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... miracles can happen in their life. They have happened in millions of people's lives. And I am doing the same, and I will go on doing the same wherever I am. YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT THE THIRD WORLD WAR, (INAUDIBLE) HOW DO YOU SUGGEST THE THIRD WORLD WAR COULD BE PREVENTED? A: In fact, it is already prevented. The very growth of nuclear weapons is the end of the old concept of war. War was meaningful if...

... somebody was going to be victorious, somebody was going to be defeated. That was the meaning of war. But now there is no meaning to it. Nuclear war means destruction of all. There will be nobody victorious and nobody defeated. What all the religions of the world could not do, and all the great philosophers of the world could not do, nuclear weapons have done it. There is no possibility of a third world...

... war. They will go on talking about it, and they will go on talking about how to prevent it, for the simple reason because people have to be kept in fear. That is the only way to enslave them. Soviet Union will make its own people afraid of what America is preparing, and America will go on doing the same, creating the same paranoia, that Soviet Union is a danger any moment. This gives power to the...

... politicians, and makes people near slaves. So they will go on talking about the third world war, and they will go on talking about how to prevent it. But I say to you, it is already prevented. There is no reason to be worried about it. People should forget about third world war. Q: WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION TO POVERTY? A: The solution is very simple, but the hindrances in the way are very big. All the religions...

... thousand years, human intelligence has done nothing. And if you listen to these people, and follow these people, the world will become more poor, it cannot become rich in any way. So second thing is, a widespread use of technology, and which can become possible very simply if it is understood by the world powers that third world war is not going to happen; then why go on wasting your energy piling...

... nuclear weapons. Already they have so much nuclear weapons that they can destroy humanity seven hundred times. Now, this is idiotic. A man dies only once. Even Jesus Christ was never resurrected. The simple understanding that we have come to a point where war is impossible; why not use nuclear, atomic and all energies that you are using in the service of death, in the service of life? All that energy...

... released, poverty will disappear like a dewdrop in the early morning sun. Because we have put almost seventy-five percent of our national incomes into war. We are living on twenty-five percent. So my simple solution is, that the war has become useless, and with the war becoming useless, nations have lost all meaning. And this is the time for the world to declare one. There is no need for war, then what...

... is the need of nations? They can exist as functionary units, but they should not have any defense forces. They should not accumulate war materials. For whom? If the whole world gives its war materials, war energies, war technicians, armies, navies, air forces to cultivation, to creation, I don't see that there is any possibility for poverty to remain. On the one hand, stop population growing. On...

... all nonsense, because there is no need. What is the need of war? Why man should fight man? If Soviet people want to live communism, they are free to live in communism; if America wants to live a capitalistic style of life, it is perfectly good. More lifestyles are lived around the world, the richer it will be. But there is no need to fight for it. Nations have to disappear sooner or later, and then...

... world war; they have seen where the politicians can lead them. They have also seen the ugliness of religious leaders, because the head Christian priest in Germany blesses Adolf Hitler for victory. And in England, the Archpriest blesses Churchill for victory. And they both are representative of the same God. Both have direct communication with the same God. Germany has seen that all these religious...

... people are just pretenders; and the politicians finally lead to war, to destruction. So the new generation is absolutely frustrated with these two types of people. I am neither a politician, nor a religious leader. I teach a whole life, a total life. An atheist can be with me, a Christian can be with me, a Jew can be with me. I don't make any distinctions. No nations, no religions, no distinctions. And...
.... Materially man has evolved. Certainly there were no railway trains and there were no atomic weapons and there was no nuclear war material, there was no electricity, there was nothing of the technology that we have become accustomed to living with. Materially, man has certainly evolved, but spiritually, the situation is totally different. Spiritually, man has not evolved. According to the UPANISHADS, man...

... Joseph Stalin, with Mao Tse-tung, but not with any religious person. And it is such a strange thing that not a single man ever asked Mahatma Gandhi in his long life, "Why do you go on calling that BHAGAVADGITA 'my mother'?" It was just a political stunt so the Hindus would remain behind him. But the whole philosophy of the BHAGAVADGITA is of violence. Krishna is teaching war. He is convincing...

... one through the whole BHAGAVADGITA, from the first sentence to the last - of only one single thing, and that is war. He is speaking to Arjuna, his disciple, who wants to escape from war. In fact, Arjuna seems to be more of a Jaina than Krishna, because while Krishna goes on trying to convince him, Arjuna goes on arguing against war, against violence. Finally he says, "I don't see the point...

... suicide. It is better I should move towards the Himalayas. I am finished with the world if this is the way the world has to run. I am no more part of it. I want to become a sannyasin." But Krishna prevented him and prevented him in a very cunning way. He said to him, "It is God's intention that you should fight; going away from the war is denying God's intention." Because Arjuna believed...

... that Krishna was a prophet of God, he had to submit unwillingly, reluctantly. This was the book he was reading day and night. He even made a commentary on it, and naturally he was in a difficulty - how to make any sense of nonviolence in a book which is completely based on violence? So he says it is only a metaphor, that the war never did happen. That is the strategy that he takes in his commentary...

... of BHAGAVADGITA: the war never happened. This is the first time in five thousand years that anybody has said that this war never happened. It denies five thousand years of conviction that the war happened. And the war not only happened, it destroyed the whole of India - its spine was broken. The war was so great and the impact of it was so big that it made the whole of India cowardly. It was...

... because of this war that Krishna preached that India became a slave country for two thousand years. It lost its nerve, it lost its dignity, it became so nervous about war because it saw what happened in this war - almost half the country was killed. Every family was in mourning; somebody was massacred from every family. There was not a single family which remained outside the war. That war's nightmare...

... has followed India for five thousand years. It has created such a fear. It is almost like the people who have seen Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If you talk about war with them, what do you think their reaction, their response will be? Certainly they don't want war anymore - they have seen the worst. But Mahatma Gandhi, in a very cunning and political way, in the very beginning says that this whole...

... episode of war is just a metaphor: it is war between the good and the bad, it is war between the right and the wrong, it is war between the light and the darkness. It is not a historical thing, hence there is no question of violence. A war between light and darkness is certainly not going to be a bloodshed - neither light nor darkness has any blood. This man, Mahatma Gandhi, admits that three times he...

.... There will be no war, no conflict, but there will be no life either. That would be the silence of the graveyard. But that is not worth anything; then even war is better because in war you are alive and vital. Another type of peace - a totally different dimension of peace - exists when you are vital, alive, but centered in your being: when self-knowledge has happened, when you have become enlightened...

..., when the flame is lit and you are not in darkness. Then there will be more life, more silence, but the silence will belong to life, not to death. It will not be the silence of the graveyard. This is the paradox to be understood: war is bad, hate is bad; they are the evils on the earth and they must go. Disease is bad, health is good; disease must go, but you must remember that a dead man never falls...

... ill; a dead body can deteriorate but cannot be ill. So if you don't understand, all your efforts may create a dead world. There will be no disease, no war, no hatred - but no life either. Jesus would not like that type of peace. That type of peace is useless; then this world, with war, would be better. But many have been endeavoring, and their attitude is just negative. They think, "If war...

... stops, everything will be okay." It is not so easy. And this is not only the ordinary man's conception - even very great philosophers like Bertrand Russell think that if war is finished everything will be okay. This is negative - because war is not the problem, the problem is man. And the war is not outside, the war is within. If you have not fought the war within, you will fight it without. If...

... you have fought the war within and have become victorious, then the war without will cease. That is the only way. In India, we have called Mahavira 'the conqueror', 'the great conqueror' - the jinna. The word jinna means the conqueror. But he never fought with anybody so whom has he conquered? He never believed in violence, never believed in war, never believed in fighting. Why do you call this man...

... Mahavira, the great conqueror? This is not his original name; his original name was Vardhaman. What has happened? What phenomenon has occurred? This man has conquered himself, and once you conquer yourself your fight with others ceases immediately - because this fight with others is just a trick to avoid the inner war. If you are not at ease with yourself, then there are only two ways: either you suffer...

... conflict. The war has ceased. He is one inside - there are not two. Such a man will never project, such a man will not fight with anybody else. So this is a trick of the mind to avoid the inner conflict, because the inner conflict is more painful - for many reasons. The basic reason is that every one of you has an image of yourself as being a good man. And life is such that without this image it will be...

... you look at yourself then the fight becomes inward: you know you are bad, it is difficult to find a more devilish man than you. If you look within then you find you are absolutely bad, and something has to be done. An inner fight, an inner war starts. And through that inner conflict - and it is a technique, remember, it is one of the greatest techniques that has been used through the centuries - if...

... will be needed - that is the war of Jesus. He says: "I have come not to give you peace" - not that he has not come to give you peace, but not the cheap peace that you would like to be given. Now try to understand his words. JESUS SAID: MEN POSSIBLY THINK THAT I HAVE COME TO THROW PEACE UPON THE WORLD, AND THEY DO NOT KNOW THAT I HAVE COME TO THROW DIVISIONS UPON THE EARTH - FIRE, SWORD, WAR...

... he has never come. He went to others who would console him. Are you here to be consoled? Then you are in the wrong place. That is what Jesus says. He says: MEN POSSIBLY THINK THAT I HAVE COME TO THROW PEACE UPON THE WORLD, AND THEY DO NOT KNOW THAT I HAVE COME TO THROW DIVISIONS UPON THE EARTH - FIRE, SWORD, WAR. Whenever a man like Jesus comes, the world is immediately divided between those who...

... society too, on the earth; everything comes to be in a conflict, a great war starts. Since Jesus there has never been peace in the world. Jesus created a religion. He brought something into the world which created such a division, such a conflict in all minds, that he became the focus of all history. That is why we say 'before Christ', 'after Christ'; he became the focal point. History is divided, time...

... different. He is unique. What is he saying? He is saying that through conflict growth is achieved; through struggle centering happens; through war peace flowers. But don't take him literally; whatsoever he is saying is a parable. Christianity took it literally and missed the point. Then Christians took the sword in their hands, and they have killed millions unnecessarily, because that was not the meaning...

... 'sword' of Jesus. He says: ... I HAVE COME TO THROW DIVISIONS UPON THE EARTH - FIRE, SWORD, WAR. Why 'fire'? Fire is a very old kabalistic symbol, and a very old Hindu symbol also. Hindus have always talked about inner fire; they call that inner fire tap because it is heat. And to kindle that inner fire so that your fire is burning inside, they call yagna. And there are techniques for burning that...

... the invisible. ... FIRE, SWORD, WAR.... A deep inner conflict is needed. You should not be lethargic, you should not relax unless the relaxation happens - and that is totally different. You have to fight and create conflict and friction. Friction is the right word for the inner war. Gurdjieff worked through friction; he would create friction in the body. You may not be aware now but remember it...

... possibilities, and through the friction between them energy was created. Energy is always created through friction. All science depends on creating friction; then energy is created. All dynamos are just friction techniques to create a fight, a war between two things. You create a war: your body wants to go to sleep and you don't want to go to sleep. Friction is there, and much energy is created. If you yield...

... became centered in his consciousness - the earthly layer was completely separated. It became a vehicle: he could use it, but he was not identified with it. This is the meaning of Jesus when he says: ... I HAVE BROUGHT FIRE, SWORD, WAR - ALTHOUGH MEN POSSIBLY THINK THAT I HAVE COME TO THROW PEACE UPON THE WORLD.... FOR THERE SHALL BE FIVE IN A HOUSE: THREE SHALL BE AGAINST TWO AND TWO AGAINST THREE; THE...

... capital or away from the country, there was no problem - but he came to the capital. It is said that he enacted the whole thing, and that Judas was not his enemy but his friend who helped, who helped Jesus to be caught. The whole thing was managed and controlled by him. What happened on the cross was the last inner war, the last and greatest friction. When he was dying, but not losing trust in the...
... in war, down the ages, always. Out of three thousand years, only seven hundred years were not of war - and not in one stretch. Sometimes for one day there was no war on the earth, sometimes for a few days; otherwise the war has continued. War is the greatest thing that man has remained involved with. Destruction seems to be very very attractive; killing and murder seems to be the goal of the human...

... violence. Only pools of peace all over the world, many many Buddhas, will be able to create a new vibe, a new wave, a new consciousness, in which war becomes impossible - in which all energy moves in a creative way, all energy moves towards love. So don't say... I understand the logic of it. The logic is, if man becomes very peaceful then he will not bother about Vietnam. I understand what you mean by...

... your question. You mean, if people become very silent and very peaceful they won't care what is happening in the world around them, they will become indifferent. So how much peace is appropriate? - that's why you ask the question. But try to understand. The war is not the disease itself. Peace is missing in the heart - hence the war exists. The war is a consequence: more peace, less war. If peace...

... becomes predominant, war will disappear. War cannot disappear by the efforts of people who call themselves pacifists. War cannot disappear because of Bertrand Russell. War cannot disappear because there are people who are against war - no. The people who are against war will create another war. You can see, if you have observed a pacifist-protest, you can see how war-like they are - shouting, screaming...

..., protesting.... You can see in their faces they are dangerous people. They may call themselves pacifists, but they don't know what peace means. They are very argumentative, arrogant, ready to fight. It almost always happens that a peace-protest becomes a battle-field between the police and the pacifists. The pacifist is not really the man of peace. He is against war. He is so much against war that he will...

... be ready to go to war if that is needed. The cause changes, the war continues. A man of peace is not a pacifist, a man of peace is simply a pool of silence. He pulsates a new kind of energy into the world, he sings a new song. He lives in a totally new way - his very way of life is that of grace, that of prayer, that of compassion. Whomsoever he touches, he creates more love-energy. The man of...

... peace is creative. He is not against war, because to be against anything is to be at war. He is not against war, he simply understands why war exists. And out of that understanding he becomes peaceful. Only when there are many people who are pools of peace, silence, understanding, will the war disappear. But withdrawal is not the way to attain peace. You say, PEACE OF MIND CAN BE GAINED BY WITHDRAWAL...

...... Never. Never has it been gained that way. Withdrawal is escapist. Withdrawal can give you a kind of death, but not peace. Peace is very alive. Peace is more alive than war - because war is in the service of death, peace is in the service of life. Peace is very alive, vibrant, young, dancing.... Withdrawal? - that is the oldest way escapists have chosen. It is cheap. It gives a kind of peace - remember...

... commitments. You renounce all possibilities to live, to relate, to love. They may not be fighting, but they are no more loving either. So withdrawal will bring a peace which is warless, loveless. But what is the point? You have thrown the baby with the bath-water. Love has to grow. The whole energy that goes into violence, fighting, struggle, war, has to be transformed into love. Peace in itself cannot be...

... possibility to fight with anybody. You have not changed at all, you have only changed the circumstances. You are the same person. If circumstances arise, you will go to war, you will fight. You will become angry if somebody comes and insults you. You may have lived for thirty years in a cave in the Himalayas and somebody comes and insults you, and you will be surprised that anger comes back. Thirty years...
..., lesbianism, masturbation and all kinds of things. These monks, these nuns are the original sources of AIDS. So your politics have brought you to the third world war, which is looming on the horizon, and your religions have brought you to AIDS. Your political and religious leaders have done great service to humanity and to this planet. I am certainly concerned about my people. They have been given all the...

... do? If the politicians and the religious leaders -- that means nuclear weapons and AIDS -- are in a race to destroy humanity, I don't think politicians have guts enough to go for a third world war, because both sides, America and the Soviet Union, have enough nuclear weapons to destroy this planet seven hundred times. I don't think any politician in America or any politician in Russia has guts...

... enough -- and what is the point? The whole point in a war is to be victorious, but in this war nobody is going to be left alive. The question of who was victorious and who was defeated will remain unsettled and there will be no one to write the history, either. Just because of the totality of war, war is an impossibility. There is no need for pacifists, unnecessary to scream and take protest march...

.... Just forget all about it; nuclear weapons have already done. They have finished the idea of war. Politicians can go on talking about war because that keeps them in power, but there is going to be no war. Q:* WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IN YOUR OPINION IF A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY GOT HOLD OF A BOMB AND DETONATED IT AND STARTED ANOTHER WAR? A:* NOBODY can start it because everybody knows that starting it is...

... start seeing the whole perspective. The whole thing is clear that if you start, that is not the end; soon you will be retaliated with nuclear missiles and you will be destroyed. And your starting it will mean the end of the world. So I don't think there is any possibility of third world war. It is simply canceled. It is strange how things happen in history -- war goes on becoming bigger and bigger and...

... bigger and a point comes when it is to big, and you cannot manage to have it. War itself commits suicide, that's what the third world war is. Once Albert Einstein was asked, "Can you say something to us about the third world war?" He said, "I have no idea. If you want to know about the fourth world war I can say something." The inquirer was simply at a loss. He could not believe...

... what Einstein was saying. "About the third world war you cannot say anything? What can you say about the fourth world war?" And Einstein said, "It will never happen; that much can be said about it. But about the third world war there is no way to say anything." So the war is certainly canceled -- nuclear war. Any other kinds of war can go on. They are just football games, so I'm...

... population is reduced to one fourth. Q:* ONE FOURTH OF WHAT IT IS TODAY? A:* What it is today. Without coming to one fourth there will be Ethiopias, there will be Indias, there will be small-scale wars. These are just methods of nature to bring balance. Nuclear war is out of the question; there will be diseases, AIDS and everything, just to cut the population. But my commune is perfectly responsible, happy...
..., that is the worst that can happen to anybody. Now he will be doing evil, thinking it is good. He will be destroying good, thinking it is good. This is the worst kind of indoctrination that Christianity has put into people's minds. The idea of the crusade, of a religious war, is a great contribution of Christianity. Mohammedanism learned it from Christianity; they cannot claim to be the originators of...

... the idea. They call it jehad, holy war, but they came five hundred years later than Jesus. Christianity had already created in people's minds the idea that a war too can be religious. Now, war as such is irreligious. There cannot be anything like a crusade, a jehad, a holy war. If you call war holy, then what is left to be called unholy? This is a strategy to destroy people's thinking. The moment...

... Jesus do it? And for eternity God has lived with the devil. Even now the forces of evil are far more powerful than the forces of good, for the simple reason that the forces of good are also in the hands of the forces of evil. Calling war religious, holy, is the cause of war - because the first world war happened in the Christian context, the second world war happened in the Christian context, and the...

... third world war is going to happen in the Christian context. There are other religions also, but why did these two great wars happen in the Christian context? Christianity cannot save itself from taking the responsibility. Once you create the idea that war can be holy then you cannot monopolize the idea. Adolf Hitler was saying to his people, "This war is holy"; it was a crusade. He was...

... the universal religion. They have been trying for two thousand years to make Christianity the universal religion, to destroy all other religions. It is not only that Christianity has contributed to the idea of war.... In Jainism there is no question of holy war. Every war is unholy. You may be fighting in the name of religion, but fighting itself is irreligious. Buddhism has no idea of any holy war...

...; hence, Jainism and Buddhism have never contributed to any single war - and their history is very long. Jainism at least for ten thousand years has been in existence and has not had a single war, holy or unholy. Buddhism is also older than Christianity, five hundred years older, and has as big a membership as Christianity - because except India, the whole of Asia is Buddhist - but not a single war...

.... There has not been a single instance of any Buddhist priest blessing any kind of war. Wars have been there; politicians have been there in those countries too. They have been fighting - Japan and China have been fighting and both are Buddhist - but neither Japanese Buddhist priests nor Chinese Buddhist priests were in any way involved, not even by giving a blessing. These people show a little bit of...

... yours? Who has asked you to bless India against China? For a religious man, political boundaries should not mean anything. India is yours, China is yours; and if they are fighting, let them fight. You should rather pray that this war stops, that some wisdom comes to these fools - both parties. That would be religious." And I told him, "You are acting more like a Christian pope than like a...

... politics, and no Hindu shankaracharya has ever blessed a war. Now, Christianity deserves all the credit for making war, the most ugly thing in human life, holy. And then behind the name of a crusade you can do everything: rape women, burn people alive, kill innocent children, old people - anything. This is a blanket term, a cover: a holy war, a crusade. But what actually happens behind it? All atomic...

... the languages come from Sanskrit. Seven thousand years ago they created the basis of mathematics, but they never used their mathematical understanding for destructive purposes. They used it for creative purposes because no religion there was giving them the incentive to war. All religions were saying war is ugly - about that there was no dispute - and those countries were not going to support any...

... program, any project, any research, which was going to lead them into war. The first astronomical book was written in India four thousand years ago. Those people were far ahead of the West. Four thousand years ago the West did not even have a single name to mention. The greatest names in the West are not more then twenty-five centuries old. Perhaps with Socrates your greatest name happens, but Socrates...

... was three or four thousand years later. What he said had already been said and what he thought he was contributing to thought was not new. Of course, to him it was new because he was unaware that somewhere people had already talked about this and had gone very deep into it. I am saying this to make it clear to you that it is Christianity which is responsible for giving science the incentive to war...

.... If Christianity had created an atmosphere of non-violence, and had not called war holy, then we would have avoided these two world wars; and without those two, certainly the third could not happen. Those two are absolutely necessary steps for the third; they have led you already towards the third. You are geared for it, and there is no possibility to come back, to turn back. Not only has science...

... Hitler had won the war, all these Americans and all these Russians and all these British people would be worshipping him as God. He would have been proclaimed as having overcome the world and changed the whole of humanity into Christianity. And he would have changed it; he had the power. What power did poor Jesus have? - he could not save himself But Adolf Hitler winning the war would have certainly...

... have to go into a third world war - which will be a safer method. People will die more quickly, more easily, more comfortably with nuclear weapons than with hunger, because hunger can keep you alive for ninety days, and those ninety days will be really a torture. I know about hunger in India. Mothers have sold their children just for one rupee. Mothers have eaten their own children. You cannot...
... weapons. If the whole world can be destroyed together within minutes the alternative can only be that the whole world should be together. Now it cannot remain divided; its division is dangerous, because division can become war any moment. The division cannot be tolerated. Only one war is enough to destroy everything, and there is not much time left for man to understand that we should create a world...

... where the very possibility of war does not exist. Terrorism has many undercurrents. One is that because of nuclear weapons, the nations are pouring their energy into that field, thinking that the old weapons are out of date. They are out of date, but individuals can start using them. And you cannot use nuclear weapons against individuals -- that would be simply stupid. One individual terrorist throws...

... thought that it would be better to sell them to poor countries. Poor countries cannot create nuclear weapons -- it costs too much. And these weapons were coming cheap -- as help; they accepted it, but these weapons cannot be used in a war. In a war these weapons are already useless. But nobody has seen the possibility that these weapons can be used individually, and a new phenomenon -- terrorism -- can...

... twelve years -- a war. He accumulates so much anger, so much rage, so much violence, that nothing short of a war will give him release. So, war after war, there is a gap of only ten to fifteen years. That gap is a kind of relaxation. But again you start accumulating, because the same psychology is working -- the same jealousy, the same violence. And man is basically a hunter; he is not by nature...

... disagreement with himself. So whenever he can find a chance -- for a beautiful cause; freedom, democracy, socialism -- any beautiful word can become an umbrella to hide his ugly unconscious, which simply wants to destroy and enjoys destruction. Now the world war has become almost impossible; otherwise there would have been no terrorism. Enough time has passed since the second world war; the third world war...

... may be happening far away, but they are excited. Something in them feels an affinity. A war that should have happened somewhere between Date: Fri, 1955 and 1960 00:00:00 GMT X-Location: has not happened, and man is burdened with the desire to kill, with the desire to destroy. It is just that he wants good names for it. Terrorism is going to become bigger and bigger, because the third world war is...

... anything to him, but just, the hunter is back. The hunter was satisfied in the war. Now the war has stopped and perhaps there is no possibility for it. The hunter is back; now we cannot fight collectively. Each individual has to do something to release his own steam. Things are interconnected. The first thing that has to be changed is that man should be made more rejoicing -- which all the religions have...

... work is. It can be cleaned away. The terrorism is not in the bombs, in your hands; the terrorism is in your unconscious. Otherwise, this state of affairs is going to grow more bitter. And it seems all kinds of blind people have bombs in their hands and are throwing them at random. The third world war would have released people for ten or, fifteen years. But the third world war cannot happen because...
... have faith in me. The same is true about other messengers of God, incarnations of God. For example, Krishna is a Hindu incarnation of God - not a partial incarnation, God has come in his wholeness on the earth to save it. Strange, nobody seems to be saved. In fact, Krishna was the cause of destroying the very backbone of India, because he forced his disciple and friend, Arjuna, into a war. Five...

... thousand years ago that war happened. The whole responsibility goes to Krishna - because Arjuna, the warrior, seeing millions of people, started thinking, "What is the point of it all? - killing all these people just to sit on a golden throne? There will not even be people to see that you are sitting on a golden throne. What is the point?" Arjuna was far more intelligent than your incarnation...

... of God, Krishna. Arjuna said, "This war seems to be absolutely meaningless. I am going to the Himalayas to meditate. Let my cousin-brothers rule, but at least there will be life. I am not going to take this great responsibility of killing so many people for my own glory, to become Arjuna the Great." But Krishna is very clever, very cunning. He goes on arguing, convincing, persuading...

... Arjuna. And finally he says to Arjuna, "You don't understand that God wants this war, because without him not even a leaf in a tree moves. You are not responsible if people are killed; it is God's will." And when you bring God in and relieve people of their responsibility, it becomes difficult to refuse. I would have certainly refused it, but Arjuna had a conditioned mind. Krishna says, "...

...;God's WILL!... the war has to happen whether you participate or not. By not participating you will fall in the eyes of God. The war will happen." His actual words are, "You see these millions of warriors on both the sides gathered, alive? In fact, they are just waiting to die. They are dead, you are not killing them. You cannot do anything on your own; you are just a puppet in the hands of...

... Krishna goes on forcing him: "You are born in a warrior family, you are a warrior by nature, from your very birth. This will be dropping out. It will be ugly, shameful to you and to your whole family and to your forefathers. Don't be a coward! Prove your mettle - the opportunity has come!" And he forced Arjuna into a war which is called Mahabharata, the Great Indian War. It must have been...

... something like the third world war which is looming on the horizon. And there are so many Arjunas; only one Krishna is needed to convince some Arjuna to start it, to be the pioneer. It must have been of tremendous proportions, because since that war, India has never been able to regain its strength. It has been going down and down; it lost courage, it lost the joy of life. It became too concerned about...

... own accord. You can call that my business. Question 3: BELOVED OSHO, WHAT DO YOU SAY ABOUT THE THIRD WORLD WAR? IS IT GOING TO HAPPEN OR NOT? WHAT SHOULD WE DO TO PREVENT IT? Don't do anything to prevent it, because this humanity that you see around the earth is not worth anything. A good third world war will at least clean this planet of human garbage: cathedrals, temples, mosques, White Houses...

... - although that is not needed, once is more than enough. And they go on piling them up. But I am not a pessimist. I am saying it to you just to emphasize the fact that it is not a question of the third world war, it is a question of a change in human consciousness. You cannot prevent the third world war with the same mind as human beings have today - and there is no need either. But human consciousness can...

... be changed. You can become the beginning of a new mankind. And the very newness of your consciousness will be contagious. If sannyasins go on growing around the world as they are growing, there is every possibility there will be no third world war. My sannyasins are not politicians. My sannyasins have no political aspirations; only idiots have those kind of aspirations - chimpanzees and others. My...

... sannyasins are learning to live right now, intensely, totally, burning the torch of life from both ends together. If you can make the people around the world dance and sing and celebrate.... You may not see the connection between the third world war and what I am saying, but there is a great connection. The third world war is possible only if humanity feels suicidal, if people lose all interest in life and...

... to happen to other third world countries. What is there to save? - your football matches? the Olympics? What is there in people's lives? They are living empty, hollow lives. In fact, the third world war is coming closer and closer because people are feeling more and more hollow, without any meaning. They will certainly be happy that the whole world is finished. But if we can create a little joy in...

... possible. If you can become the carriers of my at-ease - that is just the word I have invented against dis-ease - if you can do this.... And it is not much, just rejoice in small things: a cup of tea... sipping it, feel blessed, because who knows? tomorrow moring you may not be there, the third world war may have happened. When you go to sleep, say goodbye to the stars and to the universe, because who...

... destroyed by a laughing, smiling, dancing humanity. But as humanity is now, there is no hope. You are the only hope! So don't keep your joy to yourself, spread it, make it available to anybody. Don't even think whether he is introduced to you or not. Don't be British, be human! These are the only two kinds in the world. The third world war can be completely stopped - should be stopped. But it is not going...

... something totally different, which has nothing to do with the third world war.... That's why I said, "Please don't try to prevent it," because that would be directly making an effort to prevent the third world war. You cannot do it; things have gone too far. The third world war is the conclusion of all the religions and the politicians and all the cultures of the past. It is a logical conclusion...

.... It is only a question of time - and the time, too, is not so much. Things are moving. The way they are moving, before this century ends, the world will be finished. But you can help the world to continue. I am not concerned with the war directly, I am concerned with something else, some other energy as an antidote. Be meditative, be loving, be silent, be sharing - and spread your craziness. Soon...
... is not in your hands; the power is in hands which are absolutely stubborn, and they don't care a bit what happens to humanity. Their ego is their supreme value, the only value. Even though it means their own destruction, they will take the risk; they will destroy whoever they think is their enemy. In the beginning, when this kind of war material was in the hands of two countries, the Soviet Union...

...; if the scientists simply say, "No, we are not going to produce any more nuclear weapons," if the whole intelligentsia of the world unanimously creates a great uproar: "It is not a question of war; wars we have seen in thousands - they have been destructive, but they have not destroyed all life. This is not war, this is simple suicide!" But these people: the scientists, the...

.... Perhaps for the first time there can be an authentic civilization which loves peace, which is compassionate, which is creative, which drops all discriminations of nations, religions, races, and makes this whole globe one family. Once there are no discriminations of religions, races, nations, war becomes impossible. We have to avoid the suicide that is oncoming and we have to change the whole structure...

... of the world so that war itself becomes impossible. All our efforts, all our energies ... seventy-five percent of human energy is pouring into creating war material. We are living only on twenty-five percent of our energy. If that seventy-five percent is also released for living, there will be no poverty, there will be no sickness. Life can be prolonged. People can live young until their last...

... breath; they need not become old. All this is possible, and for this, there is enough time. But you have to understand perfectly well: anything on your part as a protest is not going to help. You will be simply crushed, ignored .... Pacifists have existed for centuries; they have not been able to avoid any war. In fact I have seen so many processions of protest and I have always wondered ... the people...

... without their knowing. It is not a question of convincing them intellectually; for that, time is certainly very short. We have not been convinced for centuries, intellectually, although great efforts have been made that there should be no war, there should be no government, there should be no nations. Great intellectuals have been trying - like Bakunin, Bokharin, Leo Tolstoy, Bertrand Russell - but it...

... intellectual argument, but people will be immensely touched by your very presence, by your aroma, by your fragrance, by your love. We need in the world more love to balance war. We need in the world more creativity to balance the destructive forces. We need in the world more enlightened people to balance the blind politicians. For this there is still time enough, because enlightenment can happen within a...

... the only alternative possible: forget doing, grow into your being. And the growth of your being is contagious; it will help many people to light their unlit torches from your life fire. If we have people around the world who know the beauty of life, of creativity, of poetry, of music, of painting, of dancing, of love, then nobody - no politician - will have the guts to force humanity into a war. So...

... rather than going against war, you create the balancing force - which is in your hands. If the warmongers have nuclear weapons, then you have to create something equivalent, or more powerful - and enlightenment is certainly more powerful than any nuclear weapon. In the Old Testament, there is a beautiful story of two cities, Sodom and Gomorrah. God became very angry with these two cities, because in...

... of politicians. Now you will need mystics; only mystics can create the atmosphere around the world of love and peace, of silence and joy, of song and dance; they will make life so rich that it becomes impossible for people even to think of war. Politicians will be left alone without any support from their armies, from their scientists, from their intelligentsia, from mystics, from poets. And...

... against all this intelligence, all their nuclear weapons will become impotent. They can create war only if unconsciously we are ready to commit suicide, if in some way we are supportive to them. It is our support that has given them power. If we withdraw our support, their power disappears. They don't have any power of their own. What power does Richard Nixon have now? Once he is no longer the president...

... prime ministers? It is our support that gives them power. There is time enough to withdraw our support; there is time enough to create a non-political humanity. And the times are such that it is possible. In ordinary times you cannot convince people to withdraw their cooperation from the politicians, but the times are abnormal and every day the war keeps coming closer. In this moment, people can...

... choose very easily not to cooperate, because cooperation simply means committing suicide. So one thing: make people"s lives more joyous so that even the unconscious desire for suicide disappears from their being. And second, make them aware the power is in your hands, and if the war happens and life disappears from the earth, you will be responsible, not the politicians. They are simply puppets...

... weapons; we have to create a balancing force - more powerful. And once people have tasted life, which they have forgotten completely, they will automatically withdraw their support. It has already started happening. In the Vietnam war thirty percent of the soldiers did not use their weapons. The American government was at a loss about what to do. The generals could not figure it out because such a thing...

... had never happened - a soldier goes to war to kill. But in Vietnam it was so clear: America is doing something simply absurd - destroying poor people who have not done anything against America. And because it was the younger generation who had gone as soldiers, they could see the futility of it. Why should they be killed? Poor people working in their fields or in their orchards, small children...

..., women - why should they be killed? They are not fighting; they are not a danger to America. Thirty percent of the soldiers would go to the war front every day with their guns loaded and would come back in the evening without having used their guns at all. These thirty percent have shown the way. If it can happen to thirty percent, why can"t it happen to a hundred percent? - and the Vietnam war...
... listen, to stop these factories or find alternatives. And scientists are engaged only in creating more war material. No government is ready to give them support so they can create more ozone and fill up the gaps which, unconsciously, we ourselves have created. My emphasis is that our problems are international but our solutions are national. No nation is able to solve them. I take it as a great...

... challenge and as a great opportunity: nations should be collapsed into one world government. It was tried by the League of Nations before the second world war, but it could not succeed. It simply remained a debating club. The second world war destroyed the very credibility of the League of Nations. But the necessity was still there; therefore they had to create the United Nations organization, the U.N...

... a war? To find the closest neighbor amongst the planets for some kind of war is almost impossible. Nations have become out of date, but they go on existing - and they are the greatest problem. Looking at the world, just like a bird looks, a strange feeling arises: we have everything, just we need one humanity. India has so much coal - and coal is not created in a day; it takes millions of years...

.... Everybody has taken a certain portion of life, ignoring the remaining parts which are essentially joined with it. There are people... for example, the man who created the Nobel Prize committee was the greatest arms producer in the first world war. He earned so much money out of the production of war materials that he created a Nobel Prize for peace. There is so much money that every year dozens of Nobel...

... producing war materials. The whole first world war was fought with his weapons - both sides were purchasing from him. He was the greatest arms producer. All the people that died in the first world war, he was responsible for. The same is happening today. Nobody is interested in the coming crisis, which is not far away. This century is going to end just in twelve years. Twelve years is not a long time...

... nations, second religions, and third, a science completely devoted to better life, to more life, to better intelligence, to more creativity - not to create more war, not to be destructive. If these three things are possible, the whole humanity can be saved from being destroyed by its own leaders - religious, political, social. This crisis in a way is good because it is going to force people to choose...

... more houses for people. Science is capable now, if it is no longer engaged only in war and creating more war material, to create so much food that five times more people can live happily on this earth than exist today. Today there are only five billion people. Twenty-five billion people can live joyously without hunger, without suffering from diseases. But science should be released from the hands of...

... nations, which are forcing their scientists to create more war material. Scientists are functioning almost like prisoners. I want it to be known to the whole world: if you are not ready to be one, be ready to disappear from this planet. But I hope there are intelligent people who would like to survive, who would like this beautiful planet to grow more beautiful, this humanity to grow more intelligent. I...

... inexpressible. We need more happy people around the earth to prevent the third world war. You will be amazed, surprised by my answer. You may not be able immediately to find what connection there can be between nuclear weapons and people's laughter - there is. These nuclear weapons and these destructive war machines cannot work by themselves. They are being worked by human beings, behind them are human hands...

... celebration around the earth. Reduced to a single statement, I can say: if we can make humanity happier, there is not going to be any third world war. Giovanni wants to have a ride on a bicycle so he decides to go and ask his friend Mario if he can borrow his. On the way he starts to think, "For sure, Mario will tell me to be careful with the bike, but I will tell him not to worry; then he will tell me...

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