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Found: 2312 articles, showing 2040 - 2050
..., perfect, absolute ego. Yoga would have appealed to Nietzsche very much because he felt that the energy which is working behind life is the energy of will - the will to power. Yoga gives you that feeling. You are more powerful through it. The more you can control yourself, the more you can control your instincts, the more you can control your body and the more you can control your mind, then the more you...
... same. Change yourself, love yourself, and love whatsoever you do; howsoever small it makes no difference. I am reminded of an anecdote. It happened that when Abraham Lincoln became President, on the first day when he was inaugurating the senate, someone who was very jealous of his power, his prestige, his success, stood and said to Abraham Lincoln, 'Lincoln, don't forget that your father was a...
... not the right person. The very motivation, the desire for power will show that he is not the right person. But still I will give them to him because I don't want to be bothered with all kinds of things about the monastery. I am perfectly happy - I would go back to the kitchen." But the monks realized that they had been wrong about the poor fellow: "He is not poor. He is the richest monk...
... will give suggestions and you have simply to follow. First I will give suggestions to relax the body, each part of the body, so no tension remains. Then I will suggest that you are falling into sleep... deeper, deeper, deeper. Don't resist." Nasruddin followed. His family was surprised, because he was not a man to listen to anybody - perhaps the hypnotist had some power. And he started giving...
... will laugh. It is not any power; this man is befooling you. On your back, there are spots which are sensitive spots and there are spots which are insensitive spots. Just tell your child or your wife or your friend to take a needle and prick you in different places on your back, and you will be surprised: in a few places you will feel the pain and in a few places you will not feel even that the needle...
... about, that revolution comes through understanding the ways of the ego. Once you have understood that it is the same ego that was after money, after power, prestige, politics - the same ego is now playing inner games of meditation, enlightenment, and all that nonsense - once you recognize it is the same ego, in that very recognition, a laughter arises in you. You start feeling the ridiculousness of it...
... offers - or at least promises to offer. You have known it, and it is only by knowing it that one becomes aware of the deceptiveness of it all. You have seen the illusion - now turn in. Now become a sannyasin! You have been a worldly man up to now. And by a worldly man I simply mean one who is absolutely unaware of himself and is concerned about trivia - money, power, prestige. And I call the person a...
... AS SUCH is wrong. Conditioning is nothing but a process of hypnotizing people: go on repeating from the very childhood, in the church, in the Sunday school.... You have been told about God and prayer and you have been told by your parents and teachers and priests and all the authoritative people. And the small child has learned how to imitate those who are in power. Now you have completely...
... magnetic force. And any fool can gather disciples there. All that you have to know is some esoteric nonsense. You talk about seven chakras and seven planes and you talk about kundalini and the serpent power and you talk about SIDDHIS, spiritual powers and astral travels, and you will find people coming to you - intelligent people, far more intelligent people than these Muktanandas. In fact, it is a...
... accidents; you are too worried about them. Your whole time and energy is wasted in them. You become so much occupied with the non-essential that the essential is forgotten. This is the state of the man who is asleep: always focused on the non-essential. Thinking of money, thinking of power, thinking of the house, thinking of the car, thinking of this and that - but never looking at that which is your...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).