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Found: 1214 articles, showing 100 - 110
... politics depends on war. If war disappears, politics disappears. Then the government will be just an organization like the post office and the railway. It has some utility, but no power. War gives power, and the politician cannot allow war to disappear. The politician goes on talking about peace and goes on preparing for the war - talks about peace, prepares for the war. And sometimes things move to...

... absurd extremes: he prepares for war so that there should be peace in the world. For peace - to protect peace - he prepares for war. Politicians cannot allow you to be satisfied in your love. Once you are satisfied in your love you are useless as a soldier. You have to be kept unsatisfied so anger remains burning in you and you are ready to fight - for any excuse - foolish things. People can fight for...

... needed, the politician is needed, only because there is war. Now this is a vicious circle. And if war is to continue, people have to be starved; they should not become sexually satisfied. They should remain angry, boiling within, ready to burst any moment. Watch people. They are ready to fight. Just anything will do - politics, religion. Any nonsense will do and they are ready to kill each other...
... sannyasins from Switzerland: they are the cleanest...! Switzerland is a little piece of the Himalayas - smaller mountains, but still the same quality and the same scenery. It must be a beautiful country; I have seen the beauty of its people. And I respect Switzerland: for one hundred and forty years they have not fought a single war. That shows they are not psychologically sick. They are living in an...

... have heros too? A country which has not been to war for one hundred and forty years cannot have heros. Heros are born out of war; without war there are no heros - unless you count as heros film stars, pop singers, football champions, boxing idiots. I don't count them as heros. And I respect Switzerland that it has no war heros; just simple human beings are enough. Who needs a hero? What are you going...

... to do with a hero? Adolf Hitler in his autobiography writes, "The bigger the war, the bigger the heros that are created." Naturally he wanted to have the biggest war, and up to now he is the biggest hero. You may hate him; that does not mean... He managed to create the biggest war in the world; only now Ronald Reagan can beat him - and I think this cowboy actor is going to beat him. He...

... must be boiling within to write his name in golden letters in history. But he should remember that after the third world war there will be no history and no heros and no humanity. Adolf Hitler is going to be the last hero. Now there is no way to defeat him. Switzerland is full of nice people, beautiful people, living silently and peacefully - it is the country which has the lowest crime rate. Don't...
... according to any dogma, cult, doctrine, discipline, no! - just living without any idea of how to live. The moment the "how" enters, it opens the door for all the philosophies to come in, all the theologies to come in. I want you to live like the trees, like the birds, like the clouds. Without man, do you think existence will disappear? Without man, after the third world war, do you think the sun...

.... This gives you a certain kind of opium so you can tolerate the suffering through which you are passing. One thing: there is no God. It is your hope - and what a hope! An absolutely hopeless hope. And God is not merciful; otherwise through what more misery does he want to show his mercy? In the first world war people were waiting for the merciful God to do something. He never did anything. In the...

... second world war when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were suffering the worst that humanity has ever suffered, the merciful God did nothing. He is just a lousy fellow - and not even real. It is your projection. You would like a god, a father figure who takes care of you. You would like prophets who have a direct communication line with God. Do you know that the Mormons believe their leader has a private phone...

... goes on clinging to it, and that keeps him mediocre. Existentialism in Europe came after the second world war. The second world war struck the intelligent people: if the second world war was not enough for a messiah to come and God to do some miracle, then all those hopes were absurd, then they had been befooled for centuries. But they moved to the other extreme. Because for centuries they had been...

... created in God's own image. This is the image of God! Adolf Hitler is the image of God, Winston Churchill with his cigar is the image of God. The second world war was such a shock to the intelligent people of Europe that they revolted against the whole past. But when you react - it is a logical thing - you move to the very opposite extreme, and the truth is always somewhere in the middle. It is never at...

... catch hold of a deprogrammer, bring him here. We have to start deprogramming the new priesthood, because we want the whole humanity to be one. We don't want any priests, we don't want any religions and we don't want any nations. We want the world to be one, because only in one world is there no need for nuclear weapons, is there no need for war. Right now, seventy-five percent of human energy, income...

... hundred times more than you need. Just an average mind can see the foolishness of it. Stop nuclear weapons, stop this whole idea of war. But the politician knows if the priest disappears he will be in difficulty. He wants to substitute the priest with the psychologist - a more up-to-date version of the same priesthood. There is no difference. It has to be stopped. So whenever you see a deprogrammer...
... their own books describe nothing but violence. In Mahabharata, the great Indian war - that is the meaning of MAHABHARATA.... It must have happened somewhere around five to seven thousand years ago, or perhaps ten thousand years. It certainly happened - there is evidence - and it destroyed the whole backbone of the country forever. It was certainly a great world war: almost all the known nations...

... participated in it. It was a family war in a way: cousin-brothers were quarreling over the kingdom. They were brothers, and all their relatives had to divide up: some relatives with one party, some relatives with another party - and they were all related. And they were so important that all other, smaller nations participated in the war, either from this side or from that side. And it killed millions of...

... people. It seems, by the description in the mahabharata, that perhaps they had come to know something similar to nuclear weapons, because the destruction was so vast, so immense. By the time the war was over and one party, the Pandavas, had won it, they saw it was worthless to win it, because now, over whom to rule? There were only corpses and more corpses all over the country. They became so...

... victorious, but over whom? Over these corpses. That's what will happen if a third world war happens. The one who wins will weep and cry. The one who dies and is finished, has lost the war, may be in a better position. At least he has not to see the ugliness of victory. You are victorious, but there was nobody even to applaud your victory. And then the Pandavas realized, "It was absolutely worthless...

.... We should not have fought, we should have given the kingdom to the other party; at least people would have lived. And now we are going to the Himalayas. We could have gone before; now we are going in utter frustration, in deep despair and anguish. Then we would have gone rejoicing." But it is not true that there was not violence, that there was not war, that there was not stealing. It is not...
... lying. And this mad humanity seems to be concerned continuously with war. As far back as you can see, there are wars and wars and wars, and each war has taken millions of lives. Genghis Khan killed forty million people, Tamerlane killed thirty million people alone - and they did not have very sophisticated means. Data is not available about many other killers. Alexander the Great and Napoleon and Ivan...

... MORE MISSILE SOUNDS.) If the enemy is very close by, bombing is better... (HE PUSHES THE BOMBING BUTTON AGAIN.) If you don't want to destroy things, only life, then death rays are good... (HE SENDS OUT SOME MORE DEATH RAY SOUNDS.) Now it is being carried by adult, mature people in their pockets. It seems that killing has become a god in itself. There have been war-gods, whose only function is to...

... create war; there have been destruction-gods - for example Shiva, in Hindu mythology, is the one who will destroy the whole of humanity. I don't think Ronald Reagan will be able to compete with Shiva. He is trying his best to be the Shiva of Hindu mythology. This small instrument shows the mind of man. Death rays simply kill life; they don't destroy your houses, they don't destroy your furniture, they...

... it must have some possibility. Nobody can say with absolute certainty that there is anywhere else in this vast universe a consciousness of a buddha - and you are destroying this earth, which is the only place in this vast universe a small planet has come to the highest peak of consciousness. It is not only a crime against humanity, it is a crime against the whole universe. War is not a god, and man...

..., is such a rose, that to turn the whole earth into a graveyard will be the greatest crime. But it will remain unrecorded because there will be no one to record it. It will consume everyone; nobody is going to be the victor, nobody is going to be the defeated. The only difference will be ten minutes: if Russia starts the war, within ten minutes - just ten minutes - American missiles will be on the...

... way. If America starts, within ten minutes Russian missiles will be turned towards America. So only a time span of ten minutes... and everybody will be consumed alive in the greatest fire that has ever happened on the earth - millions of wars together, not only destroying man but animals, trees, anything that has life. So this is Rafia's very significant gift... because war has been the undeclared...
...; its scale is tremendous. And many things are not known which will be known as time passes. The fish in the ocean will get the radiation: you eat the fish and you get the radiation. The water becomes undrinkable, because radiation ashes settle easily on the water. The atom bomb that was used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the second world war was a small toy compared to these nuclear plants and nuclear...

... will have to depend on poor nations. And things are so complicated that from poor nations, which produce only food, you can purchase their food only in exchange for war material. They want war material. They are ready to give their wheat, they are ready to give their food, but they want war material because they are continuously afraid of their surrounding neighbors who are collecting war material...

.... So the Soviet Union is going to sell old war material, which is not of any use if a new war is going to happen any day, to get food for itself. Another accident like that... And it all depends on the winds. You cannot control it; the winds can take the clouds, the fumes, the radiation in any direction, to any country, to anywhere. So it is not only a question of one place and its surroundings being...
... spread meditation to as many people as possible - because the meditator is no longer gullible. He has a maturity and an intelligence; words cannot deceive him. And if the major part of the world becomes meditative, it will release such a great energy of peace, love, compassion.... That, to me, is the only possibility of preventing the third world war, because meditators will refuse to fight, meditators...

... not going to be destroyed by these idiots. I am not a pacifist. I will not tell you to go on a protest march to Moscow or to the White House or to anywhere. Those protest marches have been going on - they don't make any difference. I want you to be peaceful - not pacifist, but just a deep pool of peace. That is the only possibility of saving humanity. And if we can avoid the third world war, then...

... many doors open. There is no need of nations... what is the need of nations? I don't see the point. It is because of the wars that nations are needed. It is a vicious circle; because of the nations, war is needed. If there is no need of any war, then there is no need of any boundaries. Then why America? Why Soviet Russia? Why India? Why China? This whole earth belongs to us. And if the whole earth...

... to people. There is no need for any Ethiopia - one thousand people dying every day; there is no need. There is no need for India to remain undernourished. Fifty percent of the people - and that is a big number, four hundred million people - are eating only one time a day. Soon, within months, India will be another Ethiopia. But if the world is one, if war is no longer needed, the whole energy...

... devoted to war can be devoted to getting rid of poverty, can be released for people's comfort, luxury. Meditation can bring the only revolution there is. All other revolutions have failed. Question 4: BELOVED MASTER, GURDJIEFF'S LAST WORDS TO HIS DISCIPLES WERE, "BRAVO, AMERICA." I HAVE HEARD YOU APPRECIATED HIS INSIGHT ABOUT AMERICA, BUT RIGHT NOW THE WAY AMERICAN BUREAUCRACY AND POLITICIANS...
... happens after death. Mohammedans say if you die in a jihad, in a religious war, you may be a sinner but you will directly go to heaven because you are dying for religion. The same is the attitude of the Christians and the same is the attitude of all the religions. And who would not like to go to heaven? All the heavenly pleasures... and they are eternal and this life is momentary, this life is going to...

... finish anyway sooner or later. And what is there to be so worried about in this life? It is ugly, it is painful, it is suffering, it is misery. These same people have made this life so miserable that anybody would like to die. I have heard: A British politician was talking to Adolf Hitler just before the Second World War started. He had gone to persuade him not to enter into this foolish war: "It...

..., killed and destroyed." He showed him all the scientific developments that they had made, that they were going to use in war. Of course they were the most superior power of those days; they had the most developed technology, particularly war technology. And then, finally, to prove that "Not only are there machines which are far bigger and better than you have, we also have men who are ready to...

... need to persuade, they are already ready, just waiting for the opportunity. And whenever such a great opportunity arises to die in a religious war, when heaven is so close and so easily available, who would like to miss it? Everybody is ready to die! No, that is not my idea of religion, Marc. Do you know? Marc means a warrior, a soldier. Mythologically it means the god of war. I have changed his name...

..., but by changing his name it is not so easy to change him. I have given him the name Veet Marc. Veet Marc means go beyond war, go beyond fighting, go beyond the very idea of fight. But he asks: WILL SURRENDER HAPPEN ONLY WHEN I AM READY TO DIE FOR YOU? Veet Marc, I don't want anybody to die for me - I am not a sadist. I want you to live for me. I want you to blossom and flower for me. I want you to...

... fight will break out. And all the saints will be at each others' throats - a jihad, a religious war for the woman! Everybody will be ready to die! You have been told to be perfectionists. That's why, Leena, this problem arises. It is not only your problem, it is everybody's problem. But remember a few things. First: All evil is potential vitality in need of transformation. Even evil is to be accepted...
... becoming a president of a country, or the prime minister, or becoming famous, a celebrity, all ambitions disappear. And if we can create millions of people who have no ambitions, that is the only way to prevent war. War is the culmination of ambitions. And the peaceful man, the silent man who has touched his own source of being, is no more Christian, no more Hindu, no more Mohammedan, no more Buddhist...

..., no more American, no more Russian, no more German, no more Italian, he is simply a human being, and the whole earth is his home. If we can destroy those ugly lines on the map which divide humanity -- there is no reason for war: one thing. Second, if we can create such serenity and joy in people's lives all their perversions; homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, group sexuality, which all have...

... leading the world to a nuclear war, because they go on piling up nuclear weapons inspite of all their speeches about peace, love, friendship, coexistence -- but they all are piling up nuclear weapons. In fact it seems to be a little crazy: already they have so much nuclear weapons, they can destroy this planet for seven hundred times. Now there is no need. There is no way for life to escape; they have...

... people, otherwise why they should be in politics? Their ambition can be fulfilled only in war. The trouble is that the third world war is going to destroy all, so both parties are waiting and trying to find out ways how to prevent nuclear weapons or sabotage them. Once either America or Soviet Union finds a method, that can nullify nuclear weapons, the war will be immediately on. It will be postponed...

... till that moment, and that moment cannot be very long -- both the sides are continuously working how to find something as an antidote for nuclear weapons. Right now they don't have any antidote. Till they don't have the antidote, you can remain assured there is not going to be war. But soon they may find. There is not much problem in it. If they can find nuclear weapons, they can find something which...

... war, but who is going to postpone AIDS. Q:* HOW WILL YOU ACCOMPLISH THAT HERE? A:* Only we can do it. We are already doing it. Every sannyasin is going through tests, and if somebody is found to have AIDS, he is not condemned; he is a victim of all old religions. We love him, we have made a beautiful place. Two persons we have found who have AIDS -- we have made a beautiful place, the most scenic...
... established a new religion -- because the Arabs had no religion of their own. They were a nomadic race, wanderers; they had no organized religion. Mohammed collected those Arabs under the name of Mohammedanism. He himself was an Arab, and naturally had great influence. For his whole life he was fighting -- war and war, not a single day of rest -- and on his sword was his message: "My message is peace...

... been war almost every day. And at the end of the first world war Britain and America, both Christian countries, played the most ugly game against the Jews.... Jews are one of the races which have suffered most. Of course, they have their part and their contribution in their suffering. They have suffered most because they were the first to claim, "We are the chosen people of God, and it is our...

... basic right to rule over the world. Other human beings are inferior human beings." Because this idea irritated everybody, without exception, Jews have been continually murdered, butchered. Adolf Hitler alone killed six million Jews, and it goes on.... But the ultimate meanness has been committed by America and England -- and even Jews could not understand the strategy. After the second world war...

..., the American and British forces were in control of Jerusalem, where the rock is, and the small country of Israel which had never before been in existence. For many centuries Mohammedans had lived there; it was part of the country of Palestine. But after the second world war, Jerusalem and Palestine were under the control of American and British forces, and America played the ugliest politics that...

... was a good chance to have their money contributed to American politicians. The American politicians managed to create the state of Israel for the Jews, but the state was forcibly imposed on the Mohammedans. Now, they cannot tolerate it -- Mohammedans are very fascist, and this insult they cannot tolerate -- so there is continuous war. Israel has to purchase war materials from America, and American...

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