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Found: 1343 articles, showing 600 - 610
..., hatred, in their violence, in their aggressiveness, in their ambition. The first kind of sleep is that of the hostile. You can see people. The hostile person is very apparent. He is always angry about everything. He is destructive. He wants to destroy everything. The hostiles become the revolutionaries - Mao, Stalin, Lenin. They want to destroy. They want to destroy the whole past, they want to destroy...

... with the dream, then you can destroy. That beautiful society never comes; it has never come, it is never going to come. That's why a man like Buddha never talks about the society. No social revolution is going to happen. Who is going to do it? The hostiles do it. They are really interested in destruction. The idea of creating a better society is just a strategy to destroy, to destroy without guilt...
... in love their violence is dearly there, loudly there. Sending flowers is a form of life sacrifice to show high esteem. When you send a beautiful roseflower to your girlfriend or boyfriend, what are you saying? This is not understanding. What are you saying when you say something with a flower? You give a roseflower to your girl - what are you saying ? You are saying: "I will kill for ya, baby...

... laboratories it is nothing but murder and murder - they have murdered nature, they go on murdering. t is a beautiful device to hide violence. Just go and see in a scientific lab how many ways they have devised to torture simple, innocent animals - in the name of experiment! in the name of inquiry, in the name of truth. Unimaginable torture. But when it is for truth's sake, it is allowed - nobody thinks of...
... winds, no possibility of any destruction to his crops. And his wheat started growing higher than anybody had ever seen; it was going above man's height. And he was very happy. He thought, "Now I will show him!" And then the crop was cut and he was very puzzled. There was no wheat at all - just empty husks with no wheat in them. What happened? Such big plants - plants big enough to have given...

... wheat four times bigger than ordinary wheat - but there was no wheat at all. And suddenly he heard laughter from the clouds. God laughed and he said, "Now what do you say?" The farmer said, "I am puzzled, because there was no possibility of destruction and all that was helpful was provided. And the plants were going so well, and the crop was so green and so beautiful! What happened to...
...? - a brave way too. And dying for love... so poetic, so romantic. There is some violence involved in sex. Even in ordinary sex when no rape is committed, something of rape is involved. The woman always says no. Why? - because if she says yes too easily, then there is no longer that feeling that 'I am needed, utterly needed'. She goes on saying no, and goes on meaning yes. She goes on saying no: she...

... contradicting myself. You can just wait for a few days and I will contradict myself. I will say, 'It has never happened. Whenever a woman is raped she is not responsible. It is the male ego, male violence.' Just wait. You have to be patient with me, I contradict myself! But why are you offended? I must have touched a sore spot in you; something like a wound must be there. Deep down somewhere in the...
... thinking about the future. And that future never comes. The word utopia means: that which never comes. Go on thinking about it: a world without wars, without famine, without poverty, but what is the point? - you are dreaming! Rather, be more realistic. Create a human being inside you who has no warring tendencies, no conflicting tendencies, no violence, no aggression; that's all that can be done. That is...

... feasible. Create a human being within, don't think about human kind. How can you manage that? That is not possible. Leave all that to foolish politicians. They will think about it. You can do something for the human being that you are. Drop all conflicting tendencies: violence, aggression, fear - be loving, prayerful, meditative. Create at least one human being as you would like the whole humanity to be...
... the earth in the name of noble causes. Christians. Mohammedans, Hindus, have been fighting, destroying each other - for noble causes. Communists, socialists, fascists, have been bringing more and more violence into the world and more and more murder - for noble causes. Do you think Adolf Hitlers cause was not noble? If it had not been noble, how could a very intelligent race like the Germans have...

... anger, violence, aggression, destructiveness, which is so dangerous, but the greatly valued idea of OBEDIENCE. It is ironic that the virtues of loyalty, discipline and self-sacrifice that we value so highly in the individual are the very properties that create destructive organizational energies of war and that blind men to malevolent systems of authority. Remember, if we want to create a new humanity...
... taught to be non-violent. Your non-violence has repressed your violence. Great rage, for NO reason at all, will arise. You will start beating the wall; you may start beating yourself. And you will say, "What am I doing? I have never done it before. From where is it coming?" But it is coming in great surges, in great waves. And the whole process is to let it be. And when all the parts have...
... childish. In India, five thousand years ago a war happened. They call it MAHABHARATA, the Great Indian War. If somebody reads about it and analyzes it deeply, it seems they again had come to invent all the weapons we have invented. They had something like the H-bomb, because the description of the destruction is so vast that it could not have been done otherwise. They destroyed the whole country; not...

... only the whole country, the whole world. That time, that moment is history has now almost become a myth because no record exists. The destruction was so vast, so total, that all the records were lost. After that, India has not tried again to be scientific - it was such a failure. It proved to be destructive, nothing else. Now in the West, we are again reaching that culmination point. But remember...
... midpoint between two extremes. Mind's habit is to go towards the extremes; mind always wants to run from one end to the other, it never wants to stop in the middle. If you are violent, your mind will take you to the limits of violence, and then when you are fed up it will take you in the opposite direction. One extreme of violence is to destroy the other, and the other extreme will be to start destroying...
... know that Jainas don't call Krishna a saint. They call him the greatest sinner ever because he persuaded Arjuna for the war. Arjuna was going to become a Jaina monk; he was saying, "I don't want all this war, all this violence. I want to renounce this world. This is not worth it," and Krishna persuaded him, "Do your duty. If God has willed so, let it be so. You simply say 'amen,' and...

... go into it. You just become a vehicle, instrumental." Arjuna argued and argued, but finally Krishna persuaded him. So Jainas say the whole responsibility of the Mahabharat War, the great Indian war, goes to Krishna. He is responsible for the whole violence. What have they done to Krishna, do you know? They have thrown him into the seventh hell. Of course, you are free to do so because you...

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