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Found: 1343 articles, showing 340 - 350
... dance. This is the dimension of creativity. On the rung of creativity, religion is the last. It is the greatest art, the ultimate art -- that's why I call it 'the ultimate alchemy'. On the opposite end of the ladder is destruction. People who cannot be creative become destructive because through destruction they can have a vicarious feeling that they are powerful. When Hitler destroyed millions of...

... power. Millions of atom bombs are ready -- a button has just to be pushed. The power of the atom and H-bombs already made is seven times more than is needed to destroy this earth -- seven times morel We have become so skilled, super- skilled, in destruction that seven earths of this size could be destroyed. And nobody can say -- any day any president of America, or Soviet Russia, or China, can go mad...
... example, Koran does not believe in nonviolence. Mohammed never believed in non-violence; he himself carried a sword always, he fought many wars. And Gandhi believes in nonviolence But Koran is a big book; you can find few pieces from here, from there which can support love, compassion, kindness, sympathy, and you can use them as if Mohammed is supporting nonviolence. Mahavira supports nonviolence...

..., Buddha supports nonviolence; even Krishna in Gita does not support non-violence. Then Gandhi does a political trick again. He says the war in which Gita was spoken for the first time, the great war called Mahabharat, in which Arjuna became aware of the fact that millions of people will die and the whole thing seems to be useless - just for the power, for treasures, for kingdom, to kill so many people...

... - silenced him somehow - to fight. And millions of people died. Who is responsible for all this violence, for all this blood? He is responsible - more responsible than Arjuna. Jains have never forgiven him; not even after Gandhi a single Jain has written a book in which Krishna is forgiven or accepted. What to say of Krishna? Jains don't even agree with Buddhists and their nonviolence, Buddhists don't...
... hidden hate. How can you think about love without thinking about hate? You may not think consciously, love may be in the conscious layer of the mind, but hate is hidden in the unconscious - they move together. Whenever you think of compassion, you think of cruelty. Can you think of compassion without thinking of cruelty? Can you think of nonviolence without thinking of violence? In the very word "...

...;nonviolence," violence enters; in the very concept it is there. Can you think of BRAHMACHARYA, celibacy, without thinking of sex? It is impossible, because what will celibacy mean if there is no thought of sex? And if brahmacharya is based on the thought of sex, what type of brahmacharya is this? No, there is a totally different quality of being which comes by not thinking: not good, not bad, simply a...

... moment, in fact no time happens, suddenly, without time, you are fully awake; you are a buddha, you become the enlightened, the awakened one. What does a buddha gain out of it? He gains nothing. Rather, on the contrary, he loses many things: the misery, the pain, the anguish, the anxiety, the ambition, the jealousy, the hatred, the possessiveness, the violence - he loses all. As far as what he attains...
... about it. The sexually repressed person is always ready to fight, he is always on the verge of violence. His sex becomes violence, he loses all tenderness, all loving qualities, and the instinct for love becomes perverted; it becomes the instinct for hatred. Up to now all societies have basically been warring societies, always preparing for war; they cannot allow sexual freedom. If a society is...

... sexually free and a person is allowed to live his sexuality totally, then his violence will appear. Then he will not be ready to do such utterly stupid things as killing people for no reason at all; it will be impossible for him even to conceive. He will ask, "Why? Why should I kill? There seems to be no reason. Just because a few power maniacs want to dominate the whole world we have to be victims...
... has to be there. If the other is not there, then the first is also not there. Meditation is not concentration. A man of concentration may not reach to love; in fact, he will not. A man of concentration may become more violent because concentration is a training to remain tense, concentration is an effort to narrow down the Mind. deep violence with your consciousness. And when you are violent...

... becomes more and more violent with nature. All scientific progress is based on violence towards nature. It is destructive because, in the first place, the scientific man is destructive to his own expanding consciousness. Rather than expanding his consciousness he narrows it down, makes it exclusive, one-pointed. It is a coercion, violence. So remember, meditation is not concentration but neither is...
... seems to be that of violence, struggle, destruction. No other animal is so destructive. No other animal kills its own species; the tigers don't kill other tigers and the dogs don't kill other dogs. Even if they fight, their fights are mock fights; they fight only to decide who is powerful. Once it is decided, the fight stops - because to attack somebody who is weaker than you is not only wrong, it is...

... destruction happens, hence no killing happens. And animals don't kill even other animals unless they are hungry - except man. Only man goes for hunting. And Digvijay is a former prince: he must know what hunting is, he must have animal heads in his palace, trophies. The more tigers and lions you have killed, the greater you are. And for what? Just to exhibit! Whenever I have visited the palace of a king, I...
.... It gives glimpses. There are reports that people on the front in war sometimes attain to glimpses of the origin. That may be one of the causes of the attraction of war, because in violence, in deep violence, your physical capacity is used to the utmost. And when the physical capacity is used to the utmost suddenly you relax - back to the first state. You become tike a child. This has been my...

... upwards, water moves 'low-wards', it always goes towards the ocean, the lowest place in the world. It seeks the low. If it can find a still lower place immediately it starts moving. It is always for the lowest place - why? Because the lower you move the less competition the less violence the less aggression - and you are not fighting with anybody;. and if you fight with anybody one thing is certain: you...
... to prevent him conquering you. But it is a very symbolic way, more civilized than .... There is no need to attack, there is no need to start killing; just send a symbolic message. So with the flag of the king, the chariot will go, and if the other king feels that there is no point in resisting - fighting simply means defeat and unnecessary violence, destruction - he welcomes the chariot, and in his...

... become the emperor of the whole world he is called a chakravartin. The word chakravartin simply means ... CHAKRA means the wheel. In ancient India it was a way to avoid unnecessary fighting and violence: a chariot, a golden chariot, very valuable, with beautiful and strong horses, would move from one kingdom to another kingdom. If the other kingdom did not resist and let the chariot pass, that meant...
... be destroyed, uprooted completely. Now destruction is allowed - not only allowed, but praised. Violence is allowed - not only allowed, but praised. People are allowed whatsoever was not allowed before - anger, hatred, jealousy, violence, the murderous instincts... everything is allowed. People feel very good. After each ten years a great world war is needed; less than that won't do. Because man has...
... but full of energy, hence the feminine beauty. The roundness of the feminine body is not only a physical thing -- the same is so in her psychology also. She has a round shape, smooth, warm, ready to dissolve, but not aggressive. Passivity means non-aggressiveness, non-violence. It is not laziness. I have heard.... The Swiss people, especially those from their capital, Berne, are said to be as slow...

... accepted in the academy. There would have been no Second World War. The whole humanity would have been totally different. But this man could not be creative. He wanted to be creative, he had the energy; certainly he had tremendous energy: he dragged the whole world towards destruction as no other man has ever been able to do. But it was the same energy; it could have become creative, but became...

... moving: if you start praying, if you start dancing, if you start singing in His name, He arrives. Do you wish to visit my inner home and drink nectar, my heart? Will you not fail to enter where lovers march in a joyous carnival singing of love? Then walk the way with a lamp of beauty, leaving behind this greed, that lust, the ways of the world, and all qualities. Blames and violence, old age and death...

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