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Found: 2312 articles, showing 1460 - 1470
... prove, I have to justify myself, I have to defend myself, I have to fight. And not only fight, I have to win. ' Ambition is immaturity. It is very rare to find a mature person. If you can find a mature person you have found a Buddha. Otherwise all are desiring in different ways. Somebody is desiring money and somebody is desiring moksha. Somebody is desiring power and somebody is desiring God. And...

... are very very ready to get into new dreams because they are naturally fed-up with the old dreams, repetitive dreams - the wife, the husband, the money, the power. Then somebody comes and says, 'What are you doing? Leave this to ordinary mortals. You are a spiritual being. Come, and I will tell you how to develop spiritually.' And naturally one is fed-up with the old games, finished with the old...
.... They were desiring money, they were desiring fame, they were desiring prestige, they were desiring power. Now they are desiring non-desire. Only the object has changed, and they remain the same and their desiring remains the same. But now the desire has become more deceptive. Because of this, Shiva proceeds immediately with no introduction whatsoever. He immediately starts talking about techniques...

...: if you stop your breath, the mind stops suddenly. If you stop your breath just now, your mind will stop suddenly; the mind cannot function. A sudden stoppage of breath and the mind stops. Why? Because they are disjoined. Only a moving breath is joined with the mind, with the body; a non-moving breath is disjoined. Then you are in the neutral gear. The car is running, the power is on, the car is...
... effects. So do not think that the Himalayas are bigger because they have such a big body. The Himalayas are just impotent before an atomic explosion. One small atom can wipe out the whole Himalayas. Size in gross material is not necessarily power. On the contrary, the smaller the unit, the more penetrating. The smaller the unit, the more intensely it is filled with power. These small techniques are...
... meditation you forget your body completely, and the identification is broken. The body is a very small thing; you are very big, you have infinite power. The body has nothing in comparison to you. It is as if an emperor has become identified with his slave, so as the slave goes begging, the emperor goes begging; as the slave weeps, the emperor weeps. When the slave says, "I am no one," the emperor...

... says, "I am no one." Once the emperor recognizes his own being, once he recognizes that he is the emperor and this man is just a slave, everything will change suddenly. You are infinite power identified with a very finite body. Once you realize your self, then weightlessness becomes more and the weight of the body less. Then you can levitate, the body can go up. There are many, many stories...
..., and sex is the beginning of death. Because of this Christians say Jesus was born from a virgin mother. Just to say that he is no mortal, no ordinary mortal, they say he was born to a virgin mother. "He is no ordinary mortal"... just to say this, just to say that death has no power over him, they had to create this myth. This is a part of a long myth. If he was born out of sex, then death...

... would have its power over him. Then he could not escape death, as with sex, death enters. So they say that he was born without any sex act; he was not a by-productof sex. They say that because he was the son of a virgin mother, he could revive again - resurrect. They crucified him, but they could not kill him. He remained alive because he was not a by-product of sex. They could not kill him. If really...
.... Those who indulge, they go to the masters, who are against it. And you can see a deep relationship... If you are after riches, money, power, you will always worship someone who is against riches - the ascetic. One who has renounced will be your ideal. A rich society can worship and respect only one who has renounced riches. Look around and you will see. If you are indulging in sex, you must respect a...

... the world is not helpful when you move toward a deeper existence. Then you have to reverse your steps. Be active if you are moving in politics, in society, for riches or for power. Be inactive if you are moving into God, into religion, into meditation. Passivity is the way there. And nothing is wrong about the negative either - nothing is wrong! 'Negative' only means that something has to be dropped...
... power too. Its very fire transforms you from the base metal into gold, from an ordinary human being into an extraordinary divine existence. But, remember, your yes should not come out of any sort of coercion, physical or psychological. Somebody is a Christian because he has been coerced from his very childhood to be a Christian, and somebody is a Jew because he has been coerced from the very beginning...

... God that is within you. Kabir says: YOU DON'T GRASP THE FACT THAT WHAT IS MOST ALIVE OF ALL IS INSIDE YOUR OWN HOUSE... But nobody teaches you. The whole teaching is: "Go out! Search for money, for power, for prestige" -- and they are not found within. Peace is found within, silence is found within, stillness is found within, godliness is found within. But those are not the goals that you...
... of before and after? THIS very moment... let it sink in you. And all that is needed on your part is total receptivity. Fling all doors open, let the sun come in, aud the wind and the rain. Enlightenment is not like money, is not like political power. It is not like anything that you know in life -- it is absolutely unlike anything that you have known or will ever know. It is unique in the sense...

... little shocked. But if you go on saying the same thing again and again -- whenever the mind wants to create a desire to achieve something, you simply say, "Shut up!" -- slowly slowly it will understand that now you are beyond its power. Only then does it start stopping It will make all kinds of efforts. You have to be alert not to be caught in those efforts. And that's my function of being...
... in Russia, in Tiflis, and Gurdjieff sent a message, "Come immediately. Sell everything there. Don't waste a single moment. Bring all the money and come." Those were the days of the first world war; it was very difficult to travel, dangerous to travel, and going back to Russia was dangerous for Ouspensky because the Bolsheviks, communists, had come into power and Russia, the whole of...

... the world is cunning, what are you going to lose by being innocent, simple? Nothing of real value can be lost by being simple. In fact, by being simple and innocent the real is attained. Yes, by cunningness you can attain to power, to money, to prestige, but what is the point of attaining all that? Death is bound to take everything away from you. And can't you see the people who are powerful? Are...
... in the desire for money, somebody is caught in the desire for power, somebody is caught in the desire for renunciation, somebody is caught in the desire for paradise - all desires! A real man of understanding has no desire. He lives in the moment and whatsoever is available, he enjoys it to its totality. He squeezes each moment, he drinks each moment! He eats whatsoever is available. He sleeps, but...

... stupid! But the reason is that people cannot abandon their miseries. They can renounce the gold and the palaces and the money and the power, they can renounce everything, but when it comes to renouncing the miseries, this becomes the most difficult thing they encounter, because miseries have been with you so long that you don't know any other style of living. The only style that you have become...

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