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Found: 1214 articles, showing 140 - 150
... centuries going from one war into another war. In three thousand years, five thousand wars have been fought on the earth. Anybody looking from another planet will think that this planet, earth, has gone mad! In three thousand years, five thousand wars? And in between, whatever time you have, you have to prepare for the new... as if the whole function of life is to prepare for war and then to fight, die...

... and kill; and then again prepare. And now they have come to the very culmination, to the ultimate preparation. Somebody asked Albert Einstein, "Can you say something about the third world war?" He said, "No, but I can say something about the fourth." The questioner was puzzled. He said, "You cannot say anything about the third, and you are ready to say something about the...

... goes on. Now, this creation of Israel is again a political strategy of Christian nations to create an endless source of suffering for the Jews. And the Jews have not been able to understand why Christian nations were so interested, after the second world war, in giving them Jerusalem - because it is a holy land to Christians too; they could have made it their own holy land. Why should it be returned...

... majority. And the Jews will remain continuously beggars before the Christian nations. So for both the Christians and the Mohammedans it is a joy - reducing the Jews to beggars for war material, for everything that they need. And their needs will be there continuously because Mohammedans are not going to leave Israel peacefully. They are going to fight. Now Israel is like a wound, and all the Jews of the...
... possibility of war. The world should have only one kind of religiousness. Not one religion, just one kind of religiousness - a gratitude to existence, a loving heart, a meditative awareness. The most essential part of religion should be saved, and Christianity and Hinduism and Buddhism and Jainism and Mohammedanism all should disappear from the earth. They are no longer needed; they have done enough harm...

... world war, it is going to be a push-button war. Nobody will be seen fighting in the field. Just from the White House, or from the Kremlin, the prime minister or the president simply pushes a button, and the whole world goes into the mouth of death. Nobody is going to win and nobody is going to defeat... it is such a stupid concept of war. Wars were fought for victory, but now the war is going to end...

... concerned with creating more children because more children means more power - power in two ways: more votes, and more fodder for your cannons in war. For twenty to thirty years absolute birth control should be practiced. It is not a question of democracy, because it is a choice between life and death. If the whole world is going to die, what are you going to do with your democracy? Democracy will be the...
... rather than permit himself to be dominated by these creations of advancing civilization. (772.5) 69:1.2 Human institutions are of three general classes: (772.6) 69:1.3 1. The institutions of self-maintenance. These institutions embrace those practices growing out of food hunger and its associated instincts of self-preservation. They include industry, property, war for gain, and all the regulative...

... growing out of sex hunger, maternal instinct, and the higher tender emotions of the races. They embrace the social safeguards of the home and the school, of family life, education, ethics, and religion. They include marriage customs, war for defense, and home building. (772.8) 69:1.5 3. The institutions of self-gratification. These are the practices growing out of vanity proclivities and pride emotions...

...; and they embrace customs in dress and personal adornment, social usages, war for glory, dancing, amusement, games, and other phases of sensual gratification. But civilization has never evolved distinctive institutions of self-gratification. (773.1) 69:1.6 These three groups of social practices are intimately interrelated and minutely interdependent the one upon the other. On Urantia they represent a...

... “black smiths” gave origin to the early beliefs in white and black magic. And this belief later became involved in the superstition of good and bad ghosts, good and bad spirits. (774.5) 69:3.6 Smiths were the first nonreligious group to enjoy special privileges. They were regarded as neutrals during war, and this extra leisure led to their becoming, as a class, the politicians of primitive society. But...

.... Slavery was a great advancement over massacre and cannibalism. (779.2) 69:8.3 Enslavement was a forward step in the merciful treatment of war captives. The ambush of Ai, with the wholesale slaughter of men, women, and children, only the king being saved to gratify the conqueror’s vanity, is a faithful picture of the barbaric slaughter practiced by even supposedly civilized peoples. The raid upon Og, the...

..., did not enslave. He either adopted or killed his captives. Slavery was not prevalent among the pastoral peoples, for they needed few laborers. In war the herders made a practice of killing all men captives and taking as slaves only the women and children. The Mosaic code contained specific directions for making wives of these women captives. If not satisfactory, they could be sent away, but the...
... every actor and they don't allow me close to them. But you are not an actor. Your function is some other work. But you can help me." He said, "Whatever I can do, I will do, because last year it was really great. Can I be of some help?" I said, "Certainly." And he did it.... In the war, Lakshmana, Rama's younger brother, gets wounded by a poisonous arrow. It is fatal. The...

... that when Sita came back after the war - Rama had won the war and Sita came to his camp - his first words were utterly ugly. He could not say anything loving to her. He could not even say anything nice to her. What he said is very disrespectful of womanhood. He said, "Listen, woman. I have not fought the war for you. I can have as many women like you as I want. I have fought the war for the...

... glory of my own family, my heritage, my forefathers, their name, their respectability. That is the cause of the war. You are just a superficial excuse." Do you want me to say such a thing? I cannot conceive.... And then he forced her to go through a fire test to see whether she was still chaste or not. If he had really been a man, he would have gone together with Sita through the fire test. He...
... third world war. Because Gautam Buddha and the people like him in other religions emphasized only the other world, this world was neglected, ignored. No science was developed, although it could have been developed long before it started to develop in the West. The Western development of science is only of the last three hundred years. Mathematics was discovered in India ten thousand years ago, but...

... kill. It is the responsibility of the whole world to reject South Africa as a member of civilized humanity, because what they are doing is barbarous. But even countries like America that are supposed to be the most advanced, progressive, democratic countries do things which are inconceivable. In the Second World War, when Japanese armies attached Pearl Harbor, one and one- half million Japanese...

... about the Second World War. In fact, all around the world, nobody knows what actually happened to those one and one-half million Japanese-Americans. Fifteen days was such a short notice -- how could you sell your businesses, your houses, your lands? -- and who is going to purchase them when the local buyers knew that within fifteen days you will have to go, that the lands, the buildings, your car...

... one thing was told to them -- that the American government suspected that when America and Japan were at war they might favor Japan. And in a democratic country, the government had not a single proof that a single Japanese in America supported Japan. Out of one and one-half million people, they could not find a single proof that anyone was really or willing to support Japan. They were ready to...

... War, the people who had been running those concentration camps in Germany were punished, but America was not punished even though they had behaved in the same way with absolutely innocent Japanese-Americans who were not in favor of Japan. They were tortured, no medical facilities were given, their food was not up to standard, and they were crushed like sub-human beings. When they were brought back...

... after the war, their properties were not returned, and have not been returned even yet. And this is a democracy! During the whole period of wartime, America was not able to find any proof to support their actions. When the Japanese-Americans were released, their businesses were in American hands, their cars were in American hands, Americans had taken over everything without giving a single paise in...
... descriptions, detailed descriptions, of airplanes and the description of something that looks like atomic bombs. Perhaps atomic bombs were used five thousand years ago in the Mahabharata war, the great Indian war. After that there has been no Indian war. The experience was so horrible that India became antiwar, antiviolence. It cannot happen out of the blue that only India has developed the philosophy of...

... nonviolence. Things are interconnected. It cannot be that you just start developing a philosophy... unless it has some roots somewhere. India suffered so much in the great Indian war that it was necessary to develop a philosophy and a way of living which excluded war completely, even violence, completely. Gautam Buddha and Mahavira, who are both great teachers of nonviolence, were both born as princes in...

... killed. Now this extreme nonviolence is possible only if a person has experienced something like Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And there are detailed descriptions of what happened in the great Indian war - how many million people died, what kind of weapons were used - only the names are different, but you can figure out which weapon is parallel to some other weapon we have today. In Gautam Buddha's time the...
... such trivia. The priests are worried that the untouchables should not enter into the temples, as if that was anything very important to human existence. A few friends from Delhi have reported to me that now Delhi looks almost as if it has been in a war or as if it is ready for a war. Rajiv Gandhi, the prime minister, has surrounded his home with machine guns, and with sand bags for the people holding...

... the machine guns to hide behind. Those machine guns and those sand bags are not only at his home, but wherever he goes. If he goes to the club, or if he goes to the parliament - all over the place, it is the same scene. It seems he is suffering from paranoia. Not a single politician has raised the question, "What is the meaning of this? This is a war arrangement! Why are you so afraid? You can...

... every man has changed almost ten times. And what happens to the children? Eight out of ten die, because the mother has been sold and a new woman has been purchased who has no concern for these children. By seven years of age almost eighty percent are finished. These are the real concerns, not the political games! And particularly in a situation where war seems to be coming closer every day. Iraq and...

... world. It seems to be unbelievable, but since the second world war there have been nearabout three hundred wars. They have been small wars, because big nations need them. Wars are their market; otherwise all the money is lost which they have invested in arms which have become out of date. It became a strange situation when America a few days ago attacked Iran. It was not only foolish, it was also...

... inhuman, because rather than attacking Iran, they attacked a jumbo jet airplane of civilians, two hundred and ninety people. And now they say that they could not recognize it. Among those people, there were about fifty children, and twenty small babies and old men and women. None of them were interested in any war, they were traveling; it is just that the plane belonged to Iran. And in that fight with...
... winning, but finally water wins. The rock collapses into sand. In the ultimate reckoning, softness is victorious, hardness is defeated. Hardness can win many battles, but not the war itself. The war has to be won only by softness. The male is like rock, the female is like water. A sannyasin has to be very feminine, soft, vulnerable, open, like a flower: so soft, yet so powerful. Its power is of a...
... never attacked. And whenever they never expected, could never conceive, there he attacked. It was a simple rule of war that you attack at the weakest point. It is so obvious; you don't attack the enemy at his strongest point. But those astrologers don't know what is a weak point and what is a strong point. They look towards the stars - and the stars have no idea that there is a war going on. He called...

... those astrologers from India; the war took a turn, because now Churchill was also functioning like a fool. He was also no longer listening to his generals. He said, "You keep out of it - because that man is mad. He knows no military science and it is not going to help. Now astrology is going to help." And astrology did help. Poor Adolf Hitler was defeated. He was succeeding because of...

... dirty politics; that we don't see any problem, why Russia should be against America, or America be against Russia. The Russian people are as innocent and simple as Americans. It is just the topmost politicians who cannot let you relax, because your relaxation is their death. They want you to remain continuously tense, afraid, so that they go on playing the game that "the war is coming and we have...

... to prepare for it." I want my people to declare that there is going to be no war and we are not going to be participants in it, that this war is absolute absurdity. And it is good that politics has brought you to this logical conclusion. Without it there would be no hope of getting rid of politicians. Now there is a chance, and we should not miss it. It is so glaringly clear that it is a...

... question of either/or. Either the politicians remain or humanity remains. And this is where politicians themselves have dragged us. They cannot back out, there is no way back. Life only goes on forwards, never backwards. And they are all pushing towards war - reluctantly, afraid, because they are going to be killed in it themselves. It is time that consciousness be raised, that people be made alert and...
... energies to be poured into it to keep it alive and flowing. Religion always needs to be born again and again according to the time and the circumstances. What was right five thousand years ago is no longer right at all today. And what was moral in the past has become immoral today. For example, in Krishna's time, war was a moral phenomenon: now war is immoral. Because in Krishna's time there were no atom...

... bombs and hydrogen bombs. Now war means total war; now war means universal suicide. The new religion cannot teach war: it can only teach love. All the old religions were fundamentally based on the split person. The new religion has to create a new man - HOMO NOVUS. I declare a new man! I teach a new man! And the new man will be one, whole. The new man will not be divided into body and soul, into lower...

... meaning of AG is to push - action is pushing things, pushing the river, pushing yourself against the river, trying to swim upstream. And that brings agony, that makes you miserable - because you can see you are doomed to fail. You may win a battle here and there, but the war is lost from the very beginning. How long can you go on pushing the river? Sooner or later you will be tired, exhausted, and then...

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