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Found: 1343 articles, showing 450 - 460
... nothing yet to write about itself - just a very few cases; somewhere a Buddha, a Jesus... just like far away stars. Humanity has lived in violence and wars and madness, so it will be good, in a way, if you forget the past. It is too heavy and it does not help. In fact it corrupts the mind. Looking at the past, it seems that man cannot grow. It makes things look very hopeless. History is not yet worth...
... non-violent, then violence will become the sin. If you decide to be celibate, then sex will become the sin. If you try to be centred, going astray will become a sin - that's how all religions have become stupidities. Accept, go astray - there is nothing wrong in it. [The sannyasin answers: No, I was not thinking of something wrong in it. In fact what I do - you know, I do the neti-neti' - neither...
... available. That is exactly the way of being a sage - via negativa. You negate a few things - and the most important is the ego. If you negate the ego, you are a sage. So there is nothing to be added to you. It is not that you plus something will be the sage. You minus something - the ego - and the sage happens. And with the ego many things go automatically: the anger, the violence, the aggressiveness, the...
... I insist that my fact must be your fact, then I am a violent man. And if I say, "Believe it, because I know it is so," that is violence. I simply say what is a fact for me. I can tell you the technique of how it became a fact for me, how I came to realize it. I can tell you the technique. You can try it. If you also come to the same bliss, then it will become a fact for you . Science is...
... West existentialism. It is not. It is simply non-existentialism. It destroys everything that has consoled you. I agree with the destruction because what was consoling man was only lies. God, heaven, hell - all were fictions created to console man. It is good they are destroyed, but you are leaving man in an utter vacuum. Out of that vacuum existentialism is born, that's why it talks only about...

.... I will be the first to make the whole of humanity free from this dictator who on the one hand implants sex, violence, anger, greed, ambition, all kinds of poisons in man, and on the other hand, whose representatives go on hammering at you that sex is sin, you should be celibate. Strange." George Gurdjieff used to say, "All religions are against God." There is meaning in his...

... statement. He was not a man to make any statement without a deep, intense understanding. When he says all religions are against God, he is saying God gives you sex, and religions teach you celibacy. What do they mean? God gives you greed, and religions teach you no greed. God gives you violence, and religions teach you no violence. God gives you anger, and religions say no anger. It is such a clear-cut...
... every point -- because from where are you going to get your clothes? The weavers are either Hindu or Mohammedan. Who is going to make your houses? Who is going to cultivate food for you? -- because Jainas cannot even cultivate. It is against their religion, because plants have life, and if you cultivate you will have to cut plants and you will be doing violence. So all the violence has to be done by...
... like Sri Lanka, there can be violence. I advise you to drop this name." I told my secretary to write to him, that "In the first place, nobody has the monopoly on Zorba or on Buddha. Secondly, we are not concerned with Gautam the Buddha; `buddha' is not a personal name, it is a quality. It means the awakened one. Anyone who is awakened can be called the buddha. Gautam Buddha is only one of...

... the Western mind has not grown towards inwardness, towards love, towards non-violence. Their whole approach is materialistic. Two thousand years after Jesus is crucified, and this man is threatening me -- Jesus Christ's representative in Greece is threatening me -- that he will burn me alive. Does he represent Jesus Christ or was he also one of the rabbis who crucified Jesus Christ? The mind of the...
... people's lives. I call all such people great criminals. To impose your idea on somebody, to give some ideal, some mold, is violence, sheer violence. You are being destructive, and a master cannot do that. A master is always creative. Question 2: BELOVED OSHO, I AM HAVING QUESTIONS COMING TO ME. I WRITE THEM DOWN AND READ THEM OVER. MEDITATING AGAIN, I OFTEN GET THE ANSWER, AND COINCIDENTALLY, MANY TIMES...
... religiousness. A religion is a creed, a dogma, an ideology; it is intellectual. You can be convinced about it -- arguments can be given, proofs can be supplied, you can be silenced. Argumentation is a kind of violence, a very subtle violence. It is an attempt to manipulate you, control you, enslave you. All the religions have been doing that for thousands of years; it is a subtle strategy to create mental...
... because the desiring will be the same. So when I say "nondesiring," I mean the absence of desiring: not the futility of the object, but the futility of desiring itself. It is not the realization that this world is nonsense, because then you will desire the other world. It is not that life is useless so now you must desire death, annihilation, cessation, nirvana. No, I mean the futility of...

... anything about it. Whatever he tries to do will just be a destruction of the whole thing. He cannot do, because it was not his doing at all; it was just a spontaneous phenomenon. It happened, and the door opened. It can happen in many ways. Someone you love has died and the death has struck like a dagger in your mind. The past and future are separated: death has become like a dagger in you. The whole...

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