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Found: 1343 articles, showing 880 - 890
... out his sword, and he was going to cut off the head of the Zen master. The Zen master laughed and said, "This is the gate of hell." The emperor stopped, put his sword back in the sheath, and the master said, "You have entered into heaven. Now you can go. Just remember: anger, violence, destructiveness. These are the gates of hell. And the hell is in your mind. "But understanding...
...;No, because if you prohibit us from killing, our whole religion will be destroyed, because in our YAGNAS, in our worship, in our religious rituals, killing is a must." You will be surprised to know that today Hindus talk so much about nonviolence, but they are the most ancient of violent people on the earth. Not only that, but they gave violence a religious color. Even cows were slaughtered in...
... a plant. Otherwise, you have the answer. Because it is in a seed form, questions arise. Those questions are really in search of the answer that is within you, so there is no contradiction. Question 4: BELOVED OSHO, HOW CAN I COME OUT OF SELF-DESTRUCTION? ARE ALL UNENLIGHTENED PEOPLE SELF- DESTRUCTIVE? Yes. Unfortunately, all unenlightened people are self-destructive. They are self-destructive...
..., burning people alive, destroying cities, burning cities. They called it a crusade, jihad, religious war. The very term religious war is contradictory: there cannot be any religious war; every war is irreligious. To be religious means to be beyond stupid violence, murder, arson, killing. But these two thousand years show the reality of Christian love: in the name of love they have killed so many people...
... the two Zen wrestlers come onto the ground, first they bow down to each other, because everybody is a buddha. Before fighting starts, the buddha has to be recognized. And you cannot be angry with a buddha, you cannot hurt the buddha. Both are meditative - while they are wrestling you will not be able to see, but you can see the grace, you can see the silence. You can't see violence in their eyes...
... am offering you a chance. And you will see how people can dance and sing and rejoice and love and hug - even while they are being destroyed. My people are not afraid of death or destruction, for the simple reason that they have tasted life, love. The person who is afraid of death is the person who knows nothing of life. The more you know about life, the more deeply you live it, the more intensely...
... violence, and they have failed. Here love is at work. And when love is at work, it attracts intelligence. There is an inner attunement between love and intelligence. It is not accidental that so many intelligent people from all over the world have become interested in me - who is against everything that they have been brought up to believe in: who is against their culture, who is against their country...
... few insects. Or if you drive the car there then you are going to kill a few small insects on the road - or you may have an accident, kill somebody or get killed yourself The telephone is saving you from all this violence. I don't see that I can change my argument anytime, because it is a simple argument. It has nothing to do with my age. Mahavira did not criticize Buddha. To me that is a criticism...
... then can humanity be one. All these religions have to go, only then can man create a universal brotherhood. Mohammedans, Hindus and Christians have been talking about brotherhood, love, humanity, but that is mere talk, phony talk; what they have done is just the opposite. Their hands are full of blood. They have been the cause of more violence on the earth than anybody else. They have killed...
... cut their handcuffs, they forced them out with the same violence with which they had one day been forced in. Against their will they had been brought in; against their will they were brought out. Many of them could not even open their eyes because the light was too much. Their eyes had become too weak, too delicate, living in darkness; their eyes were no longer capable of opening in the sunlight...

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How to Search

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  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).