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Found: 1343 articles, showing 610 - 620
... religious consideration: it may create sin for them, it may create hell for them. They may have been Catholics or Hindus or Jainas, and the idea of violence, that abortion is violence, prevented them from getting an abortion. Or social considerations. Or the husband wanted it. Or they would like to have a child as a continuity of their ego. But the child was not liked. Rarely was there a mother who said...
... something becomes poetry out of that food. An essential part of the food becomes poetry; it bursts out in song. A dancer also eats the same thing as a soldier, but the soldier only produces violence and the dancer produces grace. It depends on you how you will use my presence. Meditate as much as you can; that is the most basic thing - everything else is secondary. And there is no limit to it: as much as...

... he has done good KARMA, and the poor is poor because he has done bad KARMA. Now if the poor man tries to do some revolution, he will suffer even in future - again bad KARMA: violence, this and that. "So, at least now, don't do anything bad. Suffer, and in the next life"... and nobody knows what happens in the next life, so it is a very beautiful explanation. Yes, Marx is not wrong when he...
... whom can it hit? This symbol of the empty boat is really beautiful. People are angry because you are too much there, because you are too heavy there - so solid they cannot pass. And life is intertwined with everybody. If you are too much, then everywhere there will be collision, anger, depression, aggression, violence - the conflict continues. Whenever you feel that someone is angry or someone has...

..., that's why it is happening. Soon, when your boat is empty, you will not collide, there will be no conflict, no anger, no violence - nothing. And this nothing is the benediction, this nothing is the blessing. For this nothing you have been searching and searching. Enough for today. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... not certain about the other. Explanation is a trick to avoid conflict, apology is a device to avoid conflict. But the conflict is there, and you are afraid of it. This is a civilized way to get out of the conflict! You have stepped on a stranger's foot, you see the violence in his eyes - he has become aggressive, he will hit you. Apology is needed, apology will calm his anger - it is a trick. You...

... thing more: whenever you feel that you are responsible for all the ugliness, for all the mess, anarchy, war, violence, aggression, suddenly you become alert. Responsibility penetrates your heart and makes you aware. When you say, "This place is much too crowded," you can go on walking sleepily. Really, you step on the stranger's foot not because the place is crowded, but because you are...
... constant inner violence, inner war. And if conflict is there, you cannot be at ease, at home. Now we should enter the sutra. The cessation of mind is yoga, but how can the mind, and its modifications, cease? THEIR CESSATION IS BROUGHT ABOUT BY PERSISTENT INNER PRACTICE AND NON- ATTACHMENT. Two things - how the mind can cease with all its modifications: one - abhyasa, persistent inner practice, and second...

... angry. But how you can drop anger if you have desires goals? If you have desires and goals, then anger is bound to be there because life is complex; you are not alone here on this earth. Millions of people striving for their own desires, they criss-cross each other; they come into each other's path. If you have desires, then anger is bound to be there, frustration is bound to be there, violence is...
... you have fought the war within and have become victorious, then the war without will cease. That is the only way. In India, we have called Mahavira 'the conqueror', 'the great conqueror' - the jinna. The word jinna means the conqueror. But he never fought with anybody so whom has he conquered? He never believed in violence, never believed in war, never believed in fighting. Why do you call this man...

... this unease or project it on somebody else. When you are inwardly tense you are ready to fight - any excuse will do. The excuse is irrelevant; you will jump on anybody - the servant, the wife, the child. How do you throw your inner conflict and unease? You make the other responsible, then you pass through a catharsis. You can become angry now, you can throw your anger and violence and this will give...
... the world. He walked on earth but he walked in such a graceful way that he never touched the earth. Dualities disappear in him. Revolution of the head will be political, because it will be violent. The thinking process is a process of violence. Thought is a rapist - it dissects, it kills, it cuts into fragments. That's why science cannot say anything about the whole. It goes on dividing and dividing...

... fighting and violence and murder. The heart is not allowed any place in its the woman exists almost in a non-existential way. This is the misery. The woman has to be accepted, respected: the woman will bring balance. The woman represents the other half, the opposite. Man alone is only half the story. The revolution that is only of the head is masculine, and the revolution that is only of the heart is...
... is only one rock. Somebody thinks it is because of greed that he cannot attain to truth, so one has to renounce greed. Somebody else thinks it is because of anger, violence, that he cannot attain to truth, so one has to renounce anger, violence. Somebody else thinks it is because of money, possessions, so one has to renounce all possessions. Somebody else thinks it is because of sex, love...
... without love lives a very lusterless existence, because without love there is no splendor in life, no significance. Without love no song arises in the heart of man. We have come to the point or we are coming to it, approaching it every day: by the end of this century man will have to choose either total destruction or a revolution - a revolution not political, not social, but a revolution of the heart...

... working for centuries and centuries; now their dream is going to be fulfilled: we can destroy this whole earth within seconds. Destruction has reached its peak; unless creativity also reaches to its peak man cannot be saved. And to me, love is nothing but the birth of creativity in you. By love I mean an overflowing heart. Love to me is not only a relationship. The relationship that we call love is a...
... the surface what suicide is. It can be many things. My own understanding is that people who commit suicide are the most sensitive people in the world, very intelligent. Because of their sensitivity, because of their intelligence, they find it difficult to cope with this neurotic world. The society is neurotic. It exists on neurotic foundations. Its whole history is a history of madness, of violence...

..., war, destruction. Somebody says, "My country is the greatest country in the world" - now this is neurosis. Somebody says, "My religion is the greatest and the highest religion in the world" - now this is neurosis. And this neurosis has gone to the very blood and to the bones, and people have become very, very dull, insensitive. They had to become, otherwise life would be...

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  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).