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Found: 1214 articles, showing 920 - 930
... water. Listen to it carefully. It was after the last war and a journalist was interviewing the Reverend Mother of a convent in Europe. 'Tell me,' said the journalist, 'what happened to you and your nuns during those terrible years? How did you survive?' 'Well, first of all,' said the Reverend Mother, 'the Germans invaded our country, seized the convent, raped all the nuns -- except sister Anastasia...
... - Hindus praying, Mohammedans praying, Christians praying - everybody is praying, and WHERE IS PRAYER? If so much prayer were really going on, the world would be a paradise. If so much prayer were coming out of the hearts, there would be duds of prayer gathering all over the earth and showering. But there seems only to be hatred, violence, war. Prayer is nowhere to be found. Something is wrong. This...
... in a conflict, a civil war - fighting with yourself. And that is utter stupidity. To fight with oneself is to dissipate energy unnecessarily. It IS a wastage. The same energy can become a jubilation. I don't teach you how to become master of your sexual energy. What I teach you is: how to remain one, how not to divide yourself. Never divide yourself into the body, the mind, the soul the matter, the...
... this news! What can be worse than this news!' The queen said, 'You have lost a battle, but you can still win the war. What worries me is not the loss of your army, but the loss of your courage. And that is by far a worse loss. The loss of hope, enthusiasm and courage spells a sure doom, whereas the loss of military power is comparatively nothing. The future is bleak for him who is hopeless. Take...
... inseparate. They appear separate, but every form is joined together with other forms. Our reality is a co-existence. It is really an inter-reality, an inter-subjectivity. For example, think of yourself alone on this earth. What will you be? The whole of humanity has disappeared, you are left alone after a third world war, alone in the world, alone on this big earth. Who will you be? The first thing is that...
... War. Then we could fill the whole earth with affluence; then poverty could disappear for the first time from the whole earth. Poverty could become a thing of the past. Much illness could disappear. Man's life could be prolonged to almost impossible limits. Three hundred years would not be a difficult target; each person could live three hundred years very easily because scientists say the body is...
... dangerous to him, because to live means you will have to love - how can you live? Just as the body needs breathing to live, the soul needs love to live. And love is utterly poisoned. By poisoning your love energy they have created a split in you, they have made an enemy within you, they have divided you in two. They have created a civil war, and you are always in conflict. And in conflict your energy is...
...', 'life is a struggle'. Why is it a struggle? It is a struggle because death is taken as the opposite. Once you understand that death is not the opposite of life but part of it, an intrinsic part of it, which can never be separated from it - once you accept death as a friend, suddenly a transformation happens. You are transfigured, your vision now has a new quality in it. Now there is no fight, no war...
... chair, certainly I am sitting more comfortably than Basho who wrote those lines. He was sitting in a yoga posture on a rock. It is not for me - even that kind of sitting is not for me! I love my laziness, because the lazy people are the only people who have never done any harm in the world. Can you give me the name of even a single lazy man who created a war, murdered somebody, committed suicide...
... Ramakrishna is enlightened. Ask the Jainas and they cannot agree with you because he continued to eat fish, and according to the Jaina morality to eat fish and to become enlightened is impossible. One has to be absolutely vegetarian. The Jainas have not conceded enlightenment even to Krishna, because he was the cause of the great war of MAHABHARAT. He persuaded Arjuna to fight. In fact, Arjuna was going to...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).