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Found: 2264 articles, showing 780 - 790
... in a bondage in the world and you have to drop the bondage and attain to ultimate freedom. Unless you attain to ultimate freedom - when all bondages of attachment, possessiveness, domination, have disappeared, when there is no greed, no anger, no sex, when there is nobody left and you are a pure soul... then you have arrived. This is the goal, moksha. He asked about moksha. But no Christian ever...

.... People sit silently for hours, and maybe somebody starts swaying. But the one thing to be remembered is: nobody has to do anything. If it happens it is good. Somebody sometimes starts saying something, but the rule has to be followed: nobody should try to say anything. If it happens on its own, if one finds that something needs to be said, on its own is ready to be said, is just on the tongue, wants to...

... the person himself - as if God has taken possession of him. He has become just a hollow bamboo, a flute, and some unknown energy has started singing through him. The rule has to be followed. But in a Quaker group it is very difficult to follow the rule, because the basic thing is missing - the Master is missing. In a Sufi group the Master is a must. The Sufi group arises only when the center is...
... watertight compartments between anger and love; they are all together, mixed with each other. It is the same energy. If you repress anger you will have to repress love too. If you express love, you will be surprised - anger is arising with it. Either suppress all or all will have to be expressed. You have to understand this arithmetic of your inner organic unity. Either be expressive or be repressive. The...

.... It comes by experiencing all the aspects, it comes by exploring all the dimensions. It comes out of understanding. You have been in anger and you have understood something in it: that understanding brings discipline. It is not control. Control is ugly, discipline is beautiful. The word 'discipline' basically means capacity to learn, hence the word 'disciple'. It does not mean control; it means to...
..., howsoever they guard their principles, basically they serve the status quo. They are the modern version of the priest. In the ancient days the priest used to serve the same function. He used to keep people under rule, under control. He was serving the king. There was a conspiracy between the priest and the politician. The politician would touch the feet of the priest and the priest was enforcing a certain...

... somebody provoked her and she became so angry that she lost her control, her usual control. She lost her temper and said some vulgar words. People were shocked. They could not believe such ugly words could come from such a respectable woman. They had not ever thought about it. They were so shocked that silence fell and then she was also shocked by their shock. Then she understood what she had done. She...
... have worms in their stomach or have gone crazy. And that is natural to a dog's understanding. Your mind has been conditioned for centuries by people who have not understood your real needs. They have not bothered at all. They were looking for something else and they have managed that very well... they were looking for how to dominate people. And the easiest way is to create a guilty conscience...

... -- then it is very easy to dominate people. Once the guilt exists you will be dominated by one or the other, by this or that, but you will be dominated. A guilty person never feels at ease with himself, he cannot have any confidence; he knows that he is wrong so he goes and finds a leader, he goes and finds some church, he goes and finds somebody to guide him. He is unconfident, hence the need arises...

... indirectly. This parable is written in this age; a very rare man, Franz Kafka, has written it. He was really a rare man. He struggled hard not to write because, he said, what he wanted to write could not be written. So he struggled hard but he could not control the temptation to write, so he wrote. And he wrote in one of his diaries,'I am writing because it is difficult not to write, and knowing well that...

... which cannot be said. And I could not resist so I have written. Now this is the only way. I have written it because I could not control myself. I had to write knowing well that it could not be written, so now, without reading it, destroy, burn everything utterly. Nothing should be left.' But the friend could not do it. And it is good that he did not. This is one of Kafka's parables. Listen to it...
... world and the child was waiting and waiting. Now he has become retired, now all those occupations are gone and his energy also is weakening, so all those controls are also gone. Because when you control yourself and you pretend something that you are not and you hide something that you are, great energy is needed. The old man is naturally losing energy; his control is gone, he cannot control, so that...

... old - the old man went and broke open a wall. And the man was perspiring although it was a cold night, and he was trembling. But the father was working so at ease, as if this were his own house. He broke open a hole, he entered and called the son. He went in, but his breathing was so chaotic that he could not control it, and the father was as if he were not breathing. Then the father took him in. He...
... thinking that he was a politician and he wanted to rule the world, he wanted to create his own kingdom. He was talking continuously and saying to people, "I have come to establish the Kingdom of God." He was saying something, the politicians were interpreting something else. He was not talking of the kingdom of this world, he was talking of the kingdom of the other world, the invisible. He was...

... at all. Poverty is ugly and poverty has to be destroyed. And to destroy poverty, technology has to be brought in. Mahatma Gandhi was against birth control. Now if you are against birth control this country will become poorer and poorer every day. Then there is no possibility. One day Mulla Nasruddin was saying to me, "Osho, it seems that soon everybody will be reduced to beggars. All will be...

... celibacy; not birth control but celibacy: people should be celibate so that the population can be reduced. Now this is nonsense. How many people can be celibate? And this is not a way to reduce the population. And they still think in terms of no-technology, no-machines. The whole country is becoming like a wound, a cancer. I see all this. That's also why I don't want to leave this country. I want to...
... then a problem arises. In that moment of oneness you are ecstatic, you rejoice, but then the problem arises: this oneness, is it man or woman? Which is the dominating factor? That is the conflict. Man and woman want to be one, but man wants to remain the dominating factor in that oneness; the woman should surrender, submit. And the same is the desire from the woman's side, that the man should...

... surrender and submit. Both want to be one, but that oneness has to be 'mine'. If I am man then that oneness has to be man's; the woman has to disappear into the man. If I am a woman then it has to be that of woman; the man has to disappear into the woman. Hence the conflict, the attraction and the repulsion, and the whole comedy and tragedy of life. The feminine principle is receptive and the masculine...

... is said that Stalin never used to laugh. How could he laugh? - a man of steel. Steel men cannot laugh. But this is ugly, this is becoming mechanical. This is dehumanizing. Either one becomes false, pseudo, or one becomes very hard, has to grow a hard crust to keep oneself in constant control. Tao says there is no need to deny the opposite polarity of your being. Accept it, it is you! Both these...

... the psychiatrists and the psychoanalysts are not in a better position either. Everybody is suppressed. Suppression is not transformation. Let it be understood once and for all! - repression can never become a transformation. Then what is transformation? And what is conservation of energy? Conservation of energy is a meditative process. It is not moralistic. I will suggest a small method to you that...
...; People are excited with something that is unexpected. Politicians rule over you because they provide excitement. Wars have been condemned for centuries but nobody listens, because everybody knows that a long peace will be so flat - people will start committing suicide, there is nothing happening. Just think of one year... no news happens. You just go on waiting and waiting and waiting. Then finally you...

... entered into my fold and my child has gone with somebody else." I said, "Now it is time you should stop; fifteen is too much." He said, "It is God and his grace. I cannot go against God." He was a very religious Hindu. "If God wants to give birth to more children, then who am I to prevent it?" All the religions of the world are against birth control methods, the pill...

... that someone is needed, a third party more powerful than both; then there is a possibility of agreement. But the third party - if it is more powerful than both, why should it bother about their agreement? It should rule over both. What is the point of their agreement or non-agreement? If China becomes the third party, more powerful than both, then certainly China will rule over Russia and America. In...
... trying how to save the old people. In the other half of their task - preventing childbirth - they have succeeded. Birth control has been accomplished; fifty percent of the operation has been completed. Now they are working on the other half - how to stop the old ones from dying. And some of our old ones seem to be of great use. Look at Einstein. If only we could have prevented his death! Centuries will...

..., by which time it is expected that we will have managed the technique. If not today then tomorrow, science may be able to invent some trick. If children can be prevented from being born, then sooner or later the elderly can be prevented from dying. If birth control is possible, then death control is also possible; it is just the other side of the same thing. And the day we will be able to stop the...

... old from dying, then total birth control will be imposed, because there cannot be enough space for both the old and the new. As it is, the old have to slip away to make room for the children. You should make it a point of awareness to observe, when a child is born into your home, you should become alert that some old man is nearing death. Otherwise, where is the space to come from? Every new breath...
... moment you take the electrode off, it unwinds, it goes back; it goes back to the beginning. You put on the electrode: strange, the man starts speaking. It is beyond his control, he cannot stop himself He will say the whole thing, unless you remove the electrode. Once you remove it, he simply closes his mouth, but within a second his mind is back into its old position, ready to repeat it again - a...

... together was true. So no old religion is capable of facing the challenge that is coming closer every day. The second news was about the man in charge of arms control talks, from the American side. He is a topmost boss, a mediator between the Soviet Union and America to bring some kind of dialogue and some solution. Some journalists asked that man's small son, showing him the map of the world, "Can...

... weapons, piling them up. And war is pointless, absolutely pointless. By the end of this century either we prevail over the earth, or... there is nobody else to prevail. Either Zorba the Buddha takes over, and the Mohammedans, the Christians, the Hindus, forget all their nonsense and start being more human, not superhuman.... Either they forget about hell and heaven and start thinking about this earth or...

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