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Found: 1858 articles, showing 510 - 520
... enlightened men. Engo comes very close, almost to the point; hence he has to be heard with absolute silence. He is saying something which is difficult to say. His effort is tremendously valuable. He says about the enlightened man: THE ENLIGHTENED MAN ENJOYS PERFECT FREEDOM IN ACTIVE LIFE. That is the foundation of his following statements; it has to be understood, with all its implications. The unconscious...

... people cannot be wrong. And the reality is, so many people cannot be right! To be right is a very unique experience; to be right is to be enlightened. Beware of this unconscious calculation that because the whole world is doing something, it must be right; so many people cannot be wrong. This is the arithmetic we have been living. So we stumble, we grope in the darkness; we follow this man, we follow...

... drink the tea and forget what that drunkard did. And I have also brought a banana for your monkey." People never think, what kind of children they are having. That drunkard was at least honest, and the driver was also honest. But unconscious people go on doing things without any reason and rhyme. The unconscious man is basically a follower in every dimension of life. He doesn't have the sense to...
... comes across you today. The factual memory is that "this man insulted me yesterday." The psychological memory is that seeing that man you become angry; seeing that man, you start boiling up. And the man may be coming just to ask for your apology; the man may be coming to be excused, to be forgiven. He may have realized his mistake; he may have realized his unconscious behaviour. He may be...

... GO ON MISUNDERSTANDING YOU? BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT CONSCIOUS. It is natural in an unconscious state. Rather than trying to understand me, start becoming more conscious. And you cannot simply understand me and remain unconscious the remaining time; it can't happen that way. You will have to bring the quality of consciousness to your twenty-four-hour life. You cannot just be conscious listening in the...

... close yourself is to become unconscious. There is no other way. You can put off your consciousness - then the traffic goes on roaring and you need not be disturbed. You become insensitive to it. The train passes by and you are insensitive. The plane is passing and you are insensitive. That's how you have become. Scientists say we are only two percent alert; ninety-eight percent we are insensitive. We...
... angry look and ruffles his feathers. Deep down in the unconscious he is still ready to fight. On the surface he is getting calm and quiet but if a cock passes he still gets that angry look. Now it is not conscious, now it is unconscious, but he is growing, moving. Now the fight has dropped from his conscious mind but from the unconscious it has not dropped, not yet. AGAIN TEN DAYS: THE TRAINER SAID...

... there somewhere in the unconscious. It can uncoil at any moment - and if you relax it will uncoil. Once it happened that a Sufi was brought to me. For thirty years he had been practising and he had really practised, there was no doubt about it. He was almost perfect, just like this cock. He had many disciples and they told me that wherever he looks, in the trees, in the rocks, in the stars, he sees...
... don't have any direct approach to the source of knowledge. It happened in the Second World War: a soldier was hurt very deeply in his toe and the leg, and the toe was in severe pain. The pain was so much the soldier became unconscious. The surgeons decided to operate the whole leg. It could not be saved it was so damaged, so they cut it. The soldier was unconscious so he never knew what happened. Next...

..., depends on messengers which are not very reliable - cannot be. Their very nature is unreliable. Why? Your hand touches something; now the hand is an unconscious thing. From the very beginning an unconscious part of you takes the message. Intelligence is hidden behind, and on the door an idiot is sitting, and the idiot takes the message. The idiot is the receptionist. Hand is not conscious, and the hand...
... self. The sadhaka then experiences...." Saying this, the moment he started to describe in detail the realization of supreme self, he was plunged in samadhi and became unconscious. When the samadhi came to an end and he came back, he tried again to describe it and was again in samadhi; again he became unconscious. After repeated attempts Ramkrishna broke into tears, started crying, and told his...

... will remain unconscious. It's natural because the bliss of sahasrar is such, one is almost overpowered by it. The bliss is so oceanic that one is possessed by it and taken over. One is no longer oneself, once you transcend the third eye. Ramkrishna tried and failed, could not describe it. Many others have not even tried. Lao Tzu resisted, for his whole life, saying anything about the world of tao...

.... The body will not accept it: "It is not mine." The body has no I but it has an amness. If you need blood, anybody's blood won't do. The body will not accept all sorts of blood, only a particular blood. It has its own amness. That will be accepted; some other blood will be rejected. The body has its own feel of its being. Very unconscious, very subtle and pure, but it is there. Yom eyes are...
... is the root cause of the idea of moksha, paradise, heaven. And they are right - because everybody has that unconscious experience, unconscious memory, that for nine months there was no responsibility. no worry. All was absolutely beautiful; things were perfect, everything was in harmony. That unconscious memory makes you grope for a paradise. The search is again for a womb - of course a universal...

... trees cannot think they are separate. Only man can think that he is separate, because only man can think. So the greatest blessing has been turned by you into the greatest curse. Only man can know that he is one with God. No tree can know it. The tree lives in God but it cannot know that it is one with God - it is unconscious, it is fast asleep. Only man can know that he is one with God. But with that...
... unconscious, certainly, but you are not in a prison. The prison is a dream, a nightmare, that you have managed to see in your sleep. So the basic question is not how to come out of the prison; the basic question is how to come out of the sleep. And there is a great difference in how you articulate the question. If you start thinking, "How to come out of the prison?" then you will start fighting...

... available to you to move, to be, to live, to love. And then you know the basic mechanism: less conscious, and the walls come closer; unconscious, and the walls are just touching you from everywhere. You are in a small cell; even a slight movement is not possible. Remember this phrase: expansion of consciousness. With that expansion, YOU expand. One day, when your consciousness is absolute and there is not...

... a lingering shadow of darkness inside, when there is nothing unconscious in you, all has become conscious, when the light is burning bright, when you are luminous from the inner awareness - then suddenly you see that even the sky is not your limit, there is no limitation to you. This is the whole experience of the mystics of all the ages. When Jesus says: "I and my father in heaven are one...

... interpretation of words. So when I am saying something, I don't know what you are going to understand out of it. Each one has a private dictionary hidden in the unconscious. That private dictionary goes on infiltrating, changing, coloring. I have been telling you to become free. You have misunderstood me - you thought you are in a prison. Yes, I say "Become free!" Immediately you interpret it as if...
... the mind thinks about food, the more the work of the stomach will be wasted; it will become disturbed. Try sometime to digest your food by thinking! Usually you eat your food, and then you don't think about it. The food enters the stomach by itself and the stomach does the work of digesting it. It is an unconscious center, it does its job. You don't have to think about it. But some day be alert and...

... think about it: now the food has reached the stomach, now it is getting digested, now this may be happening, now that may be happening.... You will find that digesting your food has become impossible that day. The more thinking enters, the more there will be a disturbance in the unconscious process of the stomach. Such incidents happen rarely with food - except with those people who are obsessed with...

... in life! All that was sleeping, all that was lying as if dead, all that was unconscious, starts becoming conscious. Something sleeping starts awakening, flowers start blossoming, birds start singing. An invisible flow from the sun leaves its influence on us. There are some more invisible sources of life-energy which reach to us in this way - they manage our life continuously. Not only the sun, not...

... which flower is hiding behind a wall so that it can reach it. The sun does not even know about the flowers. It is all an absolutely unconscious life process: the sun rises, the flowers blossom. If a flower is closed inside a wall, it will not blossom, it will wither away and die. Life-energy is flowing from all directions but those whose navel centers are not open will be deprived of that flow. They...
... spiritless because of these kind of stupidities. Glory does not develop through repetition; repetition gives birth to unconsciousness. So those races which have learnt the method of repetition, learn to go to sleep by repeating something. If your child is sick in the house you can avoid the situation by chanting 'Rama, Rama'. As you become unconscious the child disappears, the world disappears, you do not...

... whole being should wake up. Meditation is the name of that state of awareness. But in India you can lie there in an unconscious state and the people around you say that you have attained samadhi! Saliva is dribbling out of your mouth and you are lying there dizzy and in a fit and people are saying that you have attained samadhi! This is hysteria but people think that you are in samadhi. This is...

... neither meditation nor samadhi, it is just a hysterical disease. Becoming unconscious is a disease. In America or Europe, if somebody gets hysterical or falls sick, he is treated, but in India people are so mad and ignorant that they will sing devotional songs around the person saying that this great man has attained samadhi! If the people were intelligent they would arrange for some treatment for all...

... these great people. They are all sick, not healthy. Their disease is mental; it is the ultimate result of mental tension. It is not samadhi when a person is lying on the ground unconscious with saliva dribbling out of his mouth. It is sheer stupidity that the devotees are singing songs and saying that the person has attained samadhi. Samadhi means total awareness, it does not mean sleep...
... there outside, still you are not within. You go on thinking of others; you go on moving outwards. Even while asleep you are dreaming of others, you are not within. Only in very deep sleep, when there is no dreaming, are you within; but then you become unconscious. Remember this fact: when you are conscious you are never within, and when you are within in deep sleep you become unconscious. So your...

...; that is the right moment. Persist! Do not be afraid. Death is not so easy. At least up until now not a single person has died using this method. There are built-in securities, that is why you cannot die. Before death one becomes unconscious. If you are conscious and feeling that you are going to die, do not be afraid. You are still conscious, so you cannot die. And if you become unconscious, then...

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