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Found: 2264 articles, showing 2090 - 2100
... about birth control before. Now we are thinking constantly everywhere how to reduce the population, how to prevent new children from being born. Sooner or later we will have to think about the other end: how to help the old people to go faster, because that is absolutely logical, part of it. If we prevent children from coming in just to keep the world a little less populated - it is already too much...
... very center. And you have to learn one very fundamental rule: that when they happen there will be every possibility of moving back to the old pattern. You are so familiar with it, so accustomed to it - you have lived in it for so long; it seems so safe, secure, cozy, warm. And the clearing seems to be cold, vast, empty, insecure. But in the clearing is real security because in the clearing is...
... the abbot, "Remember, our rule is that you can speak only once in six years." So for six years he was silent, boiling within. After six years the abbot called him and asked him, "Have you something to say?" He said, "Yes. The bed is too hard. I need another bed." The abbot said, "Okay, that will be done. You can go." For six years again he was boiling. Six...
...; He shoots like an arrow across the desert. Suddenly he becomes aware of a steep canyon ahead of him. "Goddam! I forgot the other command," he says. "What shall I do with no means to slow down this mad horse?" Cursing and sweating, he approaches the deep canyon, and at the last moment he remembers: "Amen!" And just above the gorge the horse comes to a standstill...
... country, not bigger than a small state of India, a small province, but it dominated India - easily, very easily, with no problem. It was so simple to dominate. Cold countries become adventurous; Indians have never been adventurous. They will not leave their villages. There are thousands of people in India who have never gone beyond the boundary of their village, and they will never go. But the cold...
... attain brahmacharya; whenever sexual desire arises you needn't actively suppress it. You have only to straighten your spine for all the energy to flow upward. The same energy that flowed into sexual desire becomes the energy of brahmacharya. It is the same whether it flows downward through the first door into nature, or upward through the seventh door to reach pARAMATMA, the divine. The person who...
... has already tasted the wine of God, now no other wine can affect him. The king would do well to drink from Nanak's wine instead of the ordinary wine. These are songs of a drunkard. Nanak sings away like a small child or like a drunkard. He is not guided by any rule or conditions, nor has he tried to beautify his language. His poems are like uncut stones. When a poet writes, he writes and rewrites...
... pondered upon. He does not say, "This is it". He says, "It is only a reflection." Where there is the Seer, the Speaker, the I the ego - even if it be the gentle ego (asmita) - wherever 'I' exists, there can only be the reflection. But is this less - that we are able to see Truth even by means of a mirror? Lao Tzu takes care to see that we do not overlook the fact that this Truth is...
... conditions prevail even today, only the symbol has changed. You are ready to undergo a thousand discomforts if it satisfies your ego. You can leave a thousand pleasures if it does not feed your ego. Man is ready to be a martyr and willing to bear any hardship in his journey towards ego-fulfillment. Our clothes, our houses, our ornaments, our cars, in none of these do we worry about their suitability or...
... above me; this is an impossibility. But does this mean that surrender has never taken place in the world? It has happened, and it does happen, but only when it dawns on me that 'I am not'. As long as the 'I' exists, this surrender is my resolve. Buddha's cousin-brother Ananda received initiation from Buddha. He told Buddha that after initiation Buddha's orders would be the ultimate command for him...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).