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April 26, 2015.

Thus Spake Mahasattva Anand Veeren

Vol. 2


This book was started as a result of an email received by Veeren from one person who was asking for an advice on what to do with his problem, and that problem was masturbation. He seemed to be quite concerned with it, and even though the author does not usually give any advice or "guidance" to anyone, this was something of such a significance and not just merely his "problem", but was something having pretty far reaching consequences.

So, the author has responded to him with a few points to consider. Except in a short email it is pretty difficult to cover all the subtleties and the underwater rocks related this issue and the reasons it is there on the first place.

It was not even clear his email was something sincere, because it might be just a way to insult the author by bringing up such a controversial issue just to make him look like a fool.

But, nevertheless, the guy have responded back with a thank you message saying that it did help him in some way. But there are some further issues to resolve in order to understand what we are dealing with. Now, since this issue is not only applicable to him and it does have some furhter consequences, it was decided to cover it in a much more extensive manner.

Except this issue does not really fit that well with all other writings. In addition, we began to accumulate some other new information in other writings that does not quite belong to the subject of the pages where it was published.

And so, it was decided to start a new book and move some things from some other writings to this book. Basically, this book is intended as something that corresponds to what is happening in the world right now.

Hi, I have a problem with masturbation

Following it the email exchange. The name of the original message writer is omitted for obvious reasons.

Hi dear Mahasattva Anand Veeren,

I'm an Osho lover. My problem is masturbation. I know that sex is something natural but masturbation?

Please help me with that. Please tell me what is Osho's opinion about masturbation.

Thank you,



Hi xxxxx,

I am usually not giving any advice or any consultations to anyone.
But, if your message is not merely a joke or an attempt to insult me, then I can tell you this:

1) There is some information that states that masturbation creates demonic entities in large quantity. Because the sperm or a "seed" is actually an alive being, and it does not simply "die". So, you are simply inviting the demonic domains and are giving them that Life opportunity to manifest on more subtle levels of existence. Whether you can trust such an idea or not, is beyond my concerns.

2) Basically, one of the major reasons for masturbation is that you are trying to exhaust your Life energy, because the whole thing seems to be so frustrating and so beyond your abilities to handle it, that you simply exhaust yourself hoping "to run away from it all" somehow, which is just an illusion. You can not just "run away from it". You can only temporarily lower your level of energy, which will regenerate again.

It seems to me that the question here is "how do I handle Life so that I don't have to throw away my LIFE energy". Mind you, PRECIOUS Life energy, which is not unlimited, by ANY means. If you do not use it for some creative or productive manner, it simply gets wasted and remains unused.

Try to see if you can come to the state of silence within you.
Do not merely try to "escape". First of all, it won't work.
You need "to FACE the music", not simply try to run away from it,
and you'd have to do it sooner or later, no matter what.

Yes, you can create some temporary illusion of "rest" by throwing away your most powerful energy. But you will never be satisfied. Because the "problem" is not solved, and masturbation is merely a SYMPTOM of that problem and not a problem in itself.

Hope it helps, if you are sincere, and if you are not, think again before you do nasty things.

There are some other things that might help to look into this issue on a deeper level to make sure you don't just come up with some "solution" that "works" only for a day or two, but does not work in the long run.

So, let us look into it in more detail.

Guilt factor

There is a pretty heavy guilt association related to masturbation. From the childhood, you might know that masturbation is "no good". There are even horror stories, circulated among children, of a kind "if you masturbate, then the hair will grow on your palms", and, therefore, everyone will be able to see that you are a "bad guy", a pervert of some kind. These are the kinds of ideas your blind parents or "teachers" of all kinds have planted into your consciousness without even realizing that it does not actually solve the problem and only creates a poison in your Being, and that poison is guilt.

But what do you do? You do not even know WHY are you masturbating. Most likely, you are a sensitive and, probably, an intelligent enough person to see that things are quite frustrating in your life and the world you see around isn't quite the world you'd like to live in.

So, since you do not seem to manage to find any satisfaction in any other way and feel burdened with unexpressed energy, not even seeing where can you apply it so it is not simply refused or even condemned by others as something "inferior" or "not good enough", what is left for you to do? Well, to THROW your energy away, into some garbage bin, to somehow get rid of it, hoping that you may get some rest from your endless anxieties.

Yes, it lowers your energy level temporarily and you might even be able to fall asleep, if you can not for some reason. It is commonly known that the husbands immediately fall asleep after having sex with their wives. So, ejecting your sperm is like a sleeping pill of some kind. And it also relaxes your, at least for a few minutes. So, it is also like a relaxation pill.

And even if you reply to the email saying things like "I am not going to do it any more", still, it is not quite clear what made you say so, what is your motivation in it. If it is just a suppression, based on guilt, it is not going to work. Sooner or later, the "reasons" you stopped doing it will evaporate or will become less convincing compared to the same endless challenges you see all around you.

So, how do you really solve this problem and is it solvable in principle? Suppression is not necessarily a solution and may not even lead to a genuine solution and clarity about what is going on.

What do you do then?

Substituting the real with a surrogate

Basically, your real Self is forever seeking the opportunities to rejoice, to be excited with Life, to giggle and smile with joy. Because it is the very NATURE of the Self on the levels beyond physical.

The reasons why you are not usually in your natural state of joy are created by the gigantic conspiracy of the so called "objective reality", planted for centuries into your minds. And it is done primarily for the purposes of parasiting on you and converting you into an obedient slave, always feeling the pressures of "survival" in the "real world", which is fake. Because the REAL world is not in your belly or your "survival". Those are just the tools to enslave you in order to parasite on the fruits of your labor.

So, what happens is that these forces of evil create ALL sorts of artificial difficulties for you to forever struggle with and to forever remain on the lowest level of energy, as you are forever exhausted and forced to forever run like a squirrel in a wheel in this "rat race" of "survival", which is utterly unnecessary.

What happens as a result is that you forever remain in the state of misery, artificially created to "run you down into the ground", so that you never have enough energy to look, to inquire into the roots of it. You need to be constantly kept in the state of semi-conscious being, so there is never the sufficient energy required to SEE the roots of it all. So, you forever remain blind and controllable.

But your more subtle Self, your inner Being is forever seeking that joy, that NATURAL state of yours. So, it keeps knocking at your doors forever, stimulating you and reminding you that you are missing the centerpiece of the entire equation of Life.

Joy will forever knock at your doors simply because is is one of the very few things and states of Being that are real. You are not here to suffer. That is all a grand lie. You are NOT a miserable being, full of "imperfections" of all kinds. The very fact you are is a result of the most "perfect" and most complex interactions, creative impulses and the never ending expression of the Infinite Intelligence, ALL-pervading and Forever Expanding.

Just to create a single human Being requires intelligence and interactions of all sorts of things of such a level of complexity and Intelligence that it is literally impossible to even BEGIN to comprehend.

NO ONE here is "defective". It can not possibly be, regardless of anything and everything, just to be blunt.

You are nothing less than a reflection and expression and a part of that Infinite Intelligence, All-Permeating. This is who you REALLY are, regardless of any and all of your "imperfections" or even the criminal tendencies, at least if they were not attempted by a deliberate and conscious effort, in which case the other set of rules apply.

So, what happens in masturbation is an attempt to somehow reconstitute at least a shadow of real Joy. Except it is a surrogate that will never bring genuine Joy and satisfaction to your Being.

So, what do you do then?

It's been said:

"Seek and ye shalt find.
Knock, and the door shalt open before thee"

For this is the LAW. Nothing less. This is not just some mental, "religious" or "spiritual" idea. It is the very nature if Life itself. That is why Life exists. Else, it has no purpose even worth mentioning.

This is the key, and of tremendous value and significance.

It says "SEEK", regardless of anything. Even if you fail, keep seeking, keep knocking. The reasons that you don't SEEM to find it are all fake, or are merely a result of your expectations of stratospheric magnitude, planted into your mind as a result of all sorts of mind programming for you to focus on your "imperfections", "fallibilities" or being "not good enough" for this "challenging world" of fiction, programmed into your minds since the cradle.

You do not seem to find your NATURAL state of Joy and appreciation not because it is not there. It is THERE, and forever has been there, from your very first breath. It is your very nature.

But it has been covered with piles upon piles of junk of all kinds, and pretty ugly one at that. All you need to do is to SEE that junk is nothing more than junk. It never "worked" and it can not possibly work. It never brings any satisfaction, except of some temporary states of "achievement" of some artificial "value", which is all fake.

They keep it as a secret, to be kept under ten locks, that all your "problems" are fake and are artificially created to control and dominate you for the purposes of exploitation.

They NEVER tell you that your natural state is Joy, Appreciation and Love. Those are the highest order "secrets".

But what they can NOT do is to be able to kill Joy forever. Because it is simply impossible. The Infinite Intelligence will NEVER allow it to go THAT far, under any circumstances whatsoever.

There are limits to this "negative approach as a catalyst of intelligence", as alleged by the "Lucifer ruling family".

One of the limits is placed on the representatives of the "negative approach" is that the Creativity is disabled in them. And so is sensitivity. They can not really FEEL, except via mental images of temporary "pleasures". They can only operate within the limits of the so called "material world", which is mental by definition. Anything beyond mental is simply disabled in them, and for a reason, and that reason is to assure that they will NEVER, under ANY circumstances, can "win" over the Infinite Intelligence. Else, the entire Life ends, Life as such.

That is why the most extraordinarily creative people assert that there has never been created a single piece of art, music or literature of the level of real giants of creativity and arts, by these servants of evil, throughout the entire history, which can not be denied.

So, what does it all tell you? Well, it tells me that, first of all, you need to see the fake for what it is and recognize that it does not work, never worked and could not possibly work. Thus, you remove the garbage first.

Then you need to look and SEEK for the REAL you, and the way you know that you found it is that, first of all, you will be filled with Joy, Appreciation and LOVE, Love for the Life itself, which is about the ONLY REAL treasure there is.

Outside of Life itself, all the "treasures" simply turn into a pile of dead matter, just as they say in the Scriptures: "dust to dust", or "what you think you have in your hands as treasure, is nothing but the dust".

And, more than that, that Joy keeps knocking at your doors all your life. This is one of the most significant and real values you can even hope to find. And it is unstoppable and undefeatable by any "force" or "power". Because it is the very nature of Life itself.

And there are reminders for you everywhere you look. Look at the nature itself, at the flowers blooming and birds singing and bees buzzing and dogs trying to play with their masters and cats, sitting in the most relaxed manner, like they are at home, while being the mere street cats. Where is the "guarantee" for these cats that there will be a food for them to eat? Where is the "guarantee" that the birds will find something to eat? And still they sing all day long and they play all day long and chase in utter excitement all day long.

What is all this but a reminder to you of your REAL nature? Why, for example, did Jesus say: Why are you so worried? Just look at the birds. They have no hands to do things with, like you do. They have no guarantee they will find any food. And still they sing all day long. And you have ALL these treasures and you are still worried! WHY?

That joy will be knocking at your doors until your very last breath.

Therefore, "seek and ye shalt find", simply because "will your father hand you a snake when you ask for a fish"? How MORE simple do you need it to be in order to SEE the most fundamental LAWS of Life itself?

What ELSE do you need in order for you to wake up from this millenniums long dream in order to see the very NATURE of Life?

It is that JOY that you are seeking all your Life. It is your very birth right to claim from your very first breath, regardless of how "imperfect" you might seem in your mind.

And what "power" in this world, or any other, can possibly be able to take away that, which constitutes your very nature?

It is sitting right smack in the middle of you all your life, waiting to be recognized for what it is. It is sitting in you this very moment when you read this. You can have it right now, this very moment, without any "spiritual" trips and seeking that, which beats your very heart and pumps your lungs.

You can smile and rejoice in ANY situation, regardless of what it is. There is no power to prevent you and no force to stop you in that.

Moreover, you can have it all day long, pretty much, every day of the week and every day of the year. Yes, there will be moments of confusion and difficulties all all kinds. But those are not representative of your nature, they are nothing but exceptions and lessons to be learned in order to remind you and help you to return to your NATURAL state, which is Joy, Appreciation and Love, Love for Life itself.

Returning the planet strategies

Note: this section has just been created and it will be growing and changing as we keep digging deeper and looking at the most fundamental issues of the world we live in and the mankind as such. So, if you are interested in these issues, just keep this page loaded and refresh it periodically to see "what is new under the Sun".

If you are interested in this and have some ideas or would like to contribute what you have, please do not hesitate to send the email to the email address shown at the bottom of the main page of this site.

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The time has come to start changing the world to the one we would like to live in using the most concrete, practical, tangible and, at the same time, realistic terms. All the necessary elements for it are available right this moment.

At this junction, nothing prevents you from changing the world to more humane, joyous, truthful, creative and loving, loving for Life itself. All the necessary technical tools and means are available right at this moment.

ALL that is necessary right now is your enthusiasm and commitment and your desire to create a joyous world, driven by the principles of common Good, intelligence, beauty, harmony, peace, Love and Truth.

So... Why not we play the game called "let us change the world from the unreal to the real and the one we would like to live in". What's the problem, REALLY?

The time has come to return the planet Earth to the people. It has been taken over, speaking in general terms, by the "forces of evil" or "the forces of the dark side".

According the the Book of Urantia, this happened as a result of Lucifer's rebellion with his ideas of absolute freedom for the local (planetary) systems and his declaration of freedom from the One, The Source and his declaration that the One does not really exist and it is merely a trick to exploit and parasite on all.

According to "ruling dynasty" of "group soul Lucifer, it was done allegedly in order to create a "catalyst" for developing intelligence via "negative approach" of denials.

Actually, the whole conceptual base is much more complex and there exist a number of versions of what in fact took place and who were the real puppet masters behind the scenes. So, you need to study it in a much more in-depth manner.

But what is certain is that this planet has been taken over and the original Plan for development of the intelligence has been violated as a result of this "negative approach" of "self-serving". And so comes the time to return to the original plan and the "Positive Approach" of direct learning of who you really are, instead of using the negative approach of denials and turning things upside down.

That means that the whole paradigm needs to be changed and reevaluated and all sorts of things, principles and ruling factors are to be reexamined and corrected.

Paradigm change

The paradigm on this planet during thousands of years has been squarely based on the so-called materialism and elevation of the material aspect to the level above all and everything. As a result, everything has been distorted to nearly fatal degree.

Let us consider the main notions that need to be reexamined:

Creativity vs. Possessiveness

Original version: April 7, 2015

The "negative approach" is inherently non-creative. In its very essence, it is parasitic. It has been said by several sources that as a result of the rebellion of the "dark forces", such as the Orion Group, according to "Lucifer ruling family", and their utter denials to even come in contact with the One, they have been disconnected from the Life energy source, and without the Life energy no entity can exist. So, what they did instead is to start parasiting on energy of humans. That is one version of it.

During the moments of negativity, such as anger, rage, greed, jealousy, self-pity and during the moments of excessive excitements, shouting, rage and even wild outbursts, like on sports arenas or on some rock concerts, the tremendous amounts of energy are being thrown out by the people. On a more subtle levels of existence that energy can be consumed in a parasitic way just like any Life energy, and that is how and why "the dark side" may continue to exist. Again, all this requires a much more attentive look at it and so you'd have to study these issues on your own and determine what is what and who is who in your own opinion.

So, "any way you cut it", the Creativity has been replaced by the materialistic ideas of "survival", "dialectic materialism" and so on. This has been done to convert humans into biorobots for the benefits of the "God chosen people" as recorded in the scriptures, such as Bible, particularly Deuteronomy, where this whole "system" and dictates of their "god" Yahweh and his furious commandments have been recorded. These ideas "rule" the planet to this day. They are exactly the same ideas as thousand years ago. In fact, today's world is nothing different then the world of thousands of years ago. It is exactly the same "plan" of taking over the planet.

As a result, people were converted into machines to do the hard work to produce the goods for the parasites and their interests and concerns have been reduced to the ideas of "survival". Thus, the idea of "survival of the fittest" of Charles Darwin and his "theory of evolution". These ideas were fabricated as per order of Rothschilds in their grand plan for taking over the planet and its resources for the eventual single-state world ruled by the obedient servant of Lucifer, sitting on a throne of the "world ruler" of the single world empire in Jerusalem, according to the model of the so-called "New World Order", or the NWO.

So, creativity has been "starved to death" and undernourished, to the point of being either ignored or even suppressed.

This has to be fixed now and it will happen no matter what.

As a result, the creative people were left abandoned and in reality did not receive any support from the society. You just have to go "out there" and "survive", just as this disgusting idea of the "survival of the fittest" states.

But if you suppress, ignore or abandon creativity then the whole society becomes sick and powerless. Because it does not receive the nourishment of the ideas and the deeds of the creative people. Because precisely the creative people are the ones, who are on the fringe of the known. They do not merely accept all sorts of things as some kind of inevitability of "this is how it is" kind. They keep asking the questions and keep exploring, checking and looking even into those things that are "obvious" to others.

Because the creative people do have courage and/or are not interested to merely submit to the dominant doctrine ruling the society. They keep asking "why" or "but what it REALLY is" types of question.

And that is what Life is. Once you accept something as "that is the way it is", you, effectively, kill nothing less than Life itself. Because, from then on, you can not grow, develop or evolve. You have become stale, some solid thing, like a rock, that is not willing or even interested in changing anything. Thus death is inevitable. Because whether you exist or not does not really matter. Because it does not change anything of significance.

In order to rectify the situation, the following things need to be looked at and revised.

First of all, Creativity has to have the general and world-wide support from the society. The creative people can not be just abandoned and left to themselves in order "to survive". No, this can not go on. This has to stop immediately.

The creative people and their acts of creativity contribute to the world unlike anything else. All the inventions, art, music and all sorts of other areas of the human activity have been created by the creative people. It is because of them the wealth has been created and accumulated, except it has been misused in the parasitic ways.

But the creative people are nearly "powerless" in terms of ideology of "survival". They have to fit what they have into that which is demanded by the materialistic world. And this is now probably the biggest problem and an issue to resolve.

These people need to receive the financial and other support from the society in order for them to exist and be able to continue their creative work regardless of what it is. Because the results of ANY creative work benefit the whole and the whole society. It is because of them "the rest of us" have all the goods, technologies, science and art, without which Life itself will come to a grinding halt.

This means that ANY creative person needs to have some support by society in order to be able to continue his creative work for the benefits of ALL, not some.

There are number of ways it can be done and there are plenty of examples of it, such as collecting a special tax or establishing a special fee for everyone for the fund to support Creativity. Take, for example, the UK and the idea of paying for Public TV, such as BBC. Everyone pays a small fee that supports the TV networks and allows them to continue to provide free and unbiased coverage, at least as it has been conceived. Yes, it has been perverted and the BBC was taken over by the same powers of evil.

But the idea of public support does work in principle. Why shouldn't it? You have ALL sorts of mechanisms to do such a thing and it is in fact already being done in some areas of human activity. And the load on society, compared to the benefits, is virtually negligible. Interesting enough, it is one of the main principles of the ideology of "god chosen people", or, simply stated, ZioNazis. That is why they are forced to leave 10% of their hair uncut, just to eternally remind them of their OBLIGATION of utmost importance. Just look at any pictures of "god chosen people" in Israel? Can not you see it? Now, ask yourself a question: what is this and why is it done? What's the "point" of it and what is it for?

The basic idea is this: everyone pays 10% of their earnings for the "common good", which is nothing more than a fund, managed by some "wise elders". What this does in effect is to provide them the immense resources to accomplish virtually any task or any project or to support the dominance of their ideology over all others. This is, in fact, precisely how the world was taken over, as all the financial support for the NWO ideology and its roots came from this immense fund.

Why can't you do the same thing? And it DOES "work". Just look around and observe how tremendously the world is being manipulated and by the most obscene lies and by virtually every single government or any single influential agency. Can not you see it even right now when the whole thing is so obvious that a five year old child should have no difficulties to comprehend and observe it?

Or, you can establish a small tax to finance the Creativity Fund. This money can then be distributed to creative people based on a number of criteria and approaches.

But one has to be careful about the "popularity contests". If you decide to give more money to the most "popular" or most "productive" people, then they may get corrupted and may try to create "more" in order to GET "more". This isn't going to work.

Neither it can be based on a bulk amount of the produced goods, materials or anything else. The idea of "the more you create, the more you get paid" isn't going to work either.

Furthermore, the "popularity contests" and other "more" techniques may create a significant bias and distortions and the fake may get promoted as real. Just because lots of people purchase some music recording, it does not mean that it is either "good" or creative for that matter. It has been observed that the more creative some work is, the less public support it seems to receive. Simply because "the herd" can not SEE its genuine value.

This means that the special expert evaluation committees need to be created to specifically review the relative value of the most "unpopular" fruits of creativity. Because precisely in those you might find the greatest values for the society as such.

Basically, the whole idea of "more" or "better" has to be abandoned as far as creativity goes. The Creativity Fund may distribute the equal amount of money or resources to ANY creative person, regardless. But those money can not be big or bigger for some and less for the others. Basically, you need to supply the funds for BASIC necessities. Anything beyond it is a "luxury" of one way or the other, and if any creative person is interested in getting "more" for himself, he is welcome to enter the "free market" and peddle his fruits of creation trying to collect "more" than others. There are all sorts of mechanisms exist for that even today.

But the Creativity Fund supplies only the basic necessities and assists and provides the necessary tools and supplies for the creative people, such as paint, canvas, special tools and so on. This can be also done via different cooperatives where one can come and use some special and, possibly, expensive tool or a machine.

There are all sorts of ways to look at the creativity support mechanisms and methods. But what needs to be looked at is the contribution of creative people into a Common Good and development of the society as such.

If creativity is supported, then the world will be constantly receiving new ideas, the fruits of creation of art, literature, science and so on. Even in politics and social organization the creative people, if not abandoned or ignored, can contribute tremendously.

What we have as a result is unending joy, appreciation and new ideas for growth and development arriving constantly any place you look. That, in turn, creates a general atmosphere of appreciation, beauty and abundance and INTEREST in Life. Life becomes a joy and play and appreciation and the sad and miserable ideas of "survival" simply fade away into the black hole where they belong.

Self-destructive economic models

Original version: April 18, 2015

One of the key issues of the modern world is the very economic models. Basically, the main indicator of the economic well-being is called the "economic growth", which is an absurd and inherently self-destructive notion. First of all, the "health" of economy is measured in terms of "expansion" and, if "growth" does not increase, then the economy is considered to be "in trouble".

But, that kind of measurement of the "health" of the economy in reality measures what? Well, GREED and parasitism. Furthermore, it promotes the inherently self-destructive tendencies, because, first of all, the economy can not just "grow" forever. In order to "grow" you need to exploit more and more, and the more you exploit, the more pollution you create, and the more consumerism stimulate and the more you are forcing the people to run out of their skin in the never ending and forever increasing notion of "increase of productivity", which creates nothing more than hell on the planet.

And, interestingly enough, this is done by design. and one of the key ideas behind the agenda of world takeover in the so called "NWO" model is: Run them into the ground. Exhaust all their energy to the very last drop, so they would never had a chance to have enough of it to become aware of what is being done to them and for what purposes, every single one of which is not even meant to be for THEIR benefits or well being, but just the other way around - to suck them out dry, to submit them and to convert them into literal slaves, obediently and unquestionably serving the parasitic "elite" and their satanic agenda!

Interestingly enough, there does not exist even a notion of any kind of happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction, the degree of satisfying the basic human needs or just about any other human parameter in these "economic models". Why? What is MORE important to you - whether the economy "grows" or you have enough food on your table and can afford the comfortable and quality clothes to put on and to be able to afford to purchase the toys that help you enjoy life and experience those things that are more playful, more creative, more satisfying?

What does the "economic growth" have to do with your stomach or even your education level?

So, the society ends up forever increasing the speed of exploitation of resources and human energy and creates mountains of useless and utterly unnecessary products, some of which are not simply ugly and sick in their very nature, but they are inherently destructive. Just look at the "entertainment industry" for example, or those mind toys of the kill-kill-kill computer game kind. Strangely enough, these are some of the major "industries" contributing to the "economic growth". But what do they do to a human being but to convert a human into a monster and a totally insensitive killing machine?

Nowadays, by the time children are seven years old, they are ALREADY completely formed and totally insensitive pathological killers, and about the only things their minds are preoccupied with, morning to night, is murder and destruction, and the more horrible and the more picturesque - the better. To frighten "the hell out of them". To submit them. To make them slaves of the ideas of the inevitable and all pervading evil, which is presented to them as "the real world". What does this mind conditioning do to a human being?

And we can look at all sorts of aspects of modern "economic models" and what we will find is more confirmations of the most destructive and utterly inhuman principles of reducing the human beings to the level of biorobots and zombies of all kinds, craving for death and destruction.

This can not go on. Because the society, as such, becomes sick and destructive and no real needs of a human being are satisfied or even being attempted to be measured.

Interestingly enough, "growth" inevitably stimulates the inflation, which is an utterly destructive notion to begin with. The very notion of inflation is created as one of the major tools for the world takeover by the powers of evil, or "the dark side" as they are called nowadays.

Because inflation is not really necessary or helpful or stimulating anything but greed and bloating of the blood-sucking parasites. Just ask yourself a question: what are the fundamental needs or "benefits" of inflation and what does it help as far as economy or human life as such goes? How is it created? What are the necessary economic or other criteria or parameters and notions that justify the existence or a necessity of inflation? So, why is it there and who created it? And it IS created, and deliberately so, and with full knowledge of its destructive effects, and, in fact, that is the very idea behind it.

So, these things and notions are subject to the most fundamental revision, and, quite possibly, complete eradication. Because they promote nothing more than death, destruction and eventual self-destruction of the entire societies.

Unless you bring up the notions of health, joy, satisfaction of the basic needs and other life-affirming and genuinely humane notions and aspects, you will never be able to achieve the state of balance, joy and appreciation.

Because you do not really need such notions as "growth" in order to truly measure the health and well-being of a society. You don't need your pockets to grow in order to be happy. You don't need to eat more food every day and you don't need to put more and more clothes on you. All those things are nothing more than the result of "fear of survival" as I call it. You need "more" because you are AFRAID that you will not "survive", so you keep stashing more and more into some hole with the hope that it will protect you from the "inevitable", propagated and promoted everywhere you look, and that is death.

So, this self-destructive insanity has to end and people need to "wake up" to it and become aware of those most fundamental notions, concepts and ideas they are programmed with, created by the powers of evil most profound.

What is a commune and what is it for?

Original version: April 14, 2015

As world goes through the fundamental changes and awareness grows, there is a need to consider the issues of social organization. It is becoming increasingly clear that the current structures of social organization do not deliver the goods they have promised.

One of the things to be considered is how to group people in such a way that it becomes easier to facilitate and manage a lot of things of common nature, such as food supply, education, culture, welfare and so on.

One of the most ancient ways and structures of social organization is the concept of a commune. It is being practiced throughout the world even as we speak. Take, for example, the primitive societies of tribal or similar kind, as in Africa. Since the lands are vast and environmental conditions are quite harsh, it becomes very difficult, if not impossible to "survive" on your own. That is why people group in tribes, which is essentially the same thing as a commune. That makes a lot of things much easier, be it food acquisition and preparation, child care, health care, education and so on, not last of which is gathering together in the evenings for celebration, dancing, singing, story reciting and so on.

But one of the well known types of the communes in the West, known as "communism", comes from what is known as Judean ghettos. The idea behind those is to enclose the group of people in a tightly enclosed and controlled self-imposed ghettos in order to parasite on them, like on slaves and to control them as a sort of herd of animals. The Judean ghettos are ruled via totalitarian means by some rabbis, who are in fact the ultimate "authorities" on all and everything. If there is ANY kind of problem or an issue, one is not allowed to solve it on his own and to come up with his/her own solution. One MUST go to a rabbi and ask for HIS "advice" or opinion. The rabbi stands even above the Talmud itself. This is a well known and well studied subject and there is all sorts of information and research on it. So, we are not going to go into details about it here.

So, "the bottom line" is that the Western model of a commune is essentially a concentration camp to control, dominate and parasite on people. The final version is what is known as a GLOBAL "commune" and a single world empire, known as the NWO (New World Order). This single world empire is to be ruled by the "high priest", or a "world ruler", who, in turn, is nothing more than a humble slave of Lucifer and is to follow all his orders and commandments unquestionably and most obediently.

But this is the perversion and it can not possibly work for the benefits of ALL, not just some "elite", who think of themselves to be "higher" than others.

But this does not necessarily imply that the whole concept of a commune is merely a global concentration camp in its most extreme form.

For example, in the "experiment to create a new man" of Chandra Mohan, known as "Osho" or "Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh" he created a pretty functional and operating model of a commune that did function for the most part, except, as he himself admitted, it was not FULLY self-sufficient. Because it did not produce any tangible goods or services that could be exchanged with the "outside world" to be fully funded in a self-sufficient manner. His commune still needed an external income to function. That income, in his case, would come from various festivals and books and tapes sales. So, this model is not going to work as a general case. Unless the commune is fully self-sufficient in terms of funding, it will need some external funds to come in order for it to exist. But if the whole world is organized that way in a large number of different communes where would the external income come from?

But, nevertheless, his commune did function quite realistically. For example, they had their own naturally grown produce on their own farm where no pesticides were used and the entire food supply was as healthy and natural as it gets. So, there was no shortage of food of any kind. In fact, they could even export some food elsewhere. All one had to do is to go to a common cafeteria and get himself as much food as one like to eat, including a bear, and it was all totally free.

The idea of money as a "universal value of exchange"

Interestingly enough, there was no money circulated at the commune. All the basic necessities were totally free. But you could also use money to purchase things at various boutiques, such as jewelry, various gadgets, radios, etc. But one was not forced or obliged to purchase anything for money if one was not interested in anything beyond basic necessities. Even clothes were provided for free and you could go to a warehouse and pick up any clothes you could find there.

The idea of operating without money has some quite profound effects, as it removes the very possibility of the "debt slavery", which is what we have today on a global scale. The external debt of the USA, Japan and many other "developed" countries is so burdensome on their economies that the interest payments alone eat away on most of their GDP, which means the society essentially feeds to parasites instead of spending its income on the infrastructure and so on.

Debt slavery arises when governments need to borrow money from the external parties, known as "the banking mafia". If and when there is a budget deficit, where do you get the money to pay those bills?

So, to enslave the country, first you create the conditions for the budget deficit via, for example, astronomic expenditures on military thus feeding the monster that will eventually eat you alive. There are all sorts of tricks via which you force the country into external debt.

The mechanism of "debt slavery"

The whole mechanism of "debt slavery" and how to avoid it is described in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, disputed furiously by mouth-foaming ZioNazis, even though every single thing that happened in the world since them precisely corresponds to the "Plan" described in the Protocols.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Victor E. Marsden version

Now, the trick with debt slavery is that when you borrow money, you have to pay the INTEREST. But the problem with governments and states is that they do not produce any value or wealth as they are not involved in manufacturing or production of anything. They exist on essentially robbing the people via all sorts of parasitic taxes. Interestingly enough, in his interview with Alex Jones about the meetings of Aaaron Russo with Nicholas Rockefeller, Russo states:

AR: Well, it was the Grace Commission Report that said that "not one nickel [of your personal income taxes] goes to the infrastructure of the country."

Not one nickel goes of your personal income taxes goes to the infrastructure of the country
(Aaron Russo: Reflections and Warnings - Full Transcript)

It all goes to paying the interest on the external loans and that is precisely how the countries are enslaved and loose their sovereignty, as they are no longer ran by the people and their needs, but by dictates from the external lenders as strings attached to the loans. And this is precisely the prime mechanism of taking over the world.

Interesting enough, the NWO model also implies there is no money. Because everything, by implication, "belongs" to "the ruler of the world", or a humble servant of Lucifer. So, this issue has to be looked at from more than one angle to make sure the very possibility of some "ruler" or totalitarian dictator, who is essentially a tyrant, is removed.

This, in turn, implies that the very concept of "value" has to be reexamined, because as soon as there is some notion of value, then there is a need to have some "universal value of exchange", which is money, even if it is not circulated among the "mortals".

Even if there exists a notion of the "implied value", which, in modern economic terms, would probably mean that there is some corporate structure and the stockholders, then "the ruler" may end up owning all the 100% of the "shares" by implication, or at least the "controlling interest", in which case you are back to the system of evil, control, domination, dictatorship and tyranny, pretty much inevitably.

This, in turn, means that if there is a need for some "value" and there exists a notion of some "shares", then the "shareholders" are "WE, THE PEOPLE", and not some individual or some "elite". Yes, some people may have more than one share, but it should not be more than a few, compared to the "rest of us", all of whom have exactly one share "per head".

All the food was simply prepared and placed in huge bowls on several rows of metal tables. One could pick anything he likes and eat as much as one wants. Interestingly enough, it was open 24 hrs./day for anyone without any limitation. So, those people what would work the night shifts, for whatever reason, could come and eat any time they want. There was not even a need for any "passes" or any other limitations. No distinction was made as to who, why, when and how much is there to eat, which is not a bad idea at all and it did work in principle.

There was also the most extensive system of garbage disposal and recycling, known to be the most extensive and most advanced system in the whole world, which is undeniable. They would recycle metals, plastic, paper, glass and even food leftovers, which would be taken to a compost production facility and would provide the highest quality compost available anywhere. So, the food was grown exclusively with natural means without any artificial additives, pesticides and so on.

They also had a huge Buddha Hall for about 3000 people. During the day, it would be used for all sorts of meditation sessions and various other common gathering events. In particular, at certain periods during the day you could simply go there and do some dancing, meditations for anyone to come and visit and so on. At a preset time of the day, some things were preallocated, so you knew exactly when you can go there to meditate for an hour.

Basically, the work hours need to be arranged in such a way that any individual, at any time he/she wants, may take some time off, like go walking on the streets, going home to get some rest or doing some meditation. So, if you assume that anyone may and are likely to take, say one hour off from work, then all you have to do is to increase the amount of stuff in some department by up to 10% or so, which is not a problem at all because you are not operating in the "competitive" environment, which turns out to be nothing more than the exploitation of everything that moves or does not, for that matter.

You don't need to "compete" in order to "survive". Those are all lies of the vicious world of exploitation. Nor do you need to forever "increase the production" in order to remain "competitive". These are all false concepts of exploitation, created for the world ruled by evil. That model never worked, does not work and can not work in principle. It is bound to finally self-destruct, which is what we are beginning to see this very moment. The world of the past is nothing more than a "bad dream" and the entire "negative approach" of "self-serving" has created nothing more than raging hell on this planet, and now has come the time to "clean it all up", simple as that.

Different common gathering meetings, gatherings, video or audio would be played for anyone to come and participate in.

They also had numerous other departments at the "ranch" that would perform the common services, such as medical, telephony, electricity, auto repairs, construction and so on. They also had a common school and a kindergarten to take care of children while parents were at work, and they were staffed with the people who liked doing it and not merely trying "to make a buck" in order to "survive".

So, that was all working without much problems and it did function quite well, by ANY standards.

What is the need for a commune as such?

But what is the need for a commune as such one might ask? Why not cities, like in the West? Well, quite a few reasons. First of all, the cities are too big, at least "big cities". So, no one really knows anyone and does not even quite CARE about the "others" and their lives, needs, interests, "problems" and so on. So, the whole thing eventually becomes quite insensitive and dead, and in MANY respects.

The advantages of a commune is that if you have no more than several thousand people there then everyone "knows" others, at least to some degree. Furthermore, when people gather freely in some commune, they might have some common interests, such as art or crafts for example, as we can see throughout the world in various arts and crafts communities. That means they can perfect their skill much better if people with similar interests live and operate nearby, within a relatively short distance. So, you don't have to spend hours of your time getting from one place to another in some big city just to accomplish some relatively insignificant task and so on.

Basically, quite a few things simplify significantly if you all live not too far away, "know" each other and can, therefore, trust each other much better than in some city where one "could care less" that others even exist.

Just the transportation system alone and a resulting pollution is decreased by the orders of magnitude. How many of you really enjoy wasting hours of your time trying to get to your work place or some shop and so on? In America they say: "car is a drag". Just constant repairing and servicing take hours of your time. And what does it "buy you"? All you really need is an efficient public transportation system where you don't have to wait for more than a few minutes to get on the bus to get you from one place to another.

But the advantages are many. For example, you have a common funding for the needs of everyone, and that funding is custom tailored for your specific commune and its needs. You have a common education system which you can trust much more than in any other city. Basically, you can have all the basic needs covered in the most efficient and productive way. About the only and most difficult issue to resolve is that of additional external income, unless you start either manufacturing or producing some products of your own and exchange it with the outside world for those things that you need, such as medical and other supplies, building materials, appliances, equipment, energy and so on.

So, this is just a basic outline on the communes as such. If you have some ideas or input, do not hesitate to send the email to the address on the main page of this site.

Contact info

We might continue this chapter in the future if there is any significant additional input that comes from whatever source, in this world, or any other, for as long as it "works" or beneficial, constructive and, most of all, Life affirmative.

But the "bottom line" here is that the commune model is certainly something to consider. It does not necessarily have to be built on the principles of evil, parasitism and exploitation. That whole framework is outdated as of now. You need to build the world the way YOU want to see it. No one has the right to dictate to you anything you do not agree with in a joyful heart.

But it is precisely you who is going to build the world you like to live in. Just one thing needs to be remembered. It has to be based on awareness, and not merely on some mental process of evaluation, analysis, memorization and comparison alone.

And, finally, one needs to remember, or recall, that this is YOUR WORLD and it belongs to YOU, and not some "elite", "banking mafia" or some other clan of evil that tried to take over the world. They were here for the specific purpose, at least allegedly, and that purpose has exhausted its potential and so their time is up. Finito, bas! Get out of here from my world!

Build your own world project

Today, on April 15, 2015 I had an incredible and highly complex dream, which I am not sure I will be even able to describe or remember in all the details, even though I'll try to do my best.

One of the key aspects of it, as far as I can see, was "how do you TALK to those people". In that dream, I was in a setting of a closed "black" community and I wanted to communicate to them. There was some misunderstanding somewhere and, a result, a suspicion, distrust which would inevitably eventually would end up in violence or even murder.

The situation was quite hopeless. So, on my first visit, I saw their utter mistrust and suspicion, bordering on hate and violence. So, I had to leave. But then I still wanted to go there again and see if we can establish the communication somehow. It also failed, and when I tried it yet one more time, one relatively big, grownup and quite wise man came to me and in quite a relaxed manner told me: "look, you were here two days ago, then you came yesterday, and now you are here again. The question I have for you is what are you doing here?" And there was basically nothing I could say that would satisfy him or make him trust that it all makes sense and it is done not for some violent or destructive purpose, and not for some evil purpose of any kind.

But I knew that this is the last time he is coming to warn me to just "get the f..k out of here". If I decided to do it again, I would be dead. It wasn't even clear that I will be able to get out of there this time in any other way but with my feet first.

So, just like any "miracle" in a dream, I ended up sitting in the middle of the road and making a collage on some quite large poster size piece of paper, sticking some symbolic images that might make some sense to them.

Because all the words were useless and would probably harm more than help, because they knew really well that they can not trust a word of a "white man" as they forever have one idea in their mind - "to screw us" and exploit us and abuse us and reduce us to the level of a robot. Thus, mistrust is utter and complete. How much of it is misunderstanding and myths is another matter.

And I remember sticking a pretty large hand written word on the top of it, and that word was "meditation". I could not come up with any other word to even start a communication with them. And I knew that it was nothing more than the "Martian language" to them. But that was the most effective and meaning containing word I could come up with at the moment. So...

The reason for the complexity of that dream is that it had to do with some of the most fundamental issues of the world at this junction and the overall message of it was something like "The time has come to build the world you all would want to live in".

And, if THAT is the case, then, first of all, this is the best message conceivable, and for the mankind as such. Because the very fact such a message arrived indicates that now it is POSSIBLE. It was not possible before, in the entire history. Because the mankind was overwhelmed with "powers" of evil and could do virtually nothing to stop it. Anyone who tried were either murdered in cold blood or the entire communities or even countries were destroyed and converted into the giant graveyards.

And no interference was possible from the outside. Because all the previous attempts in different galactic systems to interfere when some world was taken over by the "dark side" did not bring the desired results, as entities ended up in the same miserable state they were before, if not even worse than that, just because they haven't learned ANYTHING out of it and kept continuing doing the same futile things they were doing before that interference.

So, this time, the "experiment" with "the negative approach" was allowed to continue in order for as many people to see its fruits and effects and realize what it actually is and what does it do to their understanding and, above all, SEEING the very essence of it.

But now that time has passed, even though vast majority of people are still in a zombie-like state, snoring in a deep, coma-like sleep. At the same time, sufficient number of entities did "wake up" to it all and they represent such a significant force and power that the forces of "evil" or the "dark side" have no chance any longer. Their time is up. The game is over. The time has come to end that "experiment" of "the negative approach" and to put a final dot at the end of what they have to say.

Well, "to make the long story short", what I can say is that there has come a moment where you have to actually DO something instead of merely talking or thinking or "pipe dreaming" about it. Simple as that.

So, the question reduces essentially to: "are you willing to move a finger in order to change some things that you do not like in this world or to implement some things that you DO like?"

It might seem like quite another version of some grand farce and some kind of a marketing hype to "get the customers to parasite on". But if you look at it, there is really nothing "so special" about it. It is not yet another "grand utopia" of which mankind saw quite a few versions to date.

Basically, it reduces to the simplest thing imaginable: do you know which world would you like to live in and are you willing to move even a finger to make it happen? Interesting question isn't it? And a simple one as well.

So, if you feel that the world you live in is just another version of hell, virtual or literal does not quite matter, then what is the problem of trying to model your own version and see if you can make it work, and I know you can. First of all, you simply HAVE to, because you simply have no choice. It is either you continue to live in hell, or you build your own version with the help of mountains of all sorts of knowledge, insights, systems of consciousness and all sorts of "messages" from the masters before you.

And this is also a chance for you to verify that you are real and not merely just another "smart" talker, repeating someone else's ideas like a parrot.

Because if you are real, you will certainly be able to do some things, for this is the Law of Life itself. And those things do not have to be "grand". Actually, it does not even matter WHAT you do for as long as you DO something and not merely "sit on it" or "sit on your energy". And ANY creativity brings fulfillment, "small" or "great", does not really matter. For as long as something changes and something is genuinely new and sincere, it will inevitably find its further ways of expression and "improvements", refinements and so on.

At this point, you have a tremendous information base at your disposal, accessible to you in an instance, within minutes, if not seconds, if you did not keep snoring while your rear end was on fire, but kept working on it and perfecting your tools and methods of information distribution, which we have already covered in quite a detail in various writings, such as Global Virtual Information Distribution Systems.

This means that first of all, you can have access to ANY kind of information you need or could even begin to imagine within minutes if not seconds. And this is quite critical and is one of the most important tools and mechanisms needed in order to progress at as rapid paste, as necessary or desirable at this moment.

So, the time has come to start doing something and, as far as I can see, anything you can imagine is doable at this junction, for as long as it is creative and LIFE-affirming, Life-stimulating.

It is quite clear that the "official world", or that which is known to most of the people, simply does not work and is rapidly disintegrating. All the major world institutions, the financial system, global power and control distribution and the very social organization are going through most radical changes, as what we had up to now simply does not work as it merely represents a global conspiracy of supporting the destructive ideology of world takeover, parasitism, exploitation of everything and everyone, corruption, idiocy and utter decay of any concept of value from the standpoint of Life itself.

So, now, since "Osho people" consider themselves to be great and authentic "spiritual entities" and "seekers", then why don't you do something to at least prove to yourself that you are not merely a "mealy mouth", but are able and willing to do your part and provide your contribution to that which is known as The Common Good, Good for ALL, and not just for some or some "elite" of parasites?

Otherwise, what does your "spiritual" trip worth if you can't even do a thing to change the world to the better and try to see if you can find the ways to implement the new models and attempt to fix all those distortions that have been done up to now?

What is the problem, really? Do ANY of you know? What prevents you? What "objective" reasons could you possibly find to sit and procrastinate, wailing away at all the "injustice" in the world while not willing to even move a finger to fix it? Can you tell me? Because I would really like to see that in order to comprehend what kinds of problems are we dealing with here and what seems to be so "impossible" to achieve, create or modify and improve.

I claim that you have all the tools, ways and means to do virtually anything you want at this junction and you have all the information and wisdom of the ages you need to do anything you can imagine, and by now you know the entire system of cunningness, deceit and evil in the most minute detail, so that you can deal with it in the most effective and intelligent manner.

Let us quickly drop a few points from the things that could be possibly done right now.

First of all, you need to start communicating in a meaningful manner in a constructive way, so that you could actually start doing something.

Yes, there are plenty of discussions on the net and various other places. But vast majority of it is not something productive or changes anything of practical nature. It is mostly "I like this" or "I don't like that" or "this book is good", "that guy is full of baloney" and so on and so forth, ad nausea. But what does it change? What does it achieve? What have you been able to produce with all that talk beyond "looking smart" in the best case?

When are you going to actually start LIVING instead of accumulating more and more knowledge in preparation for something which you do not really know? What are you preparing for? Do you know? What are you waiting for? What do you expect as a result and of what?

Have you actually DONE something to change the world that seems in need for plenty of improvements to the world you actually do like to live in? Think about it. It is not such a simple question as it might look initially...

So, back to the communication aspect:

Virtual World Radio

In the initial stages, you can simply have a single music channel with the ability to "bud-in", meaning to just "call the channel" and get on the air any time you want, and they should be able to get on it either via the phone or via Internet. If someone calls-in, the music can be stopped, if necessary, or muted down, and a discussion started with all the people and program directors/anchors that are on line at the moment.

So, this channel can serve as something like "let us see what is going on in the world" point of communication.

At this point, all of this is quite doable with "off the shelf" components, tools, programs and so on. We can provide the necessary bandwidth for such a project via site for example.

So, what needs to be done at this point is this:

Again, this whole system may be set up in a few days or so, and I would be willing make the play-lists and initiate the initial broadcasts for the meditative music channel, and, if you can trust me on that, that will be some of the best and most meditative music there is.

Finally, I'd like to mention though, that I have no interest or time to waste on things that do not move. So, at this point, "you've got my ear", as they say. But you can not count on that for too long. Because I move to the places that I perceive to be alive or in need for facilitation or assistance of a kind I can contribute to. But I am not obliged to pet the dead man. Not even in the picture.

So, you can start tuning in to your own channel that belongs to you and your own virtual world, and that can happen in days.

We can start with this little list and see how far we get with this in practical and tangible ways.

You can submit your proposals or suggestions to the email address shown on the main page of the site for now.

Contact info

We also have a functioning and quite powerful blog/forum system available on line at this junction, so things could be discussed on line any time you want and to any degree of detail desired. You can look at it here:

Look, for example, at Osho floor (a box with the title bar saying "Osho"). It has very few rooms at the moment. It used to have a few more, but most of them have expired because of user inactivity. All the rooms that have no activity for 90 days are set to automatically expire and disappear into thin air. Right now what we have is only the rooms that are set to never expire, no matter what. Because they contain the messages of general interest or significance.

You can also subscribe to a mailing list for a specific room to automatically receive all the new posts to it via following address:

You can also unsubscribe any time you want.

That system consists of "floors" that create the separate areas of the system for major issues or areas of discussion, such as Osho floor, for example. That floor is there exclusively for discussions related to Osho or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh or Chandra Mohan Jain, whichever way you prefer to call him.

On each floor there is a number of "rooms" to discuss different topics. You can create your own room if you want to once you have subscribed and start a discussion there. Just try not to create something minor or "kinky". Try to see whether this room has a potential of being of interest to others and has some significance.

Each room has a separate mail list, so the only things that are automatically mailed to that mailing list is the new messages for that room only. NOTHING else will be sent.

Global distributed information system

The information is the centerpiece in today's information driven world. The accessibility to any kind of information available is vital today.

In order for the world to be able to solve its problem and address its issues, the FIRST thing necessary is unhindered and efficient information access, within seconds or minutes in most cases. Without it, there will be either distortions or misunderstandings of the issues, lack of solutions and ideas, or, even worse, total inability to access the pertinent information of interest.

Secondly, anyone should have the access to the information regardless of his ability to pay for it. The poor man should not have less access to information, at the very least. Why should it be so? Because the more information everyone has, the better the situation is for everyone. The more education will follow automatically and the more in-depth understanding becomes possible for all, not just some "elite" or "privileged" classes.

Otherwise, we have what we have today - vast number of people are simply "clueless" as to what is REALLY going on, at least behind the curtains, and live in the world of manufactured illusions and disinformation of all kinds. What do you expect as a result?

So, the information should be free, free to all, as it benefits the society as such. Or, would you rather have the world full of uneducated and "clueless" fools, that have not the slightest "clue" as to what is REALLY going on in the world and in their own lives? And what do you expect at the end of THAT?

As we can see today on a worldwide basis, the world is full of disinformation, some of which is specifically planted to create a distorted picture and postpone the changes forthcoming. In other cases, the most vital information is simply withheld, suppressed or censored. This can not go on any longer and it has to change in the most drastic ways.

Censorship or control of global information streams is no longer acceptable. If some think THEY are the ones "who know better", let them reconsider their position or be faced with the inevitabilities. The faster they "wake up", the better. For THEM as well.

Access to any kind of information provides a major stimuli to growth, development and Creativity itself. No information, no matter what it is, should become unavailable to anyone in the world within the shortest reasonable amount of time, necessary to download it at their bandwidth, which we could average at about 10 megabits/second. That is the minimum acceptable limit as far as information distribution and accessibility goes.

In order to create such an information system, or, rather, to strengthen the existing information distribution systems and channels, the following principles apply:

Organizing the information

This is one of the most important aspects of obtaining the information efficiently. Because it helps to locate and access the information in the fastest possible way. Let us say you came across some book for whatever reason. Now, the way it is done today in most cases is that you have a huge chunk of information and in some cases you don't even have a table of contents or it does not have the links. So, what this means is that even if you find some interesting topic in it, you can not just jump to it directly by simply clicking on it it your web browser. The effect is that the information access is slowed down unnecessarily.

And if you do not even have the TOC in that document, then how do you find what you are interested in? The thing is that even if some book or a chunk of information is "good", it does not meant that you would be interested in reading it all. You might have only some things that interest you at the moment. You do not necessarily want to overload your mind with things that are not current in your view at that junction.

So, this means that, first of all, the significant issues need to be entered in the TOC. Many books simply have the chapter names in the TOC, and it isn't even guaranteed that those names are well chosen, descriptive enough or do correspond to the most essential issues covered in that chapter. Secondly, it is nearly impossible to find such a generic name for the chapter that it will make it clear to the reader what kind of things is he likely to find there.

Also, many chapters in many books talk about quite a few quite different things, and so if you bulk it all together into a single heading, then you might not be able to find some very interesting BITS of information in that chapter. Basically, any important or significant or clarifying bit of information needs to be entered into the TOC as sub-chapter, a particular topic or a subject matter.

So, what this information organization means in effect is that you will be able to very quickly review the entire book without even reading it all, but just merely looking at relatively long and descriptive names of the chapters and issues.

What it also means is that you can immediately jump to the issue of your interest directly from the TOC. You don't NEED to read the entire book in most cases. Because, usually, you are looking for some specific issue and are not necessarily ready to waste any extra time on reading everything in some book, some of which might not be that important to your interests and some other things you might already know. So, what's the point of you wasting an extra time on reading that which you already know? The same thing is with those things that you disagree with. Why do you need to waste your time on reading something you disagree with?

All this means that the information access becomes orders of magnitude faster and more precisely targeted, which, in turn, means that the human mind can process and digest volumes of information and sift out all the "noise" in the information stream and direct his energy in the most effective and productive ways. Simple as that.

And organizing the information is easy. It means that at least one person needs to review the information and locate the most significant points and issues and add them to the TOC as chapters and sub-chapter links.

And again, the TOC needs to be as detailed, as you can manage, and all the chapter/topic names need to be as descriptive and as precise, as possible. Then, instead of wasting days, if not weeks, on some books, you might be able to extract the most significant information from it within hours, if not minutes.

Just look at one example of how it could be done on the site. Regardless of whether it is something you are interested in, what is significant with that site is that it became a reference grade site and there are hundreds of thousands of links to it, and precisely because it is possible to locate even the most minute details of any kind of information on it. There is a huge number of people reading that site every day, day-in, day-out, and for years on, and that site does not get stale or outdated. It is probably one of the most resilient sites on the net. WHY?

Additional reading

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