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Found: 1214 articles, showing 550 - 560
... may have millions of dollars, but I am not rich as far as commune is concerned; we are in the same boat. I cannot use those million dollars, so in no way I am rich than you. We destroyed poverty and richness without even touching the rich or raising the cry of war, of class struggle, of violence. They became immensely afraid of the phenomenon. They have destroyed there -- absolutely illegally...

... take at least two years to begin with, but the structure will start immediately. So first I want to cut out all that is ugly, because my understanding is: the more you feed people on ugly things, the more you make them accept the ugly. Slowly slowly they feel that this is how human beings are -- they kill, they murder, they war. They do all these things and this is natural, this is just how human...
..., and the disciple who is to travel is important - the path is irrelevant. And both types exist. Remember, there are males and females, and their number on the earth remains almost equal. This is a miracle: biologists cannot explain how it happens that man and woman remain in equal numbers on the earth. And if sometimes the balance is lost, immediately the balance is regained. For example, in a war...

... the balance is lost because more men are killed than women. Immediately after the war more boys are born than girls. How this happens has been a mystery for biology - but the number of men and women remain equal. The mystery is because of the polarity: man is one pole of life and woman is the other pole of life. If a man is born, immediately a woman is born, because the other pole has to be there...
... you have drawn on the map millions of people have died - real people, dying for unreal lines. And you make them heroes, national heroes! This idea of the collective has to be destroyed completely; otherwise in some way or other we will continue sacrificing the individual. In the name of religion we have sacrificed him, in religious wars. A Mohammedan dying in a religious war knows that his paradise...

... have crusades - a jihad, a religious war - and kill thousands of people, burn living human beings, for what? For some collectivity... for Christianity, for Buddhism, for Hinduism, for communism, for fascism - anything will do. Any word representing some collectivity, and the individual can be sacrificed. There is no reason for the collectivity even to exist: individuals are enough. And if individuals...
... the name of serving humanity more mischief happens than anything else: in three thousand years, five thousand wars have been fought and the whole credit goes to man. Millions of people are killed in the name of love, in the name of democracy, in the name of freedom, in the name of love. Now, no woman can do that. And I don't think you can have a world war because of cosmetics or clothes and designs...

... disappear within five hundred years. My own observation is just the opposite: without women it would not have lasted even five hundred years, because the moment Buddha died all the men started quarrelling -- ideological wars. Thirty-two sects were immediately born, the same day! Even Buddha's body was not yet totally burnt and thirty-two philosophical schools, thirty-two interpretations arose. The war had...
...? And why do you call sexual thoughts bad? They are neutral, neither good nor bad. Sexual thoughts are sexual thoughts. Why bring these moral values in? Because of these moral values you remain in a constant fight, in an inner war, a civil war. You go on fighting with your own energy - the sexual energy - and that is the only energy you have. There is no other energy; it is the only energy, which has...
... the whole - man, endeavoring by himself, without any participation, without any call, without any prayerful mood for the whole - man, struggling alone. That's why science becomes a conquering, a struggle, a fight, a war. And that's why, as I see it, science has led humanity into a cul-de-sac. Science has promised many things, but not a single promise has been fulfilled. On the contrary, everything...
... convinced one of the most civilized, cultured, courageous nations that the defeat of Germany in the first world war and all the problems of Germany were because of the Jews. At first people laughed: "This is absurd! Jews have nothing to do with it; on the contrary, they had given more money to the fight than anybody else, and to make them responsible..." But when somebody continuously repeats a...
... comes without love is dangerous. It will bring Nagasaki, Hiroshima. It is going to be destructive because in the first place it has not been through love. If the seed has not been loving, the fruit is going to be poisonous. That's why the whole scientific effort, and such a tremendous effort leads nowhere but to deeper and deeper misery - to war, to technology, to ecological destruction. In fact it is...
... loving, the children are loving, the teachers are loving. Everybody is loving and the total result is always a world war. This is a strange kind of logic. Everybody loving, and then finally... where does the war come from? Our love is of the very lowest kind, it is animal love. This love is not going to help you. This love can only be part of your biological slavery. And you have accepted it, you have...
... absolutely meaningless things... Turn to the left... there is no reason. Turn to the right... there is no reason. Go backwards, come forwards... there is no reason. For hours... It is an exercise in destroying their intelligence. I have heard of a professor in the second world war. When everybody was needed for the army, he was also recruited. And he was stating continuously, "You don't understand. I...

... anything. The whole structure of armies around the world is made in such a way that in three or four years they destroy your intelligence completely, you become almost a mechanical robot. The moment you hear the order, "March!" you simply march; no question arises within you. After the first world war, a man was retired. He had been awarded great prizes for his bravery. Two persons sitting in a...

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