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Found: 1214 articles, showing 1090 - 1100
... - a priest, a businessman, and a Sufi - were passing through a dangerous jungle. As the days went by, the number of hostile wild beasts who circled around them became larger and larger. Eventually they had to take refuge in a tree. After a council of war they decided that one of them should go for help, since if they stayed as they were, fear, hunger and fatigue would eventually force them to fall...
... to go on a fast. The real thing to be renounced is your conclusions, your beliefs, your prejudices. A NOBLE HORSE RARELY FEELS THE TOUCH OF THE WHIP. WHO IS THERE IN THIS WORLD AS BLAMELESS? Buddha was a prince before he became enlightened, and when he was a prince he really loved horses. He was a lover of horses. In those days, horses were the greatest support in war. And there were lovers of...
... concerned about it. You have to be more sensitive. Love is herenow. This whole place is full of love - this is a temple of love. That's why I am condemned all over the world, criticized, because the whole of human history has been a history of war, violence. The whole human past has been ugly, inhuman, uncivilized, primitive, animalistic. And all the societies that have existed up to now have tried to...
... into war, into crusades: religious, political, ideological conflicts; so you can be manipulated into killing people. Or, you can be manipulated into becoming martyrs; destructive to yourself. Millions of Christians have died, Mohammedans have died, killing each other for the simple reason that so much anger is repressed, it needs some outlet. You will be surprised to know that Buddhism is the only...
... fantasy, because Buddha's experience was also nothing but a sublimated sexual fantasy. Consolations.... I have heard a Second World War story about a priest who repeatedly preached to the troops about predestination. The priest told the soldiers not to worry about their future or fate on the battlefield, because if they were predestined to be killed, a bullet would find its mark no matter where they...
... Punjabis are the best army people, the best soldiers, and naturally the whole country thinks they are the most stupid. These two things go together. If a race is very perfect as far as war is concerned, then the race becomes less intelligent. It is bound to happen - both things cannot go together. An intelligent person will have to think before he acts. The soldier has to act before he thinks. That is...
... conclusive. TZU KUNG GREW WEARY OF STUDY AND TOLD CONFUCIUS 'I WANT TO FIND REST.' 'THERE IS NO REST FOR THE LIVING' said Confucius. Now this standpoint - that there is no rest for the living is based on a certain philosophy: that life is struggle, that life is action. that life is conflict, that life is a war to survive - how can you rest? The same philosophy has become predominant in the West: Darwin...
... a great religion because of his flute because of his dance. Even those who worship him feel a little guilty about him. How can you be so happy and dancing with girlfriends? And not just one - thousands! And singing and playing on the flute! And people are dying and there is death and starvation and war and violence and all kinds of things are going around. It is hell, and you are playing on your...
... reality; they will never know those moments of unity. They are only pretending. They are being polite, but not true, not authentic. Marriage is a kind of intimate enmity. It is an intimate enmity, it is a friendly fight, it is a war. Yes, between two wars there are peaceful moments too, and they are beautiful because of the two wars. Couples go on fighting - that's how they keep alive the flame of love...
... discovers serves death; it is no more serving life. Ninety percent of scientific effort goes on war. Science is losing face. Unless religion starts dancing, even science will no longer have any future. Science will need some release of energy from religion to support it. And if religion can be alive again and science becomes a part, a shadow of religion, then only can it be free of the politician and his...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).