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Found: 2264 articles, showing 1540 - 1550
... voice worked, but then the mind entered again and the mind said, "Don't listen to such nonsense, the stars are high and we are winning." Remember this: whenever you win, you win because of the inner voice. But the mind always comes in and takes charge. Whenever you feel happiness it is always from the inner. Then mind immediately jumps in and takes control and says, "It is because of me...

... controls again immediately. Mind is the great controller. You may be the master but he is the manager, and the manager has absorbed so much control and power that the manager thinks he is the master. And the master is completely forgotten. Be indifferent to mind. Whenever moments come which are wordless, silent, if the mind comes in, don't help and don't cooperate with it. Just look. Let it say...
... don't compete with small horses. They walk just like emperors. And because horses were small, they could enter into the army of Indian emperors, inside. And once the enemy attacks the elephant, he goes crazy, he creates a stampede. Then he does not bother whom he is destroying - his own people, his own army. He turns back and starts killing people. Now you cannot control him. India was defeated for...

... immediately pulled them in, killed them and ate them. They were keeping that elephant just to kill the criminals. Devadatta got the key and asked the man in whose control the elephant had grown up .... Still, even in his madness, the elephant remembered him and always followed him. Wherever the man wanted to take him he could take him; the elephant never harmed him. It is said that elephants have perhaps...
... never commit the same mistake again." You will try to control this anger through will. That's why the Western psychology has become analytical... analysis, dissection. The Eastern emphasis is not on the anger. The Eastern emphasis is on the self. To be aware when you are angry, to be so aware.... Not to think, because thinking is a sleeping thing. You can think while you are fast asleep; there is...

... situation is ripe, you are really angry to the peak -- boiling, burning -- then you become aware. Then there is still a third stage: the anger has not come, is still coming -- not the tail but the head. It is just entering your area of consciousness and you become aware -- then the elephant never materializes. You killed the animal before it was born. That is birth control. The phenomenon has not happened...
... your action, what will you do? You will suppress the anger and you will show a false face; you will have to wear a mask. If you have sexuality in you, what will you do to change it? You can take the vow of celibacy - of brahmacharya - and you can pretend, but deep down the volcano continues. You are sitting on a volcano which can erupt any moment. You will be constantly trembling, constantly afraid...

... is the rule to stop: when you start seeing that one person is looking like two, then go home - it is enough." One person looking like two, but the son said, "Where? Where is that one person?" He said, "Look there on that table two persons are sitting." And the son said, "There is nobody!" He had already drunk too much. Remember, when you are unconscious, things...
... in birth after birth, so the catharsis has to be done according to the degree of suppression. Therefore, do not be disheartened. "During catharsis I express only negative emotions, anger, jealousy, anguish, etcetera." It is alright. These are good signs. Throw them out. When you cathart absolutely then you will come across the other hidden streams. The day anger is plucked and thrown out...

... will come running to you from all sides. The most important rule of life, the most ancient religious law of life, is that you will not be able to attain joy and bliss when you go on running after it. Try to understand it like this: you have forgotten somebody's name. You say, "I know it but I cannot remember it. It is just on the tip of my tongue." But if it is on your tongue, why don't you...
... were not aware that one million Jews were being gassed, and what they see the smoke from chimneys of concentration camps are thousands of peoples' lives becoming smoke. Adolf Hitler cheated them by saying that you are the people who are meant to rule over the world. Of course, the people cannot say that they were not responsible in supporting Adolf Hitler. They were responsible as much as Adolf...

.... One, now no Adolf Hitler can deceive them. Enough is enough; no prophet, no messiah can deceive them. They have suffered too much. They know perfectly well that nobody is special. Neither German, nor Italian, nor English -- nobody is special. The suffering that they have gone through and the suffering they created for the whole world, at least proves one thing: that nobody is meant to rule over the...
... himself. Anybody who tries to be special has to keep certain tensions. Only an ordinary man can relax because there is nothing to fear. All these people who have founded your religions are not authentically spiritual. It is a new kind of politics, it is a new kind of power -- they have discovered how to rule over masses without being on the throne, without taking any responsibility for them. And small...

... have been brought up in crime -- they all have been to jails, they all have committed all kinds of things, they all have been taking drugs, alcohol... it was made clear to them that there will be no need for alcohol, there will be no need for drugs. We have a better drug, just you have to give us a little time: just if you can control yourself for three weeks the meditation will work and you will not...
... throat has settled down - there is no cough. You will have to assert your domination for a few days though. Too long have you allowed the slave to lord it over you, so when you begin to steal its power it is sure to rebel and defy you. You have decided to sit still for an hour. What is the worst that can happen? The feet turn numb... All right, let them! They feel itchy... So what! It is not a matter...

... purpose, but within a period of six months this state of 'just sitting' can be achieved. Now neither the body indulges in activities nor the mind. Do not fight the mind. Do not suppress it. Do not order it not to think, for remember, this too is thinking. Even this much of a thought can keep the mind going. The mind will stir up a great deal of chaos, but don't fight it. Your reactions will show that...
.... Whatever is mine is within my control, but it is not myself. If your leg is amputated you do not feel yourself to be diminished by that amount. If you lose your limbs or lose your eyes, or any other part or faculty of your body, you still remain an integrated whole. The body is crippled but you are a perfect whole. For this reason the most ugly men does not see himself as ugly, for inside each one of us...

... hands; then you are in control. Then, when the time comes to depart, it is you who decides whether to stay back and wait for the others to board your boat, and you become a tirthankara; or you want to be concerned about them. You will say that each man must find his own path; each man has to follow his own way. Who can guide whom? Who is to sit in whose boat? And you will open your sails and set forth...
... - sometimes in such places, we can never imagine. Our whole lives pass in such attitudes of ownership. If you come to me and I make you sit lovingly beside me, you will begin to assert ownership on me also! People write to me. As a rule, I reply the first letter, and at once I receive a second letter, then a third, a fourth! When I am able, I reply them but soon I discover they have nothing to write! It is...

... lifting of hand, to be silent and the Ocean obeyed! Even when dying, he made no claims. The enemies too were shocked! This man did know something after all. He may not be the son of God but he certainly had some knowledge and power for they had seen the sick being cured by the mere touch of his hand; they had seen corpses coming back to life at his command. The enemies also expected a miracle...

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