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Found: 2871 articles, showing 1790 - 1800
... yesterday. Something will tug on you. Something will tell you to just forget it. It feels very awkward in these orange clothes. I give you orange clothes just to provoke a little harassment, nothing else. If you are a thief you won't be able to remain a thief so easily. If you are mad for money, greedy, then your greed will not have the same strength. If you are in politics, running after the prestige of...

..., youth disappears, money is spent; all is gone but the inner nectar is saved, then all is saved. He who loses the inner loses all. He who saves the inner, saves all. But usually when a Jaina goes to the West he returns corrupted. Why? He was already corrupted - a paper flower, it was false, made through conditioning. Understand the difference between culture and religion. Religion is your inner nature...

... courageous. You also want to have fun like them, but you must pay the price for that and you are afraid to pay. You too are a thief, but one needs courage to steal and your courage is gone. You too want to cheat and make a pile of money, but one could be caught cheating, arrested, so you stop. If you are assured that no one will catch you, that there is no one to catch you, there is no fear of being...
... ordinary reasons like seeking health. You are ill and Jesus will cure you: or you are poor and Jesus will give you money - his blessings will become money to you; or you don't have a child and he can give you a child. The lower the aim, the more you will miss, because the lower the aim, the more you are in the deep valley - and Jesus exists on the top of the hill: the distance goes on becoming more and...

... cannot find a more materialistic man than the Indian. He lives for money, is greedy for possessions; it is impossible for him to give anything, he has forgotten how to give, he clings to everything. But he calls the whole world materialist, "And we are spiritualists" - a lie, a patent lie, but repeated so many times it looks like truth. It is false. Everybody invents his private lie also...
... currencies and the fact that there are two rates of exchange, one fixed by the government, the other by merchants. " These two rates constantly vary, rising and falling, and people who do not deal in money matters are easily misled. These operations are for the most part in the hands of the Jews, wise and clever people who, among capitalists, rank as high as the wealthiest in Europe. They occupy important...
... wastage. You have the money, and nothing has come. You have the power and the prestige and the respectability, and you remain empty - in fact, your whole life is gone, has gone down the drain. Now only death is waiting. Of course you will die as a successful man and there will be reports in the newspaper... but you never lived! You will die as a successful man, but you never lived truly, because life is...
... mention the sick, To Part b Original footnotes renumbered. See Structure of the Talmud Files A quotation from Prov. XII, 10. I.e., it is thanks to her suggestion and encouragement that he and, through him, his disciples, were able to acquire their knowledge. Which a competent authority may under certain conditions do. Lit., 'he'. Lit., money'. As her mother had done towards R. Akiba Lit., 'and this it...
... provide] for her maintenance, her act is30  valid.31  And so R. Dimi, when he came,32  related: It once happened that the daughter-in-law of R. Shabbethai seized33  a saddle bag34  that was full of money,35  and the Sages had no power to take it out of her possession. Rabina ruled: This36  applies only to maintenance but [movables seized] in payment of a kethubah may...
... Babylonian Talmud: Sanhedrin 113         Previous Folio / Sanhedrin Contents / Tractate List / Navigate Site Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin Folio 113a But let them be redeemed, for we learnt: If that which was purchased with the [redemption-] money of the second tithe became defiled, it is redeemed.1  — This agrees with R. Judah, who ruled: It must be buried...
...  — [We must therefore say that] if R. Kahana really made this remark, he meant it to apply to the next clause in the Mishnah: IF THE TREE WAS THERE FIRST, IT IS CUT DOWN BUT COMPENSATION MUST BE GIVEN [Regarding this we may ask.] Why cannot the owner of the tree say: Give me the money first and I will then cut it down? And it was in regard to this that R. Kahana answered: A pot with two...
...; for we learnt:8  [A husband who] did not give [his wife] in writing9  [the following statement, viz.], "The male children that will be born from our marriage10  shall inherit11  the money of thy marriage settlement in addition to their shares with their brothers",12  is [nevertheless] liable, because it is a condition13  laid down by the court'.14  And Rabbi...
... disadvantage.'4 Abaye said: One who is required to present his signature at a court of law5  shall not present it at the foot of the scroll [because] a stranger might find it and write [above the signature] that he [has a] claim [of] money upon him; and we learnt [that a person], who produced against another6  [a bond in] the latter's7  handwriting [showing] that he owes him [a debt], may...

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