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Messages of Ascended Masters

Words of Wisdom

Русская версия:
Послания Вознесенных Владык

Dictated to the Messenger
Tatyana N. Mickushina

March - June 2005

Tatyana N. Mickushina

Translated from Russian by
Svetlana Nekrasova

Table of Contents

Time has changed

Sanat Kumara

March 4, 2005

I AM Sanat Kumara and I have come today to inform the world about a new opportunity and a new dispensation which the Heavens have decided to free through our new Russian Messenger Tatyana.

This turn of events will be unexpected for many of you. Many of you will experience contradictory feelings while reading this message.

However, we do not want to force anybody to believe or not to believe the things to be told. Our task is to give you this knowledge. Its acceptance is a matter of your own free will.

Times have changed and the New Age has come. The worlds have converged. Things which seemed to be an impossible dream a few years ago, even last year, are starting to become real now. We are getting an opportunity to speak through many of you and we are using this opportunity.

The situation on earth continues to be stressed. The level of the planet’s vibrations is rising. New energies are coming to earth. Due to these energies the majority of mankind feels that it is impossible and senseless to follow further those paths which people have been following for many thousands of years.

This is manifested as a feeling of dissatisfaction, heart sadness and expectation of something that may happen at any moment. The most sensitive people have lost interest in their usual activities. It seems to them that the things which were important and made up their life before are absolutely meaningless today. All your previous activities, your way of wasting time with friends, watching endless serials, your race for new trivialities, seem to have lost their sense. All this resembles festive tinsel left in place after yesterday’s party. Nowadays it is deprived of any sense.

The most sensitive people have a presentiment of the New World and of everything new that is coming to take the place of the old and obsolete. Human consciousness will try to clutch at its habitual precepts, at the religious, social and family traditions of old. All these will be wiped off the face of the earth by the wind of the changes to come. There is not much point in resisting these changes because everything in this world is bent to Divine cycles. And the free will is, in fact, limited by temporal and spatial frameworks.

The human mortal consciousness, limited by the framework of the material world, suggests that everything in this world should be subordinate to the will of Man or to the will of human leaders.

No! There is a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them.

If a cancerous tumour makes its home in a human body, a healthy organism starts to free itself of bad cells. Exactly the same principle works in this universe.

If any human civilization concentrates only on the satisfying of personal interests and thinks only about enjoying this world, such a civilization is to be annihilated, just as a cancerous tumour can be removed by a surgeon.

Any resistance is useless in this case. Everything not capable of assimilating New Consciousness, the principles of the Common Weal, Goodness, Cooperation and God’s Guidance, will be wiped off the face of the earth just as the recent earthquake and tsunami killed several hundreds of thousands of people in a few hours.

Stop focussing only on getting pleasure in this world. There are much greater pleasures available to those who open their hearts and minds to the vibrations of the Higher Planes.

There are no things necessary for you outside of yourself. All Divine knowledge and perfection is inside of you. Seek this treasure in your hearts; seek the entrance to countless riches inside of you.

But you will have to pay for this entrance, and the price for that is your ego. You have to leave your temporal part, to get rid of all the accumulations of your electronic belt that are tying you down to earth and the lower plane of this planet like ropes.

Thus, the state of melancholy experienced by many of you now, is a sure sign both of your tiredness of this world’s pleasures and of your readiness to make contact with the higher planes.

All you need is simply to make a choice and to step into boundlessness, having given up yesterday’s festive tinsel. You should take a step towards the reality, one step, then a second one and continue moving without a stop towards the very true Being which is your authentic essence.

There is nothing outside you that keeps you from moving towards the higher reality. It is you and only you who prevents you from doing so. Can't you cope with your own double wandering in this unreal world for thousands and thousands of embodiments?

You have no other Path. You must either take a step towards the everlasting reality or be no more as individuals. A healthy organism can get rid of cancerous cells by itself. Metaphorically speaking, all of you are in God’s belly. Do you really think God will let you live in your own fashion? I say, “No”. He will simply free himself of everything not matching His Will and His Law.

Think over the words I have told you. I am looking forward to meeting you in the future through this messenger or through any other person who prepares his temple to let me be his guest.

I AM Sanat Kumara. Om.

Rose Path


March 5, 2005

I AM THAT WHICH I AM and I am speaking from within you. Not everybody succeeds in obtaining the experience of communication with his own higher part. At the same time it is quite a natural process accessible for the majority of humans living on earth nowadays.

Terrestrial life is very rich in such forms which, while not being real from the point of view of the higher reality, still capture humans’ attention too much, distracting them from this reality.

The goal coming to the fore nowadays is to obtain an opportunity to glance behind the veil and to break through the density of the physical world while living in this world of illusions.

Due to the new dispensation we are getting an opportunity to conduct a dialogue between the worlds. And this dialogue can be accessible for any person who strives sincerely, not in pretence.

The greatest difficulty is to overcome your own external illusory consciousness, these illusory clothes of yours, to throw the physical thoughts and feelings off yourself, to elevate your own consciousness first to the height of your own Christ Self, then to I AM THAT WHICH I AM and further into boundlessness.

The most difficult step, which should be the first one, is to make a decision to follow the Path in spite of everything – to follow it every day. The illusion of this world will distract you from the movement on this Path. Each step may become more painful at times, as if you walk upon crushed glass or along a footpath scattered with roses. You walk barefoot and suffer from pains as the thorns pierce your feet.

This is a painful Path. When a child comes to this world it is a big stress for him. He leaves his mother’s womb for the world unknown to him and he must live through the stress and the pain of the first breath, through unknowingness and light.

When you come into contact with the higher plane, it is also a stress for you. You begin to know the unknown part of yourself. But it differs greatly from your external part.

Nevertheless, you keep going in spite of everything, despite the pains and losses you encounter on your Path.

You lose your former friends – communication with them seems to be absolutely idle and deprived of any sense.

You lose interest in your former hobbies. Little by little you start to understand that this world becomes absolutely alien to you. Your vibrations differ from the world around you that it seems to you that you are falling out of this world. But your "ego" does not surrender. It tries to draw your attention to the attachments to this world that are known only to you and that you haven’t managed to give up yet.

Sometimes it is shameful to acknowledge these attachments. However, they do exist and they will leave forever one day. It is enough simply to show your desire to get rid of imperfections more actively. And you continue your Path.

And the thorns of the roses pierce your feet more and more painfully. At times the pain is unendurable. But there is no opportunity to turn back. It is a painful Path. The person with a strong "ego" is simply not ready for this Path. And he turns off.

He prefers to seek pleasure.

But the more you resist, the more painful is your return to the Path.

In truth, it is a very difficult Path. A road covered with roses and thorns.

Yet, I do not know another Path. It is a Path of sacrifice and each step on it is hard. But there is no other Path.

Thus, the first step is to show your desire to overcome yourself.

Once you have made this decision, there will definitely happen to be a person close to you who will help you to go further and give you the necessary knowledge and understanding.

But after that you should go independently, without witnesses. There comes such a moment when you stay in private with yourself and with your "ego" and the conflict begins. It is a deadly struggle. Each part of you, both real and unreal, asserts its priority to existence over the other part.

Such a state is very far from rest, tranquility and comfort. For this reason, many people leave the Path, searching for groups, trends and sects which give them seeming pacification, histrionic love and ostentatious care.

And many people leave the track strewn with roses and walk on soft carpets. Tens and hundreds of incarnations pass before they come back to the Path of initiations. God does not hasten them.

There is always a chance to return to the Path. But sometimes a very significant hint from the higher part of you is required to make you start thinking and return to the Path.

When the moment of the combat with your unreal part comes, it is really similar to a fight. All your bodies are covered with wounds. You wound yourself. Your unreal part does not understand what happens. It can seem to you that you go mad, that you are incurably sick. It is really a dark night for the Spirit. It is a temptation in the desert. And it endures for a long time. All depends on the degree of resistance of your ego.

But when you overcome your ego and strike your guard of the threshold - your unreal part - you become a different person. Yes, you continue wearing a human body, you still remain in the physical plane, but the major part of you stays in another reality. You become a dweller of two worlds, staying simultaneously above and below.

You become a point at which the worlds meet.

But with this your movement on the Path does not come to an end, it just begins - because you become an axis of the world. An axis, a pivot supporting contacts between the worlds, passes through you, inside of you.

You become a channel through which Light comes into this dark world.

And, certainly, like any axis, you experience the greatest pressure. You have such a feeling that you are a Titan holding this world on your shoulders.

It is an eternal overcoming of yourself, a constant refusal from the unreal part, new initiations again and again and constant pressure.

But this is the only way for you to grow. And this is what God wants you to do.

And there is no other path.

If you are ready for this Path of initiations, you will understand well enough what this conversation is about. If you are not ready for this Path, nothing that you have just read will make any sense to you.

It only seems that all people are alike. Everyone is on his own level of development. Just such a moment has come now when for plenty of individuals the opportunity to follow this Path and to start moving on it appears much more real than it was literally one year ago. The Cosmos, together with its energies, contributes to this movement.

Those of you who understand what is spoken about here, please, find time. Seclude yourself. Remain in private with yourself. Concentrate on your heart and ask yourself whether you are ready to follow this Path. And, if your heart prompts you that you are ready – do go. But every day when you get up in the morning and every evening before going to bed, do recall the decision you took. Keep on going without paying attention to the painful thorns piercing your feet and to anything happening to you in the external world. Do not be afraid of anything. Nothing - no insults, losses or troubles of this world - can do harm to your immortal part.

I AM THAT WHICH I AM, and I am always with you on your Path.

All of us are one and indivisible and have a common Source

The Presence of the One

March 6, 2005

I AM the Flame, the eternal Flame, and the indivisible Flame, the uniform Flame staying in eternity, indivisibility and boundlessness.

I AM a stream of Light and Fire.

The Flame…

The Fire…

Mortal consciousness cannot sense me. But it can feel my vibrations, my Spirit, my Fire.

Radiant boundlessness! Eternity!

Beauty. Proportionality. Bliss. Joy. Harmony.

The Creation of the Universe bends my Law. Everything I am speaking about represents the ancient Truth which mankind has always attempted to realise and which has always been a source of aspirations for the best human minds.

I conceive the worlds and I realise the conception. I create by means of my Will and Fire, gradually detailing the creation and delegating my powers to the spiritual Beings inhabiting My World.

I reside in each of these spiritual Beings, but at the same time each of them is endowed with his own individuality, his own ability for creativity and self-development. All the beings have my Flame as their basis.

We are all indivisible at my level of consciousness.

But in the course of the differentiation of the universe the processes of condensation and division take place. The lower the vibrations of the manifested world become, the greater are the disunity and confusion among my parts.

I tolerate such disunity because I strive to self-actualise with its help.

The universe is similar to a human organism. Each galaxy or each group of galaxies can be compared to the systems and parts of a human organism.

All this makes up my body, just as your body is formed by various organs and systems. We are alike.

Just as it is difficult for you to realise the existence of the higher planes of this universe, so too is it hard for me to appreciate the problems of your material world.

There is a whole hierarchy of reasonable beings, each at various levels of development, for the management of the universe.

This hierarchy stretches from me to the smallest material particle of this world.

All of us are bent to the Law general for this universe.

And the higher the level of a spiritual being in this hierarchy, the less freedom this being possesses. Therefore, man, whose freedom is almost unlimited, is fated to give up this freedom in the course of time and to obtain greater authority, greater might and greater power in return.

The footstep occupied by reasonable beings in this universe depends directly on their level of consciousness. Man, in particular earthly mankind, occupies the place at the bottom of the pyramid in such a hierarchy.

Humanity demands constant care and guardianship on the part of the beings who have already reached higher levels of development.

This process can be compared to the process of children’s upbringing at schools or nurseries when different teachers come and teach.

And these teachers can come either from outside in the form of another person, or appear inside of you.

If it is permitted by the level of your achievements connected with the level of your vibrations, there can be one or several Beings of Light in your somatic temple. You simply receive some additional Divine energy, a strengthened stream of Light. The presence of these Beings inside of you is not revealed outwardly in any way. But each human who has these Beings inside of him is well- informed about it. He knows which of the Beings of Light is present within him.

Additional light does not bring any advantages from the point of view of your physical world. The difference in vibrations and the greater density of your world lead to the fact that the presence of additional light ruins your lives from the point of view of earthly logic. Habitual communications collapse, work is lost, and the physical temple does not endure the pressure, revealing external symptoms of some illnesses. However, the presence of these Beings of Light is necessary, and each volunteer who lets these Beings of Light penetrate inside him does so of his own free will, sacrificing external physical attainments and preferring to master the achievements of the heaven-world.

The Presence of these Beings of Light grants you the expansion of consciousness, the ability of mastering energies of the heaven-world, known as gifts of the Holy Spirit.

There is a fine line separating people who have granted their temples for the service to Light and those people who give their temples to some of the lowest spirits and discarnate spirits. Unfortunately, nowadays the majority of mankind, 90 percent of mankind, voluntarily grants their temples to these lowest spirits, not caring and not worrying about the consequences of their free will manifestation.

People giving their temples to the lowest spirits of the dark can possess precisely the same gifts as people giving their temples to the spirits of Light. They can cure people, foresee the future and receive messages. However, there is a difference. A human being who has sacrificed his lower bodies for the sake of service to Light will never use his gifts for getting material things and values of this world. These can be money, power, influence, authority. There are a lot of manifestations of people's unreal part in this world.

This phenomenon is the reason for the confusion. People see miracles and healings, and cannot make a distinction between the representatives of the dark from the representatives of Light with the help of their human consciousness.

There may be only one criterion here – your inner knowledge and your inner intuition.

Just look, whether a person acts in his life just as he teaches.

He teaches to forgive, but does he forgive people?

He teaches to give up the sin of adultery, but does he follow his own advice? Doesn’t he allow distortions of sexual energy? He teaches Divine Love, unselfishness, but what does this person possess himself? Does he live in luxury? What does he eat?

Do look. Do observe.

However, any person from outside is necessary for you as a teacher just until you reach that part of your Path when you no longer need a teacher outside you in the physical plane.

You will be able to meet any Being of Light whose level you reach in your consciousness. You will be capable of receiving knowledge directly from these Beings of Light. In the course of time your vibrations will coincide with the vibrations of these Beings of Light to such an extent that you will let them be present inside of you constantly. You will offer them to have at their disposal all your somatic temples and lower bodies and it will be of your own free will. There is nothing evil or mismatching the supreme Law in it because all of us are one and indivisible and have a common Source. Division is inherent in this world only. In the heaven-world the Unity is felt more and more strongly as the matter becomes thinner and the quality of the Fire, the Flame, is acquired.

You choose whom you serve of your own will. And this is determined by the level of your consciousness.

Do give up voluntarily any manifestation of the dark forces through you. Get rid of the burden you have acquired during the long millions of years of living on this planet. Raise your consciousness and head for the Higher Worlds. It is together with the growth of your consciousness that changes in this world will take place. All those who stick to the old and whose time has run out will be forced to leave your world which is destined to become beautiful and perfect relatively soon according to the space measures. And your planet is destined to turn into a shining star.

I AM the Presence of the One and I wish you success on your Path towards the boundlessness of Existence.

Open your hearts to Divine Love and you will change this world

The Presence of Unconditional Love

March 7, 2005

I AM the Presence of Unconditional Love within your temple. Divine Love is the main and prevailing quality in you.

We have chosen you to be our Messenger only due to the predominance of this quality within your heart.

There is too big a domination of anti-love forces in your world. We feel grief about that.

The quality of Love is the greatest of all the Divine qualities. The aspiration to love, the desire to love and to be loved is characteristic of all living creatures. It is exactly due to the breach of the Divine Law, which happened owing to the abuse of free will in the days of ancient Lemuria and Atlantis that the greatest distortions were brought into this quality.

If we managed to completely restore this quality in the souls of just a few people embodied now, we would disseminate it around the world very quickly. This is a quality impossible to oppose.

This is a quality that allows you to tune into the Divine Reality immediately.

Very often this quality is mixed up with the sexual instinct. Hence, different sexual perversions take place.

The human talent for creative work and the creative power of people are manifested through Love. The creative power which is the basis of the conception of a child is at the same time the basis of everything created by Man in his life.

Man is inherently similar to God. The key-note quality of God is Love. Thus, it is impossible for Man not to create.

But the creative power can be manifested only as much as it is not limited by blocks of anti-love inculcated into Man’s consciousness from outside and supported by his imperfect consciousness from within.

The Perfect Flame of Love comes to this world through your I AM Presence. But filters of your imperfect thoughts and feelings are in the path of this stream of Love. As a result, the stream is distorted. You are constantly showing the quality of Divine Love. It is impossible for you not to show this quality as it is inherent in all creation. But you should simply purge the filters of both your consciousness and your perception of the Divine Reality.

Open your hearts to Love, Divine Love and you will change this world.

There is no force mightier than Love in this world.

Therefore, those forces that have decided to separate from God first of all parasitize on the distortions of the quality of Divine Love.

The entire industry of sex and pornography, stereotypes of interrelations between the sexes propagandized and circulated by mass media are aimed at keeping you from any manifestation of Divine Love.

It seems harmless if you watch a film cultivating your desire to satisfy your sexual instinct. It seems to be an innocent amusement to look at a naked female body advertising subjects which are absolutely unnecessary for your spiritual development.

As a result hatred for Divine Love settles in your consciousness. You voluntarily strengthen the filters embedded into your consciousness and preventing you from manifestation of the true Love quality in your life.

It is impossible to draw a comparison between the primordial Divine manifestation of Love and the understanding of love which has settled in people’s consciousness from the days of the fallen civilizations.

It is like life and death.

One of the qualities of the saints is their ability to absorb the nectar of the Divine Grace into their hearts. There is no pleasure in this physical world that can be compared to receiving this Divine Grace.

Only pure hearts are capable of obtaining this Grace.

A stream of Divine energy and Divine Love passes through all your bodies and caresses you. You experience ecstasy in every chakra, every energetic centre.

The greatest sexual satisfaction which you can have in the physical life cannot be compared with the experience of the Grace sent to you by God.

Think whether it is harmless for you to watch pornographic films, to tolerate foul language, to be in the company of people admitting dirty thoughts and conduct in their attitude to women and sexual interrelation.

Each of such negative vibrations contributes to your separation from the quality of Divine Love.

Contemplate flowers, nature, children’s smiles. Constantly guard your love against any manifestations of anti-love. Guard your relatives and your children. The future of your planet depends on the conception of Love which will be obtained by the new generation.

The true Love begins from the veneration of a woman, a Mother. The feelings you experience towards your mother can leave their mark on your whole life. The happiest families are those where the respect for the Mother, as for the keeper of the hearth, has become a tradition.

May your consciousness never be burdened with any bad thoughts directed against Mother, against the female source.

All of you are mothers in this world, both men and women. You have descended into your embodiments to master the quality of Divine Mother. Therefore, your correct attitude to a woman, a Mother, is the guarantee of the successful acquirement of the quality of Divine Love. Without this acquirement you will not be able to know the Father and the Son.

I wish you to acquire the quality of Divine Love in your present embodiments.

I AM the Presence of Unconditional Love, and I caress you with the rays of my Love.

The time has come to return to your Paternal House

Beloved Alpha

March 8, 2005

My beloved children, I AM Alpha. I have overcome a vast distance, not a physical one, but the distance inside the consciousness of this particular Messenger, to have an opportunity to speak to you now.

Children of the Earth, the time of the new cosmic opportunity which you have been hearing about from the lips of messengers and prophets during the past several thousands of earthly years, has approached.

This is the time of the direct and unrestrained intercourse when your sensory organs will no longer limit your perception of the Divine Reality. This is the time of your transition to a new level of consciousness, to its higher level.

You can agree that the abilities of your sensory organs, as well as of your consciousness, are too limited.

You are entrapped by your limited consciousness and this was your own choice. You believed that you would be masters of your fate and planet. You wished to become similar to gods, but you limited your world within the framework of this planet in advance.

In nature there always comes a time for a nestling to hatch out of an egg. Now the time of a cosmic opportunity has come for you to finally break through the limits of your world.

How can it be achieved? Should you build new innumerable state-of –the-art aircraft or mightier telescopes?

No! The opportunity to reach the far worlds and boundlessness about which you were told by prophets and messengers of the past is inside of you.

You were created after the image and likeness of God and, therefore, there is nothing impossible for you in your own creative work.

Do create! Do build up! Do aspire!

Seek and ye shall find.

But seek not in the outer world around you. Seek within the depth of your heart.

Listen to your heart. This connection, the most lasting in the world, between you and me, your Father, has never been broken off. Just as it is inherent in all children in their teens to be self- sufficient, you wished to put yourselves to the test. I did not prevent you from doing so. You were doing with your bodies and your world everything you wanted.

But the time is up and an end has been put to your experiments.

And it is time to come back home to your Farther.

And many of you will not return. You relied excessively on the material world and on the fluctuating illusion surrounding you in your illusory world.

You have created this illusion with the help of your consciousness while using my energy. And you yourselves have become bogged down in this illusion.

Just as children, when facing a difficulty, seek help and apply to their parents, you have now to apply for help to me, your Heavenly Father.

The moment has come for the cycles to turn, when another stage of the space play – the contraction of the manifested worlds – comes to take the place of the expansion of this illusion.

You are probably acquainted with the Eastern orderliness of the Universe, for example, with such systems as the Breath of the One, Brahma’s Exhalation, Brahma’s Breath, The Expansion and the Contraction of the Universe.

This is not a fleeting process, as the very turning point usually lasts for a few millions of years. At the same time this duration is different for different worlds’ systems depending on the degree of the world’s materiality.

It is very important for you to understand that the time for multiplication of this illusion has expired and that the time for the illusion’s contraction has come.

It will take much time according to earthly standards. But this process has begun already regardless of whether some naughty children want it or not. The illusion must be contracted. The consciousness must be transformed.

Everything stubborn and resistant the Law will simply be sent for smelting in the cosmic furnace like last year’s grass or straw.

When children grow up they leave their paternal house. They simply live, create, build and experiment. Unfortunately, not all of them return to their paternal house after wandering along the roads of life.

Today I invite you to come back to your Home. I apply to all my sons and daughters. I love all of you regardless of your wrong actions in this life or in any of your lives.

The time has come to return to your Paternal House. I have come to arouse your consciousness and to wake your memories about your Source.

I have come to remind you about your first Love.

Come back. Hear my Call.

Aspire to contact the higher planes in your heart. Start to perceive another reality and it will come into your consciousness. Your consciousness will expand and become able to perceive the higher planes more easily.

The scales will fall from your eyes and you will see Angels and elementals. You will see the Divine Kingdom around you. The kingdom which you have been aspiring to reach in the physical world will come to you as you give up this physical world in your consciousness.

Do dare. Do aspire.

And I will receive you with open arms in your Paternal House.

I AM Alpha, your Heavenly Father,
and I am waiting for your return with patience and Love.

Never become adults in the questions of knowing the Divine Truth

Beloved Surya

March 9, 2005

I AM Surya and I have come today from the Great Central Sun to give you the word of God through our Messenger. Almost one year ago I had the honour to lay the mantle of God’s Messenger on Tatyana’s shoulders.

At that time she could not believe that this event was much more real in her life than everything happening around her in the physical plane.

The mantle of the messenger cannot be taken for granted. It must be deserved. And this merit is not obtained just in one embodiment, it can be acquired in the course of many embodiments during which an individual must prove his /her true devotion to God’s Will in order to deserve this mantle.

However, past attainments must be confirmed without fail in the current embodiment. Without that it is impossible for a person to be endowed with this mantle.

In the end, the right to be endowed with the mantle depends only on the level of your current attainments, regardless of your successful devotion in the past.

That is why we pay special attention to testing the individuals who have already had the mantles of messengers in the past. We have a few constantly embodied individuals who have already had the mantles in the past and who are potentially ready to confirm their mission of a messenger.

Nevertheless, the decision to endow any of the embodied individuals with the mantle is taken at the highest level, on the Great Central Sun.

That is why I ask you to hold in respect the mantle lying on Tatyana’s shoulders.

Immediately after the moment of declaration of her messenger status in public any disrespect shown by you towards our messenger automatically brings you karma between you and God and this kind of karma is the most difficult to transmute.

We protect our messengers. It is not you who decides whom we must choose.

In the present conditions on earth our great task is to manifest the interaction between our messengers. As you know, if two of our physically incarnated messengers met and contacted each other in the past, they did not as a rule recognise each other as messengers and were not able to interact. This was determined by their level of consciousness and could not be surmounted until the moment had come for the new stage of the cosmic opportunity to occur.

Beloved Sanat Kumara has told you through this messenger that the time has changed. It has really changed. We enter the stage when two or more of our messengers will be capable of recognising each other and working together.

The difficulty here is in the fact that one and the same truth is interpreted by the minds of embodied people differently, depending on those systems of world outlook which involved their consciousness from the starting moment of their current embodiment.

It is here that the difficulty has always been – to find the things in common and to develop mutual understanding of those seemingly totally different interpretations of God which were expressed by these embodied individuals through their external consciousness.

Nevertheless, when you rise in your consciousness and reach its higher level you see that the things which seemed before to be an absolute contradiction for your external consciousness are in fact just different points of view and different approaches to one and the same Truth.

Believe me, it is not worth overly disputing any interpretation of this or another Truth by your limited consciousness. Your consciousness is so imperfect that it is simply foolish to declare and to affirm your own truth as the only reliable and infallible one. It can be compared with two people in dispute, one of whom affirms that the Earth is floating in the sea on three whales and the other who proves that the Earth is lying on three elephants.

It seems funny for you even to imagine such a dispute now. However, most religious conflicts and wars had analogical reasons as their basis.

You are children. You are sitting on the shore of the ocean of the Divine Wisdom trying to perceive this Wisdom with your childish inquisitive mind. Never leave this childish state of your consciousness. Never become adults in the questions of knowing the Divine Truth.

Be like children, and you will manage to reach such heights in your consciousness which were beyond the comprehension of the previous generations.

I contemplate the Earth with my spiritual vision. And I see this enlarging precipice separating the consciousness of the people who allow the Divine Truth to settle in their hearts from the consciousness of those sticking to their own interpretation of the Truth because this interpretation seems reliable to them due to the fact that it was handed down to them with the faith of their ancestors. There are also people who have come to such a standstill in their evolution that they have even stopped recollecting the very name of God in their daily routine.

We are ready to render all possible assistance to earthly mankind. We are ready to use all the Heaven’s might for giving this help. But we cannot help you until you yourselves ask for it.

What prevents you from applying to your Heavenly Father in your heart and sincerely asking Him for help? What prevents you from doing so?

I will tell you what it is. It is your karma that prevents you, the karma between you and God. Therefore, the most important thing for you now is your wish to overcome this karma in your heart.

God can do everything. But why don’t you wish to accept His help?

You have forgotten your Source. You have forgotten where you have come from.

Do not hurt my messengers who have come to remind you about that. Remember that any manifestation of your disrespect to God’s messengers is a manifestation of your disrespect to God Himself. But this is a heavy sin which can be redeemed only by undergoing great suffering.

I am very sorry to see the people suffering on the Earth.

With the help of my message I wish most of these sufferers to understand that you yourselves gave rise to your suffering and you are able to get rid of it just by waving a magic wand. You should just accept God into your heart. You should open your hearts to the Divine Truth and start knowing this Truth like children sitting on the ocean’s shore.

I leave you alone with your contemplations about God and His messengers in your heart.

I ask you to think about an opportunity for each of you to become my messenger. Messenger status is simply a definite momentum of merits on the path of your sincere devotion to the Divine Truth.

Now I want you to open your hearts. You should wish to get rid of one trait, that one trait, which you think most of all prevents you from progressing on the Path.

Do wish sincerely in your heart to get rid of this trait and I will help you in this. And the extent of my aid will be proportional to your faith in God and the Divine Truth.

This is my present which I want to give you today.

I AM Surya, and I look forward to meeting those of you who are ready to accept this new opportunity and new dispensation.

You must erect a pyramid of the Divine Reality in your own consciousness

Gautama Buddha

March 10, 2005

I AM the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha, and I have come today through this messenger who has given me an opportunity to speak through her.

Since the time of my incarnation on this planet as Prince Siddharta I have come here many times and I have been present in the temples of those who have prepared themselves for my presence. And I continue doing this now. The achievement of the Buddha level enables us to project our presence inside many individuals dwelling in the systems of different worlds.

Therefore, a part of me can be simultaneously in many individuals on this planet.

I have to inform you that I am also present in this messenger, even though it may seem strange to you. The level of my presence is determined by the level of the person’s attainments in this embodiment, and the level of my presence changes from time to time. At present the level of my presence in Tatyana equals 50%. It is a very high level, and it is just the level of my presence which enables her to reach the 33rd etheric plane from where she accepts these dictations.

I would like to slightly open the secret of this process.

At the beginning we raise the vibrations of the messenger by supercharging her chakras with the energy of Light. This helps to co-ordinate all her bodies and brings them into keeping with the Higher Reality of Being. When the level of harmony with the Divine Truth reaches its highest point possible under the circumstances, we start sending energy which bears definite information to the lowest bodies of the messenger.

This is just like filling up any reservoir with the energy of Light.

The capacity of such a reservoir is limited by the individual level of the messenger’s attainments. After that this energy is transformed into the perceptible form in the shape of thoughts and visual images, which appear in the physical brain of the messenger and can be pronounced or written down. During the writing down of these thoughts and images we use the inner language of the messenger and the peculiarities of her verbal expressions.

That is why, at this stage of transformation, the primordial pure energy bearing the Absolute Truth is tinged with the system of the world outlook inherent in this given messenger and is limited by her external consciousness.

I describe the way the dictations are transmitted in so much detail to help you understand that we have no secrets from you. We are ready to disclose all the cosmic secrets. The question is in the readiness of your consciousness to accept these secrets. Will it endure it?

Therefore, every time some part of the Truth is transmitted not in the shape of words, but in the form of energy involved in the very text of the message - this helps us to get round your external attention, to apply directly to that part of you which has never forgotten about its Source, and to arouse this part in you.

Thus, we set ourselves to the achievement of our main aim which is to awaken your memories of yourselves and to explain this remote memory to your external consciousness by transmitting these dictations through this messenger.

You have noticed that the language of these dictations is very simple. They do not contain any muddled descriptions or unintelligible facts. This is because in reality the Divine Truth is very simple and is accessible even for a child’s consciousness. Moreover, it is accessible only for a child-like consciousness.

The so-called life experience, which you acquire in the course of your life on earth, as a rule complicates the perception of this Truth.

Your life experience is the baggage which allows you to exist in the state of physical illusion. But for the real comprehension of the Divine Truth it is necessary precisely to give up this physical experience acquired by you.

This is the quality you will have to learn. You should constantly feel inside of you the presence of two elements – the true inwardness and the physical aspect. You must constantly remember that the main part of you is of spiritual origin. Your physical part is transient and necessary for you only during a definite stage of your individual evolution.

When you reach a definite critical point of coincidence with your true spiritual identity, you gradually begin to lose your unreal self. Your bodies become less and less dense, and you gradually get rid of your physical bodies. However, you should realise that this is not a fleeting process. This is a process lasting for many hundreds of thousands and hundreds of millions of years. The physical environment of the world around you will change simultaneously with the change of your physical bodies, because this environment is in fact just a mirror reflecting your consciousness.

Therefore, in hundreds of thousands of years you will dwell in another, less dense, world. But this will not happen until you transform your consciousness.

Thus, you see that everything that is too much tied down to the things of this illusory world will not be able to live in the conditions of the new reality, and this is God’s plan for this planet, as well as for other planets and worlds.

In fact, the people who are attached to the illusory world will identify themselves with last year’s grass which cannot exist in the new world and is to be burnt in the cosmic furnace.

We come again and again in order to arouse your consciousness for the comprehension of the new epoch, new time.

And we are not tired of repeating the same things again and again. We shall do it more and more times until you identify yourselves with what is immortal in you, until you stop clutching at your old material world which has been serving you faithfully and giving you opportunities to receive all that was necessary for the evolution of your souls.

But now the time has come for you to move to a new, more modern, house. It is exactly now that the time for erecting this house has come.

Such a construction is to take place inside of you by way of changing your consciousness, and this is an absolutely grandiose construction. You must erect a pyramid of Divine Reality in your own consciousness.

But you are doing this already; you are already erecting this pyramid while reading these dictations and receiving the necessary information in the shape of words and energy necessary for the transformation of your consciousness.

I am happy to have met you today. And I wish all of you success on your Path.

I AM Gautama, and I am looking forward to meeting you through this messenger in the near future.

The authenticity of the messages coming to the physical world

Sanat Kumara

March 13, 2005

I AM Sanat Kumara and I have come through my messenger again. Any person’s consciousness is subject to the influence of thoughtforms and images of this material world. These ideas and images are floating like gigantic fish in a fishbowl, seeking people’s consciousness in order to engross it. Therefore, our task is to deter these imperfect images and to take their negative influence away as much as possible. The presence of these masses of energy and their movement in space, which we cannot control, make our task difficult.

The human consciousness is very mobile. It can seem that a human is motionless. However, his consciousness is at the very same time attracted by energetic images, resonant with this consciousness by vibrations, and is able to travel along different layers of the astral and mental planes.

Therefore, it is very hard to fulfil our task and to give you pure knowledge.

This is the first limitation. The second limitation is connected with those layers of consciousness which have been accumulated by a person transmitting information or a messenger in the current embodiment. This is a young and very active kind of energy which can not be completely surmounted.

These are two main problems which we face while transmitting any information from the higher plane to the physical world.

The most complicated is the verbal transmission of information, the so-called dictations. Their quality varies from time to time, from one sitting to another.

That is why the authenticity of the transmitted information changes all the time. Its authenticity can be better or worse from time to time. Therefore, it is possible to judge the authenticity of the information receiver only after a long period of time. In this case the following expression can be used: if it is the Truth, it will not stop manifesting itself; if it is a chance process, caused by definite astral energetic masses, then the process of receiving information will be either stopped, or its source will be revealed after some time due to the quality of the received information.

A person guided by blind astral forces is not able to estimate the quality of the received information.

Therefore, the process of receiving information is very complicated and demands great efforts both from our side and from the receiver of the information.

The authenticity of the information contained in the messages can also change from time to time.

You can ask us why we have to find individuals capable of receiving messages and continue giving these messages and dictations again and again.

The answer to this question is in the question itself. We do this because it is necessary for mankind standing on the threshold of a new stage now. Many people begin to hear higher planes and contact different forces. Not all of those people realise what forces they are making contacts with. Among these forces there are some that are quite friendly, that wish you well. But there are also quite evil substances, which use the man mastered by them, for their mercenary aims. But there can be only one mercenary aim in this entire unreal world – to lead a man as far away as possible from knowing the Divine Reality.

Everything in this world has two sides. Any activity inherent in this world has a dual character and can be focussed either on the good or on the evil, death, hell.

The receiving of messages does not differ from any other activity, or from any other manifestation of this dual world.

When a new invention appears and at first seems to be aimed at doing good, almost immediately the illusory forces of this world start mastering it and directing it at reaching just the opposite aims. Take any example. One of the latest inventions is the Internet, providing you with an immense level of freedom for almost immediate communication over oceans and continents. Just a few decades ago a human mind would have considered such a possibility to be a fantasy. But with what is the Internet filled up today? Instead of bearing the ideas of the good it is up to 90% filled up with the most dubious images borne by the dual human intellect.

Grains of truth are also contained in this world’s information system, but in the same proportion as the truth itself dwells in this world - one to ten. Yes, there is only 10% of the Truth, the Divine Truth, in this world now.

Communication with the higher worlds is not an exception from this rule. The proportion of authentic information contained in the messages from the higher planes also equals one to ten.

This does not mean that such is the authenticity of all the messages. There are messages, coming to this world, with the authenticity of 95% and even more. But 90% of the messages contain lies.

Therefore, we use definite methods of transmitting information for those of our representatives with whom we work. We give them the keys for access to this information, known only to them and given to them in the process of training, during which our messengers are put to definite and very heavy tests, thus proving their right to receive the information from the Divine Source.

However, you must develop an ability to distinguish the level of information yourselves in order to be able to feel the difference in the quality and authenticity of the information from different sources. You must listen to the vibrations contained in the messages and distinguish them.

Even the presence of our messenger’s mantle does not endow a person with an opportunity to bear the Truth constantly. The percentage of the Truth changes from time to time, from one sitting to another one, depending on the external conditions and the inner state of the messenger.

Today I have raised a very sophisticated topic about the authenticity of the messages coming to the physical world.

But due to the fact that the process of contact between the worlds continues to develop, this knowledge will be necessary for you in order to find this 10% of the Truth in everything surrounding you and in everything coming to you from different sources, such as the radio, newspapers, TV, the Internet or the messages from the higher worlds.

Therefore, the only advice I can give in order to protect you from 90% of this world’s lie is to improve your own receiver.

Purify your bodies. Purify your physical body, as well as your mental, emotional and etheric body.

Analyse your circle of contacts, your thoughts and feelings.

Maintain control of yourselves during the day. What are you thinking about? Are you in harmony?

Do not think that the choices you make during the day are harmless for you.

Your preferences, everything that you choose for your activities, lay on you an indelible energetic coating. It is very difficult to get rid of such a coating during one embodiment.

Everything surrounding you represents energy and vibrations. So, when preferring imperfect kinds of activities, you voluntarily impose extra restrictions on yourselves.

Any usual activity which seems to be absolutely harmless for an ordinary person can delay your movement on the path for an indefinite time.

Keep an eye on your activities during the day. How much time do you waste watching endless serials, chatting in smoke rooms, contacting so-called friends? Is it so necessary for your spiritual growth?

You cannot free yourselves of your chains immediately. But you can do it gradually, day after day, step by step, giving up one attachment after another. You must keep going on your movement on the Path and return home to God without a stop, being guided only by your inner aspiration. This aspiration has been with you primordially and it is inherent in you now. All you need is to recollect your first Love. And go.

I AM Sanat Kumara, and I AM always with you on your Path.

Drink the Nectar of the Divine Energy

Beloved Surya

March 14, 2005

I AM Surya having come through this messenger again. Exactly a year ago I laid the mantel on her shoulders on the Great Central Sun. A whole year was necessary for the activation of this mantle.

Such a service, when a person receives messages, is the most responsible one. This is that possible help which is being rendered now by the Ascended Hosts to mankind on earth.

The dictations contain our vibrations, our energy. Even if the words of the dictations may be twisted by the consciousness of the incarnated messenger, their energetic element, charged by us at the moment of transmission, can be removed only by our wish.

You can feel the energy of the dictation not only as a vibration of purity (to feel a high vibration you must be in keeping with it), but also simply if you have an interest in it.

You can simply want to read it. And your external consciousness does not even need to understand that at the moment of reading all your bodies absorb the Divine Energetic Nectar.

Your bodies suffer from constant hunger; they literally thirst for Divine energy. The vibrations of the world surrounding you represent an energetic surrogate. It is the food which does not give your higher bodies the necessary energetic recharging.

You are in need of our feeding. You must be fed.

And we do it again and again through every messenger, especially at the beginning of his/her activity, when the attacks of the dark forces opposing us are not yet activated.

Drink the Nectar of Divine Energy, remember your Father’s House. Feel the familiar vibrations of the higher worlds and recollect these vibrations.

I would like to stroke your heads, to caress you and to give you my protection, love, consolation, peace.

You are warriors in this world, warriors of Spirit, and your battle is continual. This battle started at the moment of the beginning of the illusory manifestation and will end only after the universe has finished this cycle of its existence and the manifested worlds have been contracted. Before that moment the battle between the forces of Light and darkness will continue and they will always oppose each other and penetrate each other.

This is an eternal movement, eternal aspiration and eternal opposition to evolution.

Incarnated mankind has different levels of consciousness. These different levels comprehend the battle differently and try to take their own part in it.

Actually, everything is determined by the consciousness of man. Just try to tell a knight in the middle ages, going to take part in a crusade to protect the Holy Sepulcher, that his understanding of the battle in this world is incorrect.

Try to tell suicide terrorists nowadays that they understand the present battle erroneously.

Try to tell those people who have got the Teaching from the previous messenger and are trying now to pass judgment on this earth by word of mouth that they understand this battle incorrectly.

You can easily imagine the result of your attempts to convince all these people of their wrongness.

This is their level of comprehension of Divine Reality. They are sincerely ready to sacrifice much in their lives, even to offer their lives as a sacrifice in order to protect the victory of those forces they actually support.

The problem lies in the fact that the level of consciousness of these people determines which forces they actually make a stand for.

But if they were endowed with Buddha Consciousness or Christ Consciousness, they would understand that any manifestation of the fight in the physical or higher planes of thoughts and feelings only contributes to the multiplication of the illusion.

These two forces, constantly fighting within the framework of the creation, represent by themselves just illusory forces aimed at the illusion’s multiplication from one side, and the Real Divine world’s Forces aimed at the illusion’s contraction from another side. This is a battle in Heavens and it will last until the entire manifested universe and the manifested worlds are in existence.

This is a battle, relegated to the consciousness of living people, and it is understood by them in proportion to the development of their consciousness. Their activities in this battle fully correspond to those energetic karmic loads they acquired in the past. And those knights, who were ready to kill the heretics in their seemingly honest battle for Christ, now fight verbally and continue to immobilize the forces of the dark by using other ways of fighting with them.

If you tell them that they are acting incorrectly from the point of view of the Teaching of Buddha and Christ, they will never believe you. Such is their level of consciousness.

Therefore, the energy contained in their electronic belt must exhaust all its resources. It will return to them again and again in new embodiments, until their consciousness rises to such a level where it will understand the true sense of the battle in this world.

This battle will go on during all that period of time while mankind allows it to take place inside of the human consciousness.

The world is just a reflection of human consciousness. An individual, reaching Buddha’s Consciousness or the state of nirvana in his meditations, understands that there is no fight in this state. In this state there can only be love, harmony, bliss and joy – all the Divine qualities, not distorted by the low state of human consciousness.

Do you see many Buddhas in a state of meditation around you?

You may not believe me, but just one such Buddha is capable of keeping the balance of the planet.

In your towns you will see Buddhas on the benches in the parks and under the trees, sitting in their pose of meditation. Nobody will pay attention to them, because it will become a phenomenon as natural as elderly people walking with their pets. When this happens, there will be no terrorism, no feverishly arguing dogmatic people representing different religious beliefs, convincing each other of their true incontestable comprehension of God.

But before that happens each of you will be working out your karmic loads and facing such life situations which will push you up to a new level of the evolution of your consciousness, up to a new step, leading to comprehension of the Divine Truth.

I will return. I hope that I will return and will be able to give the correct direction to your thought. I hope that there are people in embodiment who are ready to listen to Buddha’s Teaching.

I AM Surya.

We show you the Path

Sanat Kumara

March 15, 2005

I AM Sanat Kumara. I have come. It has become a tradition to give dictations through this messenger. We will continue doing this until internal or external conditions change.

Due to the present state of the world, it is a great rarity to obtain a pure enough transmitter for the perception of our information.

In the course of the reading of these dictations you have met with doubts in your consciousness. Actually, there is a certain difference between the information presented by us and its final version received in the course of transmitting it through the people-messengers embodied now.

But this difference is connected with a greater degree of freedom. We try to give information not only in the framework of the old Teachings - received by people during previous years - but to broaden your understanding of the higher world as well. Any system of world outlook, regardless of its well-knit argument, describes the higher reality roughly enough. Therefore, we have chosen another way of giving information without becoming attached to any existing system of terminology. As you may notice, we use almost no terms which were used before in other religious and philosophical systems.

Our intention is simple. The Truth must be set forth in such an accessible way that even a child can understand it.

You can notice at times that different systems are notable for their complexity. Yes, the organization of the universe is very sophisticated and is hardly comprehensible for human consciousness at the present stage of its development.

Therefore, regardless of our attempts to set forth some things in a simple way, you are not capable of perceiving them. So we have chosen another way. This is the way of giving you and your knowledge a correct direction. When you realise which direction is to be chosen for your movement, you will be able to provide for every eventuality on your path. You will find instruments of the Spirit suitable for you, and spiritual practices and methodologies as well. But you will no longer wander here and there, because your inner orienteer and the compass of your consciousness will have a correct direction.

The process of giving this direction is very delicate so as not to cause its rejection from the side of your external consciousness. Have you noticed that all or almost all the information transmitted by us through this messenger is acceptable for you? Your consciousness seeks contradictions, while your critical mind seeks things to cling to. And it does not find them.

That is because the higher the level at which the Truth is stated, the more difficult it is to find contradictions.

We can give such an example. You see a peak in front of you - the Peak of Divine Consciousness covered by a shining snow-white cap. But, when you set off to this Peak, you enter a wood, wander along the clefts, climb the cliffs and no longer see the Peak in front of you.

This can be compared to your entering the structure of any church or organisation with its regulations, settings, dogmas, etc. You are literally ensnared by impassable bushes of dogmas and rules. Nobody remembers any longer what these rules were made for. But you are demanded to follow them by any means, otherwise you will be either burn in hell or all the imaginable disasters of this world will happen to you.

But if you remember, constantly remember, that Peak of Divine Consciousness you are aspiring to, you will pass through these bushes which clutch at you with thorns, and they will not harm you.

Exactly so, when you enter a thick forest of dogmas from centuries-old religions and do not see even the blue sky behind these dogmas and regulations, you recollect the Divine Peak you are going to and find the way out.

When you continue your way and start climbing the cliffs and stone clefts of new teachings – the new-sprung and thus very slippery and unstable ones - you recollect that Divine Peak. And you get help and support which can be a hand of a friend or a just rope thrown to you by the brothers who have already ascended higher.

These dictations are not for those who have found rest on a forest glade near a stream surrounded by twittering birds and fluttering butterflies. Such glades are like those teachings and sects where you are told to strive for bliss while dwelling in your world, to love everybody and to manifest only good human qualities.

There cannot be real perfection in your world. The longer you play saints the more painful is the blow you must undergo. This blow will awaken you from lethargy on your beautiful glade and will inspire you to climb the peak, overcoming yourselves and your imperfection. As you climb, all your old sores and injuries received in this and previous incarnations will reveal themselves.

But you will continue to move forward, surmounting pains from these injuries, contusions, wounds and cuts.

Our task is to give you the Path, the right direction. But you will go by yourselves, each by your own individual path.

But, after having got a correct direction, you will never lose your path again.

We show you the Path to the highest peak of comprehension of the Divine Reality.

Here is the Path. Do go. Do aspire. Only do not stop in your evolution.


I AM Sanat Kumara and I AM with you along the whole length of your Path.

Distant Worlds are open for visits and wait for you


March 16, 2005

I AM THAT WHICH I AM, I am speaking from within you.

Moderation and harmony are the very qualities that a messenger must manifest to be able to accept dictations from the higher plane. It is impossible to reach the state of absolute separation from everything surrounding you in the physical plane, to tear your consciousness away from the surrounding reality and to rise upward without these qualities.

It is possible to visualise leaving the body and ascending to the Highest Planes as climbing a peak. As a matter of fact, the moment of ascending to the higher plane is connected with the rise of the level of the vibrations. If your physical bodies were better prepared for such journeys through space and time, it would be possible to reach such a level of vibrations, which would enable you to move in any direction to any system of the worlds.

However, your physical temple, your physical transmitter of vibrations is very crude and cannot bear even an insignificant increase in vibrations. It will simply burn out.

We use higher bodies for our journeys. So now the readiness of the higher bodies for such journeys is coming to the fore. The higher bodies of most people are damaged to such an extent that they have neither the right shape nor the necessary lightness.

The state of the higher bodies is completely dependent on the level of consciousness of a human. Therefore, the journeys to far-off-worlds are simply inaccessible for most of mankind. You yourselves are your higher bodies, but only in a higher world. And you obtain mobility in the higher world proportionally to the readiness of your consciousness to perceive this world.

As a rule, most people cannot rise higher than the layers of the so-called dense astral plane. But these layers do not allow you to tear yourselves from the earth and visit the higher and more developed systems of the universe.

Therefore, the task of perceiving higher worlds and the task of perfecting your higher bodies - with the aim of acquiring an ability to move in these worlds - is coming to the forefront now.

You are to acquire the ability to leave your body and travel throughout the worlds. This quality is inherent in the further level of development of the human consciousness, and it will be acquired by mankind together with the ability to get rid of the “protective suit” of your flesh which pins you down to the material world.

Distant worlds are open for visits and wait for you. But you need to become light and to free yourselves of the loads of your karmic debts on this planet.

The separation of the bodies and the journeys through space in your higher bodies are now at a very close point in human evolution, when man turns into a Cosmic being from the creature, chained by the framework of one planet and tied down to this planet. He becomes a Being whose home is the entire cosmos and the entire manifested universe.

This stage of human evolution will be revealed to you as soon as you complete your schooling on earth. But this will take many more human years.

I would like to touch upon the subject of the so-called ascending.

It is not fair to say that through the previous messengers you were given incorrect information about ascending. But ascending as a process, during which you leave your physical world forever and start to exist in the higher planes, will not happen just as you imagine it.

You are ascending gradually, as if part by part, moving from race to race, from one cosmic cycle into another. Nevertheless, any final ascent is unattainable if it is understood as a process of achievement of any ultimate aim. It is because the evolution is unlimited and can not be terminated. And therefore, no aim can be ultimate.

Every day you ascend in your consciousness, in your vibrations, acquiring more and more freedom and reaching that energetic level which your vibrations correspond to.

Inside of you there is a part which has already achieved the so-called ascending in the previous cosmic cycles. This part of you is your Christ Self or your Higher Self. This is the part which helps you draw all your lower bodies out of this material world.

Your Christ Self is your foothold, your guide, who shows you the way and directs you.

So this link with your Higher Self is very necessary. Nowadays this link is becoming reality for more and more embodied people.

When raising your energetic level you acquire an opportunity to communicate with your Christ Self and get the experience of communicating with your Higher Self, with your I AM Presence. The very thing that you admit into your consciousness happens.

If you admit into your consciousness an opportunity of communicating with your Christ Self, sooner or later you will get this opportunity.

Once it happened that Tatyana stopped hearing the answers of her Higher Self. It was a shock for her. It means that the process of communicating with her Higher Self became so natural for her that she simply could not realise what her life would be like without it in the future.

The same thing can be said about your consciousness. Unless it admits a thought about communicating with its Higher Self and with the Heaven Worlds, you will not be able to acquire any experience of such communication.

If you do not want to learn to swim, you will not learn. But in order to learn you need to get into the water and try to swim.

All the people who read these dictations and realise what is told in them are able to swim and to communicate with their Higher Selves.

But, if you do not wish to get into the water, nobody can make you do it. You decide to learn to swim and either get into the water or not.

There are very many methods of communicating with your Higher Self.

I will give you the simplest one.

You have a Friend. Your best and most devoted Friend who dwells inside of you. This Friend has always loved you and aspired to help you as much as you allowed him to in all the difficult circumstances of your life.

You were often in need of getting advice from a friend in a difficult situation. You were seeking friends outside yourself. You were aspiring to human communication with them.

But at this very time the best and the most devoted Friend of yours, dwelling inside of you, was waiting patiently for you to pay attention to Him.

And He is ready to communicate with you. He is full of love and friendly feelings towards you. Pay attention to Him.

Tell Him that you love Him and that you miss communicating with Him.

Choose a time when nobody will bother you. Switch off everything that can disturb you. Find a comfortable position. Concentrate on your heart. Ask your Higher Self whether it wants to communicate with you. How do you know if the response is “yes”?

Lend an attentive ear to yourself. You can get this response as a very subtle feeling, as a palpitation of your heart or in many other ways. You must feel the way which your Christ Self chooses to answer you. And it will answer you in the way which you are able to perceive.

You may not hear any answer. Do not force or tire yourself. Repeat your attempt the next day. Do it every day.

You have to discover what time of the day is the most convenient for you. Try again and again.

At first it will seem to you that you hear answers. Ask your Christ Self. Speak to it as you speak to your closest friend. Tell it that you love it, that you are dreaming of communicating with it.

And sooner or later your communication will take place.

I wish you success on your Path. The time will come and we will meet. And I will speak with you from within, just as I am speaking from within this messenger now.


Be able to get at the root of the Truth

Gautama Buddha

March 17, 2005

I AM Buddha Gautama. I HAVE come again. The time is short, and I want to speak about the very crux of the matter.

Do not let the words in which our messages are expressed embarrass you. Words are just garments of the Truth, in the same way as leaves are garments of trees. When autumn comes, the foliage falls and then appears again in spring.

The same can be said about words. The Truth is enveloped with words, and you feast your eyes upon this Truth. But the time comes when all these words fade like autumn leaves only to give the new Truth an opportunity to develop during the next cosmic cycle.

Therefore, there is no use in getting attached to the words in which the Truth is enveloped. Be able to recognise the Essential Truth, hidden in different teachings and religious systems. But do not get attached to the words.

Your attachment to any of these systems is like an attachment to last year’s foliage.

Be able to get at the root of the Truth.

Nowadays, the Truth is being given through this messenger. We are not aware of the future situation. The world you are living in is too unpredictable. Therefore, you are given a direction in the shape of energy, a kind of a magnet, enabling you in the future to find the grains of the Truth scattered in different Teachings and beliefs.

Do not forget the fact that the Truth is one and indivisible, but its interpretation in people’s consciousness is different and is determined by the level of their evolution.

Just as trees lose their leaves during autumn, you also lose your physical bodies, but this gives you an opportunity to return to this world and to be born again and to get new bodies. A wise man thinks about his future life, while living in his current life. He realises that each of his choices, deeds, actions, thoughts and feelings compose his future in this life and the circumstances of his future life.

It will do much good for your evolution if every moment of your life you think over the consequences of your actions for your future. Do not strive to be rewarded for your good actions during this life. Strive to be rewarded in your future life. This is the minimum task facing you.

Those of you who have a more extended consciousness realise that you are an indivisible part of God and that you make up the body of God, just like all the other living creatures on earth. Thus, getting a reward loses its point for you even in the future life.

You see your aim in helping all the living creatures, because you are each of these living creatures simultaneously. You are just a part of the indivisible organism of the whole Creation. Thus, you are no longer able to affirm that one of the parts of this organism or the class of organism you belong to is the most important one.

If the heart or the kidneys of your organism declare that they are the most important and deserve being paid a special attention to, it will be reflected in the whole organism. The whole organism will feel sick.

Your own separation from all the other living creatures of the universe exists only in your consciousness, and is characteristic only of the given stage of evolutionary development.

The more developed the consciousness of a man is, the fewer contradictions he sees in different religious systems and the more unity he feels with every living creature.

Just try to seek contradictions and evil in everything around you. This is the very way of action of the so-called egoistic and self-centred consciousness. By doing so, you lower your vibrations to such an extent that they draw the worst manifestations of the outer world into your life. You will be unhappy. And all people around you will be unhappy.

If you think it over, you will see that most of people act just this way. First of all, they point out imperfections in everything surrounding them. And this is natural, because their consciousness is so imperfect that it sees only imperfections around it. Therefore, such people are in some way generators of imperfection, generators of the illusion. They represent gigantic creators of the illusion. They are simply record-holders in creating imperfect thoughts and feelings, imperfect emotions and actions.

But this must be stopped one day.

And, as the law of free will functions in your world, it is you who can wish to change this situation. Only you can attempt to change yourselves and your attitude to the surrounding world.

Chase out of your heads and hearts everything that separates you and makes you condemn others, seeks contradictions and imperfection in everything. Chase out of your heads your constant search for those who, as you suppose, disturb you from outside.

These may be your neighbours, representatives of any other system of world outlook, fallen angels, and world evil.

Yes, your world is rich in imperfection. But, when you constantly concentrate on imperfection, you willingly pour your Divine energy upon the weeds of imperfect human consciousness.

Watch how you spend the energy given by God and what you pour it on.

Constantly keep the maximum level of your vibrations as high as possible for you. It is really very hard to keep your consciousness in purity every minute while dwelling on imperfections. But you need to do this. You may use everything that helps you raise your consciousness.

Verses. Music. Nature. Games with children. Flowers.

Pour the energy of your attention only onto patterns of perfection.

This does not mean that you have to isolate yourselves from the world. Dwell in this world, be in this imperfect manifestation, but do not let it master you, your consciousness and your soul.

When you start concentrating on perfect Divine manifestations, you raise your vibrations. You start being a happy person. But do not forget that your responsibility is also to help all the living creatures. The law of this universe is such that the highest serves the lowest.

Those whose consciousness is extended enough must help their younger brothers and sisters.

And we set an example for you in this. Just look how much energy and strength we use to help you open your lotus of comprehension of the Divine Truth.

I am not telling you anything that you do not already know. You have to do just a small thing – act in your life in accordance with the knowledge which you have been granted.

I AM your brother Gautama.

The feeling of struggle is not a Divine feeling

Beloved Alpha

March 18, 2005

I AM Alpha. I have come. In accordance with the Law I can descend into the temple of a messenger only by invitation.

Tatyana has invited me. And now I have an opportunity to speak to you again.

It is the wish of the Heavens to go on speaking through this messenger until the external or internal circumstances change.

Your world can be compared to a bog and, as soon as the vibrations inside of any person start to differ too much from the average vibrations of your world, the opposition to the Law starts making efforts to deaden the source which is dangerous for it.

High vibrations are perceived as a source of danger by almost every being linked with your world in this or that way. These vibrations of Light really bear danger in them. They destroy everything which does not correspond to the Divine Plan for the next stage of the space evolution.

Times have changed. And if earlier we could act through our messengers and this action could be compared to a stream of Light, nowadays it resembles more a waterfall of Light.

We are striving to fill your world up with as big a stream of Light as possible. And this stream will literally sweep away everything that does not correspond to God’s Plan for the next stage of the evolution of the Earth.

Therefore, the opposition is essential. And the front line runs through the hearts of our messengers.

This is truly a great fight, demanding a great mobilization of strengths.

It is a new stage, a new Space opportunity, and at the same time it is a great resistance to this opportunity.

The two forces that form this universe and seem to be absolutely opposite to each other, in reality just participate in the realising of the Creator’s Plan for this universe.

One of these forces contributes to the manifestation of the illusion and the creation of manifested worlds. The other force contributes to the return of this manifested worlds back into their original state of Non-manifested Omniscience.

At the first stage of the universe’s expansion the force contributing to creation of illusion meets resistance from the side of the force striving to preserve the original peace.

After crossing the critical point for this universe the forces change their roles, and the resistance now comes from the side of the force striving to preserve the illusion.

These are the forces, named in different systems of world outlook as Yang and Yin, male and female aspects, the forces of good and evil.

As you see, both forces are a necessary part of the Creator’s Plan. They complement one another and the denser the world is the larger is the level of hostile manifestation between them.

And vice versa, the higher the world is the more harmonious is the interaction between these two main forces of this universe.

The overcoming of the seeming hostility of these two forces inside your consciousness is the main part of the Teaching given here.

The feeling of struggle is not a Divine feeling. It is inherent only in dense worlds. And the interpretation of the meaning of the fight in the Heavens, which is given in many teachings, has absolutely another sense. But this sense is also different and depends on the level of consciousness of beings during their evolution.

There was a time when it was assumed that the interpretation of this struggle was as a battle between angels in Heaven. This corresponded to the level of consciousness of mankind at that stage.

Now the moment has come when it is necessary to change this image of the fighting angels in your consciousness and to replace it by the image of the interaction of the two counteracting forces of this universe.

The closer to the Truth you see the interaction of these two forces the less painful is the transition of your planet to a new level of comprehension of the Divine Truth.

The correct understanding of the battle taking place in this world will save you from many errors on your spiritual Path, connected with your wish to defend your understanding of the Truth by force.

You can affirm the Truth, but you must not struggle with everybody, who, in your opinion, understands this Truth incorrectly, and is due to be punished and judged only on the basis of your opinion.

Leave the privilege of judgement to those who are responsible for it. Do not try to judge with your human consciousness the things which are so far beyond your understanding.

Stay in Peace, keep the feeling of Love and Harmony and all the other things will come to you.

I have come specially to give you this important Teaching. I hope you have understood me.

I AM Alpha, your Father in Heaven.

We simply took the matches away from the children

Beloved Surya

March 19, 2005

I AM Surya and I have come today from the Great Central Sun to give you the Teaching on karma through this messenger.

You have known the term karma as the energy which accompanies you during your earthly cycle of embodiments. You get Divine energy which is the source of life in the universe. Further, you utilise this energy in accordance with your free will given by God. But your utilisation of this energy does not always correspond to God’s Will. In this case this incorrectly qualified energy supplements your karmic load, being deposited in your higher and physical bodies.

Further, the Law of likeness comes into force.

This incorrectly qualified energy, constantly accompanying you in life, brings to you such life situations through which you have to live. It makes you learn a lesson and act in such situations not in accordance with your will, but with the Will of God.

As a matter of fact, you are creating your karma constantly when you break the Will of God and act of your own selfish accord.

Therefore, your karma is directly proportional to the level of your egoism, to the level of your isolation from God’s Law and to the level of your disagreement with God’s Law.

Your correct choices, which you make in each situation conditioned by karma, help you work out your karma. Each such choice brings you nearer to God and makes you reject and part with the unreal part you created.

In accordance with the cosmic cycles, you descend into materiality at the beginning of a cycle, create karma and then leave the material world, as if constantly analysing your previous mistakes. Again and again you are placed into the same situations, which demand that you work out your karma.

Such a cycle of your leaving materiality has just begun and it will last for many millions of earthly years.

Let us now examine the dispensation, which has been given to you through our previous messengers, that is the violet-flame dispensation.

The essence of the karma transmutation with the help of reading the violet-flame decrees was in the following: during the reading of the decrees you were to realise those traits of yours which were not divine and to transform these negative qualities into positive or Divine ones with the help of additional Divine energy attracted to your physical world.

What has happened since you received this dispensation?

You live in a dual world and this means literally that everything in your world can be used in favour of good, as well as in favour of evil.

You can ask how it is possible to use the reading of the violet-flame decrees, intended for the karma transmutation, in favour of evil.

It is very simple, and I can explain it to you now straightforwardly, because the violet-flame dispensation has been withdrawn from planet Earth at present.

At that moment when you are drawing to yourself the additional flow of Divine energy during your reading of the decrees, you control this flow through your thoughts and feelings.

And if at the moment of receiving this additional energy your thoughts and feelings are not of high purity and are far from Divine perfection, the following thing happens: instead of transmutation of the karmic deposit in the electronic belt of your four lower bodies you add to this deposit the energy which was incorrectly qualified by you at the moment of the reading of the violet-flame decrees.

Thus, you create new karma instead of working out your old one.

You see that the violet-flame decrees represented a mighty weapon, given to you at this difficult time for your planet. And you see that 90 percent of this violet-flame energy was forming a sediment in your lower bodies at the moment of the reading of the decrees, because at that moment you were thinking not about getting rid of your ego and imperfection, but were speculating about what you could get from God in exchange for your many hours of vigils. What is worse, in your thoughts you permitted condemnation of your brothers. You permitted other negative thoughts and feelings while reading these decrees.

Therefore, the violet-flame dispensation has a selective function at present. It is in force only for those groups and people who have a correct inner motive when starting to read the violet-flame decrees.

And this is a reasonable precautionary measure. We simply limited access to this mighty instrument for those individuals who have not reached the necessary level of evolution of their consciousness, so as not to let them do much harm to themselves.

We simply took the matches away from the children.

The same is true for my dispensation on the 23rd of each month which allows the transmuting of the karma of the following month. It is also limited and functions selectively.

How can you define whether you are under the function of the dispensation or not?

You can define it in accordance with your achievements on your Path. If a year ago, the same as two years ago, the same as ten years ago you were offended by people, condemned them and permitted other imperfections and if now you persistently continue doing it, then you can understand that this dispensation cannot be applied to you.

However, nothing is lost irrevocably. If you truly decide to leave your unreal part and if you manifest your readiness to do it in your constant everyday aspirations, everything will return to you. You will feel the violet flame returning to your life and helping you get rid of your imperfection.

In the end, everything is determined by your inner aspiration and your inner motive.

I would like to remind you that the reading of the decrees and prayers is not the most essential thing. The most essential is your wish to get rid of your ego and to serve life and God. This wish can be realised in any action and any situation you face in life.

Your usual actions, your attitudes to people and the surrounding world can work out karma just as well as reading the decrees.

You make your choice at every moment of your life. And you either work out your previous karma through your actions or create a new one.

And any most perfect spiritual practice or the best prayers will be of no benefit to your spiritual evolution if you perform these practices with a mercenary aim to get some privileges for you or your relations.

There is only one true motive for a person starting any spiritual practice or any spiritual methodology. And that is to get rid of your ego and to approach God, to serve God and all the living creatures.

If you start any spiritual practice with any other aim, you create karma.

The same principle of duality, inherent in your world, functions in the spiritual sphere and in the religious sphere.

And sometimes a person, devout from the human point of view and regularly attending all church services and ceremonies, is on a lower step in his spiritual evolution than a person who never attends church services, but has a correct inner motive and realises in his life those Commandments which were taught by Jesus and other Teachers of mankind.

It will not be a big revelation if I say that there are many more spiritually advanced people outside the religious confessions than among the people acting in the frames of a certain religious system.

I have given you today enough information to think about. And I have taken advantage of the opportunity to give you the information about the changes which our previous dispensations have undergone so far.

I AM Surya from the Great Central Sun. Om.

The moment has come for you to give up any manifestation of conflict in your consciousness

Beloved El Morya

March 20, 2005

I AM El Morya! I HAVE come!

Beloved, have you recognised me? Lend your ear to my vibrations. There is something dwelling beyond all the words and images, and this something is Divine Reality which cannot be mistaken for anything else.

I have come from this highest reality to give you the following Teaching.

During the time of my last incarnation known to you as El Morya I came aiming to give the disciples in the West that part of secret knowledge which had been possessed only by initiated people since the times of the ancient Lemuria and Atlantis. The access to this knowledge was open only to a few initiated people, incarnated again and again with the aim to keep the flame of the Truth burning in this physical octave.

The Fire of the True Knowledge has never burnt out, but it was accessible only for a very small circle of people, who have always thoroughly guarded this knowledge from neophytes and laymen.

We, the three tsars El Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Kul, were incarnated in the 19th century and got an opportunity to share a part of the secret knowledge which had been possessed only by the highest initiated people on this planet. We managed to create the organization the “Theosophical Society” to spread this knowledge.

Due to the negative attitude of the West to everything coming from India and Tibet as being a lower knowledge in comparison with the knowledge possessed by the best minds of that age, we had to act through mediators capable of receiving and transmitting images and knowledge contained in our physical minds. Such a mediator who received information was Elena Blavatsky, our faithful disciple and follower. We also used a few people from the English aristocracy to spread our ideas.

A series of books was written under our dictation. We proofread thoroughly all the information which was to be published in order to explain the Truth as well as possible. And in fact all works given by us through Blavatsky contained the Truth, but the form of the given material was intentionally complicated. Therefore, the use of this Truth was possible only for those souls in embodiment that were given the necessary keys for its identification.

Our task was fulfilled brilliantly. We left on Earth the material evidence of the ancient Truth in the shape of Blavatsky’s printed works, though the true authorship of these books was certainly ours.

And we achieved the set goal. The creative thought of the best western minds was given the right direction. And the seeds of knowledge we had sown managed to germinate in many esoteric doctrines of the following century.

We were not able to give our Teaching in Russia. This country was the most receptive to receiving this knowledge. But exactly because of this fact all attempts were undertaken from the side of our opposition not to let this knowledge be available to Russians. Thus, the dissemination of our Teaching in Russia was delayed for a whole century.

And when it finally came to Russia, this knowledge had already been diluted and made dull by many other Teachings born on the ground of America.

And even though the knowledge presented in our works and published through Blavatsky was on the basis of these esoteric Teachings, the distortions typical of the American mindset were still inherent in these Teachings to a significant extent.

At the moment of giving the knowledge we deliberately muddled the information so as not to reveal the Truth to unprepared minds. But in the new Americanized doctrines the Truth was already diluted by lies without our slightest wish.

These Americanized surrogates have finally reached Russia. And their only benefit was in the fact that people took up reading Blavatsky's works, for the authenticity of which we were personally responsible as we had participated in the creation of these books ourselves.

However, the minds of our sincere disciples were confused by the contradictions between new Americanized doctrines and the doctrines we had given.

As the new doctrines were given in a simple and clear language, exactly these new doctrines were preferred by our disciples and followers.

But the time has come when an insistent need has arisen to clear up the main contradiction. And it touches on the subject of the downfall of the angels and the question of Lucifer's downfall.

Last year we attempted to give a more simple explanation of the downfall of the angels and mankind through our messenger Tatyana, explaining and clarifying the description of these subjects given earlier in “The Secret Doctrine" by Blavatsky.

And now I have to return to this subject again as we see that this subject has come to the fore for our best disciples.

That is why we insist on your more attentive studying of this subject precisely as it is given in "The Secret Doctrine".

The moment has come for you to give up any manifestation of conflict in your consciousness including the fight with fallen angels.

In fact, two points of view, two approaches to mankind's history and to the conception of the universe’s evolution, clash at this point. On the one hand, it is the approach typical of eastern philosophy and having found its reflection in the religious systems of India and Tibet. On the other hand, it is the approach inherent in western consciousness and borrowed from the ideology peculiar to the western Christian thought and new Americanized doctrines mentioned above.

Being geographically situated between the East and the West, Russia has a potential to absorb and master both philosophic systems.

That is why we have come again through a Russian Messenger to direct your thought.

The subjects of the downfall of the angels and the so-called rebellion of Lucifer are explained best of all in the works we wrote during our incarnation.

That is why the time has come to revaluate the knowledge given in the past and to raise your idea about the Truth to a new level.

Every time you have a wish to fight with fallen angels, remember that each of you has such an angel as the so-called fifth principle or Christ Self. [1]

You cannot fight with a part of yourself. Your task is to help this fallen angel to come back Home to God. But your four lower bodies, burdened by your karma's loads which you have accumulated during many and many embodiments on Earth, prevent him from doing so.

That is why all efforts should be directed to giving up the unreal part of yourselves, your ego, your karma's accumulations, and to raising your consciousness to the level of your Christ Self and your Guardian-Angel. It is the next stage of evolution and it will take place irrespective of how strongly you resist and stick to any system, offered to you kindly, but always leading you to the path of struggle.

Recollect the Teachings of Christ and Buddha. Did they teach you to fight with fallen angels?

Read the Bible again. Even in this source, though not pure enough from our point of view, you can find a correct conception of the history of Earth's evolution if you read these quotations with the help of the keys given in "The Secret Doctrine".

We spent a lot of effort and energy in order to overcome the resistance of Tatyana's external consciousness, to overcome any respect for the previous messengers and to overcome the ideas about fallen angels given through these messengers from America.

That is why I speak through this Messenger until there is an opportunity to speak through her. And I confirm that times have changed, and it is necessary for you to rise to a new level of understanding of the Divine Truth.

You may choose. You may speculate. But do not forget that there are cosmic deadlines. And those who fail to meet these deadlines will swallow road dust.

I AM El Morya Khan.

I appeal to those of you who experience a special affinity for me


March 21, 2005

I AM Jesus. I have come through this messenger of God.

About 2000 years have passed since my last incarnation on the earth. I am happy to use an opportunity to give you a short Teaching through this messenger.

You know that at the time of my incarnation I worked wonders and many people came to see them. Many fewer people came to listen to my Teachings. And only my 12 closest disciples were able to perceive that secret knowledge which I imparted.

This knowledge differed greatly from the religious beliefs of that time.

But I kept teaching, because I was to sow the grains of the Truth in the hearts of at least a few of my followers.

What happened then? Those people, who had fully adopted my Doctrine, were prosecuted and executed.

Then other people emerged, opportunists, who managed to adapt my Doctrine to their mercenary interests and utilise this Doctrine for their own well-being, not taking care of the fact that they were misrepresenting the Divine Truth.

There is a great precipice between the Doctrine I brought into this world during my incarnation and the doctrine which is being given now in Christian churches, though the most advanced souls have understood this difference in the course of 2000 years. They have been guided by such understanding of my Teachings which emanated from their hearts but not from the dead letters of the distorted writings.

Each of these zealots of Spirit had a certain degree of inner contact with me.

And I have always answered the sincere aspirations of their hearts. I helped them as much as it was possible through the exhortations which they were receiving in Spirit.

And I continue my inner link with many incarnated individuals now.

I am saying this for those of you who feel a special affinity for me, maintained from life to life.

You do not need any external doctrine in order to feel the sweetness of our communion and my Love. External Doctrines just serve as a powerful spur to direct your consciousness. Regretfully, the existing official church does not give a big incentive to your aspiration to commune with me honestly.

Therefore, I appeal to those of you who feel a special affinity for me. I want you to know that I am open for contacts with you in your hearts.

I come to everybody who invites me, to everybody who has prepared his temple for receiving me.

Do not be frightened or despairing if our communion is not immediate. It is important for me that your vibrations should reach a certain level of purity. Then I will be able to dwell in you and to communicate with you.

Your aspiration to our communion will create a certain aspiration magnet, and I will have an opportunity to descend into your heart for our inner communion.

If you read attentively even that variant of the Gospels accessible for reading now, you will see that I have never called you to observe the external ceremonials. I have called you to follow the Path in your hearts.

And I have taught you to prepare your temple for the bridegroom’s coming. Your bridegroom is your Christ Self.

When your lower bodies and your soul reach a certain grade of purity, you acquire an opportunity to commune with your Christ Self, you higher part. And through your Christ Self you acquire an opportunity to commune with all the Ascended Hosts.

In reality, for the process of our communication you do not need any outward messenger.

I give you my support, and peace, and consolation. You will find all this inside of your heart.

I will come to everybody who has missed me and is waiting for me. I promise to come to each of you and give you the very things which your hearts have been thirsting after for so long. I will give you knowledge about your Source, about the world you have come from and to where you aspire to return. I will help you to recollect your first love and give you knowledge about the Path which will lead you Home to your Father in Heaven.

Do not believe those who say that this kingdom is here or that kingdom is there. Do not believe those who talk you into building such a Kingdom in the external world regardless of the name they give it – the kingdom of heaven on earth or communism.

You do not need to go to the world’s end - to India, America or Tibet - to seek this kingdom.

The kingdom of heaven is the state of your consciousness. And when you reach a certain level of your consciousness evolution, you acquire access to this kingdom of heaven.

This is hard for you to understand, so I ask you to trust me.

Take my hand. Hold it firmly, and I will show you the way to this kingdom, the entrance to which is inside of your heart.

Only first you have to give up freely those qualities which burden your hearts and prevent you from seeing me, even when I come to you and am standing right in front of your eyes.

You will not see me until you free yourselves from the load on your shoulders. This load is nothing else but your attachments to the world around you.

I will give you an exercise. Promise me to practise it every day.

Every day visualise a radiant dazzling Light straight in front of you. Feel a desire to join with this Light and to become one and indivisible with it. But this Light burns you and you cannot approach it, because there is something in you that does not let you find the state inherent in your true nature – the state of Light, Fire and Flame.

Think of what prevents you from doing this? What is not from Light in you? You do not need to try to get rid of all your imperfections immediately.

Find only one trait in yourselves which, in your opinion, most of all prevents you from manifesting your true nature.

If you do not know what this trait is, meditate on me, ask me, and I will tell you what this trait is. It will manifest itself in your life and you will wish to get rid of it.

You must have such a passionate desire to get rid of this bad habit or trait that you will be constantly asking me in your prayers to deliver you from it and help you overcome this imperfection of yours.

You can simply ask or you can pray. And the day will come when you will completely get rid of this habit or trait. Then start getting rid of your next imperfection.

Give all your imperfections to me. Ask me, and I will take them.

And there will be nothing in you that will prevent you from seeing me standing in front of you. I will only have to lead you by the hand into the kingdom of heaven, along the secret path hidden in a secret place inside your heart.

We will meet when that moment comes.

I will come to you again and again until you are able to hear me and feel my Love.

I AM Jesus, your friend and brother on your Path.

The Earth is living through a critical time at present

Sanat Kumara

March 22, 2005

I AM Sanat Kumara. I have come through my messenger again.

A verbal explanation of the forthcoming events can reflect only a small part of these events and has a very approximate and probabilistic character.

At that very moment when the entire creation was started all the future events were planned already in the form of their probability.

In our world there are such notions as the zodiac and the signs of the zodiac. For a person acquainted with the language of stars all the present and future events are already written down in the information field formed by the manifested stars. If you could master the language of stars perfectly you would be able to read the future of your planet written in the language universal for this universe.

But you can hardly find a temporal astrologist capable of understanding this language at present.

The true knowledge which is the key to the language of stars and allows us to foresee the future is hidden from contemporary man. Just in the same way you are not permitted to foresee death and know your future and past. This knowledge is also hidden from you

But the future and the past are determined by the present, by every minute and every second of your present. Time and space limits are actual for your world. There are no such limits in the Higher Worlds. That is why the perfect matrix of creation can manifest itself in space-temporal coordinates in many ways, but the probability of these ways is determined by your every-minute choice.

Therefore, the plan for the universe’s evolution, which also includes the plan for your planet, can change within a definite range, but this range is limited by frames. And if the evolution of some planet takes place somewhere on the boundary of the channel set up for this planet by the Highest Plan, the whole Hierarchy of Space Beings interferes to correct this evolution when necessary.

It happened many times with your planet already. The evolution would reach some certain critical point and turn back to the former safe channel.

The danger for evolution appears when it cuts itself off from the Higher Forces and the Hierarchs of the universe, from God and the Divine Law.

There are certain critical points in the history of any planet as well as in the history of the Earth. These critical points are determined by the zodiac and its cosmic cycles. At these points we check whether the information field of the Space Law and its direction are in conformity with the direction of the evolution of the lifestreams on the planet. At these moments the evolution of the planet is being corrected in case the deflection of the evolution from the direction originally set up exceeds the critical point.

Nowadays a similar phenomenon takes place. The evolution of the planet has deflected from the trajectory set up by the Space Law and it requires a correction.

We come recurrently through different prophets and messengers to remind you about the governing Law and the necessity to observe it.

And all the predictions of the past and present about the doomsday and different disasters are nothing else but reminders for you about the necessity to obey the Law governing in this universe.

The Law will be observed independently of whether you wish to obey it or not.

The Higher Forces have always taken aim to hold mankind on the edge of the precipice and to restrain it from self-destruction.

We have always helped mankind and we help it now to broaden the consciousness of people, to overcome their inner limitations and to ascend to the next level of the evolution of consciousness.

The Earth is living through a critical time at present. The task that lies before mankind now is to realise the fact that apart from the physical plane there are also higher planes and that Man is a Great Space Spiritual Being. Man’s potential is great.

But mastering this potential will not happen until Man overcomes those of his traits which are tying him down to the physical plane.

When we watch some of you from the higher plane where we ascended, we sometimes have the same feelings as you have when watching an ant.

You may have watched an ant dragging a large burden towards its ant-hill. From your level you see better the path it should take. And you see that the path could have been shortened and the ant- hill could have been reached faster and with less force applied.

If you watch an ant you will understand the feelings we have when watching your evolution.

Just in the same way when you set yourselves to do an ant's job we cannot fulfil it for you because your tasks must be performed by you.

We may render certain assistance and we are doing it constantly, but only within the frames permitted by the Law.

One kind of our help is reminding you of the cosmic deadlines and explaining to you who you are in reality.

Your potential is great. In contradistinction to you an ant will not be able to achieve a human form of evolution in this manvantara, i.e. this period of the universe’s evolution. But you will still be able to manifest your true Divine nature before the end of this manvantara. [2]

That is why we undertake such great efforts to prevent the destruction of the very physical platform - the Earth - which has sheltered you and grants you a safe environment for life and development.

Each cataclysm, each natural calamity is a consequence of your imperfect consciousness. In truth, you reap the fruit of your disobedience, egoism and obstinacy when you meet face to face with such manifestations of the elements.

The information fields of mankind and of the Earth are very closely linked and interwoven.

That is why any imperfect thought exerts influence upon the entire planet, spreading round the globe and coming into resonance with similar imperfect thoughts and feelings.

In the same way thoughts appealing to Weal and Good, positive thought-forms and emotions improve the stability of the whole planet and contribute to the levelling of the axis of the equator.

Billions of space beings are ready to serve day and night tirelessly so as to let you exist and evolve in peace, to prevent many of the possible catastrophes and cataclysms or to soften their effect.

But your help must also be included in the actions of the Ascended Hosts.

Meditate at Good, Weal and Love. Keep internal peace and quietness. Each of you should become a fulcrum on Earth, a conductor of Light. This Light will help you equalise the balance of your planet. This Light will help the Earth in ascending to the next level of evolution.

I am happy to watch the achievements which many of you have reached. And I am sincerely glad of your successes on your Path.

In accordance with the Space Law I cannot come and shake hands with each of you. But you can reach my level in your higher bodies. And I will embrace everybody approaching me and shake hands with him.

I AM Sanat Kumara

I have come to awaken your consciousness from its enduring lethargy

Gautama Buddha

March 23, 2005

I AM Gautama Buddha. I have come through this messenger again.

I have come today to give you the knowledge which dates back to the times of my last incarnation as Prince Siddharta. I had been in the jungle for many days, and I lost count of those days. Jungle rains were pouring down. The heat was terrible. Nights turned into days, days turned into nights.

Nothing was of any importance for me any more. I realised that there was nothing in the world I was interested in and nothing drew my attention.

I was sitting under a banyan-tree in the meditation pose. My consciousness left me and I ascended to another reality. It was a higher reality which became more real for me than the jungle where I had left my physical body.

I went on sitting under the tree and at the same time dwelling in another reality which had no time limits. I was experiencing bliss, and joy, and freedom. There cannot be feelings in this world mightier than those I was experiencing while dwelling in that reality.

I did not want to return to my body. There were so many limitations and such darkness in the world where I had left my body in comparison to the world of my meditation.

I was experiencing the entire unity with the Divine which I took for the Atman. It was an ecstasy of bliss which cannot be expressed verbally in any of earthly languages.

What made me return to my body sitting in the jungle under the banyan-tree in the pose of meditation?

I had to tell other people about the experience I had got and about the place I had found inside of me where there was neither pain nor suffering, where there was only bliss and peace, and infinite Love.

I could keep dwelling in that place more. I had been seeking that place for many years, and I found it. I think that my decision to return to my body was my greatest attainment during the years of my last incarnation. I was prompted to do it only by compassion to those living beings that were still on earth and had no idea within their external consciousness of the place I had just visited.

I returned to my body. I felt cold and darkness around me irrespective of the fact that the sun was shining and it was hot.

I was facing a hard task – to tell the people about the place I had visited and to show them the Path to it which I had found inside of myself.

You can imagine my surprise when some followers of mine emerged. Those people had never experienced the bliss which I was experiencing during my meditations. They were far from perfection. They were not able to feel the purity of my vibrations.

Many of them just trusted me blindly. In their eyes I saw a painful longing for the world which they were no longer able to recollect with their conscious minds. But they believed in everything I told them. They would agree to obey all my demands in order to acquire the state of absolute bliss and peace again. I worshipped these people.

I was ready to serve them and I returned for their sake.

Millions of living creatures suffer terribly on this planet. They are trapped inside their physical bodies which are like mummies.

These people needed my help. I returned to be able to help all the living beings.

And I keep doing this so far.

I dwell in Tatyana’s body just as I dwell in the bodies of many other people on this planet. I am inside of them and I help them from within. It is hard for you to believe in it. Probably, it does not correspond to the ideas you have got from different sources and books.

I keep dwelling in you as a part of you, as your Higher Self. The other Masters of Wisdom are doing the same.

We cannot leave this planet until the smallest part of ourselves remains inside a body of any human who still has to incarnate on this planet and is not able to become free from the wheel of [3] sansara.

Therefore, we come with our Teachings again and again and we speak from the level which is accessible for the audience which, as we know, will receive access to our information.

It is impossible for you to comprehend the Truth irrespective of whether our description of it is simple or sophisticated. But you are able to know the whole Truth at once if it dawns upon your consciousness or if you experience a sudden moment of enlightenment. All of you are able to know the Truth. And this will happen with all of you. Probably, it will not happen with each of you during the current embodiment. But you will experience the state of enlightenment without fail. The Truth will come to you not in the shape of words or images. It will simply flash through your mind and it will be like a flash of lightning which will light up the whole planet. And you will not be able to go on sleeping. This moment of enlightenment will be like an awakening from an enduring lethargy in which you have been staying for millions of years.

And this moment of awakening cannot be taken for any other thing. This is the moment when your consciousness rises to the level of your Higher Self. And you will recollect who you are and why you have come to the Earth.

You will not be able to sleep any more. You will use every minute and second of your life on earth to help all living creatures, to tell them about the enlightenment you have experienced and to show them the Path which is inside of you, inside of your hearts.

You will become an awakened Buddha in incarnation.

This is the next level of the evolution of mankind when you will become a race consisting of Buddhas.

But before that more and more people will emerge whose potential will differ greatly from the abilities of other people. These new people will find people similar to them throughout the globe and will unite with them on the basis of common service to the entire life on the planet. This is a new race of people, the Sixth Human Race, which is now coming into incarnation and manifesting itself among the ordinary people who have not overcome many limitations of their consciousness yet.

When snow melts you can see the first places free of snow. Then in a while there are more and more such places around. Grass sprouts and flowers appear. And during a short period of time all the ground, as far as you can see, transforms and becomes full of new colours and odours.

Speaking in terms of space measures, the transformation of the Earth will take place very soon. Now we are already watching separate places liberated from the cold sleep of the human consciousness which was locking them in. These are places, ready for awakening or having been already awakened and blossoming with the first flowers that have emerged from under the snow.

We are watching you blossoming. In truth, a human with an open consciousness is like an extraordinary flower when you look at him at the higher plane.

I have come to awaken your consciousness from its enduring lethargy. Do awake! Look at the sun of your Atman dwelling inside of you.

I AM Gautama, your brother.

You must aspire to control your thoughts and feelings


March 24, 2005

I AM Kuthumi. I have come!

I have come to use this opportunity and to talk to you.

You know me as a Master-psychologist. You also know me as the person who incarnated together with El Morya to found the Theosophical Society and to give mankind the knowledge previously hidden from it.

You know me as a Teacher of the World sharing this position with beloved Jesus.

You know my incarnations as Pythagoras and Shah Jahan.

You know much about me. I am an open Master.

I am the Master who aspires to contact non-ascended mankind and I work with many of you.

We have given you enough knowledge in the course of the last 150 years. And we will go on giving knowledge to those who are ready to understand it. But first of all you are to master the previous lessons we gave in the past.

You should agree that due to some reason mankind uses the received knowledge unwillingly, though man has always aspired to receive this knowledge.

But it is expedient to give new knowledge in case the old one has been mastered already. Otherwise you simply will not be able to take in the new one.

Your consciousness is so-to-say a kind of a vessel. When a person is incarnated his consciousness is limited. Due to the gift of the free will you decide what to fill the vessel of your consciousness with.

It happens so that a disciple is ready to assimilate a certain amount of knowledge, but his consciousness does not have the necessary aspiration and direction. In this case he prefers to fill the vessel of his consciousness with everything he meets in the external world - that is all he reads in the newspapers, watches on TV, listens on the radio.

Such an omnivorous way of receiving information is permitted until a certain moment. But only until a certain moment.

Therefore, if a person spares no effort to limit the information stream coming into his external consciousness from the physical world, he will fill his consciousness with a mass of unnecessary things. And when the cosmic time for receiving the true knowledge comes up and the Heavens decide to give this knowledge to non-ascended mankind, the consciousness of such an individual will be simply unable to master anything new.

And what is worse, such an individual cannot orient himself in all this chaos of information in his consciousness. The information he has got from the press has the same importance for him as the information received from the dictations of the Ascended Masters.

A part of this information rubbish is moved to subconsciousness and settles there. Sometimes there are moments when a monster of some internal psychological problem unites with similar vibrations contained in the so-called mass media. The result of this is manifested in the external behaviour of such a person so unpredictably that nobody can explain his behaviour and no psychologist can help you solve this psychological problem.

However, you create all your problems yourselves. You do it exactly at the moment when you place into the vessel of your consciousness all the information you receive in life not thinking about the consequences. You have already been told repeatedly through this messenger that 90% of the information surrounding you in your world is false and you do not need it for your evolution as spiritual beings.

That is why I suggest that for a start you should curb your omnivorous nature. You should not rely too much on any information which comes to you from the external world.

For a start you should aspire to control your thoughts and feelings.

Just spare some ten-fifteen minutes a day for yourselves when nothing diverts your attention. You may do it before going to bed. Try to discover what you are thinking about. Examine your thoughts closely. Scrutinise them. Imagine that your thoughts are fish in the aquarium. Now one thought swims up to you. Examine it. What is this thought connected with? If this thought ties you down to this world, makes you concentrate on the surrounding world, let it go. You do not need it for your spiritual growth.

Then examine closely your second thought and a third one.

Your consciousness is filled with so many thoughts which are nothing else but energy attracted by you from outside and which is in keeping with the energy of your emotional and mental bodies.

When you analyse what you are thinking about at such a moment, you can also analyse all your thoughts of the passing day.

And you will understand that your consciousness is so busy processing the unnecessary information that it simply lacks enough strength to start processing the information which is really useful for your evolution.

That is why the most important task for you is to come to a decision not to fill your consciousness with unnecessary information from the surrounding world.

You will possibly also decide to practise some kind of meditation which will help you free yourself from thoughts tying you down to this world.

The aim of any meditation practice, if it is true, is to reach a state of being without thoughts.

And when you manage to keep this state for a long enough time, you will be able to gain access to the true information which is really necessary for your spiritual evolution.

The time has come when the mental field of the planet should be purified. Only when you empty a saucepan, you can fill it with the things necessary for you at present.

I suggest that you should seriously revise your attitude to this thoughtless letting your consciousness be under the influence of different information streams of your world.

You should have understood from these dictations that your world contains 90 % of needless information. Become free from this information and you will gain access to the information which is really necessary for you.

The same can be said about your feelings.

Analyse your feelings during the day. You do not need to look at other people. I know that people, especially people from Russia, are permanently in a state close to depression. Watch your feelings during the day. How often do you feel love and joy, how often do you experience inexplicable high spirits? How much do you stop in the street to enjoy trees or clouds? How often do you go out to be in nature?

Your emotions, as well as your thoughts, are under the influence of the Earth’s general information field. And this field prevents any images and ideas of the higher octaves from penetrating your physical world.

Mankind keeps itself under a solid net of its own imperfect thoughts and feelings, and it was its own will to be driven in there.

And now you should start to clear out the rubbish heaps of your imperfect thoughts and feelings.

Your mass media tune into the average level of human consciousness. That is why they prevent you from entering a higher level of your consciousness. Give up using information surrogates. Then mass media whipped up by competitive struggle will start tuning into your level of consciousness.

This world is only a reflection of your consciousness. If you change your consciousness you will be able to attract to yourselves more perfect phenomena from the higher world.

And these perfect images will settle in your consciousness. They have already been prepared for you long ago by the most advanced minds of humanity and are waiting when you let this perfection descend to your world.

The aim of my talk today is to remind you that you are responsible for everything happening on the Earth.

Therefore, do not be lazy and let no grass grow under your feet. Start transforming your consciousness right now.

I AM Kuthumi, with love to you.

I feel your Love and I impart my Love to you!

Beloved Saint Germain

March 25, 2005

I AM Saint Germain! I HAVE come!


The joy of our meeting will be clouded by sad news which I would like to tell you now. You know that I have pawned my causal body so that mankind of the Earth could take advantage of the violet- flame gift in this difficult time for the planet.

The Law sets down that the energy should be used reasonably. And someone has to compensate the damage caused by wasting the energy in vain.

I pawned my causal body for the right of people to use the violet flame. It was a colossal opportunity which should have promoted a leap in people’s consciousness. Having dissolved all your karmic loads with the help of this universal dissolvent, you could ascend to a new degree of evolutionary process, passing by cataclysms, all sorts of natural and technogenic calamities and disasters.

But it did not happen. Violet flame was not used by humanity in accordance with the plan of the Ascended Hosts. At present the violet flame dispensation functions selectively and only for the individuals, capable of using this flame without damage to the planet. It was already explained by beloved Surya. [4]

Someone should have compensated the energetic damage of the wrong violet flame qualification tolerated by mankind. And this someone was I. I have lost a great part of my causal body, the energy of which was used for the compensation of the damage caused by people’s wrong qualification of the violet flame energy.

Therefore I have come to tell you about this sacrifice which I made for you. I have come not to receive your sympathy or support. I have come to inform you about this occurrence. If it did not happen, the karma created by the human misuse of the violet-flame energy could lead to irreversible consequences for the Earth.

I have come to inform you about this sad event. But do not be dejected! Your world has always demanded sacrifices from the higher beings. And such sacrifices have always been made during the entire course of the development of civilization on earth.

I will tell you more. Many Light beings have sacrificed and are now sacrificing their causal bodies in order that the momentum of Light and the momentum of attainments contained in their causal bodies could be used for the stabilisation of the situation both on this planet and on other planets in other galaxies where the situation is as bad as on the Earth.

I suppose that many of you will be saddened by this news. I observed many of you at the moment of your reading the violet-flame decrees. You are doing it so sincerely and selflessly that for the sake of your aspiration, your noble impulse and your achievements I am ready to sacrifice everything I have, all my bodies and all that I AM.

May be it will seem unreasonable to you. However, I wish to remind you, that we, all the Ascended Hosts and the non-ascended humanity compose the united body of God. We are untied. And we are immortal. That is why it is impossible to die, even when you have already sacrificed all your bodies. It is a mystery of God and some day you will understand the meaning of this mystery.

Now I can tell you that there is no greater enjoyment in this universe than the enjoyment which you experience while sacrificing yourself for the sake of life, for the sake of salvation of living beings.

You also make such sacrifices in your life. Everyone makes sacrifices according to his individual abilities and his consciousness level.

You sacrifice your free time while reading the violet-flame decrees; you sacrifice your habits and your weaknesses.

And some day you will ascend to that stage of development which will allow you to sacrifice either a part of your causal body or your whole causal body for the benefit of Life.

I will reveal a secret to you. All your sacrifices, which you have already made and which you will make in the future, are not sacrifices actually, if you look at them from the position of Spiritual World.

You are sacrificing a mortal part of yourselves, but at the same time you are receiving an invaluable experience which paints your monad in amazing colours.

You receive exactly as much as you give. You receive even more, because you sacrifice things liable to decay which are in use in your world, but acquire invaluable and imperishable treasures in Heavens.

And the day will come when you will be ready to sacrifice even these invaluable treasures, because you will understand that there is no longer a border separating you from God. And you will no longer discriminate in your consciousness things on those belonging to you and to God. It is because you and God are united.

This is the state which you should obtain.

I AM Saint Germain, that Saint Germain whom you love. I know how much you love me. I feel your Love. And I impart my Love to you.

Love of your hearts and the energy of Love are necessary for us, Ascended Hosts. For us your Love is like the best food on earth which you can taste.

And we send our reciprocal Love to you. And you feel our Love as Bliss. And it is the best and greatest pleasure which you can feel while dwelling in your physical world.

This is the mystery of the alchemy. It is an energy exchange between the octaves. And it is God's plan for mankind on Earth.

Very soon, already at the times of the Sixth Race mankind will give up solid food. It will live on concentrated Divine energy which will penetrate through the chakras into the lower bodies and feed these bodies.

It sounds like science fiction, but it will be. You will become a race of spiritual beings and you will manage to recollect all your previous lives on earth and all the events of each life. However, I would like to tell you that the first thing you will try to do is never to remember your earthy experience, because it will become an unendurable reminiscence for your delicate souls.

And the world surrounding you now will seem to you a nightmare which continued for millions of years. But even deep sleeps come to an end one day. And I wish you the soonest awakening into the real life!

I AM Saint Germain and I impart my Love to you!

May the readings of my Rosaries become your immediate task in the near future

Mother Mary

March 26, 2005

I AM Mother Mary, your Mother in Heaven. I have come to you through this messenger.

Many times I came through many people who are incarnated on planet Earth today. The dispensation which was granted to me lets me appear in the physical world with the help of the energy people emanate while reading Rosaries.

I come to many people and I will have this opportunity until the stream of energy flowing from your hearts into mine is full.

I use every opportunity to appear before those who are ready to see and hear me. At present I come through Tatyana as the time has come to set you on the right path and to tell you the words which are necessary for you at this time.

You may imagine me. I am standing right in front of you when you are reading these lines. I am standing in front of you with a bunch of roses in my hands. I have prepared this bunch for you, my beloved. For you, who aspires and spends so many hours reading my Rosaries. Do not give up this work, I ask you, my beloved.

I understand that there are many temptations and seductions in your world that seem to you to be more important than the prayers which I ask you to read for me every day.

However, if it were not necessary to ask for your service at this period of time I would not have bothered you.

Beloved, it does not matter which Rosary you read and whether you read traditional Catholic Rosaries or Rosaries I have given through many messengers lately. I would like you to understand that only your hearts’ aspiration and purity, your wish to help the entire Life on this planet are of importance.

I do not want to frighten you with any forthcoming calamities and cataclysms. It is not because they are not coming in the near future. Cataclysms are inevitable as people stubbornly do not want to keep their eyes on Heaven and go on persisting in their aspiration to get more and more pleasures of this world.

That is why the energy of your prayers is so necessary for us. I assure each of you who reads my Rosaries every day at this difficult time that within 100 kilometres around the place of your reading there will be no cataclysms or calamities.

I especially appeal to the people of my favourite country, Russia. Due to the great space your country occupies and very low density of population in many regions, you are expected to give us your service with double and even triple efforts. Russia has been granted a great mission to transform mankind’s consciousness and to raise this consciousness onto a higher level.

That is why I ask everyone who hears this message – may the reading of my Rosaries, independent of the messenger through whom these Rosaries come to you, become your intermediate task in the near future. You must give me one Rosary every day. I ask you. I beg you, my beloved.

I will come myself and give one rose from my bunch as a sign of my love to each of you who pledges faith to read my Rosaries every day.

And that is not everything, my beloved. I ask you to read my Rosaries with a feeling of the mightiest love you can feel towards your planet, towards all living creatures inhabiting this planet. And I ask you to descend into your heart and to feel its warmth before reading a Rosary. Think of me. I know how hard it is for you to be incarnated on earth at this difficult time. But remember how difficult it was for me when my son Jesus was crucified before my eyes. How could I watch his sufferings?

Beloved, do you love me? Can you send me Love from your heart just for a few minutes before reading a Rosary every day? It is not difficult. Will you comply with my request?

I love all of you and I will come to you while reading your Rosaries. You will feel, you will certainly feel my presence. You may stop reading and talk to me. I will lend my ear to all your requests and wishes.

And I promise to render you any help which the Cosmic Law will let me render.

I will do my best to help you. Can I also expect you to do what I ask you?

Believe me, if I did not know what I know and what is hidden from your eyes, I would never ask you to do the work which only you can do.

Least of all I want you to feel fear. Be afraid of nothing. I was among you, I was stepping on earth and I can assure you that each of you receives during his life as many trials as you can endure.

The karma created by mankind is too heavy. Great sacrifices and sufferings are demanded for the redemption of it.

But God is gracious and He grants you the means to soften your karma and relieve your burden. Do not scorn these means and the opportunity granted to you.

I leave you. I was happy to use this opportunity to remind you again about the work you should fulfil.

I will certainly meet with each of you while reading your everyday Rosaries.

I AM Mother Mary, and good-bye till we meet again.

You need to become immune to evil

Beloved Kuan Yin [5]

March 27, 2005

I AM Kuan Yin. I HAVE come to you through this Messenger.

The people reading these dictations may never have heard of me. I am well-known in the East. I am as significant for people in the East as Mother Mary is for people of the West.

The feminine aspect is coming to the fore nowadays. The worship of the Feminine Flame and the feminine aspect of God must be recognised by people now.

This is not because this aspect is the main one, but because the importance of this aspect has been belittled for a long time.

In the Father-Mother God the balance of the masculine-feminine principles is very important.

If one of the principles is belittled, the Divine Harmony is disturbed. This is reflected in your world in the shape of different disharmonic manifestations, from disharmony in your family to different kinds of cataclysms and natural calamities.

Both these principles of manifestation of the Deity must be balanced in your life. The Father's principle demands the worship to the Father’s Will, the Will of God. The Mother’s principle lets this Will be manifested in matter in a balanced way.

It is the belittling of the feminine principle for many thousands of years that has caused the distortion of the manifestation of the Divine plan for Earth. Therefore, the world surrounding you nowadays is just a miserable parody of the plan of God, which existed primordially for your planet.

I am the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion. I am carrying out my mission to help all living beings on this planet. I carry out my mission in the East in the same way as Mother Mary carries out her mission in the West. But there is no difference between our missions. We came to help the people of Earth and we will be carrying out our mission regardless of anything.

I would like to appeal to the people of Russia and of all countries where people understand the Russian language. I appeal also to people of those countries into whose languages these dictations will be translated in the course of time.

I appeal to you with a request to hold the balance of the masculine-feminine polarity in your consciousness. And due to the fact that the masculine principle prevails in your world I would like you to pay special attention to the feminine principle. This relates especially to the people of Russia.

The predominance of masculine vibrations leads this country to a path which lacks wealth for most people. This country is the richest in natural resources per citizen. But today it is a poor country, if you estimate its level of development according to the income per head of the population and do not take into account the average index which includes both the rich and the poor.

If the respect for the Mother and the Maternal principle of God was developed in Russia, could the people of this country let elderly women, who have devoted all their strength, labour, abilities for the welfare of this country, brought up children and grandchildren, drag out a miserable existence and even go begging and looking for food at garbage dumps?

Every time you see an aged woman in rags, sitting and begging for alms, do know that this is me, Goddess of Mercy. I come to you in the appearance of this woman to awaken Mercy and Compassion in your hearts.

You must worship Woman-Mother who gave you life and brought your soul into incarnation.

And it does not matter if your mother treated you unfairly and severely in your childhood. You do not know what karmic relations connect you with your mother.

And I tell you that the Law of Karmic Retribution governs in your universe and you yourself deserved this mistreatment by your mother which seems unjust to you. You do not know how many times in your previous lives you tormented and even killed this individual, who is now incarnated as your mother. And believe me, God gave you the easiest way to work out your karmic mutual relations with that individual who is now your mother.

It seems to you that your government treats you unjustly, that you deserve a better lot. Yes, of course, you do deserve a better lot and a great future awaits Russia.

And you may not believe me, but the entire situation in Russia is connected exactly with the lack of respect for the feminine principle of God. The balance in relations in the family, balance in mutual relations between father and mother, right family principles are the basis of a healthy society. This basis and upbringing which future generations receive in the family cannot be compared with any kind of knowledge received through the Internet, through the TV or in school.

The regime which had been governing in Russia for 70 years and was called communism in the West and socialism in Russia, directed all its effort at the ruin of the family.

All the efforts of this regime were aimed at the destruction of the family as a cell of society. Having been deprived of its basis, Russia became vulnerable to those propaganda viruses of the "free style of life" that have now penetrated this country from the West.

A healthy organism has immunity to all kinds of destructive viruses. Such viruses for human society are the propaganda of sex, drugs and violence. As the organism of Russia was weakened during these 70 years, it cannot resist these outward infections and viruses that literally flooded the informational field of the country.

We have here a complete analogy with a human organism. An organism has to free itself from the viruses and toxins produced by these viruses. Such liberation can be achieved through cleansing procedures.

There is no point in fighting against viruses. Efforts to strengthen the immunity should be made.

Evil does exist in this world. And there is a lot of it. You need to become immune to evil. If you have immunity, no virus will be dangerous for you.

And the first step to be taken is for each member and each cell of society to become eager to be healthy and free from the lies and propaganda tangling your society.

Be able to discriminate in your life the right Divine patterns from the false ones inculcating in you the culture of death and hell.

Banish from your life everything that is not from God, all the lies flowing into your consciousness through the TV screens and computers. Seek and find the right patterns around you. Cultivate them.

It depends on you alone where you will invest your money earned so painfully. Either you will spend it on getting pointless pleasures from life or on providing for your children an access to cultural values of the past and the present.

The music of Russian composers and the pictures of Russian painters of the 18th and 19th centuries are rich in those vibrations which can neutralise the vibrations of death implanted into your consciousness while watching TV programmes and listening to the music which has spread throughout the territory of Russia recently.

Protect your children from watching TV programmes and listening to rock music. Believe me, the benefits from using your modern mass media cannot be compared with the harm unconsciously being done to their souls.

Use every opportunity to be in nature. Spend some time in nature, but without having a barbecue and listening to music and commercials on the radio.

Listen to the sounds of nature. Look at the birds, at the trees. Look at the clouds. Listen to the silence.

We cannot make all people pray and read our Rosaries, but we can attract their attention to the obstacles to their spiritual growth which surround them in their lives, the things which should be gradually left and replaced by perfect patterns.

If it is difficult for you to understand the nature of the surrounding world, look for people among you who have managed to keep their harmony with God, and for whom there is no greater happiness than to give you their perception of Divine reality, to endow you with a part of their vibrations of purity.

I have given you enough information for reflection. I have no time to beat about the bush. And I have given you exactly what your souls need to take heart and to awake to the Supreme Reality.

I am doing it for the sake of love and compassion to you.

I AM Kuan Yin

I invite you to enter my School of Mysteries

Lord Maitreya

March 28, 2005

I AM Maitreya. I HAVE come. I have come through this messenger. I have come!

Follow attentively my words addressed to you today. It may seem to you that my words are meaningless and do not provide any new information. Do not be hasty with opinions. Let me decide what information is to be given to you now in order to enable you to take the next step on your spiritual Path.

All of you are warriors of Spirit. You come to this physical world to fight with the illusion. This is the plan of God for the present. At the beginning you absorb this illusion; you can even identify yourself with it. But the moment comes when you have to part with it and to ascend to a higher level of your consciousness evolution.

And you become an arena of conflict between two opposite forces – defending the illusion on the one hand and aspiring to overcome it on the other hand. It may seem to you that this fight takes place in your world. In fact it takes place inside each of you.

The essence of the initiation you are going through now is to realise the fact that the fight takes place inside of you. You will be embodied in the physical world and find yourselves among similar people experiencing the same conflict within them until this conflict dwells inside of you.

You will be fighting your passions, weaknesses and imperfections until you have done with them completely.

This is the sense of the war being waged by the forces of Light against the forces of evil. I explain to you this sense now, and my explanation is understandable for your level of consciousness. As soon as your consciousness becomes pure and your mind is crystal-clear, we will give you more advanced knowledge and a new understanding of the conflict.

Therefore, I advise you to stop waging this external war and looking for enemies outside yourself.

Every person approaching you in the physical plane does it precisely because your vibrations allowed him to do it. If such a person does you harm or insults you, you should not take him for your personal enemy or a fallen angel. He approaches you so as to give you a chance to repay your karmic debt to him. He may also approach you to give you a lesson and to check whether the lessons you have received through our previous Teaching have been mastered by you sufficiently.

Every time you want to take vengeance on this person for the harm he has done or to punish him you must understand that it was I who came to you in the appearance of that person. I do it in order to see whether you mastered our lessons well enough.

There is nothing outside you to fight with. If you want me to reveal to you your real enemy, just come up to the mirror and look into it. This is your real enemy with all his carnal wishes, egoism, self- sufficiency and self-confidence in the opinion that he has already known all the Truth and is able to teach others.

To be able to teach the Truth you have to work upon yourself very much. You have to wage war with your unreal part. You must go through the fight with your unreal part, you must slay your dweller- on-the-threshold - your ego - preventing you from entering another level of consciousness and gaining a victory in your consciousness. You must be the winner of your fight. Only then and no sooner will you be granted a right to teach.

The guru mantle, as well as the messenger’s mantle, is not granted by us without the achievement of definite merits. Many of you had these mantles in your previous incarnations. Your souls know this. You have a great momentum of achievements acquired by you in the past.

You have lost your mantles for different reasons. But every time you come in incarnation you are given a chance to go through initiations and to return your mantles.

That is why I invite you to enter my school of mysteries and to pass trials. Many of you would like to have me as a personal Teacher. I am always ready to accept new disciples. You just need to come up to the altar and ask me to accept you as a disciple. You can simply feel this wish inside of your heart.

Many people want to become my disciples. I accept all of them. However, very few of these disciples manage to pass the very first trial I ask them to go through.

I do not need to come personally to offer you my first trial. I would send a person to you, whom you consider to be your enemy, and this person will perform some action against you which will seem insulting to you. The aim of any test is to upset your balance. You are assessed not by whether your balance is upset or not. You will be assessed by the conclusion you come to at the end of such a trial.

The best disciples always thank God and me as a teacher for the opportunity to go through this test.

But some of the disciples happen to be not ready for the primary level of my initiations and cannot even understand that it was my test for them. Their reaction usually is that of bearing a grudge, feeling hatred and anger, wishing to take vengeance.

Such a person is deprived of an opportunity to be my disciple sometimes until the completion of his current embodiment.

All this explains the situation that there are many who desire to enter my school of mysteries, but only a handful of them can pass this small entrance examination and receive an opportunity to go through the next trials.

I do not need to gather my disciples in some definite place on earth to put them to the test. I use the circumstances of your life and the people surrounding you in life to send you my trials.

All of you have a potential opportunity to enter my school of Mysteries, but only a few receive a chance to finish the school and to be granted a guru mantle upon leaving it.

It is not news for you that Tatyana, the messenger through whom I am giving this dictation now, finished my school in the year 2002. She undertook an accelerated course of teaching. Such was the necessity of that time.

When Tatyana started her learning, only a few of us were sure that she would manage to complete it. But she did, and now we have an opportunity to give our Teaching through her.

I want you to know that this is not an extraordinary situation. Each of you can be taught under my guidance. And I invite all of you to join my disciples.

But it is necessary for you to remember that from the moment of your appeal to me with a request to accept you as a disciple all the imagined disasters will happen in your life and your usual life will be ruined before your eyes.

This is a necessary part of learning, regardless of its character which will seem cruel to you. You must realise that everything surrounding you is an illusion and you have to break with all the attachments of your consciousness. It will sometimes seem to you that you are incurably ill and have to die. You will have to accept this thought with humility. It will seem to you that you have lost your Path and that God cannot be so cruel as to punish you so severely. Your carnal mind will rush about in search of any illusory opportunity to catch hold of in order to take you away from the Path of Initiations.

You will be fighting your carnal mind and the unreal part of yourself. The longer you persist the more painful for you the passing of the final trial of my school will be. You cannot become my school leaver while any of your parts resists obeying the Law of God.

Yes, my beloved, my school leavers give up the free will granted to them by God.

The free will was God’s gift to man. When a person gives up this gift of God willingly, he goes through the final initiation in my school. He passes a final examination.

I have revealed to you many secrets of my School today.

I have been absolutely open. In fact, I have never been so frank in my talk before such a big audience to date. I hope that my talk today will be of benefit to you.

And if any of you considers yourself to be able to learn in my school, you are welcome. The doors of my school are always wide open. But there are only very few of those who desire to enter my school and to test themselves.

I AM Maitreya, and I am waiting for you.

Your planet enters a cycle which leads to the contraction of the illusion

Beloved Serapis Bey

March 29, 2005

I AM Serapis. I HAVE come.

The creation of this universe and its evolution are connected with the overcoming of thousands of obstacles. These obstacles are being created by the interaction of the two main forces functioning in this universe. At the moment when the differentiation starts the primordially pure Divine plan experiences resistance from the side of the forces dwelling in the state of eternal bliss. These forces stand in the way of the manifestation of the universe. They are slow in leaving the state of primordial bliss, just as you are slow to awaken from your sleep in the morning, especially if your dream was as sweet as in childhood.

But time passes by and the universe starts experiencing resistance from the side of the forces that do not want to return to the state of primordial bliss. This resembles a man who is absorbed in his day’s problems too deeply and does not hurry to plunge into a sleep at all.

The same can be said about this universe. In your life the day unavoidably turns into night, the period of vigilance is changed by the period of sleep, and this universe also has its period of the day and vigilance and its time of rest and peace.

Everything is subject to its cycles and to the cycles which are inside of greater cycles.

Your planet enters a cycle which leads to the contraction of the illusion. However, humans have plunged into this illusion to such an extent that they resist the established order.

Inside of yourself you have your Higher Self, your immortal part. The other part of you is mortal and is composed of your four lower bodies. Your Higher Self submits to the Divine Law because during the whole period of your individual travels in the manifested world this part of you has never lost its link with the Creator. At a certain stage of the evolution your lower part lost its feeling of unity with the Creator of this universe as well as with the universe itself.

It showed its desire to live its own life and lost its way in the jungles of illusions. But however long souls can travel in space there always comes the time when they are to return from the world of illusions to the Real World of God. This time has come now – the time to refuse from the illusion and to return to the Real World.

Therefore, you are given a guide, your Guardian-Angel, your Sacred Christ Self. This guide must set you on the right Path, the Path of your returning to your Father’s Kingdom.

All our external teaching that we are giving through this or any other messenger is aimed at restoration of the link with that part of yourself which remembers who you are. The tighter your link with your real part, the faster your returning Home will be.

All the real initiations which I and other Ascended Masters have given to our disciples are directed exactly at overcoming the illusory part of you and bringing you into contact with your immortal part.

Those of you who have visited my retreat, my Temple in Luxor, must recollect now the knowledge they were granted in my Temple.

I am a strict teacher and I demand from my disciples an extraordinary discipline, because if a disciple does not obey the Teacher whom he himself has chosen he is deprived of the right to be taught under our guidance.

At present it is necessary for you to be taught and initiated in your everyday life. You are not required to go very far away to some overseas teacher in order to receive the necessary knowledge. The demand of the present time is to give you the knowledge in that very place where you live. You undergo the initiations in your usual life. We use the circumstances of your life to give your souls exactly those initiations which they need most of all.

You receive knowledge during your night sleep when you unconsciously or sometimes quite consciously visit our retreats and receive teaching in your sleep.

In truth, your souls work day and night indefatigably.

I do not speak here about those souls who shirk from the teaching and prefer wasting the time of their night sleep not for their education but for visits to the astral plane where they receive the same illusory pleasures as in the physical world.

I do not want to scare these careless individuals. But all the things which are not parts of God’s Plan will not be able to exist in the New Reality. It is not because God is cruel and wants to punish you. No, it is you who sentence yourselves to non-existence, as you will not be able to exist in a higher world which is the next stage of evolution for your planet and for the other planets in the universe. Life will be gradually transferred to the higher planes. Certainly, it will take many millions of years. But those who will not be able to adapt to the existence in higher planes will be gone with the winds of cosmic changes.

That is why these dictations give you an impulse which aims at moving the centre of your being onto a higher plane.

When you raise your consciousness onto a higher plane, simultaneously raising your vibrations, it is as if you pull your planet up to a new level.

I can compare this process to a mountain-climber clambering up a steep peak. Imagine that this peak is the Peak of the Divine Consciousness. The mountain-climber pulls the whole planet on a rope after him. The more such mountain-climbers assault the Peak of the Divine Consciousness, the faster and less painful will be the process of the raising of the planet’s vibrations and of its transition onto a new level of evolution.

As an example we can take such a phenomenon as the breaking of a dam. If the Divine Energy given for the transformation of this world meets resistance from the overwhelming majority of the individuals living on this planet, their consciousness can be likened to a dam on the flowing of the waters of the Divine renovation and transformation. Sooner or later rising water will break through the dam and wipe off the face of the earth everything resisting it.

Therefore, it is only your consciousness that resists the Divine renovation. The faster you change your consciousness the fewer cataclysms are to be anticipated on your planet in the future.

Every time you are unable to cope with any block in your consciousness, every time you are too lazy to obey the demands we place on our disciples, you must remember about that mass of water which can rain down upon the earth at any moment and sweep away everything resisting the Divine Law.

I have told you about the necessity of the present time.

At the end of my talk I want to tell you how to overcome the resistance of your own consciousness with the best result.

At bedtime, when you are getting off to sleep, try to recollect that you should visit the Sacred Retreats in the etheric Octaves of Light. Your last thought before sinking into sleep and before your consciousness leaves you must be a desire to visit our sacred retreats and to bring the knowledge granted to you in them to your external consciousness during the following day.

Do not scorn our help and this opportunity granted to you by the Ascended Hosts.

I say goodbye to you now, but I hope to meet each of you in my sacred retreat over Luxor.

I AM Serapis Bey.

The carnal mind has to give up its place to the Divine Reason

Beloved Zarathustra

March 30, 2005

I AM Zarathustra, having come through this messenger.

The Fire is my main quality. The Fire is my element.

The distortion of our teachings takes place at the moment when the fire vibrations inherent in our world come into contact with the vibrations of the physical plane of planet Earth.

But you can feel the Fire contained in my words even through the worlds.

I have come!

The state of the fiery world differs greatly from the state of your world and the images of our world can seem unusual to your consciousness. We speak in the language of Fire and the interpretation of our vibrations into the language of the Earth cannot reproduce all the information contained in them. However, the essence and the basis of the messages are reproduced fully enough.

I have come to you today with a desire to give you a short Teaching. I gave this Teaching to my disciples when I was incarnated on earth many thousands of years ago. Nevertheless, its importance has not been lost over time. Moreover, I have to tell you that very few people on earth have managed to master this Teaching in all its soundness.

In accordance with the Cosmic Law, when the Higher Space Spirits who achieved a certain level of merit during the period of the previous manvantaras are to be incarnated again, the perfect Spirit descends into the lower physical plane. When it plunges into the manifested matter a clash occurs and things happen that I have to tell you about today.

You have probably heard from some other teachings or read in some books that man, from the moment of his creation after the image and likeness of God, had two united parts. His Higher immortal Self has never forgotten about its ties with the Creator, but his lower self has lost its feeling of unity with both his Higher Self and the Creator in the course of many millions of years on the planet.

However, there was a time in history when the evolution of mankind seemed to have reached a deadlock and was deemed a failure. Human beings were like animals and differed from them only in appearance. It so happened that the creators of the lower shape did not manage to endow the humans with the fire which is inherent in human beings and makes them similar to God. This is the fire of reason, a Divine spark which must be present in every human.

Many millions of years ago the evolution of the Earth was to be concluded as a failure. But the Higher Spirits volunteered to save the situation. By that time they had been dwelling in a state of nirvana or bliss from the times of the previous manvantaras. These Spirits had to descend into the highly organised matter and to impart to it the aspects of fire, flame and wisdom, inherent in them.

And they descended. They descended into the bodies of people who were in fact animals. They imparted to people the quality of fire inherent in them. And people’s eyes were lit up with the fire of reason. People realised that they were different from animals. Thus, every man received in his depth a seed, a spark, a particle of fire from the highly spiritual Beings who descended into matter from the highest spheres of fire.

Each of the Higher Spirits gave a small part of his fire to many human beings.

And each of the human beings was endowed with reason in accordance with the level of his evolution.

It was the fall into generation of the Higher Spirits and Angels. They descended partly under the influence of the Cosmic Law, partly striving to save the humanity of the Earth from annihilation. Otherwise, humanity deprived of reason, could not correspond to the Divine plan and the aim it had been created for.

The humans deprived of reason and suffering from this loss received an opportunity to turn over a new leaf in their evolution with the help of the Higher Beings who sacrificed their nirvana in order to descend and render help.

They descended and endowed people with reason and with a part of their own features that were just a subtle reflection of their merits in the previous manvantaras.

But what can we say about mankind? Mankind became reasonable. It received the right to act in accordance with its free will, as the reason of each person dictated.

And, when people realised that they were similar to Gods, they began to behave like Gods. They began to behave the way they thought Gods should behave.

They wanted to dwell in bliss and pleasure, to receive all kinds of pleasure accessible to them in the physical world.

The human reason acquires a dual character when meeting with the manifested world. It is explained by the fact that the qualities of Gods dwelling in the Divine World turn into their complete antithesis in the plane of the illusion.

This phenomenon is the key to the paradox of the manifested world. The Plan of God for the manifested world also consists in this.

When a human mind starts its activity in the conditions of the material world it has to use the dense matter as an object to which it applies all its abilities. When starting to apply its abilities to the dense matter, it still remembers the Divine World, and tries to introduce its Laws into the lower world. But, as the vibrations of the matter are very low, any application of the mind’s qualities in the physical world can lead to the creation of a complete antithesis to the same quality which is created as a result of the similar efforts in the higher world, the world of Fire.

It is a mystery. When a Higher Spirit descends from the fire spheres into the lower worlds and continues to use in the matter the qualities of mind inherent in the fiery world, the resulting effect on the matter does not always correspond to the Divine Plan precisely because of the density of the matter.

Each of you reading these dictations now was endowed with a spark of the Divine mind millions of years ago. It took place due to the descending of the Higher Spirits who came especially to endow you with reason.

Each of you has a particle of these Masters, who are named differently in different teachings – Masters of Wisdom, Ascended Masters or Masters of Shamballa.

There were seven Great Spirits who descended. Each of them granted a particle of himself to millions of human souls.

People received an opportunity to live and evolve. Each of the human beings received a particle of a high soul, which became his inner teacher, his Guardian-Angel or his Christ Self.

And it is impossible to distinguish now where the animal nature of a human ends and where his spiritual element begins.

A human has to lead a struggle with his animal nature constantly and at the same time to aspire to the Spirits. But sooner or later the time will come when man will win a victory over the animal dwelling inside of him, over his passions, his ego, and will enable the Spirit to become his absolute Master. And man will stop being a lower creature, a hybrid of animal and human. The beast will be suppressed and man will again become similar to God.

A spark of reason, burning in the temple of each man, is smouldering now in most of the people and is close to dying down or has already gone out.

Therefore, this Teaching is being given and these words are being told in order to help the spark flare up.

Man-animal must give up his place to the Divine man. The man liable to decay must give way to the imperishable man.

The carnal mind has to give up its place to the Divine Reason.

And this will happen, because the spark and the flame inside of you will give you no rest until it happens. You will be rushing about, you will be seeking. You will be aspiring to find in the physical world that state of nirvana which is remembered by the tiny particle of the Highest Beings in you. You will be seeking this state everywhere on earth. But you will never discover it in the physical plane.

Only when you realise that nothing attracts you any more in this world, when you give up your love and attachment to this world, will you acquire the true nirvana and an opportunity to receive bliss in the union with your Higher Part and through it with the Creator of this universe.

But before it happens you will struggle and suffer, rush about and seek.

And you will find your Source, your Victory and your Bliss.

And only then will the particles of the Higher Beings within you receive an opportunity to merge together, to cast off their chains of matter which have been binding them for millions of years.

I have given you the Teaching which I gave to my disciples thousands of years ago. New knowledge and religions have come since then. But the time has come now to give you the knowledge about your history again. This knowledge will help you look both at yourselves and at the conflict in your world from another point of view.

I AM Zarathustra, and I AM standing in the Flame of Unity.

We must enable God to be manifested through us


March 31, 2005

I AM Confucius, having come through this messenger.

I have come to give you an exhortation concerning the science of the Divine Wisdom. Many hundreds of years have passed since the time of my last incarnation on earth. I am happy to have this opportunity to speak the words of my Teaching to this appreciative audience again.

It is always more valuable to listen to the words from the primary source than to trust some interpretation of these words made by people who think they have achieved a great level in the knowing of the Truth. However, such people are just dwelling at the foot of the peak of the Divine Wisdom and the vanity of life constantly diverts their attention and does not let them make a step in the direction of this peak.

I believe that this thing will not happen to those who are reading these lines. You will be able to divert for some time from the illusion surrounding you and to concentrate on the intransient Truths which are not connected with your time, your country and your environment.

Try to concentrate on the beats of your heart. Listen to your breath. Breathe in.. Breathe out..

The functioning of your heart and breath is not in any way connected with the country you live in. It is not connected with your role in life either.

The same can be said about the Divine Truth. It exists on its own and does not depend on your consciousness and thoughts.

Then what is the sense of your living if this world can do perfectly well without you? Did you ask such a question of yourself? Have you ever asked yourself what the purpose of your existence is?

I suppose such a question arose at least once before each of you. For many people this question arises so persistently and so often that the search for the meaning of life for them literally turned into the very meaning of life.

You are right, my beloved, it is a worthy task – to understand why you are living and why everything surrounding you is in existence.

At the time of my incarnation I was literally obsessed by this question. There were days when I could not find a place for myself, trying to answer this question again and again.

I was a believer and I adhered to that system of world outlook which was accepted in the world surrounding me. It was then that I realised that this system of world outlook had been created by people who were similar to me. As I grew older, I began to understand that I was not perfect and that some of my thoughts were imperfect even before I pronounced them. Why was I imperfect? And why couldn’t I overcome this imperfection in me irrespective of all my efforts?

Are these questions familiar to you? Have you asked yourself similar ones?

In the course of time the answer to this question became the basis of my system of teaching which I was giving to people who wanted to be my disciples.

I clearly understood that inside of me there was a Higher and more perfect Part of myself. I could commune with it. However, I realised that it was I in fact who prevented my Higher Self from manifesting. It was I, not anybody outside me.

I believed that all the living creatures together with me were created in the image of the Deity who had created this world and whose position in the universe was much higher than ours. We are interconnected with Him and make an indissoluble Unity with Him. I understood that just as I had my Higher Self, the Creator of the Universe also has His own Higher and Lower Selves. And His Lower Self is nothing else but ME in incarnation. The Lower Self of Him is ME together with all the other living creatures in incarnation, and all the Earth as far as you can see.

All of us represent the incarnated Creator.

And He is living in us; He is creating and cognising through us. He is self-actualising through us and through each of the living creatures.

All of us are His cells and blood vessels. We make up His body. And we are interconnected with Him and with each of us.

Everything separating us from each other and from Unity with Him has to be overcome.

Therefore, I taught and I continue teaching now only one thing. I invite each of you to take up the work upon those parts of you which prevent you from being united with the Creator. Work upon the part of yourself which separates you from the state of the entire unity with God, Creator, Atman, and Higher Reason. It does not matter how you call that being, a part of who you are in reality.

You cannot do another person’s job. You cannot make another person perform anything for you, or, rather, you can do that, but you will have to force this person. You will have to force a person to work for you or to obey your orders. It does not matter whether you do it by brute force or through the force of the law written by you.

But can you try to make your heart breathe in your body and the lungs pump blood through your blood vessels?

Your attempt will be a failure. However, if we appeal to history, we will see that the entire history is composed of the events when some people made others obey their orders. For this reason wars have been waged and injustice has been manifested in this world.

But the basis of this injustice has always been a desire of an individual to do something in his own way.

Thus, we have returned to the talk about our own imperfection.

When I was young I really believed that I could inspire the world to change simply with the help of my personal example and by means of my persuasion. I wasted great efforts and energy trying to influence how people should act and behave.

I was lacking the strength to persuade people to act in the way which I believed to be reasonable.

Then I began acting together with the people who accepted my system of persuasion. However, I was still lacking strength.

Trust me, I wasted very much of my strength persuading the people just to listen to me and to realise that their way of life was not right and not worth living.

Years passed, decades went by, but the situation in the world remained the same regardless of my efforts and the attempts I made.

What was the reason for that?

I was only a tiny grain of sand, a small cell in the organism of the universe. And I was trying to persuade the entire universe to live according to my laws.

In the end, many decades later I realised that the only person on earth hindering me was I myself. The reason was in my excessive vainglory and my excessive confidence in the fact that I had known the entire Truth and was able to teach this Truth to others.

My external personality tried to make the whole universe obey my law instead of obeying the law governing in this universe.

I realised the basic Truth. And I must say that it was worth spending the whole life for the realisation of this Truth.

It is useless and pointless to set our own laws in the world we are living in. We must obey the Law which was created at the very moment of the birth of our universe and is the basis of it.

This Law claims that we must give up our wish to manifest ourselves and our ego in our life and instead we must do our best to let God manifest Himself through us.

Only then will we manage to restore our unity. Then we will be able to participate in the realisation of God’s plan for this universe.

This is the task and the job each person must fulfil. There is no person in the universe that can do this job for you. That is why this task is the most important and its fulfilment must become the meaning of your life which you are seeking but not able to find outside yourselves.

This is the fruit of my thought during my earthly life and I grant it to you. But I cannot make you eat this fruit. You must do it yourselves.

Nobody outside you can do the job for you.

I am leaving you. I do hope that I have given your thought the right direction.

I AM Confucius.

The time has come for you to perform a new Exodus in your consciousness


April 1, 2005

I AM Moses, having come through this messenger.

I HAVE come!

Many hundreds of millennia have passed since the times of the events which are described in the Bible as the Exodus of Jews from Egypt. I was really incarnated on earth with the mission to lead the Fifth Root Aryan Race from the continent of Atlantis to the continent of Eurasia which had been formed just before that. Much later these events were modified and transformed in the legends and tales of many folks and then handed down to the contemporary readers in the shape of a narration in the Bible.

But these events are much more ancient.

We were living on a continent where two forces were at enmity with each other. A constant war was being waged between these forces. There were people who kept the devotion to God in their heart, and people who kept in memory their source but at the same time yielded to temptations of the illusory world using their abilities for receiving the benefits of this world.

Everything was just as it is in your world now.

There were people who kept safe the divine spark deep inside, but there were also those who decided to use the Divine energy for strengthening their own power and might.

Everything was just as it is now. Very few people of the new race which had grown in the heart of the old race of Atlantes were ready to rise onto the next level of evolutionary development.

I was incarnated on earth. My task was to separate these people, the seeds of the future race, from the race of Atlantes wallowed in sins, to take them to the Promised Land, because the sinful continent was to be destroyed by waters, wiped off the face of the earth together with the unruly Atlantes, unwilling to submit to God’s Will.

I gathered the people who trusted me and led them to a New Land in the East.

These people were to forget about the very existence on the land of sin. I gave them a new Law written down on the tables, the Law, which was understandable and which affirmed the basic principles necessary for the evolution of the new human race.

I was extremely indignant and angry when one day on returning after my communion with God I saw my people dancing before the Golden calf and worshipping this external God cast by them in such a shape instead of respecting God dwelling within them.

I felt such a strong anger that I broke the tables with the Law on them. I ordered the guilty to be punished so severely so that many centuries later people would remember it and would be wary of following the path of worshipping external Gods.

It was an extremely severe punishment, but I despaired of the occurrence [6]. I did not know what else could help me affect the consciousness of these half-wild people.

  • 15 And Moses turned, and went down from the mount, and the two tables of the testimony were in his hand: the tables were written on both their sides; on the one side and on the other were they written.
  • 16 And the tables were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, graven upon the tables.
  • 17 And when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted, he said unto Moses, There is a noise of war in the camp.
  • 18 And he said, It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery, neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome: but the noise of them that sing do I hear.
  • 19 And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing: and Moses' anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount.
  • 20 And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strawed it upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink of it.
  • 21 And Moses said unto Aaron, What did this people unto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them?

But this was a great sin of mine. I applied force and tried to make these people believe in the true God by force.

However, I did not break the Law of Karma. The times were different, and my desire to raise the consciousness of people up to my level was sincere. Now very few people know that I was punished for my action in that life. I was killed by my own people. The Law of Karma was satisfied.

But people received the best exhortation which corresponded to the level of their consciousness at that period of time.

The fight in the physical plane of earth has been going on for many hundreds of millennia. People kill each other because of their beliefs. Many of them keep feeling hatred towards everybody who has different religious or moral convictions, or even a different colour of skin and different customs.

The entire history of mankind’s evolution represents by itself continuing wars and fights for power and the riches of this world, a continued sequence of assassinations, violence, wars, disasters and suffering.

I was not too cruel with my people in my wish to give them a lesson. I acted within the framework of that level of consciousness they had at that time. That is why I say that the Law of Karma was not broken by me.

If at that period of time I had tried to teach my disciples just as Buddha, Christ, or Zoroaster taught many thousands of years later, I would have hardly found even a few men to follow me.

It was a cruel time and the violence applied by me was justified.

But now a new cycle has started. The consciousness of mankind is to be raised to the next level of evolutionary development. And the continued war is being waged, just as it was at the times when the Fourth Race was being replaced by the Fifth one.

But the character of this war is now even more destructive. Tens of millions of people became the victims of the last World War. Due to the modern means of communication all the countries find themselves involved in any new conflict immediately.

The world is like a powder-keg now. One spark is enough to blow up the entire planet.

In such conditions the necessity to refuse from any manifestation of violence becomes vital. But, first of all, you must give up the violence within your consciousness.

You know that the night is very dark before the dawn. The last global wars with their multi- millions of victims must sink into oblivion. The Earth is not capable of enduring any more global war. That is why I have come to give you this Teaching about violence and the urgent necessity to give up its application.

For many hundreds of thousands of years there was a certain cycle in mankind’s evolution when violence was allowed to be applied. Even the karmic responsibility for the murders in wars and in conflicts was not as heavy as it is now.

I have to tell you now that in accordance with the new stage of cosmic evolution your planet is entering a new period when you acquire a karmic debt not only when committing a physical murder, but even when you mentally wish in your consciousness to do away with your enemies.

The time for a new Exodus has come. It will be an Exodus for a new human race, having already come and still coming into incarnation to take the place of the Fifth Root Race.

  • 22 And Aaron said, Let not the anger of my lord wax hot: thou knowest the people, that they are set on mischief.
  • 23 For they said unto me, Make us gods, which shall go before us: for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him.
  • 24 And I said unto them, Whosoever hath any gold, let them break it off. So they gave it me: then I cast it into the fire, and there came out this calf.
  • 25 And when Moses saw that the people were naked; (for Aaron had made them naked unto their shame among their enemies:)
  • 26 Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD'S side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.
  • 27 And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour.
  • 28 And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.

The time has come to perform an Exodus in your consciousness, to separate yourselves within your consciousness from all that is obsolete and old.

The refusal from any manifestation of violence will be characteristic of the people of the new race. It does not mean that violence will disappear from the earth’s surface in the near future. No. It took many years to grow a few generations of people who forgot in the course of history about the sinful land of Atlantis of the time of the first Exodus. This time it will also take much time for many generations to replace each other before mankind is able to give up violence and the feeling of conflict, and first of all, do so in its consciousness.

There will appear whole territories inhabited by people gifted with the new consciousness. And there will also be territories with predominantly obsolete consciousness and thinking.

These territories will be gradually covered by water. New territories will emerge for the people of the new race to settle. They will differ from the people living on earth now only by their absolutely new level of consciousness and their absolute refusal to accept any manifestation of violence and feeling of conflict.

The time has come for a new Exodus to be performed within your consciousness.

Relatively soon this new consciousness will enable you to free yourselves from most of your attachments to the obsolete world and from the fetters of the very flesh.

And there will be no necessity to punish any of the people persisting in their unwillingness to meet the demands of the new time. It is they who doom themselves to punishment, and Mother-Earth will take trouble about its purification from these people.

I AM Moses and I have come again to show you the Path of your Exodus.

The future of Russia is bound up with the restoration of the traditions of the true faith

Lord Shiva

April 2, 2005

I AM Shiva! I have come!

I have come to you through this messenger. I have come!

Shiva is my name. Shiva!

I AM Shiva!

In India, which is a far-away country in respect to so-called western civilised world, I am respected as the Highest Deity. Millions of people worship me, pray to me and make sacrifices to me.

I am the Supreme God and I have a severe temper. However, I am the best friend of the people devoted to me, and they can spend time in communication with me, enjoy my presence and our mutual communion.

But I am very severe with those people who do not respect God and have forgotten about their Divine nature, who do not worship God within and outside them.

God is everything. God is everything surrounding you as far as you can see. You are God too. Yes, you are God in incarnation, but your Divine nature can be manifested only when you meet certain demands necessary for this.

I will tell you what you have to do in order to become God.

First of all, you should love and respect God in everything surrounding you. There is nothing in the world separating you from other particles of life irrespective of whether it is a tiny ant or the most advanced Guru.

You are all the forms of life, but simultaneously you are a personification of the Deity within your limited physical shape. But it is precisely your physical shape that separates you from your innate divinity. This shape has been imparted to you temporarily in order to enable you to test yourselves in earthly life during many millions of years, coming through thousands and thousands of embodiments on earth.

You have been using this shape for the purposes set up by God. God wishes to manifest Himself through your physical shape. Your task is to give God an opportunity to be manifested through you.

You have to bend yourselves to God who you are in reality. This is the task of every man. You must take care of your shape, keep it fit, and nourish it with all the necessary elements.

Nevertheless, you must never forget that you are God, therefore you cannot do things unworthy of God.

Look back at your life and at its circumstances. Do they correspond to the Divine Pattern?

You have to pay attention to all the aspects of your life. What do you eat? What do you wear? Whom do you communicate with? How do you treat your relations and friends?

They are also gods in the physical shape. And your attitude to them must be similar to your attitude to God. You can attend a temple or a church. You see icons there. You worship these Gods. But there is no big difference between you and the people surrounding you and Gods in the temple. All of us represent manifestations of the Deity.

Yes, all of us are at different levels of manifestation of the Deity, but it does not make a big difference.

Do agree that if you treat yourself as God and if you treat the people around you as Gods, you life will change. The longer you are able to keep the image of the Deity in your consciousness, the sooner your life will change.

That is why it is necessary for you to have a representation of God at home or at your work place.

It is very important for you to have a model for imitation before your eyes. As your world is a world of shapes, it is very important for you to visualise God before you continuously, knowing that you are indivisible with Him.

Do you agree with me? You gradually become one and indivisible with the images which you are keeping in your consciousness and to which you are aspiring.

Look at everything surrounding you at home, in the street. Pay attention to those images which you are staring at when looking at advertisements filling up your TV programmes. Do you think all this resembles the Divine reality?

I offer you the cheapest way to become God. You simply have to guard yourself against imperfect images and to surround yourself with perfect Divine images. It does not matter to which religion or faith these images belong.

These must be images raising your consciousness and enabling you to dwell in a more perfect state of consciousness, and maximising your approximation to the perfect Divine vibrations as much as possible.

I am Shiva. I seldom come through people who do not adhere to the Hindu beliefs. People in the West cannot respect and treat God correctly.

That is why I advise you to learn the traditions of India as the country which managed to save the traditions of respect for God and in which the people who spend their lives in service to God are highly appreciated.

There is no other country in the world with such conditions for the service to God as in Mother India.

I love the people of this country and I aspire to dwell in the people of India.

If Russia manages to create a correct attitude to the moral upbringing and to God, it will be happiness for this country. Russia is a country loved by God. The future of Russia is connected with the restoration of the traditions of the true faith - the faith based not on the external manifestations of respect, but on the inner respect for God dwelling in every man.

At present the foremost task is to bring up the new generation in the tradition of respect for the older generation and for God dwelling in every man.

Any external image of God is necessary for you just to remind you about your Divine nature and about the Divine nature of the people surrounding you.

The respect for God has nothing in common with religion. Religion represents an external path which is necessary on a certain level, but you should not pay too much attention to this path.

In India there are many temples where people serve gods. But there are also many wise men and yoga teachers in this country who teach people to respect the Deity in their hearts and who show them how to obtain a direct communion with the One within themselves and with gods who are always ready for it.

I promise to come to each of you who appeals to me in your heart. I will come and help you to resolve the most urgent problem which delays your spiritual evolution.

I AM Shiva and I have been happy to communicate with you today.

A Teaching on community

Gautama Buddha

April 03, 2005

I AM Gautama. I have come again through my Messenger.

Today I want to dwell on the theme of mutual relations between members of different communities and religious groups.

It is very easy to establish your personal relations with God inside of you. And it is very hard to establish relations with other people, who it would seem, follow the same Path as you and should be your friends. But it is in these people who follow the same Path as you that you meet the strongest opposition and get the strongest negative feelings in the form of hatred, envy and blame.

Why does it happen?

Many of you have asked yourselves this question. And many of you have tried to find the answer, but in vain.

Your companions on the Path are in reality your karmic partners. You have been drawn to each other to solve your karmic contradictions. There is not a single debt of yours that can be remitted. That is why, when you reach a certain level of spiritual achievements, you cannot move any further until you meet all the embodied individuals with whom you have unsolved karmic problems.

That is why on the one hand you find yourself in the circle of people who are attracted to the Teaching by their wish to achieve enlightenment in the field of learning the Divine Truth. And on the other hand these very people are your old karmic debtors, or you have to pay off your own karmic debt to them.

Therefore, the contradictions in religious movements often become so acute and reach such a degree of hostility that it seems that the people belonging to them have nothing in common with God and indeed serve the devil himself.

There is God and there is devil in each of you. There are no people in embodiment who are perfect.

The pure perfection in order to be embodied in your world has to burden itself with such voluntarily taken karmic problems peculiar to this planet that when you meet this Divine perfection in the flesh you can think this is the devil himself.

The truth here lies in the fact that the most perfect souls, coming into embodiment, try to take as big karmic loads as possible so as to lighten the burden of the people to whom these loads belong.

That is why I give you today this Teaching and this understanding of interaction between people in a community; why many people, when they see before their eyes many problems specific to a commune, prefer to leave it and look for another one with smaller problems and which is more poised and balanced in its manifestations. Doing so, they forget that in accordance with the quality of their vibrations, they will be drawn to that very group of people which can give them the quickest way to work out their karmic debts.

Not all imperfections can be overcome by means of prayers and other spiritual practices. You can only overcome some of these imperfections by coming across the person with whom you have karma, and working out this karma in immediate communication, solving the conflict and surmounting it first of all in your own consciousness.

That is why you should never feel anger or indignation when one of your brothers on the Path treats you, as it seems to you, unjustly. You have the opportunity to return your karmic debt to this person in the softest of all possible ways. Imagine that you killed this person in one of your previous lives. And in this life this person insulted you only verbally, or expelled you from the community, or created unbearable living conditions for you in the community by intriguing and gossiping.

Such a situation will make you think that it would be much better to be killed than to endure this unbearable inner pain.

Let God decide how you have to repay your karmic debt. Let God take care of your soul. Believe that you get precisely such tests in your life and meet exactly those situations which in the best way contribute to your progress on the Path.

And no matter how long you run from one religious group and community to another, looking for a place where you would feel comfortable staying with those people who surround you in the community, you will not find what you are looking for anywhere, because the energies you yourselves and your auras contain do not allow you to find a place on earth where you can hide from your karmic debts. And only your unreal part, your ego, makes you blame someone outside of you for your problems.

And until you break the resistance of this enemy of yours, you will meet situations which will hurt you and cause strong emotions and spiritual wounds.

You cannot change other people and you cannot change life on the Earth - at least you cannot achieve significant changes during one life. But you can change your attitude to the circumstances of your life. And you can change your attitude to those people who insult you or commit nasty actions against you.

If you are gold, it does not matter into what dirt you get in the course of your life, whatever your offenders call you, you still remain gold.

Each of you is such a gold nugget. All of you have perfection inside of you. But the layer of mud which hides your perfection, your gold, does not let other people discern in you your Divine, perfect nature.

Is it possible for any group to create relations which conform to the high standards of the Teaching given by the Lords, prophets or messengers?

Of course it is possible, but only when the entire group moves ahead in compliance with the Divine plan and if this group aspires to reach the heights of the Divine service which materialises as a service to a neighbour, a service to life in all its manifestations.

The group which consists of the individuals who have achieved substantial stages on the spiritual path is always harmonious and devoid of conflicts. But it is necessary for the group to have among its members at least one person with a high enough level of achievements and to strive to follow this person's example.

It also happens sometimes that a person suddenly begins to see things clearly or a spiritual enlightenment dawns upon him and he aspires to transmit his experience to the people who are close to him in the group, but instead of support and joy in sharing this experience, he encounters a wall of incomprehension and even accusation of pride and imperfection.

The general level of the group in this case does not allow it to distinguish in its consciousness the achievements of its brother. And the group loses its beacon, a person who could grant it his Light and achievements.

Many situations appear in different groups. But it is necessary to get through all these situations and to accept them, as all of them are formed by the Creator in order to provide you with an opportunity to perfect yourselves in God, having rejected your imperfections.

Therefore, everyone gets what he deserves. But I do not want the feeling of despair and gloom to settle in your souls after today's conversation.

In fact, the rise to the next level of consciousness happens very quickly, in a few seconds. You only have to keep the right orientation, the right direction and right aspiration constantly in your consciousness.

And we give you these dictations exactly with the purpose of stirring your consciousness and showing you the right direction to your aspirations.

Do not pay attention to the layer of mud which covers the souls of people around you. Be able to discern the Divine nature of every person behind any layer of mud.

Try to choose right models for imitation around you. You will find many promptings on how to do it in these dictations.

I wish you success on your Path.

I AM your brother Gautama.

Two cycles are stated by me in the Apocalypse - the cycle of the descent into matter and the cycle of the ascension from matter

John the Beloved

April 4, 2005

I AM John the Beloved. You should remember me. I am known as the person who wrote the Apocalypse, the Revelation of John the Beloved.

I wrote down the information which I had received as a revelation during my spiritual insights on the island Patmos.

I wrote it down in a form which allowed me to impart the essence of the Revelation and at the same time to veil this essence.

Many people have tried to comprehend the sense of my Revelation, but they failed. Not because the sense was not written in words, but because it was not clearly understood by them.

I used many symbols and different meanings for one and the same symbol. I used words having different meanings. I used negative images in a positive sense, and I used chronology, which could not be interpreted with the help of the terrestrial system of chronology.

I had to do it, because I was talking about an event belonging neither to this millennium nor to the previous or the following ones. I was talking about an event which has been happening on earth during all the period of human evolution on this planet. Both one thousand and one million years mean exactly the same for a human if we consider this thousand and this million in regard to the term of a human life. From the height of Heaven these units are equal in comparison to less than a hundred of years of a human life.

I was talking about the period of mankind’s evolution, and I meant the entire cycle of man’s existence in the physical body.

A dragon and a beast have different meanings in my allegory. The dragon means the Good, and the beast means the evil. The dragon descends to the Earth from the Heavens, pursues the wife in fury, and she conceives a baby of the male sex.

In this allegory the wife represents mankind. The Dragon is the Divine wisdom, which has descended into man. The Baby is a fruit of this wisdom, the Higher Self of man which will be concealed from him for more than a thousand years. Do try to understand the existence of earthly mankind during millions of years, and the beast, raging during all this period. The beast is in fact man’s ego and passions.

The beast must be thrown down just as the Dragon was thrown down from the Heavens and descended into matter, mother, and wife.

Two cycles have been stated by me in the Apocalypse - the cycle of the descent into matter and the cycle of the ascension from matter.

While dwelling in matter, seven more cycles pass by. They are proclaimed by the sounds of angelic trumpets.

Each cycle brings troubles and misfortunes through which mankind must pass so as to become free from the beast, which has merged with man and prevents the Divine human nature from manifestation.

All these troubles and misfortunes that mankind passes through are necessary for it to realise its Divine nature, to liberate itself from the beast of carnal desires and carnal mind, and to raise its consciousness to the level of the Divine Wisdom. The latter is symbolised by the descent of a Quadrangular Town at the end of the cycles.

Seven cycles symbolise seven human Races, and seven heads of the Dragon symbolise seven human Races.

And, having passed through these seven cycles, man should liberate himself from the beast’s consciousness and become a Divine Man.

I have given you an allegory, symbolising the descent of the Supreme Spirits into matter, and I have given an allegory of the ascension of these Spirits from matter together with the rise of consciousness of the entire mankind. I am very sorry that the images and symbols used by me have been misunderstood and distorted.

And if you read my dictation together with the dictations of Moses and Zarathustra, the sense of the ancient Truth will be revealed to you, to those of you who want to know the Truth, and to those of you who are ready to be acquainted with it.

Many years will pass before this Truth takes possession of the minds of many people. And many years will pass before the consciousness of most people acquires the transparency of crystal and is capable of passing through itself the whole plenitude of the Divine Truth.

But now your consciousness is similar to a lackluster glass; you look through it and cannot make out the Truth despite all your efforts. One person sees only general contours of the Truth, and another sees nothing at all and has to rely on the opinion of those who see something.

And it also happens that a person who does not see anything cannot believe a sighted person who is able to see, and accuses the latter of lying, or envies him.

The beast of human ignorance will still reign over the minds of people for a long time. Many people resemble beasts and hear the voice of Reason neither in themselves nor in others, and only trouble, misfortune and suffering are capable of teaching these people to be people. They call these troubles upon themselves by their deeds and actions with respect to each other, to nature and to Mother Earth.

The time you live in is terrible. The darkest passions rage in people. They do not want to hear the voice of Reason and do not want to turn back on the Path of knowing the Divine Truth.

And everything will be just as I have described. And no cup will pass from anyone.

So it was, and so it will be.

But sooner or later the cycles will be over, and man will get rid of his animal nature and will be rewarded by dwelling in the heaven-world, which he has deserved and which he certainly will achieve in his consciousness.

It will be just as I have described. Just read it.

Today I have given you the clues necessary to understand my Revelation.

And I have told you as much as I was to tell. For those who understand, I have told too much, and for those who are not capable of understanding, I have told nothing.

I AM John the Beloved, and I have been with you today.

The time has come for you to start acting

Ascended Master Igor

April 5, 2005

I AM Igor, having come through this Messenger.

I AM Igor who, while living as a simple peasant, was neutralising the karma of the whole Russia during the bad times of revolution and civil war at the beginning of the 20th century.

Two powers collided in the battle for the future of Russia. It was really a battle between Light and dark.

But we failed to keep the balance. The opportunity of having a radiant future was postponed for Russia despite all my efforts and the efforts of the other embodied people who were neutralising this situation and trying to do their best to minimise its victims.

Russia’s karma did not allow this country to fly over the abyss and to rise onto a new level of the Russian State system. Russia had fallen into the abyss of unbelief for 100 long years.

Even now this hard period of stagnation has not passed yet. Russia has become bogged down between the past and the future. It does not move towards the predicted radiant future and can no longer return to the past which seems terrible and is a reminder of the millions of victims of wars, revolutions, dispossession of the kulaks, and repressions.

I tell you that no other country could have endured all these monstrous experiments upon itself.

All the endless patience and humility of this nation were required in order to go through this part of its Path and not to be overcome.

The people of the country would have liked to take a break when perestroika [7] started, but their hopes failed again.

The beast which has overwhelmed Russia does not doze, does not let it rise from its knees, spread its wings and throw off the beast of ignorance and unbelief - the bloodthirsty beast, having seized a firm hold of Russia.

Mother Russia, longsuffering Land of Mother. The darkness has cloaked Russia so tightly that no ray of hope can be seen. It is impossible to see where to aspire to. The faith has been ruined; the moral ideals of society have been corrupted. Absolute unbelief and chaos have settled in the hearts and minds of its people.

The might of any nation is in the hearts of its people. There is nothing that cannot be altered in the external physical environment if there are aspiring, loving and believing hearts.

Hearts ready to sacrifice life itself for the sake of establishing the happy reign in their favourite country.

I was doing my best when I was incarnated. I did not leave my prayer-post for days and nights, only occasionally letting myself break for a nap.

I prayed, and prayed, and prayed. I wanted only one thing: I wanted Russia to be carried over the abyss. I begged the Divine Mother and the Lord to grant this miracle to Russia.

But the miracle did not happen, though the burden was lightened and Russia managed to keep its integrity.

One hundred years have passed since then, but the situation is similar at present. The same poverty and the same lawlessness of officials reign in Russia. And it is impossible to look at it and endure it. The heart is bleeding when watching the suffering of this country’s people.

Is there any way out of this situation? Are you waiting to hear from me a piece of advice and recommendations for your actions?

I will tell you honestly that if I were incarnated in Russia now, I would not be able to neutralise its karma just with the help of prayer.

If you see a child in a burning hut which is going to crash down, what will you do? Will you pray and call for a miracle or will you rush into the fire and save the child?

Everybody finds his personal solution to this question. The matter is in the purity of the heart of the praying person. And if you are sure of your holiness, if you are sure of the fact that you are able to prevent any disaster with a prayer, I worship your faith. And I am with you in your prayer. And I will intensify your prayer by my presence within you.

But now Russia needs certain acts in the physical plane, especially in the sphere of the enlightenment of children and youth. Having been deprived of any ideology and of the elementary moral principles, the young people who are Russia’s future will not be able to take responsibility for the country in their maturity.

For the sake of the up-to-the-minute profits for their families and themselves they will be ready to mortgage their Mother Russia for 30 talent pieces to receive for themselves the kingdom of heaven in the overseas lands.

There is not and there cannot be any kingdom of heaven on earth. And the degree of your achievements is not measured by the quantity of dollars in your bank account in a foreign bank. The degree of your achievements is measured by the degree of the sacrifice you can make for saving your fellow men, the hapless, and the unfortunate.

Any country is formed with the aim of protecting itself from both external and internal enemies. Poverty and misery are the internal ones.

That is why a state that does not care for the people who are in need of such care - children, elderly people and the hapless – cannot be a state supported by the Higher Law. And such a state is doomed either to extinction or to a reconstruction.

I offer you help of the Heavens for reconstructing your state. There were times in Russia’s history when it was almost conquered by foreigners.

You remember the Tatar invasion, the civil war in 1812.

Try to remember the personalities of Minin and Pozharsky, of Alexander the Nevsky.

Recollect the Great Patriotic War in the previous century.

There were always people who rose and liberated the country from foreign invaders at the cost of incredible efforts and at the cost of life itself.

I am telling you that the country is being conquered by foreigners now. And the difficulty is that they have come from within the country, from the nation itself, but in fact, they are foreigners. They are robbing Russia and taking the robbed away to Europe and America.

People of Russia, you must rise again altogether and you must gain the decisive victory in this battle between the Good and the evil.

The radiant future is expecting Russia. But beforehand it is necessary to get rid of the foreign invaders who have seized power in the country with the help of intricacy and deception and are reigning and rubbing their hands with joy from each robbed million deposited in Swiss banks and banks of America.

I promise to render you help from the Ascended Hosts and from all the Heavens in the liberation of Russia from these invaders, but you must rise altogether and throw this yoke off yourselves.

The time has come to roll up your sleeves! You cannot lie idle any longer! You must act! The child is on fire!

Mother Russia is on fire!

Only the blind and the deaf can pretend that nothing is going on.

I am giving you now the strongest weapon against which there is no protection and which no enemy can withstand.

I fill your hearts with Faith, Hope and Aspiration. I endow your hearts with Love for your Motherland, for Mother Russia.

I kindle a fire in your hearts. With this fire you will no longer be able to be inactive.

This fire will let you lie idle neither at daytime nor at night. And you will do what you must do, and you know what it is. You will do the things for the sake of which you were embodied. You will fill any person you meet on your Path with the fire of Faith and Knowledge. You will do your best just as it was when your native towns were besieged by enemies. And you will work unceasingly, having time only for a quick nap.

You must act!

Rise to your feet, Rus! Rise to your feet, simple people!

The enemy is in the yard! The Victory is ahead, and Liberation, and Joy!

I am giving this impulse of my heart and I am filling you with aspiration to Victory!

Beloved, Heavens are looking at you. The time has come for you to start acting.

I AM Igor, and I am with you now.

We are establishing our focus of Light in the Land of Russia

Beloved Lanello (Mark Prophet)

April 6, 2005

I AM Lanello, having come to you through this Messenger.

Do you remember me? I AM the one who founded the organisation called the Summit Lighthouse in the United States in 1958.

I established that organisation following the instructions of El Morya and other Ascended Masters who were supporting that organisation for almost 40 years of its existence until the moment when El Morya ceased his sponsorship of the organisation in 1997.

I must give you new information regarding our sponsorship of the organisations currently operating in America.

You may know that there are several organisations in different American states, including the state of Montana, which declared themselves as the successors of the Summit Lighthouse, and the people who founded those organisations declared themselves as messengers.

Now the moment has come when I must help you clear up this confusion in your minds caused by such a large number of organisations and messengers.

My wish is to provide you with guidance as to how you should treat all those organisations.

Unfortunately, the present-day situation in America is such that none of the organisations is granted the sponsorship of the Ascended Masters, and none of the messengers who declared themselves as the messengers of the Great White Brotherhood is in fact a messenger of this Brotherhood.

Any further sponsorship of the organisations in the American territory was turned down.

Too much Light and too much Energy were wasted by the Ascended Hosts in order to establish such organisations as the Bridge to Freedom, the I AM Activity, and finally, the Summit Lighthouse. Within a short historical period such an amount of Light was freed through those organisations that hardly even as much Light had been freed during the entire period of the evolution of the Earth.

The American people had a chance to be present during the immediate communications with the Ascended Hosts which were taking place literally before their eyes. They had an opportunity to feel the Light which was being released during the process of dictations.

They were literally pressing their lips to this Light and were drinking, drinking and drinking it.

We had their thirst slaked and we gave exactly the amount of knowledge that it was possible to give at that particular moment in that particular country.

And what did we get at the end of the day? I will not reveal a big secret by saying that the people who were sipping the Light of the Dictations for tens of years managed to use 90% of that Light for their internal quarrels and squabbles.

You can only imagine how extremely sorry the Ascended Hosts felt when they watched the Light that was poured down with love into the hearts of those people turning into ashes of judgment, jealousy, envy and other negative emotions inherent in people.

We felt extremely sorry, oh beloved, to watch the Energy of Light that was handed down with all the love, being distorted.

The unprecedented dispensation granted by Heavens failed in the Land of America. And I have to verify that sorrowful fact. None of the organisations will ever be granted sponsorship of the Ascended Hosts at least in the foreseeable future.

Many times we tried to anchor the focus of light in the territory of America, and every time we were defeated by the unpredictable and unreal part of our embodied followers.

I AM Lanello and I have come to you to inform you about this sorrowful fact.

We are leaving the Land of America and we are relocating our Focus of Light to Russia, the Land of the Mother.

You know that the initial design of the Great White Brotherhood was to anchor the focus of Light in Russia with the purpose of implementing the Brotherhood’s plans in this country beloved by God.

Yet, the resistance of the dark forces was so great that we had to go back on this decision. During the entire 20th century we were unable to act in Russia owing to the karma that emerged there. You know that I and Elizabeth were embodied there as Tsarevitch Alexey and Tsarevna Anastasia. But our mission was interrupted at the very beginning owing to the Revolution and subsequent shooting of the Tsar’s Family.

A heavy karma befell the whole nation of Russia owing to that act. And what you see now in this country - a war-like devastation in the physical plane in the absence of any apparent military actions - is the consequence of the karma created by the shooting of the Tsar’s Family.

Russia has repulsed the enemy many of times during its history. And I always felt compassion for the courageous people of this country. But never until now in its history has this country had to face an invisible enemy. The enemy that has infiltrated the hearts and minds of people is inducing them to take action dissonant to the initial design of the Divine Plan.

We shift our Focus of Light to the Mother’s Land – Russia - again.

And I am now addressing those residing in the Mother’s Land of Russia who can hear me and can read this dictation.

The example of America is before your eyes. The example of Russia is also before your eyes. I mean here those actions which this country committed in the past against the messengers of God and the representatives of the Hierarchy of Light.

The situation on planet Earth is so unpredictable that we cannot foresee in advance to what extent our efforts will be successful this time.

Yet, I can assure you that the success of the actions being undertaken by the Masters now must be entirely supported by your personal efforts.

Yes, we invested a lot of Light in the Land of America, but we did not reap anything sensible in that land. And now every subsequent dispensation is given under more severe conditions and with stronger limitations.

Now you have to start acting without having an organisation to which the Masters could have had their focus anchored, with no financial resources, with nothing but your hands, your feet, your heads and the devotion of your hearts.

This is a rigorous trial for the lightbearers of this country.

But let me assure you that the best representatives of the Light, the best Sons and Daughters of God are embodied in Russia now.

And each of them will consider it to be an honor to fulfill their Divine mission under whatever hard conditions they will have to act in the territory of Russia this time.

You have a Messenger and you have an opportunity to receive this instruction and instructions of the other Masters.

In fact, you do not need anything else in order to start acting.

We were nourishing God’s sons and daughters in America during almost the entire 20th century.

And now we have to return to the Land of Russia to find support in the hearts of its daughters and sons who did not receive much Light, much care and guardianship of the Ascended Masters, but who are quite a mature creation of Light, and are capable of acting under any circumstances and the most severe conditions peculiar to this country.

You have passed your tests and trials while dwelling far from the hothouse-like environment of the Summit Lighthouse. The very life in the conditions of the Russian state allowed you to receive the initiations you are having now.

You managed to stand your ground in these severe conditions.

All the things which were easy to realise in America owing to the principles of freedom and democracy laid in the foundation of this country by Saint Germain, were always hard to implant in the Russian soil.

A great number of daughters and sons of God perished in the concentration camps and mental hospitals. You had to go through terrible ordeals, and this hardened your hearts.

We are establishing our Focus of Light in the Land of Russia. Now it depends only on you and your efforts whether you will be able to use our sponsorship.

We are opening a Path for you. But you will have to walk along it with your own feet.

I AM Lanello.

And I have come to announce the new dispensation for Russia that has already begun!

We have grandiose opportunities for the implementation of God's plan for planet Earth in the near future

Beloved Cyclopea

April 7, 2005

I AM Cyclopea [8]. I HAVE come through this Messenger today.

I AM Elohim Cyclopea. I HAVE come to give you the Divine Vision of the situation on the planet in the near future.

I AM the creator of the world of shapes, and I was the one who was materialising the Divine Vision during the process of creation of the world of manifested forms.

The entire manifested world was founded with my assistance. I took a hand in every stage of manifestation of the material universe. And I AM the one who always keeps in consciousness the primordial Divine Vision and the plan of God for this universe.

I am beginning to tell you about my Vision now.

In fact, the manifested world of shapes in all its diversity is a necessary part of creation and appears when the vibrations of the primordial Divine Energy, which are the basis of this universe, drop to their minimum limit, i.e. to the lowest frequency of the spectrum admissible for this universe.

You are dwelling in the lowest point of the manifested world now. Your vibrations are in the lowest point too. And your manifested world with its vibrations corresponds to this point.

You are in this world now because your vibrations are in keeping with the world surrounding you. Therefore, everything that surrounds you seems real to you. You can see it, you can touch it. It is your world.

However, the surrounding world is similar to that part of an iceberg which towers above the water’s surface. So your physical body represents only an insignificant part of you because its vibrations coincide with the lowest frequency of the manifestation of the Divine Energy.

But your higher bodies which surround your physical body and cannot be seen with a physical eye have a higher frequency of vibrations. These higher structures substantially determine your manifestation in the physical world.

Your higher bodies or your higher energetic structures are interconnected among themselves and are connected with your physical body through the system of energetic centres or chakras.

You know that along your spinal column there are seven basic energetic centres connected with your emotional body, mental body and etheric body. In fact, the number of energetic centres located along your spine is rather more. There are also other energy centres located in other parts of your body. Through these centres your physical body is being fed by the Divine Energy.

I will not reveal to you a great secret if I say that the majority of embodied people do not have any links between their higher bodies and their physical bodies due to the inactive state of their energetic centres. The main obstacle for their activity is karma, energy dense as treacle, which has stuck around their energetic centres, not letting the Divine Energy pass through them. At best only the lower chakras are open or partly open in people. This allows them to feel at times the vibrations of the Divine Energy when experiencing blissful moments in nature, listening to music or a church service.

However, the majority of mankind has been deprived of an opportunity to receive the Divine Energy through their chakras at all.

You must know that the entire world represents by itself only the Divine Energy vibrating at different frequencies. As a matter of fact, there is nothing else in this universe but the Divine Energy.

Therefore, when a person cannot receive the Divine Energy through his chakras, he actually separates himself from God and the Divine Reality. He dooms himself to death, because he loses touch with the Divine Reality.

Therefore, my beloved, the existence of the physical body deprived of its contact with the higher planes of the Divine Reality's manifestation dooms you to death at the end of your physical life cycle.

Each of you makes a choice in this difficult time for the planet, and this choice is actually a matter of life and death for every person.

I hope that I have managed to explain to you the core of the processes occurring clearly enough.

If you reject the Divine Reality, if you choose a separated existence in the illusory physical world, you just literally doom yourselves to death.

That is why a question of your choice comes now to the fore: what world do you choose - this illusory and thus perishable world, surrounding you, or the eternal and imperishable Divine World?

Those souls that choose existence in the physical world doom their higher immortal part to non- existence.

The part of an iceberg which is above the water cannot exist separately.

You either have a whole iceberg or you have no iceberg at all.

I hope that I have stated my idea clearly enough.

If you do not enable God to be manifested through you, then what significance do you have for God?

All of you are just components of the organism of God, and if a healthy organism does not liberate itself from the dead, obsolete cells, such an organism dooms itself to death.

You do not even pay attention to the fact that every minute your organism liberates itself from the dead cells and from all that is not vital in it.

The analogy between your organism and the universe is absolute in this case.

You make your own choice. You decide whether to direct the vector of your attention to the illusion or to the real Divine World.

It was repeated many times in the dictations given through this messenger that the cycles had changed. The cycle of the contracting of the illusory world has begun and the cycle of the increase of the vibrations has started in the physical world. The cycle of transition of all Divine manifestation onto a higher plane is now in progress.

You cannot say that you have heard nothing of that. You had an opportunity to make a choice with the help of your external consciousness quite deliberately. And the majority of the Earth’s population has already made this choice so far.

Therefore, in the near future an intensive differentiation will take place between the people who have chosen God, and the people who have made their choice in favour of the illusory world.

And you will observe the manifestations of talents and spiritual gifts previously hidden in some people and the obvious degradation of others.

The people who have doomed themselves to separation from the Divine Energy will not be able to manifest themselves in this world in the near future because they will be deprived of energy sources. They will no longer be able to take energy from others, and they will be deprived of their own energy at the same time.

In contrast, people who have made their choice in favour of God will gain access to the Divine Energy and will be able to manifest this energy through their actions and to help God to be manifested in the physical world.

Beloved, you cannot bargain with God. You cannot give the energy of prayers for receiving the pleasures of the physical world any more. The bargaining is over.

And I recommend those of you, who have not yet made a deliberate choice in favour of God, to hurry with the choice.

Let the dead bury their dead. We have grandiose opportunities for the implementation of God’s plan for planet Earth in the near future. And do not let yourself be confused with the obvious injustice and various abuses that you see around you. The night is always dark before dawn.

But it is beginning to dawn, and in some time, when a few generations of people change, you will see your planet changing greatly.

I have not given you any new knowledge today. You have already heard this information from other sources many times. Probably, I have simply offered you a slightly different point of view on the things I have spoken off. And I will be glad if this point of view helps you to find the Divine Vision of the things happening around you in the physical world and endows you with the Divine Vision of the grandiose prospects opening for this planet in the future.

I AM Cyclopea.

The Path to the Heavens is inside of you


April 8, 2005

I AM Babaji. I have come to you through this Messenger.

Maybe you do not know me. I was incarnated at the end of the 20th century in India. I was not born the same way as children are usually born. I was created by the force of thought.

I came in order to recreate the traditions of real faith in India. I was a personification of Shiva.

Oh, it is really hard to understand how one and the same Lord can come into incarnation through different people and by different ways. But I should say that the Lords, the Ascended Masters, who came to help the Earth and its humanity, are looking for any opportunity to dwell in a physical body.

Your world is too dense now and does not allow the Cosmic Beings of Light to stay among you for a long time. That is why we use either a partial incarnation or a temporary dwelling within those people who take care of their body temples properly in order to give us an opportunity to stay within them.

When you invite guests to your place you try to clean it up. You take away unnecessary things, dust, wash the floor.

And it is really strange to watch many of you waiting for a miracle of the presence of the Ascended Masters within you and wishing to commune with your Higher Self, but at the same time not doing anything in order to get rid of the dust of your carnal thoughts and aimless human wishes.

Both our worlds are much closer to each other than it may seem to you. Our world is always open for communication with you. You should just tune yourself up to the necessary frequency of our vibrations.

We are ready to communicate with people in embodiment. The question is whether you are ready for it too.

I should tell you that the places you are living in are not good for our presence. In spite of the fact that I almost did not visit big cities during my last incarnation, great attempts were demanded of me in order to restore my energies and my temple after staying among people, and let the Higher Beings communicate with me.

I lived in India. But I had an opportunity to watch people coming from Europe and America.

Their consciousness and mentality were to a great extent different from the consciousness of people living in India. It concerned also the basic teaching and the knowledge I had to give these people. During my darshans [9] I was imparting to them the feeling and the sensation of the Divine.

I was pouring Divinity and Grace from my chakras. I gave everybody who was present there an opportunity to experience this Grace.

It was interesting to watch proud foreigners reviving in my presence, forgetting their civilised problems and turning to a simple life and Divine communication.

Can you imagine the improvement of the situation on the planet if we only were able to dwell within a large number of people, having prepared their temples for our presence?

Many people want to be granted this connection with the Divine for strengthening their ego. It is really interesting to watch a person trying to hold two big watermelons in one hand.

He wants to commune with the Divine and simultaneously to strengthen his ego.

What is your opinion about his possible chances to commune with the Divine?

Man always receives the things he is aspiring to. If a person really wants to be granted a deep, heartfelt communion with God, but at the same time forgets to clean his temple properly so as to enable the Higher Beings to answer his call, he will receive communication, but only with those beings that correspond to his level of consciousness.

There are many spirits waiting for a moment to master such a man and to direct him, and to speak through him. You know that like draws to like.

That is why it is necessary for you to get rid in your consciousness of any human wishes and thoughts about getting personal profit.

You should just give all your weaknesses and imperfection to God and say: "Lord, yes, I am not perfect, but I love you, my Lord. Help me. Help me, Lord. I miss You, I miss Your Grace, Your Love. There is nothing in this world that attracts me, Lord. I want to be united with You. I want to fulfill all Your wishes. I will worship You. I will serve to all living creatures in which You dwell. Lord, help me. I AM Yours."

If your appeal is made sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, you will get our help.

But people are deluded when they think that they will receive the Grace at once and will become the perfection in the flesh. Sorry to say but this appeal is just the start of your Path to God.

And I will tell you which things will follow your appeal. You will get an accelerated return of your karma. You will face situations outside of you, in the surrounding world, and situations inside of you, revealing your psychological problems. These situations will crop up before you every day and will not give you any rest.

You will get an opportunity to prove to God that you are really ready to carry out everything you have promised.

Your aspiration to God should help you overcome all these trials and hardships and it does not matter how difficult they are.

This is a period of discipleship. This period can pass without an incarnated Teacher near you. The energies of your aura will be the best teacher for you. These energies will attract to you the situations you should go through in order to prove that you are really ready to give up everything that ties you down to this world.

It is not demanded that you should give up everything - your family, job, house, wealth. But you should give up any attachment to anything of this world. Not only to real things which you can touch with your hands, but to those inner problems that are particular to you and accompany you from life to life. For some people this can be envy, criticism, condemnation, for others this can be self-pity. There are very many traits you will have to give up. And it is really a painful process, because during the time of your living on earth you have literally spliced with these traits. Now you have to tear them off you. This can be compared to the pain you would feel if you really cut off parts of your skin. However, this pain is of another kind. This is an inner pain of the soul, and sometimes it is absolutely unendurable.

And if you meet a teacher who says that he will relieve you from your karma, from your problems, and will take everything upon himself, you should never believe such a teacher. And it does not matter if he takes money from you for that or not.

You can part with your problems and your karma loads only by yourself.

An external teacher can only reveal your problems to you, but not solve them for you.

That is why I come to warn you about the difficulties on your Path and to help you with my advice.

I understand all the difficulty of the situation you are in, when you have no opportunity to receive the advice of a real incarnated Guru. Your souls need advice and help. And we try to give you such help and advice in our turn.

So we will meet sooner or later.

The Heavens and the Earth will meet. And this will happen inside of your temple, because the Path to the Heavens is inside of you. You can go round the Earth looking for a real Guru, you can spend all your money and still find nothing.

The door to the Heavens is in fact inside of you. Now you even have all the necessary keys for this door. But the last effort in order to open this door will be made by you.

I have been happy to meet you today, and I believe this meeting has been worthwhile.

I AM Babaji and I impart my Love to you.

I give you my mantra

Lord Krishna

April 9, 2005

I AM Krishna, having come to you through this messenger.

I AM Krishna, Lord Krishna. I am known and respected in India. I am also known in many countries of the world due to the devotees of Lord Krishna.

I am everywhere in fact. I am in the world of shapes, and I am in the shapeless, I am in consciousness, and I am in the Spirit.

My level of merit enables me to dwell in many shapes simultaneously. I AM Omnipresent.

The most widespread of my images is that of a boy-shepherd with a pipe. I really love this image most of all. This is the image in which I was incarnated in Vrindavan [10].

I gave my devotees my mantra lauding the names of God. I gave them this mantra because the mind of the people was not able to perceive any elevated teachings during the cycle of Kali Yuga which began just after my ascension. The mind is restless and unruly. Therefore, it must be engaged in continuous uttering of mantras lauding the names of God.

When the mind is busy repeating the names of God it has little time to think its low thoughts and to dwell on its base wishes.

The practice of the uttering of mantras and the mantras themselves allow the mind to be kept in check and to be subjected to the Higher Self of man.

I want the people on the whole planet to return to the practice of lauding the names of God as this is the shortest path leading them back to God.

You become the thing to which your mind is aspiring. If your mind is constantly concentrated on the images propagandised in the TV programmes and from advertising posters, such a mind is attached to this world and is not able to tear itself away.

The practice of lauding the names of God does not demand any special conditions. You are not demanded to attend church services and ceremonies, or to join any religious organisation. You only have to learn how to pronounce the names of God correctly in the right state of mind. You must be completely concentrated on the Divine while uttering mantras. You mind must stop wandering among objects and images surrounding you in the physical world.

You must think only about God.

It does not matter what you are doing while uttering the mantras. You can be washing the dishes, in traffic, working in your kitchen garden, walking with children or at your work place.

It is good to say mantras aloud or in an undertone so as not to bother people around you. But you can also utter mantras to yourself so as not to draw outside attention to you.

But do remember that you must pronounce these mantras for God and not for making an impression on the people around you.

Some devotees pronounce the names of God almost all the time. They spend the entire day uttering mantras. Especially they adore uttering mantras among crowds of people in order to show everybody their true service to God.

The effect of such a practice will be directly opposite to the desired one because the Divine energy will be wasted on strengthening the ego and not for tightening the link with God.

I give you my mantra.

I ask you to find people who can pronounce this mantra or to buy cassettes with a record of this mantra. It is important that the cassettes with recordings of my mantras should carry the right Divine vibrations. Feel these true Divine vibrations with your heart.

If you or your relatives are embarrassed by the fact of your uttering mantras and lauding the names of God, do not force yourself.

In such a case you can use another practice which will lead you back to God.

There are many paths and many ways leading to God. In fact, each of you has his own path.

But you should never forget that there are many paths and ways leading nowhere.

But if you sit doing nothing and move nowhere waiting for a miracle to happen, you will wait in vain.

God wants you to act. The more effort you make the more help you will receive from the Heavens.

I give you my mantra. Do promise me to pronounce my mantra as many times as this practice brings pleasure to you.

Pronounce it while doing your household chores, use every free minute for pronouncing it.

I know that many people came to the land of India in their previous embodiments. Thus, the uttering of mantras is a natural must for them. These are the people that must answer my appeal soonest of all.

There exists an ancient historical link between India and Russia.

Once upon a time a much evolved civilization came to India, and it was much more evolved than the population living in India at that time. This civilization, these people came from the north. It will be a surprise for many of you if I say that these people came from the territory occupied by Russia at present.

Therefore, there is a tight link between the Mother-land India and the Mother-land Russia.

These two countries are very close to each other, first of all, by their rich spiritual traditions.

I hope that Russia will manage to remember its ancient historical roots and the faith of its historical ancestors, the faith that had its roots in the faith of the people inhabiting this country in the old times.

Many temples with many magic crystals were founded in the territory of Russia.

These sacred things are asleep for the time being. But the time will come when these historical sacred things will revive together with the awakening of the consciousness of this nation. The focuses of Light placed in the territory of this country and hidden now from the eyes of ignorant people will work with all their might.

I give you my mantra, and I know that this mantra is capable of awakening in you your historical memory about the roots that are laid down even in the very basis of the Russian language.





Do repeat this mantra in Sanskrit.

Its sounds will endow you with strength, joy, courage, self-confidence, confidence in your future and the future of Russia.

I AM Krishna. I feel your need of my help. And I will render you help if you appeal to me.

Do not be embarrassed by my appearance and my difference from the images in your churches which you are used to worshipping.

There is no difference between Jesus and me. We are One and Indivisible at the level of Spirit.

My name Krishna means the same as the name Christ.

All the differences and all the divisions exist only in your consciousness and only at this concrete historical moment, a very important moment of the awakening of your consciousness after a state of lethargy which you have been in for millions of years.

I will be happy if any of you enjoys my advice and pronounces my mantra.

I AM Krishna. I have come to impart a particle of my love to you.

Just one of your vibrations of Love and Compassion is capable of extinguishing the fire of hell where many souls of this planet are burning now

Beloved Hilarion

April 10, 2005

I AM Hilarion, Lord of the Fifth Ray. I HAVE come to you through this Messenger.

I have come to inform you about some things which you face in life but to which you do not attach much importance. But if you scrutinise these things, it becomes clear that they will determine your life in the world for many years ahead.

I have come to tell you how you yourselves can create your own future. To some of you this information can seem unreal and unjust. Others may be familiar with it already. But I think it is always useful to remember and to repeat the lesson you have sometimes learnt.

So, I would like to dwell on the reasons for the spiritual and somatic ailments burdening your physical and higher bodies.

Man’s memory is very short and, as a rule, it is very difficult for man to follow a direct link between the actions he performs in life and their consequences. But it is exactly this connection that is at the basis of the Law of Karma or so-called Law of Cause and Effect and Retribution.

Mother Mary and I have to listen to many humans asking for the healing of ailments. A person whose physical temple is stricken by a serious ailment is ready to make significant sacrifices so as to get rid of it. He seeks external healers, capable of helping him.

Only after having seen a series of doctors and healers – who spread their hands helplessly and receive proper payment for it – does this person appeal to God and the Ascended Hosts for help.

The moment comes when mind prevails in man and he realises that the ailment was sent to him from heaven and that only God can liberate him from it.

And man seeks paths to God; he is ready to make sacrifices and to read a lot of prayers so as to heal himself.

Hardly anybody understands that the ailments and suffering were caused not by an angry and vindictive God but by his own actions performed both in his previous lives and during his current embodiment.

When you are young and full of strength and energy you almost never think about the consequences of your actions. It seems natural to you to receive something that you wish for, even if you have to offend or insult somebody painfully.

How incommensurable sometimes is a wish you fight to satisfy with the harm which you are ready to do to others simply to satisfy your wish at any price.

Thus, your first and main enemy that is sometimes your only enemy is hidden inside of you. It is your carnal mind with its insatiable desires.

You think there is nothing awful in your fight to satisfy your wishes. It seems absolutely natural to you, especially in youth. You do not even attach any importance to obvious breaches of moral norms which you commit while satisfying your desires. You simply do not think about the harm you do to other people.

How can your insatiable passions be conquered? How can we put an end to your greed for the pleasures of life?

Very few people are capable of learning by themselves, looking at examples of other people, reading books and finding people who can share their Wisdom with them.

For those who are not capable of understanding and learning, the Law of Karma or Retribution comes into force.

Each of your deeds committed in disagreement with the Will of God leads to the fact that the Divine Energy which you are using continuously and without which you are not able to exist is tainted with this imperfect deed. The more imperfect actions you perform, the lower the vibrations of the Divine Energy become. This energy does not disappear; it is kept in your aura, in your emotional, mental and etheric bodies.

And this energy turns into a magnet attracting to itself similar energies from the external world surrounding you.

Therefore, if you have offended someone, this energy will attract to you a situation which will offend you sooner or later.

You carry in your aura records of all your imperfect deeds. These records are like holes in your aura. If you often allow yourself to perform actions which are to be punished due to the Law of Karma, sooner or later your aura becomes over-saturated with these negative vibrations. And you will no longer be able to work out your loads of karma by performing right deeds during those karmic situations which are sent to you in exchange for your previous deeds till the end of the current embodiment - too much negative energy has accumulated in your aura.

You have already been told that the time you live in is unique. It is the time when the change of cosmic cycles takes place and a new cycle begins.

People burdened with too much negative energy will be sick and will be deprived of an opportunity to be active in life. They will be denied the Divine Energy and an opportunity to go on multiplying their imperfections in this world. A person with an aura burdened with too great a quantity of negative energy is like a leper, an incurably sick and dangerous person. The negative vibrations of his aura are capable of inducing similar negative vibrations in the auras of all the people with whom he comes into contact.

Due to the law of likeness such people will be drawn to each other, and they already inhabit whole zones on planet Earth which can be compared with leprosaria for lepers.

If a person with a pure aura happens to be in such zones he feels like a fish thrown to the shore.

When we watch your planet we see these zones, these centres, as receptacles of negative energies, condensed to such an extent that not one of our healing rays sent by us tirelessly to the Earth is able to break through them.

People who have trapped themselves in these energetic leprosaria are not able to help themselves any more and need help that can still be rendered them from outside.

That is why we are ready for co-operation and we are ready to use everybody who is capable of keeping his vibrations at a level high enough for him to render help through himself to those people who seem already absolutely dead spiritually, but fasten their eyes on heaven in their last hope and sincerely plead and implore for help.

We are ready to help and we help everybody. This help may not concern the physical body which is already beyond the possibility of being restored due to the predominance of the irreversible processes in it. Our help concerns first of all the souls of these people. We are trying to heal and keep the souls of those who have fixed their eyes on heaven at least once in their life, sincerely asked for help and confessed to all the sins committed. There is no sinner without a future. But it is also fair that it is impossible to save those who themselves do not need this salvation.

Therefore, there is always a possibility to render help, though sometimes we lack sincere servants, ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of mankind’s salvation and for the sake of rendering help to all living creatures.

Now I am appealing to those who are capable of understanding me and who understand what I am talking about.

The time has come when war is being waged literally for every embodied soul.

There are forces trying to keep as many souls as possible in the plane of illusion. And there are forces fighting literally for every soul in order to pull it out of hell which is now represented in the physical plane by many places on planet Earth.

And sometimes just one meeting, one loving and compassionate look is enough for a soul doomed for non-existence, to help it find Faith, Hope and Love.

Keep your balance, your mental peace. You are warriors in this world. And just one of your vibrations of Love and Compassion is capable of extinguishing the fire of hell in which many souls of this planet are burning now.

I AM Hilarion and I have appealed to the warriors of Spirit on this planet.

Prepare your temples for the coming of the messiah

John the Baptist

April 11, 2005

I AM John the Baptist. I was the one who predicted the advent of the Messiah Christ.

I HAVE come. I have come to tell you the story of my life, of my last life. And I have come to give you some instructions concerning your current lives.

Many things have changed on the Earth since my last incarnation. Changes have happened in the family life of people, in their work, in their surrounding world. There are many new things now and many inventions are used in the external world.

However, if we consider man’s world outlook and his views about God and the structure of the universe, we will not see such substantial changes. Yes, the terminology has changed; many scientific discoveries have been made and revealed to man the structure of the universe and the laws of the physical world.

But at the same time man’s consciousness is still tied down to the external manifestations of the physical world, external respect for God and external rituals, as though two thousand years have not passed since the time of my incarnation.

Man utilizes all scientific ideas and inventions with a simply enviable speed. Man’s application of these inventions leads not to approaching God, but to separation from Him.

It seems progressive to you to listen to modern rhythms during church services and it seems modern to use scientific terminology for explaining the universe.

Any scientific invention, as well as any achievement of the human consciousness, is immediately utilized by man for further separation from God.

The simplicity of the Divine feeling, the simplicity of the Divine life is shrouded by you in numerous modern terms and ideas.

You use a lot of technical terms when speaking about God. If you had applied so much effort in order to destroy the obstacles in your consciousness really separating you from God, life on earth would have changed as if with a wave of a magic wand.

Most modern inventions just bar your path to God insurmountably.

You know that I lived in the desert during my incarnation. I lived on locusts and wild honey [11].

People thought me to be insane. But I could have communion with God only after I had separated myself from people and their vanity. And I would not have exchanged this communion for any human riches and honours.

I seldom spoke to people. My basic teaching was directed at purifying of their souls and preparing them for the coming of the Messiah.

People understood my words in their own way, thinking that I was talking about the coming of some external Messiah, a man who was to free them from their troubles and misfortunes.

But I meant not only the coming of an external Messiah but also the coming of an inner one that had always been dwelling in the consciousness of every man. I was preparing human consciousness for the coming of this Messiah.

I would not think any of those people understood what I was talking about. But still human consciousness changed a little and they began expecting the coming of Christ. And He came and carried out his Mission honourably.

My sermon cost me my life. Contrary to most of the people, the ruling clergymen soon realised that my teaching, if it had been understood by the people, would have deterred the flock from external worshipping and external rituals forever and would have directed them to the meeting with the real Messiah, to their inner meeting with God and the real part within them.

Having obtained such an inner communion and such bliss inside of them, people would never have been able to trust any external religion or teachers.

After having received access to the Divine state of consciousness, people would have been drawn to the like ones very quickly. The Divine state of consciousness is as catching as any manifestation of a non-divine state of consciousness, characteristic of many people now.

People are closely interconnected in the higher planes. A happy thought and good thinking, if they are born in several minds and hearts simultaneously, are capable of spreading from heart to heart. It is similar to a candle which can easily kindle a million candles with its flame.

I did not have an opportunity to give my teaching to a large number of people, of course. I was teaching those few who had the courage to come up and listen to me. People were scared to receive knowledge from me because clergymen prohibited them from communicating with me. It was hard for me to give knowledge to people.

Look at the changes that have taken place around you so far. I dictate this message and you can receive it on the same day even if you are on the other side of the planet. It is really a time of great opportunities for you.

We do not even need to waste either your efforts or ours on gathering together people who are ready to perceive our teaching at a certain place on the Earth. You receive our teaching and our vibrations due to the blessed gift granted to humanity by Saint Germain. I mean the Internet. And this is one of a few cases when the use of the Internet does real good and, as a matter of fact, this was the aim with which this invention was introduced in the physical plane.

Now, my blessed hearts, you have an opportunity to listen to the teachings of the great Beings of Light who have been coming into incarnation to teach mankind during the last thousands of years.

You have an opportunity to receive an unprecedented stream of the Divine Energy through these dictations. And this dispensation, this Heaven’s gift for you, became possible due to this opportunity. Rate this opportunity highly. Drink the nectar of Divine Energy. But remember that no drop of this Energy should be wasted in vain. Energy is being granted to you for performing good deeds, not for finding out who is more divine and superior among you.

You are not able to know it with your human consciousness. The greatest people among you are those who do their best to serve life and all living creatures and do not demand anything for themselves in return. This is because there is nothing in this life that is worth exchanging for the gift of the Divine communion and for the opportunity to serve God during a whole life.

So try to use the received Energy properly. Prepare your temples for the coming of the Messiah and let your Messiah, which is your Higher Self, your Christ Self, come to you, be in you, speak through you and act through you.

Oh, beloved, I am happy to know that beloved Alpha has granted this opportunity to you in this difficult but really blessed time for this planet.

I will be happy to meet each of you who will raise his vibrations up to my level, and I will be able to come to you personally and to commune with you within your heart.

My beloved and blessed, trust me, everything will be just as it has been predicted. Your eyes will begin to see clearly, you will see us and commune with us, and stroll with us, and talk to us.

There are no boundaries in the Divine world. You yourselves have created these boundaries in your consciousness. But the time has come to give them up.

I cannot suppress the joy overwhelming me from the opportunity to appeal to you personally. And I know that many of you reading these lines are already prepared to commune with me.

You can only imagine the change in the world when each of you receives an opportunity of a personal communion with the Ascended Hosts. But this will take place. This will be sooner or later. And this will be just as unavoidable as the fact that spring follows winter and is followed by summer in its turn.

I AM John the Baptist, Elijah the Prophet [12], and I tell you my prophecy. My prophecy will certainly come true, and you know it in your hearts too.

I AM John the Baptist.

You must find all the warriors of Light who are incarnated now and remind them about their mission

Lord Lanto

April 12, 2005

I AM LANTO, having come to you through this Messenger.

I HAVE come to have a very important and crucial conversation with you now. You know that every time we come to give a dictation, we try to offer you a piece of new information, but usually it is just a new point of view on the facts and information with which you are already familiar.

Now I want to offer you absolutely new information, and this information will possibly seem unexpected and even fantastic to many of you.

So, I am beginning. You know me as the Lord of the Second Ray. This is the Ray of Wisdom and Illumination. So, my teaching will be delivered to you through this very Ray.

Imagine a person who has managed to neutralise all the negative karma accumulated in his bodies for many thousands of embodiments. The emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies of such a person do not contain any energy which was misused by him during the entire cycle of his existence on planet Earth. What do you think will happen to this person?

Will he be able to go on dwelling in the physical world or will he have to perform a transition so as to continue his existence in a higher world?

But are there people on planet Earth who have managed to neutralise all their karma?

You may justly say that apart from neutralising karma it is also necessary to carry out the Divine Plan.

But the Divine Plan for every individual is completely coordinated with the Divine Plan for the whole planet Earth. And perhaps many of you have already guessed that most likely such a man will keep staying in embodiment. God’s Plan is not aimed at enabling one particularly advanced individual to go on perfecting himself after separating himself completely from other living creatures and the entire universe. Therefore, if a person has managed to neutralise his personal karma, it does not mean at all that he can immediately perform a transition to the higher planes.

On the contrary, such a human becomes very important for God and the Ascended Hosts. He is no longer burdened by excessive karmic loads; his chakras are liberated from karmic rubbish and start conducting the Divine Energy in all its fullness.

Of course, if an individual wishes to perform the transition, his appeal will not be turned down. But in fact a person who has neutralised his personal karma up to 100% stops thinking in personal terms. He realises his unity with the entire universe, and he realises his entire unity with God. That is why such a person willingly grants his bodies for the carrying out of the Divine mission.

You know that in addition to personal karma, families, towns, countries and the world also have karma.

On the whole, the entire planet is surrounded now by very dense energies. These energies can be compared to a very dense crust shrouding the planet. It is necessary to dissolve this crust of negative energy.

A person, having worked out his karma, takes upon himself obligations to transmute the planetary karma in the higher planes. What is this process like?

When the aura of a person acquires the Divine Purity and his chakras conduct the Divine Energy into the world freely, such a person willingly starts to absorb negative energies from the surrounding world into his aura and to convert them. It can be compared to a vacuum cleaner. The person comes into contact with the auras of other people or with masses of negative energy drifting in the surrounding area, and with the help of his chakras starts neutralising this dense negative energetic substance.

Such people can be compared to Christ in their service to the world. As the vibrations of these people differ too much from the vibrations of the surrounding world, they perceive the very dwelling in the surrounding world as an endless daily crucifixion.

They are really crucified on the cross between Spirit and Matter.

Worlds join each other within the chakras of these people.

You know that human chakras bind the physical body with the higher bodies. So, when the chakras of a human are completely purified, such a man becomes similar to an open door between the worlds.

The service of such a person is in this case similar to the service that Christ carried out while in incarnation. Such people sacrifice of their free will for the sake of the salvation of others.

Do you understand what I am speaking about, beloved? A person voluntarily chooses to stay amidst the densest energies of this world. But, as his vibrations differ too much from the vibrations of the surrounding world, the very act of staying among human beings is for him like a daily crucifixion on a cross. And this is a crucifixion indeed.

Such a man takes upon himself the karma of the world, the sins of the world. He absorbs these sins and karma into his body and transmutes them by his service to the world and to all living creatures.

I give such a detailed description of this service because many of you render such a service to the world, but, possibly, do not even realise this with your external waking consciousness and physical mind.

Each true lightbearer who is embodied now serves 24 hours a day, without sleep or rest.

That is because many of you go on serving during your sleep as well, in the astral plane in the higher bodies, to help purify this plane from negative energy. During this night labour your higher bodies receive real wounds. You get up in the morning and do not remember the night’s heroic deeds and feel broken and weak, because the angel-healers did not have enough time to help your higher bodies during your night’s sleep.

I want you to know about the service of your fellows and about your own service.

Your work is invaluable in the eyes of God and the Ascended Hosts.

And I feel uneasy asking you to take upon yourselves an additional burden. There are very few warriors of Light embodied on earth at present. Many of them have forgotten about their duty and yielded to the temptations of this world. They have forgotten what they have come into embodiment for.

That is why I ask you to find these warriors of Light and to remind them of their service and the duties they took upon themselves before coming into embodiment.

Find them, give them these dictations to read, talk to them. Let it be a personal conversation or a public lecture. Each of you knows what you should do.

But you should find all the warriors of Light who are incarnated now and remind them about their mission.

I would like to thank you for your service. And I bow my head before God’s Light beaming from within you.

I AM Lanto.

The process of knowing the Divine Truth will go on perpetually

The Great Divine Director

April 13, 2005

I AM the Great Divine Director. I HAVE come through this Messenger.

It seems strange that so many Ascended Beings have been giving you their dictations during such a short period of time. I have to assure you that there is nothing strange about it. The Ascended Hosts wish to communicate with mankind and try to use every possible opportunity. And we will continue doing so until the situation connected with the receiving of these dictations in your world changes.

I have to tell you that we plan every act of receiving a dictation thoroughly and we try to check the information so as to give exactly what corresponds most to the current moment and current situation on Earth. And we also have to take into account the range of knowledge of the messenger and the natural boundaries of the messenger’s channel.

Thus, we cannot transmit the information if the messenger’s external consciousness does not accept it due to its inherent limitations.

However, I dare assure you that we give all the information which it is possible to transmit through the physical conductor we are using at the moment.

Now I would like to give you some new information.

Imagine a vessel full to the brim. If it is full, there is no room for you to put anything extra in it.

Therefore, the task we must undergo together and one of the goals of these dictations is to try to free some space in your vessels for accepting new information.

Your physical brain, unlike the abilities of your Divine mind, is very limited. And once your physical brain contains information about some subject, you cannot perceive new information about the same subject if it is even slightly different.

It is herein that the difficulty in working with a human consciousness lies.

If you have received information from a source which you consider to be authoritative and then another source gives you the same information in a slightly different or diametrically opposed way, you will most likely reject the information from this new source.

And there is nothing bad in that. If you took at face value any information from any outer source, you would simply be unable to exist in your world, because you would have to keep in your external consciousness diametrically opposed and mutually exclusive pieces of information.

Therefore, certain truths prevail during certain phases of the evolution of humanity, and then they are gradually changed by other truths. Thus, the evolution of human consciousness gradually takes place, excluding a forcible way.

And the greatest difficulty that we face when we deal with the human consciousness is its narrow-mindedness and inclination to accept as a dogma information previously received from an authoritative source.

Every time we begin to bring forth new information, we do it in a very delicate way, trying not to cause any repulsion and discord in your consciousness that might lead to stormy reactions and cause too big a splash of negative emotions in the space.

I suggest that you look at the question of the fall of the angels from a slightly different point of view. You probably remember how this question is stated in the books given through the previous messengers. I myself gave some of the thoughts concerning the fall of the angels which were included in the Teaching widespread in the West at present.

It is difficult to say why people liked this teaching so much. Perhaps the idea of a rebellion against God and His Laws is very close to human consciousness. And it is very tempting to ascribe your own imperfection to the Supreme Beings. Isn’t it the reason why the idea of the angels’ rebellion has become so widely-distributed in the Western world now? Perhaps this idea is very close and dear to the modern person, as it is always possible to justify oneself and one’s behavior by saying that even angels in the Heavens rebel.

We tried to get round this subject in the dictations before this moment, and if we touched upon it, we only mentioned the general questions, concerning the conflict between two principles - the force increasing the illusion and the force aiming to return to the primordial non-manifested Divine Creation.

And I must tell you that the legend of the fallen angels, as it is presented in many teachings widespread in the West now, just reflects the Universal Law connected with the invariable demand to the Highest Beings of Light to take on human bodies at a certain stage of Cosmic Evolution. After the highest form of life was finally liberated from its physical form in the previous cosmic cycles, this form must at a certain stage return to the physical plane in the bodies of humans, who are on the lower stage of their evolution, in order to endow these bodies with the spark of Divinity, Divine Mind and Divine comprehension.

The physical manifested world can not be left on its own, it cannot exist autonomously from the entire Creation. It demands constant care and guardianship from the side of the higher manifested worlds of this universe due to the intense presence of the forces of chaos in the manifested world.

The process of the angels’ descent into human bodies is a necessary stage of evolution. And this process can be compared to the shortening of pastry. If the pastry you have made appears to be of low quality, you shorten it. You can add eggs or butter to it to improve its quality and properties. Just the same process is used to endow humanity with the higher abilities when particles of the Beings who stand at the higher stages of evolution descend into human bodies.

This process keeps on going, and as a result man becomes more divine, closer to his own primordial, original divine nature.

You have been told repeatedly during the course of these dictations that any person, who has properly prepared his physical temple, receives into this temple additional Light due to the presence of the Beings of Light, who are able to manifest themselves and act through the conductor this person provides.

We aspire to reside in the people of Earth and we aspire to use every opportunity for our additional presence.

There is no violation of the law of free will here, because a person who has achieved the stage of cooperation with us willingly grants his temple for our presence. And the conceived plan actually comes true and you become our hands and feet.

In the same way, the descent of the angels - the highest Beings of Light - into human bodies took place millions of years ago. They endowed man with mind and became a part of his Higher Body or his Christ Self.

I do not want to concentrate your attention on these subjects today any more, because I anticipate too emotional and sharp a reaction from those who read these lines. I have said enough to awaken your consciousness and give it a new impulse for comprehension of the Divine Truth.

Do not think that you will perceive all the Divine Truth at once. A number of years will pass and the truth mastered by mankind with such difficulty will again require a new one to take its place and to help the human mind draw nearer to the Divine Truth.

This process of knowing the Divine Truth will go on perpetually.

You only need to constantly wish to perceive The Divine Truth, to aspire to its comprehension and to free yourselves from any dogmas to which human consciousness attaches so quickly. Sometimes it is too hard to give up these dogmas, and this process may cause severe pain and antagonism of the human ego.

If you have a feeling that you possess the Divine Wisdom in all its integrity, this feeling is in fact a manifestation of your ego. Think of that. How can a limited consciousness contain the unlimited Divine Truth?

I have given you much new information today, and I have tried to do it as mildly as possible so as not to cause mental and emotional splashes that would be too great for your aura.

I AM the Great Divine Director, and I have been with you today.

The benighted times are over for Russia!

Nicholas Roerich

April 14, 2005

I AM Nicholas Roerich, the Ascended Master Nicholas Roerich. I have come to you together with this Messenger.

I am happy to have this opportunity to meet you.

The Ascended Hosts have applied a lot of effort to make possible the presence of this Messenger in the land of Russia.

You know that during the period of my incarnation we tried to return to the Land of Russia many times. Every time that was not possible due to many reasons. The main reason was a strong resistance of the forces of darkness which had captured Russia and prevented any opportunity for our presence in this country.

You know how important it is to have a Torch Bearer, a Focus of Light, in the territory of such a country as Russia and to anchor it in the heart of an embodied person.

You know how hard it was to establish this Focus of Light in Russia.

And this is indeed a great victory for the forces of Light!

You cannot even imagine how the future of Russia can change if you manage to keep this Focus of Light, to guard it and to kindle many other focuses of Light from this one both in the Russian territory and in the territories of the neighbouring countries.

We are happy. The Heavens are happy. The Heavens are rejoicing!

The anchoring of this Focus was not just a stroke of luck; it was a painstaking labour during the last one hundred and fifty years.

You know that none of the messengers of the Great White Brotherhood has so far been able to reside for a long period of time in this great country. You can only imagine those great efforts which we had to exert so as to provide you with an opportunity to receive these dictations.

And indeed, all the significance of this event cannot be understood by the consciousness of the lightbearers at once.

You know that during our short stay in the Russian territory in the 1920s we happened to pass through the town Omsk twice. The first time was on the way to Moscow and the second time when leaving Russia.

But very few people know that during our stay in Omsk we laid a Focus of Light there, a crystal of the energy of Light, which has been active since that moment in the higher plane.

That is how we prepared the Path. And you know that this Messenger was born in Omsk and has lived in Omsk all her life and it was impossible for her not to receive support in the higher plane from our Focus of Light - from that crystal which we laid in this place almost one hundred years ago.

Thus history comes to pass; thus events on the Earth take place. And there was no guarantee that this experiment would succeed and would not be terminated as had already happened with many previous attempts to anchor the Focus of the Brotherhood in the physical temples of the people residing in Russia.

I am explaining all this to you in detail to help you get to the bottom of the opportunity which is being opened before you. Not all the events occurring in the physical plane reflect the actions taking place in the higher plane. But a New Russia was created in the higher plane long ago. It was created by the endeavours of the best sons and daughters of Mother Russia. So many temples, so many gorgeous projects exist in the etheric plane over Russia. And these ideas of the projects inspired by God are ready to descend to the physical plane.

The night is dark before dawn.

Just like an unbroken horse, Russia was throwing off many significant missions of the forces of Light with enviable constancy. This country chose a hard Path. During these long years the groans of millions of lifestreams, receiving their complete karmic retribution for the unruliness to the Will of God, have been resounding in the Russian territory.

The people have endured much. The people have come to a standstill. No matter how long you beat about the bush, it is impossible to escape from the plan of God for this country. And the time has come for the implementation of the conceived plan.

The time has come for this country to use its cosmic opportunity. Thus, the people who are supposed to implement the etheric plan in the physical plane of this country are in embodiment now.

You know that it is always hard for one to climb an inaccessible peak alone. But when one has climbed, many can make use of his help and example and also ascend to their summits of the Divine consciousness.

Oh, Russia, hasn’t your time come at last? Yes, it has come and it cannot be otherwise!

There are many unexpected turns ahead of you, many dangerous ascents and steep cliffs, but the lightbearers of Russia have reached the point from where the way to the summit becomes visible. And this stage of work, which is just about to come, will take all your strength and abilities in order for the Plan of God to be materialised in the physical plane.

The benighted times are over for Russia!

And in your hearts you already feel tomorrow approaching.

Deep in their hearts the Russian people have always cherished a hope for a radiant future which is to come. In their hearts the Russian people have always believed in a miracle that would save Russia.

Many times it was really a miracle that saved Russia.

And now the time for miracles is approaching.

The Golden Age will be created in Russia through your hearts and minds, with your hands and feet. This country has always kept aloof from other countries and has always stricken them with its unpredictability. The best representatives of its people have always cherished in their minds a hope for a special Path which would suddenly come to light and would be undoubtedly connected with God.

Russia is a country loved by God.

And I am overwhelmed with joy and anticipation for a near sunrise and the following bright and sunny day for Russia!

I have been with you today. And I am glad we have met.

I AM Nicholas Roerich.

Your Love and Faith are the only things you need to implement your Divine plan

Saint Michael Archangel

April 15, 2005

I AM Saint Michael, Archangel Michael! I HAVE come through this Messenger of God.

Lots of my angels, legions of my angels have come together with me to do honour to the Messenger.

Don’t be embarrassed by such manifestation of our feelings. We are really glad to render all the necessary help to our Messenger, to provide her with our support and protection.

Now I would like to appeal to those of you who have not fully realised the significance of this event.

I AM Michael, Archangel of the First Ray, which is the Ray of Faith. And I must tell you that your Faith is a pledge of your first step forward on your Path. You will not be given help from the heavens and you will not be able to make a step on your Path to God without your Faith.

Without your Faith in God none of your actions in the physical plane will be able to succeed, they will be like a house built on sand.

It is your Faith that is your guiding star, and it will show you the way through the storms of life you will face while in the physical plane.

Therefore, the success of your next step depends on the depth of your Faith.

If you trust in God and your Faith is unshakeable, you can ask for God’s guidance in your life. You will receive such guidance but its level will correspond to the strength of your Faith.

I AM Michael, Archangel! I HAVE come to affirm your Faith and your devotion to God. You will doubt, you will continually doubt when following the Path which leads you back to God. You ask for signs and guidance for you on your Path. You will be sent signs and guidance, but not until you demonstrate your Faith and devotion to God and the Ascended Hosts.

First you have to give up your human ego and show your obedience to the Will of God, and only after that will you be sent signs and confirmation of the correctness of your choice.

This is a Law, and neither I nor you can change it.

That is why all of you who are in embodiment now need Faith. Only if you have your Faith, will you be sent hope and guidance.

In the physical plane your Faith will be manifested through Love. It is impossible to make a mere step in the right direction without Love, which penetrates through you and inspires you to act in the physical plane.

First, you begin to trust and soon you start feeling all-consuming Love, and this Love becomes the guide of your life and leads you through all your trials and tests.

Your Love and Faith are the only things you need to implement your Divine plan.

If you need something else to realise your Divine plan, you should scrutinise your wishes and aspirations attentively. As a rule, these will be the very things you should get rid of first of all.

If you need money, power or any other things of the illusory world and believe that without them you will not be able to serve God, you are on the wrong path.

You will always have everything necessary to implement your Divine plan and to serve God and people, if Faith, Hope and Love become your constant companions in life.

But Wisdom, the Divine Wisdom, will be the very attribute you acquire when you trust and love wholeheartedly.

God endows you with His Wisdom, and not only with it, but with other gifts of the Holy Spirit that descend on you in response to your asking and even when you do not ask for them.

In your wholehearted service to God your heart is enriched by qualities which in their turn draw to our world everything necessary to make your service more effective.

If you are on the right path, the further you follow it, the more Divine features and perfection you will be endowed with.

But as soon as you start idolising the subject of your striving, you leave your Path very quickly. The human mind is so crafty that it can seek benefits for itself and the ego, not for God, even in the very striving to acquire Divine qualities.

When dwelling in the dense physical world, you have to be constantly on the alert and try to differentiate your motives and wishes every minute.

There are so many people who have joined different religious groups and sects, but who have done so not in order to serve God but in fact to serve and worship their own ego.

As a matter of fact, worshipping God does not require you to perform rituals, attend external institutions and adhere to any church dogma.

You worship in your heart, and you must find God within your heart and worship Him only.

All the external teachings, groups and churches are necessary for you only to help you understand this simple truth and to help you return to the only true God dwelling within your heart.

If you turn to the words of all the great Teachers of mankind, even to those words which have come through this messenger, you will find a common thread within all of them. All the great Teachers of mankind, each of them speaking his own language and using his inner understanding, taught one and the same great Truth. And this Truth is that all is God and this God is inside everything and every object of this manifested world.

And, accordingly, God is inside of you too. And when this Divine Truth finally masters the consciousness of mankind and when every person aspires to God within himself, the manifested world and illusion will cease to exist. Both mankind and planet Earth will pass onto a higher energetic level and will continue their existence in different higher bodies.

Then the conflict between two forces - defending the illusion and making efforts to diminish it - will come to an end.

And if you look attentively at the world surrounding you when you are in your highest state of consciousness, you will notice these two forces constantly clashing around you.

There are people defending the illusion of this world, and all their actions are directed on supporting this illusion. But there are people whose actions are directed on the diminishing of the illusion of this world.

You will notice that there are more people of the first kind than the second.

But this only seems like a numerical superiority of one of the sides. This predominance is temporary and is manifested only in the physical plane of this planet at this given historical moment. But at the higher plane the forces of Light have gained the upper hand, and now it is just a question of time until this victory will be manifested in the physical plane.

Therefore, the conflict between the two forces is still in progress. So the amount of work that I and my blue flame legions have to do has not become less.

And all the light bearers, even if they are in the minority now, are protected unfailingly.

The odds are always in favour of those who are with God. And it has always been so.

Those changes on the Earth that were to take place in due time in accordance with the plan of God were made not by numbers, but by faith and devotion.

Therefore, do not be confused by this temporary predominance of the forces in the physical plane which you have become used to calling the forces of darkness. In reality their time has expired. No matter how violently they behave at the end of the day their power is nearing the end.

I and my legions are fully at your disposal. And if you appeal to us, we are ready to give you all the help that can be given according to your Faith.

I AM Archangel Michael, and I am waiting for your appeals for help 24 hours a day.

And I together with my legions of angels promise to give you all possible help!

The greatest among you is that one who serves others most of all

Beloved Vairochana

April 16, 2005

I AM Vairochana, having come through this messenger.

I AM a Buddha of one of the Secret Rays, and I belong to the Mandala of the Five Dhyani Buddhas [13].

I AM also a member of the Karmic Board.

I am to give you some knowledge concerning the Secret Rays today.

You know, perhaps, that in addition to the seven basic rays corresponding to the seven basic chakras located along the spinal column, there are also secret rays.

You know from the teachings of the past that the secret rays’ chakras are focused on the palms, feet and in the place which was pierced with a spear when Jesus was on the cross.

Perhaps, not everybody knows that apart from the seven basic chakras along the spine, there are other chakras alternating with the basic ones. These are also the secret rays’ chakras.

My chakra is the one located between the solar plexus chakra and the heart chakra. I point at this chakra with a gesture of my hands when I am portrayed as a statue.

Today I would like to give a certain teaching concerning the chakra located in the centre of the chest.

This is the central chakra, and this chakra is activated only in people who have a great level of merit in their past which is confirmed in the current embodiment. This chakra connects you straight with your I AM Presence. This is the chakra of Buddhas and Boddhisattvas.

A person having received access to this chakra’s energies can use its help of his own will and transmute not only his karma, but the karma of the world.

That is why Buddhas and Boddhisattvas are said to serve the world and to transmute the karma of the world.

Buddhas’ prayers are chakras’ pulsation. Buddha’s prayers become achievable only for those individuals who have balanced their karma up to 100 % and made a vow to serve mankind.

Every Buddha who is embodied now bears on his shoulders an enormous piece of the planetary karma. That is why many individuals who have achieved the level of a Buddha’s consciousness aspire to be embodied in the physical body, to pass through the necessary initiations so as to activate their chakras and to serve the world with the help of Buddhas prayers.

Many Buddhas are embodied on earth now. And each of such Buddhas purifies from karma a space for many hundreds and even thousands of kilometers around him through his self-sacrificing service. The service of such a Buddha substitutes the service of tens of thousands of pure monks and virtuous people.

You are not able to define the level of merit of a Buddha with your human consciousness. But every such Buddha, when meeting an embodied brother-in-service and communicating with him for just a few minutes, is able to recognise familiar and close vibrations manifested in everything – in the tone of the voice, gestures, even in the way of dressing and behaving.

The main problem which the Buddhas in embodiment face in their life is the dense and low vibrations of the surrounding world. They cannot practically be in large cities among masses of people. That is why they choose solitary dwelling places in overgrown parts and in the mountains. However, the basic principle of such Buddhas’ service is the enlightenment of mankind. Therefore, they meet with people and give them their teaching as far as their external circumstances allow.

But many of them still never meet with ordinary people till the end of their life, so as to stay in the places where their chakras can work with all their might and pass Light into the dense physical world.

Today I have partly unveiled information connected with the service of the Ascended Hosts to ordinary people whom they even do not see. It would be strange, if at this difficult time for the Earth the Ascended Hosts relied only on the prayers of neophytes making their first scarcely visible steps on their Path leading them back to God.

Their steps are so hesitant and unsteady; at times the surrounding illusion carries them away so completely that they forget about both God and their Path.

But let us not judge these people sternly. Each of them is on his own part of the Path, and each of them does his best according to his level of merit.

In fact, these neophytes do not bear any significant karmic responsibility for their actions, sometimes even seriously wrong ones. Such actions lead to the multiplication of the illusion and are expressed in performing too many external rituals that divert people’s attention from the essence of the Teaching about God.

However, there are people who have achieved a significant level of merit on their Path and who consciously use their achievements for receiving external signs of power and authority. They manipulate neophytes who suspect nothing and even use the energy of prayers for their mercenary purposes.

These people create a heavy karma, which will be followed by a just karmic retribution.

The higher your level of merit is, the greater karmic responsibility you undertake when receding from the Path and leading others from this Path.

Therefore, the only way for people sincerely aspiring to God to see the danger from these false shepherds is to purify their bodies, thoughts and feelings so as to obtain a clear vision and the gift of recognition which will allow them to understand who is who.

I am fully aware of the fact that it is too hard to make such identification with your external consciousness. But I assure you that in your soul you always know who is a true bearer of the Divine Energy, and who only picks the light of others and lives at the expense of this light.

Having received this knowledge from your soul, you simultaneously face up to the karmic responsibility for using your light in support of such false shepherds.

You have understood my thought. Only such a person bears a karmic responsibility for his false usage of light that has recognised false shepherds, but still goes on giving his light in their support due to reasons connected with his ego.

But if a false teacher leads innocent people from the true Path, even I would not like to use my abilities to foresee the consequences of the karma created by him.

Today I have given you the knowledge about true servants, and I have given you the understanding of false service.

And having received this knowledge, you will not be able to choose your teachers irresponsibly any longer. Watch and observe. In doubtful situations you can always make a sincere appeal to the Ascended Hosts or to the Lord who is closest to you and to whom you feel a deep inner affinity and link, and you will receive help. One nice day you will be given a vision, and you will see the inner essence of the teacher whom you follow.

You just need to trust your Higher Part more. Oh, you are much more than the reflection you see in front of you in the mirror every day. In reality you are mighty spiritual beings who have come into this world to obtain a human experience. It was your soul who chose the circumstances of your current embodiment even before it began.

And you knew that no matter how hard your Path would be, you would accomplish the mission undertaken to expand the consciousness of people around you.

I have come today to awaken the memory of your soul about the responsibilities which it undertook before the current embodiment.

So leave aside the toys you play with even after having matured to adulthood. It is time to become adults, to raise your consciousness up to the level of a mature person and to undertake responsibility not only for yourselves but for those whose level of consciousness is lower than yours.

Remember that the greatest among you is that one who serves others most of all. The greatest servant of mankind is a Buddha sitting meekly in the pose of meditation in the mountains and transmuting the world’s karma with the help of his chakras.

I do not ask you to sit in the pose of meditation and to try to transmute the world’s karma. Each of you was born exactly in that very place, in that country and in the midst of those external circumstances which you must use for your achievements, and the people and circumstances around you are exactly those that need your help.

I am leaving you alone with your thoughts about the directions you have received today.

I AM Vairochana and I have been with you today.

You should become electrodes through which the physical plane of planet Earth will be saturated with Light

Beloved Pallas Athena

April 17, 2005

I AM Pallas Athena, having come to you through this messenger.

Do you know me? I AM the Goddess of Truth and I AM a member of the Karmic Board as well.

I HAVE come to you today to give you certain knowledge about the manifestation of the Law of Karma in your physical world. When you come into embodiment, a veil is drawn behind you and you forget about the events you lived through before the embodiment; you forget your previous embodiments. Such a state of affairs has not been forever. But this measure is rather more humane than restricting with respect to your lifestreams.

The point is that in the course of your numerous lives you performed actions that were not the best ones. And if you remembered all your past grave actions and abuses, you would not be able to function in your current life. Therefore, the veil of your memory is drawn just after you are born. However, this veil is not thick for those who, due to their merits, have woven the way for obtaining the gift of seeing the past and the future. You know that many prophets and saints, embodied on Earth in the past and in the present, had the gift of second-sight.

The veil rises slightly when your four lower bodies obtain a certain level of purity and your consciousness rises up to the level at which it is not frightened by some phenomena taking place at the moment of the interaction of the worlds. In reality the human consciousness is very limited. It is limited by the role you perform in your current life and by the karma you created during your previous lives. It is your karma in fact that causes an obstruction between you and the higher planes. Your karma is energy, a thick energetic substance with a very low frequency of vibrations.

And these low frequency vibrations are that very veil that separates you from our world.

Therefore, beloved, there is no difference between you and me except the difference in our vibrations. And when an opportunity comes for you to get rid of your karma and imperfections due to your efforts and merits, you are able to communicate with our world and to dwell in it. Your range of world-perception is broadened and you acquire many abilities called the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

That is why the target of my talk today is to give you a more correct understanding of the fact that only you yourselves with your actions in the past and present have created this veil separating you from the Real World of God. But, as due to God’s plan everything in this world develops in an evolutionary way, the next stage you reach will inevitably be the stage of liberating your earthly embodiments from karma.

You get rid of your karma and rise to a higher energetic level.

In reality you can get rid of your karma in a few ways. You can make the right choices. Your life is nothing else but a chain of situations in which you are always given a chance to select one of two choices. One of them advances you to God, while the other one estranges you from Him. Everything is very simple. And all the multiplicity of life situations can be condensed down to just these two choices.

And this path is the only one followed by all people embodied on earth. All the other paths are just supporting ones.

This path is familiar to you as a prayer-practice when, with the momentum of your heart, you start attracting additional Divine Energy into your life and, with the help of this Energy, further dissolve your karmic burdens.

You have been told recently about a higher practice of dissolving karma with the help of chakras’ pulsation. [14]

I’m sorry to say that this practice becomes accessible only when your level of spiritual merit is high enough.

But the main task for you is just to fulfil your aspiration to overcome that limited state in which you are dwelling because of karma. If you know the diagnosis, it is easier for you to find the correct treatment and to apply it in your life.

That is why everything you do in life is a way of overcoming your limited karmic state. That is the purpose in coming to embodiment.

Such is the Law of this world. There was a time when you made a choice to test yourselves in embodiment as individuals. You were granted freedom to perform your experiments. And you started to use the Divine Energy of your choice. For this purpose each of you was endowed with a personality. Your personality was given a mind at a certain stage of evolutionary development. But the mind has a quality of duality. It has an opportunity to choose how to use its abilities.

As a result of your experiments with your mind you began shrouding yourselves with thicker and thicker energies, creating karma, i.e. using the Divine Energy not in harmony with the plan of God, but in accordance with the plan of your own mind.

Your activity in the lower physical world during millions of years has created the surrounding reality you are living in now. You know that the world surrounding you is just a mirror reflecting your imperfect consciousness. That was the stage when, in accordance with the plan of God for this universe, you were allowed to experiment with the Divine Energy of your own free will.

Now a new stage is approaching. During the first stage you plunged into the illusion, but now the stage of your return to the Real Wold of God has come.

In accordance with God’s plan those souls who took part in the creation of the illusion have to overcome this illusory manifestation through their actions. And first of all you must give up your imperfect creation in your consciousness.

At the first stage you must plunge into the matter deeper and deeper and thus separate yourself from God more and more. At the second stage you must return to the real part of yourself. This can happen after you have given up the illusion and turned to the reality and after you have understood your Unity with God.

While overcoming your imperfect state and working out your karma you raise your vibrations. The rise of your vibrations simultaneously causes the rise of the surrounding world vibrations.

You overcome yourselves, overcome your human nature and obtain more and more Divine qualities, returning step by step to the Divine Reality from whence your souls have come into the physical world to experiment.

The dictations given through this messenger are destined for the awakening of the memory of your souls and for giving your aspirations the right direction.

In the course of your evolution you obtain a more correct vision step by step, and you recognise the Divine Truth and become United with this Truth at a certain stage.

Today I have tried to give you a slightly different point of view on the changes taking place on earth now.

In fact, all the changes are possible and will become possible only due to your help, due to the aspirations of your hearts and due to the Divine Energy which you pass into your lower world.

And in the nearest future you, who are reading these lines, should become electrodes through which the physical plane of planet Earth will be saturated with Light.

I wish you to succeed on this path and to overcome the obstacles within you, which prevent you from implementing God’s plan for this planet.

I AM Pallas Athena.

Cultivate the feeling of Love in your heart

Beloved Djwal Kul

April 18, 2005

I AM Djwal Kul, having come on the ray of Love through this messenger.

Yes, beloved, I HAVE come to you today to affirm Love.

Love is the most essential of all the Divine qualities.

Whole worlds are created by Love. And if you do not feel joyfulness in your life, if you are weighed down by heavy thoughts and feelings, you just lack Love within your being.

It does not matter whether you are loved or not. Love is a force that lives deep inside of you. And it is always with you as long as you receive the Divine Energy from its Source.

That is why a mere deficiency of this feeling of Love brings you into a discordant state of consciousness. The quality of Love runs through the entire Creation and is organically involved in your life and the lives of all living creatures.

Many problems in the world, if not to say all the problems of this world, are directly connected with the deficiency of Love.

I have come to give you advice on how to anchor the focus of Love within your heart.

Promise me that you will perform this exercise every day when you have a free minute. This exercise requires neither special preparation nor additional conditions. You may perform it at home or at work, among people in the busiest places.

Thus, you should always see in your mind's eye the image of a person you love. I understand very well that many of you may say that you do not feel love towards anybody in this world. This is a delusion. You must love. You must find in your consciousness an image towards which you feel love.

I do not mean by this that it must be an image of your beloved. But search your soul attentively and try to find that image towards which you are able to feel love.

This can be your mother, your father, your spouse or your children. This can be an Ascended Master with whom you have an inner link.

If your heart suffers from a trauma so severely that the very reminder of your beloved causes self-pity and tears in your eyes, you should still look for an image towards which you could aspire with your consciousness and towards which you could feel Love.

It could even be your pet or favourite plants.

Cultivate the feeling of Love in your heart.

Your foremost task in life is to regain the feeling of Love at any price.

If you are surrounded by people, try to feel love towards them. Love people not for something they have done or can do for you, just feel Love which is unconditional.

Maybe you will not be able to concentrate on your feeling of Love for long. But you should find at least two or three minutes a day to experience this feeling of Love.

Cultivate this feeling inside of you.

And the day will come when you will be able to experience a strong, all-consuming and causeless feeling of Love for everything surrounding you, for all people living on Earth, for the very Earth, for nature, clouds, sky, rain, sun.

You will be overwhelmed with the feeling of Love and Unity with everything surrounding you. But you are all this simultaneously. Try to understand that your consciousness, your human consciousness, separates you from the surrounding world; and that your human nature and the nature of everything around you are alike.

All is God. And your separation from the Unity with God is only in your consciousness.

Let’s talk about something else a little bit. I want to make use of this opportunity in order to give you certain knowledge or information which will be valuable for you exactly at this period of time.

You have been embodied on the Earth at this difficult time when a division is taking place in your world. Space cycles have changed, and new energies have come to the Earth – the energies of Love and Unity. These energies are being brought to the Earth due to the influence of planet Venus, which is my native planet.

There is no living creature in the world that does not experience the influence of these energies.

But not all of these energies bring an influence for good. In your world there are beings that have broken their link with the Divine Source so much that their being is already unable to perceive these energies. They are dead. Just as the sun shines for all plants and exerts a beneficial influence upon them, helping them to develop and to be active, in the same way it also shines on withered plants which are already dead. But under the sun’s influence these plants fade even more and become fit only for stoking stoves. That is why everything moribund will soon be collected and burnt in the cosmic furnace.

A good gardener keeps an eye on his garden and burns withered trees, preventing mould from spreading onto healthy plants.

The words I am telling you now are very sad. But it is the truth you face in life. Losses are inevitable and each of you chooses his own way by himself. You make a choice every minute of your time on Earth. You make a choice either in favour of God and Life, or you choose death. How many times you have heard the truth that the time to separate the grain from the weeds is approaching. How many times you have heard that weeds must be separated and burnt.

Not even those who are very far from God can say they have not heard this phrase at least once in their life.

Then what are you wondering about? The time has come. Those people who cannot assimilate the new vibrations and are not able to perform a transition to a new level of consciousness will find themselves in the hands of the gardener who will only care about their further doom.

But the gardener of our universe is the Lord.

That is why you have nothing to worry about. Everything takes place due to God’s Will and all the deadlines and the work connected with these deadlines will be observed on time in the strict accordance with God’s plan.

What are you to do at this time? Learn from nature. Go to the woodland and look at the things happening there.

There are dried up trees and mouldering stumps. But there are young sprouts as well. And life goes on. Bees buzz, birds sing, flowers are in full bloom. Harmony reigns there in all its richness.

And each of you is a unique flower in this wood. Thus, you should be in full bloom and feel Love towards everything surrounding you.

Follow nature’s example.

A flower simply blooms. It fights neither with dried up trees nor with a mouldering stump. Everything submits to the Divine Law and everything takes place in accord with this Law.

And believe me, there are such servants in the universe whose vocation is to cleanse the universe from impurities and from everything that is dead or does not wish to observe the established Law.

You have heard about the time for harvesting. You understood that this time would draw nearer. But due to some reasons none of you was concerned when the time for harvesting came. And now an extensive reaping is taking place.

But everything takes place so naturally that people do not even notice this reaping. Everything takes place by the terms fixed by and in full accordance with the Higher Law.

I have given you much valuable information today. And regardless of the fact that this information has been given by me in a very soft manner, many of you will still be sad to hear about the things happening on Earth now.

Nevertheless, I still appeal to you to experience more often the feeling of Love for all the living. It is only Love that is capable of performing miracles in your life and in the lives of the people surrounding you.

You love and it means you are alive! And that is the chief thing.

I AM Djwal Kul and I have been with you today.

A prayer through deeds has always been and will always remain one of the highest forms of a prayer

Padre Pio

April 19, 2005

I AM Padre Pio. I HAVE come to you through this messenger. Perhaps, my name is unknown to many of you.

I lived in Europe in the last century, and I was a priest of the Roman Catholic Church.

I became famous thanks to the gifts received from the Holy Spirit, but most people knew me owing to the stigmas I bore for almost all my life.

Crowds of people came to the masses I celebrated just to look at my stigmas. I bore this burden on my body, because at the inner level I took it upon myself. To bear the stigmas was a voluntary wish of my soul. Having received the stigmas I simultaneously took upon myself a considerable part of the world’s karma.

I belonged to the Roman Catholic Church all my life and I served this church. After my death many people set me up as a model of devotion to the church and obedience to the church dogmas and regulations.

I still remained in the church for a long time, even after I had been deprived of the right to hear the confessions of the parishioners. It was the main part of my service. During confessions I took upon myself a part of the karma of those people whom I was listening to so as to lighten their burden. During confessions I also had an opportunity to see the real reasons for the problems people faced in their life, and I could give them exhortations necessary for their souls.

While hearing confessions I talked not only with the person I confessed, I talked also with his soul and I tried to do my best to lighten the burden lying on him as the karma of his past deeds, although such a term as karma is not used in the western Christian church.

However, I was able to see the reasons for the souls’ sufferings and I did my best to relieve this pain and to direct the external mind of the people, whose confession I heard, to the right path, enabling their souls to evade the reasons for pains in the future.

Many people set me up as a model of humbleness to the church hierarchy. Indeed, I did not leave the church during all the long years while I was waiting for my right to hear confessions to be returned. I stayed in the church not because I succumbed to the injustice done to me by the church authorities: I did not see any other way but the Roman Catholic Church which I could use to serve people actively. But what could I oppose to the decision of the church authorities? Was it my struggle? Should I have begun to fight for my right to serve the people?

I thought it was fair that God had a right to tempt me in any way. And He did it through the church authorities.

God deprived me of my right to use my gift. It was God, not people; they were only the executors of His will in this case.

Therefore, the discussion that takes place is not about my humbleness and obedience to the church authorities and church law. It is about my humbleness and obedience to God’s Will.

God has a right to deprive us of anything we are attached to, even if this attachment is very insignificant, so as to test us and our humbleness and devotion to His Will.

There are only your interrelations with God - your personal interrelation with God and your personal interrelation with the devil. Both are inside of you. That is why it does not matter to which religion, religious group or religious movement you belong. The main thing is your personal interrelation with God.

You can run from one church to another, from one religion to another, but you will not find peace for your soul until you understand that both God and the devil are inside of you. Any external religion with its external system is only of secondary importance. It can be helpful only if it assists you in solving your inner problems and inner questions, if it helps you in solving the main question concerning your interrelations with God.

And you must always remember that, apart from the genuine servants, there are people in every church who come there only with the purpose of worshipping their ego.

Genuine servants are always less in number. But they are in any church and in any religion, because the power and the influence of a church are based just on the Light borne by the saints of this church and this religion.

If a church starts to persecute its saints, it is doomed to a slow death, because it loses the base it is founded on.

So, you may seek new religions and new people, gaining knowledge, but you can also remain within the framework of the traditional religions and traditional churches. This is determined not by your externally belonging to either a right or a wrong religious movement, but by your inner aspiration and search for the Truth inside of you.

And if your aspirations are sincere, then in any religious confession you will always meet people whose vibrations will be in keeping with yours, and you will receive from them precisely those things which are most necessary for the evolution of your soul at that moment. And this can be not only words of approval and encouragement, but also ordeals from which you must emerge triumphantly, because at this particular moment this is exactly what is most needed for your soul for its development.

The probability of meeting false religious teachings and sects outside the limits of official religion is equal to the probability of meeting false religious interpreters inside old religions of proven worth.

It is with your vibrations and energies that you attract life situations, which become in fact tests on your path and from which you must escape with honour.

Thus, do not strive to find God outside yourself. Try to establish interrelations with God inside of you. And you will certainly meet a person, no matter whether he is ordained or not, who will give you necessary knowledge on your path.

Learn to listen to your heart, learn to identify numerous wolves in sheep-skin, looking for a chance to take possession of your soul both inside traditional religious confessions and outside them. But there is no guarantee that a person whom you meet on your path outside the boundaries of the official church will give you all the things you need.

You get precisely in such life situations that you attract to yourselves with your vibrations.

And if for some people it is necessary to break out of the limits of the traditional church, others just need to remain in its framework. It is not because their church is so good; simply it will be better for the inexperienced soul of such a person to stay within customary traditions, permeated with the smell of dust. Such a soul can fall ill in the fresh air and will not endure the trials.

There is no, and there cannot be any common advice for everybody. Every man is at his own level of evolutionary development. Thus, what is good for one can be simply fatal for another.

I would like to give you some pieces of advice in conclusion.

Never hasten to take upon yourself any responsibilities connected with financial attachments to any organization. Never sign any external documents and agreements.

Your interrelations with God cannot be based on any external responsibilities towards any church or organization, which will tie you down.

You and only you can decide how much money or what property you can sacrifice to any organization or church. None of the organizations on the physical plane can make you take upon yourself financial responsibilities for its maintenance.

To find your path to God you need not belong to any external organization. You probably may need an external organization if you want to follow the Divine guiding principles in life in accordance with the law of the country you live in. Still, it is not obligatory for the organization to be religious. This may be any organization intended to introduce the principles of the Divine guidance into any sphere of your life: bringing up children, care for the old and homeless, public health and medical services, education and even any business.

Life is richly varied, and each sphere of human activity needs to be based on the highest Divine principles, not on the principles of profit. It depends only on you which principles you will follow in life while creating these organizations.

And sometimes, if you are able to build up an organization and to lead it in accordance with the highest Divine principles, you are of much more benefit than if you devote your whole life to prayers in a monastery.

A prayer through deeds has always been and will always remain one of the highest forms of a prayer.

I AM Padre Pio.

The main task which you must fulfil on Earth is to raise the consciousness of the earthlings

Buddha of the Ruby Ray

April 20, 2005

I AM the Ruby-Ray-Buddha, having come through this messenger. My duties are to hold the post of a Buddha of the Ruby Ray.

I have come to give you some knowledge about the Hierarchy of the Ruby Ray.

You know that many years ago, millions of years ago in earthly measures, the Masters of the Ruby Ray Hierarchy descended to the physical plane of planet Earth. We were incarnated in human bodies. Each of us received an opportunity to dwell in many bodies simultaneously as parts of the Higher bodies of people.

There were individuals who could not accept us due to their level of development and vibrations. There were also individuals capable of receiving a significant part of the Beings of Light as their own constituent part. And there were people who received only a very small spark.

This is how this universe is organised and such is the way of evolution of all the living in this universe – when the time comes, the Highest Beings give up the impetus of their achievements in the form of service to life, merge with the lowest form of life and thus give it the necessary impulse to enable it to develop its Divinity.

You know that Sanat Kumara is the ruler of the Ruby Ray Hierarchy and he came to you from planet Venus at a difficult time for planet Earth. Hence the ties between planets Venus and Earth started. Our evolutions are tightly interwoven. Practically every earthling has in his Higher body- structure a particle of souls from Venus.

The new knowledge and understanding I am giving now simply explains to you the well-known fact of the descending of 144000 souls from Venus into human bodies.

You know about it or you heard about it earlier. I will just broaden your knowledge a little and give a more concrete expression to it.

The process of the Masters’ incarnation in human bodies was varied. It was very rare, and in very ancient times, that a Higher Master could reside in one human body with all the might of his Light. As a rule, one Master from Venus gave his Light and his merits to a large number of earthlings. This process can be compared to the process of cutting up a big piece of butter and putting its little pieces into different portions of porridge.

Therefore, those Masters, whom you know as the Ascended Masters, have a considerable part of themselves incarnated in different people.

And as far as a person, having in his structure a particle of a Master, is subject to the law of karma and has to be embodied on Earth, this Master cannot leave planet Earth and become a Cosmic Being. He is tied down to your planet and your bodies.

You know that each of you belongs to one of the rays and each of you feels a link between yourself and one of the Masters. Now you understand why you have this link.

The Ascended Masters will be residing on Earth and serving mankind till the moment when the last embodied human overcomes his ego and karma and reaches the level of consciousness of an Ascended Being.

This is very secret and specific knowledge.

You know that in fact everything in this universe is God. And each of you is only a particle, a cell, an atom of the Divine body. As far as you raise your consciousness you understand that there is no difference between you and all the living creatures, and you are ready to sacrifice for the good of all the living creatures. The higher your level of merit and the stage you occupy in the cosmic hierarchy, the easier it is for you to sacrifice for the sake of life in the universe.

Such is the law of this universe. The highest forms of life sacrifice for the sake of the lowest ones in order to enable the lowest manifestations of life to evolve and reach a higher level of consciousness.

So, when the Great Teachers are incarnated on Earth, they teach that everybody possessing high merits is a great servant to all.

The quality of the heart makes a person possessing a higher level of consciousness sacrifice for the sake of the development of the consciousness of those who are on lower steps of the evolutionary ladder.

And when you reach the stage of a Buddha, you can bestow yourselves and your presence upon millions of living creatures.

There are Ascended Masters, tied down to planet Earth, but there are Cosmic Beings, whose home is the entire cosmos and the entire universe, and in accordance with the Cosmic Law and their own will they are able to project their parts onto many living creatures so as to give an additional impulse of Light and additional reason to the creatures residing at the lowest stages of evolutionary development.

And I, the Ruby-Ray-Buddha, have an opportunity to reside in the bodies of many inhabitants of Earth. I possess a divisibility of consciousness and I can reside both in the bodies of thousands and millions of embodied people and in the Ascended state simultaneously.

This is the quality you are to gain. You must constantly comprehend that your stay on Earth is passing and that the main task which you must fulfil on Earth is to raise the consciousness of earthlings up to the level of the Ascended state.

And further, when you are no longer bound by earthly dogmas and limits, absolutely new captivating perspectives will open before your consciousness.

The evolution is infinite.

Today I have attempted to broaden slightly the horizons of your perception of the universe. And, perhaps, some of you will gladly agree to the fact of an Ascended Master’s presence within you, as this has been a known fact for you for a long time on the subconscious level. But for some of you this will seem too fantastic. All of you are at different levels of the evolution of your consciousness.

But due to the fact that these dictations are being given to a very wide audience, I have given you this new grain of knowledge on a very comprehensible level.

When you make advances on your path, you are linked with many people at inner levels, and your gains are handed down to thousands and millions of people in the higher plane simultaneously. But when you slide in your consciousness to the level of a cave-dweller, this also influences thousands and millions of living creatures.

You should never be afraid to find yourselves in the wrong place. Do not be afraid to experiment. Do not be afraid to make mistakes.

You will always receive help on your path, and you can always ask for help.

You are not alone. You are under reliable guardianship and protection. But you are under this protection only until you wish to follow the Path and obey the Law ruling in this universe.

If you wish to separate yourself from this universe and to live according to your own laws and of your own will, you are not forbidden to do so either.

But in this case your freedom will extend only to a definite limit, beyond which you will be threatened by the state of non-existence.

Do not misunderstand me. I do not want to frighten you and to arouse fear in you. In fact, when you become so dangerous for God’s plans for this universe that non-existence inevitably threatens you, even then you do not disappear. You go on existing in the form of energy; only the records that do not correspond to the Divine plan disappear from your consciousness. And you begin your evolution from the lowest level again, climbing the steps of evolution leading to infinity.

I AM the Ruby-Ray-Buddha and I send my Ruby Ray to those of you who are ready to take it.

The Ruby Ray is a concentrated manifestation of Love and it is capable of awakening your consciousness and opening for you the prospects of your further Path.

I AM Buddha of the Ruby Ray.

Take for the basis of your activity those Divine ideas which are given to you by the Masters

Master Godfre

April 21, 2005

I AM Godfre. I HAVE come through this messenger.

Probably, you do not know me. I am known more in America, the country I love very much, where I was embodied many times.

I was there when the country began, and I always strived to support the principles of democracy and freedom.

Everything can change, but democracy and freedom must keep on being the basis of this country. As long as these principles are unshakeable, this country will prosper.

In fact, at the present stage of historical development there is nothing more important than the principles of freedom and democracy, which must be the basis of all the states existing in the world now.

Freedom and democracy are the guarantors of any country, preventing it from falling into totalitarianism and helping it to provide favourable conditions of life for every citizen, not only for the governing elite.

I completely realise that today I am referring mostly to the citizens of Russia and those countries which have seen not only little freedom and democracy in their lives so far, but are not even familiar with anything remotely resembling these principles.

If a person is born in prison and spends most of his life there, the state of a free person may be so inaccessible to his conscious understanding, that stories of people coming from outside may seem like fairy tales for him.

Freedom is first of all a state of mind, a state of one’s soul. This is the goal you must aspire to reach with all your being.

Believe me, the more successful Russia and the adjacent countries become in the realisation of the principles of freedom and democracy in the very near future, the faster and more successful they will be in implementing the Divine plans for these countries in the next few decades.

The combination of freedom and democracy with a deep and true faith in God will prevail in Russia and the neighbouring countries in the very near future.

I understand that you take my words as a fairy tale now. Perhaps, you do not attach much importance to my words. Who knows what the Ascended Masters are talking about? All this differs so much from the world around you that it seems to have no relation to you and your lives.

You are wrong, beloved, everything that we tell you, every word spoken, is of great importance for you. I understand that such an abundance of dictations may deplete your perception of many of the actual things stated by us earlier. So, promise me you will reread these dictations. Every day from now on you will read one dictation given through this messenger. You will meditate upon every word of these dictations. And you will realise that there is not a word told that has no purpose. Every piece of advice we give you is of extreme importance specifically for your countries and especially for Russia at this particular moment.

Please, approach the words of the dictations very attentively. And I ask you to pay special attention to the exercises and advice of the Masters given to you in abundance.

Beloved, this is a question of your faith. The more deeply you believe in the ability of the Ascended Hosts to speak to you and to give you their exhortations, the more successful will be the implementation of God’s plan for Russia in the very near future.

I would not like to commit to memory the recent sad experience of America now. But remember, during almost the entire 20th century the Ascended Hosts had been giving their advice and knowledge to the people of this country. It was an unprecedented effusion of Light and Divine Wisdom.

But I have the impression that the dictations of the Masters were perceived by many people, if not to say by almost everybody, to be just ordinary entertainment akin to baseball or a theatre show.

Please, beloved, do take seriously the opportunity of the new dispensation given to you by God.

The success and the speed of the transformations for the peoples of your countries depend only on you, on your perception of the given information and on your capability to apply it in your lives.

There is nothing impossible for God, beloved, and God can give you the best government and the best conditions in your countries. But if you are not ready to accept this Divine mercy into your consciousness, this mercy - this dispensation – will continue to be just a possibility and will not be able to exist in your world.

All the favourable changes in the immediate circumstances of your lives and in the conditions of existence in your countries are determined only by the level of your consciousness and by your own readiness to accept into your consciousness the principles of the Divine guidance and the Divine help for your country.

That is why I repeat again and again – take these dictations. Read them. This is the instrument that is capable of changing your consciousness and giving you an impulse, directing your progress in the next few decades.

You can remember, as for quite a long time you were forced to make abstracts of the materials of your party congresses and works of the Marxist ideology fathers. The secret is simple. The human consciousness is very mobile and restless, and in order to make something stick, it must be repeated many times until it is learned by heart.

Do you consider the words of the Masters to be of less significance for you than the words of the people whom you were citing and learning from for decades?

In order to change life around you should change your consciousness. You have received enough information. In the immediate future your task is to disseminate this teaching among the people around you who are capable of perceiving and comprehending this knowledge, the more of them the better.

But first of all, you must master this knowledge yourselves.

You change your consciousness, and this process is followed by changes in the world around you. This is how the human consciousness is organised – it must always have an external teaching and an external guiding line to aspire to. You can call these things “ideological conceptions”, but I would prefer you to think of them as the Divine guiding principles.

The world is set in motion by ideas. Therefore, please, take for the basis of your activity those Divine ideas which are given to you by the Masters.

There is nothing bad about being possessed by a desire to introduce the Divine guiding principles into your life.

Such a possession will at least be more useful for your souls than your attachment to transient mythical values of this world.

And again you are facing an eternal question of choice. What would you prefer? You can choose this world with its gold tinsel and gold calves, or the world of the Divine. You can choose the illusion or the Divine Reality. This is the only choice you make during all your life and when you go from life to life.

But if we return to the qualities of freedom and democracy, I would still like you to be able to differentiate the shades inherent in these qualities in your world and in the Divine world.

No matter how much you say that Russia is a free democratic country, it will not be such until the quality of freedom, Divine freedom, germinates in your hearts and disseminates from within them throughout the whole country and the world.

I AM Godfre and I have been with you today.

And I endow you with an impulse of Freedom emanating from my heart.

The best sermon will be your personal example

The Goddess of Liberty

April 22, 2005

I AM the Goddess of Liberty, having come to you through this messenger.

I AM a member of the Karmic Board and I have come to you with a definite purpose on the eve of April 23rd.

Beloved Surya came to you on March 19th to tell you that the monthly dispensation on the 23rd of each month is active now only for the souls with pure hearts and pure motives of actions.

Therefore, don’t forget that on the 23rd of each month you have an opportunity to transmute your karma of the following month.

I AM the Goddess of Liberty. First of all, the quality of Divine Freedom is determined for you by freedom from your karma and from the energies you distorted in the past by your actions not corresponding to God’s Will. These energies tie you down to the physical plane and to other dense layers of planet Earth. So, your main task is to liberate yourselves from these ties.

The process of liberation cannot be instantaneous. If all the energies distorted by you during many thousands of incarnations were activated in your aura all of a sudden, you would not be able to endure such a load. Therefore, in accordance with the humane Law of Cosmic Cycles your life is divided into time intervals, during which one or another distorted energy is activated. These time intervals are a multiple of the 12 basic rays of the Cosmic clock.

These time cycles are divided into annual cycles, so called 12-year cycles, in accordance with the Zodiac signs, and further into monthly cycles within every year.

These are the cycles, in agreement with which you get into such karmic situations that you need to pass in order to neutralise energies distorted by you earlier and still contained in your aura.

Everything in the universe takes place in accordance with the cosmic cycles, and these cycles were written by God in the language of stars. A person who manages to master this language will get access to the details of God’s plan for the entire universe and for a concrete planet or a star. At the moment of your birth the Cosmic clock of your lifestream is initiated. The spring of your individual clock is wound up. Knowing the plan of your life, which is also determined by stars at the moment of your birth, you may know which energies from your previous karmic records become accessible for working out and what time periods will be assigned for that.

If you scrutinise your life attentively, you may notice that exactly the same problems, connected with your state of mind and your perception of yourself and the surrounding world, crop up in front of you with enviable periodicity. The spring keeps unwinding, and with each of its circles the same problems return to you with enviable constancy. And again you have to return to the qualities you have not worked out to solve life problems cropping up in front of you each time at a new level.

All this resembles ocean waves lapping against the shore. A wave runs over the shore and then recedes. While moving, a wave embroils stones lying on the shore of the ocean and carries them away. After thousands of years stones become smooth. Any roughness is polished by the ocean. In the very same way God polishes your imperfect qualities day after day, year after year, in accordance with the Law of Cosmic Cycles, until you become smooth and your aura acquires the right oval form, the transparency and the tints that were inherent in your soul primordially before you undertook your embodiment in the physical world.

This process of polishing your qualities and transforming them into the Divine ones lasts for many lives.

A wise man understands that it is impossible to pass by the force of the Cosmic Law, but the result to which this Law directs you may be achieved during a shorter period of time, if you do not resist the Law, but help to observe it. In this case you may achieve results during fewer cosmic cycles. All this explains the meaning of the saying that the days of the chosen people will be shortened.

You have an opportunity to shorten the days of your life on Earth only if you speed up the returning of your karma. While an ordinary person will need tens of years to work out his karma, you will be able to do it in a year.

You will just transform the distorted energy faster owing to your own wish and the Divine mercy which enables you to do it.

Therefore, don’t close your eyes to the 23rd date of each month. If your intentions are good, you can transmute your karma of the following month during this day not only by making correct choices, but also with the help of the practice of praying.

I would like you to know the right motive with which you should start reading prayers on such a day:

- You realise all your sins committed in the past and try to do your best not to commit them in the future,

- With the help of the impetus of your hearts, filled with love towards the entire Creation and every living creature, you are ready to attract to your world such an amount of the Divine Energy which will let you completely transform the energy distorted by you.

In this way, if you are able to transform into Light all the distorted energy, which is open for transformation at this cosmic term, and if you do it with the help of the achieved impetus and in accordance with the law, then when the next period comes you will have nothing to transform.

Yet, you will continue your serving, because as long as you are in embodiment, you must use every minute of your stay on Earth for helping all the living creatures that are not as successful in their movement on the Path as you.

In order for a human to realise his position in this world, to see his imperfection and to aspire to God, he needs initial energy, enabling him to do this.

Imagine that you came up to a person, so heavily overburdened with karma that he does not realise his connection with God and all the other creatures on Earth. He is like a sooty pot, too sooty. Why not use a part of your energy to rub this pot? Why not clean it with a duster, to help it get at least a little particle of the Divine energy, a tiny ray of Light capable of awakening the sleeping consciousness of this person?

If you can remember, each of you was in such a sooty state in the past. And there always happened to be a person who glanced at you tenderly or expressed compassion towards your soul. And you received the portion of energy you were lacking at that moment, so you could raise your consciousness up to the level of comprehension of a higher Reality.

Each of you needs help and each of you can offer such help.

You can give help unconsciously, with your glance, with your reaction to some stirred up critical situation. The best sermon will be your personal example, your behaviour in life, your attitude to life situations and tests.

Your final exam at the primary school of initiations will be the day when you see how many people around you need your help. And your biggest achievement will be the moment when you are sincerely happy with the achievements of your fellow-brothers.

When you are genuinely happy with the success of the people around you, you will receive all their achievements as an impetus of your own gains.

In this way you can multiply your treasures in heaven, the treasures of your causal body. You may do nothing at all but only help others and be sincerely happy with the achievements of others. And you will make much more merit and good karma, than even when you fight with your own personal weaknesses with all your might.

Today I have revealed to you a very simple secret, owing to which many people deserved their ascension and put an end to the chain of their earthly embodiments.

Be able to be happy with the achievements of other people and to admire their merits.

I AM the Goddess of Liberty, and I have given you my exhortations today.

All the sense of the prayer-practice is in the raising of your consciousness

Padma Sambhava

April 23, 2005

I AM Padma Sambhava. Do you know me?

I HAVE come through this messenger to tell you something about the task which I carried out during my incarnation on Earth.

I came to Earth more than a thousand years ago. I was born by the Mind. I was born in a Lotus flower of the Mind.

My level of merit of a Buddha enabled me to come to this world in this way.

Oh, you may not believe me. Many miracles take place on Earth, but if you do not believe in these miracles, they do not exist for you.

You believe only in what you see on the screens of your TV-sets and computers.

You believe unreal things to be real, but you are not capable of perceiving the real things.

You will become a Buddha when a reverse process takes place in your consciousness: you will perceive The Divine Reality while staying within the illusion and you will realise all the illusory character of your world.

I HAVE come to Earth to confirm the basis of the belief which was called Buddhism, to renew this belief and to strengthen it. This is my mission. And I am happy to have this opportunity to apply to people who mostly do not belong to the Buddhists.

In reality each of you can become a Buddhist very simply. It is enough for you to come to a decision within your heart not to cause harm to any of the living creatures on Earth, and you are obliged to take upon yourself a responsibility to help all the living creatures on Earth. And if you are ready to fulfil these two promises, you can consider yourself to be a Buddhist from now on.

I have come to you on the eve of Vesak celebration, the full moon in Taurus. I have come to affirm the foundations of Buddhism in your hearts, just as I came with the same mission more than a thousand years ago.

Nothing has changed in the world. The world remains in the illusion as before and does not hurry to part with it.

Your prayer-practice should have aspiration. If you pray without proper aspiration, you waste your time in vain. If during your prayer or meditation you are thinking about the greatness of the work you do for mankind, your prayer becomes meaningless.

You should completely leave your human consciousness during your prayer. How can you talk to God, if you have not raised your consciousness up to that level where God will be able to hear you?

When you talk between yourselves you care about coming close to your collocutor so that he can hear you. Why don’t you care about the opportunity for God to hear you during your talk to Him?

God talks to you in the language of the heart, and He talks to you within your heart. That is why nothing should refocus your attention during your prayer. You must be completely concentrated on your heart and on the feeling within your heart.

You are not even obliged to utter the words of a prayer at this moment. You simply unite your consciousness with God’s consciousness. You raise your consciousness up to the level of your Higher Self. And you are – in God.

The very sense of a prayer-practice is in the raising of your consciousness. If your lips and tongue utter the words of a prayer, but your mind is wandering somewhere around watching people doing their business, you’d better give up your prayer. This is a meaningless occupation for you. A prayer is a communication with God, not an exercise for the tongue. You know that there is a difference in the conception of God in Buddhism. But if your conception of God coincides with the conception of the Highest Law, the Absolute, the Highest Reason, you are sure to become almost a real Buddhist.

It is strange to watch people judging with their human consciousness what God is and what He represents by Himself. And if your personal idea of God does not coincide with the ideas of any other person, you may even feel hostility towards this person. Every man has his own image of God in his consciousness. That is why you should only admit a thought in your consciousness that other people can have different conceptions of God. But this does not mean that some people have a more correct conception, while others have a less correct one.

You become closer to God when you raise your consciousness up to the highest possible level that is accessible for you. The higher the level of your consciousness, the more and more you realise that it is impossible for you to know God. And even when you become god in the eyes of other people, you still will not be able to know God.

There is only an eternal striving to know Being, an eternal surpassing of yourself. But when you reach the state of nirvana in your consciousness, you realise that you have reached everything and you need not know anything any longer because you have entered the state of Divinity.

However, cosmic terms approach and you leave this state and begin knowing God again.

And this process has neither beginning nor end.

But now you are at the lowest stage of knowing God and your foremost task is to learn how to differentiate between the illusory world and the Real world. And first of all you have to learn how to differentiate the illusion within your consciousness.

If you scrutinise your thoughts and feelings, you will see that your thoughts and feelings are absolutely unreal. Everything with which your mind comes into contact is an illusion. For that reason, the first stage of liberating yourself from the illusion is your understanding that all your thoughts and feelings represent illusions.

As soon as you realise it, you will be ready for the next step – for the understanding of what is Real in yourselves.

There are many practices of meditation in the world. All of them are aimed at coming into contact with the Real part of yourself.

And the first step to your Real part is the soothing of your mind.

I will give you my mantra. I endow this mantra with my energy, with the impetus of my merits. Therefore, if you decide to utter this mantra now, you will receive a maximum effect from the uttering. This mantra will help you give up not only excessive mobility of your mind, it will enable you to get rid of many of your imperfections.

So, you utter with humility:


Repeat this mantra as many times and as often as you want to do it. This mantra will help you give up your ego as quickly as you can admit it into your mind.

Some people think that they will not be able to give up their ego till the end of their lives. Some people think that they will need a few lives more to get rid of their ego.

But only the things which you admit in your consciousness can actually take place. So, if you admit in your consciousness that you will get rid of your ego due to the uttering of my mantra 1000 times a day for a whole year, it will happen.

But, before the uttering of my mantra, don’t forget to follow the recommendations which I have given you in this dictation. Don’t forget that you are talking to God: do approach Him within your heart as close as possible, so that He can hear you.

I AM Padma Sambhava and I have been with you today on the eve of Vesak celebration.

This information was given by the Masters' disciple Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. (webmaster's note)

You must oust all the darkness out of Russia with the might of your hearts and with your own example

Ascended Master Nicholas

April 24, 2005

I AM Ascended Master Nicholas. You know me. I AM the Russian Tsar Nicholas the Second, Romanov, now Ascended Master Nicholas.

I am very excited about today’s meeting and the opportunity to address you and everybody living in Russia and in the countries that were also called Russia not long ago.

My eyes are filled with tears while I am speaking. I want to say so much. But I want to say the most important things which you need to know at this historical moment. You do not see these things, but they are really taking place at the higher plane over Russia now.

A great number of Divine forces have concentrated their constructive efforts over this country now. An enormous power has been focused in the Heavens over Russia.

And we are ready to act. Everything has been prepared, the final preparations have been completed. The Divine opportunity, the Divine plan for Russia is ready to descend into the physical plane.

Oh, this is an utterly grandiose plan! And all we need now is your help in leading this plan downwards into the physical plane. You know that in order to do this we need to have a certain number of embodied individuals, utterly and completely devoted to us and to the Will of God.

We realise how hard it is for you to withstand such a frenzied pressure of the forces who anticipate their end and thus act showing their hands, not in the least bothering to screen their shameless actions with a mere cover of ideology or any other disguise of their shamelessness.

This is how a mortally wounded beast would behave, anticipating its near death and being ready to crush and smash everything on its way in a mad fury caused by powerlessness.

The powers ruling in Russia now are similar to such a mortally wounded beast, and it seems that nothing can stop them or bring them to reason.

However, there is God’s plan for this country and it will be implemented. A postponement of several decades or even a whole century is nothing but an insignificant historical period. You know that I and many members of my family were embodied with this dignified mission at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.

But the beast was still very powerful at that time. And he found support from the people of Russia, enjoying their ignorance. Ignorance is the very disadvantage due to which the most malicious forces act on this planet. An ignorant person becomes a blind tool in the hands of dark forces.

I was so sorry to realise my powerlessness during the period of my abdication and the subsequent dishonourable arrest and being taken into custody. I love Russia. I love Russia with all my heart, with all my being. And I was ready to sacrifice myself and my family in order to give the people of this country an opportunity to receive their chance for the radiant future.

You know that I was aware of my destiny, of that impending martyrdom of my children and me. There were many ways of saving my life and escaping to other countries. I rejected all of them.

I took this cross upon myself sensibly, accepted this crucifixion on the cross. The hardest task was to overcome the resistance of that part of me which was trying to save the children at any cost. But I sacrificed my children exactly as Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son. Till the very last moment I hoped that God would divert the hand of fate, if not from me, then at least from my children. But no. The terrible happening took place.

The blessed innocents were committed to the martyrdom. And this moment served as a signal for the most malicious forces of darkness to creep out of their corners and rush for power.

All the dark forces emerged into the light. Everything that was earlier trying to keep up appearances and hiding in the corners crept out to the light. It was an orgy of evil spirits. And this orgy has been continuing up to now. And if earlier they covered themselves with an ideological disguise, pretending to care about the needs of the people, now they do not bother themselves with any justifications of their lawless actions.

It is sad to watch the things happening in Russia. But you know that when a disease is driven inside, it undermines the organism unnoticeably until it is absolutely weak and dies.

In Russia all the evil forces, all the diseases came to the light. And Russia has been in a fever for more than a century already. But I believe in the might of this country, I believe in its people, and I know that sooner or later the disease will be eradicated.

Before God gives this country a new opportunity, it must go through the catharsis, a process of its freeing. This freeing must be followed by repentance, and only after that a radiant path will be revealed before the peoples of Russia.

I could have resisted. I could have saved my family and all of us could have stayed alive. But what was the point of my life without Russia? My choice was to flee from the fighting and violence. I chose the path of Christ and allowed them to crucify me and all my family.

I became an Ascended Master: I obtained my ascension. But my children, my daughters, are still in embodiment. Two of them have become messengers of the Great White Brotherhood. One is in the American territory, the other in Russia.

But if my life could be lived through anew I would choose the crucifixion for me and my family yet again.

You know that Jesus by his martyrdom took upon himself the karma of mankind. He suffered for the people’s sins. All the saints at all times took upon themselves the sins of mankind, a part of planetary karma, so as to lighten the burden and to let mankind draw itself up to its full height and look up at the Heavens.

Now it is your turn. The responsibility for the future of Russia and for the whole planet lies on you, people who are embodied now, because Russia is to show the path to all the other countries in accordance with the plan of God.

I am trying to show you your present situation just as I see it from my ascended state of consciousness.

And I see that there is not much time left to wait. But it is now that you will need all your efforts as never before.

Everything has mixed up in Russia. The grains have mixed with the weeds. Everything has turned into a medley as if deliberately. The huge beast has mixed up everything on his way and goes on crushing.

However, everything has appeared in sight now and you have an opportunity to judge by the fruits.

Now you can see who is who.

But I ask you to give up fighting. Follow the path Jesus showed you and the path I chose in my last incarnation. Your task is to give up violence.

You must oust all the darkness out of Russia with the might of your hearts and with your own example.

Each of you must turn into a gigantic creator of Good and Light. And there will be no place for the forces of darkness near you.

Let them flee from Russia. Let them take all the riches they have stolen and go away. God will never leave Russia until there is at least one saint in embodiment there.

But now there is an unprecedented number of saints staying in embodiment.

Remember that even when you sustain an apparent defeat in the physical plane you gain overwhelming victories in the higher plane.

You are immortal. And you just affirm Life by sacrificing your physical body. You affirm the principles of Good and Light on this planet.

Do augment the Light! Perform good things!

You will be persecuted. You will be humiliated by destitution.

I beg you to endure all this, just as you have been enduring for the entire difficult history of this country.

There is not much time left, beloved. Be patient for a while.

The time has changed and I see from the level of my ascended state those things which you cannot see with your eyes.

And I tell you, Russia is a great country. Its might is concentrated in the higher plane now.

And you know that God’s plan will be implemented in spite of any resistance of the dark forces.

No matter how long the wounded beast will rage, the end is pre-determined already.

There is not much time left to wait. Be patient, beloved.

I will render help to you. I will render you all the help which I will be allowed to give. Apply to me for help in your prayers.

And let your hearts be filled with joy in anticipation of the near great victory!

I AM Master Nicholas and I am with each of the lightbearers of Russia.

You have come into this world to act. Perform your duty!

Beloved El Morya

April 25, 2005

I AM El Morya, having come to you through this messenger again.

I hurry up with the fixing of my impetus of Light in Tatyana’s force field. In accordance with the responsibility granted to me I have been performing the procedure of anointing all the messengers during the last hundred years.

And now at this very moment I am placing my electronic presence over Tatyana as a sign of my patronage.

I have no opportunity to render sponsorship to any organization as there is no such organization in the physical plane. There is only a messenger there.

Therefore, I establish my sponsorship and fix a protective thread in Tatyana’s aura from this day.

I am doing it now.

We did it!

From this moment I endow Tatyana with the powers to represent me in the physical octave and I take her under my patronage.

I am happy to have my representative in the physical plane of planet Earth again.

You know that I aspire to co-operate with people. There is no other Master having as many disciples as me. But I render my personal sponsorship very rarely and only in exceptional cases.

You may probably not guess what this means.

As soon as the Brotherhood receives an opportunity to enjoy a permanent focus of Light anchored in the aura of a messenger living in any country, not only this messenger but the whole country is taken under our protection until this focus of Light is active.

That is why I focus your attention on today’s event. We will see what the future events will be and to what extent our hopes and confidence will be justified.

This concerns not only the messenger, but also the lightbearers embodied in Russia now. This is a chance for all of you to receive an unprecedented support and help of the Heavens in all your initiatives.

From now on I promise those of you who have accepted our messenger in your hearts to respond to any of your calls. I will give you all the help which can be given in all your undertakings. The only condition is the purity of your motives and the correspondence of your initiatives to the Will of God.

Beloved, are you aware of the opportunity you are being granted? Isn’t it breathtaking to receive help and protection of the Ascended Hosts at the first call?

Can you imagine those fast changes which will take place around you?

Thus, all you need to do is to approach an altar or descend into your heart and make the following call:

“In the name of I AM THAT WHICH I AM”, in the name of my Mighty I AM Presence, in the name of my Holy Christ Self and in accordance with the opportunity granted by beloved El Morya through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Tatyana Mickushina, I ask the Will of God to be manifested in my actions which I perform in the name of God in this physical octave.”

Further on you must set forth the essence of the undertaking or business in which you want to be helped by me personally or by the Ascended Hosts.

You may write down your request on a sheet of paper and then burn it. Thus, even lacking an organization, you are helped in your Divine deeds and the help is rendered to you directly, wherever you are.

It does not matter whether you act by yourself or together with a group of like-minded people.

In order to make use of the calls of the messenger and thus to have additional help in your business I recommend you to transmit a copy of your request directly to my messenger.

From this day Tatyana receives the mantle of my personal messenger in addition to the mantle of the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood which was laid on her shoulders a year ago.

Thus, we will soon know all the lightbearers who are ready to join this new dispensation and to act in its framework.

However, this dispensation differs from the previous ones. Earlier we anchored the focus within a certain organization in a certain country. As a rule, a messenger was at the head of such an organization and had to shoulder all the work of the organization. At present we have chosen another way. At your request we will render sponsorship to the organizations which you will found in your localities.

Don’t wait for any commands except behests of your heart.

You were embodied, and each of you came into embodiment with a certain mission. And you know what you are to do.

It is not necessary for you to found an organization embracing all the aspects of activity. Moreover, the organization does not have to be social or religious.

You may found a commercial organization in order to affirm the Divine principles in the methods of conducting business in your countries. You may start your own public-health institution or any educational institution.

The only demand for you is to view the Divine principles as a priority in your activity, to lay them in the basis of your organization and to help the people around you.

Don’t strive for money. You will have exactly enough money for the implementing of your plans.

Money and the energy of money are only a secondary factor. The most important is the purity of your hearts and your wish to fulfil the Will of God.

This is the service which you have come to carry out in this world. The time for the concrete actions has come. And don’t tell me that you don’t know what to do. Look around you.

Don’t your eyes see the things for which your abilities, your efforts, hands and feet can be used?

The time for concrete actions has come. You have come into this world to act. So, be kind as to perform your duty.

You have had enough of idle talk and discussing which of you have achieved bigger results on the Path. I want to see what you can really do in the surrounding physical world.

You have come into this world to act. Perform your duty!

If you still have not understood what I am talking about, I will have to descend to you, roll up my sleeves and show you what you ought to do.

Look how much rubbish there is around you.

And this is not only physical rubbish. This is the rubbish overfilling your mass media, TV, radio, Internet, newspapers.

Clean up the rubbish around you and inside of your consciousness.

And if some of you do not know what to apply your efforts to, nothing is left for you but to pray and ask God for enlightenment, because you have torn yourselves away from the Divine Reality and cannot even realise the distance between your world and the world of the Divine Reality.

Times have changed, and now after the change of the cycles we are choosing another way of acting.

We will not found a united organization which can become a tasty morsel and a temptation for the people who desire to rule.

No, we will place our focus of Light over any organization which will address us directly or through this messenger and ask for our patronage and which will meet our principles. We will act through each one who has prepared his temple for our coming. We will simply accept your invitation to enter your temples and take up your proposal to become our hands and feet in the physical plane.

And we will enter your temples. It will take place so naturally that you will not even notice our presence, and we will show you the best path to follow and the foremost task to apply your efforts to.

And if one of you says that he has no opportunity to found his own organization, to start his own business or that he is lacking like-minded people and supporters and is absolutely lonely, let me not believe it.

You live among people, and these people need your help. You have four lower bodies, and these bodies need to be purified.

Therefore, don’t tell me that you do not know what to do and what to occupy yourselves with.

The time for the active deeds has come. You will be rendered help of the Heavens in all of your endeavours if they correspond to the Will of God!

What are you still waiting for?

Shall I really come to you and show you what to do? Then hold up your shoulders, and I will shift off a part of my duties and a part of my work on to you.

Everyone should do his business. Start working and you will be astonished with the help you will be given.

I AM El Morya,
and I am always with you wherever you perform your concrete deeds in the name of God.

A teaching on twin flames

Beloved Kuthumi

April 26, 2005

I AM Kuthumi, having come to you through this messenger. I HAVE come to give you a new teaching of twin flames, different from the teaching which was given to you before.

You know that every man and every woman embodied on Earth is endowed with both masculine and feminine side, the yin and yang.

As a matter of fact, you are asexual in your highest aspect and you are androgens in your Higher bodies.

In the course of the condensing and differentiating of the matter you first acquire your physical body and after that the signs of this or that sex. The previous conception was erroneous because you thought that somewhere outside you there was a part of you which had been separated from you at a certain stage of evolution.

In fact, if we touch upon the history of the evolution of your souls, the white-fire core of your being, your I AM Presence - an immortal particle of God inside of you - has never been divided into two parts representing masculine and feminine aspects.

It was an erroneous conception, which we admitted in order to display this idea to you at a definite stage of your evolution. A new period has come now, and we can give you another view on the evolution of your soul, slightly different from the previous one.

Thus, your Higher body has never been divided into masculine-feminine polarity.

Then where is the origin of the ideas about twin flames and of all these beautiful legends about the searching of one’s second part and acquiring the unity through the official marriage between twin flames?

Let me explain. Your soul, as well as your Higher body, has no sex. They are genderless. Only your physical body has sex, and it has acquired its sexual signs only during a comparatively recent stage of evolution, a few milliard years ago.

Before the appearance of the sexual division the process of procreation was absolutely different. But we will not become absorbed in it now.

Thus, from where did the idea of your second part and the happiness connected with it originate?

At a certain stage of evolution you acquired your Higher body that has received different names in different religious systems. This is your Christ Self or Higher Self, or the Highest Manas.

You may have understood from these dictations that your Higher Self was given to you in the form of an emanation of the higher spiritual beings who granted a particle of themselves to you. This was necessary at a certain stage of human evolution. Man had to receive a conductor inside of himself, following the instructions through which you would be able to acquire the feeling of unity with God and the entire creation, which you lack so much.

Beloved Jesus, being in incarnation, gave a teaching of the unity of the soul. You remember the parable about a bridegroom, and you remember the mention of the bride who prepared herself for the bridegroom’s coming.

This is the teaching of the twin flames given by Jesus, but it also has another meaning, a more correct one.

The unity with your twin flame is your unity with your Higher part.

A new stage of the cosmic evolution is approaching, and this stage is already not far off, when each of you will have to find the unity with your twin flame, with your Christ Self.

The reunion of the twin flames is a ritual when the vibrations of your lower bodies or soul become harmonious with your Higher body, your Christ Self.

Since you will have completely purified your lower bodies by that moment, energy will circulate within them freely, laving your bodies. And that ecstasy of unity which you experience when reuniting with your Higher part raises you to the apex of such other-worldly bliss which cannot be compared with the unity between a man and a woman in the physical plane.

Oh, beloved, God still has many secrets and mysteries which will be revealed to you in due time. Today I have probably blighted in your minds a beautiful legend about twin flames which was close to the heart of everybody who managed to know this teaching given through the previous messenger.

But sooner or later you have to part with children’s fairy-tales and become adults.

When being in the mature state of consciousness it is always pleasant to face miracles in your life, the description of which you did not meet even in the best fairy-tales. This is because the Divine Reality and the recognition of the Divine Reality cannot be compared with the boldest fantasies of the story-tellers, who are nevertheless interpreting the Divine Truth in accordance with their human consciousness.

And now, beloved, I will dwell upon one more thing which can amaze you. Since in those remote times every Being of Light endowed many lifestreams with its particle, the Christ Self of many of you is of the same nature and belongs to the same Being of Light that endowed you with its particle.

And when you reach the state of unity with your Higher part and other people also reach the unity with their Higher part, you become united between yourselves. You feel unity with everybody. And instead of one twin flame you experience unity with millions of twin flames having a common nature with your Christ Self.

However, there is another aspect of the twin flames legend and this aspect is connected with an even earlier stage of the cosmic evolution. Once upon a time at the dawn of the creation of this universe a division into masculine-feminine polarity took place, and this division served as a starting- point for the universe to become manifested. It was the Point from where all the creation started to be manifested.

That is why, when in the course of your evolution you and your universe return to the state of a point again, both masculine and feminine polarities will disappear in this universe. But this will take place in infinitely remote times.

Now your consciousness cannot contain many cosmic Truths. I do not think it is my task to reveal to you all the Truths even as I see them from my Ascended state of consciousness.

For the present I have told you enough.

I can tell you as a consolation that those individuals who have a Christ Self of the same nature as my Christ Self are to some extent my twin flames. That is why, excepting your Christ Self which is your twin flame by rights, you have embodied several millions more twin flames now, which have a common nature with you at the level of Christ Self.

This can either encourage or disappoint some of you.

However, it is impossible to stop the process of the comprehension of the Divine Truth. This process will continue and the perpetual revelation will go on. The process of the evolution of your consciousness cannot be stopped whether you like it or not. But if you resist the progress, do think whether you act in accordance with the Divine Law.

In today’s talk I have shown you your twin flame which is always with you, patiently waiting for you to stop being crazy about the illusion of this world and fasten your eyes on it. Your twin flame wishes to communicate with you, it is waiting for you. And there is no person in this world more close to you with whom you can share all your secrets and from whom you can receive reliable advice.

I lapse into silence to give you an opportunity to master the unexpected information given in today’s talk.

I AM Kuthumi.

And I HAVE a common nature with many of you at the level of Christ.

If you really want to change something in your life, you should think about your consciousness more often

Beloved Surya

April 27, 2005

I AM Surya, having come to you again through this messenger.

The subject of our talk today will be your consciousness. While staying amidst the vanity of your everyday life you do not slip into thinking about the thing most important for you – your consciousness. You think about things, food, work, family, entertainment. You think about a lot of things, but you seldom think about your consciousness.

I want to tell you that the question of your consciousness is as important as the question of God, because it is your consciousness that outlasts you and keeps all your life experience and attainments of the whole sequence of your lives.

As a matter of fact, the level of your consciousness determines all the events of your life. The level of your consciousness is tightly connected with your karma and the karma of the people around you.

The greater the percentage of the worked off karma, the higher is the level of your consciousness and the closer you are to God.

The level of your consciousness is connected with your vibrations as well. The higher the level of your vibrations, the higher is the level of your consciousness. Therefore, the level of your consciousness draws you to these or those surroundings. Like draws to like.

Therefore, if you really want to change something in your life, you should think about your consciousness more often.

Any event and anything of the physical world surrounding you can be approached from two sides. There are two main points of view on everything in the world. All the diversity of life and life choices is reduced to your choice: which world do you choose? Do you choose the illusory world or the Real world of God?

I will give you examples to explain the subject of my talk.

Imagine that you are in absolutely harmonious state of consciousness. You must have experienced such states in life. You feel deep inner peace, balance, causeless joy and love towards everything around you.

God sends you such minutes to enable you to return during difficult life situations to the feelings which you experience in these blissful minutes of your life.

I recommend you to recollect such states. Or try to fix such a state firmly in your memory when it descends upon you in the near future.

This is the criterion with which you will compare your states of consciousness at other moments of your life.

Now imagine yourself facing any disharmonious situation in life. This may be roaring rock-music, disharmonious people, and many non-divine manifestations you encounter every day.

And when you clash with these disharmonious life situations a very important moment occurs. You may either get involved in this situation or keep a balanced state.

I will give you a concrete example. You were insulted at work, at home or in the street. The insult seems to you absolutely undeserved. You may react in two different ways, as I have told above. You may involve yourself in the situation and start proving that you are right and were insulted undeservedly. You may also stay away from the situation, but simply fix it in your consciousness and not put your energy into it.

Remember that this entire illusory world is supported by your energy only. Every minute and every second you make your choice where to direct your energy.

And if you involve yourself in an unpleasant situation into which you were drawn you start putting into this situation the energy flowing to your aura from the Divine world along a crystal cord.

What happens at such moments? You put your energy into imperfection and you multiply the illusion.

Most of the people living on Earth act in such way.

This world is supported only by your energy. And you feed all the imperfections of this world with your energy.

The other choice you can make when being drawn into a disharmonious situation is to refuse to put your energies into imperfection. Yes, you note that this situation is unfair, but you understand that everything happening in your physical world is an illusion. Therefore, you simply remove this situation from your consciousness and do not let your consciousness think about it.

This does not mean that you are indifferent to the non-divine manifestations of your world. You show your appreciation. You are obliged to show your proper appreciation, you may even tell the people around you about your appreciation in simple language, but you do not put energy into it. You recollect those harmonious states in which you happened to be, and you raise your consciousness up to this level, away from the disharmonious situation surrounding you.

I am fully aware of the fact that the thing I am talking about can be done by someone who is adept at a very high level, but for the majority of the people reading these lines such a reaction to life situations will be difficult to reach. But you should know the aims of your aspirations. And you should attempt to change your consciousness. The entire Divine perfection is inside of you.

And only you decide whether to dwell in this perfection or to give yourself up to the illusion of this world.

In conclusion I would like to show you an image of Buddha sitting on the bank of the river. Buddha is sitting in the pose of meditation, watching the river. He sees a small piece of wood drifting by, then a log.

Then he sees a boat with people sailing by. Buddha sees all this. And he assesses every thing or phenomenon which he sees, but he does not put his energies into any of these things. He just calls the things by their names and that’s it.

If an ordinary person sits in Buddha’s place, his thoughts will stick to everything he sees. Looking at the small piece of wood he will think how irresponsible people are to pollute the river. When looking at the log he will think how he could use it in his household. And he will examine in his consciousness every person sitting in the boat sailing by.

I gave this example to you to finally clarify how you create the surrounding illusion with your consciousness.

When you constantly keep in your mind the negative situations which you face in life, keep going over your reaction to these situations and bottle up people’s reactions to your reactions, you send the energy given you by God onto the multiplicity of the surrounding illusion.

The same applies to any imperfect feeling which you allow to enter your consciousness.

You should constantly analyse all your thoughts and feelings and compare them with the criterion of the perfect state which you must always keep in your memory.

That is why you must reject the feeling of conflict in your consciousness.

When you are tuned in to a conflict you attract the subject of the conflict into your world.

This also concerns the subject of the fight with the fallen angels so much loved by you. If you are tuned into a conflict, you will always find the object of your conflict among the people around you.

But if you do not want conflicts, you will not meet people to clash with on your path. Moreover, if you constantly keep your consciousness at a high level you will be able to infect with your high state of consciousness every person you meet in life.

Today I have attempted to fix your attention on your consciousness, because this is the thing with which you must work constantly.

Do agree, that in order to work with your consciousness you need nothing but your wish and aspiration to change your consciousness.

I will be happy if you take today’s talk not as an abstract debate but as a guide to action.

I AM Surya.

I will enter your temples and act through you

Beloved El Morya

April 28, 2005

I AM El Morya, having come to you again through my messenger.

I HAVE come to you to affirm new knowledge and understanding of the events taking place in the higher plane of planet Earth now.

You know that the cycles are changing now. Many words were told about that both in the dictations given through this messenger and in the dictations given by us through other messengers.

What characterises the present stage of the transformations happening on Earth now and connected with the changing of the cycles?

You will be surprised if I tell you that the transformations in the higher plane have been practically completed. All the layers of the higher plane, with the exception of the lowest astral layers, have been purified by us from those negative energies which managed to penetrate to the layers that were not inherent in their essence.

It was grandiose work, beloved, and it has been completed by us effectively.

Now the phase has come when we start, properly speaking, purifying the layers close to the physical plane and purifying the very physical plane as well.

What is the difficulty? The forces that managed to penetrate illicitly to the layers with high vibrations are now pressed down to Earth by us. And they look for any pretext to strengthen their positions in the physical plane and in the densest layers of the astral plane.

These forces do not have their own source of the Divine Energy, and they feed on your energy which you grant at their full disposal so thoughtlessly at times.

Therefore, the question of the checking of the spending of the Divine Energy appears in the foreground now. The leit-motiv of almost all these dictations, if you reread them attentively, is just the control over the expenditure of the Divine Energy which you, beloved, must perform by yourselves.

Each of you is a source of the Divine Energy for your physical world. You choose yourselves – as the creatures endowed with the free will - where to spend the Energy granted you by God.

It is impossible for you not to spend this energy. Every minute and every second of your living on Earth the Divine Energy comes into your aura as a continuous flow from the Divine world. And it depends only on you how you will use your Divine Energy.

The forces of darkness do not have access to the Divine Energy, but they are very experienced in the tricks of misappropriation of your Divine Energy. They take the energy you grant them so thoughtlessly through any non-divine actions that you let yourselves perform in your world.

The entire modern industry devotes 90 % of its activity to the satisfying of the energetic needs of the forces of darkness. Have you ever thought about it, beloved? It seems harmless to you to go to a concert of rock-music, to see horror-films, soap operas, films contributing to the violence propaganda.

It seems inoffensive if you, following fashion, buy things which are absolutely unnecessary for you. Each thing which you buy contains certain vibrations inside it. There are things bringing the Light, and there are things taking your Light from you. Do you think about this when you spend your money - an equivalent of your Divine Energy - on the purchasing of non-divine things?

Do you ask for advice of your Christ Self when making your purchases?

Every moment of your life you make a choice, and this choice directs your Divine Energy either onto the multiplication of the illusion of this world or onto its contraction.

You tint your Divine Energy with beautiful feelings full of joy and love, and you raise the vibrations of this world. But when you are full of negative thoughts and feelings, you fill this world with heavy energy, viscous treacle of your negativity.

Only you can establish control over every erg of the Divine Energy spent by you. We cannot do it for you. We desire each of you to turn into an electrode of Light, filling the world around you with the vibrations of harmony, beauty, love and joy. And we undertake a responsibility to help each of you who will truly want to help us in our work on the purification of your octave from the forces of darkness. But we cannot force you to make your choice, beloved.

We offer you a very simple decision, not requiring of you any additional time that is usually necessary for prayer-reading, though the prayers are now necessary as never before, being an extra source of Light for the physical octave.

But if you constantly keep control over yourself and over the spending of your Divine Energy, it will not require any extra expenditure from you. On the contrary, it will help you save your financial resources. If you think over the question of where you spend your money, it will be clear that 90 % of the things and food which you purchase are absolutely unnecessary for the maintenance of your physical body.

On the contrary, they help to ruin your body, and you become dependent on the whole industry which involves you first into the process of the destruction of your physical body and your psyche, and then courteously offers you an immense set of expensive methods by which you can restore your health.

Keep control over yourself during the day. Watch your thoughts, your feelings. Your thoughts give the direction for the flow of your energy. Analyse what you think about. If you think about the unjust government, you send your energy to the members of your government. If you think about your boss mistreating you at work, you send him your energy. If you think about the plot of the soap-opera you watched before, you send your energy on the multiplication of the whole egregore of artificial thoughts and feelings in the astral plane.

You are responsible for every erg of energy wasted by you thoughtlessly. Every time you waste your energy not in accordance with the Divine principles you create karma. And if you are aware of the karmic law but still go on violating the Divine principles to please your ego, your karma‘s character becomes much heavier.

Believe me, we never say our words without a purpose. And we do not spend our energy in vain. Every word told in these dictations through this messenger is directed exactly to giving you the knowledge which you need most at this moment.

That is why we do not become tired of repeating to you one and the same thing: you are responsible for the spending of your energy, and you are twice as responsible for the spending of your energy if you continue your way of life after the reading of these dictations and persuade yourself that nothing told in them concerns you in any way.

You are in embodiment in the physical octave, and before being embodied many of you undertook upon yourselves the duties of helping mankind in this hardest time of the changeover. And now we remind you about the responsibilities undertaken.

Do not say then, when you appear in front of the Karmic Board, that you knew nothing and guessed about nothing, that you were not warned and you heard nothing.

I repeat it to you again and again. You have run out of time for learning. You are required to perform concrete actions and concrete steps in the physical plane.

It is hardly possible to formulate our demands to you more clearly than was done through this messenger. You should alter the priorities of your consciousness.

Remember, that we are powerless to do anything in your physical plane without your help and support. We have no access to your physical world, unless some of you prepare your temples for our presence and ask us to use your four lower bodies so that we can use your hands and feet for the implementing of our plans.

Thus, I give you this appeal. Please, make it every day.

“In the name of I AM THAT WHICH I AM”, in the name of my mighty I AM Presence, in the name of my Holy Christ Self I appeal to beloved El Morya to enter my temple and act through me so that the Will of God can be manifested in the physical octave and in the densest layers of the astral plane. Beloved El Morya, I grant all my four lower bodies at your full disposal: the physical body, the astral body, the mental body and the etheric body. Act through me if there is God’s Holy Will for that. Let God’s Will be done. Amen.”

I promise to you that as soon as an opportunity occurs I will enter your temples and act through you.

And thus we will change this world! And the Earth will live and become a beautiful star of liberty, joy and love!

I AM El Morya,
and I have given this message from the point of the highest Love towards you.

You can receive at your disposal the mightiest tool of God

Beloved El Morya

April 29, 2005

I AM El Morya, having come to you!

I HAVE come to give you a small Teaching connected with the opportunity you acquire when all your four lower bodies and your chakras become pure.

You know that the four lower bodies of most people living on Earth now are in an extremely impure state.

And as far as you know that your chakras link your lower bodies among themselves and with the Divine world, it means that your chakras are also a very sorry sight.

Therefore, I have intended today to give you a certain Teaching connected with the opportunities which you acquire when your chakras are pure. And the abstract talks about the purification of your four lower bodies and about the purity of your chakras will sound more practical for you.

Thus, your chakras. You know that you have seven major chakras located along the spinal column, and you also have the secret rays’ chakras, located along the spine as well, and you have many more chakras focused on many parts of your body. You know that there is a total of 144 chakras.

12 chakras transmit the perfect God-qualities to your world through the 12 Cosmic Rays, and each of these qualities bears in itself 12 more shades or half-tones.

And when your chakras open like fascinating flowers, you become conductors of the perfect God-qualities into your physical reality.

God foresaw in advance all the possible abuses which mankind could carry out by wasting the Divine Energy. Therefore, when you misuse the Divine Energy from the point of view of the Divine Law governing in this universe, this affects first of all the capacity of your chakras. The Divine Energy flowing into your bodies along the crystal cord is limited naturally. This resembles a tap through which the Divine Energy streams into the physical world and which is first slightly turned off and finally turned off completely. And your possibilities of abusing the Divine Energy are cut down.

That is why the state of consciousness inherent in mankind at the present stage of its evolution cannot have at its disposal the unlimited Divine might. It is because the first thing your consciousness would do having received access to the unlimited source of the Divine Energy, would be to misuse this energy for satisfying the needs of its ego. But you know that the needs of your ego are impossible to satisfy. They are limitless.

Therefore, the access to the Divine Energy is reliably closed for most of mankind.

In order to receive access to the Divine Energy you have to choose the Path of initiations. And this Path lasts for not only one life. In exceptional cases and only for our selected chelas we allow this Path to be passed during one life.

You are given tests or trials for each of the God-qualities. And you must pass each of these tests 12 times. You have to pass 144 tests in total for the successful finishing of the initiations on the 12 chakras, which is necessary for them to be open.

If it were not for the returning tests which you have to pass due to your negligence, you could have achieved success during just a few years.

What does the opening of your chakras give you? Why do you need to aspire to it?

A person having at his disposal such a mighty tool as open chakras can provide the world with invaluable service. And the major part of this service is in the purification of the surrounding world from any negative vibration and negative energies.

The might of your chakras is able to neutralise an utterly unimaginable quantity of the falsely qualified energy with which your world is literally saturated.

When you, beloved, utter your decrees or prayers, you attract additional Light into your world. This Light goes into your world through your chakras. Now imagine how much more Light you would be able to conduct into your world if your chakras were fully open.

But at the moment when all your chakras are open you will have become a perfect Buddha - that is you reach the level of consciousness of Buddha in your own consciousness. Then, you cannot admit even into your thoughts anything that can do the slightest harm to the world and the living creatures around you.

You are constantly in the praying state of consciousness. But you do not even have to utter the words of your prayer in order to stay in the praying state of consciousness all the time.

And at times your chakras even work independently of your consciousness like a vacuum cleaner, drawing into themselves all the rubbish from the world around you and filling this world with an irreproachably pure Divine Energy.

Therefore, when your chakras are open, you can appeal to your I AM Presence by asking it to direct the energy of your chakras for the resolving of this or that situation in your world. And if your asking is in correspondence with the Law of God, your I AM Presence will run the work of your chakras itself and the energy will be directed to the concrete situation about which you ask in your appeal.

You can use the energy of your throat chakra to protect yourself and also to protect all those whom you have the right to protect in accordance with God’s Law.

You can transmute the karma with help of your chakras, not only your own karma, as by that moment you will not have your personal karma, but the karma of the planet and of the country. You may give your direct help to the people who need it and who ask you for help.

This means actually fantastic opportunities and invaluable help to mankind, which you can give if you pass the necessary initiations for the opening of your chakras.

In order to understand better the might which comes to your disposal in this case, I will give you the following example.

Ten minutes of pulsation of your central chakra transmuting the karma will substitute the uttering of the violet flame decrees during 400 hours.

This is really the mightiest tool, beloved, and this tool is hidden inside of you.

Today’s talk was aimed at revealing to you the perspectives and opportunities of the next step.

Beloved, many of you are ready for this step and still many are half--way to the full opening of your chakras.

You should know to what to aspire and what is your next step. You will receive at your disposal the might which is under the absolute control of your I AM Presence. And if you attempt to use this might not in accordance with the Will of God, your chakras simply will not pulsate. But if you still find a way to get round the Cosmic Law and to use the Divine Energy for your own purposes, your chakras will close and you will be refused access to the Divine Energy in the visible future.

God is ready to give you the most perfect tool, so necessary for you at this difficult time for planet Earth. Take it. Use it.

But it depends only on you, beloved, whether you will or will not receive this perfect tool at your disposal.

I tell you: the time has come; you can receive this mightiest tool of God at your disposal.

You only need to make a choice, to aspire to the Path of initiations, and to pass with honour each of the initiations which God will let you pass.

I AM El Morya and I will meet you on the Path of initiations.

Try to adapt to the new conditions. Change your consciousness

Buddha of the Universe

April 30, 2005

I AM Buddha of the Universe. This is what my position is called in the Divine Hierarchy governing in this universe.

I AM Buddha, and due to the quality of omnipresence which is inherent in me and makes my nature, I am able to dwell in every point of this universe and in all its living creatures.

The only place where I am not able to be is your world and other lower worlds whose vibrations are too low for my presence.

That is why I can dwell only in those living creatures that have reached the level of Buddha in their consciousness and that have expressed in this difficult time of transition a wish to undertake an embodiment on Earth as an unselfish act of service to earthly mankind.

The Plan of God for earthly mankind is to bring all the lifestreams inhabiting planet Earth now to Buddha’s state. This level of consciousness can also be called the Divine consciousness.

This stage of mankind’s evolution coincides with God’s Plan, in accordance with which man will be able to rise onto the next step of evolutionary development and become God-Man.

It is not a secret that the level of consciousness of mankind at present differs very little from that of animals. And it will not be a secret if I say that many living creatures which you consider to be animals have reached much higher stages of evolution of their consciousness than a great number of people have.

I mean some species of whales and dolphins. In their level of evolution these creatures have left their fellow-brothers walking on earth far behind. Their energetic system and their chakras enable them to link up to the world and universal databank. And we use the physical forms of these creatures in order to get an idea of the situation on Earth. While staying in uninhabited and inaccessible areas of the ocean, our devoted co-workers keep and maintain the balance for planet Earth.

I hope that mankind of the Earth will nevertheless reach the level of consciousness sometimes called the Buddhistic consciousness, which will enable earthly mankind to transit to the next stage of evolutionary development.

The technocratic civilization existing on your planet is supported by your undeveloped consciousness.

And I have come to tell you that the Plan of God does not include any support of your technocratic civilization.

Everything that is not in accordance with the Plan of God will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Apart from the civilization on your planet there are many civilizations in the universe that have chosen the path of technocratic evolution. All of them can be characterised by their alienation from the universal databank.

I have to use these technical terms to be able to give you the information you need now in your language.

You can link up to the universal information warehouse when you are at such a level of evolution of your consciousness that corresponds to the level of Buddha’s consciousness. At this level of consciousness you become God-Man. Your chakras open, and this enables you to be free in the exchange of information with the entire cosmos, with every creature of this universe whose stage in the evolution of consciousness is analogous to yours.

Any spatial and time limits disappear and cease their existence for you. You have access to any information in the libraries and depositories of this universe.

There are, certainly, different stages of development of the Buddhistic consciousness. At the first stage you do not have to possess all the skills and your informational range will not exceed the limits of your planet. But gradually you will broaden your consciousness and enter first the level of your Solar system, then the level of your galaxy and after that the level of the system of your galaxies.

The opportunities for the growth of your consciousness are infinite. When you outstrip this universe in your consciousness, you will receive a birth in a new universe corresponding to the level of the evolution of your consciousness, or you will take upon yourselves of your free will the posts of Buddhas in the lower universes so as to keep balance for the developing living creatures in them.

The purpose of my coming today is to give you the information about the next stage of your evolution.

And this stage is not linked with your technocratic civilization. Therefore, everything not matching the Plan of God and contributing to the dissemination of ideas and conceptions of the evolution that do not correspond to the Will of God, will be gradually substituted by the conceptions and directions of evolution which are in agreement with the Will of God.

Everything resisting too much will either be taken from the physical plane by a series of cataclysms or drawn by its vibrations to the technocratic islands still existing in this universe whose days are also numbered.

I have just illustrated for you the plan planet Earth should follow. But I ask you not to apply this plan to your earthly measures of chronology. All this will take place, but during such chronological cycles which are not comparable with the cycles of your animal-man life.

Your chronological system is not adapted to give you the correct guide-lines and terms. But you do not need concrete terms in order to aspire and to keep in your consciousness the guide-lines to follow.

There is something else to tell you about which is painful. You see around you examples of many species of animals facing extinction due to not having adapted to the new conditions of existence.

It is always hard to see a picture of extinction. However, what is not viable in the new conditions must either disappear or be altered. The same analogy refers to animal-man, the species to which you belong at this period of time. You must adapt to the new conditions of existence on your planet or this species will be subjected to extinction.

Do understand that you do not have the strength to change the conditions of existence. There is something in this universe that does not give way to your control like water in the tap or the temperature in your dwelling.

There is a Universal Law regulating the conditions of existence on your planet. And now we have simply added vibrations for your plane. It is impossible for you not to feel this.

Therefore, please try to adapt to the new conditions. Change your consciousness. You are given the keys for doing this.

You have all the necessary guiding instructions and you yourselves choose whether to follow them or not. It is your free will, and you may act in accordance with your free will as long as the external conditions of this planet let you do it.

I have given you the perspectives of your evolution and warned you about the dangers threatening you. Now I lapse into silence and leave you. It was very pleasant for me to talk to you through this messenger today.

Thank you.

I AM Buddha of the Universe.

I took upon myself the sins of the world, but the main thing I did was showing you the Path

Beloved Jesus

May 1, 2005

I AM Jesus Christ, having come to you today through this messenger Tatyana.

I HAVE come! Today is the day when the orthodox Christians celebrate the light holiday of Easter in memory of my resurrection after the crucifixion on the cross.

You know that both the symbol of crucifixion and the symbol of resurrection do not belong only to the event which took place on earth 2000 years ago.

These are the symbols concerning each of you living on earth now. Each of you must pass through your own crucifixion and resurrection. Therefore, let today’s holiday serve as a reminder to you about your Path of initiations and the trials you are to overcome on this Path.

It does not mean, beloved, that you will necessarily be crucified as I was. And it does not mean, beloved, that you will be resurrected as I was. But these events will surely take place at the final stage of your initiations.

Your crucifixion will take place when you hang on the cross between life and death - between the life which is eternal and staying in your mortal world. You will realise the decay of the physical world around you and will feel a touch of the eternal world. And the feelings which you will experience during this initiation will be compared with the process of crucifixion I happened to experience. Your physical body and all your higher bodies will suffer. You will feel not only your own pain, but also the pain of every living creature suffering in your world. You will feel the imperfection of your world in its entirety.

You will encounter these imperfect states of consciousness around you. And you will make a choice and sacrifice yourself and everything you have, even your physical body, in order to help the suffering creatures around you who do not even know the reasons for their suffering.

Yes, beloved, those people who are ready for awakening and whose time has come experience such terrible pain and suffering now that they are ready to accept the help of everybody who will explain to them the reason for their pain.

And it will be good if there happens to be a person near them who has realised the state of being between the two worlds and made a choice in favour of the Divine world.

Beloved, many of you have gone through your crucifixion already and many are close to going through it. This is a state of your consciousness when you realise your destiny and when you sacrifice all your being for the good of all the living creatures. However, these living creatures, instead of thanking and lauding you, will try to humiliate and hurt you, they will persecute you and try to punish you.

And at the moment when it seems that you have no more strength to endure this superhuman exertion of all your forces you will realise that these people do not know what they are doing. And you will forgive them all, and moreover, you will wish to take upon yourselves their sins that dim their eyes and prevent them from seeing the Truth.

It is then that you will go through your crucifixion on the cross of matter.

And after this you will be ready for your resurrection - the state of your full harmony with the Will of God and full liberation from human thoughts and feelings.

It is truly a resurrection because your Spirit will receive an opportunity to act through you. And you will become invulnerable to all the arrows aimed at you. Now there is nothing in your physical world that can do any harm to you.

You revive your spiritual energies and hold these energies in your physical plane. Nothing from the abomination of desolation around you can affect you any longer. On the contrary, beloved, and merely with your presence you can stop any manifestations of imperfection in your world.

And you receive an additional opportunity to provide your possible service and help to the people around you, because this help is now the help of the Heavens themselves. It is because there is already nothing in you that can distinguish your consciousness from the Divine one.

Do not believe those who will tell you that there was only one Son of God and only He alone could take upon himself all the sins of the world.

Yes, I took upon myself the sins of the world, but the main thing I did was showing you the Path you should follow and are following now already.

I gave you the Path, the Rose Path, covered with roses and thorns. And there is no other path following which you may reach the Kingdom of your Father in Heaven.

Beloved, I am overwhelmed with the feeling of Love towards you. I see your service and I see how hard your life is at this time. Events develop so quickly that your consciousness can hardly find time to adapt to the fast change of the scenery.

Those who have stepped on the Path of service and follow it with confidence will receive the confirmation of the faultlessness of the chosen Path. You will receive this confirmation in the form of moments of soft joy and indescribable bliss descending upon you. Beloved, remember these moments, absorb these states of bliss with all the cells and atoms of your being. Catch these moments of bliss. They will give you strength and energy, and an opportunity to pass all your tests and trials on the Path.

Let Love be your constant companion during all the minutes of your life. And if you do not experience the feeling of Love - ask me, appeal to me, and I will do my best to return your Love to you.

Love is a sign on your Path, showing you that your Path is right.

You should not associate this feeling with any certain person, and you must not demand the reciprocation of Love in exchange. Though sometimes it is your Love towards a certain person that saves you during the most difficult periods of your trials.

When you love, you do not need anything more. You are ready just to experience this state and enjoy it. All your problems, all your imperfections and the imperfections of the world around you are dissolved by this unique solvent, inherent in this universe primordially.

The flame of the true Divine Love is able to make its home only in the hearts of those people who have not lost their link with the Divine world. It is the very feeling that is capable of raising your vibrations and bringing them into harmony with the constantly rising vibrations of your physical plane.

Those people who are not able to assimilate the energies of Love will feel more and more cut off from your world. Sooner or later they will decide either to resign themselves to the energy of Love or to leave this world forever as they will not be able to stay in it any longer due to the big divergence in vibrations.

Beloved, I have been glad to use this opportunity to meet you today as I know that on this day most of the people reading these lines celebrate the event of my resurrection. Let me join your commemoration and celebrate the triumph of resurrections of those of you who reached in your consciousness the state of resurrection of the Divine vibrations and who are fully in keeping with me and the other Ascended Masters.

This is a great victory, beloved, because you have reached the state enabling us to dwell in your temples!

And you will not believe me if I say that there is a much smaller part of me in Heaven than the part which is dwelling now on Earth in your temples - in the temples of those who invited me to enter them and whose vibrations let me do it.

I will also tell you confidentially that the majority of the Ascended Masters who have kept their links with non-ascended mankind are also staying among you, in your bodies and in the bodies of your brothers and sisters.

The worlds are approaching each other. The time has come when our worlds are getting closer and closer to each other by their vibrations. And more and more of you, beloved, will come in touch with us and realise it with your external consciousness.

I have been delighted with our meeting today. I impart all the Love of my heart to you and accept the Love of your hearts.

I AM Jesus, your brother.

Each of your acts of service to all the living creatures reduces the probability of the next threatening cataclysm

Lord of the World Gautama Buddha

May 2, 2005

I AM the Lord of the World Gautama Buddha, having come to you through this messenger.

I HAVE come to inform you about certain events which have taken place and are about to take place on planet Earth.

You know that at this period of time I hold the post of the Lord of the World and this post is intended for the keeping of the balance on planet Earth.

Very recently, at the end of the year 2003, the Earth encountered a difficult situation. A series of colossal cataclysms were to take place due to the impossibility to balance the negative energies of mankind.

Suspecting nothing, mankind went on enjoying the holiday of life. People were not interested much in the prophecies and predictions given by us.

The breach of the energetic balance was of such character that it could lead even to the complete ruin of civilization on Earth.

But why did nothing happen? You may talk about a miracle, you may say that the prophecies did not come true.

However, there are no miracles in the way you understand them. Every miracle has to be paid for.

If the dense circle of the surrounding planet energy does not give way to transmutation and if there is not enough power from the energy of Light which can balance the preponderance of the negativity on the planet, an attempt should be made to restore the necessary stability.

You know that we predicted beforehand the forthcoming events connected with the series of global catastrophes. And we were preparing for those events. The gift of the violet-flame granted to mankind at the end of the previous century was one of the balancing factors.

And if the violet-flame had been used in accordance with our plans, the danger of the cataclysms could have been averted completely.

But you know that it did not happen. And in the year 2003 the world was on the edge of destruction. Now I can tell you this.

But what happened in reality? Why was there no cataclysm, or at least not one that threatened the existing civilization?

As the lord of the World, whose main duties include the maintaining of the balance for this planet, I sacrificed all my bodies and all my impetus of achievements. I laid on the Altar everything that forms my individuality.

But since the impetus of Light which I had was immense, this impetus was enough to avert the cataclysm.

You may ask me why it was necessary to make such a sacrifice. You know that the human soul is immortal and mankind could continue its existence in the higher plane of this planet.

Beloved, the majority of mankind is not ready to exist in the higher plane. That is why, being dispossessed of its physical platform, it could have been put back in its evolution from the provided Divine Plan for millions of years.

Therefore, my sacrifice was absolutely justified and it was made. You have a chance to live.

However, God’s mercy has no bounds and due to the decision of the Karmic Board of the Great Central Sun all my bodies were restored in accordance with the matrix of my lifestream. The energy of the causal body of beloved Sanat Kumara was taken for the restoration of my bodies.

I rose like a Phoenix. And I got an opportunity to serve all the living creatures on planet Earth again.

All the miracles happening in this universe can only be possible through the self-sacrifice and service of the whole Hierarchy of the Beings of Light. And every Being standing on a higher stage of the evolution of consciousness is ready to sacrifice itself for the love and compassion towards the living creatures standing on the lower steps of their evolution.

I have told you this story to make you think over your actions. Each of you may contribute your mite to the forming of the dense energetic shell of negative energy. And each of you can contribute to the dissolving of this shell surrounding planet Earth. Everything depends on you, beloved. You see that Heavens do their best. But have you ever thought that there may be limits to the Divine mercy?

I have come to tell you that the impetus of Light I sacrificed to stabilise the situation on Earth has exhausted its energetic potential.

From this moment the accumulation of the energies which will dominate in the aura of Earth in the near future will depend on each of you.

To prevent a big tension in the future which may lead to a global cataclysm we decided to agree to smaller cataclysms such as the earthquake in the south of Asia and the tsunami caused by this earthquake at the end of December last year.

That is why, every time natural cataclysms, natural calamities, technogenic catastrophes, wars, terrorist acts, social explosions or extreme weather conditions occur during this and the following years, let it be a reminder for you about the difficult situation on planet Earth and about the responsibility you bear for the future of this planet.

I am aware of the fact that very many people on planet Earth are unable to understand the link between their actions, thoughts and feelings and the cataclysms happening on Earth. However, the law governing in this universe extends for this planet as well.

Those of you who have a more advanced consciousness must serve the individuals who have not yet reached the level of comprehension of the close interconnection between everything existing on this planet.

That is why in these dictations we remind you again and again about your responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, and deeds, for all the actions you perform in your life, for the spending of every erg of the Divine energy.

And, as always, the major part of the work and responsibility for the stabilisation of the situation on Earth is laid upon those who possess a higher level of consciousness.

I have come to you in this month of Vesak when not only Buddhists but people in many countries of the world celebrate my birthday, my Enlightenment, and my merging with the Eternal Light.

Now you can add to these events the day of my new birth when I received a chance to continue my service to mankind thanks to the mercy shown to me and the sponsorship and help given to me by Sanat Kumara, my eternal Guru and my closest Master.

I hope that the spirit of mutual help, support and service will always prevail in your communities.

Each of your acts of service to a neighbour, service to all the living creatures raises the vibrations of planet Earth and reduces the probability of the next threatening cataclysm.

Judge your spiritual progress not by the quantity of hours you have spent in prayers and meditations. Judge your spiritual progress by the help you give to all the living creatures, including people, animals and plants. Judge your spiritual progress by those thoughts and feelings which dominate in your consciousness.

These will be the fruit by which Jesus called you to judge.

I take my leave of you.

I AM staying in peace. Gautama.

You live at a surprisingly blessed time, you have an opportunity for unprecedented inner growth

Mighty Cosmos

May 3, 2005

I AM Mighty Cosmos, having come to you today.

I have come to broaden slightly the limits of your vision of the world. I AM a Cosmic Being. And I AM dwelling in this universe. The entire universe is my home.

It is really a miracle that I can come to your earthly homes so easily and give you my Teaching. The Mercy of Heaven is infinite indeed.

You used to connect your consciousness with your world and you think in the framework of your world. Therefore, if I tell you about the things you have no idea about, this information will pass by your consciousness without leaving a trace in it.

Cosmos is run through by energy, and Cosmos is run through by information. This information literally passes through you in a never-ending stream. There are no secrets in Cosmos. It is your vibrations, the level of your vibrations that separates you from all the secrets of Cosmos.

Each of you, while raising your vibrations, gets access to more and more new levels of knowledge. In your consciousness you enduringly climb up to the eternal Truth. And this path to the Divine Truth demands the exertion of all your strengths. You are able to grow and rise higher and higher to the summit of the Divine consciousness only if you experience the states of constant exertion and constant self-overcoming.

And you pass from one world to another one, you travel throughout this universe, and you acquire an ability to travel to other universes.

It will probably be a surprise for you if I say that everything is inside you. The worlds join each other inside you. All your attainments accumulate inside you. You are absolutely unique. And you have really been created after the image and likeness of God. Properly speaking, you are Gods.

You were born Gods primordially, but you wished to create this illusory world in which you are dwelling now. However, you have finally played in your illusion for long enough. The time has come to return to your reality, to your native world.

You know that your structure is similar to that of a matryoshka doll [16].

You have a physical body, but you also have other, higher bodies, forming your aura. You have the astral body, the mental body, the etheric body. You know that these higher bodies are interconnected by the system of chakras. You know the seven basic chakras located along the spine.

In fact, the level of your development is determined by the purity of your chakras. The more chakras are open, the greater is the quantity of the cosmic information to which you get access.

Today I want to talk about the secret-rays’ chakras. These chakras are located between your seven basic chakras. And these chakras are linked with your higher bodies, with your Christ Self, with your causal body and with your I AM Presence.

There are many people on the planet whose chakras of the seven basic rays are open. Now new races appear whose chakras of the seven basic rays and even chakras of the secret rays are open right from the birth. It is characteristic of these people to have access to the information hidden for the majority of mankind. You remember, I told you that information has a free access - all the information. But you can get access to this information only after having raised the level of your vibrations.

In reality you are the most sensitive element. You do not need to have any perfect computers and data bases, any devices of communication. All you need is to raise the level of your vibrations. And you will get access to the universal data bank. You simply know. Sometimes you cannot even understand from where you know this.

The secret is hidden in the chakras of your secret rays. It is through them that you get access to the cosmic data bank and to the knowledge kept in your causal body. Nevertheless, you will not be able to realise your abilities in full, even if your chakras of the secret rays are open, until the general situation in your world changes. Too many obstructions are being created by your technocratic civilization. Examples of such obstructions are the radio and radiation interference, but the biggest obstructions are created by people’s thoughts because the frequency of a thought is most approximated to the frequencies at which your chakras run.

The Divine world germinates into your physical world through your chakras. The worlds join each other inside you. That is why the most important thing is the level of the evolution of your consciousness, as it is directly linked with the purity of your chakras and with their disclosing. And it is through you secret rays’ chakras that the birth of an eternal man takes place.

There is too much of the carnal, heavy, human, and egoistic in you now. You gradually give up these attributes of your game in the physical world. You will not need your physical body in the future. Then you will part with your astral, mental and even etheric bodies. Like a butterfly appearing from a chrysalis, you will take wing and fly into the Cosmos. You will find a new existence in new bodies because your present bodies are needed only for living in the physical world. And when the cosmic term comes you will part with these bodies and live in other bodies, your real ones.

The limits of space and time will no longer exist for you, because both space and time are only decorations on whose background the evolution of your immortal part takes place.

And the time will come when you will recollect the minutes of your existence in the physical bodies, because from the height of your cosmic consciousness all your earthly lives will seem just like a few minutes spent in the lower world. You will recollect your earthly experience and will not be able to understand why you did not see your past and future and why you were so blind and narrow- minded.

However, the eternal evolution and perfecting take place only through the overcoming of self.

The universe will stop existing if it loses the ability to self-evolve and self-perfect.

One and the same principle applies to both the universe and the life of the people who do not want to evolve, hidden within the cracks of their narrow-mindedness like cockroaches, not wishing to go out to the Light.

Everything, not wishing to obey the basic law of this universe – the law of self-evolving and self- perfecting – cannot exist beyond a definite limit.

Do love the exertion of all your strengths and abilities. Do love the aspiration and the stormy gush of obstructions you are overcoming.

Bless these obstructions, bless your enemies, bless all the circumstances and difficulties of your life as they help you to grow and overcome yourselves.

Advanced individuals aim to be born in as difficult life conditions as possible. They know the taste of self-overcoming and enjoy obstructions.

You live in a surprisingly blessed time. You have an opportunity for unprecedented inner growth.

And I even envy you in something. I will reveal a secret to you that every being, having reached the ascended state of consciousness, aspires to receive at least a minute opportunity to be among you in this difficult time so as to test him/herself once more and have a chance to help the lifestreams which lost their will to live and to evolve.

The process of your evolution has entered the stage when your consciousness will adapt with difficulty to the changing conditions of the external life. And these high-speed changes will make you concentrate on the most important things from the point of view of evolution and give up all your old toys and unnecessary entertainments.

God has envisaged everything. And millions of Beings of Light watch you and protect you carefully to enable you to transit in your consciousness onto a new, qualitatively new level of your evolution in the highest safety.

I offer my help to you. Each of you who will appeal to me will be shown the main imperfection and trait which prevents his/her development and progress at this period of time. And when you know your main enemy inside of you, you will be able to ask any Master working with these traits to help you overcome that trait within you. But if I were you I would attempt to cope with your imperfections myself.

Thus, you say:

“In the name of I AM THAT WHICH I AM”, mighty Cosmos, help me to see my main imperfection preventing my advance on the Path to God.”

Repeat this call thrice a day during 9 days and I promise you that there will be an event in your life which will enable you to pay attention to your imperfection.

And I am sure you will certainly overcome it. You simply have no other way out.

I wish you success on your Path! I was glad to talk to the people of Earth.

I AM Mighty Cosmos.

A wise man seeks God within his heart

Beloved Melchizedek

May 4, 2005

I AM Melchizedek. I HAVE come to you through this messenger of God.

I seldom come into contact with people of Earth and our communication today is an exception.

Probably, you have heard about the priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek. But can many of you guess what the speech is about?

My Order does not belong to a certain confession of faith. The rank of a Melchizedek’s priest is given to an individual on the basis of his spiritual attainments, not on the basis of the external position occupied by this person in the external church. You will be surprised that none of the highest spiritual leaders of the religious confessions on Earth has a rank in the priesthood of Melchizedek.

I lay hands on my priests at the inner levels, and the main quality which I take into consideration is a full and unconditional devotion to God.

For the individuals who have earned the right to have hands laid on them and attain the rank of Melchizedek’s priest it is obligatory to pass the tests on the 7 basic rays and on the 5 secret rays. Therefore, the members of my priesthood have all their 12 chakras located along the spine open. However, the most important demand is to pass a test on the 13th ray or on the 6th secret ray.

Yes, beloved, I am the hierarch of the 6th secret ray or the 13th ray. The chakra of my ray is located between your third-eye chakra and the crown-chakra.

You will be surprised, but it is impossible to open this chakra for the people who have limited themselves within the framework of the traditional religious confessions. The reason is that none of the existing religious confessions in the world meets the demands of genuine service to God.

There are too many dogmas and limitations separating the followers of these confessions from the genuine service and the genuine respect for God.

As a rule, my priests are hermits, yogis, venerable old men, who can belong to any traditional belief formally, but must follow my commandments, my exhortations, and my code of behaviour.

But my code of behaviour is very strict. First of all, it is the full devotion to the Will of God and keeping the energies of the Divine Mother in purity.

My ray is the ray of the Divine service and the Divine purity.

However, I do not intend to set you against any official religion or confession. Religions do exist and it is useless to conflict with them or to be opposed to them.

All the institutes existing in your civilization, including the institute of the church, are adapted to your average consciousness and reflect its level.

But if a person has rigid limitations within his consciousness connected with his understanding of the Faith, God and the moral norms of behaviour in the community, then only he can change his consciousness, overcome these limitations and leave their bounds. And the first step for him will be to understand the limitations inherent in his consciousness and to desire to overcome them.

This, beloved, has always been the reason for all the religious wars, when the limitations of the people’s consciousness, established deliberately at times, were used by the ruling religious bosses to manipulate people and use them for their mercenary aims.

I am sorry to see that the absolutely far-fetched limitations have been serving as the reason for the religious intolerance and confrontation so far. Beloved, God has no limitations, and most of the existing religious views will drop away in the course of time. It is just a temporary apparel of the Divine Truth worn by it at a given period of the historical development.

For the people whose level of evolution of consciousness is sufficient there are no contradictions between any religions and any systems of outlook except the main contradiction which is impossible to tolerate.

I have approached, beloved, a very nice and delicate point. I have told you already that the priesthood of the order of Melchisedek is absolutely devoted to the Will of God. But it has always been a question of how to understand this Will of God.

As a matter of fact, beloved, you cannot be sure that your understanding and your vision of the Will of God correspond to the Truth until you pass the proper initiations.

There are a lot of people using the ignorance of crowds, including their ignorance in the questions of understanding God, for their mercenary aims.

The border between the people adhering to the true and the false understanding of the Faith lies not between any concrete religions and beliefs. This border, beloved, lies in the hearts of people. There are very many sincere devotees. However, there are even more false servants who have nothing from God within them, but speak about God and service most of all.

You hear their right words, you even see their right actions, but these people will not follow the true Will of God and will not be the true devotees.

Is there any criterion in your world, beloved, for you to be guided by so as to separate the genuine devotees of God from the false ones in your consciousness?

This question is acquiring the paramount meaning nowadays. But the answer to this question was given by beloved Jesus 2000 years ago. You must judge by the fruit, not by the actions, words, and deeds, but just by the fruit, because you can hear the right words and see the right actions, but the fruit – the result of these actions – will be rotten.

Therefore, you cannot judge during a small period of time, though the time has speeded up now and the fruit are ripening much faster in connection with the accelerated return of the karma in its fullness on planet Earth.

Everything that is in correspondence with the Will of God and the Divine service will live for centuries and will outlast the servants who are the bearers of this or that Teaching or Belief. Everything that does not correspond to the Divine service will reveal its rotten fruit very soon.

Those of you who are impatient and wish to receive an immediate answer concerning the correspondence of this or that new-fangled religious movement or sect to the Will of God can receive an oblique presentation, having studied the basic theses of the propagated teaching.

I will name some examples of such oblique signs for you now.

You know that the epochs have changed, and the cosmic cycles have turned round. The cycle of the contracting of the illusion has started and this cycle will be enormous in its duration. Therefore, everything that is directed on the contracting of the illusion will indirectly witness to its correspondence to the Will of God.

I will illustrate this with an example. Inside of you there is something eternal, and there is something liable to decay.

And if you see yourself caring excessively about external prosperity or external well-being, focus on those theses of the teaching you are trying to evaluate which are connected with the affirmation of any priorities belonging to this world. This may be an excessive following of the rituals and the church dogmas, too much care about the health of the bodily temple or an aspiration to have a comfortable existence in the physical plane.

Your ego and any of your attachments to this physical world must be overcome. Look for what is told in the teaching, investigated by you, about the overcoming of your ego and about the giving up of the false part of you.

Now you can apply the same criterion of the new epoch which I have given you to any thesis of any religion.

Try to form your impressions, not through your external consciousness, but from the viewpoint of the greatest approach of your consciousness to the Divine Truth. And you should always know that there is nothing outside you that can harm you and your soul.

It is only your own defects and imperfections that draw you to this or that religion or belief. Therefore, before entering any religious organisation talk to yourself honestly and unbiasedly. What moves you, what makes you enter this teaching or sect?

Is it a desire to improve your health?

To improve your financial state?

An aspiration to realise yourself in this world?

A wish to help your neighbour?

The closer your motive is to the Divine, the more probable it is that the teaching which you are choosing for yourself to follow will highly correspond to the Divine Truth and the True Faith.

Do not forget that everything in this world draws to the like by vibrations. And you are drawn to exactly that belief and that religious movement which can give you the best teaching and the best exhortation at the given moment and at the given stage of the evolution of your soul.

None of the religions and the religious movements which you consider to be false would be able to exist if they were not backed up by the energy of people feeding these religions both with the spiritual energy and the material energy in the form of their money and offerings.

A wise man seeks God in the only place where He dwells – inside of his heart. A less wise person seeks wisdom outside himself, in the external religions and beliefs. And he gets his lessons on the Path.

The priests with the rank given by Melchizedek serve to the One and Indivisible God dwelling in the heart of every living creature.

I have given you a very important exhortation today. And, I think, it will be helpful for you as a guide-line in the sea of new religions, messengers and sects.

I AM Melchizedek.

For those of you who are ready to follow the Will of God I will be a much more caring nurse than you would ever be able to find in the physical plane

Beloved El Morya

May 5, 2005

I AM El Morya, having come to you through my messenger again.

The tension of the recent days will not delay in affecting the situation in the world. The currents of the space are tense. Do you feel this tension? You cannot help feeling it.

The reality around you, everything which seemed to you familiar before, seems unfamiliar and strange now. The change of the earthly vibrations is perceived by you as a lack of correspondence, as a disparity between you with your feelings and everything around you.

It seems as if everything is the same, but it is somehow amiss, not quite right. And there is no explanation of what is going on in the physical plane and in your consciousness. Your scientists try to explain the events on Earth with the help of their devices, which now give such unusual readings as have never occurred during the entire course of existence of the modern science.

Yes, beloved, when mankind clashes with the implementing of God’s Plans, it has no choice but to submit to the Will of God. The cycle of plunging into the matter has been going on too long and you have got used to the fact that the matter obediently realises your thoughts and wishes and obediently reflects them like a mirror. But now something has changed.

There are periods when mankind is allowed to experiment, but then the time comes and the situation changes. Neither you nor all your scientists are able to explain what is happening on the planet. There is something which in no ways submits to the will of the people. And if God has planned the change of cycles for planet Earth, this will be implemented independently of your wish.

The time has come to submit to the Will of God. There is the Law of this universe and this Law will be observed whether you wish it or not.

That is why I insistently recommend you to determine in your heart what in your life goes on in accordance with the Will of God for the given stage of the earthly evolution and what in your life is in conflict with the Will of God.

I realise that in your consciousness it is hard for you to differentiate your own wishes and aspirations from the Will of God for your lifestream. However, the urgent demand of the moment lies exactly in the differentiation and the outlining of the boundaries of what submits to your ego and what submits to the Divine Law inside of you. And the sooner you are able to understand this, the faster you will get rid of all that is not from God in you.

These processes of differentiation and recognising are so subtle and so unyielding to the earthly logic that you will have to face serious life trials in the near future, which will finally make you think about the separation of the real from the unreal within you.

Beloved, all the external manifestations of disharmony - any weather anomalies and catastrophes – all happen thanks to the incongruity of your consciousness with the Will of God. There is a vector in accordance with which planet Earth was prescribed to evolve. And there are vectors of your aspirations. And if the vectors of your aspirations do not coincide with the basic course of evolution prescribed for this planet, the vectors of your personal aspirations will be abruptly changed by the external forces.

And if you meet with extremely great counteraction in the outer world around you, think whether all your actions are performed in accordance with the Will of God.

However, there is a diametrically opposed tendency nowadays and it is strong enough. It is when your aspirations are completely in keeping with the Will of God and the vector of your aspirations is rightly directed, but you are surrounded by forces which do not wish to change and which understand sub-consciously and sometimes quite consciously that you represent a source of danger for them. You bring into this world the Divine Energy of change, the fresh wind of change.

Therefore, you will face resistance from the side of the forces which do not want any changes.

That is why I bring you back to the thought that it is necessary for you to make differentiations in your life constantly. Every minute and every second of your life on Earth you make a choice changing not only your future but the future of the whole planet.

When I offered you my sponsorship I did it with the purpose of enabling everything that acts correspondingly with the direction of the vector of the Divine evolution to evolve. And I will take all the measures available to me to protect you from the excessive resistance of the forces counteracting with the general course of evolution.

But if you asked for my sponsorship, wishing to derive personal benefit and to find personal success and prosperity, I would also take you under my control, but my help in this case would just contribute to your facing such inner and outer circumstances in your life which would make you think whether you really acted in harmony with the Will of God.

Only constant hard work and development but no rest, beloved.

You have come to this world to act, and you will act whether you want to or not.

It is impossible to deceive God, beloved, it is impossible to deceive me. I read in your hearts and I see your real motives and real aspirations.

And if you clash with insuperable barriers in life, first of all you need to differentiate whether these barriers are the consequence of the wrong direction of movement chosen by you and the wrong vector of your aspirations, or whether these barriers are the result of the resistance of the dark forces hindering you exactly because your aspirations are entirely congruent to the Will of God.

And if the barriers in your life are caused by the resistance of the dark forces, you make an appeal and ask for my help - and the insuperable barrier will be dissolved by the legions of the Light. This will happen as quickly as will be allowed by the outer circumstances and so naturally that you will forget in a while that this insuperable barrier faced you not long ago.

Those of you wishing to derive a personal benefit from my sponsorship will have to think over their motives and re-evaluate their consumer approach to the help of Heaven very soon.

Therefore, do not try, beloved, to make God play the game according to your rules.

The rules of the game were established once and forever at the moment of creation of the material universe. In accordance with these rules a cosmic moment has come now when you must give up any personal aspirations and everything inside of you which is not in harmony with the Will of God.

It is not an instantaneous process, of course, and this process will take much longer than the length of one of your earthly lives. But do always remember that the days of the chosen are shortened. And if you wish to end the cycle of existence of your ego and finally to part with it in this life, you will be rendered all the possible help of Heaven. But do not forget that in this case you choose the accelerated return of your karma, which can lead to serious complications in your life.

That is why this speeded path is impossible for most of you, because your karma is so hard that it is physically impossible to organise the return of it during one life because of the natural laws governing in the material world. I do not even say that your physical body simply will not bear such a forced return of the karma.

Today I have explained to you the criteria which I follow when giving you my help. And I have explained to you in detail what my help to you is in reality. First of all, I help your soul and the immortal part of you. I simply do not take into account your physical body and everything connected with a quiet and prosperous dwelling of your body in the physical world.

Your physical body must be in a working state, but only when you fulfil the Will of God and do not use your physical temple for receiving pleasures in this world.

Therefore, if someone meets no obstructions in his life and uses life only for pleasure, I’d rather think whether this person is alive and whether his inner person has left him and let him live out his days quietly. Does this person have a future? Maybe he is a dead man, living out his days in luxury thanks to the mercy of Heaven. After all, everybody receives according to the deserts and aspirations.

My talk could have seemed stern and impartial to you today. Well, my task is not to give compliments and fuss over those of you who do not wish to follow the Will of God and the Law of this universe. For those of you who are ready to follow the Will of God I will be a much more caring nurse than you would ever be able to find in the physical plane.

I AM El Morya Khan.

Your task is to separate yourselves from this world and let God reside in you

Lord Maitreya

May 6, 2005

I AM Maitreya, having come to you through this messenger.

I HAVE come to talk about the events which will unfold on Earth in the near future. It is not a secret that many of you pass through the initiations under my direct guidance. You may either realise it through your external consciousness or not. But I am the future Buddha and I am preparing you for the approaching epoch. You are warriors of Maitreya. I prepare you at the inner levels, and you pass through my initiations.

What is the difference between my demands to my disciples and the demands of the other Masters?

You know that most of the Masters give you initiations on certain rays and they are responsible for teaching you certain Divine qualities inherent in these rays.

My disciples have already finished the training on the seven basic rays and have passed most of the initiations on the secret rays.

I AM the Master who gives initiations on the secret rays.

I prepare my disciples for my presence in them. You have heard the prophecies and you know that the epoch of Maitreya is approaching. Everybody is waiting for the coming of Maitreya. And the time has come to give you the knowledge concerning my advent.

Together with my disciples I must prepare my future incarnation on Earth. I am not able to come to Earth, not having prepared my advent in advance.

I am paving the way for my coming through my disciples, through those who have prepared their temples for my presence in them. I can reside only in those of my disciples who have prepared their temples to such an extent that both their chakras of the seven basic rays and the chakras of the secret rays are open. I can stay in their temples. They are the people of the new race and they are coming to Earth already. These are my people, my disciples, who have been passing through initiations under my guidance during many thousands of years, my chosen and devoted ones.

I come through my disciples, through those who allow me to reside in their temples, and I pave the way to my incarnation on Earth.

I cannot come when you are not ready to accept me in your consciousness. Therefore, the only thing preventing my incarnation on Earth is the level of your consciousness.

That is why I gladly come to Earth through those who let me stay in their temples at least for a short time. I become familiar with the situation on Earth through their bodies.

Many years will pass before I am able to be fully incarnated on Earth and to appear before the people of Earth in all the glory of my might. The term of my incarnation and the term of my coming depend on each of you who are embodied now.

Until then I will come and stay among you in the bodies of my disciples.

There are cosmic terms, and the time of my advent is close already. It is close if judged by the cosmic measures, but it still far enough if judged by the earthly terms.

I will come when most of mankind living on Earth is able to accept my coming. But this will not happen until mankind gives up consciously its illusive part and gets rid of its ego, its animal, which dominates over it, which has taken hold of it and has been exploiting it for hundreds of thousands of years.

All of you must throw this beast off you. You must fight with the beast of your carnal mind and animal instincts. You must win. I will meet as triumphant warriors those of you who survive in the battle and who gain the victory over the illusive part of yourselves. I promise to meet each of you, my triumphant warriors, and to congratulate you on the victory won.

But until then you have time.

I have come to remind my warriors who they are in reality. Now many of you are at places that are improper for warriors. I have come to remind that the vibrations of the world around you swamp you like a marsh.

The danger here is that at first you yield just a little to the vibrations of the world around you. The amount of your energy drops a little. And you do not even notice this, but you are already beginning to slide down in your consciousness. And gradually the quagmire of the world’s consciousness swamps you down deeper and deeper. And already you cannot make a distinction between the Light and the dark, between good and evil and see clearly what in this world is hostile to you.

Everything that belongs to the world around you and that is recognised as prestigious in your world and serves as the object of lust and desire for millions of people, is just what you must give up.

But if it is difficult for you to give up the illusion surrounding you, while staying inside of it, act as venerable old men and yogis did at all times. Separate yourselves from your world as far as possible. Create communities and settlements cut off from the world around you. Let these communities be the tuning forks for your souls. A person, having tasted the Divine vibrations of full value, after staying in such a community of Spirit even for a very short time, will during one year be able to identify the hostile vibrations of the world around and get detached from them.

Your task is to separate yourselves from the vibrations of the world around as far as possible. And when you become strong enough and are able to withstand these negative vibrations of the world, you will be able to go into the world. And nothing outside you will manage to hurt you, because God Himself is inside of you.

When you are able to keep you aura and chakras pure for a long time, you become a vessel in which God resides. When you do not have any inner defects, there is nothing in this world that can harm you. You are one with God. Who will dare to oppose you?

If you do not have anything from this world inside of you, no matter who will try to do harm to you and no matter how, he will be unable to do it.

It is because you are pure and God is with you.

And the blows aimed at you will be repulsed by your aura and will throw down your enemies. And all the actions against you in the physical plane will turn against your enemies. But you will not even notice your enemies, because in fact you have no enemies. The individuals who experience hostile feelings towards you deserve only pity. They have developed such pride which makes them struggle against God.

Thus, your task is to separate yourselves from this world and let God reside in you.

And you do not have another task for this time, believe me.

I will come to your world only when the consciousness of the majority of mankind is ready for my advent and when mankind is waiting for me.

If I come before that time, none of you will recognise me, because your eyes will be unable to see me and your ears will be unable to hear me.

Therefore, prepare your temples for my presence, prepare your temples for the presence of the other Masters, and prepare your temples for the presence of God in you.

All is God. Everything that is not ready in its consciousness to submit to the law of this universe and to the Will of God, should know that there is not much time left for it to stay in this world. And this world will soon be transformed beyond recognition with the help of your efforts and thanks to your attainments.

I thank all the warriors of Lord Maitreya who are embodied now and who hear me at this moment.

I AM Maitreya.

I am patiently waiting for each of you to be ready to join the Hierarchy of Light and to be its vanguard exactly at that place where you are right now

Sanat Kumara

May 7, 2005

I AM Sanat Kumara, having come to you through my messenger again.

I HAVE come to talk of the ways of development of our movement and of the ways of development of the external part of the organisation which is known to you as the Hierarchy of Light or the Great White Brotherhood.

You are aware of the good orderliness of our actions, and you know about the hierarchic character of our structure.

When our chelas turn the conversation toward the democratic principles which should be established in our external organisations, we cannot help smiling.

Oh no, there is a strict subordination of the lowest to the highest. And this principle of subordination is never discussed. You may build up and develop any organisation based on democratic principles. But your organisation will have nothing to do with our Hierarchy.

Our organisations have always been based on the principle of complete subordination of all their members to the supreme Law of this universe. And the Law of this universe implies subordination of those standing at the lower stage of evolution to those at the higher ones.

It may seem to you that this assertion of my exhortation contradicts the earlier teaching given on the service of the highest to the lowest in this universe.

Beloved, this is an imaginary contradiction.

First you give up your ego of your own free will, take upon yourselves certain duties concerning your service, and only then are you given the necessary help. This help concerns your service, but not your expectations of what you are to get for your service. If your mind is distracted by thoughts of acquiring material values or power privileges during your service, you’d better hold aloof of our external organisations.

It is not worth playing with us within your rules. In the course of time all such players understand all the burden of the karma which they create by playing at being messengers and playing at giving service to the Hierarchy and to God.

Those who are sincere and disinterested in their service are helped and supported by us in all of their undertakings and aspirations which correspond to the Will of God.

A person aspiring to receive personal privileges will be placed within severe conditions where he will have to make a final choice whom to serve - whether he intends to serve God or to continue service to his ego.

What you are watching now in the organisations that have proclaimed themselves as our external organisations is the process of separating the grain from the weeds, both inside the organisations and in the hearts of the individuals representing them.

If you wish to make God play within your rules, well, you will be granted a complete illusion that you have managed to do it. You will obtain a full external effect proving to yourself and to the people around you that you have gained many attainments on the path. But there is a great difference between the external attainments and the inner ones. No matter which ranks you appropriate, in what clothes you dress, with what knick-knacks you decorate yourselves and your places of worshipping the golden calf, this will in no way be reflected in the level of your merits, while true Christ, barefoot and dressed in simple rags, will have his merits hidden from the eyes of an ignoramus but visible to those whose eyes are open and whose ears are ready to hear the Truth.

Try never to seek external and effective confirmations of the rightness of our teachings. I will tell you more. The level of human consciousness today is such that, in your opinion, the places of concentration of big masses of believers and great riches represent the irrefutable evidence of the rightness of the given religion or belief and of the support given to it by God himself, yet in reality the Divine Truth is least manifested there and the Divine aspect is least present.

Christ discloses himself in a quiet conversation, among few and sincere disciples.

Crowds of people gather either to gaze at the messiah or to crucify him. And for the majority of people it does not matter much whether they gaze at the real messiah Christ or at a famous pop-star.

It is very sad to watch human individuals subjected to mass consciousness. The consciousness of the majority of people is so remote from the Divine that it is better for you to remain aloof from human mobs.

In my heart I give birth to a plan for the New Age. I see beautiful flowers blossoming in the hearts of our chelas who have reached the level of consciousness of Christ. I see these flowers opening here and there on the planet.

Every such Christ-like being can and must become an initial crystal-bud surrounded by more and more new co-workers. And as a result a beautiful crystal will manifest itself in the physical plane, which will become the community of the Holy Spirit, formed by our devotees who have no other aim but to serve God and the Brotherhood.

You may build up your communities on external democratic principles. But let Christ always hold the supremacy in your communities and in your administration.

A new stage of cooperation has come, and Christ-like beings must unite in the physical plane, first within small organisations and groups which will serve as the buds, matrices, and prototypes of the future structure of the society.

You cannot change the consciousness of all the governments of the world and of all the people on Earth. But you can change your own consciousness to such an extent that it will enable you to unite with similar Christ-like ones in the communities of the Holy Spirit.

I tell you that this task is coming to the fore now. Do sow within your heart a plan of an organisation, formed not by millions, not by thousands, but by a few Christ-like beings who have submitted all their life to the implementing of the Will of God and to the implementing of the plans of the Hierarchy for the physical octave.

Every such Christ-like being will have an inner contact with the Brotherhood. And in your external activities you will be able to be guided by those principles and exhortations which you will be given during meditations and inner communion with us.

Believe me, that it is only your ego and the insufficient purity of your four lower bodies, aura and chakras that prevent you from implementing our plans for the present moment.

You can change your environment in accordance with the Divine pattern. But for this you must change yourselves and tune into the Brotherhood.

Inside of yourself you should have a tuning-fork - a true sound, harmonious with your Higher Self and with God within you. Due to this true note you will be able to find co-workers in the physical plane, to comprehend the Divine plan for the current moment and to start acting, giving the world around you the right example for imitating and following the correct course.

You must start. Do not wait for a command from outside. All the instructions and commands for what you should do and in which way to perform it will come to you from within - from your heart.

You just start acting and believe that all the Ascended Hosts will help you to realise your plans.

We are beginning a new stage of our movement. And it starts exactly where you are now and at that very moment when you pronounce in your hearts:

”I am ready, Lord. Take me, Lord, take my knowledge, and take my abilities. Make use of me, Lord, to implement Your plans. Here I AM, Lord. I surrender to Your Will and Your Law. There is no longer anything in me which is not from God. There is nothing separating us. We are united.”

You will make mistakes and fall down, but you must go on moving. And the success of your advancement to the Truth will correspond to the purity and sincerity of your motive.

You are lonely only until you feel your unity with God within you; and through this unity you become united with everybody whose vibrations are in keeping with yours.

Yes, beloved, you are few in number, but there are enough of you embodied now to start acting and to create the communities of the Holy Spirit right in the places where you are at this moment.

I am sending out this impulse of integration to you from my heart.

And I am patiently waiting for each of you to be ready to join the Hierarchy of Light and to become its vanguard exactly at that place where you are now.

I AM Sanat Kumara.

We come to awaken your Divinity

Beloved Kuthumi

May 8, 2005

I AM Kuthumi, having come to you through this messenger again.

I HAVE come to give you some clarification relating to the teaching I gave a few days ago. [17]

This is the Teaching of twin flames.

Many of you did not expect to hear such an interpretation of this Teaching in the form which I gave.

However, sooner or later your conception of yourselves and of your soul should be broadened.

In reality you are absolutely different from that image of yourselves which you have created in your external consciousness. And your might is unlimited.

The potential to be God is laid within you, within each of you.

As a matter of fact, you are Gods. And your task is to master your Divinity little by little, to let the Divinity enter your external consciousness.

Do believe that you are not people going to play the parts of Gods, you are Gods who have come provisionally to play the parts of people.

And your Divinity is hidden from your external consciousness, and your abilities are slumbering within you until you fulfil your task in this world entirely.

Millions of years ago the seeds of your souls sowed the planets that were appearing at that time. Your immortal particle, your monad has passed in its evolution all the stages and all the levels of development of the material universe.

You were a stone, you were a plant, you were an insect, you were a representative of the lower animal world and you were the higher animals. You have passed all these stages of evolution. You have passed them not only on this planet, but on other planets as well.

All this took milliards of terrestrial years.

The particle of God, constituting your basis, was gradually being enriched with the experience of your entire existence in the material universe.

It looks as if you have come to work at a plant in a large company. You know that you are to become the director of this plant in due course. But in order to be a good leader you have decided to pass all the stages and steps of the career ladder beginning from that of a basic worker, through that of a leader of the lower and medium levels, to that of the president.

When passing through all the stages of your work at the plant you acquire grains of knowledge and experience shared with you by the people who have already gained work experience and mastered all the skills of their profession.

Imagine that you have come to the designers’ department, and the leader of this department spends many hours with you, teaching you all the nice points of the designer’s work and the skills which he has been mastering during long years of his work in his position.

To draw an analogy with your being in the position of the people on Earth, at a certain stage of your evolution you receive an inner mentor which is your Christ Self and belongs to the higher beings that have already passed the human stage of evolution many million years ago. And this highly evolved being grants you his particle which becomes your mentor and your closest and best friend.

At the same time you are endowed with reason, which differentiates man from animals and is your tempter rightfully. It is so, because after being endowed with reason and with free will, man can use his reason both to maintain his life in the physical world and to advance on the path of evolution and perfection of his self in God.

Your reason is the very thing that sets you apart from animals and at the same time, in accordance with your free will, allows you to use it exactly to get merely animal pleasures of life and to surround yourselves with all the pleasures of the physical world which can come to your mind.

To return to the analogy of your work on probation in the designers’ department, you start using the knowledge you have gained in the sphere of design and wish to design something that will enable you to create a machine which will fulfil all your wishes. And imagine that you start designing this machine and begin to use all the resources of the whole designers’ department and finally the power of the whole plant for that.

Sooner or later your actions will be cut short because your activity does not correspond to the purpose for which this plant was built.

And you will have either to submit to the purpose for which you were invited to work or to leave the precincts of the company where you have started your work.

Exactly in the same way you are faced with the task of the current stage of your evolution - either to give up satisfying your irrepressible wishes in the physical world and concentrate on the task for which your immortal particle has come to this world in order to pass the necessary probation, or you will have to leave the precincts of this world. Your interests have come into conflict with the plan for this universe, and you must be stopped.

The difference is that there is no other plant in this universe where you can find a job.

You were given your mind at a certain stage of evolution, and your task during all this enormous historical period of development of humanity has been to master your mind and to place its mere carnal and animal inclinations under the command of the Divine guidance.

The time has come when you must give up the carnal part of your mind and completely submit yourselves to the Divine reason. Both are present in you. You are only to differentiate one from another in your consciousness and give up of your own will everything that can obstruct you at the next stage of evolution when you are to pass from animal-man to God-man.

At this stage you will need your friend and mentor, your Christ-Self, who is patiently waiting for you to pay attention to him finally and to be able to start studying under his immediate guidance.

It is high time you should part with your children’s toys filling your material world and fix your eyes on the real world.

Your Christ Self is exactly that part of you with which you must unite in your consciousness in the near future. This is your authentic twin flame, the bridegroom of your soul.

You see how simple everything is, beloved.

The Teaching of God is a very simple teaching in fact. And all the difficulty of comprehension of this Teaching is in your duty to absorb by your external mind the things that do not belong to your world. You can do it only by using your Divine abilities which are present in you but are slumbering in most of mankind.

We come to awake your dormant abilities. We come to awake your Divinity.

The time has come for you to submit yourselves freely to the Higher Reason, manifesting the Higher Will within you.

I have been glad to give you this additional clarification concerning the current stage of the evolution of your soul.

I AM Kuthumi, and I AM always with you on your Path.

The plan of God for Russia is the creation of the Community of the Holy Spirit

Nicholas Roerich

May 9, 2005

I AM Nicholas Roerich, having come to you through this messenger today.

I have come on this significant day when not only Russia but the whole world celebrates the victory in the Second World War.

I wish to give you my vision of the events which you witnessed in the last century.

I want to share with you my view on these events which I got after my ascension. Some of the thoughts I advance today will probably seem to you to go against the thoughts which I expressed during my incarnation or the thoughts which you gleaned from the dictations of the Masters given through other messengers.

I will try to bear the fruit of my reflections about Russia to you. Judge for yourselves whether to take my thoughts as a basis of your activity or to ignore them.

You know that I loved Russia very much and most of my life suffered deeply when I was not able to be present physically in the territory of this country.

If the mission which we undertook in the 1920s on behalf of the Masters had succeeded, the whole course of the history of Russia and the whole course of the history of the world could have been different. I talk about the mission of delivery of the sacred casket and the message of the Mahatmas to the government of Soviet Russia of that time.

Our mission failed, and the attempt of the forces of Light to affect the situation in Russia was postponed for an uncertain time. A new attempt was prevented by my death. You know that after the victory gained in that horrible war I was striving to arrive to Russia with all my heart.

I would like to bear my reflections about the situation in Russia, based not on the external events, but on the inner ones which stood behind everything that happened in Russia during the last century - the revolution, the execution of the Tsar’s family, the civil war, the Great Patriotic War, the new revolution and the power of the elite which has been established now.

Only two forces stand behind all these events. Two forces, the interaction of which, not having been harmonised, result in appalling shocks and the loss of millions of human lives.

One force is multiplying the illusion; the other force is directed onto the contracting of the illusion.

You can call these forces the force for Good and the force for evil, but this will not be fully correct, because the ideas of the Good and of the Common Wealth, if they fall under the power of the forces creating the illusion, turn into their complete antithesis. But the ideas of the evil, if they fall under the influence of the light forces, turn into their complete antithesis as well.

You know that the world is set in motion by ideas, and the ideas are realised in the world through people.

Therefore, no matter what the idea is, it will not be realised if it has no promoters. And if the idea is good, but its promoters are rotten to the core, rotten in their consciousness, this idea will be so greatly distorted that it will turn into its complete antithesis and you will not recognise it.

But the energy comes to this world only through people. Energy, the Divine Energy comes to this world through the hearts of people. Therefore, you decide yourselves where to direct your energy.

You know that we supported those transformations which began in Russia after the revolution. Many people see contradictions in this. Let me attempt to clarify this point.

The conception of a Community, the Community of the Holy Spirit as the most correct and just form of managing society, was always supported by me. You can read about that in the Agni-Yoga books.

However, if the conception of a Community is realised by the people who have fallen under the influence of the dark forces, nothing good will come out of such a realisation. That is why we were putting our trust in intelligentsia, in those people who were able to change their consciousness and thus influence the course of history, not taking part in the government directly, but acting obliquely through art, science, education and the public health services.

We saw it could be done. But those people who took advantage of the conception of a community in order to seize upon the power and make use of the fruit of this power, did their best to flood all the spheres of social life with correct but absolutely lifeless slogans, because the most important thing that had to be laid in the foundation of any community – the connection with the Hierarchy and the Divine service – was discarded.

Therefore, we were observing a scary monster which existed in Russia during the whole 20th century. A snake with a lion’s snout. Even now we are observing the bestial grin of this monster.

And the hands go down and there is no understanding of the further path in the consciousness of the mostly progressive part of the society.

Russia has come to a standstill. It seems that the time has stopped. Nothing changes. It would have changed, but the people do not know in which direction to move.

What is happening now is a wild outburst of the forces contributing to the illusion. But you know that in accordance with the Divine Plan these forces already do not have much time to be in power. Therefore, they got into a fury in the end. Here they are bearing malice, having lost all shame and cast away all morals.

Russia is going through a great trial. You know that God loves Russia and God sends the heaviest trials to his much-loved, because it is in the trials that we grow and in the trials that our Spirit gets stronger. But those who are weeping and whimpering and saying that Russia has been done for have simply fallen under the influence of the illusory forces.

Your Spirit, your Divinity, and God inside of you – these are the things you must pay attention to.

You are really giants of Spirit, and those colossi on clay legs which surround you and rule in Russia now will break down and fall to pieces as soon as the bogatyrs [18] move their shoulders.

The Plan of God for Russia is the creation of a Community of the Holy Spirit based on the principles of Divinity, the Divine freedom, democracy and care about every member of the community.

And this Community will not be proclaimed from above and will not be established in the course of the next coup d’etat or revolution. The Divine Path is a path of slow but sure changes in the consciousness of people. But the changes in human consciousness, if they embrace a significant percent of the population of the country, are capable of leading to a perfect Divine miracle.

The most perfect form of government will not hold its ground if it is not echoed in the consciousness and hearts of people.

Therefore, your foremost task is the creation of communities of the Holy Spirit everywhere, in every town and every village.

Gather together. Read the book “Community”. Read the Agni-Yoga books. They were given to you.

Meditate upon those principles which should be laid in the foundation of the Community.

Bear this image to the world through the Internet, through the education of children.

You must impregnate the whole country with the conception of a new government, with the idea of Common Wealth and Good.

I tell you that all the Heavenly Hosts are waiting for your actions so as to render you all the possible help.

There is nothing new in the conception of the Community. One small thing is lacking. You simply need to organise a Community right in the place where you are now. Begin this work, beloved.

Think, why has the conception of a Community always caused such resistance in the whole world? Why can the conception of a Community not take root in any of the countries of the world? Because it is a new way of governing which must change the existing way of governing. Those who are in power now understand very well that together with the Community the end to their manipulations, their financial control and management will come. They can govern only if their power is based on the lower animal instincts of people. And there is nothing they can oppose to the Divine man who is supported by all the Heaven.

Think over how to give knowledge to the new generation and how to create Communities of the Holy Spirit. Your most important task for the near future is unification: the unification of all the Light bearers, not on the principle of fight against evil, but on the principles of love, help, mercy, and compassion.

And even when you are lonely and there is nobody around you with whom you can unite into a Community, do know that you already represent by yourself such a Community of the Holy Spirit if you build your life and all the mutual relationships with the people around you on the principles of Common Wealth, Good, and Love. And all the Ascended Hosts will come where you are to protect your path.

The Community, the Wealth and the Good are born from your heart. Your task is simply to open your hearts and to let the Divinity in.

Eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. [19]

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

I AM Nicholas Roerich

I appoint you to be on duty on planet Earth

Beloved Surya

May 10, 2005

I AM Surya, having come to you from the Great Central Sun through this messenger of God.

Since the time when we began the work on transmitting our messages through this messenger you have been able to know the latest news and the pieces of information of that category of data with which we considered it necessary to acquaint you.

We will continue our work in the future. Follow the dictations. Try to comprehend not only the content lying on the surface, but attempt to read between the lines.

Any authentic message from Heaven is characterised, first of all, by its multi-level nature and by having the second, the third and the fourth meaning. Yes, beloved, despite their apparent simplicity of statement, these messages contain information which will pass by your external consciousness and will make the deepest layers of your souls awaken. And one of our main tasks is just to arouse your slumbering Divine abilities so as to enable you to step beyond your physical world and to know another world, the Divine world, which has always existed next to you, but which you preferred not to notice or to pretend it does not exist.

It was easier for you to lapse into the illusion of your world, to play your parts and enjoy your toys.

You are able to perceive only what you want to perceive and what you can tolerate with your consciousness of your free will. The higher worlds are not appreciable for your physical senses. You cannot feel, see or hear them. And in order to begin your communication with the world of the Divine you should refine your physical senses to such an extent that they will become sensitive to the higher vibrations. It is as if the range of your sensitivity is enlarging and you start perceiving the higher world.

You start to perceive odours, faint aromas of some unknown source which you do not have around you. You see beautiful colours, iridescent and swirling in front of your inner sight, you see sparkles and other luminous effects. You begin to hear the music of the spheres; you hear the sounds of our world.

But the most important thing to which you should aspire with all your being is the sense of Divinity. This is an unsurpassed delight caused by the contiguity with our world. It is an absolutely reverential feeling which can be compared only with the feeling you have when seeing the object of your first love, your first beloved. And this feeling is so elevated that you are afraid to scare it away even with your breath or any awkward movement.

Your world is filled with very low vibrations. And it is very difficult to tune into the Divine harmony amidst the confusion of your world. That is why we really recommend you to spend as much time as possible in nature and in silence. The rustlings of grasses, the twittering of birds, even the buzzing of insects are the sounds mostly close to our world.

Learn to listen to the voices of nature, learn to contemplate nature, to pass it through yourself. Learn to pass through your consciousness the pictures of nature that surround you.

When you happen to be in silence on the bank of the river or on the sea shore, in the forest or in the field, you are really in the Temple of God. And you should feel an utterly Divine quivering before the care of God about you. He has built the most perfect Temples for you.

Your staying in nature should be akin to visiting a temple. Thank God for every minute of silence when you are staying in His Temple and feeling a reverential quivering, because the higher world cannot approach you when you are in towns and even in small settlements. Only in nature, where there are no traces of the so-called civilization, can you come into contact with the higher vibrations of our world.

But for many people the vibrations of our world are unbearable. That is why, when they happen to be in nature, they again attempt to deafen themselves with rock-music or a cigarette, with alcohol or the smell of fire-roasted meat. Isn’t this picture of a widespread pastime in nature known to you?

Beloved, the whole point is the dissimilarity of vibrations. Many people have tied themselves really tightly to the low vibrations of the physical and the astral planes so that any time they happen to be in nature the silence becomes a real torture for them.

Therefore, if you aspire to communicate with God and if you strive to come in contact with our world, try to find a chance and time to go out into nature at least once a week and to meditate on the sun, on the rustling of the breeze, on the scent of the wild flowers.

And among this natural scenery and these sounds it will be much easier for you to perceive the vibrations of our world.

It is time to return to your natural way of life provided for you by God.

You can obliquely judge the level of your spiritual merits by the harmony which you feel while staying one-to-one with yourself and nature for hours. I dare to assure you that a person tied down to the astral and the physical planes can hardly endure even five minutes of sitting still and contemplating the pictures of nature.

Only the souls of people who are ready to communicate with the Divine world can find conciliation and feel bliss in such a personal contact with nature.

Your cities represent accumulations of such amounts of the dark forces that we marvel how you are able to weather these sewers of mass consciousness of this so-called modern civilization.

The sprouts of a new consciousness should pave their way in the silence of nature. In the course of time a new civilization with come to replace the existing one. It will differ from the existing civilization by its harmony of interrelations between man and nature.

And believe me, all the severe climatic conditions and all the extreme weather conditions are just the consequences of your imperfect consciousness.

Do alter your consciousness - I mean the consciousness of humanity as a whole - and the living conditions in your world will change too. And those nature spirits who are now perishing in thousands and literally go mad because of your civilization will soon establish the Divine Order on Earth.

The Earth will turn into a planet with such a soft climate and with such perfect living conditions that you will not have to waste so much effort and energy to heat your dwellings.

Look around yourselves. It is you and only you who are responsible for the imperfection of your world. It is you and only you who may be blamed for all the hurricanes, natural calamities, tsunamis and extreme weather conditions. These are the fruits of your hands and your consciousness.

And do not expect the Ascended Hosts to descend and to establish order in your homes. No, beloved, it is your planet, your native home, and you must put it in order by yourselves.

The time has come to clear your consciousness of the debris which has accumulated there during millions of years of your staying in embodiment on planet Earth. Now you must clean your mind and swab your home, your planet Earth.

You are liable for cleaning your planet. I appoint you to be on duty on planet Earth.

I AM Surya.

A Teaching on true and false messengers

Sanat Kumara

May 11, 2005

I AM Sanat Kumara, having come to you through my messenger again.

I have come again to testify to the fact that you are living at a blessed time. You understand that every time we come to give a dictation we do it with a certain intention. The purpose of my dictation today is to support the impetus of energy exchange which has been obtained between the octaves.

You understand that, apart from bearing the informational and energetic components, these dictations also serve the function of energy exchange between the octaves. Our aim is to obtain a point of Light located between the worlds. Such a point is of unconditional importance for us. With its help we can establish our presence in your world and provide an embodied messenger with an opportunity to reach our octaves. And whatever one person has the strength to do will sooner or later be mastered by everybody.

We expect you to become able to stay in the point between the worlds. Dwelling in the point between the worlds – this is the state which you should reach either during this embodiment or during one of your future embodiments.

The duties of a messenger do not mean a post demanding respect and worship. The duties and the mantle of a messenger mean only an opportunity to serve more efficiently in the name of God.

The mantle of a messenger allows the space vibrations to change, and we obtain an opportunity to be present and to give our messages at the point where the worlds join each other.

Think over the opportunity for each of you to develop into such a point. In fact, it is just a question of your choice, your wish and your aspiration.

To deserve the mantle of a messenger you will have to sacrifice much. You will have to give up everything that ties you down to this world. And if some of you wish to choose the path of apostleship [20], I will gladly teach you either directly in person or through this messenger.

It is time to part with the usual myth inherent in your world that a messenger is an exceptional person. There are certain limitations, connected with your karmic past, which can block your path to becoming our messenger, but they cannot prevent you from offering your service in a more limited way which can be very close to the service of a messenger.

Today I would like to give you some explanation of the question concerning the subject widely discussed in your world. It is a question of the false apostleship, false teachers and the false path.

And today I am determined to clear up this question for you definitively. The question of apostleship, like any other question concerning your world, contains the same duality which is inherent in your world.

Therefore, in reality there are messengers who represent the Forces of Light, the Hierarchy of the Light Forces. And there are messengers, who say that they represent the Hierarchy of the Light Forces, but at best they represent just themselves, and at worst they have really given themselves up to the disposal of those forces which can be called the forces of the dark. I prefer to call the latter the forces multiplying the illusion, i.e. the forces which at a given moment oppose themselves to the Divine plan for the given stage of evolution in this universe.

What is the difference between the true and the false messengers? What should you be guided by when making a choice? This question is a very serious one, because exactly your choice of a messenger to follow determines the side on which you will find yourself at the moment of separating the weeds from the wheat. You may make it appear that you do not need to make any choice and give preference to any messenger, that you trust only God who is present within you and your Christ Self. And this will be a right stand on condition that you really have a link with God or with your Christ Self inside of you.

Nevertheless, the majority of people do not have such a link and, consequently, they have to be more or less guided by the information which comes to them from outside, from the people who declared themselves as our messengers or teachers.

What is the criterion and where is the difference?

First of all, a true messenger will never force you to follow or not to follow him. The task of a messenger is just to deliver the information to the physical plane and to help people orientate themselves in the sea of various religious movements and teachings.

He needs neither your support nor for you to be his followers. You yourself make a decision of your free will whether or not to be guided in life by the information which comes to you through this messenger. Such qualities as disinterestedness and absence of the desire to make a name and become famous are obligatory. The only task which a messenger should carry out and which we welcome is to spread the Teaching as wide as possible by all available means.

If we examine the category of messengers who have devoted themselves to service to the forces opposed to us, here you will see the exact opposite; they strive to be surrounded by followers and disciples and to use the latter in order to multiply power, control and wealth in the physical world. Since the forces opposed to us do not have their own source of energy (they preferred to be torn off the only source of energy in this universe – the Divine Energy), they need your energy in the shape of your recognition and worship, your gifts and your tithe to support their existence. Such people will use all their influence to prevent you from receiving access to communication with the Forces of Light on your own. But they are not able to teach you such a communication, because they do not possess this communication themselves. All they can do is to attach you to their egregore, formed by the energy of their followers, who grant their energy to these false messengers and false teachers.

It will not be easy for you to differentiate because everything looks alike on the surface. You hear the right words. You see the correct actions. You can even experience a state of religious ecstasy. But your spiritual advance is impossible under the guidance of false teachers. At best you will mark time, at worst you can lose all the impetus of your merits.

Beloved, if you have chosen a true teacher and listen to the words coming to you through our messenger, the result, the fruit, the consequence of your correct choice will tell on you not in tens of years and not in your next life, you will already feel an inner change within the next several months.

Yes, there may be trials and you may fall back, as well as there may be conflicts and disagreement with your ego and with the false part of yourselves. And these disputes, these trials and this conflict may be rather painful. But you must understand that in the absence of such a conflict your false part will not be able to leave you and you will not manage to gain victory over it if you constantly pander to your ego and your wishes.

Sometimes it is necessary to make a cut in order to let out the pus, and this can be painful and very unpleasant.

But if you do not get rid of the pus in your organism, the inflammatory process can seize the whole organism and bring it to death.

In your dual world it is not always that unpleasant things are harmful and things which provide pleasure are useful.

That is why, beloved, the gift of making distinctions is the quality which you must beg to be granted to you as a mercy in the first place.

I have to touch upon another important moment. A messenger is a human who stands on the peak of a mountain. And all the lightning and hurricanes strike him in the first instance.

Therefore, there are very few people in your world who can hold their ground on the peak of the Divine consciousness. And many people who had passed our tests and deserved their mantles of messengers were not able to hold their consciousness at the proper level and were subsequently deprived of our mantles.

Therefore, beloved, I completely understand your obstacles connected with the duality of your world and sometimes with the impossibility to obtain a true idea of these or those people, events or things.

I can assure you that your higher Self always knows the Truth. That is why you should trust only your Higher Self, but not the external impressions, words and even deeds performed by these or those people who have declared themselves as our messengers or your teachers.

False teachers and false messengers feed on your energy. Everything they can teach you is to cultivate your ego. Unfortunately, a person with a rather big ego is able to distinguish neither our vibrations nor our true messengers. But we know that sooner or later trials and situations of life will bring him to our messengers. And after all the ordeals which will fall to his lot he will be grateful to be granted an opportunity just to sit at the feet of a Guru and to listen to the words of the Truth. And his heart, hardened through suffering, will be deceived neither by the appearance of the Guru nor by the fact that the Guru is not recognised by the powers that be.

Beg for the gift of making distinctions, and you will obtain what you ask for.

I AM Sanat Kumara.

A Teaching on the energy of the Divine Mother

Beloved Paul the Venetian

May 12, 2005

I AM Paul the Venetian, having come to you.

I AM the Chohan [21] of the Third Ray, the Ray of Love. You can hardly find so many distortions on the other rays as we meet on the Ray of Love on earth. And it is quite explainable. If all the rest of the God-qualities were distorted by the dual state of the world, but only the quality of Divine Love were preserved in its primordial shape, the whole world would have another appearance. Love, the quality of Love, true Love, Divine Love – is catastrophically lacking in your world now.

I have come to affirm Love. I have come to impart Love to you.

The worlds are created by Love, and the worlds collapse due to the lack of the quality of Love. It is time you should think about Love and its manifestations in your life in real earnest.

In reality the heart chakra which passes the energies of Love into your physical world is completely blocked in the majority of people. Therefore, you are short of Love and you try to compensate for its shortage by strange practices stimulating a pure physiological instinct. Trust me that the majority of distortions of the Divine Energy in your world are connected exactly with the misuse of the energy of the Divine Mother or, in other words, your sexual energy.

God endowed you with the Sacred Fire, the Flame of the Sacred Fire, which makes you similar to Gods. And believe me, this flame and this energy were given to you not for your pleasure. The more thoughtlessly you use your Sacred Fire, the more karma you create. Your mass media and your stereotypes of behaviour in your society, even your way of behaving and dressing stimulate the misuse of your sexual energy.

In the course of time you will be able to understand the authentic intention of the Sacred Fire granted to you by God.

But now you ought to understand that every time you use this gift not in accordance with the Divine intention you create karma. You create karma as you waste the Divine Energy for receiving shallow and purely animal pleasures. However, animals act much more reasonably than you in this respect. Their use of sexual energy happens at least in the framework of yearly cycles at an appropriate season of the year.

During an act of sexual intercourse a gigantic amount of the Divine Energy is released. This release of the Divine Energy can be compared with a flash of a hypernova star. And you know that your energy flows exactly in the same direction as your attention. And if at the moment of release of the Divine Energy you think of receiving pleasure for yourself and your partner, you use your sexual energy wrongly. Many of you will find my words impossible to absorb into your consciousness. I am absolutely aware that my words will sound strange to many of you. But I must inform you about the very elementary bases of the Divine Ethics which are known even to animals but have been forgotten by mankind for some reasons.

Everything in this world belongs to God. And you are particles of God. Therefore, everything you do, all your actions must conform to the Divine Law and take place within the framework of this Law. If you do something against the Will of God, you violate the Law of this universe and create karma.

Thus, no matter how strange my instructions and recommendations seem to you, please simply listen to them from the beginning.

Before an act of sexual intercourse, please, bring your actions into line with the Will of God. You must be in lawful wedlock with your sexual partner. You must never have homosexual intercourse or sexual intercourse with accidental partners.

Why is it so necessary to be in lawful wedlock with a constant partner?

The point is that during the performing of your matrimonial duty a direct exchange of energy between your partner and you takes place. Communicating with people, you constantly exchange energies, but your energy exchange during sexual intercourse is multiplied greatly. In fact, you exchange all your energies – both good and bad ones. You take upon yourselves the karma of each other and you share your merits with your sexual partners. And if you are in lawful wedlock, then during your mutual life you have an opportunity to work out not only your own karma, but also the karma of your spouse, if the latter outbalances yours.

Now imagine that you are engaged in sexual intercourse with many partners. And imagine that the percent of the karma they have worked out is much less than yours. And their karmic loads can be much heavier than yours. They might have come to this world to work out their karma of a murder, of a betrayal or of some other dire kinds of karma. And when you absolutely thoughtlessly have sexual intercourse with them, you take upon yourself a part of their karma. And if at the same time you are in lawful wedlock, you take this karma upon your family. And how can you be shocked when all your life problems crop up after that?

Sexual energy has the same nature as the energy used for creation in your world. And when you waste your sexual potential for pleasure, you deprive yourself of creative energy and limit your evolution. In reality, such an abuse of the sexual energy results in the absolute incapability of the majority of people for the higher creative activity because they are too devastated when they approach maturity. They are simply incapable of becoming co-creators with God and of performing any creative work in your world.

The purpose of my dictation today is to raise a very important question before you. I am doing it as openly and as frankly as possible, because I repeat again that it is exactly through the abuse of the energy of the Divine Mother that the greatest part of the energy is distorted by mankind.

Every act of intercourse within wedlock should be performed in the name of God. Pray to God and dedicate the Sacred Fire released during your sexual intercourse, to God. Remember that your energy flows exactly in the same direction as your attention. And if you dedicate the release of your Sacred Fire to God, you will direct all the freed energy into the higher spheres of Light. And this energy will return to you afterwards as blessings for you and your children.

Try to use the Energy of the Divine Mother only for the aim of conceiving children. If at first it is difficult for you to be confined to such limitations, try to cut down the number of your acts of intercourse to once or twice a week.

Do not forget to direct all the released energy to God at least in an unspoken wish. Ask God to use this energy for blessing you, your children and your whole family.

Always remember that all your actions in the physical plane can be used both for the good and for the evil. Every minute and every second of your life in the physical world you receive the Divine Energy and you either direct it for the creation of the illusion - when it forms a sediment in this world and multiplies the illusion - or you send it towards the Divine world, creating a good karma and multiplying your treasures and merits in Heaven.

The use of your sexual energy should be the corner-stone of your life.

I would like you to thoroughly familiarize yourselves with my lecture today and to try to apply all my recommendations in your life.

I AM Paul the Venetian.

Lay bare your hearts to the boundless mercy of Heaven

Beloved Helios

May 13, 2005

I AM Helios. I send you my greetings from the Sun of our solar system!

I have come to give you a small teaching on the nature of the sun. You see the sun every day, and it seems to you so natural to watch the sunrise and the sunset that you do not pay any attention to them.

However, the Sun is just that centre in our solar system without which life would be unable to exist on any of the solar system planets, both visible and invisible to the naked eye. Therefore, a great responsibility lies with me, as I am the Being inspiring our sun by my presence.

As your scientists have proved, all processes which occur on the physical sun and influence the events on planet Earth are the consequences of the processes taking place in the higher world.

Your sun is a star inhabited by very reasonable and highly-evolved beings. Therefore, all the processes which take place in our solar system are under our absolute control. No matter how much your scientists will prove that life cannot exist in such high temperatures, I am here, I exist and I render my help and sponsorship to every planet of the solar system including your Earth.

Your planet is undergoing changes and in the near future – in cosmic measures indeed – you will countenance serious changes on your planet. This will affect all living creatures inhabiting planet Earth. The sun, its radiation, its magnetic and gravitational fields, as well as its thinner fields which your scientists are not able to fix, will play not a secondary role in the transformations expected on earth.

Do not be afraid of the forthcoming changes on earth. These changes will take place during many thousand of years, during lots of your embodiments. And these changes will make your technocratic civilization sink into oblivion in the life of new generations and new races. The correction of the future of earth has already begun, and we have managed to evade the destruction of the planet. That’s why all the changes expected in the future will be of a planned character. The Earth will gradually become clear of the consequences of the influence of your civilization and will take on a more natural appearance with a milder climate, and the very existence on the planet will become safer and more pleasant.

All this will happen in the near future according to the cosmic measures. And all these changes will take place through the change of your consciousness, through your minds and hearts.

But your consciousness changes under the influence of many factors, among which the main factor is your sun and the processes occurring on it both in the physical and in the higher planes.

Even the receiving of these dictations is realized with the help of the sun’s energy, on condition of my immediate participation and in my presence during the transmission of every dictation. Yes, beloved, the transmission of our messages is realized on condition of using the sun’s energy which helps to intensify the transmitted information.

In exactly the same way as the sun shines for everybody without exception, the dictations which we have been giving every day for the third month already are given to everybody without limitations.

And in exactly the same way as the sun exerts a beneficial influence upon some people and a destructive influence upon others, the influence of these dictations is just identical.

There are people who find perfect life-giving nectar of the Divine Energy in these dictations. They are ready to absorb this nectar every day and cannot be sated. And there are people who feel a very negative inner state under the influence of the energies contained in the dictations. They take critical, condemning and even spiteful positions.

Such is the quality of the Divine Energy, beloved - it speeds up the inner processes which take place within you. And if you aspire to the Light and the Sun, to the Good and God with all your heart and being, the additional Divine Energy will speed up your high aspirations and you will receive an unprecedented impulse for your growth and evolution. But if some hurtful energies of envy, condemnation, egoism, hatred (are there few negative feelings on earth?) have settled within you, the Divine Energy will just intensify all your negative qualities. And then everything that was hidden earlier under the external decent mask of showy piety will not be able to hide any longer and will come to light.

Your negative feelings and thoughts will be manifested through your actions, words, through everything you do.

First of all it should be a signal for you to analyse whether everything is all right within you. Haven’t you gone astray? Hasn’t the time come for you to pay intent attention to your negative qualities and to get rid of them finally?

Therefore, beloved, do watch attentively the changes of your state in the course of the reading of these dictations and make timely efforts to tear up by the roots the slightest imperfection and the least negative energy which can settle in your aura and germinate in your external consciousness.

Yes, beloved, the Divine Energy is given to you, first of all, to make your imperfections known and to help you take timely measures so as to part with them.

Those of you who feel such a negative effect of these dictations that you are literally overwhelmed by a wave of spite, hatred, indignation and condemnation, may be recommended to stop reading them for a while. This will be much better than to spread negative vibrations around you and to qualify the Divine Energy falsely.

You need to work with yourself. Apply for help to the Masters. Ask them to help you to get rid of your negative thoughts and feelings. Don’t just ask them from time to time – ask every day. And I believe that the moment will come when you will be able to resume reading these dictations and enjoy the nectar of the Divine Energy contained in them.

These dictations will exert no influence only on that which is dead in the spiritual sense and which has willingly refused from its further evolutionary development.

If you feel nothing while reading these dictations and receive neither informational nor energetic support from reading them, I can only sympathize with you. You have really made your choice, and this choice is aside from the main course of evolution on this planet and in this universe.

Nonetheless, even that which is dead in the spiritual sense receives the light of the sun, because the nature of the sun is to shine, to give warmth and energy. And do agree that you cannot accuse the sun of affecting you with its rays too harshly.

In exactly the same way you cannot accuse us and the messenger of giving these dictations to you.

This is really God’s mercy and favour towards you. But you will be able to appreciate all the meaning of this mercy only in the course of time.

The cautious and careful hands of the Cosmic Beings are ready to give you all the necessary help for days and nights. It is only you who decide whether to take this help or to reject it.

Lay bare your hearts to the boundless mercy of Heaven and put your chakras under the gush of never-ending Divine Energy - a cascade of Light flowing on you.

I AM Helios, standing in front of you in the cascades of Sunlight and the Divine Energy.

Aspiration, constancy and devotion – these are the qualities necessary for our disciples

Beloved El Morya

May 14, 2005

I AM El Morya, having come to you through my messenger again.

I AM. And I AM just as real, if not more real, than everything that surrounds you in your illusory world. We provide our disciples with the training which first of all concerns the expansion of your consciousness and the recognition by it of our world which is beyond the limits of perception of your sensory-organs, but does not become less real because of it.

I have come to put in plain words the understanding of communication between the worlds and to ascertain it in your consciousness.

We are constantly beside you in your earthly toil and concerns, but we cannot divert you from your concerns unless you yourselves want to apply to us.

Believe our world is constantly next to you. And it is only the level of your vibrations that separates us from each other. Raise your vibrations, aspire to communication with us and you will receive what you seek.

The difficulty is in your ability to recognize by your external consciousness both our presence and the opportunity to contact us.

You ask for signs, and we give signs. You ask for help, and we give help. You ask for communication with us, and we enter the communication with you. But why, when asking for all that, do you immediately forget what you ask for? And when we come to your call, your consciousness appears to be so deep in your illusory world, that you are not able to hear us.

That’s why I have come to remind you about the constant discipline of your consciousness and mind which you must submit to if you really want to be our disciples. We do not need followers who say that they want to be our disciples, ask us for help, but whose consciousness happens to be so much carried away by the illusion that surrounds them that they forget about all their applications, promises, oaths and assurances after just a few hours.

We need disciples, but if you really want to receive training under the guidance of the Ascended Masters, please be kind enough to devote at least some feeble efforts to it.

Remember that you should not wish to be our disciples from time to time, when you occasionally think of us amidst your everyday bustle. No, you should constantly remember what you want to reach and what you aspire to. You should keep your consciousness directed to our world, aspired to our world, no matter into which difficult life situations you get.

Aspiration, constancy and devotion – these are the qualities necessary for our disciples.

You may do your everyday routine and household chores, but you should always keep in mind the image of our world. You should keep the consonance with us all the time.

This will enable you to develop perceptibility, sensibility to our needs and the requirements of the hour.

We keep a twenty-four hour watch on the planet and allow ourselves to have only a little rest plunging into nirvana for a short time.

What stops you from following our example? Keep and maintain your sensibility and focus during the day. So that when a need for your help arises or when the time comes for you to have your lesson, you don’t miss that moment, because of being distracted by useless chatter, unnecessary arguments or watching one more serial.

When you want to become our disciples and to receive our guidance, instructions and help, why do you think that you are freed from the responsibilities you must share with us?

We can come and give you a lesson, a task or information at any time of the day or night. That’s why your responsibility is to be sensitive at all times if you enter the ranks of our disciples.

When you study at school or university, your duty is to attend lectures and listen to your teachers. The teachers may put you in detention or even suspend you from school for negligence. Why do you consider training under our guidance to be less responsible?

When you receive knowledge in your educational institutions you need this knowledge mostly in your current life. We give you the knowledge which you will need during all your lives. So why do you let yourselves miss our trainings and shirk your duties?

The peculiarity of our training is that in the process of giving it to you we do not divert you from your life duties. You may be at work and go through our training. You may be at home, take care of your child and go through training under our guidance.

Therefore, you should constantly stay aware and wait for our tasks, our instructions and for the information coming from us.

We do not communicate with our disciples in their language. We send our knowledge and our information in a form of energy, a slight breath of wind, a little flash of light, a small arising wish or emerging energy enabling you to perform some task. It is very seldom that we say something to our disciples. Our words occur in your minds as naturally as if they were your own thoughts. And only in a while can you realize that these thoughts came to you from us.

Therefore you should constantly be sensitive and be ready to receive our information and our instructions.

Do not expect me or one of the Masters to come to you in all magnitude and to talk to you, to give you teachings and answer your questions. We do not have physical bodies; therefore we hardly ever spend our power and energy in order to appear in front of our disciples in a densely astral form. If you want to be trained by us, you should refine your perceptibility to such an extent which will allow you to be sensitive to our words, our needs and our necessities.

Develop your gift of making distinctions. Many astral dwellers can make fun of you and pretend to be the Masters. Many of them are far from being friendly, and many are simply very spiteful and vindictive.

Your own state of consciousness is the best criterion for you when you judge whom you are dealing with in the higher plane. You know that like draws to like. If you are not balanced and harmonious inside, if you harbour within you any negative feelings inherent in people - you will hardly receive communication with the real Ascended Masters.

Therefore, pay attention to the level of your consciousness during the day. Your consciousness is very mobile. I may say that during the day you continually glide in your consciousness along some scale from its lowest to its highest level. Everything you encounter in life influences the level of your consciousness, including all the people whose auras come into contact with yours, films which you watch and music which you listen. Literally everything in your world affects you. Thus, your main task is to maintain the level of your consciousness at the highest level available to you for the most part of the day.

Every day find time to retire from everybody at least for a few minutes and to analyze your state during the day – all thoughts, feelings and images coming to you.

Constantly analyze your state and scrutinize your feelings over and over again.

We are beside you all the time and it is only the level of your vibrations and the level of your consciousness that prevent you from seeing and hearing us.

The first thing you should do is to learn to distinguish our presence and our vibrations.

Our best disciples never leave their watch. They constantly keep their consonance with us and are ready to receive the necessary instructions from us twenty-four hours a day.

Therefore, instead of feeling hurt by the Masters, if they do not pay proper attention to you and do not give you necessary help, do scrutinize your inner state. Haven’t you missed our lesson and our help because you have been too busy complaining about your hard life and paying too much attention to the illusion around you?

I have given my exhortation today in the hope that you will understand our difficulties occurring in the case when you ask for our help and we give you that help, but you simply do not notice it as you are too busy with your earthly problems.

I AM El Morya.

The time has come for you to turn to your Higher self in order to find the Divine Truth in all Its fullness


May 15, 2005

I AM THAT WHICH I AM. I AM speaking from within you.

All that we have been doing so far can be called groundwork aimed at developing your perception of the new information. Today I will make an attempt to bring to your external consciousness a part of this new information in a form which will be the simplest for your perception.

The only hindrance in the communication between the worlds is the difference in the vibrations of our worlds. When we raise your vibrations up to the level where you can perceive the information coming from the highest spheres of Light, the non-coincidence of your vibrations with the world around you affects everything that surrounds you and you personally.

Your world cannot bear even a brief raise of vibrations. All the forces that resist the forces of Light immediately throng to the place where a dictation is being received. That is why it is extremely difficult to maintain stability and balance.

Thus, the informational component of the dictations is not as important as the very fact of anchoring the focus of Light in the physical octave and the opportunity to use this focus continually during a long period of time. We are able to reveal the forces opposed to us and to take measures so as to deactivate them and change their polarisation.

The major difficulty is connected with the density of the physical world, as it makes it impossible to influence your world directly with the help of the Beings of Light dwelling in our world.

Your world was formed as a reflection of the consciousness of human beings. The more detached from the Divine patterns the human consciousness turned out to be, the denser the matter became, and it resulted in the formation of a dense veil separating our worlds. It is just a veil of energy through which the communication between the worlds is extremely difficult.

No matter how strongly the Beings of Light strive to descend into your world, they are still unable to penetrate into it because of its low vibrations. The same may be said about human beings. They are unable to penetrate through the veil while they are embodied, at least not having come through a certain training under the guidance of the Ascended Masters - the Beings behind the veil.

That is why the heaven-world cannot influence the earthly world directly. In order to exercise control and to direct the evolution of your world in accordance with the Divine Law we have to appeal for the help of mediators – the people who have come through certain training and are able to raise their consciousness up to the level of the Ascended Beings.

The process of mutual penetration of the worlds is similar to the process of diving. The highly evolved beings dive into your world and take embodiments. Together with the embodiment they take upon themselves a definite karma in the form of different imperfections. That is why it is said that there are no perfect beings in embodiment. The perfect beings simply cannot stay in your world.

But in the course of their development and training the collaborators of Light restore a part of their knowledge and abilities and dive now into our world with the help of meditative practices and changed states of consciousness.

It is a delusion to consider the collaborators of Light to be absolute perfection, such gods.

There is no place for perfection in your world, at least in the densely populated places.

Hence there is the difficulty of recognising the collaborators of Light and distinguishing them from the people who choose service to the opposite forces which create the illusion.

When your consciousness reaches a certain level of its evolution, you can recognise which people conduct which forces.But for an ordinary person at this stage of evolution of mankind it does not seem to be possible to determine with a representative of which forces he is dealing.

The situation becomes more complicated with the fact that every person coming into embodiment is exposed to the influence of two conflicting forces. As a matter of fact, the conflict between these two forces takes place within every man - I mean the struggle between the forces multiplying the illusion and the forces contracting it.

Therefore, at every moment of time these or those forces can predominate within a man. For example, yesterday you dealt with a man within whom the forces of Light predominated. That means you could take him for a person of Light. But the night has passed and in the course of some inner struggle the forces of darkness gained victory or a partial victory inside of him.

You deal with the same person with the same appearance, but his spirit is already absolutely different. This inner spirit of his will begins to manifest itself sooner or later. But not one month or maybe even not one year will pass before these changes inside this person become noticeable. This tendency explains the difficulty in communication with your world. In fact, your physical body is just a mechanism, a robot, which is controlled by inner forces, under the influence of which a person has chosen to fall.

That is why you are constantly told that you should orient yourself to the answers of your heart and your Higher Self. Your Higher Self always knows the answer to the questions: whom you deal with and which forces are behind the person standing in front of you.

Unfortunately, there is no other more reliable and unfailing method for you to orient yourself in your world.

Therefore, the whole true teaching which we give is directed to the development of your connection with your Higher Self and is aimed at enabling you not to be blind kittens fussing about from one teacher to another one and coming from one faith or one religious movement into another. Our task is to help you orient yourself not only among the external teachings but also within every particular teaching – because inside of the true teachings there are people who act on the side of the forces of darkness, and, as well, in the teachings which you may consider to be false, there can be absolute servants of Light.

There is nothing absolutely definite in your world, and there cannot be.

The purpose of the conversation today is not to give you a vision of a black-and-white picture of the world where two opposed forces conflict and the front-line between them is clearly drawn.

Your world really represents an arena of conflict between two aspects or two forces. But the nuances and niceties of their penetration into all spheres of human activity represent such a fanciful construction that it is impossible to unravel this hair-splitting quickly and without losses.

Therefore, the course of evolution of mankind must teach you to recognise all the niceties of the tapestry of life, to find the slightest nuances of light and shadow in the surrounding reality, and finally to help each of you determine unerringly your path and the direction of movement.

But before that time when you can do it you will get into various karmic situations and fall under the influence of different forces.

In the course of overcoming your barriers and recognising all the nuances of light and shadow in the surrounding world and first of all within yourself, you will obtain a pure Divine vision and gain an invaluable experience which will represent your treasure in heaven – the treasure which neither rust nor moth can threaten.

The period has come when you have to leave black-and-white thinking and find the grains of truth by yourselves. The current stage of your evolution is characterised exactly by the fact that you have many teachers and movements. In order to understand all this diversity you need only one reliable guide-line which you all have – your Higher Self.

Thus, those of you who choose the path of establishing a connection with your Higher Self will have the advantage at this stage of evolutionary development in comparison with the people who in the old way seek an external teacher or an external organisation capable of giving them the Divine Truth in all its fullness.

However, the time has come for you to turn to yourselves and to your Higher Self in order to find the Divine Truth in all its fullness.

You can go round the globe in search of the answers to your questions. You can visit hundreds of teachers and thousands of organisations. But what you really need to do at the current stage is to turn to the only true Guru who dwells deep in your heart and who is waiting for you to give you his exhortations and his teaching.


A teaching on the apostleship, the struggle and the role of the Summit Lighthouse

Beloved Lanello

May 16, 2005

I AM Lanello, having come to you through this messenger again.

I have come to give you a significant Teaching of the quintessence of apostleship. You know that my last incarnation was in America where I acted as a messenger of the Great White Brotherhood. Later I shared this post with my spouse Elizabeth.

No matter what different people think of apostleship, I have to tell you with a sense of responsibility and with absolute certainty that this post is extremely crucial and demands complete self-denial as well as full and unconditional devotion to the Brotherhood.

The severity of the punishment for evading the responsibilities of a messenger cannot be compared with a typical karmic punishment for ordinary people who do not have the mantles of messengers. The responsibility of a person who takes on the duty to serve the Brotherhood in this post is really awesome. The speech is about transmission of the information from the higher plane to mankind. The quality of this information is almost completely determined by the personal qualities of the messenger. And the karma for non-observance of the code of behaviour of a messenger is much heavier than the karma of ordinary people for similar violations.

However, a messenger, like any other embodied human, is subject to the influence of all forces inherent in the physical world. You know that exactly at the place where a great amount of Light is released the opposing forces become predominant over the forces of Light. They strive to use this Light and to bring its effect to naught. That is why a messenger is always the person who meets all the blows and attacks of the dark forces first.

One of the serious dangers and one of the main difficulties lie here. When you clash with attacks and hostility every day it is very difficult not to succumb to temptation and not to be involved in an open skirmish with these hostile forces. But it is here that the major temptation lies in wait for you.

As soon as you give in to the energies of conflict and enter a skirmish, your vibrations fall instantaneously and you already cannot guarantee a correct and irreproachable transmission of the Divine instructions and the Divine Truth into your physical octave. Thus, one of the primary tasks of a messenger is to keep his consciousness on the level which never allows an open conflict to enter.

It can hardly be explained, beloved. On the one hand, you are in the centre of hostile energies all the time. You literally feel physically the effect of these unfriendly forces and - by virtue of the gift of making distinctions inherent in you - you see how these forces act through people who are close to you and surround you. And at the same time you have to preserve absolute neutrality so as not to allow yourself to make a step towards a conflict.

You are in the centre of a clash and at the same time you are always keeping out of the way of it. Do not meddle with it. First of all, do not give even an erg of your energy in support of this conflict.

Remember that everything in this world lives and feeds on your energy which comes to you along the crystal string and which you direct in accordance with your free will.

When you allow yourself to waste your energies in the battle around you, you instantaneously qualify your energy falsely. You put your energy into the conflict and, as a result, into the multiplication of negative qualities of this world and into the expansion of the illusion.

I have touched upon the element of conflict in detail because exactly this element became the main reason why the Summit Lighthouse lost balance.

You know that white magic differs from black magic only by one thing – the presence of just one evil thought. In our case it means that when you begin to cultivate in your heart righteous – as it seems to you at first - wrath and a just conflict with the dark forces, you enter a slippery path and begin to give your energy not for the purposes of the Good, but for the purposes of the forces multiplying the illusion. It is a very nice point, and many lightbearers think so far that their mission is to be engaged in the righteous combat for the Light and to assert the principles of the Good, neutralising the evil and its representatives and tying the seeds of the evil spirits.

As soon as you start putting the energy of the decrees into your conflict, you use the Divine Energy falsely and it means that you practise black magic.

In our case the nicety of the moment was in the necessity to give the energy of prayers to the Angels’ Hosts, to the Angels of Archangel Michael, being absolutely calm and balanced, in order to enable them to carry out their work on neutralising the forces of darkness. In order to give the Angels the energy of prayers we really had to go on the edge of a blade, keeping an absolutely balanced state of not entering any combat and maintaining the feeling of love and harmony in the heart.

As soon as you admit any negative thoughts when reading some judgement calls, you are automatically involved in a clash and create karma. In this case instead of creating a good karma you give birth to a negative one which is deposited in your four lower bodies in the form of negative energies. And instead of advancing on the path of initiations you delay your progress for many years or may be for many embodiments.

It so happened that already after my transition into the higher world the community of the Summit Lighthouse did not manage to maintain the necessary steadiness and balance. Unfortunately, the events we witness now are the result of the incorrect use of the energy of prayers. The genie was released from the bottle and in order to stop him it was necessary to withdraw the energy from the main part of the decrees and to partly suspend the action of the violet-flame dispensation.

You are aware of the fact that beloved Saint Germain has lost a part of his causal body. You can also watch the results of incorrect actions affecting the messenger who is still in her embodiment and is now working out the heavy karma which has lain on her shoulders. [22]

It is natural that the created karma, which was increasing from year to year like a snow-ball, prevented us from a qualitative transmission of information from the etheric octaves. However sad and hard it was to do, the mantle of a messenger was taken away from Elizabeth and the transmission of the dictations had to be stopped.

However, the good karma created due to the unique dispersal of dictations and teachings must outbalance the negative effect of the activity of the Summit Lighthouse. And I think that the Karmic Board will treat the admitted errors and omissions favourably in the end.

In fact, the main point is not the presence of mistakes, but the ability to learn a lesson and to gain invaluable experience from them. The Summit Lighthouse provided the people both from the United States and from the whole world with a tremendous and unrivalled opportunity to go though training and trials and to learn lessons from their own mistakes.

These trials helped to make a considerable leap in the evolution of the Divine consciousness in those people who did not allow the subjection of their consciousness to the new religious elite which formed with surprising speed in the framework of the new church and who preserved their consonance with the Divine Truth within their hearts. You come to the physical world to learn, to evolve and to expand your consciousness. Therefore, the principal purpose was achieved due to the organisation created by me in 1958 under the leadership of El Morya and other Masters.

Those sacrifices which we had to make were justified, because many individuals managed to reach outstanding achievements in the evolution of their consciousness. This evolution goes on, and you have an opportunity to continue your training through everything taking place around you, both with the people from the Summit Lighthouse and with those who have left this organisation.

Whatever happens, beloved, God always makes such a combination of circumstances which enables your soul to receive the best lesson and the best opportunity for growth and evolution.

Therefore, let us not become sad. The past is only given to us so that we can learn lessons from it and move forward never stopping on the path other than for a short break to analyse the occurring events.

There is nothing sad in the current situation. Yes, the things do not look their best in the physical plane, but the experience undergone by the lightbearers is really invaluable.

Therefore, please stop being dejected. Continue your path of never-ending perfection and untiring evolution in God.

I AM Lanello - with you on your Path.

Recommendations which I would like to give you

Sanat Kumara

May 17, 2005

I AM Sanat Kumara, having come to you through my messenger.

I have come to give you a small Teaching on your relationship with God, the Masters and your Higher Self. While being in the thick of things, in the bustle of the day, you sometimes find it problematic to live in harmony with the Divine and to see, behind this bustle and the scene of the surrounding world, those eternal and immortal things which have always existed but were hidden from your eyes.

That is why it is very important for you to dispose yourself to the Divine. Try to learn to watch the events occurring around you as if through a screen, as though you are at the theatre and the people around you are actors. If you think over the sense of your life, you will see that in fact you have come to this world to play a certain role. Your roles may change during your life. You can even play different roles during one day. But the feeling of being in a play should never leave you, because God has created this world as a gigantic stage where you come to play your parts and go through the training at the same time.

If you are able to keep in mind a long-drawn-out image of such a stage where you play your parts, you will soon be able to understand that a Producer of all this grandiose show exists and this Producer does not set Himself to make you play according to some script written in advance. No, in the framework of His general idea you have an opportunity to show your own creative work. You may adopt new roles or change the roles you were playing earlier.

But the time will come when you are sick and tired of your own improvisation, and you turn to the Producer directly and enter into a creative relationship with Him. You will try to understand His idea, and the deeper you grasp the plan of the Creator, the more you act according to His plan.

Then you will already be bored with playing the roles you used to play with such pleasure before, because the revealed picture of the plan for this universe will fascinate you and capture all your attention. The more you become imbued with this plan, the more significant roles you will play.

Try not to leave the frames of the play in your life. Do not take in everything around you too seriously. Always remember that the illusion around you is passing and has been created to exist only till the moment when your consciousness is able to look behind it and to see the real Divine world and the real life beyond it.

Your inner state determines the life situations you get into. As long as you take the surrounding illusion for reality you will not be able to part with this illusion. Remember that all things in this world are drawn to each other by their vibrations.

In fact, it is your consciousness that magnetises the situations into which you get in life. However, it will be very difficult for you to become free from the illusion in your consciousness. At least, it will demand a certain time.

The point is that the energetic records of the situations in which you have acted not in accordance with the Will of God are contained in your lower bodies. These records have been accumulating there during not just one of your embodiments. Therefore, until the moment when these records are transformed in agreement with the Divine standards and the plan of the Creator for your lifestream, you will get into such life situations which will give you the best opportunity to work out your negative records or karma.

A simple knowledge of the laws of karma and the Divine Laws for this universe shortens your path on earth considerably. However, the majority of mankind prefers to study a lot of other information and purely human laws. In other words, mankind has become so keen on its play that it does not yet understand that it is merely a play. We come again and again to remind you about the real world, about your mission and your path. But a rare person is able to divert his attention from the illusion and to focus upon our words and our Teaching.

However, we are in no hurry. Mankind still has its reserves of time for evolution. Sooner or later everybody will finish the earthly school, at least those of you who will be capable of undergoing the further training.

And if it were not for the change of the cosmic cycles and the necessity to follow them, we would not tire you with the reading of our messages and divert you from your illusion.

Imagine the actors who have begun to feel their feet to such an extent that they continue to act after the performance has already finished. Mankind resembles such actors these days.

In order to learn something you should constantly preserve a childish state of consciousness, a state of being part of a play. But you should not let the illusion capture your consciousness fully even when you are in the thick of things.

Here are the recommendations which I would like to give you.

In agreement with the law of the cosmic cycles your consciousness is to undergo considerable changes in the near future. And you certainly feel these changes already. It is impossible not to notice them. The vibrations of earth are rising.

Those of you whose consciousness is not ready to transit onto a new stage of evolutionary development feel not quite themselves. They try to lower their vibrations artificially, using for this purpose the very means which used to bring the feeling of pleasure to them before. During the period of its existence mankind has created a whole arsenal of means of blocking its higher abilities completely – alcohol, drugs, tobacco, sex, games of chance.

But the further use of these means will no longer satisfy you.

The life-giving, Divine, high vibrations, which are gradually coming to earth, will affect man more and more strongly, and the lowering of the vibrations will unsettle you more and more from the general vibration environment. You will have to give up everything not corresponding to the Divine plan. Of course, the process of the raising of the vibrations has a gradual character. Mankind will not be able to give up its old habits instantaneously. But everybody who feels an inner inducement and a wish to break away from his former habits and old flames will get our help and support.

And you will be surprised by the simplicity with which you will manage to part with your old habits.

Write a letter to me or to any of the Masters to whom you feel a special affinity. List all the habits and the objects of affection you wish to get rid of.

Ask the angels of protection to deliver this letter to the addressee and burn this letter.

From this moment you will have to demonstrate your intention to get rid of your bad habits and affections every day.

You may make a copy of your letter to the Masters and read your entreaty every day before your praying ritual.

A few months will pass, and you will be rid of your habits and affections.

Your earnest wish is the only thing necessary for that, beloved. If you are burdened with too a big number of habits, you may appeal with your entreaty to break first, then another, until you part with of all of them.

Do not forget that, apart from the bad habits, there are firm states of your consciousness which prevent you from assimilating the Divine vibrations. These can be depression, self-pity, condemnation, envy and the like. In exactly the same way you may wish to get rid of these inner energies and barriers preventing your evolution.

Everything can be changed, beloved. And the Heaven is ready to render you all the help.

But you should make the first step and show your wish to get rid of your imperfections.

Thus, first you understand that some negative quality or a bad habit is present in you.

Then you show your wish to get rid of this imperfection standing in the way of your evolution.

Further on you confirm your intention to part with this imperfection during as long period of time as is necessary for the transmutation of the energies in your aura which contribute to the manifestation of this imperfection.

I want to wish you success in your work on yourself and on your imperfections.

But please, do not look for many imperfections within yourself. You will only cultivate your imperfections by doing this.

If you constantly focus your attention upon beautiful patterns, nature, music, art, and keep aloof from the imperfect, the substitution of the negative energies will take place naturally without any considerable efforts from your side.

I AM Sanat Kumara.

A Teaching on the practice of meditation


May 18, 2005

I AM Amitabha Buddha [23], having come to you through this messenger.

Many people in the west have not heard of me. I am well-known in the east as one of the five Dhyani [24] Buddhas.

My vocation is to serve on one of the secret rays. You may appeal to me when you are overwhelmed by human passions. Any human fervour can be surmounted. You come into embodiment in order to conquer your passions and to get rid of them.

As a rule, all your fervours are closely connected with the abuse of your sexual energy. And all your distortions on my ray are bound up with either the dissatisfaction of your desires or with your excessive wishes.

My chakra is located between the base-of-the-spine chakra and the seat-of-the-soul chakra. This chakra is connected with your Christ Self.

I teach the practice of meditation – the very thing which can free you from the human wishes and fervours.

That is why I will consider the task of our conversation today to be fulfilled if you master a certain understanding of the significance of the practice of meditation and make a decision to use this practice in your life.

The task and the aim of any meditation are to achieve a state of being without thoughts, an absolute peace of your mind.

When you manage to set your mind at rest, you harmonise your inner feelings. You balance your inner nature and salve your wishes.

You will not manage to raise your consciousness up to the level which will let you transit into another, real world and stay in it while your consciousness is occupied with the objects of the physical world around you.

Every practice of meditation is aimed at the achievement of such a level of your consciousness which will enable you to leave the limits of your world.

When you acquire an ability to meditate, you get access to the energies and knowledge of the higher worlds.

Each of you may have unlike achievements in the field of meditation. You may reach different spheres and get different ideas about the higher worlds, but the key point of your practice will be the influence of the energies of the higher world on your consciousness. It happens imperceptibly for your external consciousness. You simply get an opportunity to be in the worlds with higher vibrations and you sate yourself with the energies of these worlds. Your consciousness gradually changes under the influence of the high vibrations of the higher worlds. You do not need to know the whole technique of this process.

The influence of the energies of the higher worlds on your consciousness can be compared with the effect your skin has from the sun. You simply place yourself under the soft sun rays, and your skin becomes smooth and tanned.

In exactly the same way your consciousness becomes smoothed out under the influence of the higher energies, loses its imperfections and acquires the refinement necessary for the perception of the new information. Your consciousness expands and the barriers which earlier tended to hinder your perception of the evident truths disappear.

The meditation practice certainly requires a considerable amount of time and an experienced teacher to be beside you.

Many teachers in the east who have mastered the meditation practice recruit disciples and teach them with the help of the methods which they have mastered themselves.

Many years are required to master the practice of meditation. However, this is the shortest way which can bring you to the expansion of your consciousness, and I do not know another technique which could be so highly effective.

In the course of history it turned out that the western part of mankind did not get access to the meditation practice. In the west a special stress is laid on prayer.

But the best prayer practices just lead to the result that a human switches off his external consciousness, raises his vibrations and comes into direct contact with the higher spheres. This is accompanied by the direct exchange of energies with your Higher Self and with the higher worlds.

However, a prayer, while bearing some load of meaning, often does not allow your mind to break away from the surrounding world.

There is a practice of multiple repetitions of short prayers. The automatic and unthinking repetition of the prayers has the same effect as the practice of reading mantras. Such a practice is very helpful in itself. But it can be considered only as a preparatory stage of the meditation.

Why do you need to have an experienced teacher or a guide during your meditation exercises?

You know that the invisible world has different frequencies of the vibrations. It is divided into layers like a puff-pastry. The danger lies in the opportunity for you to come under the influence of not very high energies and to come into contact with unfriendly beings. These beings can teach you not the best things and impregnate you with not the best energies.

Everything depends on the level of consciousness which you have initially. If you enter the state of meditation in a very good and balanced state, full of the Divine and in the Divine tune-up, you will most likely come under the influence of the high vibrations and pure energies.

If you start doing meditation while being full of egoistic wishes and propensities, you will most probably get just an intensification of your negative traits in the course of the meditation.

In the end everything is determined by your ability to conquer and suppress your ego before you start the meditation.

That is why any meditation practice, as everything in your world, can have a dual character, and the result obtained by you is determined entirely by your motives and inner aspirations. If you start doing meditation with an aim to master the techniques which will enable you to control people or to obtain abilities allowing you to occupy a privileged position in your world, then in the course of your meditation you will create karma, as you will use the Divine energy for glorification of your ego.

Every meditation should be started only in full humility before the Will of God and in a tremble before His Might.

Only when your motive is pure and your wishes are spotless can you raise your consciousness up to such high vibrations, where you will get access to the perfect Divine energies which will carve a new human from you, a human with the Divine essence.

In this case the longer you are in the meditation, the more your vibrations will approximate to the perfect Divine patterns.

Do not be afraid in that case to break away from your reality greatly, because as soon as you start to come out of the state of meditation your consciousness will descend to your plane with the swiftness of a speedy elevator. After a short while you will restore your ability to realise where you are.

It will be difficult for you initially to endure such a change of the vibrations. You will feel the state of diving to its full extent. First you throw off all your thoughts and feelings and plunge into the higher reality. Then you gradually return from this reality into your world, wrapping yourself in your earthly thoughts and feelings again.

Such a practice will allow you to become constantly conscious of being in the two worlds simultaneously. As with any other practice, the practice of meditation requires constancy and regularity of your exercises. It would be ideal if you devoted 1.5 - 2 hours to this practice daily.

However, if your life conditions in the physical world do not allow you to do this for the present, you can start with weekly meditation exercises. But the regularity and the aspiration of your exercises are important for you.

I know that many of you spend about an hour or more a day in the reading of prayers. Maybe, it would be better for you to devote a part of the time which you spend in the reading of prayers to the meditation practice, say 15-20 minutes a day.

Your Higher Self always knows which is most important and necessary for the evolution of your soul at a given moment. Therefore, lend an ear to your inner feelings. It will help you not to permit a situation when you will deprive yourself of the necessary prayer practice and thus will not be able to obtain a qualitative meditation due to your inner limitations.

Today I have touched upon very important questions related to the practice of meditation. I will be happy if my exhortations help some of you. In fact, there are a lot of people embodied in the west now, who already had many embodiments in the east in their past and mastered the practices of meditation to the full extent. In that case you should just slightly stir your consciousness so as to remember the skills which you already had in the past. Today I have mostly addressed these people.

I AM Amitabha.

Try to keep the state of inner peace and harmony during most of the day

Beloved Kuthumi

May 19, 2005

I AM Kuthumi, having come to you again. I have come today to give you a small Teaching which may probably seem unexpected to you, but I would still like you to familiarise yourselves carefully with everything which I consider necessary to bring to your consciousness at this stage.

As you know, the event which took place at the end of last year – an earthquake and a tsunami – was utterly and completely caused by the imperfect consciousness of mankind.

With surprising doggedness humanity continues to give birth to monstrous masses of negative energies which have wrapped the entire globe with a thick envelope. This envelope prevents the penetration of the renewal energies. In other words, a tension has been created between the forces which strive to keep the existing state on the planet and the forces striving to contribute to the implementation of the evolutionary plan for planet Earth.

On the one hand, you witness the constant and undeviating rise of the vibrations of the planet. On the other hand, an enormous amount of negative energy is still produced with the help of mass consciousness and the old stereotypes deeply ingrained in the consciousness of people. Where does the negative energy come from?

The whole energy of this universe is concentrated in the only source, and that is the Divine Energy. This energy comes to you along the crystal string, and you use it of your own free will. If you waste this energy to satisfy any of your egoistic strivings or to maintain negative thoughts, features or bad habits of a lifetime, it means that you vote for the obsolete way of living. You direct your energy to the strengthening of the masses of negative energy on this planet.

Therefore, when the positive renewal energy meets with the negative energy produced by humanity, this can be compared with a clash of two clouds with different charges. You know what happens when such clouds collide. You can observe thunder and lightning. Something similar to that is taking place on planet Earth at present. When two masses of energies with opposite potential clash, various disasters, natural calamities and hurricanes happen.

It may seem to you that the natural elements are blind and indomitable. But it is not quite true. As a rule, we manage to localise the masses of negative energy at the places where they appear. That is why only the areas which contribute to the production of the negative energetic masses with their consciousness suffer from the natural calamities.

Beloved, it is high time to part with the point of view that you may commit sins, act in improper ways, think and feel in ways unpleasing to God during most of the day, and be sure that after that you can sit down, pray and transmute the karma which you and your nearest and dearest have created.

There is no doubt that the worth of prayers is unquestionable, indisputable and unarguable. The effectiveness of prayers is beyond discussion. But it is not enough just to pray in this situation, beloved.

What is the point of producing negative energetic masses at first and then fighting against them?

It is time for you to approach everything you do during the day consciously. You should constantly control your thoughts and feelings. Any negative thought in your consciousness must be nipped in the bud. Protect yourself against everything which contributes to the existence of negative thoughts and feelings in your consciousness.

Pay special attention to your children. Do not leave them alone during most of the day. Remember that the fruit which you will get literally in a few years will depend on the direction you show them at the very beginning of their lives and on the knowledge of the laws of this universe which you give them, for your children will grow up and will be able to take responsibilities upon themselves and to serve to the benefit of the earthly evolutions. Each of you is responsible for the future of this planet and for the unfolding of the events in the coming months.

Remember that the tension which was relieved with the cataclysm in the south of Asia at the end of last year is increasing again. As a matter of fact, with your every negative action, every negative thought and feeling you untiringly draw a new cataclysm nearer.

Try to keep the state of inner peace and harmony during most of the day. Do not forget that other people live next to you. If you live in a big city, during the day your aura comes into contact with the auras of thousands of people. When you manage to keep a harmonious state within yourself, you literally infect with this state thousands of people with whose auras you come into contact during the day.

Exactly the same effect occurs when you meet a person looking like a thundercloud and seeking somebody to ease his tension and to vent his anger. But in this case you are infected with the negative energies of this person.

Protect your inner world against the intrusion of negative energies. Take special care about your children.

You may say that nothing depends on you and that your government is to be blamed for everything, because it does not take proper care about you and does not allow you to enjoy a worthy way of life.

Allow me to disagree with you. All things in this world are drawn to each other by their vibrations, and you have exactly that government which can exist only because the majority of the population considers it possible to tolerate this government and its policy.

You constantly exchange energies with thousands of people and thus you constantly exchange karma with them. How do you think, what are the manifestations of a family karma, town karma, country karma or planet karma? Imagine a person who has completely freed himself from his personal karma. What do you think will happen to this person next? Will he ascend?

It is quite probable that such a person can ascend. But let me assure you that a person who has become free from his personal karma acquires an absolutely different expanded consciousness. He rises up to another, higher level of consciousness and understands that it is impossible to save only his own soul.

Actually, all is God, and at this new level of consciousness the person feels the unity of all the living much more deeply. Such a person is most likely to stay in embodiment irrespective of whether his external consciousness is aware of his decision or not. He continues to live in the world of his choice.

Every day he draws the negative energies of the people around him into his aura and transmutes these energies. Such a person is like a sponge. As soon as he comes in touch with the people’s auras saturated with too a big quantity of negative energies, he takes a part of this energy upon himself and neutralises it. A phenomenon occurs which you call the transmutation of the karma of a town, a country or a planet.

Therefore, very much depends on each of you, beloved, on your ability to keep harmony and balance, in spite of any surrounding circumstances. And if you feel depression, lack of joy, causeless melancholy, it means that you have most likely come under the influence of a big mass of negative energy. You have loaded your aura so heavily that you will need some time to be alone or in nature so as to restore your inner peace and balance.

Try to identify your inner state and the reasons of disharmony in your consciousness.

When you reach a certain level of consciousness at which you are allowed to take upon yourself the karma of a town, a country or the planet and to transmute this karma, you serve during 24 hours a day.

This is a vital service, beloved. Today I have given these recommendations in the hope of explaining the technique of such a service to those of you who are already providing this vital service to the world.

And now, when you are already aware of your serving, you will be able to take measures for the restoration of your vibrations and energies in good time. Listen keenly to your organism. And, when you are overcome with depression, find a way to build up your inner harmony and peace. For some of you it can be a meditation, for others it can be a prayer, a stroll in nature, listening to relaxing music or playing with children.

Do not allow yourself to be in the negative state of consciousness for a long time. Suppress all the negative vibrations within you as soon as they arise. Do not let them take hold of your being from top to bottom.

And remember that you always have an opportunity to appeal to the Ascended Hosts for help as a last resort. We will render to our devoted servants all the help which the Cosmic Law will allow us.

I AM Kuthumi, your brother.

I will be with each of you until all of you return Home

Sanat Kumara

May 20, 2005

I AM Sanat Kumara, having come through my messenger again. I HAVE come to exhort you, to teach you and to help you comprehend the Divine reality - another world - which exists simultaneously with your world and differs from it only by its vibrations.

Every moment of your dwelling in your world you can concurrently be in our world. There exists a part of your being which constantly stays in the Higher worlds. This part of your being has been keeping its ilnk and interaction with the Higher reality during all the period of your embodiments in the physical octave.

The cosmic term approaches, and your Higher part envelops itself in lower bodies and descends into the matter.

In proportion as the surrounding world becomes denser, the connection between your Higher and lower parts gradually severs and becomes at first hardly distinguishable, until it disappears completely. When the materiality of your world reaches its pinnacle, you lose the link with your Higher part.

Therefore, all the authentic spiritual practices which exist in our world are directed on the restoration of this inner link. When you recollect who you actually are and receive an opportunity to commune with your Higher part, you will become able to change your vibrations in accordance with your wish.

You continue to stay in the physical world, and at the same time your consciousness rises to such a level where at certain moments you become able to get information and knowledge from our world.

At all times many outstanding figures have been able to raise the rate of their vibrations spontaneously and involuntarily and find themselves in the higher etheric octaves while keeping their consciousness vigil. It is from these octaves that they always extracted inspiration and examples for their works of art, creative works, scientific knowledge and inventions.

Every discovery has always been done by the people having certain access to our reality.

Nowadays the capability of the mutual penetration of the worlds and the ability of your consciousness to penetrate into our world will be raised many times.

You will receive your Holy Spirit’s gifts and will indeed obtain magic abilities. All this is waiting for you in the near future. The only thing holding you up is your attachment to the physical world and your imperfections.

You should obtain an ability to discern things in you which are not from God and to give them up gradually. At first you will be able to obtain a commune with us and with your Higher part only on condition that you lead an absolutely isolated life and avoid any influence of mass culture and people liable to such influence. This resembles path-finders climbing bare cliffs of the Divine consciousness. For these path-finders their efforts and toil are titanic in truth, requiring all their strength and abilities given by God.

Not many people succeed in ascending the summit of the Divine consciousness nowadays. This Path is so heavy that one can fail to hold onto the achieved height and can fall at any moment.

But those who follow the path-finders will find themselves in a much easier situation. I foresee the appearance of the communities in various places on earth already in the nearest future. Such communities will consist of the people who have obtained a certain level of the Christ consciousness.

These communities will become the prototypes and matrices of the future settlements and the future structure of the human society. While combining industrial duties and spiritual service, such communities will be completely independent and autonomous from the surrounding world.

I foresee the establishment of absolutely new principles of state temporal power in the places where such communities of the Holy Spirit will form in due course. In the places with the maximum number of such communities the conditions for the advent of the Golden Age will be created.

I hope that such communities will appear, first of all, in the territory of Russia, for this country by its historical traditions has always been predisposed to carrying on collective management. The complication was in the fact that certain forces have always profited cleverly from this national quality and have manipulated this penchant of the people for communal labour for their mercenary aims.

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that there cannot be an ideal community until every member of the collective fellowship reaches a certain level of individual Christhood and stops using the achievements of the communal labour and creative work for his mercenary and egoistic aims.

Thus, we see that again the same question comes to the foreground before each of you – and this is the question of your personal aspiration to perfect yourselves in God, to give up your ego and to take care about the purity of your four lower bodies.

I would like to attract your attention to one vital thing. In fact, there are two paths, leading to perfecting of oneself in God. The first path lies through solitude and prayer, and it is easier. The second path runs through your work on yourself when you do not need to give up your usual mode of life.

Each of these paths has its advantages and drawbacks. If the only barrier hindering your start of the serious work on yourself is the environment you are in at a given place on your Path, and you automatically reject any serious self-training, because you consider these outer conditions not to be suitable for doing it, I must remind you that the conditions you are in now correspond to the level of your consciousness and to the correlation between your negative and positive karma.

Therefore, the starting conditions will be different for each of you. You will have to overcome all the inconveniences of your outer conditions and karmic circumstances.

But you should realize that you have deserved the circumstances of your current life by your own choices in this and previous lives. And your lamenting of the bad conditions and the disharmonious environment is just a mere excuse for your ego not to do anything. But many people simply fall too low to blame God and the Masters for the circumstances of their external life directly.

Therefore, the first step on your Path is your humility before the circumstances in which you start your Path and your decision to follow the Path leading you back to God irrespective of any external conditions of your life.

Believe me, if you manifest aspiration and resoluteness in following the Path, you will receive all the necessary ministration. In the course of time the circumstances of your life will change and soften the manifestations of any karmic limitations, even of the heaviest ones. And in proportion as your consciousness changes, you will receive everything necessary for your spiritual unfoldment and perfecting yourself in God.

All the barriers and limitations lie inside of you. All your limitations are just the clogs of the negative energy in your four lower bodies.

Imagine that your four lower bodies represent an attic where all your junk has been dumped during a few thousand years. Meanwhile, this attic has become so cluttered and dusty that now it is impossible even to enter it. The four lower bodies in the majority of people represent exactly such attics.

That’s why you should make a decision one fine day to start clearing up the karmic encumbrance of your attic.

Of course, you will not be able to do it in just one day and probably even in a few years. But the sooner you take your decision and start acting, the faster you will have done with the dirty and tiring job of clearing up your consciousness and sub-consciousness where you have been shoving all your psychological problems with enviable persistence during the entire period of your embodiment on earth.

It is natural that when your problems emerge one after another from your sub-consciousness, you will have to make considerable efforts to overcome these problems and part with them forever. It is like taking old things out of your attic and feeling how they stir in you very painful reminiscences which give you unbearable pain at times.

Nevertheless, you should be filled with steadfastness and throw away the unnecessary things - and with this become free from a part of the negative energy clogged in you.

In this connection I would like to warn beforehand all those who look forward to enjoying a pleasant way of spending their time along the whole length of their Path leading Home. Do not expect an easy path. Be ready for any unexpectedness. You never know which energy will emerge from your karmic loads. Sometimes your actions will have no logical explanation for them. You will come across people to whom you will feel tempestuous but groundless feelings. Strange things will happen to you. But you should be ready for everything.

You must constantly remember in your consciousness your decision to come back to God and to raise your consciousness to the level of comprehension of the Higher worlds. You should always remember that you are not alone. We vigilantly watch everybody who dares to climb the cliff of the Divine consciousness and, in the last resort, we will always give you a hand in a crucial situation. If your motives are pure, you have nothing to be scared of.

The purity of your aspirations shrouds you in an invulnerable defence of the Light.

Each of us passed the same Path during our stay on earth. The Path has been verified. Therefore, do get ready to set out and take a daring step on the Path.

I AM Sanat Kumara and I will be with each of you until you all return Home.

You must act, act and act

Beloved El Morya

May 21, 2005

I AM El Morya, having come through my messenger.

Today special circumstances have forced me to give you a short epistle-exhortation. Accept it with all your attention and gravity.

The brevity of my words will make them more intelligible.

The haste creates the necessary tenseness.

The space is stressed. The currents are amplified.

The news from our world is well-timed.

Be on the qui vive. Prepare to act.

The general lull on earth is deceitful. Changes are approaching, and events are coming which will be remembered by their seemingly dramatic character and perpetuity.

However, let’s get rid of the needless and obsolete. Let’s take care of the new and progressive.

Those who are with us in their aspirations and service should not worry about anything. Those, impudent in relation to the Divine plan and thinking of themselves as gods, will be put in their place.

There is no intention to intimidate you with this message. Everyone will receive according to his deserts and everyone knows in his heart to what extent he acts in accordance with the Higher Law.

There is boldness from the Light, when the servants direct all their strength and energy towards the Common Wealth and the Good.

There is dark impudence, when an individual challenges the forces of Light and takes the absence of a prompt punishment to be the inability of the Light forces to react to his impudence.

Irrespective of the fact, whether these hostile carpers act within the framework of any religion or whether they prefer to do evil in the shadow of the powers that be, their time is up and soon they will have to be called to account.

Angels strictly record all the abusive words and all the brazen actions. There is always an opportunity to choose another path. There is always a chance to repent and to accept the retribution with humility.

Every time we say it and every time people do not believe that it relates to them. The human memory is short. And when the time comes to be called to account, they wonder, “Do we really owe so much?”

Therefore, think before you create debts. The time flows constantly and implacably. The gush of the Divine Energy is interminable. And there is no chance to stop time.

Therefore, think over the direction of your attention at every minute of your life. Your energy flows where your attention is directed. But if you stop for a moment and objectively scrutinise your thoughts during the day, you will be filled with horror. 90 percent of your attention is drawn to the things which do not deserve even a glance.

The control over thoughts and feelings comes to the fore nowadays.

There is no prospect to postpone the retribution. The period for the return of the karma of your actions has been shortened. You will hardly have time to perform an act of evil before the retribution follows. And there will be no need to ask anybody: “What for, oh Lord?”

The severe conditions of the world force us to take tough and urgent response measures.

The period of infancy has come to an end. And you will no longer have a caring mummy to take the burden of your troubles upon her.

The period of maturity has come and you will have to be responsible for every action, every thought and for all that you admit in your consciousness and that does not correspond to the Will of God.

It is necessary to free the space and the building site before laying the foundation for something new.

This is a matter of our concern now and we are making every effort to obtain this. We have purified the higher planes, now it is the turn of the lower ones.

A capital clearing up has been started on earth. Take care, do not let the Divine broom catch you on its way!

I am warning you, because much depends on you these days. Not only are your merits of importance now, but also the correlation of the mutual efforts of the two sides. There is no time left to wait for the karma to be transmuted. The peculiarity of the current period is in the rapid return of whatever you have made. You will hardly have time to start praying before a situation demanding your reaction crops up.

Remember, that even if you react wrongly in an unexpected situation, you still pass through tests and work off your karma. You work off your karma and pass through tests exactly when you draw useful lessons from the situations into which you get in life.

I watch all the people under my wardship who have asked for my sponsorship and protection. But this does not mean that I will protect them from problems and plights. Those whom God most loves, He most tests, because only after the conquering of the tribulations you do grow, you multiply your abilities and expand your consciousness.

It is vital to give you the understanding of the barriers which you encounter and to remind you in good time about the importance of overcoming, inflexibility, aspiration and bravery.

There are no grumblers and idlers among my disciples.

I say, “Urgency! Hit the road!” And all my disciples are ready.

You can do up your dress on the move, and you can understand how to act better without halting.

Therefore, keep sensibility. I expect you to be prompt at my first call.

Do not expect me to come and to shout into your ears. Just look at my portrait and you will be aware of the urgent things to do.

There is no time left to waste on idle talk. The current situation requires actions.

That’s why you should act, act and act. Try to use every minute of your life on earth.

Think this over. You have been waiting for an opportunity to start acting for thousands of years. The time is ripe for actions. It is high time to act.

For that reason, do not whine that you have not had enough time to get ready, that your boots are full of holes and you have not packed all your things into a knapsack.

Leave all your things. You will need nothing but your wish to serve and the fire of your hearts.

Do not care about your tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Do not think of your yesterday and the day before yesterday.

This can disturb you on your path. Think of the things happening now and make every effort to serve best.

Do not force me to send a herald to you to remind you about your mission. All the knowledge and the entire plan are always with you in your hearts.

I say, “Quickly”. I say, “Urgently”. And you should carry out what you must. Today exactly the moment has come, for the sake of which you have come into embodiment. Everything has to be changed. A capital clearing up has been started on earth. Climb up to the attics of your consciousness. Descend into the cellars of your dark wishes. Take out your dirty laundry.

Everything is to be washed, cleaned and dried.

There will be none of your old clothing left unclean and unwashed.

Do not be afraid to give up the old rags of your egoistic thoughts and feelings.

All this will burn in the flame of your service and in the fire of your hearts.

There is no place for imperfection in the new world.

I say, the dawn is nearing, and it is time to get up and start acting.

The new time is coming! Do meet it!

I AM El Morya and I have addressed my devoted disciples.

The Path of initiations which I teach is the Path of full humility before the Will of God, the Path of full selflessness and self-sacrifice

Beloved Jesus

May 22, 2005

I AM Jesus, your elder brother and preceptor, having come to you through this messenger.

I HAVE come to reopen an eternal talk which will be vital for you until you dress up in the wedding garments and ascend into the Light.

Until that time you will be constantly busy separating in your consciousness the eternal things belonging to the Higher world from the things liable to decay belonging to the transient world.

Your reality shrouds you in a fog of illusion and distracts you from the work which is really your vocation. However, no matter how long you meander in the illusory world, an end will come to your wandering sooner or later. Many dedicated seekers of the Truth are mistaken and deluded when they suppose that the Path Home must represent a state of eternal bliss and love. It is right, but right as much as something can be right and true in your world.

The states of bliss, joy, love and conciliation are the signs that you are on the right Path and that you have chosen the correct direction. But you will not be able to maintain a constantly even state of spirit in your world. My aim today is to give you an exhortation and to warn you about the possible inferior states of consciousness which you may encounter on your Path. But these states will not necessarily serve as evidence that you have gone astray.

A constant analysis and a constant identification of your states are exactly the things required of you on the entire length of your Path.

Imagine that you really started your Path at a time when the sun was shining, it was calm and everything was fragrant and blooming. You may consider it to be a right sign on the Path. But all of a sudden the wind and thunderclouds spring up and the thunder booms. All this does not necessarily indicate that you have gone astray. You are still moving in the right direction, in spite of the fact that the external circumstances have changed and your mood has darkened along with the change in the weather.

In exactly the same way you can feel the most elevated states of consciousness in your life. You may be at the peak of bliss. But suddenly your state may deteriorate without just cause. For no reason you feel causeless melancholy, depression, pointlessness of your existence and disbelief.

These states are not always the signs of your having gone astray, beloved. They simply show you that the time is ripe for you to pass the tests and trials on the Path. You have heard of the school of mysteries of Lord Maitreya.You have heard of the schools of initiations which have existed at all times.

If the path to God represented just a state of constant bliss and grace, why would these schools of initiations be necessary? And why are the initiations necessary at all?

There are two persons inside of you. One is mortal and the other is immortal. These two persons have become so entangled during many million years of their existence on planet Earth that it will require considerable efforts to separate these two from one another. One of them is to stay on earth and to return into earth from where he has been taken. The other is to continue existence in another, Higher plane of reality.

When you start - first of all in your consciousness - the process of separating these two persons from one another, it is sometimes quite difficult to perform such a separation. You literally have to cut to the quick. You have got used to identifying yourself with the individual whom you see in the mirror. But in fact, all the stages of initiations which you pass are aimed exactly at helping you to stop your self-identification with the reflection in the mirror. That’s why they say that if you want to see your enemy, come up to the mirror and look into it.

In reality, all that you have considered to be your individuality during many lives is not you actually, but represents that part of you which you must give up and with which you must stop identifying yourself.

That part of you which resists the process of knowing your new individuality will rise from the depth of your being, from your unconscious and sub-conscious, and protest. In your external consciousness you may not fully understand the reason for your melancholy, your despair and your state of extreme depression and irreparability.

It is difficult to analyse which energies have been activated in your four lower bodies in accordance with the cosmic period that has approached now. But these energies represent the unreal part of you. And the purpose of any test, beloved, is to remind you that you are merely disciples on the Path and that you are just passing the next exam. No matter how real your state of mind seems to you, you should constantly remember that it is just a test.

The more in your external consciousness you resist parting with the energy activated within you, the longer drawn-out is your test.

The most advanced disciples always remember that God has a right to put them to the tests which can cause the most, as one would think, unendurable states of consciousness. And at the minute of the upmost tension of all their strengths, when it seems that the sun will never shine again, they come up to the altar and say in their hearts,

“Lord, I know that this state of my consciousness is not real. I know, Lord, that this is merely a test. I am ready, oh Lord, to endure all the trials that You send me. And I will try to do this. You have a right to send me any trials, oh Lord. And I am grateful for all the trials which You send me, because I know that You love me and care about me. I ask You, oh Lord, to help me endure this trial and pass through it to the end.”

The purpose of all the trials is to test one single quality, and that is your ability to give up the unreal part of yourself, first of all in your consciousness.

Thanks to the infinite mercy of Heaven you have an opportunity to go through your tests and trials and to pass your exams without leaving your usual life. You continue living your usual life, but if at your inner levels you have expressed a wish to go through the initiations while staying in the usual life, such a chance will be given to you, irrespective of whether you are aware of your asking in your external state of consciousness or not. That is why I have come today to explain the reason for the causeless gloomy states and various psychological problems to those of you who experience such states.

Yes, beloved, you have made a choice to go through training at the school of initiations without leaving your usual life. You have chosen an accelerated Path. Your soul has expressed a wish to go through initiations in this life so as not to wait for the next embodiment and for suitable conditions of training at the school of mysteries somewhere in silence and far from the highways of the modern civilization.

This Path of initiations, the Rose Path, is the Path which all of you should follow. I do not know another path. The separation of your real part from your unreal part is always accompanied by very painful and unpleasant feelings. Both the duration and the heaviness of such states will be determined by the level of resistance of your unreal part. Everything will be determined by the potency of your ego, beloved.

You know that I managed to give up my unreal part during those 40 days when I was staying in the desert. However, you know that afterwards this was followed by my service, my Transfiguration, crucifixion and ascension.

You will pass through constant trials and tests as long as you are in the physical plane of planet Earth. And, even if you give up the unreal part of yourself, you will not be able just to give up the rest of mankind as a bad job and to be as snug as a bug in a rug somewhere in Heaven.

Do not hope, beloved, that your ascension will put an end to your evolution, your tension, your work and your responsibility. Everything will be just beginning. And the higher your abilities, the larger the weight you will take upon yourself and the more vital service you will perform.

You should come to like the tension. You should come to like the service.

The highest manifestation of your Love will be the compassion towards the entire mankind and all the living creatures, and you will be ready to sacrifice for the sake of the salvation of mankind. You will be ready to sacrifice all your time, all your achievements and all your bodies.

The Path of initiations which I teach is the Path of full humility before the Will of God, the Path of full selflessness and self-sacrifice.

There is no other Path, beloved, and our task is to direct you on this Path and to give your all the necessary ministration.

I AM Jesus and I have been speaking from the highest point of Love towards each of you.

Our task is to impregnate the Earth with the new vibrations, the new consciousness and the new attitude to the world

Gautama Buddha

May 23, 2005

I AM Gautama Buddha, having come again.

Since the time of my last meeting with you a series of events in the higher plane of planet Earth has taken place. I would like to acquaint you with them succinctly. We have succeeded in locating the accumulated negative energies which could inevitably cause a new cataclysm in the places of their production.

Therefore, the energies that we have failed to neutralise and deactivate will affect, first of all, the people who have generated these monsters of their thoughts and feelings.

The preventions are being given and the promptings are being sent through different people as it was in the days of Noah. But people prefer to pay no heed and to close their eyes to them, to hear and see nothing.

Some people show wonders of complete irresponsibility and a lack of system, others show wonders of heroism and self-sacrifice, trying to prevent the unavoidable.

Everyone acts the way he prefers to act. And everyone acts depending on whose advice he prefers to follow in his life.

The approaching events will yet again reveal the lack of correspondence between the vibrations of the majority of mankind and the New Age’s vibrations which have already reached and are reaching earth now.

In this way, by following the path of successive approximations, the conceived plan will be realised on planet Earth. My beloved chelas, you should never go against the Will of God, never act in defiance of the plans envisaged by the Supreme Law for planet Earth.

In this way the true aspirations and God-qualities are being cultivated within everyone. Everyone obtains an opportunity to manifest his or her inner essence.

Why are you given a Teaching which says that you should take care only of yourself, your thoughts and feelings? Why cannot you lead other individuals and make them act in the way you think to be right?

This is because everything that happens and is to happen on the planet and with every individual is determined by the presence of these or those energies within people’s auras and force fields.

If you have accumulated a great amount of negative energy during many embodiments on earth and continue keeping this energy, you will not manage to escape the events connected with your karma, irrespective of whatever endeavors you make. On the other hand, if you have taken care of your thoughts and feelings in advance, if you have got rid of a major portion of your karmic loads, nobody will be able to harm you in spite of all his attempts.

Your enemies will make every endeavor to harm you. But if there is nothing to catch hold of in your aura, none of their actions will harm you, but on the contrary, all their actions will be of benefit to you.

This is the hidden mechanism of surviving in the conditions which are impossible for existence. This explains why some things happen to some people but at the same time do not affect others around them.

Therefore, it is absolutely pointless to waste efforts proving to yourself and to the people around you that you are good and fully devoted to God. All your actions, thoughts and feelings are kept in your aura and in the so-called Akasha chronics. Therefore, it is absolutely ridiculous to play any games with the Cosmic Law governing in this universe. That is why it is said that you should take care only of your thoughts and feelings, of your own actions and of what you do.

You cannot help a person if he does not want to accept your help. You cannot force anybody to share your views. But you always have a chance to share the treasures of your knowledge with those who are ready to listen to you. The secret here lies not just in the fact that a person who is ready to accept your care and knowledge has a consciousness and vibrations enabling him to do so - he has obtained this consciousness and these vibrations during not just one of his embodiments.

Therefore, spare no efforts to thrust your views on those who do not want to listen to you. It would be better for you to find people from your environment who are sick and tired of the irreparability of this world and of the stagnant atmosphere they live in. The knowledge you will offer to those people will be a miraculous balsam, relieving their existence and salving the wounds they have received when coming into contact with the sides of your world that are not the best.

You always have a chance to find at least one person from your environment who needs your help and the knowledge you can offer. Unfortunately, the level of consciousness of mankind is so low that only the minority of humanity is able to master the knowledge, the energies and the information contained in the dictations which we are giving now through our messenger.

We are fully aware of our probable opportunity to awaken the consciousness of only a few thousand or a few tens of thousands of people all over the world.

But believe me, my beloved chelas, it is quite enough for a start.

And that information, and those vibrations, and that knowledge which can be absorbed by those few who have prepared their temples for receiving that information in advance, will be stored in the energy fields of those, in their auras.

The people of earth are tightly interconnected in the higher plane. There is a conception of the collective unconscious of mankind - when the knowledge which we succeed in putting into the head of one or two men is spread unbeknown to the consciousness of the majority of people. And if they hear somewhere about some knowledge which is completely new for earth, many of them will have a feeling that they have already heard or known about it, but scarcely will they manage to designate the source from which they have picked up this knowledge.

The high vibrations of our world are capable of reaching many individuals even if there is no feedback in their external consciousness at first. Remember that the construction of a human is like a matryoshka [25] and that the Higher Self of a human is always very responsive to everything which takes place in the informational field of earth.

Your physical body and your senses resemble dinosaurs who in no way can adapt to the briefly changing reality and to the quickly changing vibrations of this world. Just as dinosaurs became extinct in the old days, you will have to part with your physical bodies in the course of time.

That is why we give you the teachings on meditation. That is why we direct your consciousness towards the higher worlds. The gravamen of your consciousness will gradually move to your higher bodies. You will obtain a fuller mobility and lightness. In fact, your physical bodies are the object of your major concern when in embodiment. You have to care about your bodies, to wash, feed, dress and cure them most of the time you are living on earth.

Can you imagine how precipitously the evolution of humans will develop when they free themselves from their bodies and simultaneously are released from the necessity to spend so much time in caring for these bodies?

You will be very much surprised if I say that in fact you could have freed yourselves from your physical bodies long ago and you could have continued your evolution in the higher plane, but you are tied down by your attachment to your physical bodies and forced to come into embodiment over and over by your attachment to everything existing in the physical world.

The only thing impeding your evolution is the level of your consciousness and the extent of your attachment to your external personality, to your ego – that part of you which exists in the physical plane and in the higher planes connected with the physical one – the mental and the astral planes.

Any cataclysms and any calamities could have been prevented if mankind could part with its lower self. All the disharmonious manifestations in this world are caused by the disharmonious and imperfect consciousness of the earthlings. And indeed, everything that takes place and that might take place on planet earth depends on each of you. You simply read these dictations, you simply master the information contained in them. But your influence on the future events on earth will be like that of a vehicle’s spring. You will be able to mitigate every calamity, every cataclysm.

Our task is to impregnate the Earth with the new vibrations, the new consciousness and the new attitude to the world through the consciousness of the people who are able to take the knowledge which we give.

Very soon you will see as everything starts changing around you. This will truly resemble a miracle, but this miracle, beloved, will happen only with your help.

I AM Gautama Buddha.

Change your consciousness, change your thinking, change your way of life

Beloved Lanello

May 24, 2005

I AM Lanello, having come to you through this messenger again. Today I have to give you a small Teaching which, I hope, will be of use to you at this stage of your knowledge of the Divine reality.

You know that your cognition of the Divine reality is a gradual process. It is impossible for you to master the entire fullness of the Divine Truth at once. In such a case it may resemble a clay vessel with a small volume in which you try to thrust something with a much bigger volume than this vessel can contain. The vessel can crack. That’s why, when you realize any idea, teaching or knowledge with your external consciousness, you cannot absorb the whole volume of this knowledge at once.

Your consciousness has to go through a process of a gradual changing and transformation. In this case the process of knowing the Divine Truth will be more or less painless for you.

Many things inherent in the Divine reality can cause a negative response and non-acceptance in your human consciousness. The point is that the human consciousness exists within certain frames of time and space and is limited by these frames. When you can overcome the frames of time and space in your consciousness, the range of your perception of the Divine reality expands. Before that time you receive only crumbs of knowledge, but even these crumbs, if they disagree with the knowledge which you have received from other sources earlier, can cause hostility and even aggression towards them.

Unfortunately, the range of perception of reality by your consciousness is rather limited. This would not be such a big obstacle and we could have given new knowledge gradually, expanding the bounds of your world, if humans did not accept many things as a dogma by their consciousness and did not consider any deviation from this dogma to be blasphemy and apostasy. The whole point is in the twilight of your consciousness. When your consciousness is plunged into ignorance, you are inclined to condemn everything that does not correspond to the ideas and understanding received by you before. The only remedy for ignorance is the Light of knowledge. The overcoming of the inner barriers, inner blockages and inner obstacles has always been the first and foremost task for the spiritual seekers.

If you take an unbiased look at the history of mankind and especially at the history of religion, you can see that most conflicts, including the conflicts on religious ground, were caused by the fact that people were not disposed to accept the viewpoints of others and were not inclined to find shared approaches to the same conceptions.

Everyone recognized only his own point of view and did not want to reckon with the point of view of others.

Therefore, the foremost task of your time is to find shared meeting-grounds between any religious movements and any new teachings.

The task is to rise above the limitations inherent in any religious system. The starting point in the creation of bridges and passages between the different viewpoints is the recognition of the simple fact that at the present stage of evolution humanity is not able to describe the entire fullness of the Divine Truth with 100 % authenticity. For a start, you can agree that there is no malicious intent in that one human understands the Divine Truth in this way and another one understands it differently. Every individual is unique after all and has his own point of view about everything.

It is very important to recognise the fact that other people also have a right to interpret the Divine Truth in their own way. At the present stage the quality of religious tolerance is very vital. It is the lack of religious tolerance that is the reason for such an appalling phenomenon as terrorism. It is precisely dogmatism and intolerance towards the viewpoints of others that lead to the kindling of religious extremism and antagonism.

Think about whether it is so important to insist on whose religion is more correct if none of the existing religious systems reflects the entirety of the Divine Truth even to a small degree.

The Divine Truth exists independently of the human consciousness. All of you are just children in the question of cognition of the Divine Truth. As soon as you start insisting that your idea of the Divine Structure is the most right and perfect, in so doing you completely cut off all your chances to know the Divine Truth. Do you think that maybe such intolerance towards the position of other people is a manifestation of pride and the qualities which are typical of your ego and your unreal part?

Therefore, all the religious disputes, wars and conflicts, all the manifestations of religious fanaticism, extremism and intolerance have in their root just the egoistic aspirations of particular individuals standing at the head of religious sects, groups and even quite traditional and relatively old religions, such as Christianity, Islam and others.

Believe me that the Divine Truth most often has nothing in common with those ideas, dogmas and conceptions which are characteristic of the majority, if not of the entirety of the religions of the world.

That’s why one of the major tasks of The Summit Lighthouse organization which I founded in the last century with the help of the Masters was exactly to expand the consciousness of people to the understanding of the common essence which lies beyond any religion and any church dogma. The task was to give you an idea that the core thing is your personal relationship with God, your own evolution in God, your understanding of the Divine Truth. It is your creative work, your development, your spiritual work. None of the religious systems can substitute for your own unique mystical experience, your contact with your Higher Self and your commune with the Ascended Hosts.

However, just after the foundation of a new organization, there immediately congregated forces from all the sides - that saw their foremost task in the proclamation of a newborn belief which was absolutely authentic, infallible and given for the next 2000 years.

Beloved, even the Masters who were the sponsors of The Summit Lighthouse had not expected such a monstrous and swift distortion of the principles laid down by me as the basis of this organization. And certainly, neither they nor I wish to have anything in common with this organization and its leaders in the future.

The Divine Truth comes to earth without asking permission from any religious heads and leaders. The Divine Truth germinates in the hearts of people, and it is of no importance which post you occupy and what your social status is.

It is much easier for us to find a way to the hearts of the most ordinary people, not burdened with any religious dogmas and regulations, rather than to make the religious leaders, wrapped in too much dogmatic luggage, hear us through the church regalia and church clothes.

The Path to God is always inside of you, inside your hearts. You can hear the voice of God only in the peace of your heart. Thus, your major task is to listen to your heart. Do learn to listen to yourself, to your Higher Self. Gradually refuse everything burdening you and preventing you from the establishment of this link.

You yourself make a choice between all the things of this world and your chance to hear a soft inner voice inside of you.

Be sincere with yourself. Ask yourself honestly whether you are ready to give up your attachment to everything that surrounds you in your world - to your family, job, property, habits, including watching TV and listening to the radio, to smoking, idle talk with friends and acquaintances. Are you really ready to give up your attachment to all this and to receive in exchange only one single thing – the link with the real part of yourself? Do not be cunning with yourself.

If in the external world there is something more important for you than the connection with your Higher Self, your time has not come yet. But, perhaps, it is worth pressing a little that part of you which does not want to go out to the Light and delays your growth and spiritual unfoldment.

If you do not start giving up your unreal part on your own initiative, you will be forced to part with your ego by the external conditions all the same. And the more you resist, the more dramatic the events of your life may be so that you could choose the path of spiritual development at last.

I have given you a lot of important information today. I hope that you will not only contemplate it, but will begin at last to be guided in your life by the principles of the true faith, not by the religious dogmas and regulations. Please, make distinctions within your heart and do not allow yourself to be fooled by the people who say that they care about the salvation of your soul. You and only you are the one who is able to save your soul. You will not be able to buy the salvation of your soul for any money and in any shop in the world.

Change your consciousness, change your thinking, change your way of life. Gradually free yourself of everything that does not contribute to your spiritual unfoldment.

I AM Lanello and I have been glad to meet you today.

Kindle your torches and set off to bestow your flame to the world

Beloved El Morya

May 25, 2005

I AM El Morya, having come to you through my messenger.

Our meeting today will be fully devoted to our actions connected with Russia and the problems which we have to solve in this country in order to implement our plans.

You know that during the last hundred and fifty years we have been trying to go ahead with our plans concerning this country which stands aloof from many countries and cannot be compared with any of them. But every time we set out to implement our plans and found a person-transmitter in the physical plane through whom we could act, the opposing forces turned against us and we had to go back on a decision.

However, no-one can escape his destiny. Since there is a plan from God for this country, Russia - and I assure you that such a plan does exist - it must be put into action. All the difficulties can just harden a warrior on the Path. The obstacles are needed exactly to help warriors to acquire experience and better skills.

If you, your parents and your grandfathers had not overcome the severe tests which had befallen them during the last century, scarcely would you be able to comprehend our Teaching now.

It is a delusion to think that we sustained a defeat. This defeat, beloved, is related only to the physical plane. All the sacrifices which were made in this country during the years of wars, revolutions and repressions were made only in the physical plane. But if you look at the events happening in the higher plane at that time, you will see a gigantic evolution of souls. You will see the opportunities that were provided to each soul for its development.

You can see that some people sacrificed for the sake of Common Wealth and the Good, while others committed dreadful crimes and created karma pursuing the transient benefit in the physical plane.

That is how it happened during the entire period of modern history.

God wants you to evolve. God wants you to perfect yourselves and to develop.

For as long as God has loved Russia and its inhabitants, He has been giving the people of this country a chance to go through accelerated tests and accelerated development.

A lot has been endured, a lot of grief and suffering had to be felt keenly. Today the country is in a deep spiritual crisis and is enduring the years of a deep stagnation.

This is the result of the karma of atheism which was permitted by the people. Just imagine that right now a new generation of people is being born who in their previous lives fought with each other in the fields of the civil war and met each other at the interrogations during the repressions.

You can picture the former victims and executioners right now sitting at one desk at school – those who killed and those who were executed and tormented. But the karma has not disappeared. The karma remains, and the karma must be worked out.

You know that if a pendulum has deviated to one side, then according to the law of physics it inevitably has to deviate to the other side with the same amplitude. If during the last hundred years you have been watching the deviation of the pendulum towards the side of atheism, distrust and rejection of the Supreme Law for everything which exists, this means, beloved, that Russia is predestined to have Faith in God and to have Faith in the Supreme Law during the next hundred years. As long as these hundred years have not passed without leaving a trace in the evolution of people’s souls, the experience acquired by these souls will no longer allow them to be carried away by the blind faith and dogmas of any external church.

That is why we are beginning the new cycle in a state of a full spiritual vacuum, and it makes it even easier for us to plant the verdure of the new knowledge, new ideas and new understanding of the structure of the world in the hearts and minds of the generation living in Russia today.

Neither the collapse in the physical plane nor the irreparability in the minds of people can be barriers. The most important thing is to sow the seeds of aspiration within people’s minds and hearts, to kindle the fire of knowledge and to fan the flames of the Divine Freedom.

You have got used to relying on the external. You have got used to making plans that are based on the external knowledge received by your mind. The time has come when you must give God an opportunity to act through you. All you need for that, beloved, is to get rid of your ego and of all your attachments to the things of this world. You should provide your temples - for the Divine guidance. Your ego obstructs us, as well as the bustle of your minds and your empty inquisitiveness.

You should simply pin your hopes upon the Will of God. You must fully submit to the Will of God.

The Will of God is not manifested in the churches. There is no organisation in the physical plane which acts in accordance with the Will of God. The Will of God, beloved, can be manifested only through you, through your hearts. That is why you should long to provide all your lower bodies for the realisation of the Will of God for this country.

You should be possessed by the realisation of the Will of God. You should be possessed by the aspiration to become an obedient tool of God in the process of implementing the plan for this country.

I do not ask you to submit your will to any external organisation. I do not ask you to apply for any instructions to the messenger through whom I am giving this dictation.

No, beloved. You do not need a mediator between you and God, between you and the Ascended Hosts any longer.

Your Higher Self and your Guardian Angel are always aware of the Divine plan for your lifestream. You do not need to go to messengers, clairvoyants, psychics or servants of the cults in order to know the plan of God for your lifestream. Everything is written in your heart.

Tell me, how many of you have talked to your heart lately? How many of you have tried to understand what your heart tells you?

You are so busy in your life that it is hard for you to find at least five minutes to be alone with yourself in silence, far from the vanity.

Your heart is constantly trying to talk to you. But you do not hear it. You prefer to listen to your friends and acquaintances, to watch TV, to listen to your horrible music or to pick up knowledge from newspapers, books and magazines.

Beloved, there is no source of information in your world that can tell you what your life plan is, why you have been embodied and what you are to do now and in the near future.

You will not hear about it on the radio, you will not manage to learn about it from the TV programmes. You cannot read about this in any books.

Your heart is keeping the innermost information, so necessary for you, and it longs to share this information with you.

All the Ascended Hosts, beloved, are ready to give you all the possible ministration in your Divine task for the sake of which you have come into embodiment on planet Earth at this difficult time.

Why do you ignore the help of Heaven?

Till when will you scour your beggarly world in search of the sense of life? You will never find the sense of life in the surrounding world! I tell you this with a full sense of responsibility, because it is impossible for the mortal to inherit the immortal. The essence of your nature is Divine. And you must return to your Divine nature.

Your search for the sense of life in the physical plane is doomed to failure from the very start. The only true Path lies within you, inside of your hearts. There are many paths in this world which people prefer to follow from one embodiment to another, from life to life. But the only true path is discarded by them.

God is patient, beloved. No matter how long you wander around the external world, the time will come when you will return Home.

Therefore, your major task for the present time is to feel this Path in your heart. And you will become living guides on this Path for many lost souls.

When you start following the Path leading you Home, you will have to give up the superfluous burden that makes you encumbered and attached to the physical world.

Your vibrations will rise, your thoughts and feelings will become purified and you will serve as a luminary on the Path for those who are still continuing to wander in the dark.

All the miracles and treasures of the world are hidden in the depth of your hearts. When you manage to kindle a torch in your heart, everything will change within you and around you.

We need devoted collaborators. We need warriors of Light whom we can count on in the implementing of our plans for this country and for the entire humanity.

Kindle your torches and set off to bestow your flame to the world.

I AM El Morya and I am giving you the flame of knowledge.

A Teaching on the karma of poverty and wealth

Lord Surya

May 26, 2005

I AM Surya, having come again from the Great Central Sun to meet you through this messenger.

I HAVE come to inform you about an important Teaching on karma and its transmutation.

If you look at the Earth from the viewpoint of the Great Beings of Light dwelling in the eternity, you will see that the entire planet and everything that surrounds you, as well as your four lower bodies, represent nothing else but karma. The Divine Energy spent by the embodied humans who are subject to the living in the lower dense planes of this universe during the current cosmic cycle, while passing through the consciousness of these embodied individuals and being refracted by it, becomes denser and creates the material world around you.

This world gradually manifests itself from the non-manifested state and creates a gigantic stage for you. You come to this stage from embodiment to embodiment to play your parts.

Therefore, in this respect one may say that the entire world around you represents karma or the hardened energy of your wrong actions, thoughts and feelings.

However, even from the experience which you have had in your current life you can understand that it will be scarcely possible to learn something if you actually do not do anything in your life. While being in the embodiment, you learn consistently and you constantly gain life experience. It is impossible for you not to do that, as you are in the material world exactly in order to go through training and to gain the necessary experience.

When your consciousness reaches the required level, it will help you to control the state of the world around you. You will be able to transform the surrounding world by filtering the Divine Energy through your being. As long as your consciousness has a high enough level, your vibrations will be sufficiently high as well. By laying your vibrations on the surrounding world you will be able to transform the physical world and to approximate it to the Divine pattern more and more.

A gigantic Leela [26] is buried here - in this game of the Lord. Being present in each of you, the Lord first creates an illusion and then contracts it. It can be compared to a child, who erects a sand castle, then destroys it and builds another, a more perfect one. With each attempt his creation becomes more perfect and more approximate to the perfection, and every time it surpasses the former creation by its perfection.

You are like gods, and similar to gods you have an opportunity to create and to make perfect images in your life.

Some individuals prefer to follow their own path, they organise their life and the surrounding reality according to the standards which are far from perfection. God allows you to experiment. Sooner or later you will be able to make certain of what in your creation is beautiful and harmonious and keeps within perfect standards, and what is despicable and ugly and must be transformed.

Therefore, if you prefer to be guided in your life by low standards and non-divine guide-lines, you are allowed to do that.

You are in your world only to learn to make a distinction between the Divine patterns and their ugly imitations. You should learn to make a distinction in any sphere of your life. Under the conditions of the dual world everything seems to be dual, so what seems to be good at first sight may appear to be evil, but what seems to be evil may render invaluable help for the evolution of your soul.

That’s why it is recommended never to judge with your carnal mind. The worst beggar (according to the standards of your consciousness) may appear to be a spiritually rich man, possessing truly invaluable treasures of his causal body. This individual has come into embodiment intentionally so as to get an experience of a beggarly existence, because his former royal embodiments in the past have not allowed him to gain such experience. To accept a beggarly existence and to surrender to it inside your consciousness is a very high spiritual achievement. Having come into embodiment, many highly evolved souls realized the worth of such experience and decided to give up their property and social status and to become beggars of their own free will. You may know many examples from the written history. I will mention only Francis of Assisi and Gautama Buddha.

If you happened to meet Gautama, sitting in the wood during his period of trials, you would probably think him to be some insignificant beggar, unworthy of your attention. And you would make a mistake and miss a chance to have a personal contact with the greatest and ancient spirit.

That is why the gift of making distinctions is so necessary for you.

There is another example. You know that some people have great riches. But do you know that for many of these people their riches are their greatest trial? Do you know how hard it is for them to bear the burden of their riches?

I can assure you that among both very rich and very poor people there are highly evolved souls and there are souls who for a long period of time have been turning aside the Divine Path predestined for each soul.

The contrasts of your world and the abyss separating the rich and the poor are evidence of the unbalanced karma of your world. At the same time this creates very good conditions for the evolution of your souls.

Yes, beloved, your karma – though this statement may seem strange to you – creates very good conditions for the development of your souls.

Your karma is a kind of a coach for you, who constantly puts new pressures on you and does not permit you to relax. Thus, you are constantly in good shape and you are ready to overcome yourself relentlessly and to develop the Divine qualities in yourself.

Both great riches and severe poverty are the consequence of a big karma. But there are cases when a person makes this karma himself, and there are cases when an individual takes this karma upon himself voluntarily in order to work it off in this embodiment and in that way to make the karma of humanity less burdensome.

It is necessary to make distinctions.

The most reasonable attitude to richness and poverty should be an equally even and cool attitude both to richness and destitution.

The basic thing is the state of your mind. If you accept both poverty and richness similarly, this is evidence of your nonattachment to the external manifestations. You must develop in yourself a quality of a neutral attitude to the people around you.

Neither wealth nor misery is evidence of the evolution of the soul. It is your attitude to the richness and misery that is evidence of the level of your spiritual achievements.

When the majority of humans in their consciousness treat correctly the matter of wealth and misery, this will indicate that mankind has worked off this kind of world karma. And there will be neither poor nor rich on earth any longer.

Therefore, truth to tell, the wealth of some people and the poverty of others are just one of the consequences of your imperfect consciousness. Having overcome this imperfection within your consciousness, you will no longer encounter either inordinate poverty or excessive richness in your life.

Thus, your fight both with the rich and the poor makes no sense.

It is your fight with your imperfect consciousness which denies poverty and aspires to richness that makes sense.

There will be neither poor nor rich people when the consciousness of the majority of humans develops a correct attitude to richness and poverty.

The root of your poverty and of your wealth is the karma of your excessive attachment to the things of this world. You can either voluntarily take this karma upon yourself to work it off or you can make this karma by your incorrect use of the Divine Energy in your previous embodiments.

Everything around you is the consequence of your karma and the karma of humanity – any quality, any manifestation of this world, any feeling and any thought. But all this creates that background and that stage which allow your soul to pass through the most qualitative training and to evolve.

Your life may seem absolutely irreparable to you. But it can probably be a great consolation for you if I say that many Beings of Light envy you, for you have such good conditions for the evolution of your souls. Many of them would gladly change their abode for yours if it were allowed by the Divine Law.

Thus, your task is to develop a broader view on the evolution of your souls and, on the whole, on the evolution of the entire mankind and the entire universe.

I will be glad if my talk today contributes to the alteration of your consciousness in the right direction.

I AM Surya, and I am sending you my regards from the Great Central Sun.

A Teaching on Love and life trials

Lord Maitreya

May 27, 2005

I AM Lord Maitreya, having come again through this messenger!

The charm of our contact and the information which I am going to share will be of use to you.

It is so seldom that we have a chance to commune with the non-ascended mankind. And you are given an opportunity to be in touch with the Ascended Hosts so rarely that there cannot be any superfluous information and the time which you spend in the reading of this dictation will be delightful.

I would like to speak to you about the most essential matter. I wish to have a word on this topic because there is nothing more important for you now.

If a miracle occurred and all the people began to experience the feeling of Love, I can assure you that an instantaneous miracle of transformation would happen. Love is the quality that your world is constantly lacking. However, in reality Love is the quality which is inherent in this world primordially. Your constant feeling of the shortage of Love is evidence of the fact that you are following a wrong Path.

If only you could continually experience this beautiful all-embracing feeling! In this case your mind and your emotional body could be in an elevated state all the time and you would be able to keep your vibrations continually on the highest level available for you.

But what else do you need, beloved?

When a man becomes filled with high vibrations, when he is full of the feeling of Divine Love, he feels a causeless state of happiness and his life becomes full of sense, concord and harmony.

I do not mean that quality which is called “love” by the majority of humans on earth and which, in fact, has nothing in common with the true Love, pure Love - Divine Love.

I can tell you with a feeling of full certainty and trust-worthiness that the true feeling of Love is as big a rarity in your world as your meeting with the Ascended Hosts.

If you were able to raise your vibrations up to the feeling of Divine Love at least for a very short time, you would manage to get a commune with the Ascended Hosts almost instantaneously.

The Ascended Hosts are very responsive to the quality of Love. That is why we ask you to send us your Love. There is no greater happiness for us than to feel your Love.

And if you are vibrating at the frequency of Love, you can also feel our Love the same way.

In many Teachings given through many messengers it was said that Love is a key. Do you understand now why Love is a key?

It is because this feeling is able to raise your vibrations instantaneously and to approximate them to the vibrations of the etheric octaves of Light. And you become able to come into contact with any Master towards whom you experience the feeling of Divine Love at a given moment.

This feeling of Love, true Love, Divine Love, when being experienced by you, is a signal of your readiness to communicate with our world. This very feeling of Love creates for you an absolutely impenetrable defence from the attacks of any negative forces and energies and of any individuals who have submitted themselves to the actions of these forces.

That is why it is very easy to identify the direction of your movement. If you experience a feeling of causeless Love, joy, peace – you are moving in the right direction. You are ready to embrace the entire world and you are ready to give help to the whole planet.

You are seized by causeless generosity, happiness and a wish to give out more and more of your Light and your Love, to grant your Love to the world and to ask nothing in exchange.

And on the contrary, if you have lost your way and are going in the wrong direction, you feel a deficiency of Love and, as a consequence of this, suspiciousness, fear and condemnation. Any person filled with Love will differ so much from you by his vibrations that you will feel irritation towards him.

You see that the criterion of the faultlessness of your Path is very simple.

You either experience the feeling of Love or you do not have it.

But as long as only a very small percent of the people of earth can feel this noble feeling, you can form an opinion about the number of people who are moving in the right direction.

If you have become used to feeling Love, you will regard the absence of Love as a serious deficiency. When you are lacking Love, you immediately feel this. I have to reveal a secret to you that when you pass through the trials on your Path, the feeling of Love is blocked-up. In this case your vibrations are lowered and you plunge into a state of irreparability and become subject to any negative feelings typical of your world which are still present in your aura in the shape of imperfect negative energies.

However, the very act of passing through the tests on your Path is a vital and necessary element.

Your tests are exams for you. It is very easy to live your life and to make right decisions when your vibrations are harmonious and high. But, when getting into the same situations in a disharmonious state of consciousness, you find it difficult to make a right choice.

This is like an exam on multiplication tables. Remember how it was hard for you to give the answer to five multiplied by six or eight multiplied by seven when you were standing in front of your class and everyone was looking at you, although, when you were at home in a quiet place you could easily manage to answer this question.

The trials are necessary for you to enable you to make a right choice in any life situation. You must always choose the truest, Divine Path. No matter how strong the illusion around you is, you should always remember that there is another, Higher Reality. And this Reality is your genuine Home. You are just strangers in this world.

And, when you pass through your tests successfully, the feeling of Love immediately returns to you. In this way you can always understand whether you have passed your test and how successfully and quickly you have done it.

Many of you express a wish to serve the Ascended Hosts. Many of you are fairly sincere in your impulse. But do not forget that before you are allowed to drive a car, a train or a plane you must go through training and pass an exam to be given the right to drive. The same is offered to you before you are entrusted to an important service. You are offered to go through training and to pass a series of final exams.

However, after the tests and life trials begin, the majority of people forget about their wish to serve the Ascended Hosts and mankind of earth. They fail their tests and do not pass their finals.

And afterwards they are very much surprised that they expressed their willingness to serve but were refused.

How can we rely on you and entrust to you a responsible task if you are not able to remember at least for a few months your requests and wishes spoken out before the altar?

A lot of individuals are so frightened by the tests and the life trials connected with them that they are ready to give up their requests, their oaths and promises given before the altar and in their letters to us.

And when in some time they again commit to memory their wish to serve, the opportunity turns out to be lost - the cosmic cycles and the earthly terms no longer permit a new cycle of initiations to begin. It is very sad that a lot of our chelas lose opportunities one after another and the whole life passes in vain from the viewpoint of the development of the soul.

Therefore you should be vigilant. When your turn to pass tests and to go through initiations comes, do not turn off the chosen Path. Bring to mind that feeling of Love which was leading you and which was your guiding star and in any life situation try to find the decision which will help you regain your feeling of Love.

There are no easy tests and there are no painless trials and exams. But such is the Law of this universe. You should pass through the necessary tests before you are entrusted to service. And remember – there are no tests which are impossible to pass through. You are not tested with more than you can stand even if you are almost at the limits of your powers and abilities.

I AM Maitreya with Love towards you.

Your world is to be changed and this change can only be implemented by way of transformation of your consciousness

Beloved Jesus

May 28, 2005

I AM Jesus, having come to you today.

In my talk today I would like to focus on the information without which your advancement on the Path will be less successful. Therefore, you should find the time and get acquainted with this information.

You know that I stepped on earth about 2000 years ago. That event had become so significant in the eyes of many people that a lot of them came to believe in me as a Son of God and their Saviour. Their faith was the basis of the religion which you know as Christianity now.

But I must say that never during the entire history of existence did Christianity reflect the essence of the Teaching which I taught while living on earth.

The last thing I want to do is to sow in your minds and hearts the seeds of distrust in Christianity or in any other religion of the world. I just want to redirect your mind and attention from the external manifestation of my Teaching, as it is presented in all the outer Christian churches, towards its inner essence. This will help you to understand why I was crucified.

The inner essence of my Teaching was that this world is temporary and you must prepare yourselves for the transition into a new world – the Divine one - which is your true Home, whence you have come and to which you will come back.

Thus, you see that there is no religion in this world which reflects the essence of my Teaching.

The secret lies in the fact that any religion represents an interpretation of the Divine Truth in the minds of embodied people who try to formulate this Divine Truth in their own words. But as the consciousness of these people is far from perfection, the Truth which they present in the external religion is also far from the genuine Divine Truth.

That is why God has always sent messengers and prophets to the world to remind you about the genuine Faith and about the true religion – based not on a cult or worshipping something outside you, but on the adoration of the One within - inside your heart. It is a religion of the heart and it teaches you the universal Love towards the entire creation and the unity of all the particles of life.

Within this Faith or religion there is no place for a statement of superiority of one human over another. Within this Faith or religion everybody is in an absolutely equal state before the One - God- Creator. Everybody is a servant in the Lord’s temple.

As far as the human consciousness is imperfect, this imperfection has become the reason for inequality between people. The inequality in property has led to the division of humans into the propertied and the poor classes while the social inequality has led to the division of people into different social layers and castes. In its turn this has created unequal access for different layers of population to education, information and various material possessions.

Any inequality, characteristic of your world, is a consequence of your imperfect consciousness. In reality all of you are absolutely equal before your Father. The Heavenly Father loves and cares about each of you in the same way.

However, due to the individual peculiarities inherent in you primordially, you yourselves create such karmic conditions which give birth to limitations. And in the course of time you find yourselves to be in different levels of evolution of your consciousness.

Some individuals receive an opportunity of a greater progress on the Path according to the merits which they had in their previous embodiments. Other individuals fall behind in their development and it is very difficult for their consciousness to master even the simplest knowledge.

That is why, beloved, God gives is blessing toHis blessing to such a large number of various beliefs and religions, even regardless of the fact that many of them distort the Divine reality greatly. It is because for somebody such an approach is the best at the stage of evolution of his individual consciousness.

We are fully aware of the fact that the dictations being given at present through this messenger will be understood only by very few people. In many people, especially those who have firmly focused their consciousness on some religious doctrine, these dictations will cause nothing but irritation and a wish to get even with the person through whom these dictations are given.

And again you may find yourselves in the situation similar to that which humanity faced 2000 years ago when the enraged mob shouted: “Crucify him!”

Maybe, this time the things will not come to a direct physical assault. But the negative forces that act in your world have taken care about making a whole arsenal of the ways for the black magic and witchcraft to be accessible to those who so desire. Have a look at the shelves in your shops. Despite the abundance of books there, scarcely will you find a tenth of the books which are really necessary for your further spiritual unfoldment. The remaining 90 percent of the books represent a spiritual surrogate, the reading of which is at best useless for you, but at worst simply destroys your consciousness and your way of thinking and literally programmes you to perform wrong actions.

This is why I always experience great joy while watching from the higher plane the next one to be found who got access to these dictations having discovered the websites they were located on in the chaos of the Internet. To me this person resembles a small light of reason, love, aspiration and faith which suddenly flashes out in the darkness of your world.

I observe more and more such lights flashing out in the countries where people understand the Russian language in which these dictations are given, and I regret that so far we have not managed to find reliable people through whom we could translate these dictations into other world languages. That is why I ask those of you who might have a wish, aspiration and an opportunity to translate or to contribute to the translation of these dictations into other world languages, please, take the trouble to respond to my appeal and offer this important service to the world.

These dictations are like a fresh breeze bursting into the stuffy atmosphere of the humans. For some people this fresh wind of change is useful as they like to put themselves under its gusts in which they foresee fresh changes that are to come inevitably and that are already coming to earth through the minds and hearts of those who read these dictations. On the other hand, a lot of people will be so much irritated by this wind that they will want to stop up at any price this source of reformation and healing of the human consciousness. They will sense the danger coming from this source - the power which can destroy their usual way of life and make them adapt to a new world and to its transformed conditions of existence.

Just as it was 2000 years ago, they can make every effort to commit a physical assault on the source of Light or they can suppress it by their godless actions. However, recollect the dictation given by Beloved Surya [27].

Everyone who undertakes any actions against our messenger creates the direst type of karma of your world – the karma of godlessness.

Every person who visibly or within his consciousness flies in the face of God and His Law is like a cancer tumour which requires healing. But if this tumour is not curable, it requires an urgent surgery in order to save the Divine organism from it. This will be done and this is being done already for the benefit of the health of the entire organism of this universe, a part of which is this planet.

Your true enemies do not sit somewhere in the government and do not head any religion or faith. Your true enemies with whom you must lead a merciless fight are inside of you. And these are, first of all, your ignorance and your unwillingness to alter your consciousness.

You will look for thousands of reasons to justify all your actions, all your negative qualities, thoughts and feelings instead of giving up everything imperfect and laying all your imperfections and attachments to this world on the altar of service to the true God who resides within you, within your heart.

I know that a day will come for each of you when the Light of reason will enlighten the darkness of your being and you will make your final choice. And in your consciousness you will no longer separate yourself from God, a particle of who you are.

You will find the sense of your life and existence in the full submissiveness to the Will of God and in your service for the implementation of this Will in the surrounding reality.

Your world is to be changed and this change can only be implemented by way of transformation of your consciousness. This is the simple Truth which I came to teach 2000 years ago. But the people preferred to crucify me rather than alter their consciousness.

Well, you are again facing the same dilemma and you have to make your choice yet again.

That is why I wish you to make a right choice this time - to submit to the Will of God finally and to become His genuine servants for centuries.

I AM Jesus.

You can oust all the imperfection from your world with the help of your Love

Beloved Lanello

May 29, 2005

I AM Lanello, having come to you again!

I HAVE come to give you a chance to familiarize yourselves with my thoughts about Russia and the situation in the world. It is of your own free will whether you take my contemplations into consideration and are guided by them in your life, or discard them.

Unfortunately, you seldom heed the advice which we give you.

For many of you the information contained in these dictations does not differ from that which you find in purely human sources. The reason for this is in your lack of Faith.

You still cannot believe with your human mind that the Ascended Hosts can come and speak to you so simply, without ceremony.

But, beloved, only the things that you admit within your consciousness do take place. And if in your external consciousness you repeat eternally that nothing will ever change and progress in this Russia, it is naive to expect changes to occur around you.

First of all your consciousness must accept the changes and only afterwards the materialization of these changes in the physical plane will take place. Do not forget that the Divine energy can only enter your world along the crystal string anchored within your heart – within the secret abode of your heart. The Divine energy, when entering your world through your heart, is tinted with your thoughts, feelings and aspirations. And if you continually repeat in your consciousness and constantly keep in mind the worst thoughts and feel the worst foreboding for the future of Russia, does not it seem strange to you to expect any positive changes in your country after that?

Therefore, the first thing you should learn in the near future is to be able to dispose yourselves positively to the surrounding reality. You should cultivate within your consciousness a positive picture of the future for your country, your locality and your family in the end.

Make it a habit to practise meditations for the benefit of Russia every day after coming from your service. Put on beautiful classical music of the Russian composers – Rakhmaninov, Tchaikovsky - or the music of the outstanding world composers, Bach, Beethoven or Mozart.

Ponder on the future that you would like to have for your country.

Do not be shy to advance what at first seem to be the most fantastic ideas. Shape a happy future for your country inside of your consciousness. If it is difficult for you to concentrate on the whole country, you can ponder on the activity your group can perform.

If you do not belong to any group, you may shape in your consciousness the future for your family, your relations, nearest and dearest and for you personally.

If you lack the imagination to picture a happy future for your country, your family and yourself, think of what happiness means for you. What would you like to change in your life so as to experience constantly a state of happiness, peace, harmony and love?

Even while being in an elevated state of consciousness and sweeping aside all the burdensome thoughts and feelings, you become a source of Light for your world. Try to imagine a never-ending gush of the pure Divine energy pouring into your heart. You are the owner of this energy, fully responsible for its keeping in purity and holiness.

Feel this energy filling your aura. Your aura expands and becomes even. Your body sinks into a state of bliss and voluptuousness. You feel peace and confidence in your self and in your future. You realize that God cares about you every minute of your life on earth. All you need is to be sensitive and to heed the advice which you get from your Higher Self.

Your Higher Self always knows what you should do. Do not be stubborn; pay attention to its advice and accept its help in your earthly deeds.

When you become filled with peace and love, try to fill the whole room you are in with this feeling. Imagine your aura expanding and embracing the whole room. Then your aura goes on expanding and fills your entire house. The aura continues to expand and then embraces the adjacent houses and the entire town. And every person who finds himself under the effect of your aura becomes as calm, harmonious and balanced as you are. All the bad and disturbing thoughts leave each person who finds himself within the field of your aura’s action.

Your aura goes on expanding with every beat of your heart. With your every breath and exhalation the area of your aura’s influence becomes larger and larger.

You can imagine the entire country and the entire globe coming under the influence of your aura.

The whole world experiences a constant deficiency of Love and peace. You can give your Love to the whole world, to every living creature on planet Earth.

Imagine how many beings on planet Earth need your help right now. The waves of Love emitting from your heart right at this moment are able to prevent someone’s death or to relieve someone’s suffering.

Bestow your Love upon the world. This is what you can do for the world and this does not require any extra efforts from you.

Send your Love to the president of your country. Send your Love to all people who have the power in your country and who can contribute to the change of the situation in it.

When a human feels the Love which is sent to him, this strengthens him and increases his confidence in performing the right Divine actions.

Pray for your leaders to be able to accept into their hearts the Divine wisdom so that their hearts can open for the Divine guidance.

Your country is your baby, your collective creation. Each of you is responsible for taking care of your baby.

At present your country resembles a waif wanted by nobody and cursed by everybody.

Change your attitude toward your child and the situation in your country will alter.

Today I have given you a direction for your everyday work. You can compose the text of your meditation yourselves and repeat it.

The only condition is the genuineness and the purity of your feelings. You cannot trifle with Love, you cannot pretend you care about your country. You must do it sincerely. Send your Love sincerely to every disharmonious situation which occurs in your country.

Thus, first you should balance yourself and feel the Divine energy entering your heart. Feel the warmth inside your heart. You can sense Divine Love and harmony penetrating you from the Divine world.

Now you can spread this Love and harmony around all your country and the entire world.

When you clash with a disharmonious situation in your life, you should always recollect this feeling of Love which you were feeling within your heart during your meditations - and send this Love from your heart into that disharmonious situation.

You cannot fight with the imperfection of the entire world, but you can oust all the imperfection from your world with the help of your Love.

I AM Lanello with Love to you.

I believe in the great future of Russia and I would like to endow each of you with a particle of my Faith

Beloved Nicholas Roerich

May 30, 2005

I AM Nicholas Roerich, an Ascended Master, having come to you through this messenger.

I would like to say so much to the people of Earth who are embodied now. But today I need to say the most important things, to give the very advice and recommendations which you should follow at this period of time.

It is necessary to add to the things said earlier just a few notions and explanations which are very important for you. If I were incarnated now, I would put all my strength, energy and financial resources into one thing – the creation of a system of free education for children at the age when they are most receptive to receiving any information and when their minds are not yet blocked by the gush of false information pouring out from the mass media of your world.

I would make every effort to meet the people who have power and the people who have financial means at their disposal.

It is necessary to find the right words and to convince these people of the necessity of creating a wide network of educational institutions for children who are capable of learning and have inquisitive minds. This should be a global humanitarian education with compulsory learning of the history of the arts, world history, the history of religion and the modern means of communication. It should be a wide approach with the study of the best patterns of creation - both in science and in art - which are possessed by humanity at this stage and which have been received by it as a heritage from the previous generations.

The education should have an all-round general humanitarian character. The studious minds of children, free from dogmas, religious dogmas, and without the touch of irreparability typical of the already formed generation, are capable of absorbing like a sponge the knowledge and the explanations which humans possess.

A person, having received an education of full value and, what is important, having realised the idea of the Divine Law, will serve as a basis, a foundation, where we will be able to erect the structure of the future, a construction of the New Epoch coming to replace the old one.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the education in the sphere of religion. One should never establish the foundations of any religion existing on earth at present in the consciousness of a child. But it is necessary to give knowledge and understanding of the foundations of the Faith. The feeling of the Divine is primordially inherent in every child coming to this world, especially in the souls who belong to the incoming Sixth Root Race and who have begun their incarnations on earth already.

This Divine feeling, the Faith in the Divine Law and the Divine justice should be freely developed in the consciousness of a child, without their being exposed to the influence of any church dogmas. The open consciousness of a child is able to find the general essence and the common Source behind all the existing beliefs and religions very quickly. This is exactly what is necessary for Russia at the present stage.

Russia was historically prepared to be the first successor of the New Faith which does not belong to any of the existing beliefs but embraces them all.

Every conflict on religious ground is a manifestation of the limits of the human consciousness. Unscrupulous people make use of the narrowness of the human consciousness in order to establish their power through the introduction of religious dogmas and regulations. The task of these unscrupulous people and the forces acting through them is to swaddle the human mind and to drive it into a box of dogmas and rules characteristic of all the religions existing on earth now.

Thus, man is forced to experience the action of the opposing forces. On the one hand, is the action of dogmas and limitations of the official religion that dominate over him; on the other hand, the action of absolutely limitless and unrestricted Divine consciousness, a part of which he is and which represents his Higher Divine Self.

Being rendered by this contradiction, people are in fact forced to live their whole life between the hammer and the anvil.

I forebode a strong resistance from the side of the official religion during the creation of the educational institutions of the future.

I have a presentiment of how difficult it will be to fulfil the conception and implementation of such a plan. However, every child, after he has received education of full value, will be able to influence and to participate in the formation of the life guidelines for thousands and millions citizens of the country, irrespective of the sphere of activity which he chooses for the application of his strengths.

The concern about the education of children is a task which cannot be compared with any other in its significance and importance. A country which is not worried about its future cannot be a vigorous one.

It is high time to breathe new life into such notions as dignity and honour. The society needs an urgent restoration of the moral guidelines. I am fully aware of the fact that it will be very difficult to fulfil what I am asking for and what I am speaking about today. The whole country and all its citizens bear the karma of godlessness which Russia took upon itself after the Revolution in 1917 and the shooting of the Tsar’s family. This karma does not allow many of you to see the perspectives and it hides from you the Divine vision of the future of this country.

If you feel total helplessness and the impossibility of applying your efforts to the creation of the conditions for the positive development of this country, do not lapse into despair and do not become depressed under any circumstances.

Believe in the miracle that will save Russia. Your faith in the Divine miracle that will inevitably take place and save Russia gives the Ascended Hosts a chance to intervene in the current situation in your country.

Sometimes one public statement, made at the necessary moment in time and properly directed, is enough to change the course of the history of the whole country.

But in order for such a public statement to take place and a necessary impulse to be produced, it is necessary for you, beloved, to accept in your consciousness an opportunity for the manifestation of a miracle for Russia.

Pray to God and in your everyday prayers, ask Him to save Russia, to have mercy and to allow a miracle to happen in Russia.

The karma which Russia created during the times of godlessness is too heavy. However, you should accept this karma with humility. You must confess. It is the repentance and the confession of the sins committed in the past that is the starting point which will allow the Ascended Hosts to intervene in the situation in your country and to work a miracle.

Do not rely on America and Europe. Do not rely on someone who will come and save Russia. Russia will rise like the Phoenix bird from the ashes, and the very mission of Russia is to show the path for the whole world, including America and Europe.

All the prophecies for Russia are written in the Russian folk tales. Remember Ivan, who had been lying for a long time on the stove, but then the stove itself went and Ivan transformed and started to make wonders.

The prophecy about Russia is written in the Russian folk tales.

I am telling you about the things which are destined to happen and which are being prepared to be accomplished in Russia.

I am not speaking about a remote radiant future and do not call you to prepare your grandchildren to live under communism. I am speaking about a miracle which will take place within the memory of the generation living nowadays.

Come on, Ivan, get off the stove! The time is ripe for your actions. It is not enough to lie around fretting on the sidelines! Great work is to be done in order to transform the consciousness of humanity!

You do not realize the strength and energy inherent in the people of Russia. If Russia did not have its great destination, would the forces of darkness have been wasting so many efforts to suppress the sprouts of the New World in the territory of Russia during the last 150 years?

I believe in the great future of Russia, and I would like to endow each of you with a particle of my Faith.

I AM Nicholas Roerich.

A Teaching on karma

Beloved Kuthumi

May 31, 2005

I AM Kuthumi, having come to you through this messenger again.

I HAVE come to give you a small Teaching and to consolidate the knowledge which has already been given in the previous dictations. The Hosts of Light are invisibly present among you. They try to make use of every chance to be present in your world - as soon as a gap in the pure vibrations appears and allows us to do this.

Our worlds enrich each other reciprocally. Do not think of your world as about the devil incarnate.

Yes, the situation in your world is rather sad today. But this will not last forever. Both the purification of your world and the rise of the vibrations of the physical plane following after it are necessary conditions for the further evolutionary progress of humanity.

Your karma is very large and it consists of the karma both of each individual and the entire planet. This hardened karma - which is in fact condensed energy - creates your dense world.

When the karma is worked off through the rise of the human consciousness, the refusal of the wrong actions and the maintaining of the right Divine accord of thoughts and feelings, the physical plane gradually becomes less and less dense until it disappears altogether. Nevertheless, still long before the physical plane of planet Earth disappears, the life will move from this plane to the higher ones. These planes are brought pretty close to you at present, especially the astral and the mental planes. You can sit inertly at home or even at work, while at the same time your mental or emotional body can wander around the mental and the astral planes. These wanderings can even reach your external consciousness and either be realized by your outer mind or not.

You leave your body and have a journey to the astral plane every night. Your external consciousness does not always realise where you were travelling and whom you met at night. There are individuals capable of remembering their dreams and even of making conscious journeys in their dream in order to meet those people whom they want to meet.

Such an activity, as well as any other activity typical of your world, may be used both for good and for evil aims. Everything depends on the aim of the person making astral journeys and the on the motives he is guided by - whether he wishes to influence the individuals whom he meets for his mercenary aims or he does this for the benefit of the planet.

The journeys out of the body in your less dense bodies are quite natural. These journeys take place independently from whether you realise it with your outer consciousness or not.

Nonetheless, I must warn you that if you use a conscious journey to the astral plane in order to influence some person or even to harm him, your actions entail the same karma as if you performed them in the physical plane with full consciousness in broad daylight.

If your external consciousness does not understand what you are doing in the astral plane, this will not free you from the karmic responsibility for your actions as well.

I will tell you more. A lot of individuals create much more karma in their dream than during the vigilant state of their consciousness. In exactly the same way when you are at home and make an unconscious journey to the astral or mental plane while your thoughts and feelings are aimed against any person, you create karma.

If you play mental images of some vindictive or sexual scenes through your consciousness, you create the same karma as if you really performed all these actions in the physical plane.

That is why we are never tired of saying to you again and again that you must constantly control your thoughts and feelings. During your night sleep you are drawn to those layers of the astral plane, the vibrations of which in their quality correspond to the quality of your thoughts before the sleep. If before going to bed you watched a horror film or spent time in drunken company, you will be drawn to those layers of the astral plane where you will continue your evening entertainment. In this case you create the same karma as if you were doing all this in the physical plane.

That is why your mood during the day and especially before going to bed is very important.

The best thing is to pray or, if you are not used to praying before sleep, at least to listen to soft music or to have a stroll in nature. It would also be useful to read a good kind fairy tale to your children before sleep.

And, of course, do not forget before going to bed to ask the angels to accompany you to the etheric octaves of Light where the sacred retreats of the Brotherhood are located.

You can even specify precisely whomever of the Masters you would like to meet during your night sleep and frame a question, the answer to which you would like to get.

If you ask me a concrete question before sleep, the first thing you should do in the morning is to concentrate and to call to mind the answer given by me during your sleep.

As a rule, I give answers to everyone who reaches me in my retreat and asks me questions during his night sleep. It depends only on you to recall this answer and to write it down immediately after awakening.

You see how differently you may spend time during your night sleep. And it is up to you to make a choice as to how to use your night sleep. You literally programme yourselves before sleep for the actions which you perform during your night sleep.

Therefore, I repeat again and again: you must control your thoughts and feelings constantly, every minute. Always remember - if the situations which you bottle up in your mind are subject to the karmic punishment, you create karma by just thinking about them.

In this case the technique of the karma creation is the following. The Divine Energy entering your four lower bodies from the Divine world along the crystal string is tinted by your thoughts and feelings. If your thoughts are imperfect - you qualify the Divine Energy falsely.

It is very important to control the state of your consciousness at every moment. Your consciousness is so mobile that we never cease to marvel at your ability to create so much karma even during your prayers.

That is why you are told about the meditation practice as one of the possible ways of soothing your mind.

Only in the case when you manage to calm all your fussy thoughts and feelings and reach a total peace of your mind can you ascend to the higher etheric octaves of Light and stay there for a long time. You become able to meet with the Masters, to talk to them and to stroll with them around the etheric octaves of Light.

For that reason, to be able to judge indirectly the level of your spiritual merits, wind up the alarm-clock so that it can give you a signal every hour. When you hear a signal, try to recall what you were thinking about at that moment.

If at that time you were thinking about some elevated and spiritual things, you can mark it as figure “1” on a slip of paper or in your memory. If your thoughts were imperfect, mark it as “0”.

It is enough to catch your thoughts ten times a day according to this technique. Sum up all figures “1”, append “0” to them and you will see the approximate percentage of the karma worked off by you.

For example, if six out of ten your thoughts could be characterised as elevated, the percentage of the worked off karma is approximately 60%.

It is not strange if one day you fix 10% of the worked off karma and the next day the result is 70%. In reality your karma changes during the day. The karma is energy. If you spend most of the day in nature and do not communicate with anybody, the percentage of the worked-off karma will be the most approximate to your natural index, achieved by you at a given stage of your development. If you come into contact with thousands of people during the day, you exchange energy with them every time you touch their auras or during conversations and teamwork. Consequently, you exchange karma every time you come into contact with people during the day.

That is why all the venerable old men, prophets and yogis preferred a secluded way of life and did not associate with people.

Thus, it is impossible for you not to bear the karma of your family, your town and your planet while you live on earth.

The humans of earth are very interrelated by their karma. In order to become independent from the karma of the people around you it is necessary for you to reach a high level of spiritual achievements.

And do not forget that the Law of Likeness acts in your world. You are drawn exactly to those people and situations to which you are to be drawn in order to work off your karma.

When a Buddha walks on earth, no karmic situation can affect him. He steps on earth without being noticed by anybody and no negative energies can cling to him. However, in order for a Buddha to come to your world, he must first take imperfection or karma upon himself. It is like a diver who takes a stone in his hands before making a dive.

For that reason, you are highly recommended not to judge anyone. You never can say whether it is a Buddha or the lowest sinner standing in front of you, because both of them can be burdened with similar karma at times. But if one of them takes upon himself the karma of humanity intentionally, feeling compassion for people and wishing to help them, the other burdens himself with this karma only owing to his ignorance.

Today I have touched upon some of the topics which were already known to you. We have viewed many questions together from a new angle. The questions of karma are very sophisticated. I raise my hat to the members of the Karmic Board, as I realise how considerable are the difficulties which they encounter in their work.

I AM Kuthumi.

A Message to mankind of the Earth

Beloved Alpha

June 1, 2005

I AM Alpha, having come with a message for the humans of the Earth.

I HAVE come to bring this key message which will enable you to maintain the focus of your aspiration at this period of time. Concentrate on your heart. Only you and your heart, my beloved.

There is nothing else in your world. The only entrance to the Divine reality is located within your heart.

Everything that surrounds you in your physical world is aimed only at helping you to evolve, grow and overcome yourself, to broaden your consciousness and to multiply your merits.

You are wanderers who are constantly on the move. Even while staying in peace you go on covering huge distances in your world, flying thousands and millions of kilometres together with your planet, your solar system and your galaxy.

This is the outer galaxy. But there is another galaxy, an inner one, and the entrance into this galaxy is inside of you, in your heart.

Your next step is to uncover this entrance to another world, the Divine world. The world which is not dependent on time and has no space. The world of omniscience and all-perfection. This is the world whence everything comes and to which everything returns. It is your world, your Home, your true reality, whence you have come to the physical world to create your material world.

Millions of beings of Light have been and are working upon the creation of the manifested universe - of the external world. Each of you is also working upon its creation, irrespective of whether you realise it or not. A child may not realise the structure of the world and all its complexity, but he was born and he is living in this manifested world.

Then the child grows up, acquires knowledge and consciously participates in the construction of the world and its activity.

You are children. You are not able, while being at your level of consciousness, to participate consciously in the creation of the worlds and maintaining these worlds in order and purity. But the time has come for you to become mature.

Your final exam for entering the adult world is to uncover the entrance inside your heart, to find the entrance to the real world of God.

I really hope that all of you who are reading these lines now will manage to pass your finals which will give you the right to become co-creators with God and consciously implement the plan of God for this universe into life. You must pass through a narrow secret door hidden within your heart, within its secret retreat.

No matter who calls you to the lures of the far-away cosmos, to the cognition of the far-off worlds outside you - do not believe him. All the worlds and the access to the far-off worlds and all the other worlds are inside your heart. And the key to the door inside your heart is Love.

You will open this door with the help of your consciousness – your Divine consciousness.

Your external consciousness and your external mind will obstruct you. They will create new barriers on your Path again and again.

But now you know where the secret door to the world is whence you have come and to which you are to return. Try not to lose this key to this door during your life trials. Try to remove from your consciousness everything which prevents you from pushing your way through this narrow door.

There is nothing in your world that would prove to be useful for you in the real world of God except your invaluable experience which you have already acquired and which you will still acquire during your wandering through space and time.

If you manage to call to mind the primeval purpose of my having sent you to your world, you will remember that I have sent you to find a treasure. And this treasure is your causal body. This is the greatest treasure, the invaluable treasure - your treasure which neither rust nor moth can threaten.

Many of you have already found your treasure for which I sent you to your world. Now you are to return Home, to remember who you are and why you have set off to wander around your world.

It is high time to awaken for the Higher Reality. The term has approached and the time has come.

The Path has been shown to you. You know your Path. You have everything necessary for your return Home. I am calling you, my children.

I am missing you. Can you hear me?

And if some of you have not found treasures during your wandering, do not despair. I will gladly meet you even without your treasures. Just do come back Home. Find the secret door in your heart.

I am waiting for you, my children.

I AM Alpha, your Father in Heaven.

I will remind you how to meet me and how to get to my School of Mysteries

Lord Maitreya

June 2, 2005

I AM Maitreya, having come to you again through this messenger.

I HAVE come of vital necessity to give you an exhortation, the instructions and the understanding. Your consciousness needs a constant polishing. You need a daily watering of your consciousness with our Energy and Wisdom. During thousands and millions of years you have been receiving Wisdom from the Divine Source. There are periods in your lives when you deprive yourselves of access to the Wisdom of Heaven. In this case it is very sad to watch you wandering around the jungle of delusions without finding peace and an asylum. A lot of my disciples, even having tasted the fruit of Teaching and Wisdom, left my classes for some reasons and gave up attending my classes.

I am very sorry. I am really sorry. But I also sincerely hope that some time will pass and my disciples will return to me. I love all my disciples. There is nothing in your world which can be compared in its might and power with the might of my Love.

Many people do not understand that those tests and trials which I send to my disciples and which seem to them severe and unendurably hard, I give them with a feeling of infinite Love toward the souls of these individuals. I give tests on those qualities which require your thorough work – the qualities, upon which you should work first and to which you should pay special attention.

Unfortunately, it so happens that these qualities - when I remind you of them – turn out to be the very qualities which represent your biggest imperfections to which you are tied up most of all.

That is why my tests are so painful for you, and you quit the Path of initiations and go away to wander around the jungle of ignorance and suffering.

Many people return to me many times during one life and then from life to life and again leave my classes.

I must have infinite patience to work with many obstinate disciples, and only the Love which I feel toward the souls of these individuals allows me to accept them for my School again and again, to teach them and to give them knowledge.

I have come to give this exhortation in order to help you to acquire a quality which is vital for you and which you need most of all.

Your mind is too mobile and you cannot concentrate on one object for a long time. You find new teachings and new books. At first you are carried away and show interest, but some time passes and your aspiration goes out. The spark of your aspiration stifles without having flared. Why does it happen?

You require the discipline of a disciple. If you do not conquer your restless mind every day, your carnal mind will seize you completely and you will stop being the master of your own fate. Every day your bustling mind will seek out for you more and more new teachings, knowledge, information and entertainments. You will snatch at one thing, then at a second, then at a third one. It is painful to watch many of you running all your life from one teaching to another, snatching books one after another, showing interest in one teacher and then expressing it to another one.

You are tossed about in your life as if by gusts of the wind. And the reason for this is that your mind lacks discipline.

In practically every teaching to which you are blown by the wind you can find at least one grain of Truth. But you do not even have enough aspiration to make the slightest efforts in order to find these grains of Truth. And in the end you are attached to that teacher and to that teaching which do not require any efforts from you. You find peace in being sure that you have finally found what you were looking for. You take refuge in cracks like cockroaches and do not wish to come out to the Light. And again your mind is to be blamed because in this case it shows its qualities of laziness and unwillingness to change.

All my disciples who have left me and my classes are now drifting among different teachings and sects or have taken refuge in cracks of some religious groups or sects. They do not wish to show any initiative and to move ahead any longer. In the first case they try to find peace for their souls and this forces them to run around the world in search of a spiritual panacea.

In the second case they convince themselves of having found such a panacea for all their troubles and of having found the true teaching. They are sure that now their task is to sit and wait for enlightenment.

There is only one Path which leads you back Home to your real world, to your true reality. And this Path represents a Path of deliverance from your ego. There is no other path and no other opportunity to return Home.

Yet God has foreseen and arranged everything in such a way that no matter which path you choose, you will still reach your destination. No matter how long you wander around the thickets of the jungles of delusions, you will all the same find a way out and return Home. Only the souls which stubbornly do not want to follow the Divine Law are the exception. But I am not speaking about them now. In this conversation I am trying to get in touch with the consciousness of my disciples who attended my classes and went through training under my guidance, but then preferred to dodge the difficulties and trials and to look for an easier path.

However, irrespective of where you go and what you encounter in your life, all your circumstances will conspire in such a way that you will have to part with your ego.

Your existence in your world will automatically draw to you such situations that will make you give up those qualities of yours which I showed you during your tests and trials - but with which you did not wish to part at that time, having preferred to run away from the initiations and to seek an easier path.

Beloved chelas, you have nowhere to run. It is impossible to run away from the energy which is inside of you until you wish to part with this energy of your own free will, notwithstanding the fact of how painful and cruel it seems to you and how strong is your unwillingness to do this.

The Path of initiations in my School is shorter, but at the same time it is more painful. And it is only your ego and your feeling of pity for yourself that make you run away from my initiations and avoid me.

But I am always ready to accept you back to my School of Mysteries. And if during your wandering around the jungle of ignorance you have forgotten how to meet me and how to get to my School, I will remind you.

Taking into consideration the demands of time, you are not required to go to any country at the world’s end to enter my School of Mysteries. I will come to your call myself, no matter at which point of the globe you live.

All you need is to prepare yourselves for my presence. I cannot approach you until you are surrounded by your human thoughts and feelings. It is necessary for me that you should completely give up your thoughts and feelings at least for a short time. For me it is important that you should raise your vibrations up to the highest level available to you.

I cannot be at the places where there are lots of people. I cannot stay at the places where any modern loud-speaking devices are turned on. I cannot be with you if you are busy doing something which can distract your attention. You must be absolutely focused on your heart. And you must stay in total silence and harmony.

Being in such a state you can make your call and invite me to enter your temple in the name of I AM THAT WHICH I AM. And I will come to you, into your heart and give you that exhortation which you need most of all; I will give you the knowledge and the training which are necessary for you.

My disciples know my vibrations. My disciples are ready to wait for my coming for many months and years before I consider their state and aspiration suitable for the resuming of my teaching.

I come to this world through my disciples.

That is why I call those of them who are still wandering around the jungle of delusions, to stop and to think whether the moment has come to return to my School of Mysteries and to sit at the desk again.

I AM Maitreya, the coming Buddha.

I wish you a Victory!

Beloved Lanello

June 3, 2005

I AM Lanello, having come to you through this messenger again.

Today we will be talking about your Path and your service once more. Every time we come to give our dictation we pursue only one aim – to raise your consciousness, to concentrate your attention on Heaven and to divert you from your usual circle of interests.

The world around you is very poor in values filled with the Divine vibrations. Everything around you corresponds to the level of mass consciousness of people. In order to tear yourself away from your encirclement, from the informational field around you and, in general, from everything around, you have to and will have to make considerable efforts.

If you wish with all your heart to change your consciousness and to raise it up to the Divine pattern, you must literally force yourself to give up your usual way of life, the standards of your behaviour and your habits.

You must become different people. You can change everything in your surroundings, but the most difficult thing to change is your consciousness.

Many contemporary people surround themselves with the wonders of modern technology, state- of-the-art computers, audio- and video technology, but their level of consciousness remains the same as the level of consciousness of a savage sitting next to a bonfire in a cave and devouring his share of meat under the sounds of a drum or a tambourine.

You can drive the most modern car, wear the most fashionable clothes, but your consciousness will still remain at the same level as that of a cave-dweller.

That is why the Path is much thornier at your time than it has ever been before. You are surrounded too by a large number of temptations and it is much easier said than done to maintain a high spiritual level while living in the whirlpool of life in your city-jungles.

The entire reality around you has to be transformed. Man has to reveal his Divine potential and become closer to nature. Life itself must become as simple as possible, rich with its inner content but not with outer entertainments which, if one thinks about them, resemble the entertainments of savages. A habit of a contemporary man to cover himself with trinkets is very much akin to the manner in which savages decorated themselves.

You can judge the level of spiritual achievements, spiritual progress or degradation of a person by his manner of dressing, by the music he listens to, by the way of life he prefers.

And if you have a look at the human society from the ascended state of our consciousness, you will be shocked by the fact that in its average level of development humanity does not exceed that of savages.

For you it will be extremely hard to give up your nonsense which is just a similitude of life. If you scrutinize everything in the world around you, as well as all your actions during most of the day, and if you do it objectively, you will be surprised with the discovery that from the viewpoint of your perfecting in God 90% of the time of your life on earth is wasted by you completely in vain.

In reality in order to perfect yourself in God you are absolutely not obliged to withdraw to the desert or to the mountains for meditations.

Your own life and the conditions of your reality provide you with the best circumstances for perfecting yourself in God and for the development of your consciousness.

The whole point is in having the correct viewpoint on everything that takes place in life around you and inside of you. The thing is in how you react to everything that happens with you and how you perceive the surrounding reality.

If the Divine plan had envisaged for you the keeping of the balance for planet Earth through constant meditation, you would have been born somewhere in Tibet or India.

However, you were born in Russia, or America, or Europe. And you are to fulfil your mission, to implement your Divine plan exactly in the place where you were born.

In the end your Divine plan comes to only one task – to keep your consciousness at the highest possible level and to aspire to reach the level of the Divine consciousness without leaving the thick of life.

It will be incorrect if you understand the guidance given in these dictations as a necessity for you to settle somewhere in the forest and to meditate. No! You have to stay in the thick of life, to carry out your daily duties in your family and at work and at the same time to maintain your consciousness at the highest possible level all the time.

You must establish in your everyday life the Divine standards of behaviour and the highest moral and spiritual standards.

To know the Commandments and to follow them are two absolutely different things. You can be very well informed of all the norms and standards of behaviour, you can even attentively watch your acquaintances and friends who avoid following these standards.

But for some reason you think that it does not affect you personally and you may infringe upon these standards. It costs your carnal mind nothing to convince you to act in the way most pleasant for you, even if your actions conflict with the moral and ethical norms which you believe to be absolutely right and which you are ready to follow.

That is why you must watch yourself carefully so as to spot all the moments of when you regularly lose balance.

You know that you should not condemn or judge anyone. But do watch yourselves for some time. How many times a day do you esteem the behaviour of other people, how many times a day do you rank the people around you among the fallen angels and the people given up for lost by God?

You form opinions about other people with enviable easiness. But why is it so difficult for you to judge your own actions objectively?

There is nothing terrible in the fact that you have made a mistake or even committed a serious sin. It is even not important how many times in your life you have committed this sin. A much more important thing is that you managed to conquer your imperfection and to rise above it.

Do not return to your past and do not chew over the details of your wrong actions time and again. Your duty is to estimate your qualities, to accept the fact that these qualities are not Divine ones and to part with them forever.

Such is the genuine behaviour of a spiritual huntsman! No matter what other people think about you. The only important thing is who you are in reality.

Judge yourself according to the strictest laws. Work upon yourself until you overcome each of your imperfections.

Always remember that you cannot be perfect as long as you are in embodiment.

In order to remain in embodiment you should constantly take upon yourself a certain share of negative energy and to transform it into perfect Divine Energy through your actions, thoughts and feelings.

When you manage to work off your personal karma, you will take upon yourself a part of the karma of your town, your country and your planet.

You constantly live among imperfect energies and you overcome all the barriers and obstacles with the help of your consciousness and understanding. In this way you transform all the negative energies penetrating your aura, acquire your merits and create the treasure of your causal body.

Hence, you can constantly picture in your consciousness an image of a warrior, a knight, who fights against the imperfection of the entire world. You take imperfection upon yourself and conquer it. You seize the arrows aimed at you and turn them into rose petals with the help of the energy of love and faith, with the help of your bravery and honour, with the help of the qualities inherent in any true warrior.

Each of such warriors of Light is capable of carrying a huge load of the planetary karma.

Never forget that the transmutation of karma takes place not only through meditations or reading decrees and prayers. While being in the thick of life, you are serving constantly by making right choices and showing the Path to others with your personal example.

Prayers and meditations are only a subsidiary means enabling you to keep your consciousness on a high level, but the major battle takes place in your everyday life amidst life’s trivialities and disturbances.

Long ago the karma was transmuted in the battlefields. Nowadays you are in the same battlefield, and you make wonders of courage and heroism, fighting with your life problems and disturbances, sacrificing your wellbeing and your free time for the sake of the establishment of the Divine patterns in your world.

I wish you a victory!

A victory over your imperfections and a victory in the establishment of the Divine principles in your daily life!

I AM Lanello

Always Victory!

We are patiently looking forward to your awakening and your readiness

Gautama Buddha

June 04, 2005

I AM Gautama Buddha, having come to you again.

The consciousness of every human individual is the most important thing. Your consciousness is that thing which will outlast you the way you are today. Your consciousness will exist in the Higher world. Hence, the only thing for the sake of which it is worth existing in your world is the evolution of your consciousness. But it is necessary to make a distinction between your intellect and your consciousness. You should differentiate your skills and abilities from your consciousness.

The lower part of your consciousness keeps the skills and the experience necessary for maintaining your existence in the physical world. The Higher part of your consciousness is necessary for you in order to support your existence in the Higher worlds.

Precisely this part of your consciousness needs to be evolved. You cannot, for instance, take an aircraft and fly off. In order to do so you need to go through training and learn how to fly the aircraft. Only after doing this will you be able to start. In exactly the same way that part of your consciousness which is necessary for your stay in the Higher worlds needs to be trained and to gain experience.

The difficulty is that you have to develop the skills of existence in a world into which you cannot get an insight just with the help of your physical sensory organs. Your physical sensory organs have a very limited range of perception of reality. You can sense only things which vibrate at low frequencies of the material world. However, there is an enormous potential inside of you.

And the range of vibrations perceived by your sensory organs may be widened even now. A lot of people can see things that are invisible for others. The boundary separating the Higher worlds from your physical world is becoming thinner little by little. Your perceptibility of the Higher worlds is quashed by the environment of your world.

Your continuous stay amid masses of people and your habit of stunning yourselves with the sounds of turned-on loudspeakers lower your vibrations and do not allow you to widen the field of your world-perception.

A human body contains in its untapped potential all the necessary mechanisms and a perceptive apparatus enabling you to stay in the Higher worlds and apperceive them. The only thing preventing you from seeing and hearing the Ascended Hosts and from contacting the Masters right now is the medium of your life on earth.

Hence, at present a considerable effort is needed in order to establish such a link. You should take upon yourselves a very strong restriction so as to come into contact with the Ascended Hosts. First of all it requires the limitation of your association with people and the expulsion of any influence of the sources of mass information.

The closer you are to nature, the easier it is for you to establish such a connection. The difference between our worlds is in the difference between the levels of vibrations. Therefore, by raising your vibrations you automatically, almost inevitably, acquire an ability to communicate with our world.

As a matter of fact, every person embodied now is potentially able to establish a link with the Ascended Hosts.

But in order for our communication to take place you must sacrifice very many things of your world.

You should watchfully approach the encirclement of your communication and all your contacts.

It is necessary for you to keep out everything which can influence you and which belongs to the mass culture of your world.

Everything is of importance, even the vibrations of the food you eat. Haven’t you thought about the fact that a person fills food with his energies when cooking it? And if a person cooking food is not notable for heavenly thoughts, then every time you eat a meal prepared by him you will saturate your organism with the base energies contained in this food. At the first stage you can bless your food before the beginning of every meal to purify it from negative energies.

At later stages of your evolution you will have to fully give up food cooked by unknown people and probably to start cooking with your own hands. When you reach a certain level of purity enabling you to communicate with the Ascended Hosts, you may get poisoned with the food containing poor vibrations, even if this food is fresh-made and cannot harm you in any way according to all its purely physical parameters.

Consequently, people who have seriously decided to choose the path of spiritual unfoldment must thoroughly care about their surroundings in the physical world.

It would definitely be ideal for such spiritually advanced people to live in separate communities far from civilization. In the course of time such spiritual centres will be created and fully developed.

There are no instructions for each of you as how to build up your life, except for the general ones we give you. But you must decide for yourself how to use our instructions in your concrete life. Always remember that you should never force yourself to do something. The true evolutionary development according to the Divine Laws does not require any enforcement or pressure either from the side of other people or from your side.

If you are not ready to rise to a higher stage, you should not make yourself follow the restrictions which you are not able to take owing to unpreparedness of your consciousness. You should know the aims of your aspirations, but not force yourself.

If you have some inner imperfection preventing you from rising to the next step, the very fact that you recognise the presence of this imperfection within you guarantees that sooner or later you will get rid of it.

If a spot appears on your crockery, it can be difficult to remove it the first time you try. But if you apply force to get rid of this spot every day, sooner or later you will scour your crockery.

Exactly the same principle is valid in respect to the transformation of your consciousness. During your whole life you are constantly changing your consciousness. The main things are to know what you should aim at and to show your everyday aspiration.

Do understand that each of you is on a different stage of development. That is why things which come naturally to one person can be a deep mystery for another. Many lives can pass before man is able to rise to the next step of his consciousness.

The Earth provides all individuals with an opportunity to evolve irrespective of the fact that their levels of the evolution of consciousness are very different.

But if a person is not ready to communicate with the Ascended Hosts because of the level of his consciousness, these dictations will be absolutely obscure and boring for him. He will not be able to see any benefit for himself from the reading of these dictations. Exactly in the same way, if a person is at a very high stage of spiritual evolution already, these dictations will bring him nothing new.

But there are people who look forward to every new dictation and feel the gush of the Divine Energy flowing into their aura with each of them.

It is necessary to be very patient. It is necessary to be loving and compassionate toward the people who are not capable of perceiving with their consciousness the high vibrations contained in these dictations.

The time will come when they will also be able to feel the soft and loving energy we are giving.

A genuine gardener never forces a rose to open its petals. The time will come when the rosebud will burst towards the genial sunshine and the new day.

Therefore, we are patiently looking forward to your awakening and your readiness. We are just sending tender rays of our Love and blessings to your world, to your being.

Your consciousness is like a rosebud ready to burst. And I am forced into silence in anticipation of the flower of your consciousness bursting in peace and of everything around being filled with the bouquet of your fragrance.

I AM Gautama Buddha.

You must learn not to grudge your enemies

Beloved Jesus

June 05, 2005

I AM Jesus, having come to you today.

Were you waiting for me? Do you want us to continue our teaching and homilies?

There are a lot of temptations in your world, and amid the abundance of them it is very difficult for you to make a distinction between the true vibrations peculiar to our world and the lower vibrations inherent in the astral and mental planes. But you should draw a sharp distinction, because if you do not have in your consciousness a clear view of the direction to follow, you will delay your progress on the Path.

That is why the question arising before every person who reads the dictations is the question of the authenticity of these messages. I am fully aware of the difficulty you face. How can you in fact draw such a distinction?

First of all you should pay attention to the informational component of the messages. Does the informational part contain anything which goes against your inner guidelines? As long as the carnal mind of many of you is very strong, the easiest thing for you is first of all to analyse exactly the informational component. And if you do not find any imperfections or chasms with your inner principles, you may set about analysing the next component of these dictations.

Is there anything in these dictations that is able to dishearten your free will? Is there anything in the Teaching we give through this messenger which forces you to act in a certain way? Is there anything which makes you act out of tune with your interests? Please, just do not mix up your interests in the disciples standing on the Path with the interests of your ego.

The interests of your ego are diametrically opposite to the interests of your Higher part. Consequently, it is exactly your inner contradiction that becomes the most persistent barrier to the perception of these dictations. You begin to doubt and try to find a confirmation of the authenticity or the falseness of the source of these dictations among your acquaintances and relations.

But doing this you forget that everything depends on what is dominant in yourselves. If your ego and carnal mind dominate in you, you will sooner seek and find a confirmation to your opinion that the source of these dictations is non-divine and that it is not worth heeding the information contained in them.

Your carnal mind is very inventive and nimble when it comes to the lessening of its dominant position within your being. It will make great efforts to find proofs confirming that these dictations should not be read at all, since for your carnal mind the information and especially the energies contained in the dictations are literally deathlike.

Only in the case when you are close to victory over your ego will you seek and find the confirmation of the authenticity of these dictations. Eventually, the function of these dictations, if they are read systematically, is to separate everything which is real from that which is false inside of you.

And when you get to the bottom of the question of the authenticity or the falseness of these messages, you will actually either come into conflict with your ego or, on the contrary, indulge it.

However, you know that the main distinctive cue of every authentic Teaching is that it exactly reaches the aim of separating the real from the false within you and separating the grains from the weeds in your soul.

Thus, even if these dictations are irritating and doubtful for you, there is no doubt that reading them will be of benefit for your soul. It is another matter that your unreal part tries and will continue to try to convince you to enter the fray with the source of these dictations and you will feel righteous anger within you and will do your best to cast aspersions on both the messenger and her connection with our world. In this case you receive a certain sign, manifested in the physical plane in the form of your thoughts, feelings and actions, which shows you better than any of our words and talks that there is something wrong with you and you need urgent help.

Any hostility and strong emotions which arise in you while reading these dictations are a sign – for you first of all - that you need urgent work upon yourself.

Thus, you have analysed the informational component of the dictations and understood with your external consciousness that they contain nothing unacceptable for you. But at the same time you keep feeling a negative reaction while reading them. This is evidence of the fact that a conflict has started within you – the separating of the real from the false within you. That means that the aim of the dictations has been reached.

All you need is just to find courage and strength and try to rise above this situation so as to analyse it objectively, having elevated your consciousness and deafened your ego at least for a short time.

Those individuals who, after having analysed the informational component of the dictations and watched their reaction to reading them, did not find anything negative or causing a negative reaction, are fairly ready for the further progress on the path of discipleship. They are already either our disciples or quite ready to enter the rows of chelas of the Ascended Masters.

Thus, we have an opportunity to find our disciples, to establish connections with them with the help of these dictations and to work with our disciples who are in embodiment now.

One slightest hint given by us in the dictations for perceptive and sensitive hearts is able to alter their angle of vision and to uncover before their prying glance and sincere spirit the things that were previously hidden behind the veil.

Therefore, nowadays, exactly as it was 2000 years ago, we are throwing the nets far and wide and we have a chance to catch the souls who are ready to follow our Path.

Our disciples are able to make a distinction between the vibrations of the astral plane and the vibrations of the Highest Octaves. Our disciples can distinguish the requirement of the discipline necessary for them from the submission to the will of false teachers and false messengers.

Our disciples can make a distinction whether they receive energy while reading the dictations or lose their energy.

I should tell you that when you feel negative emotions while reading these dictations, you willingly give your energy to the forces of darkness.

That is why you are first of all required to analyse attentively everything that takes place both within and outside you from the initial time of reading these dictations.

You receive training, you receive knowledge through these dictations, and you transform your consciousness just by reading them regularly and following the instructions given in them. Apart from all this, while reading these dictations you receive an enormous amount of Light, and this Light, when you absorb it, is able to set against you the forces of darkness which exist in your environment. Every source of Light in your dense world irritates and provokes the dark forces to take active actions against such a source of Light.

And when the dark forces start attacking you from everywhere, do call to mind the Teaching I gave you 2000 years ago and just use the mightiest weapon of all times and peoples – “whosoever shall smite thee on the left cheek, turn to him the other also”.

You should love your enemies. You should bless your enemies. Your enemies give you a chance to get out of your karmic debts. Your enemies give you a chance to learn your lesson and to pass your test. I understand that in many situations it will be difficult for you to accept with humility and gratitude all the reproaches, attacks and threats aimed at you.

But you must learn to take everything that falls to your lot with humility and submissiveness. You and only you decide how you can protect yourself with the help of your authorities and the structures called to settle disputes in conflict situations. But you must learn not to grudge your enemies. People who attack you, offend you, insult you, humiliate you are unhappy in their essence.

A man whose heart is an abode of God will never allow himself to do harm to another man.

Thus, all you can do when your enemies attack you is to forgive them and to pray for them, for they know not what they do. Their consciousness is clouded and sometimes completely seized by the dark forces, so that they are really not aware of their actions.

Only a person clouded with ignorance can give the dark forces a chance to perform wicked actions through him and to harm the blessed innocent ones.

It sometimes happens that God chooses you to draw the fire upon yourself and become a target for the dark forces which act through other people and use them for their malicious attacks. God chooses you to give you a test and simultaneously He contributes to the manifestation of the forces which in such a situation take off their hypocritical varnish and masks of piety and reveal their bestial grin.

Entrust yourself to the care of God. God cares for all His sheep. Be ready to sacrifice your body, but to save your soul. The Truth is always in the places where the most elevated feelings reside among the wickedness of this world. Remember that you are responsible only for yourself and for your own reactions. No matter how unjust the treatment of other people can seem to you, forgive them.

Love your enemies because only your love and intercession can at times save the lives of these souls, possessed by ignorance and not knowing what they are doing.

Sometimes your prayer for your enemies allows the prevention of Divine justice and gives these souls one more chance to continue Life.

I was glad to give you this lesson once again. And I am ready to bend low before the souls of many of you, because your suffering, troubles and adversities sometimes surpass by far my Passion which I suffered on the Cross.

I AM Jesus.

A Teaching on good Karma

Beloved Kuthumi

June 6, 2005

I AM Kuthumi, having come to you again. The purpose of my coming today is to acquaint you with one more viewpoint on the structure of the world. When contacting our reality your sensations do not always reflect the real state of affairs. You are used to grounding your perception of the world according to your sensory organs, and you completely trust your sensory organs. And, really, why in the world should you believe in something you do not see and why should you act in accordance with our recommendations when you do not even have an opportunity to meet with us directly without the help of this messenger?

However, this is a question of your faith. You either believe that the world around you is not the entire Creation and that the entire Creation is actually much larger, or you do not believe it.

You cannot start knowing something which you do not believe in. You cannot sense the things which you know could not exist. However, as soon as you begin to believe in the real world of God which is invisible and not inconceivable for your sensory organs but is not less real because of that, you almost immediately start conceptualizing our world.

The Higher worlds contact you and you are constantly coming into contact with the Higher worlds. You just do not pay attention to our reality. But our communication with each of you is not only possible - it is in progress all the time. And the same way as you do not notice radio waves penetrating you constantly, the vibrations of our world come into contact with you all the time and you do not perceive them. But if you properly prepare your temple and - above all - believe in the realness of our world, you will be able to perceive our world inevitably.

Imagine that I have an opportunity to talk to you. I come to you and sit knee to knee with you. You do not see me. You do not see me for two reasons. The first reason is that you do not expect me to come and within your consciousness you are not ready for my arrival. The second reason is that you do not perceive my presence with your physical sensory organs.

Which of the two reasons separating us is the most essential and difficult to surmount?

I will tell you that it is the first one. When your consciousness is ready to contact the Higher worlds and to communicate with the Ascended Hosts, you will start your communication irrespective of whether your sensory organs perceive it or not.

Your organism has untapped, dormant abilities, which enable you to hear without listening, to see without looking, to know and to get information almost immediately without the help of thoughts and words and without the help of your physical perceptive apparatus.

This seems to be fantastic to you. But if you turn to the history of the greatest inventions and discoveries, you will come across an amazing regularity. All these inventions and discoveries burst upon the mind of their inventors out of nowhere. A person would tune in to a certain wave of his thoughts connected with some branch of human activity, and suddenly receive enlightenment in the form of knowledge which appeared in his head out of nowhere.

Certainly, it is very difficult to give any idea of the basic nature of an invention in such a field of the modern knowledge as, for example, the Internet or the contemporary means of communication to a man who has no knowledge in the field of computer programming. But for a person who has knowledge it will not be difficult to receive the new information coming to his external consciousness and connected with the object of his activity.

A lot of things like that take place completely spontaneously. And a person who has found out about an invention usually does not even think about the mechanism of its crossing his mind.

The same may be said about you. Having an idea of the Ascended Hosts you can receive information from us which suddenly appears in your head and, even without knowing how it happens, you will be able to be guided by this information in your activity.

If you think carefully, each of you will certainly recollect a few examples of how miraculously you managed to find some lost things or to get an idea of how to behave in a difficult situation or to obtain an utterly miraculous solution to an intricate task in life that you were facing.

All these miracles are the interference of the higher plane into your life. And you find the realisation of these lucky chances due to either your Higher Self or the interference of the Ascended Hosts.

The complexity is in the fact that the time passes differently in our worlds. That is why the moment of your request may not coincide with the moment of your receiving the thing requested. It is natural that your requests can be satisfied only if you possess enough good karma for the realisation of your requests.

It seems senseless for a practical man to waste efforts on doing some good things absolutely disinterestedly without a backward glance and without looking forward to getting a reward for his good deed in the near future.

But the reason for your seesawing and unwillingness to perform good deeds selflessly is again your disbelief in the Divine Law.

You suppose that if you subscribe to a church, to an orphanage or to some charity organisation, you must immediately receive from God the growth of the money you spend for charity.

But, beloved, everything depends on the basis of your decision to subscribe. If you subscribe with a precondition to receive something in return or if you think that God will forget about the sin you committed, or you subscribe in order to show everybody your generosity, this sacrifice will not create good karma for you.

You must just perform good deeds without thinking about the consequences and the advantages which this sacrifice can bring you in the future.

In this case you really create good karma. And this good karma of yours can help you when you are in a difficult situation and call to God and ask Him for help.

God will lend you a hand. It is impossible for God not to help you. But for this help exactly that energy of your causal body will be used which makes your good karma.

And if you do not have enough good karma at the moment of your request, you will not receive the help you need and ask for.

You receive exactly what you give to the world. And if you have not performed at least one good deed during all your life and during all your previous lives, then why do you think God will respond to your request when you are in need?

For that reason, if I were you in embodiment, I would funnel all my energies and put up all my cash assets into succouring those living beings who need my help. In this case your good deeds will accumulate in the form of energy in your causal body. It is like when you save money for a rainy day. The difference is only in that you save your money in the form of energy in another world. But there is no more reliable place in your world for keeping this energy and your savings.

This energy of yours can be always requested by you through your appeal to God at a moment when you need Divine help.

Consequently, when you call to God and say, “Help me, oh Lord!” and if at that moment there is not enough energy in your depository in Heaven to help you, do not hold it as a grievance against God, hold it as a grievance against yourself, because this is you who have not cared about yourself and have not stocked the necessary amount of good karma in order to create a reserve of your merits in Heaven.

Today I have given you a very important Teaching on good karma. I hope that you will be able to reduce this Teaching to practice. Just picture how it could be good for you if you took this Teaching as a guideline in your life and how it would be great if all people on earth made a dash for creating good karma. Each of you would be able to receive all the necessary help from the people who would literally be run off their feet around earth in search of those who are in need of their help. Besides, if you created the necessary amount of good karma, you could always appeal to God for help and receive help.

I wish you to succeed in your practice of creating good karma. May you create only good karma henceforward and for the rest of your life.

I AM Kuthumi.

There is a section of the Path that you will not be able to overcome alone without a guide

Beloved Kuthumi

June 7, 2005

I AM Kuthumi, having come to you again.

I HAVE come to continue teaching you. As you know we try to do our best to make the knowledge you get from these dictations easily mastered by you and not causing you irritation.

The process of teaching you is akin to the process of feeding little children. We select your food thoroughly and ensure that you do not overeat or remain hungry.

The main responsibility of a Teacher is to care about his disciples. However, at times our care about your souls is felt by you as a punishment or an attempt upon your independence.

In reality, when you set your mind on entering the Path, instead of receiving the expected comfort and the constant feeling of bliss and harmony, you start facing completely obscure things which require additional explanation on our part. As soon as we see that a disciple is ready and his determination to follow the Path reaches a certain level, we take intensive tutorship over this disciple. From this moment a disciple can no longer say that he can enjoy his free will to the full.

Here, beloved, a very nice point is buried. You possess a free will, but in due time a certain section on your Path starts when you have to sacrifice your free will in order to keep your progress on the Path. Imagine yourself climbing a mountain and having reached a very dangerous section of the Path. There are steep cliffs and abysses ahead. You can keep moving alone as before, but it is more reasonable for you to entrust yourself to an experienced instructor – a guide who will control your further advance. And you entrust yourself to the will of this instructor.

You have to obey his instructions and recommendations. He watches your progress carefully and tells you where to put your foot and where it is better for you to change the direction of movement in order to more quickly reach your goal – the peak of the Divine consciousness.

Such an instructor, a guide, can be met by you in the physical plane. Yet we must warn you that in the physical plane it is very difficult for you to meet very pure guides, Teachers, with whom you can fully entrust yourself. Very few people can give you detailed guidance about your Path when you are reaching the peak. Here we have a complete analogy with the instructors who are capable of reaching the highest summit of the world – Chomolungma. Milliards of people live on planet Earth now, but only a few are able to climb the peak Chomolungma.

And it is very hard to make out your guides among these milliards of people. Many people will tell you that they are true instructors and will offer to take you through training with them for big money. And many of these self-proclaimed teachers will demand that you submit your free will to their will completely.

I repeat once again. In reality there is a section on the Path when you have to give up your free will partly or completely and to submit your will to the Teacher. A lot of impostors and false teachers take advantage of this truth so as to get at their disposal light souls and use their light.

What is the way out? The way out as always is in your ability to differentiate, to make distinctions between the Light and the darkness. Generally speaking, the main quality you need on your Path is the quality of making distinctions. You need discipline, you need devotion, aspiration and constancy, but firstly you need to make distinctions, because when you step on a dangerous section of the Path and see only bare cliffs ahead and around you, your life depends completely on the person to whom you entrust your free will.

Therefore, we warn you about this dangerous section of the Path in advance, though for many of you this thorny section is still too remote in time.

How can you make your distinction in fact? I suppose it is not superfluous to repeat that a true Teacher will never stay in the places where crowds of people gather. A true Teacher will never teach for money. A true Teacher will never indulge your pride and your ego. His task is precisely to cut down your pride and your ego.

Yet, you can always find a contradiction among the characteristics I have mentioned. You can say, for instance, that Jesus gave his Teaching to crowds. You may say that Jesus went-a-begging and lived on the alms-basket.

Here lies the difficulty of your residence in the physical world. There are rules, and there are exceptions to these rules.

That is why the Path is so difficult, and that is why only a few can take the liberty to follow this Path so far.

We can offer you direct contact with the Ascended Hosts. We are giving these dictations in order to simplify for you the establishing of this contact. However, you know that the level of your vibrations is determined by the level of your consciousness. But just as like draws to like, you can easily come into interaction with the forces of the astral which are not the lightest ones, if the level of your vibrations does not allow you to rise to the etheric octaves of Light.

In the end all is determined only by yourselves. And there is no other being in the universe that can pass your Path instead of you.

You can ask for help, you may rely on help, but you will go alone and make your choice by yourself. Our task is just to simplify and to secure your Path as best we can. Always remember that your main enemy and ill-willer is hidden inside of you and this is your carnal mind, your ego.

Everything that enables you to get rid of your ego is beneficial to you. Everything that strengthens and intensifies your ego is not Divine.

That is why the disciples who have already reached very high levels of merits prefer at times to divert from the further progress when they approach the section of the Path that demands from them full submission to the will of the Teacher. The thought that the Teacher can hurt the disciple can hardly awaken an echo in the consciousness of the disciple.

The Teacher sees your imperfections and at times gives you a very painful test to help you get rid of your imperfection. But your ego takes this test for an insult or a threat.

If you come to a surgeon and he suggests performing a major operation on you, you can either agree with the upcoming operation or refuse it of your own free will. You may either entrust yourself to the power of the surgeon or give up the operation. You decide it yourself. But once you lie on the operating table and entrust yourself to the surgeon completely, nothing depends on you any longer. You have made your choice.

The same thing happens when you entrust yourself to a Teacher and a true Teacher performs a very painful operation of the removal of your ego. But you go to this operation consciously because you understand that your further progress and your life itself are impossible if you do not get rid of your ego right away.

There is a section of the Path that you will not be able to overcome alone without a guide. As soon as you approach this section, a Teacher will appear. This is reflected in the adage: ” When a disciple is ready to learn, a Teacher will appear.”

Your task is to make a distinction and not to rush down a slippery road instead of climbing up. What is more, it is not always possible for you to make out the direction of your movement on the Path.

You have been given all the recommendations. You have been warned about all the difficulties. And yet try to keep your Faith and your Love all along your Path. I also wish the Divine Wisdom to be always waiting upon you on your Path.

I AM Kuthumi.

A Teaching on healing

Beloved Jesus

June 8, 2005

I AM Jesus, having come again.

By the established tradition, I will give a Teaching. Today the subject of our training is healing. You know that at the time of my incarnation 2000 years ago I successfully healed people many times. The fame about the miracles of my healing ran ahead of me. Wherever I went there were always people who believed that I could heal them and there were people who did not believe in the miracle of healing.

Therefore, I always asked whether a person believed that he could be healed. I also asked whether a person wanted to be healed. At first sight these two starting points may seem to you to be insignificant and just cliches. However, it is exactly at these two midpoints that the key to healing is hidden.

Your consciousness must be ready to accept healing. If for some reasons your consciousness cannot believe that you can be healed, even God is not able to help you.

And at the second midpoint you must want to be healed and you must ask for healing. If you do not ask for healing, even God is not able to help you, because the inviolable law of free will governs in the universe.

There are a lot of reasons why you do not wish to be healed. One of the reasons is that your soul has willingly taken upon itself a disease as a burden in order to work off the karma of the world or your own heavy karma of the past. A lot of light souls, while coming into embodiment, take upon themselves cruel diseases or congenital deformities so as to make a sacrifice for sins of the world through their suffering.

With their external consciousness they do not realise the burden they have undertaken, but, as a rule, such souls do not want to be healed and do not ask for it. And the only way of helping such souls is if their nearest and dearest beg for their healing, because for them the suffering of a beloved one is an unendurable burden.

Thus, a person must believe in healing and ask for healing. Only if these two conditions are observed is it possible to start the healing. Every time before healing a person it is necessary to figure out the reasons for his disease. The Supreme Law can either allow you to heal a human or not to allow it.

Of course, in order to heal you should have the mantle of a healer that enables you to heal with the help of Divine Mercy and Divine Energy.

All the other sorts of healing are false practices when with the help of ingenious manipulations a healer transposes the negative energy which is the reason for the disease to another place or just temporarily stops the action of this energy.

The matters of healing are very delicate and serious ones. That is why I watch with concern the newly- sprung healers who experiment with the Divine Energy at times without even having passed through the preliminary initiations that give them the right to work with the Divine Energy which is the source of healing.

A lot of so-called healers do not have access to the source of the Divine Energy at all and all their manipulations, even if they bring temporary relief, in fact make the condition of a sick man graver.

Let me explain.

The reason for your diseases is the negative energy which accumulates in your aura as a result of your wrong actions, thoughts and feelings committed by you during this or previous lives. I am speaking now about the reasons for the diseases of the majority of humans, not about the cases when a person intentionally takes upon himself a disease as a burden.

This negative energy of yours which is the real reason for your disease and which has formed as a result of your wrong actions must be withdrawn out of your aura. After that you will be healed.

The Divine Mercy necessary for your healing can be either shown to you or not. Everything depends on the heaviness of the karma which is the real reason for your disease.

For that reason, an empowering for the healing must be received from on high. As a rule, the people who claim to be healers do not have the proper level of initiations which allows them to know the Will of God in regard to each of the humans they try to heal. However, their wish to make money prompts them to replace the negative energy using certain manipulations which temporarily relieve the condition of a person.

Some of the manipulations used in the process of such a healing create karma which will be too great a strain on such a healer. The shrewdest healers can even avoid the karma they create by such actions, but with this they make the karma of their patients much graver.

When the Supreme Law empowers a true healer to heal a human, the decision is based, as a rule, on the availability of good karma in this human which can be used for his healing. Either this human himself or his soul must completely realise the wrongness of the actions that brought on the development of the disease and he must firmly decide in his external consciousness never to repeat these actions in the future.

That is why after my healing I used to say: ” Go and sin no more.”

A true healer figures out the reasons for a disease very well and sees whom he can and whom he cannot help. The Divine Energy is used for healing. A true healer withdraws the patient’s negative energy and fills his aura with the pure Divine Energy. This process may be conducted either mentally or by direct laying-on-of-hands on the patient.

The essence of the healing is the exchange of the energies between the healer and the patient. The negative energy flows to the healer and the Divine Energy flows to the patient. This process of energy- exchange is regulated by the Supreme Law. In this case karma is not being created and real help is being given to the sick man.

As a human who has the mantle of a healer must have passed through the major initiations before he was granted this mantle, the negative energy which he undertakes upon himself cannot harm him as a rule. The chakras of the healer transmute, transform and burn dead all sorts of negative energy. Actually, the process of annihilation of the negative energy taken from the patient is analogous to the process which takes place when the spiritually advanced people transmute the world’s karma undertaken by them.

The higher the level of spiritual merits of the healer, the faster is the process of transformation of the negative energies in his aura.

It goes without saying that if a person, after having been healed, still keeps performing the actions which were the reason for his disease, the disease will return in this or that form.

Thus, the healing of a man can take place only with his own help and with the help of his consciousness. The higher the level of consciousness of a man, the easier it is to help him. The healing is closely connected with the level of consciousness of the person.

The level of consciousness does not mean the development of intellect, speech and carnal mind. Many simple people who have not had a good education sometimes possess a much higher level of consciousness than the people who received a first-class education and occupy high positions.

Each of you might have faced a necessity of applying to healers and psychics. And you have even applied to these healers. Maybe, you have even received some healing of your ailments. But still you should be rather careful when applying to different healers and psychics as many of them do not possess the spiritual merits that can empower them to heal in the name of God and with the help of the Divine Energy.

But if your level of spiritual merits greatly exceeds that of the healer, a diametrically opposite process will take place during the seance of so-called healing. It is not the healer who will take upon himself your negative energy, but it is you who will take into your aura the negative energy from the aura of such a healer. And you will be lucky if you take upon yourself only the negative energy of this healer, and not that of all his patients whom he has healed in recent times.

You may judge indirectly the trueness of a healer by two things. First, a true healer heals your soul, but not your body; that is he helps you to reveal the reasons which caused your ailment. He shows you your imperfections which actually were the reason for the disease. And the second, as the gift of healing is a God-given gift, a true healer will never take money from you for the healing.

He received his gift for nothing and he must grant it for nothing. But you should never forget that you must pay back for the healing you received in one or another way. And always remember that it is in fact God who heals. A human-healer only entrusts himself to the disposal of the Higher Forces in order to serve the life and to relieve the suffering of people.

Today we have had a very important talk about healing. I think that each of you will gain the necessary benefit for yourself from this talk.

I AM Jesus, the healer of your souls.

Russia is spring-cleaning now

Beloved El Morya

June 9, 2005

I AM El Morya, having come again.

To tell you that it is vital to give these dictations and that it is important to read them means to tell you nothing. Each time we make every effort to overcome the resistance of the matter and the resistance of the circumstances related to the transmission of our messages to the physical octave.

The difficulty is in bringing the transmission of the messages into harmony with the tasks of the present day as much as possible. The top of the agenda of the day is to transform the consciousness of earthlings, to raise the level of their consciousness and to expand its capacity. Your consciousness is the only barrier getting in the way of your communicating with us, and your consciousness is the main barrier preventing the situation on planet Earth from changing.

That is why I keep coming to you and saying over and over again: ”Strain every nerve. Get rid of everything unnecessary which is stagnating in your consciousness and which should not take place in the New World.”

The development of Russia seems to have come to a dead-end. It seems that nothing is changing and everything is bad. But do not judge by the external manifestations, because inside of every human, inside of every light-bearer who is in embodiment and lives in the territory of Russia now great progress in transformation of consciousness is taking place. Arduous work is being done on the re-evaluation of the experiences of the last hundred years. There is a proverb: “A negative result is still a result.” This proverb excellently matches the events which Russia lived through during the last century.

It is impossible, beloved, to build up a new society compliant with the standards of the New World if you do not base it on the Faith in God – the true Faith, but not the faith which was forcibly swept away in the course of the Revolution in 1917.

The Russian people have always intuitively understood that no official religion with its hierarchy and its wish to obtrude its dogmas can cope with the spiritual needs of the generous Russian spirit.

It should be understood that the capacity of the consciousness of a Russian man has expanded considerably during the last decades.

Sometimes external explosions and social disruptions have to take place in order to help to get rid of the hindering dogma and to conquer it within consciousness. This process is akin to a process of spring- cleaning in your house. At first sight it may seem to you that you are surrounded by complete disorder and chaos. All the things that used to be in their proper places have been displaced and it is impossible to find them.

Other things have become dilapidated and must be replaced, so you throw them away. Of course, you are sorry to part with your favourite things which were serving you hand and foot during many years and which literally became part and parcel of you. But the time comes for you to rummage through your wardrobe and take out the old things and junk them. You dust and polish the things which can still serve you and put them in their proper places again.

Russia is having a bout of cleaning now. A grandiose rethinking of the values is taking place. Moreover, all the people of Russia are taking part in this spring-cleaning.

That is why the country looks so rough - hence the frowning faces. The bout of cleaning is going full blast. And it seems that there is no end to this tiring work.

Many people are trying to return to the articles of belief of their great-grandfathers. They return to the newly-restored temples, listen to their heart and reason, smell the aromas of the church odours. And it bodes well that the future of Russia is connected precisely with God and the true Faith in God. Yet, a soul cannot find sanctuary in the old faith. Literally crowds of people are busy seeking new movements and new religions. And the forces of darkness happily fob off the surrogates of the faith, beautiful things, that are, however, absolutely useless for the evolution of the soul. The people of the great country are choosing - which to decide in favour of, which to prefer and which to give up.

But maybe it is useful to preserve something, to rub away the layer of dust from it and to shelve it?

Just the same thing relates to the social life. After many years of domination of the false community some people try to return to this community, but to rebuild it on new principles. Others called to mind even older times and are trying to entrench themselves among the new elite, wishing to introduce into the country the same inequality that was characteristic of the last years of the Tsar’s regime.

And it seems again that something is going wrong. There is a proverbial wisdom saying that one cannot step into the same water twice.

But it is too painful to part with the old things, to throw them away. Yet the sooner the collective consciousness of people gets rid of the old unneeded dogmas - both in the clerical and in the secular life - the sooner and more successfully will the new take an independent stand in the consciousness of people.

We are happy to watch the sprouts of the new and progressive in the hearts and minds of many people. Our disciples know neither sleep nor rest. Our true disciples are working round the clock. Our guards are keeping watch day and night. The natal stronghold must be protected from what is uncongenial to the New World, from any ideas that come from the civilised world of Europe and America.

Yet, I must say that there is nothing behind the entire so-called western civilization that might be needed in the future society. No matter how strange it may seem to you, I will tell you that both Europe and America have irrecoverably fallen far behind the people of Russia when judged by the level of their spiritual development and the level of their consciousness. You do not see it now, when you are amid the chaos of your current spring-cleaning.

But believe me, literally in a few years the changes in the consciousness that are in progressing now by leaps and bounds and the path and pace of which are just without parallel will be manifested in the surrounding life. Everything around you is the reflection of your consciousness. The picture you watch around you now is the reflection of the consciousness which the Russian society had during the period of the false community – so-called socialism.

The matter is the most inert part of the universe. And it takes years for the changes in the consciousness to be manifested in the physical world. Before now it took much more time to reflect the transformation of consciousness than it does at present.

But the time has changed. Any changes in the consciousness of people lead to almost instantaneous changes in the physical plane. Their momentariness is measured in the cosmic scale, indeed. Nevertheless, the process of acceleration, the process of the raising of the vibrations of the world is in progress constantly and inevitably. That is why the time allowed for the transformation of consciousness to be manifested in the physical plane is shortened every year.

Therefore, do aspire to transform your consciousness. Bring discipline to your consciousness. You have your past before you as an example - your faith that was repudiated, and you see the shots taken at its restoration. But this faith cannot satisfy people any longer because their consciousness has expanded and cannot be squeezed within the old framework.

And the former false community – it exists no more, since the true community can be based only on the true Faith.

The old system when a few possessed everything and masses of people were close to starving cannot be re-established because it does not answer the purposes of the present time.

The combination of the true community is based on the true Faith; the social structure of the society takes care and renders help to all its members, especially paying attention to the children and the disabled. Each member of the society has the opportunity to develop freely, to receive free education and the best medical assistance. All these things that existed in the false community and should be re-railed nowadays according to the true Faith will mould the image of the future structure of the New Age which we keep in our hearts.

The social inequality and the inequalities in wealth will be overcome after the renovation of the system of education. This new system will give the future generation the knowledge about the Divine Laws governing in this universe and about the main laws - the law of karma or retribution and the law of reincarnation or evolution of the souls.

All the fundamentals of the true Faith must be brought back to the society. Every person must gain understanding of the change of the cycles and of the necessity to get rid of his ego and to perfect himself in God.

We are giving the guidelines. We are giving the basics. We are giving the instructions.

For those who can hear. For those who can acknowledge. For those who are ready.

I AM El Morya.

Victory is in sight!

Mighty Victory

June 10, 2005

I AM Mighty Victory! I HAVE come!

The necessity to overcome space and time is presently connected with the vital need to bear glad news to you! Your planet is entering a new stage of your evolution and this process is taking place right now.

Each of you will be able to feel considerable changes already within a few near hours. You must heed yourselves. You must sense yourselves and understand yourselves. You are not your reflection in the mirror, you are mighty spiritual beings. And the time has come for each of you to feel it, at least for those of you who are ready to follow the Path of evolution maintained by all the reasonable beings in this universe.

You are progressing to the stage where you will be able to establish your connection with your Higher part without applying energies as before. At all times there were people who stood independently and kept within themselves the secret of communication between the worlds even when the veil separating these worlds was the most impenetrable.

If you try to picture it, you can imagine this veil first as an impenetrable wall as it was before, and then gradually becoming like openwork through which you can see and receive a partial insight into our world.

And today I have come precisely to tell you about your opportunity. The veil between our worlds is ready to be torn right now. Your consciousness is the only barrier that prevents you from seeing our world and communicating with it.

The higher energies are literally penetrating through you and moulding your consciousness - a new consciousness - the consciousness of a human of the New Age.

The Ascended Hosts do their best to initiate you into our world. If in order to gain an opportunity to communicate with us you applied just a thousandth share of the energies we are applying, you would be able to perform in your consciousness an instantaneous breakthrough to our worlds and into the endlessness.

A wonderful time is coming. Look out of the window. Is the world you used to see outside? Everybody is being given a chance. Everybody is making his own decision based on the law of free will.

I have come like the Bethlehem Star which marked the birth of Jesus Christ. I have come to announce the birth of Christ within you. And those of you who have gained victory over your carnal consciousness will receive an opportunity to obtain the Christ Mind.

Your consciousness will be able to obtain the understanding that was inaccessible for you before. At present your progress is taking place not in the physical plane. Your progress is taking place within your consciousness. You are climbing the summit of the Divine consciousness with the help of your victories that you gain one after another over the unreal part of yourself, over your mortal carnal mind.

The Christ Mind is radiating from within you. It is being born inside of you and it is running to your world out of your hearts through the radiance of your eyes, through your service and through the actions you perform for the sake of the entire life.

It is impossible, beloved, not to notice the changes that are in process within many of you who are ready for them; within those who have not only shown their readiness to follow the Path, but who are constantly moving without stopping and without paying attention to small and large obstacles.

But while some people are quickly approaching the Divine summit in their consciousness, others prefer at the same time to fritter away precious time and to seek the entertainments and amusements which have already seduced many of the best souls onto an erroneous path. The illusion is still strong, but the time is shortened for the chosen. And if earlier you could just read and repeat these words, now you can see with your own eyes those changes which are to take place in the near future.

It was said:

“Two men will be out in the field; one will be taken, and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken, and one will be left.” [28]

So it happens. Wake up and smell the coffee! Look around you!

And if you know what to pay attention to, you will see as some are applying their energies and abilities and using their time in order to constantly progress forwards. At the same time others are trying to find a narrow crack where they can hide and sit quietly during this time of changes.

And this time can become either the time for some to gain a great victory or the time for others to suffer a defeat.

Each of you has a potential to be victorious. But if some aspire to their victory and apply all their strength to achieve it, others prefer to lie on the stove bench [29] all day, thinking that all the changes will pass them by and they will have to do nothing as before.

Beloved, never forget that you are in the belly of God. All of you constitute the united body of God. The time is coming when little depends on your wish. You are destined to win. You have no other choice but to win.

Therefore, get down off your stove, go out into the street and put yourself under the fresh wind of change. You are like a sailing ship standing in the harbour motionless because there is no wind. But the moment has come and the wind of opportunities has started blowing, and it is up to heave yourself away, to fill your sails and to direct yourself to the destination point of your journey around the world of illusions. And the destination point of your journey is to return to the real world whence you have come and where you are heading inevitably in accordance with the law of cosmic cycles.

So, catch the wind of the cosmic opportunity with the sails of your being, since the next cosmic opportunity for the chosen will take place only in the next cosmic cycle and you may doom yourselves to a fatiguing continuance in the burdensome worlds. Therefore choose your Victory and choose moving towards your Victory. I have come to announce an approaching cosmic opportunity that has already come for those who are ready to accept it. Victory is in sight!

The victory for those who are ready and the victory for those who agree to accept their victory now.

During the night to come a mighty impulse of aspiration will transmit you in your consciousness onto the next stage of your evolutionary development.

And you will see your goal clearly; you will see the outlines of the New World manifesting themselves first in your consciousness and then gradually being materialised through your consciousness in the physical plane of Earth.

I AM Victory!

I would like to come up and to embrace each of the 144,000 Christbeings who are in embodiment on planet Earth at present

Beloved Lanello

June 11, 2005

I AM Lanello, having come again.

The state of the world around you has undergone subtle alterations. Few people have noticed amidst the daily hustle and bustle the important changes that have taken place. The events do not hurry to be manifested, but the process has been launched and has started to unfold as was anticipated.

If people believed their Higher part more, they would have to recognise that there are certain time limits and a certain plan according to which everything develops and on which the entire Creation is founded. Therefore, those who have already reached a certain level of consciousness corresponding to the Divine plan for the current stage of evolution on earth will be able to start realising the knowledge, teachings and notions which are becoming accessible to them now owing to the new cosmic opportunity.

Those who in their consciousness have not managed to get into this narrow passage will have to be content to drift through a day-to-day existence similar to the existence of a blind mole under the ground.

All the opportunities and all the doors to be opened are inside of you. It is the level of your consciousness that defines your position in the Divine hierarchy and the measure of service which God can determine for you.

It would be unreasonable of you to condemn and not to care about those individuals who were not able to get past the necessary point in their consciousness. They are unhappy in their essence and resemble pupils left back in school who have realised in the end that they have done a stupid thing due to their laziness and now have to part from their usual class and to find themselves among younger guys who take them for imbeciles and handicapped.

Due to the level of their development many of them will still not understand till the end of their lives what kind of opportunity they have had and lost.

Everything in this world is subject to its own cycles of evolution. Beware not to be embodied one fine day of your existence on the planet somewhere amidst Australian aborigines, hunting with spears and not even able to get an insight into the world which all the contemporary people in Europe or America have.

The evolution lasts for millions of years and gives even the most dilatory and lazy an opportunity to develop. However, the moment comes when even the most humane Cosmic Law can no longer give such a chance for development because the time is up and the cycles have changed.

I feel sorry about the fact that too small a number of souls have entered the new stage of evolution of consciousness. However, even this number of souls is enough for the changes on earth to go faster and the planned transformations to be started and completed successfully.

I am happily watching the souls who are in embodiment now and who have managed to find the strength and aspiration to gain victory over themselves, over their ego, and to ascend to the next stage.

I anticipate the relations of friendship, co-operation and mutual aid to establish among these souls in the near future, irrespective of where these souls are on the globe now. As a matter of fact, you are eyewitnesses to the birth of a new human race that was born literally from the depth of the old fifth root race during the previous night. People have completed a transition to a new stage in their consciousness. Very soon the inner changes will be manifested in the physical plane.

The main thing was to conquer that part of you which tied you down to earth and to the traditional relationships prevailing among people at present.

And the first thing you will feel is the alteration of relationships between people – between those ones who have ascended to the new stage. You will notice it even if you do not have a developed ability to make distinctions.

It will become easier for you to make arrangements with each other. You will feel that you contribute to the common cause and it does not matter which part of this work you perform. No needed service is to be looked upon as base during the construction of the New World, even if you simply hammer in nails.

You will feel Love, causeless Love, towards all the people with whom you perform mutual work. You will gain satisfaction from your service to each member of your community. People who have reached a new stage in their consciousness will attain the closest relations with each other. You will feel with your heart everybody who has managed to gain this big victory over himself. You will feel it by such qualities as unselfishness, a desire to help and to give and by the absolute causeless Love which is literally pervading your beings.

Any task you will start to perform together is destined to be a success, because it is not you who perform this task, but God whom you allow to do it through you.

Due to the level achieved your Higher Self will be able to take part in all your deeds, in all your activities in the physical plane. All your undertakings will be a success, because God whom you entrust to act through you cannot suffer a defeat. You are destined to victory as long as you are with God!

Let me congratulate you on your Victory! Never forget that in spite of the fact that this victory was gained by you due to your achievements, it still belongs to God since everything in this world belongs to God. And you obtain more and more opportunities to serve when you are able to sacrifice everything for the sake of God. God is jealous. He demands the entire human. And the larger the unreal part of you which you are able to give up, the more you will become God and the more obvious will be the presence of your Divine part in you.

People who have reached the new level in their consciousness will be more successful in all their activities and initiatives owing to the qualities which they will obtain at this level. That part within them which was standing against their successful work earlier either does not exist now or hampers much less in their life and activity. Your arrogance and all your imperfections will influence your deeds and activities no more because you have managed to overcome them within yourselves. You will feel this in the altered atmosphere in your teams. You will feel that there are people and whole teams with whom you feel easy and serene.

The process of the formation of such teams and communities will take place in a completely natural way. You know that like draws to like.

The things which will not be able to stand your vibrations will gradually leave you. The Earth is a very hospitable planet. It has sheltered a lot of evolutions that are at very different stages of their development.

But every time a considerable number of individuals obtain the level of Christ Consciousness it has a good influence on the entire planet, since all the humans are tightly interconnected in the higher plane.

That is why the Christ Consciousness obtained by you is an invaluable weal for the whole planet.

I cannot suppress my joy and my emotions. And I would like to come up and to embrace each of the 144,000 Christbeings who are in embodiment on planet Earth at present.

This is your victory! But this is also our victory because the Ascended Hosts were untiringly working to make your victory become a reality in the physical plane.

I congratulate you! And I am wiping tears of happiness running down my cheeks.

I AM Lanello

The new stage will enable you to experience yourselves living in the two worlds simultaneously

Lord Surya

June 12, 2005

I AM Surya, having come from the Great Central Sun!

Beloved, the moment which was anticipated by the Ascended Hosts and which will make an epoch in the evolution of this planet has come. Such moments are recurrent and each of them serves as a starting-point for the further progress. It is akin to your sailing ship when it is being moved by the gusts of wind. Every new gust of wind gives a new impulse to your movement. Now a mighty gust of wind has filled the sails of your opportunity. But only if you have been expecting this gust of wind and have hoisted the sails and prepared for sailing in time can you use the Cosmic opportunity given to you.

There is a hard Path before you. Storms and hurricanes are yet to come. But the main thing is that you are ready for your Path and that you have hoisted the sails of your being.

The waves and the storms are just your inevitable companions in the illusory world. The constant resistance of the resilient matter creates the necessary tension which allows you to develop your thoughts, to stiffen your will and to aspire to victory through all the obstacles.

If you keep the right image in your consciousness it will be impossible for the sailing ship of your being to suffer a shipwreck. Your consciousness is your main factor. All the circumstances of your life and everything which happens to you are determined precisely by the level of your consciousness. You choose by yourself whether to aspire in your consciousness to the Supreme and to progress along the Higher Path or to prefer to drag on a wretched existence in a cosy corner.

But those who choose a pleasant vegetable existence will sooner or later feel stirs forcing them to move. Many of the especially indolent will be simply forced out of their cosy corners, aroused from their sleep and set on the right Path.

You are lone travellers who must constantly move and never stop in your progress.

Therefore, those of you who are sure in your consciousness that you have already reached everything and can have a rest now must urgently make necessary corrections in your consciousness.

The state of peace is in fact an illusion. You can never be in a quiescent state. Even during your meditations, when your human thoughts and feelings come to rest, you make grandiose journeys round the worlds where there are neither time nor space.

The entire mechanism of journeys around the far worlds, the higher worlds and the fiery worlds is hidden inside of you. You make your journeys within your consciousness. For that reason, everything you should care about is the level of your consciousness.

Everything in your world has its beginning and end. And only your consciousness will continue to exist after your physical death.

The experience gained by you is of importance. That is why the more you act in your world the more experience you gain. The physical world gives you plenty of opportunities to develop. The physical world is literally crammed with objects to which you can apply efforts. You influence the physical world and you transform it.

Each of your actions can raise your consciousness and lead to the growth of your consciousness, your immortal part. And any of your actions can lead to the growth of the illusion. The whole thing depends on the direction of your efforts. You may be compared with a valve through which the Divine Energy flows. You can direct this flow either onto the broadening of your consciousness or you can waste this Energy for the increasing of the illusion.

The entire manifested world is a scene necessary for your evolution and created by you when you direct the Divine Energy onto the increasing of the illusion.

As soon as you reach a certain grade of purity of your chakras and bodies, you overcome your unreal part in your consciousness. And the more you elevate your consciousness, the more you are able to acquire the qualities inherent in the Divine world.

Your world and our world are not inimical to one another. Your world and our world mutually complement each other. Therefore any disharmonious manifestations of your world should be transformed with time. And the transformation of your world can take place only in one way - through your consciousness - which controls the flow of the Divine Energy coming to your being from the only source – the single source for the entire universe.

If you are concentrated on your illusory world, you will sooner or later face a simple truth that there is nothing in the physical world that can satisfy you. You can waste the whole life, just as you wasted thousands of lives in your previous embodiments in search of the point of life. And a moment would always come for any creature in the physical world when it realises that the thing it aspires to is in fact beyond the boundaries of the physical world.

First you acquire the duality of perception of your world. You begin to distinguish the phenomena belonging to the physical world from the ones belonging to the higher worlds. Then you start seeing the reasons for the events in the physical world. You start seeing the consequences of the actions and you begin to realise that if your attitude to the world around you changes it also leads to the alteration of your thoughts, actions and feelings.

And one fine day you realise that in addition to your physical senses you are acquiring the perception of the higher worlds.

And as soon as you have acquired such perception you start getting more idea of the higher worlds. But the higher worlds compare so favourably with everything surrounding you in the physical plane that you start spending more and more time in communication with them.

And the moment comes when you begin to live in the two worlds simultaneously. You become a point between two worlds. And you realise clearly that the worlds are merging within you. You understand that exactly in this way God can act through you. It is pleasant for you to experience your unity with God, with the entire universe. You feel that there are no borders between you and all the other living creatures. And you start feeling infinite compassion towards all the living creatures that are at that stage of evolution of their consciousness which does not allow them to experience this unity of Life.

And now, when being at this stage of your perception of the world, you start to understand us at last – the Beings that are behind the veil. We have understanding, but we have no opportunity to act in your world. You do not have understanding, but you have an opportunity to act in your world.

So, the next stage which is approaching already will allow you to get our understanding by penetrating the veil and will enable us to act through you when you let us be present within your beings.

This is how the evolution of the world is being made. In this way the worlds penetrate each other.

The new stage that has already come will give you a chance to experience yourselves living in the two worlds simultaneously. At first only a few people will be capable of this. Later on more and more people will reach this state of consciousness. It is always difficult for the first one to climb the highest peak. It is always easier for those who follow him. And very soon the things that seemed to be fantastic will become completely ordinary.

Have a happy journey! And hoist the flags on your yards in order to be seen from afar and in order for everybody who wishes to join you and to stand under your banners to have a chance to do it at any moment.

God does not have any restrictions. All the restrictions exist only in your consciousness and in your perception of the world around you.

I AM Surya, having come to you from the Great Central Sun.

The rebirth of Russia as the land of the Mother will take place very soon

Beloved Mother Mary

June 13, 2005

I AM Mother Mary, having come to you through this messenger.

I am pleased to meet you today. I am especially glad to meet you today because very many changes have taken place since our last meeting. And I thank all of you who have devoted all your free time to saying Rosaries during the whole period since our last meeting. I promised to come and to gift you a rose. I have been literally pouring roses upon many of you. And if you could notice with the eyes of your souls what is taking place around you, you would be able to see that the whole room in which you are saying the Rosaries is literally heaped with roses.

I give thanks to you. I am profoundly grateful to everybody who has answered my call.

I have used all the energy you have been giving me selflessly to create the conditions in your life enabling you to understand and realise the current events better.

My Love was invariably being poured upon you during your saying of the Rosaries. And I was feeling your Love. Oh, you cannot even imagine the bliss I experience while taking your Love into my heart.

Your Love penetrates the veil and flows like blessed incense wrapping me. I always see clearly whose heart is sending me this Love and I can always send my blessing to your heart and your life- stream.

Blessed be all those devoted and compassionate hearts who amid the hustle and bustle of the day find time to stop and give me Love and the energy of the Rosary.

Let us not interrupt this flow of Love and this energy exchange between our octaves.

Just imagine that each of your prayers addressed to me makes the veil between our worlds thinner and thinner. There are regions on the globe where the power of your prayers has made the communication between our worlds possible to such an extent that you can even feel me touching you and sense the aroma of the roses I am heaping upon you.

Beloved, do not interrupt your prayers.

I need your Love and prayers as before. You are aware of the important events that have taken place on earth. And I am happy to greet those of you who have reached the next stage of the evolution of your consciousness. And I am very happy that a lot of people who have devoted their time to the saying of Rosaries have managed to rise to this higher level.

The prayers about you and your relatives that I have been offering during this time have also taken effect.

Now I direct my attention to the Land of the Mother – Russia. You are aware of the fact that Russia is the country I extend special patronage to.

And my presence over Russia can be intensified only if as many as possible of the sons and daughters of this country pay deference to me and give me the energy of the Rosaries.

You know that Orthodoxy does not have a tradition of saying Rosaries. Therefore, those of you who confine yourselves strictly to the Orthodox traditions can do without reading Rosaries. It is enough for you to look at my image and send me your Love, and I will always feel this.

There are no restrictions in the Divine world. You yourselves invented all the restrictions by creating traditions. That is why I ask you just to give me your Love.

Do you remember Serafim Sarovsky? Can you remember him serving before my image on the icon called “Affection”?

He did not even recite prayers, but his eyes filled with tears and he plunged into a totally blissful state of Love towards me. Serafim Sarovsky was one of my most devoted servants.

And I still remember the moments of our commune with him spent together in the wood.

You cannot even imagine this inexpressible miracle given to us by the Lord. With the help of our Love we are able to eliminate all the barriers between our worlds. And there is nothing more elevated, pleasant and blessed than the communication which we can give each other.

We exist on the different sides of the border separating our worlds. However, the border itself is becoming thinner and thinner under the influence of the overmastering power of Love. There are no barriers for the power of Love, beloved.

Love is capable of working miracles both in your world and ours. And Love is the very force capable of penetrating the veil.

When you have a minute to leave your bustle and go before my image, do not think, please, that I am somewhere far away. I hear the sincere call of your heart. I am where you are. I hear every word you say to me, no matter whether you pronounce these words aloud or just within your heart.

And if you bate your breath and look narrowly, you can even spot my presence next to you in the shape of a light subtle cloud. You can also sense a dainty aroma of the roses or feel me touching you.

I love watching your faces during your prayers. And sometimes I allow myself to approach you while you are saying the Rosaries and to kiss or stroke you.

You, many of you, feel my touches and even try to drive me away like an annoying fly. Oh, if you only admitted in your consciousness a thought that it was not a fly but Mother Mary herself who came to kiss you. You would feel very awkward and funny.

Our worlds are much closer to each other than you can imagine.

And even now you can feel my presence during your prayers. There is no closer Master than me for the people of earth. I answer literally all your requests. And I am very sorry that at times your karma is so heavy that I cannot give you the help you ask me for. However, nothing is impossible for God. And after you have realised your past mistakes at the new level, it is possible that the decision of the Karmic Board will be altered and I will be allowed to help you.

I am very happy that for the first time during the last 100 years I have a chance to be present more and more often in the land of Russia - in my land, the land I extend special patronage to. Therefore, do not be despondent. All your prayers are being heard and the rescue is racing to the land of Russia. This rescue will come in a very short time according to the cosmic measures. Everything will change. And the rebirth of Russia as the land of the Mother will take place very soon.

Meanwhile I ask you not to stop the wheel of prayers. And if due to your stirring life you cannot dedicate much time to prayers, I think you can always find time and a chance amid the bustle of the day to cast a look at my image or an icon and give me your Love.

It will take mere seconds. But if you are able to send me your Love just a few times during a day, this will substitute for the saying of the Rosaries and the reading of prayers.

Always have my image with you. Keep my image in your hand-bag or in an amulet. Always remember that there in the physical world where my focus is I can establish my presence owing to the energy of Love that you send me.

Please be patient, beloved. It is not too long to wait. Come out at dawn and feel the delightful moment when the Sun is still below the horizon, but everybody around is already anticipating the instant of the sunrise. And right now the whole world is at the point of expecting the rise of the Sun – the Sun of Faith, the Sun of Love, the Sun of Hope.

The sunrise of your consciousness is as inevitable as the rise of the Sun foreseen by your being.

I AM Mother Mary, always loving you and waiting for our meeting.

A Teaching on Buddha and the multiplying of the Buddha consciousness

Beloved Kuthumi

June 14, 2005

I AM Kuthumi, having come again.

According to the established tradition I will give a Teaching. However, the comprehension of this Teaching can be difficult for your external consciousness. This is a Teaching on Buddha - that is on that stage of your Path which you must reach inevitably and which you will reach sooner or later.

Each of you has a potential to become a Buddha. In exactly the same way as every seed has a potential to become a plant and, in its turn, to set seeds.

The only thing differentiating you from a Buddha is the level of consciousness.

Some seeds fall on good soil and sprout very quickly. Others require considerable efforts for sprouting. But you should never forget that you are in a garden where the gardener is God himself. He is a rather careful gardener. That is why, even if to become a Buddha requires great efforts from you, you will become a Buddha despite everything.

It is impossible for you not to become a Buddha because this is a natural and obligatory stage of your development. Today I do not want to dwell upon those souls who have no wish to develop and follow the Path predetermined for them. You are aware of the fact that in reality not all the seeds sprout.

There is a certain percentage of the seeds which never become adult plants. There is a certain percentage of plants which perish without reaching the stage of the fruiting season.

Yet, you must know what to aim for. And your aim is to become a Buddha.

In reality the level of the Buddha Consciousness, when you reach it, is akin to a plant entering the fruiting season. When a human reaches the level of the Buddha Consciousness he obtains an ability to endow with his consciousness millions of beings who are at the lower stages of evolutionary development.

This resembles an adult plant scattering seeds. A Buddha sows the seeds of the Buddha Consciousness within the human beings. These seeds lie dormant inside a human for some time. Nevertheless, the time preset by the cosmic terms comes and the seeds of Buddha start sprouting in the human.

Buddha sows the sparks of his Mind within the humans. The time comes and these sparks of Mind germinate and become obvious. Within each of you there is a hidden seed of Buddha, a spark of Mind, which was sown inside of your being millions of years ago according to earthly measures. Now the time is coming when this spark of the Buddha Consciousness begins to be manifested.

This is not the intellect. These are not your abilities enabling you to exist in the physical world. This is the Mind which dwells within you and is identical to the Divine Mind. This is the thing which gives you a chance to reach the Divine stage of evolution and become a God-man.

Just as a seed sacrifices in order to give a plant a chance to appear - in exactly the same way Buddha sacrifices to give the seeds of Mind an opportunity to sprout within millions of live beings. This is the sublime self-sacrifice you become capable of when you reach the level of the Buddha Consciousness.

It was exactly the self-sacrifice of the greatest Beings of Light millions of years ago that gave humanity a chance to obtain Mind and, owing to this Mind, to become different from the animals.

You obtained your Mind due to the act of an infinite self-sacrifice performed by the greatest Beings of Light who blended into the humans of earth in the hope that the seeds planted would germinate and the Buddha Consciousness would be multiplied some day. And instead of the seven greatest Beings of Light the universe would obtain millions of Buddhas.

In this way the development takes place, in this way the merits are multiplied.

However, between the stage when the seeds are sown and the stage when the plant becomes fruit-bearing there is some duration, a natural period. For the humanity of earth this duration equals many millions of years.

The Divine Alchemy is such that the Beings of Light who sacrificed primordially in order to endow mankind of earth with Mind blended into the humans of earth, in the millions of lifestreams. And they will be able to restore their identity completely only after all the humans remaining on earth by that time have reached the level of the Buddha Consciousness.

Within each of the Ascended Masters there is a spark of a higher Being of Light, and when a human reaches the level of the ascended state of consciousness he becomes able to give back the spark of Mind that has served as the yeast in the depth of his being and due to which his evolution has taken place. The Heavens are exultant over every case of such ascension. Every case of such ascension gives to those Great Spirits who endowed mankind with the Mind millions of years ago an opportunity to restore their integrity to a greater extent.

However, when a human reaches the level of the development of a Buddha, he in his turn follows the lead of the great Beings of Light. At the same time, every Ascended Master who has reached the level of the Buddha Consciousness has an opportunity to endow with his particle those individuals who are still in embodiment and with whom this Master was in a karmic connection, as his history of existence on planet Earth was tightly bound with their lives.

Of course, your lifestream must be in agreement with the presence of a particle of the Ascended Master within you.

I will tell you more. Every prophet, messenger or messiah always enjoyed the presence of the higher Beings of Light within himself. Sometimes there was not one Being of Light but a few of them. The presence of the Beings of Light within the temple of an embodied individual is determined by his level of merits. You will not be able to endure the Light of the presence of the Higher Being within yourself if you are not ready, if you have not reached a certain grade of purity of your four lower bodies and, correspondingly, if you do not have a high level of vibrations corresponding to the high level of consciousness achieved by you.

The knowledge I am giving you today is not new. It was well-known and taught in all the prominent Schools of Mysteries and was echoed in many books and scientific works.

Everything changes, and the time comes when the things that were accessible to very few advanced disciples become attainable for very many people. Only the level of your consciousness prevents you from understanding and fully evaluating the greatness of the Creator, His care about every live creature and the opportunities which the Law of this universe provides for the evolution of all the souls inhabiting the universe.

Today I have told you a beautiful legend about Buddhas and the multiplying of the Buddha Consciousness.

When a seed germinates and the plant grows, it encounters many barriers on its Path of development. These are droughts, floods, the burning sun and the pests. Every individual in his development on planet Earth encounters a lot of barriers. Every individual has to overcome a great many of obstacles. However, these obstacles are necessary for the growth of your consciousness. You become a Buddha only when you have overcome all of them. You become a Buddha only when you in your consciousness leave the frames of the illusory world.

And now comes the most important thing I must tell you about. The Teaching you have just received is just another view of the fall of Lucifer and the fall of the angels.

As exemplified by these two views on one and the same event you may judge how unrecognisably the human mind can distort even the highest deed of the Spirit.

In truth, everybody judges everything by himself and everybody sees in everything his own imperfections.

That is why your own choice of one of the two legends will tell you much about yourself.

The quality of duality is inherent in every event occurring in the material universe. And the higher the level your consciousness reaches, the less negative and the more positive and Divine things you see in the surrounding reality.

When your consciousness reaches a high enough degree of purity you will be astonished with a fact that everything has changed around you. And then instead of the fallen angels that were surrounding you and with whom you were tirelessly fighting you will see human beings who suffer and need your help.

But in order for the transformation of your consciousness and you to take place you must wish to progress on the Path, you must put yourself under the winds of changes and be afraid of nothing. Nothing threatens you in your world except your own unreal part which attracts into your world all the negative situations and circumstances.

I wish you to attain enlightenment already during your current life. I and all the Ascended Hosts are ready to serve you and to give you all the help you need.

But never forget – it is impossible to help an individual who does not ask for help and who thinks he does not need our help.

Always remember that you are just children in the questions of knowing the Divine Truth. At the current stage of the development of your consciousness even the Truth I have given you today will seem incomprehensible and disquieting to you. But a few years will pass and every schoolchild will be aware of this Truth.

I AM Kuthumi.

All that happens is exactly what you admit in your consciousness

Sanat Kumara

June 15, 2005

I AM Sanat Kumara. I HAVE come to you.

Each of my comings and each of the comings of the other Beings of Light make your consciousness capable of receiving more and more information. This fact does not depend on whether this information comes to you in the form of words, images or energy. The very exchange between our worlds is of the essence.

The constant attention paid by you to the reading of these dictations represents the energy which you give to our world. Your energy flows where your attention is directed. This is a well-known truth. In exactly the same way the attention we pay you during the process of the giving of these dictations is directed to your world.

I direct the energy of my attention to you. You direct the energy of your attention to me. Thus, we can exchange energies between our octaves. And the more Beings of Light and embodied individuals join this energy exchange, the closer our worlds are.

The process of the energy exchange between our octaves was conceived from the very start of the creation of this universe. But the point of materiality you have reached at present hinders this exchange. That is why every attempt to restore the exchange between the octaves brings mutual benefit to our worlds.

The worlds are united through the energy exchange. The energies of your world tinted with imperfection cannot penetrate our world. Only those energies which are tinted with Love and bear Good are capable of penetrating the veil.

The majority of people cannot feel the energies we are tirelessly sending to your world as these are very high energies to be sensed. Your sensory organs are not yet capable of perceiving these energies. But the most sensitive individuals can still feel our vibrations even through the distortions which inevitably appear when the energy passes through the veil into your world. No matter how perfect the conductor is, any conductor of our energies distorts them. There is no perfection in your world. And any person, if he approaches our world by his vibrations, cannot stay in your world any longer.

The process of the mutual penetration of our worlds has a very lasting character and can be long-drawn for millions of years.

You are not able to achieve in a moment the level of consciousness inherent in our world. This will be like a burst of a hypernova for your being.

But we also cannot happen to be in your world. This is like death for us. That is why we have many ways of indirectly penetrating your world with the help of those individuals whose vibrations’ frequency allows us to be present within them at least for an insignificant period of time.

You are also able to enter our world. And the higher is the level of consciousness you can reach before your meditation the higher are the worlds you can enter.

You are not dense creatures. If you think of yourselves as dense creatures, it can be explained only by the limitation of your consciousness. You rather resemble clouds or bundles of energy capable of penetrating and percolating into our world. And when you move consciousness into our world, the latter becomes for you as dense as your physical world.

The whole point is in your consciousness. All that happens is exactly what you admit in your consciousness. That is why you are told about the widening and elevating of your consciousness and about the ascending onto a higher level.

If you could look at your activity on planet Earth with our eyes, you would be astonished by the limitation of your existence. Actually you are as if in a dungeon within your physical shape. And you cannot get out of your dungeon until an impulse of aspiration to freedom takes hold of you.

I am speaking in general terms and I am giving the hints. It is not because I cannot tell you more - I can tell you much more. But your consciousness is not able to receive the things it cannot understand yet.

Therefore, the evolution of the human consciousness is measured very well. It is very much like the evolution of the human society. If some decades ago somebody had tried to explain to you how the Internet or cellular phones worked, you would have considered this to be a fantasy and a chimera. But first we provide an image and transmit it into the heads of the people capable of receiving it. Then this image becomes enhanced with a physical shape and details.

Therefore, we are tirelessly sending our images of the future for this planet through a lot of people.

You receive these images while you are sleeping and waking. The high energies of my native planet Venus have approached. They are elevating the rougher vibrations of your planet by intermixing with them and by gradually transforming the basic dominating vibration characteristic of your planet.

The Earth is very hospitable. A lot of evolutions have found asylum here. The consciousness of some people is ready to transit to a new level and is close to this level, or has already transited to it, while the consciousness of other people is not yet awakened at all.

Nevertheless, we have acclaimed the Victory. And the Victory achieved is really great. 144,000 beings embodied on planet Earth have obtained the level of the Christ Consciousness. This means that we will be able to intensify our presence on planet Earth through these beings.

All these beings are capable of establishing a connection among them on the horizontal level. All the organisations founded by these beings and all their future projects will bear the high vibrations of our octaves. Consequently, even those individuals whose consciousness is dwelling in a deep lethargy and is not able to feel our energies at present will be able to perceive our energies very soon after having been adapted to their perception through these currently embodied Christbeings.

2000 years ago Jesus came to earth and gave his Teaching. Just imagine 144,000 beings that have realised their Christ-potential now – how much more they can affect the world and its development.

In fact every sphere of human activity will come under the influence of these Christbeings, scattered around the globe and involved in different kinds of activity in their professional fields.

It is impossible to measure the process of the transformation of consciousness with physical devices. You just acquire an ability to see more. You see the reasons for the actions and you see the consequences. You see how it is possible to correct any disharmonious manifestations in the surrounding life. And when you gradually get rid of the extreme negative manifestations in all the spheres of your life, you, by doing so, start to release many souls from the negative influence, first of all the children and the youth.

Soft music and the communication with nature are able to affect the soul of a child much more positively than you can imagine. But when you do not care which music your children listen to and in what company they spend their free time, you cultivate the reasons for your future problems.

Throw away everything unnecessary from your life, the things you can exist without, and you will obtain much free time for your spiritual unfoldment, for communications and meditations.

The simplest things you can do in your life which not only don’t require big financial expenses but release you from many of such expenses are able to bring you to literally revolutionary changes in your life, to the leap in your consciousness.

Revise your traditions and habits and find strength in yourselves to get rid of everything unnecessary that does not contribute to your spiritual development.

The advice is very simple and it will bring you to a definite result very quickly.

You may think and understand what prevents you from following these simple recommendations. The answer to this question is obvious – it is your ego that finds thousands of reasons and thousands of excuses in order not to allow you to change anything in your life.

Now you can see your actual enemy - your only enemy. Your ego, your unreal part, is your actual and only enemy. Therefore, do not seek any enemies around you. Your entire environment just corresponds to you by the level of your vibrations.

The pieces of advice I am giving today are verbatim what I said to the people of earth when I was incarnated on this planet myself. Millions of years have passed. And I repeat the same advice for you word for word.

If I were you, I would die of shame. Yet, you go on doing nothing and stroking your ego. Have you ever thought that your experiment with your free will can be brought to a stop?

Have you ever thought that sometimes a gardener has to cut and burn dry branches in order not to give the infection a chance to spread onto the healthy plants?

Has not the time come when this work must be carried out and is being carried out already?

You always have a chance to return to the Path which was predestined for you and which will bring you Home. I ask you to think over my words. Is it too much to sacrifice in order to free yourselves from everything that prevents you from setting forward?

I AM Sanat Kumara.

Make preparations for the rise of the Sun of Knowledge, the Sun of Faith and the Sun of the Divine Consciousness over the land of Russia

Beloved Babaji

June 16, 2005

I AM Babaji, having come again.

I have come to give you my homilies. The things I would like to tell you today will be vital for your spiritual enfoldment. Today I have to speak about the prophecies and forecasts which are known to many people but yet have not been widely distributed in your world.

While in embodiment I was giving my Teaching in the place called Haidakhan. People from all over the world came to be present at my darshans. I was giving them grace from my heart. I was saturating their beings with Light. Even those who had never known how to communicate with a Teacher were awestruck during my presence and communication with them.

God has many mysteries still impossible to be revealed to your consciousness because it is notable for neither the necessary grade of purity nor for the irreproachable perception. I used to reveal some of these mysteries to my closest disciples.

The time has not come yet for these mysteries to be revealed to a wider audience. But you should always remember that God still has many arcane mysteries for you.

The homily I would like to give you today relates to your sensation of God, i.e. your feeling of the Divine. Never think that you have already known all the Divine mysteries. Never think that the views and opinions which have found lodgement in your mind and external consciousness so far are infallible and the right ones. I understand that you consider it to be important for you to have dogmas in your head in order to restrict your perception and perceive the things around you better. This is like when you spotlight a certain space with a flashlight, see the lightened things and form a more or less clear view of them.

However, you should never judge the entire Creation by the space your consciousness is able to spotlight.

A wise man always remembers that beyond the sphere lit by his external consciousness there is a vast field of things he is still unable to perceive.

Your principal error which causes the majority of troubles in your world is in the fact that you are always having arguments with each other to prove that all the things your flashlight spotlights are much truer and that it is your flashlight that should be the guide in the life of all the people of earth.

You can even argue until you are blue in the face convincing each other that the entire world should use your flashlight in order to be happy.

But you should always remember that the dawn will come and the sun will clothe all the things with the bright Light of the day. And the light of your flashlights will be hardly distinguishable in the bright sunlight. The things you were spotlighting with your flashlight in the dark take completely different shapes in the bright Sunlight. Is it worth going to so much trouble to convince each other of the rightness of your opinions? The day will come and the sun of your Divine presence will light brightly all the things and you will be able to know the Divine Truth not by your imperfect human mind but by the mind of an Ascended Being of Light.

A wise man will never challenge the accuracy of a system of outlook accepted by other people. It is very unsafe for your health to arrive in another country with your own traditions and try to convince the people of this country that all of them without exception live incorrectly and have a false idea of God.

All the missionaries sinned by doing that at all times. They arrived in a foreign country and tried to implant the traditions of their faith in it.

There is only one Divine Truth which is beyond all the religions of the world. Wise men have always tried to know this greatest Truth but not to obtrude their opinions about the Divine Truth upon the world. If each of you stands your ground trying to prove that only your convictions are right and there is nothing more correct and true in the world, you put limits on your advancement and start cultivating non-divine qualities within yourselves, such as spiritual arrogance and idolatry.

That is why I encourage you to aspire constantly to maintain your consciousness on the level of the high Divine vibrations. You become kinder and more tolerant while being in such a state. Your entire being emanates love, cordiality, joy, peace.

Learn to distinguish these states of your consciousness within yourself. Strive to these states of your consciousness, since only when you are in such states of consciousness are you able to recognise the Divine Truth.

And now I would like to tell you something about the land of Russia.

There are prophecies, and these prophecies are wide-spread in the land of India, that Russia must regenerate and become a country based on the new principles – the principles of the true Faith. The history of Russia and especially its recent history gave the people of this country the lessons of non-attachment to any system of world outlook. The consciousness of the people of this country was as if intentionally suffering the influence of completely different ideologies and viewpoints.

For the consciousness of an embodied person a sharp change of the outer ideological orientation is like a hurricane or a tornado. Any revolution in the stereotypes of perception of the reality is taken by a human to be a catastrophe. For a human, especially for his lower bodies including the physical one, such a change of ideology represents a big danger and is a reason for stress.

Nevertheless, such rouses are really vital for the development of a human soul. A person experiencing such stresses connected with the collapse of his previous world outlook obtains a more expanded consciousness and is able to get a more profound insight into the world.

In this respect Russia stands out among the rest of the countries of the world. Of course, India and Tibet are the countries rich in spiritual traditions. However, exactly due to the fact that these traditions are many thousands of years old they delay the development of the consciousness of people.

It is not always the case that the things considered to be good in the physical plane are valuable for the evolution of the soul.

Despite all these difficulties, the people who have been living in the territory of Russia during a very long period of time and who are still living there now have gone through the highest initiations comparable to those which were given by the greatest adepts of the past to their disciples.

Russia is leading the world in the number of people who have reached the level of the Christ Consciousness.

That is why Russia will be the country where people from all over the world will come and go through training. The treasure which Russia possesses is not hidden in the ground. This is neither gold nor oil. The richness of Russia is of a much higher value and it is concentrated in the consciousness of the best representatives of the peoples inhabiting this country.

Just as there is much sub-grade material in which one can discover gold-nuggets, there are a lot of people who for some reason have failed to overcome their consciousness and go through initiations. But those who have managed to do it really deserve the highest spiritual awards and have received recognition from the Ascended Hosts.

During the whole period of one hundred years the melting process in the Divine furnace has been going on. And now we have an opportunity to view the pure gold of the Divine consciousness in the form of the nimbus around the heads of the light-bearers of Russia.

All the events that have taken place in Russia and have been initiatory for many sons and daughters of this country were foretold. The prophecy is concealed even in the very geographical names in the territory of this country.

The rivers Om and Tara, symbolising the unity of the masculine and the feminine aspects of the Deity, flow just through the place where the regeneration of Russia will begin. First the people will appear who are notable for the level of the Christ or the Buddha Consciousness. They will appear worthy of this level of consciousness after having passed through heavy trials and tests. Afterwards the surrounding world will start transforming through the consciousness of these people, gradually acquiring the qualities close to the Divine world.

At present these people, these gold-nuggets, are embryonic under a thick layer of sub-grade material. An inexperienced eye can hardly make out these gold-nuggets of the Spirit. But if you are not able to spot the gold in the sub-grade material this does not mean that there is no gold there. You just have not reached that level of distinguishing which enables you to notice these gold-nuggets.

So, the prophecy has been made. And the prophecy must be fulfilled.

And even if you make every effort not to allow the Sun to rise and glow with its Light in the murky corners of your consciousness, the Sun will rise in spite of everything.

For that reason, make preparations for the rise of the Sun of Knowledge, the Sun of Faith and the Sun of the Divine Consciousness over the land of Russia.

I AM Babaji.

A Teaching on the serpent-tempter and the serpent of wisdom

Lord Maitreya

June 17, 2005

I AM Maitreya, having come to you.

The delightful moment of our communication has come. And I have come to share my knowledge and thoughts with you.

It is always possible to find Divine manifestations in everything surrounding you in your world. And it is always possible to find the things that are not from God. There are many more things not from God in your world so far. Your world does not belong to the Divine worlds. Very long ago your world was not material and its vibrations were close to the Divine vibrations. That was millions of years ago.

Man did not have a physical body. Everything around him was like a garden in paradise.

Man lived like a plant. The consciousness of man was irreproachable.

And everything was fine except for one little thing. Man did not have mind. But since man did not have mind, he was not able to create. He could not create and he could not evolve. The existence of man was like that of animals.

The Higher Cosmic Forces were no longer able to maintain the existence of man who had no mind and, consequently, had no chances for his development.

Therefore, the Sons of the Sun, the Sons of Wisdom descended into the bodies of the humans and endowed them with the opportunity to obtain mind – the fire of mind, with the help of which man acquired an ability to create like Gods.

I am giving you this legend in an uncomplicated way for your present level of consciousness in order to help you to comprehend your own history best – and exactly to understand the moment of the beginning of your fall into the matter.

As man was gradually becoming able to use his mental faculties, he obtained an ability to choose where to direct the energy flowing into his bodies from the Divine Source.

You know the legend about Adam and Eve. You are aware of the serpent that tempted Eve.

But you think it was someone outside you. In fact, so it was. Man got his mind from outside of himself. The Masters of Wisdom, the Masters of Mind descended into the bodies of people to endow the latter with mind. Man had been an irrational being before that event. But after that event man became conscious of self. He began to make choices consciously. And exactly after having been endowed with mind man started to create karma.

Plants do not have karma; animals do not have karma either. Karma, as a consequence of an action, is inherent only in the creatures that possess mind. Therefore, as soon as man had acquired mind, he became responsible for his actions – for everything he was doing on earth.

Thus, the human mind became man’s greatest delight and his greatest misfortune at the same time.

Man has always suspected intuitively that someone outside him was responsible for everything happening to him. This is both right and wrong, because after man had acquired mind it became an integral part of him. And he could no longer blame anyone for the things that happened to him.

Man was creating karma by using the Divine energy in a way which did not correspond to the Divine plan. The Divine energy was assuming density and formed the world which surrounded man.

In this way the material world was being created and the karma was being made.

Man can blame the outer forces, Lucifer and the fallen angels for all the disasters that have happened to him. You can find other names in other legends.

However, if man had not received mind, he would not have been able to be in line with the idea God had designed while creating him. We were even confronted with the question of the abolishment of the earthly evolution as not corresponding to the Divine plan.

For that reason, it is not logical to blame those who gave you a chance to continue your evolution for all your sins. In reality after a human had been endowed with a spark of mind the karma of his wrong actions started to fall upon both this human and the Master who had sacrificed his particle to him. As a result, everything has been intertwined and can be untangled only after man has had his share of pleasure in the illusion created by him and is able to realise the Higher Path which exists and is predetermined for him.

The human mind is the greatest punishment and at the same time a good opportunity for man to go through the physical world like going through purgatory, to be purged from what is non-divine and to become the one he must become in the end – a God-man.

The key to your evolution is inside your consciousness. And unless and until you seek those outside you who are guilty in your troubles and misfortunes, you will occupy a position which does not lead you to the positive changes.

You can reason very long upon whom is to be blamed for the recent hurricane which swept away hundreds of thousands of human lives. But until you set to work with good will and start hurricane response management nothing will change.

Thus, the main thing for you now is to understand that your standpoint of looking for the guilty outside you is not an affirmative approach. You must understand that nobody but you is responsible for everything that happens in your life. And having understood this you should begin to solve the tangle of all the karma you have created during hundreds and thousands of embodiments.

You work off your karma every second of your stay on earth when you overcome an outer situation within your consciousness and come up with a right inner attitude to everything happening around you.

Therefore, the sooner you stop seeking the guilty outside you, the sooner you will be able to overcome the limits of space and time which you have created for yourselves.

The Earth is like a huge ant-hill. And every single individual on earth is connected with every living creature on the planet.

Our task is like that of the sun which clothes your ant-hill with light and sends you its vivifying rays. And these rays make you wake up, stretch your limbs which are asleep after the night, move and perform the work you should perform.

And your absolutely unique instrument which you have been polishing during the period of your evolution on planet Earth is turning from your punishment into your blessing, because it is exactly owing to your mind that you can ascend to the greatest peaks of the Divine consciousness that are inapproachable without the absolutely unique experience you have gained during the period of your embodiments on planet Earth.

Your mind is the very thing to have cast you into the whirlpool of materiality and your mind is the very thing to help you get out of this whirlpool of materiality.

And the Divine qualities of your mind which you have obtained during the period of your wandering in the material world will remain and transit together with you to the other, Higher World. But you yourselves must give up the lower qualities of your mind represented by your carnal mind.

That is why your task is to learn to distinguish in yourselves everything that is from God from the things of this world that you have created yourselves. Your physical world is like your parental nest where you feel comfy. But sooner or later the moment comes for you to leave your nest since you have grown up and become ready to spread your wings and fly.

May every dogma which has found lodgement in your consciousness be overcome.

Every nestling in order to hatch must break through the shell with its own strength. Therefore, your urgent task is to make every effort in order to break through the boundaries of the dogmas and to acquire an ability to look unbiased at any legend.

Your wits, your mind is the very serpent-tempter that enticed you from the path of virtue and it was your choice to pass the peccant path on planet Earth.

At the same time your mind is the serpent of wisdom that will set you on the Path of righteousness and help you to choose the Higher Path.

Just think whether the time has come for you and whether it is high time to exert every effort to break through the shell of the dogmas and ignorance.

Think over the dual meaning of the symbol of serpenthood hidden both in the serpent-tempter and the serpent of wisdom.

You have been descending, but the time has come for you to start your ascension.

I AM Maitreya, your Guru.

The best practices of your Spirit are the only thing that will remain with you


June 18, 2005

I AM THAT WHICH I AM. I AM in you. I AM everywhere. I AM omnipresent.

I AM in every living creature. I AM that which the universe is made of. I AM all this.

When your consciousness breaks away from the earthly measures, you will be able to assimilate the entire storehouse of knowledge about everything that is manifested. Therefore now, while your consciousness is limited, I AM giving you only the knowledge that contributes to the growth of your consciousness and helps to overcome its limitations.

The creation of this universe has never been subject to any limited mind, but only a narrow mind could create that part of the universe that has limitations of space and time.

If you try to hang a rose in the air, it will fall down. If you put the rose on the ground, it will lie.

Thus, every element corresponds to its destination. And everything is used in correspondence with its intended purpose.

The material world has its own laws. It is impossible to apply the laws of the Higher World to the lower world. This would be like a rose you wish to hang in the air.

However, the lower worlds comply with the laws of the Higher Worlds. And if a rose bursts into a flower, it is going to wither. Your world is like this rose.

You are creating your world, but it is you who will ruin it. First you create the things corresponding to your undeveloped consciousness and then you contract the created illusion through your consciousness. As you reach new stages in knowing the world, you draw nearer and nearer to the cognition of the Truth and your world becomes little by little closer to the Divine world by its vibrations.

With the coming of each stage sparks are created. Each of these sparks or monads serves as an embryo of a future being. Every being goes through numerous stages in its evolution, gradually becoming denser and perfecting itself.

First you were a non-manifested mineral, then you became a stone. You became a plant and you were a lower animal.

You changed your lower bodies, but your immortal particle remained.

Eons [30] of years had passed before you received your human bodies which bore little resemblance to your present ones.

Then you obtained your physical body and mind. And now you are standing at the stage of evolution when you have to give up the physical body due to the rise of your consciousness.

You had been everything. You had passed all the stages of evolution before you reached the human stage of development. And at every stage of evolution you had a particle of me inside of you.

I AM always with you over the entire period of your path.

I am like a crystal lowering into a solution and taking from this solution everything necessary for growth.

First you were just a Divine spark and you had no form. It took you billions of billions of years to reach the human stage of evolution. And it will take billions of billions of years more before you reach the stage of evolution of the highest beings of this universe.

How often do you think over these things in your life?

Your life is so rich in events that you have no time to stop and think. But until you can ponder over the orderliness of the universe you will not be able to obtain the knowledge about it.

You should aspire in order to receive.

If you do not have aspirations within you, you will not be able to attract the necessary knowledge from the space.

The process of the development of consciousness is very measured. You are like children, and you need care. And you receive this care from the invisible Beings of Light whom you call Angels, or the Ascended Masters, or Gods. You always know in your consciousness that there is someone who takes care of you and watches over your development. But it is naturally for you as for all children to be keen on games. You are playing and you do not even hear your parents calling you home when the time has come to return.

The call of the Divine world is not heard by the physical ear. When the sun starts sending its rays to earth in spring it does not call the grass to shoot from under the ground. But the time comes and the shoots appear from under the ground. The time comes and the leaves appear and the flowers come into bloom.

Just as the sun’s rays reach the ground, you receive invisible rays which awaken your consciousness and make it flourish like flowers in spring. Such is the call of the world where you are to sprout with your consciousness.

And at present you are like embryos of the future beings. In exactly the same way as a butterfly does not resemble a chrysalis, you with your new qualities will not be the same as you are now.

Your consciousness has an ability to expand and to take in new knowledge and new ideas. But if you do not aspire to receive the new knowledge and if you hide yourselves from the fine energies penetrating the Earth, you will not be able to develop.

Many seeds perish without shooting from under the surface of earth. But the life goes on and the energy of these seeds continues to take part in the structuring of the universe.

Your immortal part cannot be annihilated, but it can lose its individuality and the experience which you have obtained during millions and billions of years while being a stone, a plant, a lower animal, a higher animal and finally a human being.

Your consciousness and your personal experience are the main things for you. They are the things that will remain with you after your human evolution has finished. These are the things that will transit to the Higher Worlds together with you and will help you exist there. When your consciousness outgrows the world and the shape you are temporarily living in, careful hands will transplant you into other bodies which will dwell in other worlds.

It is like a careful gardener who transplants a flower that has overgrown its former pot into a more spacious pot to allow the flower to go on growing.

You shoot into the new worlds with the help of your consciousness. And every time you have an opportunity to be admitted exactly to such a world that corresponds to the level of your consciousness.

Now you are in your world. And you will stay in your world still for a long time until you outgrow it and aspire in your consciousness to the Higher Worlds.

However, it will not be right to experience depression from the infinite cavalcade of the worlds which you are to visit. You must learn to feel joy from staying in each of the worlds. And this joy is not like the joy from the satisfaction of your wishes and lusts. There is another joy. – the Divine Joy, the causeless Joy. The Joy from the fact that the sun shines, that you live and breathe. The joy from the voice of the stream, from the whisper of the grass, from the sight of the clouds.

You are much bigger than the forms you are wearing now. And the time will come for you to change these forms. But your Joy and other feelings that are eternal will transit to the new worlds together with you and will live within you forever. And one of the most important feelings is the feeling of Love which acquires more and more exquisite features and manifestations as your consciousness rises.

There are qualities and features inherent in all the worlds. And one of these qualities is the quality of Love, the feeling of Love.

As you are able to raise your consciousness and to wrest out of the frames of your world, the things that are hidden from you behind the objects of the surrounding world and the things still invisible for you at the point of time and space you are in now will be revealed before you with a new strength.

Peace. Harmony. Beauty. There are a lot of qualities that do not seem to be valuable to you now, but that are of the same great value in the Higher Worlds as gold and diamonds are in your world.

The qualities of the Spirit and the best practices of your Spirit are the only things that will remain with you.

You will forget your occupation. You will not need it in another world. You will forget your habits; they will seem unnecessary to you. But you will keep the qualities that are of lasting value in all the worlds.

Therefore, do find time and think of which of your qualities can be useful for you in the Higher Worlds. Develop these qualities in yourself and do not allow the surrounding bustle to kill them within you.


A Teaching on Freedom [31]

Beloved El Morya

June 19, 2005

I AM El Morya, having come again!

I hope that our meeting today will be of benefit for you in your knowing of the world. During many years we have been trying to develop in our messenger an ability not only to perceive the knowledge she already had within her consciousness to one extent or another but to be able to pass on the torch that was absolutely new for her. As a result, our every attempt enabled us to stock your mind more and more with knowledge and comprehension.

You know that the universe is organised so that each level of the universe with its own level of consciousness is separated from the previous and the next levels by a kind of impenetrable energetic barrier. And you obtain an ability to overcome these barriers only when you acquire a certain inner energetic potential enabling you to do that. The energy which you are able to assimilate is determined by the level of the development of your consciousness. The more developed your consciousness is, the higher energetic layers you can get access to. For that reason, the level of your vibrations endows you with a certain level of freedom.

In fact, the whole evolution consists in the process of your attainment of a larger level of freedom which will enable you to assimilate by your consciousness a large number of energetic layers and to get access to an enormous amount of information.

The paradox lies in the fact that you should first give up your free will in the way you view it at your human level of consciousness. Freedom is understood by a human as a lack of restrictions for the satisfaction of his wishes. And if the laws of your society do not restrict by enforcement the freedom of individual members of the society, the ungovernable lusts of some of them will be able to harm the entire human population existing on the planet.

First you must willingly give up in your consciousness your carnal mind and the human wishes and needs connected with it. After doing that you will obtain a larger degree of freedom providing you with access to the higher energetic and informational levels…

Come up, kindle your torches and bring the Light to the people of planet Earth!

Beloved Lanello

June 20, 2005

I AM Lanello, having come again!

Every time I come to you through this messenger I feel an inner flutter of pleasure from the fact that we can, at last, apply to such a big appreciative audience.

We are faced with great deeds, but the performance of these deeds is impossible if you, each of you, Sons and Daughters of Light, do not exert every effort for the realisation of the conceived plan.

Only mutual efforts of the light-bearers on the one hand and of the Ascended Hosts on the other hand are able to instantiate those quick turns of the tide which we foresee and which are to take place.

On the agenda there appears a question of the combining of all the light forces irrespective of their confession, country, nationality and ethnicity.

The older generation of Russia remembers the enthusiasm and the joy from the mutual labour and efforts the people applied while living under the socialist system.

In reality, the joy from the mutual labour and the pleasure from the mutual efforts cannot be compared with anything. These are the fundamentals we need to restore.

Individualism and dissociation are not an indication of a developed society in the Divine sense.

A society representing a Community of the Holy Spirit is based on mutual labour and mutual efforts. When everybody is attached to the common cause every member of the community can rely on help and support in a trying hour.

The principles of organising a Community have been known for a long time. And you should only apply your personal efforts and your aspiration to the creation of such Communities of the Spirit.

The genesis of a New Community within your consciousness, minds and hearts is the foremost task, as before. And do not fancy that do-gooders will come and take care about you and your future.

Unfortunately, in practically all the countries the power, both financial and political, is concentrated in the hands of the people who have no God in their hearts. Every man who is God- oriented dedicates himself to ministering to his neighbours. Therefore, everybody who strives to use any means in order to obtain personal gain and to reach the growth of his personal influence does not act in the name of God and has nothing in common with God.

In order to change something in the world and in every nation it is necessary to oppose the Divine attitude against the present predatory attitude to the neighbour, the world and its resources. In reality a constant conflict between these two forces is going on in the world - the forces acting in the name of Common Wealth and Good and the forces that act only with the purpose of satisfying the interests of a personality and the ego.

Every human is under the influence of these forces. These two forces can influence a human both from outside and from inside.

The entire evolution of humanity can only take place under the influence of these two forces. One of the forces strives to strengthen the illusion of this world, while the second force makes every effort to maintain the world which is beyond the manifested illusion.

As a result, each of you can stick up for the one or the other force. You cannot remain indifferent. It is like when you do your best to keep quiescent in the middle of a rapid stream of a mountain river. You can surrender to the stream, but it will sweep you away and it is not known from which height of a waterfall and on which sharp stones you will have to fall. You must do your best in order to cross the tumultuous river of life, to keep afloat and to reach the other riverbank.

If you look upon the world history of the past and the present, you will see that the forces that defend the illusion have always gained victory. Nowadays they are still in power in every nation and continue to occupy powerful positions and to stand behind all the governments on earth. However, these forces have never had access to the Divine Energy and have always had to use the most basic instincts and the most sinister interests of the masses in order to receive the energy that every human has but to which they had no access due to their ungodly actions during many lives.

In contrast, if a human is solid for the Forces of Light and has access to the Divine Energy it is not necessary for him to be supported by crowds of followers. He himself grants his energy to everybody who is able to accept and to use it for the good of the development of the evolution of earth.

And irrespective of the fact that everything around seems to be dire to you and the Earth seems to be obsessed by individualism and the nastiest manifestations, there still is light at the end of the tunnel - until the light-bearers in embodiment – the people, capable of bringing the Light in their bodies and of defending the interests of the Good and Common Wealth - are ready to sacrifice everything including their lives for the sake of this Common Wealth. And the Victory will be gained sooner or later because such is the plan of God for planet Earth!

And today, when so many light-bearers are in embodiment, the Victory is close as it has never been before!

Your separation, as well as the unwillingness and the inability of the light-bearers of different confessions to unite, are your main enemies at this stage.

Therefore, you must learn to find things in common and find likeminded people with similar viewpoints on, as it may seem, absolutely different points.

Scrutinise your disappointments in those situations when you wanted but failed to be close with each other. I am 99.99% sure that the reason for the failure of your attempts to come to unity and to a common viewpoint on some topic is your arrogance and your self-assurance that it is you who know the entire fullness of the Divine Truth and all the rest of the people are mistaken. And you are ready to tolerate the presence of only those people beside you who say ditto to you and eat out of your hands.

Therefore, the first thing you should learn is to pacify your arrogance and to initiate a dialogue with those movements and groups who are able to conduct a dialogue. You must learn to make arrangements with each other and to maintain the common cause.

Only when you allow God to act through you, can God use this opportunity.

For that reason, the work upon yourself and the overcoming of the imperfections which make you consider yourself to be always infallible and right are the things you should do immediately.

If you pacify your arrogance and provide God with an opportunity to act through you, you can always come to an understanding and make arrangements with the devoted servants similar to you.

Everything separating you is the result of the actions of the forces multiplying the illusion. Consequently, you should strive to commonality. Your strength is in your solidarity. When supported by and united with the people in whose hearts God resides you become invincible and invulnerable for the forces of evil that are still running the show on this planet.

No richness in the world and no financial or political power can oppose you if God resides within you. You become united with God and you become united with every living creature on planet Earth in whose heart God lives. And there is no force in this world that can resist you, because it is impossible to fight with God, it is like sticking your head in the lion’s mouth.

We hope sincerely that these dictations and the Light contained in them will help to unite all the forces of Light and all the light-bearers who are in embodiment now.

Come up, kindle your torches and bring the Light to the people of planet Earth!

I AM Lanello.

Your consciousness is the only restriction of your Divine Freedom

Beloved El Morya

June 21, 2005

I AM El Morya, having come to you again.

The situation which occurred during the receiving of my last dictation [32] reminded me about the fact that the opposing forces maintain their combat readiness and will not be slow to take advantage of any gap in our defence.

Three detachments of angels, 144 angels in each, secure the receiving of each dictation.

Besides, Archangel Michael’s legions of angels of defence are heavily involved. But, in spite of this seemingly impenetrable wall, the forces of the dark manage to defeat us at the most inappropriate moment.

Well, this world represents a battlefield between two opposing forces. And until the feeling of conflict is blotted out of the consciousness of the last embodied individual, the conflict will go on.

Picture two armies ready for a battle. The files of the warriors are deployed in battle order. The faces are stiff. Every warrior is only waiting for a command to join battle.

Your position in the world is like that of those warriors.

And now imagine that a miracle takes place. A sunburst appears through the sinister clouds hanging over the battlefield and spotlights both the battlefield and the severe frowning faces of the warriors. Can you imagine at least for a moment that a miracle can happen and the soft sun-rays penetrating the clouds can dissolve any hostile feelings in the hearts of the warriors? Can you imagine that the inner state of the warriors can be transformed? One thought, one impulse from the heart of every warrior is enough to endow the consciousness and the external mind of every combatant with a more elevated character.

When you are able to rise onto a higher level in your consciousness, you can notice that everything separating you from your enemies and rivals before loses its significance. It is because you are struck by the beauty and the omnipotence of the Divine Truth suddenly bursting upon your view.

And you are not able to feel any hostile feelings any more as you experience your unity with every particle of life. And you feel the pain of every particle of life. You realize that any feeling of conflict, any feelings of hatred or dislike are not Divine and that the people that have come under the influence of such negative feelings are just to be pitied.

And you understand that you can help these people. You can endue them with your feeling of Love and your understanding and give them a particle of the Divine Energy which will enable your rivals to feel your Love.

Just as the Sun bursting through the clouds is capable of sending you a ray of hope and endowing you with a feeling of love and compassion at times, you can endue every man you meet in your life with the Love from your heart.

Believe me, it is only Love that is able to oust all the negative manifestations from your world.

However, I would like to return to the topic of our interrupted conversation – to the quality of Freedom, Divine Freedom, and to the understanding of this quality by the Ascended Hosts.

The understanding of Freedom as total permissiveness and the absence of any restrictions is a distortion of the quality of the Divine Freedom inherent in the Ascended Hosts.

In exactly the same way as you in your world restrict all the manifestations of insatiable lusts and aspirations of separate individuals capable of harming other people, there is a restriction in the Divine world.

And the energetic barrier which exists between our worlds cannot admit to our world the individuals who have not subdued their consciousness to the Law governing in this universe.

Any imperfect manifestations including the imperfect quality of freedom which is present in the minds of the mortals cannot penetrate the energetic barrier separating us. And in order for you to be able to overcome this barrier you must successively give up all the non-divine qualities and manifestations in your being and substitute them with perfect models and manifestations.

As you perform this difficult work upon yourselves, you free yourselves from the negative energies contained in your aura. Your auras become attuned with the Divine reality, your chakras open and the level of your vibrations allows you first to dwell in our world – in the etheric octaves - for a short time and next, when you confirm your achievements and corroborate the achieved level by passing numerous tests, you acquire the right to be present among the Ascended Hosts and become one of us.

And in exchange for your rejection of your imperfect qualities and your human understanding of freedom you acquire the Divine Freedom - not as permissiveness but as the voluntary subordination of your entire being to the perfect Law governing in this universe. And only then you receive that stage of freedom which enables you to overcome the barriers between the worlds and to get access to any information. You will be able to attend our libraries and to read the Akashi records. You will get access to any information your consciousness is able to take in.

That is why your consciousness is the only restriction of your freedom, your Divine Freedom.

If the level of your consciousness is not high, but your desire for the journeys to other worlds is great, you can leave your body in your astral body and travel around the astral worlds in your astral body. But you should never forget that your level of consciousness is your limiter and you will make journeys around those worlds that have the same level of vibrations as yours.

Therefore, we say that the worlds are open to you, but your main task is still to take care of your consciousness and its level and to aspire to get rid of any imperfection preventing your development.

You develop with your consciousness into the new worlds. You progress into different levels of the Heaven. And you surge higher and higher to the infinitude.

However, while you are in your material manifested world, you should never forget that in this sphere of your activity, as in any other one, some distortions are possible. You can master the technique of coming out of your body by training or by remembering the experience of your previous lives.

But if you have not yet achieved a certain grade of purity of your four lower bodies, your journeys will take place within those levels of the astral and mental planes which are close to you by vibrations. And you will be unable to benefit from these journeys for the unfoldment of your soul.

These exercises of yours will be similar to the journeys of drug addicts who with the help of different chemical substances reach a state in which their higher bodies separate from the physical body and make journeys around the astral plane.

As the worlds draw nearer, more and more people appear to be capable of receiving the abilities to communicate with the beings of the higher worlds.

You will need all your ability of making distinctions in order to form an opinion on the descriptions of the stories and experiences of the journeys to other worlds.

You should always remember that like draws to like. For that reason, keep an eye on a person who tells you about his experiences and experiments, trace his actions and opinions and you will understand which worlds this person can visit.

There is nothing unusual in the fact that people can travel around the astral and the mental planes. You do it every night. But the point is in how much these journeys contribute to the evolution of your consciousness and how much they contribute to your progress on the Path.

Only your perfecting yourselves in God is of importance. And your attachments to the astral and even to the mental planes must be overcome with time, as well as your attachments to the physical plane, because the lower levels of the higher plane cannot give your soul the knowledge it needs. You can wander around the valley for a long time, but we call you to the peak - to the summit of the Divine consciousness.

I am happy with the fact that our talk has taken place today.

I AM El Morya and good-bye for the moment!

You must follow the Higher Path

Gautama Buddha

June 22, 2005

I AM Gautama, having come to you on this day of the summer solstice.

Each of the days connected with the significant location of the planets is important in itself.

One day mankind of earth will be able to go back to the understanding of the knowledge which is inaccessible to it now but which was known to the ancient civilizations that existed on earth many tens and hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The secret of this is very simple. If you know what the stars tell you about and do not obey their guidance, you lose the knowledge.

In exactly the same way, when we give you knowledge through these dictations and you do not use it and are not guided by it in your everyday life, this knowledge is withdrawn from you.

You are given an opportunity, a Divine opportunity, which you have deserved in the course of many lives notably with your own martyrdom and with the martyr’s death of the lightbearers.

You are being provided with an opportunity to have this pure source of the Divine Truth and the Divine inspiration.

And if you do not avail of the knowledge, homilies and teachings contained in these dictations, you will lose a chance to make a breakthrough in your consciousness. You will lose an opportunity of rising to the next summit in the process of your ascension to the Divine consciousness.

In contrast, if the number of people capable of perceiving and using the knowledge you are getting from the dictations grows and reaches a certain critical mass, the flow of the Divine knowledge will be increased and intensified. The knowledge will be given not only though this messenger, but through tens and hundreds of other messengers who will appear able to pass through their initiations with the help of the mutual efforts of every lightbearer who is guided in his life by the knowledge and homilies given in these dictations. Every following person who passes through the proper initiations and acquires an opportunity to speak on our behalf will need to make much less effort in order to develop his abilities.

Each of you should remember that when in your consciousness you join the collective flow and take part in spreading knowledge and information, even when you are simply guided in your lives by the homilies received from us, you create an opportunity for a stronger interchange between our octaves and you contribute to the rapprochement of our worlds.

The process of growth of the human consciousness is a collective process. God has always sent his messengers and prophets and every time mankind has been given a chance. But this chance was rarely taken advantage of within the life-span of our messengers. However, the impulse brought by the consciousness of such a messenger to the physical plane of planet Earth was able to awaken the consciousness of the individuals who were ready, and consequently a breakthrough took place in the consciousness of humanity. It is very important to bring the impulse to the physical plane of planet Earth, but it is not less important to find the people who are able to take up this impulse and to exploit it in their everyday actions.

The energy is given for creation. The energy is given for the expanding of your consciousness. And the way you use this energy will literally determine the future course of history.

The consciousness of a lightbearer is ready to flare like a torch under the influence of the Divine Energy. But the task of carrying the torch is much more important, as well as the task of keeping and maintaining the fire during a long period of time. Do not think that your fire-keeping activities reduce to only saying prayers and decrees. Every second of your life on earth you should be ruled by our instructions and follow the Higher Path unswervingly in all the situations in life.

Never forget that you have come to your world in order to gain experience. And every minute of your life on earth you choose where to direct the energy given to you.

To keep the Divine pulsebeat and at the same time to be in the midst of life is the thing required from you at present. Within your consciousness you should constantly dwell on mountaintops while nevertheless being on firm ground. In exactly the same way as you are governed by the legislation in force in the country in which you live, you should be constantly ruled by the Divine Law in your life.

There is always an opportunity to follow the Higher Path; and there is always a chance to come to grief.

At the moment when you make a choice in a difficult life situation do always remember that you are much bigger than your physical body. Your nature is Divine and you are immortal. Thus, when making a choice, do always be ruled by the factors valuable for your soul.

If you palter with truth in order to hold down your job and hover around your boss and tickle his ear, do always take care about your soul. Your soul always knows how to act properly in any situation. And even if your actions go against the opinion of the majority of people around you and the people close to you, you should always act in the way which your Higher part considers to be proper.

Always keep in mind the image of Jesus. He could have escaped his martyr’s death. He could have strained every nerve and even become a king. Each of his disciples was ready to sacrifice his life, enter a skirmish and defend his Teacher. However, Jesus was crucified. Each of you should be ruled in your life by the example shown to you. And if you are confronted with a question whether to abrogate your principles and to sell your honour but to hold down your job or to keep something valuable for you, never forget that there is something more important in your life than the simple satisfaction of your physical needs.

You should follow the Higher Path and always choose the Higher Path.

I was a prince, and I had everything. I had a young wife and a new-born baby. I had everything a man can dream about on earth. Yet, I knew there was something more important, for the sake of which we come to earth. And I dropped everything and left.

Many years passed before I managed to find my Path. And this Path was not connected with either wealth or a home and family.

There is a Higher Path which all of you will follow sooner or later.

This does not mean that I call you to leave your families and to retire in a hermitage. You life provides you with many more opportunities for passing through the initiations.

You ascend in your consciousness and take the decisions that help your consciousness grow. You make choices being ruled by the Higher Law. And if you succeed in passing through the initiations and reaching the level of the Christ or the Buddha Consciousness without leaving your usual life, this will be just the thing required of you at the present stage of development of mankind.

What is more, you should never forget that as soon as you make a breakthrough in your consciousness, your environment alters. The people who cannot accept the level of your consciousness leave you, and the people whose vibrations are similar to yours come to you. Do not forget also about the fact that when a single person makes a breakthrough in his consciousness, he influences all the people with whom he has a karmic connection in this life. And many souls, having received a necessary impulse through this person, become able to open their consciousness and to make a similar breakthrough.

Always remember that all of you are intimately related in the higher plane, and the victory of one person leads to the ascension of consciousness of many people.

Each of you is valuable at your place and each of you is capable of performing the work for which you have come into embodiment, without leaving the place where you were born and live now.

There is always an opportunity for performing a feat in your life, for selfless devotion and heroism, because for many people the transformation of consciousness means literally the alteration of all their lives. It will be impossible for you any longer to waste countless hours in doing the honours of the table. You will not stand the vibrations of rock music. You will have to give up everything in your environment that does not match the Divine vibrations. And for many of you this action will be akin to the deed I performed when leaving the palace of my father.

And when you choose a defeat and decide not to fight with your rivals, when you lose everything and allow your enemies to crucify you, you will perform the act of will Jesus performed 2000 years ago.

Believe me, each of you has moments in your life when you are given a chance to perform an action equivalent in its spiritual fullness to the deeds which the saints performed at all times.

And if you do not see what you should do and how to act, do not delude yourself. Your soul always knows the Higher Path. Your disheartenment, self-pity and boredom are testimony to the fact that you do nothing and do not wish to perform the task for which your soul has come into embodiment.

The lightbearers who fulfil their duty and carry out their mission are eager to carry their Light to the world with their nose to the grindstone.

You are aroused. Can it be true that you will settle in your berth again just turning over on your other side?

I AM Gautama Buddha.

About the opportunity to unburden your karma of the next month and about the letters to the Karmic Board

Beloved Surya

June 23, 2005

I AM Surya, having come to you today through my messenger.

Today is such a day when you can put in your devotional efforts and direct the energy of a prayer onto the transmutation of the karma of the next month. Your request will be granted precisely to the extent of the purity and sincerity of your hearts and as much as the Law of karma will allow it.

That is why I recommend you not to be lazy but to work on this day. You can even dedicate all your actions during this day to the transmutation of karma. While washing up and tidying up your apartments just imagine that you are washing away all the karmic layers of the past from everything your hands touch.

The water is your helper.

You may expand your experiment and transfer it to the mental plane. You may imagine yourself taking a duster and washing away all the dark thoughts which have ever come into your mind. After that you can move to the astral plane and wash away all the layers of your negative feelings.

Just imagine yourself spring-cleaning all your bodies.

You can visualize yourself taking off your mental body or your astral body like clothes and dusting your imperfect thoughts and feelings out of them. The air is your helper.

You can place your bodies under the sun and expose them to the rays of the bright summer sun in order for the sun to transmute the traces of your karma. The sun is your helper.

You may visualise the violet flame penetrating all your bodies and burning everything not from God in your four lower bodies. The flame is your helper.

On this day the Karmic Board meeting starts on earth. You may apply to the Karmic Board with your letters and requests. You task is to ask for help. The task of the Karmic Board is to consider your request and to render you the help the cosmic mercy can render you. Ask the angels to deliver your letters to the addressee; do not forget to put your name, last name and the date and burn the letter. If you decide to keep a copy of your letter, you will find out in some time that much, if not all, of your request to the Karmic Board has come true.

The burden of karma hanging over mankind is too heavy, and the Ascended Hosts use literally every chance to help you, the people of earth who are in embodiment now. Do not neglect the mercy and the opportunities granted to you.

The Cosmic Law does not allow us to intervene into your karma if you do not ask us about our intervention. But as soon as an appeal has been pronounced and heard, the Ascended Hosts are ready to render you all the possible help.

However, you should not rely entirely on the Ascended Hosts. If a human asks once for help with getting rid of some heavily-loaded karma, such as the karma of an abortion, we help. But, if some time later this human commits the same action again and creates the same karma, the Ascended Hosts find it much more difficult to help in this case.

Therefore, every time you ask for help in the deliverance of the consequences of your wrong actions in the past, you must consciously take upon yourself the duty never to repeat in your life such actions which lead to the creation of karma.

And if it is difficult for you to constantly bear in mind your obligation not to create karma, take a clean sheet of paper and list the qualities in you that you think are negative and that you want to get rid of. Every time you start your devotional ritual, direct the energy of a prayer onto the dissolution of the energies contained in your four lower bodies that are burdening them greatly due to the heavy errors committed by you in the past.

If the knowledge of the Law of karma or the Law of retribution were widespread among the people of earth and especially among the youth, it would be possible to prevent many actions of humans committed by them due to their ignorance.

To know the Law of karma is the first step necessary for every individual in order not to sin but to act in life according to the Divine principles.

Therefore the major task for each of you in the near future is to acquaint the more people the better with the Law of karma or retribution.

And the best example will be your own. Show your example to your child, your family, your colleagues at work.

The negative energy cannot evaporate by itself. But the energy of your prayers can dissolve the negative karma, just as it can be dissolved by your visualizations which I mentioned at the beginning of our meeting today. And the energy of the good karma created by your right actions can be directed at your will onto the unburdening of the karmic loads and on providing you with the easiest path to work out your karma.

You must work out the karma of your wrong actions, but you can do it for example by either falling and having a fracture or by getting off easily with a light bruise or a livid spot.

That is why I recommend you to apply with a request to the Karmic Board today or in the near future. You can also specify in your letter what you concretely promise to do in order to direct the energy of your actions onto the unburdening of your karmic loads.

This may be a responsibility to say a certain number of prayers or Rosaries during a definite period of time. This may also be a responsibility to help the penniless and the infirm.

Only such responsibilities should be taken upon yourself that are not beyond your power to fulfil. If you take upon yourself too many responsibilities in the hopes of working out as much karma as possible, you can find yourself unequal to the task. Do not forget that you will have to pass through tests in your life and to maintain the highest state of consciousness in spite of all the barriers and life disturbances you will have to encounter.

The negative vibrations and the irritation you can feel if you fall down on the task taken upon yourself can blot out the positive effect from your right actions and deeds.

Do not understand your task as first to sin and then to repent of the sins. Your task is not to create new karma. Yet, you will have to work out your old karma in one form or another. For that reason, be careful not to create new karma.

Our talk today has been very useful as it has provided you with the tools that, if used correctly, will be the keystone of your success in the progress on the Path.

Keep in mind that the unreal part of you, your ego, will look for any chance to set you on the wrong track and to prove to you that your prayers and letters are of no use, that you are exhausted today and can relax without fulfilling the responsibilities undertaken.

You have been creating your karma during millions of years, during your countless earthly embodiments. And do you really wish to get rid of your karma in a moment?

If the Law allowed you to experience the consequences of an instantaneous return of karma, no human would endure for a split second the effect of the negative energy he would be snowed under. You would be literally torn asunder. For that reason, the Law of karma returns your karmic duties for performance to you gradually during a significant period of time. And the help you ask us for cannot be given to you at once either. We need time to render you help. The time for rendering help can be different for each of you depending on the heaviness of the karma, the content of your request and the responsibilities you undertake upon yourself.

The time of giving help can also be different and take a period from six months to twelve years.

Consequently, you should gird yourself for everyday labour. Miracles are possible in your life, but you predetermine the miracles in your life yourselves by creating good karma day after day.

I AM Surya.

A Teaching on the karma of inactivity

Beloved Kuthumi

June 24, 2005

I AM Kuthumi, having come again.

Our talk today will be dedicated to the karma of inactivity. Have you ever heard of the karma of inactivity? It seems to you that only your actions can create karma. In the course of our previous talks you have become familiarised with both the notion of karma and the process of its creation. You have also had a chance to get an insight into good karma. And now I want to return to the topic of karma and to give you a Teaching on the karma of inactivity.

Imagine that someone turns to you for help but you do not wish to help. Will you create karma in this case? You will not do anything, will you? You will not make any effort in order to help the person who asks you for help.

A lot of people on earth create karma precisely by doing nothing in situations when they should act.

You see that in Divine Law you create karma even if you are inactive.

You come to your world in order to act and to gain experience. Consequently, if you avoid acting, you create karma.

Let me give an explanation of this point. You remember that karma is the energy which you qualify incorrectly by performing wrong actions. If the Divine Energy coming to you from the Divine world is used by you in accordance with the Divine Law, you create good karma – your treasure in Heaven.

If you misuse the Divine Energy, it accumulates in your four lower bodies in the shape of negative energy. And in accordance with the Divine Law this energy attracts to you the situations you have to pass through again and again so as to learn your lesson, to make a right choice and thus to work out your karma. For example, if you envy somebody or take offence at somebody, or you talk behind somebody’s back, you create karma.

And this karma will return to you most probably in the form of situations when you yourselves will be treated badly in exactly the same way. You will be envied or caused offence to or venomous tongues will talk about you. And in order to work out your karma you will have to pass through all these situations with humility and obedience to the Will of God, without fulminating your insulters, and by being infinitely forgiving to the people who do harm you.

That is why Jesus told that you should forgive “up to seventy times seven”. [33]

You never know how many times in your past lives you offended people and allowed yourselves to behave abominably towards them.

And now let us return to the karma of inactivity.

Imagine that a man asks for your help and you refuse to help him. Will you create karma by acting so? You do not waste the Divine Energy, do you? You just do not do anything. This situation is not as simple as it may seem. And whether you will or will not create karma in this case depends on many conditions.

First of all you must be sure that a person who turns to you for help really needs it. If a person asks for your help and does not need it, but you give him this help anyway, this person creates karma. You do not create karma in this case, but indirectly you help the other person to create karma. When you reach a certain spiritual level, you are obliged not only to attend to your affairs, but to help other people avoid situations in which they create karma.

And now comes the next moment. If a person who turns to you for help really needs it, you will not create karma if you refuse this man because you cannot help him.

No doubt a person can get into hot water and really be in urgent need of help e.g. financial help. And he turns to you for help. But if you have no opportunity to help this person or you think you should primarily use your money to feed your family, you do not create karma in this case. It is highly probable that the person who turns to you for help refused to help you in one of the past lives when you were asking him and now you are simply returning his karmic debt to him.

And finally, if a person turns to you for help and really needs it, but you refuse to help him though you can do it, you create karma.

You are obliged to help the people who ask you for help. When you can help but refuse to, it seems to you that you are not wasting Divine Energy and, consequently, are not creating karma. However, the senses and motives by which you are guided towards this decision make you create karma.

For example, you want to teach this person a lesson, or it is pleasant for you when someone licks your feet, or you cannot be bothered to help somebody, or you are driven by greed. Any of these and many other such character traits, when they are the true reason for your refusal to help, are non- divine and you create karma by manifesting them.

Therefore, before you refuse to help a person who asks you for help always weigh all pros and cons thoroughly.

And your sure adviser in a difficult situation is undoubtedly your Higher Self, because your Higher Self always knows whether you should give help or not. If your connection with your Higher Self is impeded or you are not sure about the answers received, try to analyse your inner motive and feelings thoroughly.

You do not want to help this person because you either cannot be bothered or you pinch pennies and grudge the time. Or you start condemning this person for having deteriorated to such a state that he cannot solve his problems himself.

If such thoughts creep into your head, try to overcome them, force yourself and render the help you are asked for. And after you have given help you will feel a relief and this will be a sign that you have done the right thing and worked out some old karma of the past.

If you do not feel any negative feelings, but your intuition suggests that you should not help this person in spite of the fact that the person needs help, asks you for it and you are able to help him, that means there could be a one percent chance that you are giving the person who turns to you a test. Yet, tests like this are very rare and you must possess a high spiritual level and go through initiations and be granted the mantle of a Guru in order to have a right to give such tests. Therefore, I recommend that you always help a person who needs help and refers to you for help when you are able to do so.

In reality, a lot of problems in your world are connected exactly with the fact that people ask for help and do not receive it, for example, from officials who are supposed to give help and even receive salary appendant to their position for this purpose, but who do not give the help to the people asking them.

You should always remember that in your next life you will reverse roles and the official who does not perform his duty properly due to his neglect will find himself in a pleading position and will have to appeal for help exactly to those individuals whom he refused to help.

Exactly the same problem will crop up before the high and mighty who are very wealthy. Big money is always evidence that this person’s karma is connected with his wrong attitude to money.

Wealth is given to people as a chance to work out such karma. Therefore, a person on whom wealth drops from the clouds to enable him to work out his karma should analyse very attentively how he can dispose of this wealth in order to give help to as many needy people as possible. Yet, he should specifically give help to the destitute but not waste money on theatrical philanthropy.

For if a person disposes of his wealth wrongly and wastes it on pleasures or objects of luxury and prestige, it is 99 percent probable that in his next life he will receive the return of his karma and will be born into a very poor family and his portion in life will be begging from-door-to door during all his life, hardly making both ends meet.

Thus, never envy those people who possess big money. Big money is evidence of great karma in the present and, if used wrongly, of a greater karma in the future.

I think our talk has been effective today. At any rate this knowledge can help you avoid the karma of inactivity in your lives.

I AM Kuthumi.

Use this opportunity given to you by God to go through training and to receive homilies

Sanat Kumara

June 25, 2005

I AM Sanat Kumara, having come to you through my messenger again. Every time we lower our vibrations to the physical plane with the help of this physical conductor and by means of these dictations their level rises.

As we amass experience we become able to tell more and to transmit more purely in spite of the fact that the situation around our messenger in the physical and in the higher planes sometimes prevents the transmitting of our message with maximum effect.

This experiment in the message receiving from the etheric octaves has been going on for three and a half months already and can be continued provided that we are able to maintain the purity of both the channel and the messenger in the future.

The essence of this experiment is to allow the souls who are ready to perceive the transmitted information to receive our energies continually and daily during a long period of time. The point is that the physical world is like a bog sucking the consciousness of people as if in quicksand. When your feet are floundering into a morass, you do not at first feel any uneasiness.

But then a moment comes when the quicksand sucks you under more and more and you no longer have the strength to get out of it by yourself. That is why we are giving you the rope of these dictations which you can hold on to in order to get out of the swamp of the mass consciousness.

We provide you with an opportunity to receive a portion of the Divine Energy every day while you are receiving and reading these dictations.

In order to learn something even at a normal school or college you should attend to your studies daily and make efforts to master the material given to you. It is unlikely that you will master all the necessary information if you do not exert efforts daily and do not attend to your studies systematically. The Divine science training and the receiving of the Divine knowledge do not differ from any other training and education which you can get in the physical plane.

Therefore, the more systematically you read these dictations, the more effect you will attain in the expansion of your consciousness.

Do not forget that all of you are at different stages of knowing the Divine reality. And for some of you even such a simple presentation of information which we adhere to while giving the dictations seems to be too sophisticated or causes irritation exactly due to its simplicity.

If after finishing school you find yourself right at the last course of the university, scarcely will you be able to adapt quickly and understand the subjects taught there, though the information is given in your native language and its presentation is simple enough.

It is not always so that the seeming simplicity of the presentation means that the information given is simple. The Divine Truth is very simple in its essence, but its perception by the human consciousness does not always take place because the Divine world is distinct in nature and laws from the physical world. And you have to perceive the things that are not perceptible for your physical sense organs. Hence the difficulties in mastering the material occur together with the doubts and the unwillingness to spend your time on learning the subjects which, as you think, are not connected with your life at all.

Actually, there are no instructions in these dictations on how to achieve success in your earthly life, to acquire wealth and to deserve recognition.

There is nothing in these dictations for those people who have chosen the physical plane and the material world as the main focus of their endeavours. These dictations contain no useful information for them, because everything that is stated in the dictations is necessary for the raising of your consciousness to the required level which will enable you to transit to another higher world, the world with higher vibrations.

If you meet a person totally concentrated on the material world and start telling him about the information you get from these dictations, this person will most probably think you are not all there. It is impossible to believe in what you cannot touch with your own hands and see with your own eyes. That is why it is vital for you to refine the perception of the surrounding reality.

When you watch many TV programmes or listen to your radio, it can be compared to driving nails with a very sensitive device capable of discriminating microns. Your organism is inherently unique and it enables you to sense higher worlds and to distinguish their vibrations. Therefore, please use your organism for its designed purpose.

Protect yourself from any rough and imperfect manifestations of your world. When you start paying too much attention to any imperfect activity, you lower your vibrations and lose the ability to distinguish the things belonging to the higher world and no longer notice the manifestations of the higher world in your life. Your state changes during the day, from day to day, and this explains the fact that your heart opens to some dictations while some of them displease you.

The advancement on the Path of knowing the Divine reality has a very measured character. That is why with the help of these dictations we try to maintain your vibrations on a high enough level during as long a time as possible until your consciousness is able to distinguish the rough vibrations of this world and to avoid them from the sense of self-preservation.

Before a ship reaches a safe harbour it covers thousands of miles on the stormy sea and wild ocean. And only the reminiscences of their own Home and the wish to go ashore force the mariners to ride out the pressure of life’s storms.

You need a compass in your voyage, you need a map and you must have skills in reading a compass, in understanding the grid coordinates and in star fixing in order to reach a safe harbour near your Home. That is why we give you the direction and the instructions and we put you on the right Path. But you should always remember that a moment will come when you can find yourselves alone on the wild ocean. And it will depend only on your abilities and skills acquired during the period of training whether you will be able to overcome the barriers and reach this safe harbour.

Therefore, do not be lazy. Use this opportunity to go through training and to receive homilies granted to you by God. Acquire the skills in compass and map reading and in celestial orientation on your Path.

Do not allow any external circumstances of your life to wall you off from the Divine reality.

Today I give you this homily, because if you do not use the received knowledge in your life you can be deprived of the opportunity to communicate with the Masters directly. And nobody can tell when such a chance will be granted to you again.

We can spend a huge amount of the Divine Energy on the maintaining of our channel of communication, but if we see that this Energy is not assimilated by you and is not used in your lives, you will be deprived of the Divine opportunity and the Energy.

You do not water a deadwood in your garden, and neither do we because we prefer not to squander the precious Divine Energy.

I hope you will find a free minute to retire and to ponder over my words in the quiet of your heart.

I AM Sanat Kumara.

Each of you affects the situation on planet Earth

Beloved Lanello

June 26, 2005

I AM Lanello, having come through this messenger again!

I HAVE come to help you become familiarised with my thoughts and views on the present state of things. This relates both to the planet and the country in whose language we give these dictations.

The present situation in the world does not seem to prognosticate anything unexpected. However, hidden processes are going on in the entrails of the earth and gradually manifest themselves in the form of volcanic activity and different cataclysms.

The connection between the state of the earth’s crust and the level of human consciousness is very strong. You can judge the tension accumulated in the higher plane closest to the earth by the number of the earth shocks and earthquakes and by their strength and frequency.

The earth is very sensitive to everything that happens in the human consciousness and in the collective consciousness of humanity.

We can regard our planet Earth as a mother’s body which is universal for all the evolutions inhabiting it. In exactly the same way as a mother always senses dangerous situations into which her children can get, even at a considerable distance, the Earth reacts to the dangerous states of consciousness of her children.

In order to make the analogy complete you can imagine Mother-Earth starting to become distressed for her unwise children when they let serious distortions appear within their consciousness in the form of imperfect thoughts and feelings. Just like any other mother, Mother- Earth starts worrying and being distressed for her children, and this is expressed in the increase of the underground activity.

That is why the more people keep their high level of consciousness and send their Love and gratitude to Mother-Earth, the more tranquil will be the inevitable changes of the configuration of the continents and oceans existing on the surface of the earth now.

Every new race that comes to earth must receive a new continent for its evolution and prosperity.

And you should realise that the age is now coming when the new Sixth Root Race is coming into embodiment on earth. At present this Race is located on the existing continents, but in the future, when the influence of this Race on the evolution of the earth becomes dominant, it will receive its own continent which will be brought into the world by the Earth at the place of one of the present oceans.

Correspondingly, old continents such as Europe, a part of Asia and both Americas will gradually submerge together with the towns and the people inhabiting them. This process can be gradual and painless and take thousands and tens of thousands of years, but it can also happen almost instantaneously, just as happened with Atlantis which went under water with the traces of the Fourth Root Race, the behaviour of which resulted in the fact that the catastrophe took on a global character.

Actually the entire continent, its largest part, went under water in a few days. It was impossible to escape during the time limit granted by nature even in spite of the fact that this race had unexceptionable ships and flying machines.

The entire deliverance lies only in the level of your consciousness. If your consciousness is on a high enough level to enable you to have a connection with the Ascended Hosts, you will be warned about the future catastrophes beforehand and will have a chance to build your Noah’s ark and undertake your exodus to the new lands in good time.

Therefore, if the level of mass consciousness of humanity is able to rise to a higher stage in the near future, the inevitable cataclysms will take place gradually and painlessly and will last for a considerable period of time. But if humanity prefers to go on experimenting with its free will and does not heed the voice of the Divine Reason, the character of the cataclysm will be more ruthless and destructive. It is nothing for the Earth, when she becomes agitated because of her children, to send a whole continent such as Europe to the bottom of the sea in twenty-four hours.

I understand that it is difficult for you to believe in the danger which threatens you because you have not experienced anything like that during your lives. The memory of mankind keeps the legends about the drowning of Atlantis together with the hundreds of thousands of people inhabiting it as something excessively fantastic to believe in.

But when in your consciousness you reach a certain stage, this stage allows you to realise the reality of these legends and you will even be able to remember your embodiments on the Atlantean continent. And if in the past you were sent to the bottom together with your continent you would still experience the states of fear and unconscious anxiety during any earthquakes which you would have to live through in your current life.

If at the time of Atlantis you happened to be among the people who heeded the voice of the prophets and left the submerged land in advance, it is likely that now you belong to the people who pay close heed to the voices of all the prophets and try to pay attention to the warnings coming through them in your lives.

If we tell you beforehand what can happen on planet Earth in the near future, this may cause panic among the people who remember well that prophecies are sometimes fulfilled. However, any panic is a non-divine manifestation and will result in even greater troubles for the earth. That is why in the prophecies made for a mainstream audience nothing definite is ever told about the place and the effective damage risk level of a forthcoming catastrophe.

But there are people who are able to identify a serious warning even in a very subtle hint and to begin their prayer practice on neutralising the negative energy from the collection of thoughts and feelings of earthly mankind, the accumulation of which has become threatening. These people are also trying to ease the anxiety of Mother-Earth with the help of Love emitting from their hearts straight into the heart of Mother-Earth.

And it often happens that the efforts of these people are enough to either prevent the cataclysm completely or alleviate its consequences to the minimum manifestation.

I can add to the above only that each of you affects the situation on planet Earth.

You do not even need to pray, but just stop the flow of negative energy in your consciousness, close negative spirals inside your heart and transform them into rose petals with the help of your heart’s Love.

During the day you are constantly watching situations which make Mother-Earth worry. Mentally try to take such a situation into your heart and transmute its consequences. Do not condemn the people who create negative manifestations around them and take part in them. Their consciousness is darkened and they are not able yet to realise the harm they are doing the Earth and first of all themselves.

Let God and the Cosmic Law teach these people to obey the Divine Law. If you become an eyewitness to a negative destructive situation, your task is to try to take upon yourself the transmutation of the negative energy which accumulates in the physical, astral and mental planes because of the wrong actions of other people. They do not know what they are doing, but you know.

Thus, do not add extra negative energy into the common muddy stream with your condemnation. Do not feed imperfection with your energy. Just withdraw all the energy from imperfection and try to transmute the created negative energy with the help of your chakras or prayers. Believe me, you will obtain a much better result in this case than if you lecture an uncontrollable and unruly child of the Earth.

The prophecy has been pronounced, and Heaven forbid it to be fulfilled.

I AM Lanello.

About the new Divine Dispensation

Beloved El Morya

June 27, 2005

I AM El Morya, having come to you again.

Since the moment of our last meeting an important event has taken place about which I would like to tell you in the course of our conversation today. You know that on the 23rd of each month you are provided with an opportunity to transmute your karma of the following month with the help of reading prayers, decrees, Rosaries or mantras.

You also know that on the 23rd of June the proceedings of the Karmic Board began and it will be in session for two weeks. In the course of this session it was decided that beginning from the next month - the 23rd of July 2005 - and on the 23rd of each month including the 23rd of December this year you will be granted an unparalleled opportunity to transmute your personal karma and the karma of the planet.

Those of you who find time on the 23rd of each month to perform an easy ritual which I will describe below will create conditions for their progress and for the transition to the new level of consciousness. Such an opportunity has never been granted before.

You can take advantage of this opportunity only till the end of this year. And you will see how far your consciousness is able to progress in its desire to achieve a higher level. In fact, the only thing which separates you from a higher level of consciousness is your karma. It covers you like a dome, and you are unable to see the things as they are in reality, because you are prevented from doing so by the negative energy contained in your four lower bodies.

If a high enough number of people transmute their karma for at least one hour during the day on the 23rd of each month till the end of this year, the efforts you make on karma transmutation will be multiplied in proportion to the number of people who take part in this devotional vigil.

Thus, for example, if on the 23rd of July, 23rd of August, 23rd of September, 23rd of October, 23rd of November and 23rd of December you devote one hour a day to the transmutation of the karma of the following month and if one thousand people all over the globe take part in this vigil together with you, your efforts will be multiplied thousandfold. If ten thousand people take part in the vigil, your efforts will be intensified myriads of times.

That is why I ask you to take to heart this new opportunity granted to you by God. Do not miss your chance.

We are fully aware of the fact that many people reading these dictations belong to different religious confessions and adhere to different devotional practices.

So, you should not be embarrassed by the fact that you will not be united by a communal prayer. Read your usual prayers and decrees. The most important thing is the tuning of your consciousness. You should aspire with all your being to join your personal efforts together with the efforts of thousands of light-bearers from all over the world.

Just imagine how much Light will be released on these days! And all this Light will be used in accordance with your calls and will be intensified proportionally to the number of people who take part in the vigil on the 23rd of each of the months mentioned above.

If you are not used to the devotional practice, you can find an hour and devote it specially to the ritual described above. In the process of the ritual you can do your everyday chores, for example clean your apartment, work on your grounds or just be at your work place, but you should constantly maintain the highest available level of consciousness and direct the energy which comes to your bodies from the Divine reality at this moment onto the transmutation of the karma of the following month.

Do your usual and habitual work during the day and at the same time constantly try to visualise the energy coming into your heart along the crystal string and to concentrate on directing it onto those situations in your and the planet’s life that require transformation.

You may even be unaware of how to solve the problems you face in your life. Just send the Divine energy into such a situation and ask to use this energy for its Divine solution.

If your living circumstances allow it, you can devote more than an hour to this vigil – as much as is not burdensome for you.

The Earth needs a spring-clean. Let us direct our efforts together onto this spring-clean until the end of this year.

Remember that the flow of the Divine energy which you will be able to send and which will be multiplied depends on the purity of your motives and hearts. So, if you try to use this dispensation with a mercenary motive or in order to settle old scores, you will create karma which will be also multiplied in proportion with the number of people participating in the vigil. Consequently, if your motive is not pure enough, it would be better for you to refrain from taking part in the vigil.

Such is the peculiarity of your world, unfortunately. And any dispensation, any Divine mercy in your world is something that cuts both ways.

Your world is a place where the grain is separated from the weeds. And it is you with your actions who separate within yourselves the things which are from God from those which are not from God.

For some people this dispensation will result in an unprecedented growth of their consciousness, while for others the time will come to make a final choice whom to serve.

You do not even need to concentrate on where your energy is directed. The energy will be made the best of. Just express a desire on this day to give your Divine energy for the transmutation of your personal karma, your country’s karma or the planet’s karma.

And the more disinterestedly you sacrifice your energy, the faster and more correctly will all the karmic situations in your life be resolved.

Allow the Supreme Law to use your energy. Do not make it a condition that God should help you to resolve your situation as you think proper.

God grants each of you an opportunity to redeem errors. Just wish always to obey the Will of God. Even if you are bedridden or wheelchair-bound due to a disease and can neither read prayers nor work, just send your Love to that Master to whom you feel a special affinity. It can be Mother Mary or Jesus, or Saint Germain. Your Love is the best and the purest energy which will be multiplied without fail.

I would like to stress the fact that each of you has an opportunity to take advantage of this dispensation. Each of you has a chance to rise in his consciousness onto a higher level and to free yourself from a huge part of your karma. But you should endeavour with the best efforts of your heart for that. You should do it sincerely and open-heartedly. It is your own purity and sincerity that determine whether you will receive your reward in the form of ascension onto a new stage of the Divine consciousness at the end of the year. Try not to slip down and not to yield to bad thoughts and motives.

I hope we will be able to meet with you at the end of the year and to add up all the benefits of this new opportunity granted to you.

I AM El Morya, with the Faith in your success.

You cannot bargain with God

Beloved Jesus

June 28, 2005

I AM Jesus, having come to you again.

Today I would like to touch upon a topic which can be of use to you but on which you can lay no stress by virtue of your devotion to the illusory world.

As always, your attention follows the things which surround you in the illusion. It is very difficult for you to raise your consciousness and to push yourself out onto that level of perception of the Divine reality when the entire surrounding world fades and pales in comparison with the beauty, feelings and aspirations which you can obtain in our world.

However, your position in the dual world excellently contributes to your development and progress. There is a point on your Path, after having come through you will no longer be able to find satisfaction in anything surrounding you in the illusory world. And the main task for us and for you is to achieve this point on your Path.

If you compare this with ascension onto a peak, you can picture yourselves climbing bare rocks, passing through crevasses and suddenly coming to a mountaintop with a mesmerizing view which opens before your eyes. And it brings tears to your eyes and you realise that it was worth risking your life and overcoming yourself.

And you understand that your affection for the world you left gradually dissolves, and you merge with the beauty of this new surrounding world. And there is nothing to seduce you in the world you left for ever, because, in spite of the fact that you go on dwelling in the physical world, you no longer belong to it. There is already nothing in you from this world. There is no energy in you that can draw you back to the world of illusions.

Nevertheless, you continue living in your world because you are fully aware of the fact that there are a lot of people who need your help and experience.

You see the reason for people’s suffering, you see why they suffer and you understand how they can get rid of their suffering. But, in spite of the fact that you speak to these people in very simple language and tell them very simple things, only a few of them are able to understand you.

I was on Earth, I spoke to people. I spent thousands of hours communicating with people. I tried to convince them of the things which I managed to realise after having wished to give up the unreal part of myself and having given it up. But, no matter how simply I tried to speak to people, there appeared to be only twelve disciples capable of developing a partial understanding of the Truth given by me.

Nowadays the same thing is happening. No matter how good and comprehensible is the way of giving the knowledge through this or any other messenger, there are very few people who are able to absorb with their heart the essence of the Teaching given and there are even fewer of those who wish to follow this Path.

We impart the Truth openly. Come up to our table. You can take everything to your heart’s content. And the only payment that you need to make unavoidably is your unreal self, which you must freely sacrifice at the altar of the service to God, to Life, to the Hierarchy of the Forces of Light.

I can see as the hearts of many people reading these dictations become enthusiastic about them. I see the flame of their aspiration flaring up. But it is so sad at times to watch a person reverting to the beaten track which is safe but leads nowhere except to death.

You are immortal spirits. It is sad to see you surrounding yourselves with unnecessary nonsense and trying to play at serving instead of serving sincerely.

How can you manage to combine nice words about God and Service with your life full of mercantile aspirations to a career, prosperity, and unconcerned idle dalliance?

You will not be allowed to combine these opposing things on and on. Sooner or later a moment will come when you will be obliged to make a choice whom to serve.

Will you go on worshipping the Golden Calf of your world or choose the sincere service to God and Life?

I told you that it is impossible to be a servant of two lords. You cannot serve God and mammon simultaneously.

I said these words two thousand years ago. But up to these days each of you encounters the same choice in your life.

God demands that you should devote yourselves to him. You cannot bargain with God. You cannot say, “Look, Lord, I am doing this for you, and now, Lord, it is your turn to do what I ask you for.”

What great arrogance should one have to allow such a bargaining with God?

You come to the temple of God when you face blows and misfortunes, diseases and diversities. And all you come to the temple for is to arrange a settlement with God, to light a candle and to ask for a trouble-free solution of your problems.

Do you seriously hope God will answer your request?

Are you really sure you can buy the Divine mercy for your sacrifices?

God needs no sacrifices of yours - neither calves you kill nor money. God wishes you to give up only one thing – the unreal part of yourself - the thing that is not from God in you.

And this is so simple. But you cannot understand it for some reason. Every prophet or Teacher came to the world only in order to teach this Great Truth. And now you are receiving the very Truth which I preached 2000 years ago.

You create perfect flying machines, you perform human space flights, you sink right to the bottom of the ocean, and you create state-of-the-art computers and systems of communication. You misdirect your mind towards the perfecting of the illusion. Why can you not understand this simple Divine Truth notwithstanding such a developed mind you have?

It is because your mind is a carnal mind, a mind belonging to your world and serving your world. And your foremost task is to give up your carnal mind, to give up everything that binds you to your illusory world.

This does not mean that you should leave your home and go begging. Yet, even this can be beneficial for some people. You must remove from your consciousness all the attachments to your world. You can go on living in your world, but only in order to give others a lead in passing the Path you have passed.

Each of you goes your own Path. But fundamentally only one Path can be considered to be true – the Path of the full refusal from your ego and from any attachment to your world. And the greatest sin is to try to make God serve you.

This is the very point where many souls lose their footing. You use the Divine energy for self- gratification of your ego - instead of bending your knee to God and asking in humility,”Lord, here I am. Take me, use me. I am your slave. I am nothing, Lord, you are everything.”

Think over the words I have told you today. These words may seem too stern to you or you may think that these words bear no relation to you.

Yet, do not jump to a hasty conclusion. Scrutinise your actions, because these words are relevant to 99.99% of people embodied now.

I have had to give you this strict homily, because too many of you need exactly strict words which can take the gilt off your illusory world and remove the scales from your eyes. Only after that will you be able to see the Divine Truth finally and to strive for it with your whole being and with your whole heart.

I know that each of you will gain Victory and each of you will withstand and come off victorious from the skirmish with the illusion which has been lasting for millions of years already but the sands of which are running out. The world of illusions, in distinction from the Divine world, has its beginning and its end.

Hurry up on your Path to the real world. Do not wait for the gates of opportunities to shut in your face.

I AM Jesus.

Are you ready to enter on the Path?

Beloved Kuthumi

June 29, 2005

I AM Kuthumi, having come to you today.

A matter of great concern for the Ascended Hosts is the raise of the consciousness of humanity, and we devote rapt attention to this task and exert every effort for its accomplishment. If we managed to shift the entire mass of human consciousness at least a millimetre, the changes in the world around you would not be long in manifesting themselves.

In reality, there is nothing in the material world which is as difficult to change as human consciousness, because all the other things are subject to the change of consciousness and happen very quickly and almost automatically.

Therefore, our mission, as well as your main task, is to change the consciousness of people who are embodied now.

I will give you a simple example. When you do some work, you should first make a plan of this work in your mind or get a foretaste of it in your consciousness in order to clarify what exactly you want to achieve in the course of your work and what the result of your actions should be. The same can be said about the change of consciousness of mankind. Humans for the most part should realise the necessity of the change of consciousness and understand which steps they should take in this direction.

The subsequent actions will be just a matter of technique. The materialisation of the conception will take place automatically and inevitably, as soon as the image to which the people should aspire is firmly settled in their heads. That is why the forces which multiply the illusion of the physical world have learned very well to take advantage of the latest scientific and technical achievements in order to maintain in the consciousness of people the wrong stereotypes of behaviour and the incorrect standards by which people are guided in their lives.

The whole power of the mighty industry of the contemporary world is aimed at multiplying the illusion. The best human minds exert their efforts with only one purpose - to make people direct their attention onto the things that multiply the illusion. But you know that your energy flows where your attention is directed.

Thus, when unavoidably looking through advertising video clips, advertising literature or posters, you automatically involve your energies into the multiplication of the illusion of your world. The sophistication of the industry which uses your Divine energy for the multiplication of the illusion knows no measure. People care only about the acquisition of such objects and goods which are pressed upon their consciousness from outside.

The desire to possess nice trivialities is whetted. And a person has to waste more and more efforts and energy chasing after new things. He starts lacking the energy given to him by God, and in order to continue this chase he stirs himself up with drugs and tranquillizers.

And right up to their forties the majority of humans feel so drained inside with this endless thirst for pleasures and goods that they are simply unable to take into their consciousness the things which these dictations tell about.

Moreover, the age at which people come to such inner lethargy is decreasing with every year. A lot of young people get involved in the endless thirst for the pleasures and objects of this world even from childhood. This constant flow of events goes on from life to life. And now the forcing of tension of the thirst for pleasures and goods has reached such a high point of intensity of emotions that hardly anybody can stand this rat race for pleasures and delights.

Only when a person drops out of this chase due to some debilitating disease and finds himself back at the bottom of the ladder does he begin finally to think about the simplest things which he should have thought about in the morning of his life. Why has he come to this world? What is the sense of his life in this world?

That is why it is desirable that you should not bring your life to a complete collapse before you start thinking about such vital things as the sense of your existence in the material world. Do not bring your life to a shipwreck. Find strength within yourself to stop, to step aside from this rat race for pleasures, goods and delights. And try to look from outside at those people who waste their invaluable lives and the energy granted to them by God on the multiplication of the illusion as all their thoughts and aspirations are completely concentrated on the illusory world.

Your task is to trace all the moments of your life when you waste your Divine Energy not for the Divine purposes but for the purposes of this world. There is nobody outside you who can force you to pursue the pleasures from some extra triviality or a modern concert, from a football match or rest at a prestigious resort.

It is only you who make yourselves race for all these unnecessary things. Your lusts, your carnal mind and all that is unreal in you make you do so. That is why this Teaching is being given to you – a Teaching on the refusal from the unreal part of you. Remember history, remember the prophets stoned and crucified on the cross.

Why did this happen? It happened because the carnal mind, spurred with the desire for the continuation of the pleasures of the physical world, was ready to kill everyone who preached the Path of refusal from the illusory world.

As a matter of fact, all the people embodied now are possessed by their carnal mind. In order for a human to realise all the absurdity of his position, God puts him into such situations which can give him the most important lessons.

And every time a human gets into a situation from which he should draw a moral lesson, this situation becomes more and more intense until only a deaf or a blind man could not understand the lesson given to him by life. Each of you encounters such situations in the course of your life.

And each of you is provided with repeated opportunities to make your one-and-only right choice. But every time you prefer to give up making this choice and to go on serving the objects of this world, to be bound to the chariot of your carnal mind.

God is patient. God is exceptionally patient. It happens so that, in order for a human to recognise his one-and-only trait which he should get rid of, a whole life or even several lives are wasted.

You have leeway enabling you to discern all your imperfections and get rid of them. But the main thing for you is to make your choice and to start your progress on the Path of giving up your ego, on the Path of your coming back to the real world of God.

This very first and vital step in the right direction can become so decisive for you that it will change your whole life during a few years. You can waste millions of years more wandering around the illusory world. But when you make a right step in the right direction and continue to progress notwithstanding the trials you overcome on your Path, you make the right choice, and this choice will become the pledge of your victory and your exodus from the world of the illusion to the Divine world.

This world exists only within your consciousness, and you maintain the existence of this world with your consciousness. For that reason, you must transit onto a new level of your consciousness and understanding of the reality around you in order to leave the physical world and to obtain the Divine Freedom. There is nobody, no one man who can force you to make your choice. You and only you can make this far-reaching decision alone in the quiet of your heart.

Never forget that you will receive no reward in the physical world, and that you should never think about making a profit for yourself in the physical world. All your achievements and experience will remain with you during the entire period of existence of this universe and will transit together with you to the Higher Worlds.

Are you ready to enter on the Path and to follow it tirelessly towards your victory through all the barriers and difficulties?

There are lots of the invited, but are there so many chosen ones?

I AM Kuthumi, with a hope for you in my heart.

I congratulate you on the successful completion of this unique experiment on the transferring of the vital and timely information to the physical plane

Beloved El Morya

June 30, 2005

I AM El Morya Khan, having come to you through this messenger today.

The events are unfolding at such a quick pace that the efforts of literally every light-bearer embodied now are of great importance. I am not sure if you are experiencing the changes which are taking place now with increasing strength and acceleration. In truth, the time for very quick and united actions has come. And those people who do not feel and understand this deserve only compassion because they have dropped out of the time and are trying to live according to the old precepts and to apply that yardstick to everything.

The New Age has come, and you have to attune your consciousness to it literally on your feet, because the rhythm of your life in the near future will require all your efforts, all your aspiration and all the fire of your hearts.

Therefore, even if nothing seems to have changed and everything is the same around you, do not believe your eyes. Everything is different! Everything around you has changed so decisively and irrevocably that no fantasy of yours will be enough to picture the transformations which are to come and which are already coming, though you cannot see them with your physical eyes.

We have begun our steps forward. And we ask everybody who has been awakened, who feels the importance of the coming age and who is ready to dedicate his life to service, to get prepared. Very soon you, each of you in your town and country, will feel the changes which have begun.

It is difficult for you to believe in it, because everything around you seems to be the same as it was before. But I assure you that the most important transformation which we have been striving for during the last century and a half has taken place! Enough of people who are in embodiment now have succeeded in the transformation of their consciousness and this has yielded tangible results and manifestations in the physical plane.

The period of time necessary for the transformation of consciousness to be materialised in the physical plane of planet Earth has also decreased. There were times when the change of consciousness was being materialised in the physical plane during tens and thousands of years.

At present, when your consciousness changes, it does not even take a night to start affecting your deeds. I am trying to simplify my words in order to help you get an insight into the forthcoming time and opportunity.

Very soon you will be able to see in your life the consequences which will be caused by your transformed consciousness. And if you do not see any changes in your life, this can be explained only by one thing – you have been flogging a dead horse while reading these dictations, because you have missed the main thing for the sake of which they have been given. You have failed to transform your consciousness. You have lost precious time and missed the invaluable opportunity granted to you by God.

As before, you thought you would be reading nice words in these dictations and that was all you needed. You were mistaken, since in addition to the reading of the nice words you were required to undertake concrete actions which with a 100% probability should have brought you to a result - to the transformation of your consciousness, if you only had not been lazy and had read these dictations not as mere simple words, but as a guidance for practical actions in the physical plane.

Well, those of you who have missed this chance to pass through the accelerated course of initiations and transformation of your consciousness will receive an opportunity to repeat a class and to reread all the dictations given through this messenger beginning with the very first one from the 4th of March of this year.

And if you still do not feel any transformation of your consciousness and do not see any changes in your life, I recommend you to reread these dictations a third time.

You have received an invaluable, a completely unique gift in the form of these dictations. You cannot even imagine how much energy has been spent by the Ascended Hosts in order to transmit these dictations through the Internet right to your homes and how many angels have been involved! I am not speaking now about the efforts made by Tatyana while receiving these dictations. You cannot even realise what it was for her to stand such a flow of information and energy daily and to be able to maintain herself in a good shape during almost four months without missing a day.

At the beginning of this experiment none of us was sure that we would be able to perform the transmission of such important information in such volume and within such a short period of time. But now we can bravely state that our experiment has succeeded! The work has been fulfilled and fulfilled perfectly!

I congratulate you and I congratulate Tatyana on the successful completion of this unique experiment on the transferring of the vital and timely information to the physical plane. The work is to be continued, but its major stage is over – the informational stage - when the physical plane of the planet received the information which is so necessary exactly for the current moment. You will still have an opportunity to receive all the necessary explanations. And we will continue our work through our messenger Tatyana.

The new stage is coming – the stage, when the information given by us in the dictations will develop in the hearts of people. Everybody will be able to find an outlet for his energy and an application for his abilities. There is enough work for everybody! The important work upon the transformation of the physical plane is just beginning. And everyone who has managed to awaken his consciousness and to kindle the fire in his heart will become a source of knowledge, information and energy for everybody whom he meets in his life. Your task as the light-bearers is to constantly maintain the flame of your torches and to bring the Light to the world.

All of you who have managed to awaken your consciousness while reading these dictations will receive from me a thin thread which will connect you with me and support you in the trying moments.

All you need is just to make a call: “In the name of I AM THAT WHICH I AM I invoke the action of the thread connecting me with Master El Morya. Master El Morya, please, help me in my situation (describe the situation in detail). Help me to find a Divine solution for my situation and give me the help which the Supreme Law permits you to give.”

And after you have made this appeal, I will help all of you who have deserved this personal connection with me due to your toil. You will certainly feel this thread connecting your hearts with mine. And a lot of you feel this relationship by now.

I AM El Morya. And I affirm that everything is possible when you are together with God!


[1] See the book “Good and Evil”, chapter “The Angels’ fall”

[2] Manvantara is the period of Manu's government. It is the beginning and the end of a certain phase in the evolution of a Planet and everything existing on it. In accordance with the Hindu tradition this period equals 307 million earthly years. (translator’s footnote)

[3] Sansara – in Hindu philosophy – a cycle of an individual life process with all its sufferings. Indian wisdom says:

everywhere you look, you see aspirations and lusts, chase for pleasures, quick flight from pain and death, everywhere there is void and heat of destructive passions. The world is full of links and transformation. This is sansara. (translator’s footnote)

[4] Dictation of Beloved Surya from March 19, 2005 “We simply took away matches from the children”

[5] Kuan Yin is the Saviouress of the East. You can find altars dedicated to this Mother of Mercy everywhere in the East - in temples, homes and wayside grottos. Her devotees constantly pray to her presence and her flame as they seek her guidance and help in every sphere of life. (translator’s footnote)

[6] Moses means the following event described in the Bible in the “The Issue”, chapter 32:

[7] Perestroika is the Russian term (now used in English) for the economic reforms introduced in June 1985 by the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Its literal meaning is "restructuring", referring to the restructuring of the Soviet economy. (Translator's footnote).

[8] Cyclopea is a member of the Karmic Board and represents the fourth ray of purity. Cyclopea is also known as the Elohim of Music, and it is through the music of the spheres that Cyclopea governs the activities of speech, hearing, and sight, focusing the rays of concentration and consecration to the evolutions in his care. (translator’s footnote)

[9] Darsana (Darshan, Darshana) – seeing; the self-revelation of the Deity to the devotee; an occasion when a spiritual personality in India lets his devotee see him. (translator’s footnote)

[10] Vrindavan – Uttar Pradesh, India. Birth place of Lord Krishna. (Translator’s footnote)

[11] i.e. to live meagrely. Locust is the swarming phase of short-horned grasshoppers of the family Acrididae. Some of them reach 6 inches (15 cm) in length. (translator’s footnote)

[12] 2 Elijah. The Israelite prophet who was taken up into heaven in a chariot of fire (II Kings 2:11). Later he was embodied as John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus' mission (Matthew 17:10-13). Elijah was a rare exception of a man who ascended and then reembodied in physical form. After his lifetime as John the Baptist, he returned to the ascended state. (translator’s footnote)

[13] To the initiate, the mandala of the Five Dhyani Buddhas represents both a cosmic diagram of the world and of himself. It is a tool for spiritual growth and mystical experience-a map to enlightenment saturated with divine possibilities. (translator’s footnote)

[14] See: The dictation by Vairochana from 16.04.2005

[15] This mantra has been interpreted as “Hail to the jewel in the lotus” (translator’s footnote).

[16] A matryoshka doll or a Russian nested doll, also called a stacking doll or Babooshka doll, is a set of dolls of decreasing sizes placed one inside the other. (translator’s footnote)

[17] See the dictation of Kuthumi from April 26, 2005

[18] Hero in Russian folklore (translator’s footnote)

[19] Russian proverb. Moral: Don’t be afraid if the amount of work seems large; it can be handled step-by-step. (translator’s footnote)

[20] Apostleship is a mission of being a messenger. Apostle – here: synonym of messenger. The word apostle came into Middle English from Old English apostol, where it came from Late Latin apostolus – a messenger, from apostellein – to send off. (translator’s footnote)

[21] Chohan is a term meaning “lord” or “master”. It is a title of respect and honour, and a specific chohan presides over each of the seven rays. These seven chohans, or lords, of the rays have specialised in applying the qualities of their ray throughout their many incarnations on earth, and they can instruct us in how to gain self- mastery on that ray. (translator’s footnote)

[22] The speech is about the disease of Elizabeth Clare Prophet, which was qualified by doctors as Alzheimer’s disease and which allows Elizabeth neither to move unassisted nor even to speak. (Translator’s footnote)

[23] The name Amitabha means “Infinite Light”

[24] ”Dhyana” means “meditation” (translator’s footnote)

[25] A matryoshka doll or a Russian nested doll (also called a stacking doll or Babooshka doll) is a set of dolls of decreasing sizes placed one inside another (translator’s footnote).

[26] Leela or Lila is a concept within Hinduism literally meaning "pastime", "sport" or "play". It is common to both monistic and dualistic philosophical schools, but has an obviously different significance in each. Within monism, Lila is a way of describing all reality, including the cosmos, as the outcome of creative play by the divine absolute (Brahman). In the dualistic schools, Lila refers to the activities of God and his devotees, as distinct from the common activities of karma. (translator's footnote)

[27] The dictation “Never become adults in the questions of knowing the Divine Truth” Beloved Surya, March 9, 2005.

[28] Matthew 24:40

[29] For a long time in big houses in the Russian country-side stove benches were used for sleeping (i.e. they were used as warm beds). Nowadays, this expression is used when talking about laziness. (Translator’s footnote)

[30] Eon - an indefinitely long period of time; the longest division of geologic time, containing two or more eras. (translator’s footnote)

[31] During the message transmission a computer fault occurred. The receiving of the dictations is performed by me with the simultaneous recording of the incoming information on the computer. I have only managed to restore the beginning of the received dictation. The major part of the typed text had been destroyed. While I was trying to recover the lost text, I fell out of the information flow and was unable to continue receiving. Therefore, I publish that part which I managed to save. Going forward we’ll see if the computer and the external conditions will allow me to continue receiving the messages. (Tatyana Mickushina)

[32] While receiving the dictation of El Morya from June 19, 2005 the major part of the dictation was lost because of a computer fault.

[33] Matthew 18:22.

Messages of Ascended Masters

Words of Wisdom

Tatyana N. Mickushina

Translated from Russian by

Svetlana Nekrasova

Messages of Ascended Masters - Words of Wisdom
"Words of Wisdom" by Tatyana N. Mickushina

Websites: (Russian version)

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