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Found: 2312 articles, showing 590 - 600
... there had been no miracles on this Perean mission. This was a period when the gospel was proclaimed with power, without miracles, and most of the time without the personal presence of Jesus or even of his apostles. (1833.3) 167:0.3 Jesus and the ten apostles arrived at Philadelphia on Wednesday, February 22, and spent Thursday and Friday resting from their recent travels and labors. That Friday night...

... profound and stupendous outward working of his entire earth career. The Jews clung to the idea of a wonder-working deliverer. And though he refused to stoop to the performance of material wonders or to the enactment of temporal exhibitions of political power, he did now ask the Father’s consent for the manifestation of his hitherto unexhibited power over life and death. (1837.2) 167:4.3 The Jews were in...

... the night, he is liable to stumble since he is without light. As long as my day lasts, I fear not to enter Judea. I would do one more mighty work for these Jews; I would give them one more chance to believe, even on their own terms — conditions of outward glory and the visible manifestation of the power of the Father and the love of the Son. Besides, do you not realize that our friend Lazarus has...
... lotus. Nobody except man has this tremendous power, potential, to surpass himself; hence surpassing oneself is the most distinctive characteristic of human beings. Then the paradox can be understood: why you become real man when you surpass humanity... because then you have used the greatest gift that God has given you, then you have used the space, the opportunity, the context, of life. You have used...

... tremendous power over foolish people, because they speak with such certainty, with such absoluteness. Their very confidence in their belief becomes contagious. Hinduism is a poetic way of saying something about that which cannot be said, so is Christianity, so is Islam - different poetic ways, different methods to make available something which is intrinsically unavailable... gestures, fingers pointing to...
... chance to manage the education of the country - not a politician who can manage to get more votes. And we have experts in education, experts in finance, experts in every department - geniuses, but those geniuses have no power. Power goes to mediocre people. This is strange. Power should be in the hands of the best; only then we can hope something good can come out of it. My own idea is something better...

... one, Hindus have the majority. The Mohammedans would always be second, they could never be in power. There was no possibility of their ever being in power. But he played the very cunning role of a saint - that all religions are one, and every morning and evening he was singing devotional songs with his disciples, Hindus, Mohammedans and Christians. Haridas was really a man of guts. I know him...
... idiotic politicians are not satisfied with the power they have. They want more power. They want to be world conquerors." Because of this lust for power, love has been completely destroyed. Both cannot exist together. I want it to be absolutely clear to you: Lust for power and the beauty of love cannot exist together. But religions would like you only to love people of your own religion - others are...

... destroying man, they cannot exist. Either man can exist in his dignity or your so-called churches and popes and priests can exist, with great power. Just the other day... I could not believe it, but I have to believe because it is a fact. Anando brought me the news that the Catholic church has decided that there will not be any other kind of music in the churches than that which is absolutely devoted to...
... - I don't have to create it. Once hindrances are removed you will start growing and flowing. You will start searching on your own, and soon you will gain strength and a new power, because even a small discovery on your own will give you such immense happiness that you cannot conceive it. Just a small discovery on your own and you are a different being, because now truth is born in you. It may be...

... not coming because the synagogue is holding you, the temple is holding you, the church is holding you; the padre, the priest, the minister won't let you go. The crowd around you is hanging round your neck. They will not let you go out of their fold. To them it is a question of politics, politics of numbers. They are afraid that if people start going on their own, they will lose their power, their...

... this big idea in his small head that he was the messiah. And it is not very difficult to get such ideas, if you are articulate enough. He was not educated but he was certainly articulate. And sometimes uneducated people, if they are articulate, speak with a strength, power, authority, which intellectuals, sophisticated, very educated people, cannot manage. The very educated person, the very...

... sophisticated, is always hesitant. There are so many ifs and buts in him. He has so many doubts himself, he knows that he does not know millions of things. But men like Jesus or Kabir, who are absolutely uneducated, for them to be authoritative and to declare with vigor and power is very easy. You just have to collect a bunch of fools around you, which is the easiest thing in the world. Just stand on your...

...." They would like to believe in Jesus, that he is the messiah, because if they believe him to be the messiah then his words have authority and consoling power. If they don't believe in him as the messiah, then he is just an ordinary man. So many could not understand the whole psychology of what he was saying, and to whom he was saying it. People started following him, listening to him - ordinary...
... is ingested from the outside. The body needs physical food; without it, it will start withering away. This is how it survives; it contains nothing but physical food. Your mind contains memories, thoughts, desires, jealousies, power trips, and a thousand and one things. All that is also food; on a little more subtle plane it is food. Thought is food. Hence when you have nourishing thoughts your...

... the world, because they have so much power and so little intelligence left. But those psychologists are not aware of another thing that I would like to tell you. In fact people choose them to be prime ministers and presidents because they are no longer intelligent. People don't like intelligent persons. People like people who look like them, who are like them; they feel they are not strangers...

... give birth to something new, a new mind, a new consciousness. People choose dull dead persons to be in power because you can be safe with them. Now, India is very safe with Morarji Desai; he is not going to do a single thing. He will keep everything intact, he will keep this country's ugly bureaucracy as it is. He will not change anything; his whole effort will be to stop change. Jaiprakash Narayan...

... was thinking of bringing about a total revolution, and what has happened is total failure. Countries choose mediocre people to be in power, because they will save their tradition, their conventions, their prejudices. They will protect their poisons. Instead of destroying them, they will enhance them and strengthen them. It is certainly dangerous to have unintelligent people in powerful posts. And it...

... is becoming more and more dangerous, because they have more and more power and less and less intelligence. But why does it happen? There is a subtle logic in it. People don't want to change. Change is arduous, change is difficult. If you change your poisonous foods you will be surprised; a new intelligence will be released in you. And this new intelligence will make it possible not to go on...
... unconscious, help him to meditate, and you will be surprised and he will be surprised to find that the desire for money is not really the desire for money, it is the desire to expand. And the same is the case with all other desires. Men want more power, more fame, longer life, better health, but what are they desiring in these different things? The same, exactly the same: they want to be more. They don't...

... have a little more freedom of choice, but that does not satisfy. The desire was for the infinite, and money cannot purchase the infinite. Yes, you have more power, you are more well-known, but that doesn't really matter in the long run. Millions of people have lived on this earth and were very famous, and now nobody even knows their names. Everything has disappeared into dust -- dust into dust, not...

... even traces are left. Where is Alexander the Great? What is he? Would you like to be a dead Alexander the Great or an alive beggar? Ask yourself, and your being will say it is better to be alive and be a beggar than to be dead and be an Alexander. If you watch carefully, money, power, prestige -- nothing satisfies. On the contrary, they make you more discontented. Why? -- because when you were poor...

... for power, the desire for prestige, are wrong objects for desire -- let it be very clear. By having wrong objects of desire, desire itself does not become wrong. You can have a sword and you can kill somebody -- that does not make the sword something wrong. You can also save somebody with the same sword. Poison can kill and poison can become medicine too. In the right hands, poison is nectar; in the...

... money, desiring power, desiring prestige -- mind knows about desires for objects. When the objects are no more there, desire is no more part of the mind. Then desire is beyond mind; then desire is simply an overflowing energy. William Blake says desire is energy and energy is delight. I have heard a rumor that Sargama, one of our sannyasins, is a direct descendant of William Blake. We have beautiful...

...? Those seventy cats." And because he did not fight - he went behind his ranks to avoid those cats - he was defeated; otherwise Nelson had not the guts to defeat Napoleon. Nelson was no comparison to the great warrior Napoleon; but those cats were even bigger warriors. In fact, psychoanalysts have come to the conclusion that the people who become interested in power - either of money or of politics...

... enemies." That's why Adolf Hitler's body has not been found. But what kind of marriage? - just after the ceremony, a second ceremony of taking poison and being burned. Great leaders of man... but nobody has gone into analyzing their heart. There is bound to be an inferiority complex. A man who is free from an inferiority complex has no desire for power, has no desire to dominate others, has no...

... become a delight unto yourself because you have all the possibilities, the whole spectrum of the rainbow, all the colors. In unity, in oneness the weaker is no more weaker, and the stronger is no more stronger - they have melted into one. TO MEASURE YOU BY YOUR SMALLEST DEED IS TO RECKON THE POWER OF OCEAN BY THE FRAILTY OF ITS FOAM. The foam is very frail, momentary; it is there now, and after a...

... understanding has no judgments; he simply loves. Whether you are a saint or a sinner is not his business; whatever you are, do it perfectly well, do it with totality and intensity; whatever existence wants you to do, allow - don't come in between. To judge you... TO MEASURE YOU BY YOUR SMALLEST DEED IS TO RECKON THE POWER OF OCEAN BY THE FRAILTY OF ITS FOAM. TO JUDGE YOU BY YOUR FAILURES IS TO CAST BLAME UPON...
... is not within your power to create it. Any created grace will be false, phony. Grace comes as a flowering of your being. The moment your meditation reaches to the deepest core, to the very center of the cyclone, a tremendous silence, peace and blissfulness arise within you. Grace is the total effect of all these qualities: silence, peace, love, compassion, blissfulness, ecstasy. When these things...

... production in the world ever. We can feed more people than there are on the earth. There is no need for anybody to die through starvation. Science has provided every possible technology, but no politician, no political party is interested in it; no government is interested in it. Their interest seems to be very insane. If it was in my power, I would put all the presidents and all the prime ministers into...

... madhouses. That is the right place where they belong. They are sick people; in fact, only a sick psychology can be ambitious. A healthy psychology is not ambitious -- you are happy as you are, so there is no need for you to become a president of the country. Then will you be happy? No president is happy, because happiness has nothing to do with your post, with your money, with your power. It has something...

... many surgeons, almost all surgeons obsolete, unemployed. It will throw all the doctors on to the streets. All the great manufacturers of medicine will be out of business and bankrupt. These are the problems because the establishment goes on preventing. Nobody thinks of man as such; everybody thinks about his own interest, money, power, investment. There are many inventions lying down in government...

... time to meditate and find out who you are. Right now you have to find out many other things -- money, power, prestige, respectability. This is not the time to waste in finding yourself. That you can do at any moment when you will not be of any use in life, and life will reject you by retiring you." It is strange that everywhere when people are retired, their colleagues gather together just to...
... the race. Individuals come and go, but humanity has to continue. Life has to continue. It cannot depend on individuals' decision, because they are only temporary. They will be here for a time being; their decisions cannot be of any value. So celibacy, sexual energy, the power to reproduce, has been kept in the hands of life itself. You cannot do anything about it. Q: YOU SAID BEFORE THAT THIS WAS...

... dormant and never active. Your will to live is exhausted, tired; you may like to live, but you have been using that will, that energy, that power. You have Your will to live is exhausted, tired; you may like to live, but you have been using that will, that energy, that power. You have never used your will to die. That has remained there dormant, underneath. In fact Sigmund Freud was the first man to...

..., religion created celibacy, and both created perverted sexuality. In my commune marriage is just a legal game, because idiots are holding the power, so okay -- just play according to their rules, but remember that it is unnatural. Q: I WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT YOU'RE ENCOURAGING MARRIAGE AMONGST PEOPLE TOO. A: No. Q: ESPECIALLY IN THE LIGHT OF THE, THE PROBLEM WITH AIDS AND SO FORTH, THAT PEOPLE...

... is good for both of you to be free. Remain legally married -- no harm. If fools are making rules and they are in power, nothing can be done about it, but we can find out a way. Any intelligent person is able to find out a way. In my commune marriage is just a game, otherwise whomsoever wants, whomsoever, they are free... and no prevention, that's why they are so joyous, because they are not bored...

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