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Found: 1214 articles, showing 700 - 710
... situation when coming back to earth seems almost impossible, almost a miracle... one attains to a height of consciousness. That has been the attraction of war. The warrior attains to something on the warfront. While fighting, he encounters death. And those are the moments of peak. But there is no need to depend on these artificial things. They are just like depending on LSD or marijuana - artificial...
... good memory, but no intelligence. But it was fortunate that she was with Edison. Once he forgot his own name, which is a rare, very rare phenomenon. I don't think it has happened ever, or it will happen again. To forget one"s own name, that seems to be getting to the rock bottom of forgetfulness. You cannot forget anything more - nothing is left. In the first world war, when ration cards were...
... - Mohammedans have been there; its name was Palestine. But this was a strategy, and such a subtle conspiracy, that even Jews could not suspect - in fact, they asked for it. They wanted their own land. After the second world war it was easier, because Palestine was under American and British troops. So they forced the Jews on the Mohammedans and created a new nation. But the nation is so small, and surrounded...
... be so, since Athens was the place from where Aristotle spread the disease his whole life. He has made the whole Western mind, and if the West is going to destroy the entire world in a third world war, the whole credit will go to Aristotle, two thousand years ago; because he was the man who had sown the seeds which are now flowering, like nuclear weapons. The whole scientific approach is based on...
... actions, in each of your gestures. You have a tremendous reverence for life; out of this reverence nonviolence arises. Out of this reverence a love for peace and a rebelliousness against all war and all destruction arises. This prayer is nothing but a silent "thank you." But its alchemical impact on your being is immeasurable. Abhiyana, you are asking: "The times I feel closest to you...
... war. But mostly it does not happen - the husband has his period at one time, the wife at a different time. But if the husband keeps a diary for four or five months - just to find which are the dates when his period begins and which are the dates when his period ends - he can allow the wife and the family to know that for these five days, they have to be a little more tolerant and more compassionate...
... to the mission school, pauses thoughtfully and says, "No, son, let us take her home and eat your mother." Different people take different approaches ... When an Englishman does not get on with his wife, he goes to the pub; a Frenchman goes to his mistress, a Greek goes to sea, a German goes to war, an Australian goes to a cricket match, an Indian goes to the Himalayas, an American goes to...
... was doing. He tortured more men than any other man in the whole of history. It was possible for Adolf Hitler to destroy six million Jews in Germany and altogether nearabout forty million people in the second world war.... A materialist conception about man is going to be destructive, because it is coming out of a blind search. Mind can also be used as a ladder going downwards; that's how the...
... living there... there is a great palace and other small palaces and a beautiful lake. I said, "What happened to the city? This big city suddenly disappeared without any war." He said, "This city was the camels' route, and in that day camels were the vehicles that carried the goods from one place to another. So from Kabul to Indore this was the only route. Thousands of camels moved...
... the quality of your love. I don't want you to renounce anything. Renunciation is for the retarded; transformation is for those who are intelligent. I cannot have millions of people around me for the simple reason that millions of intelligent people don't exist. All kinds of retarded people... After the first world war, for the first time psychological tests were devised to calculate the mental age...

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