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Found: 1343 articles, showing 1210 - 1220
... are far more addictive. You can be easily taken out of your drug addiction; any institution like Alcoholics Anonymous can help you. But to make you unaddicted to your jealousy, to your ambition, to your competitiveness, to your anger, rage, your potentiality for violence, no Alcoholics Anonymous can be of any help. But a few, a very few people, enlightened people, have simply pushed you upwards...
... violent and contrary to the precepts of non-violence. But, the more he thought of eating as sinful, the more he suppressed his hunger. And the hunger asserted itself in equal measure. He used to fast for three or four days and then, the following day, he would eat anything and everything, like a glutton. After eating he felt sorry for breaking his vow - plus, overeating has its own reactions - and then...
..., creative, flowing; it fulfills. And the gratification of love is much deeper and much more valuable than that obtained through sex. One who knows that contentment will never look for any substitute, just as the man who acquires jewels will never search for stones. But a man full of hate can never find contentment. He is always restless; he destroys everything in his path. And destruction never brings...
... Krishna was present - even then people had gathered to fight in he righteous land of the Kurus This very deep rooted thirst for war, this very deeply ingrained desire for destruction, this very deeply hidden animal in man remains with him even in the land of righteousness. This animal makes preparation for war even in the holy land. It is good to remember his; and also that there is a greater danger in...
... are formed and where bodies are de-formed. Then you are no more into the world of forms, of creation, destruction; you are beyond. That beyond is already in you. The man is here. It is right now, in this moment, here. But you will have to pass through the alchemy of love, otherwise you will never know it. The Bauls sing, Reaching for reality is lame talk to describe the goal of the lover-worshipper...
... the Buddha. It lives through jealousy, violence, possessiveness, and you are teaching love. You are undermining its very foundation, you are destroying its very roots. It cannot forgive you, it will take revenge. So it is better to be very cautious. DON'T EXPECT THANKS. It is natural, when you attain closer and closer to God, it is very natural to feel that people will be thankful to you. You are...
... will be in misery, when you kill you will be in misery, and after you have killed you will be in misery. Destructiveness cannot bring happiness; destruction is against the law of creation. The law of creation is to be creative. So Buddha says if you are destructive you will be miserable. If you are envious, infatuated, competitive, ambitious, jealous, possessive, you will be in misery. The only...
... frightened. Wars have continued, conflicts continue, violence continues... unless man comes to understand not to deny anything in himself, but to accept it. Reabsorb it into your organic unity, because the denied part will create many troubles for you. Whatsoever you deny, you will have to put somewhere else. You will have to project on somebody. The denied part becomes a projection. And the eyes which...
... wants to become animal. It is very difficult to forget that garden of Eden; it was so beautiful. And there are moments we become animal-like - in deep anger, in violence, in war, we become animal-like. That's the enjoyment of being angry. Why do you feel so happy in being angry? Why do you feel such a rush of energy in destroying something? Why in wartime do people look more radiant, more healthy...
... not of that which kills; their power is of that which creates. Their power is not of violence, aggression; their power is that of compassion. But I have never been in the body again, I am just hovering around the body. And that's why I say it has been a tremendous miracle. Each moment I am surprised I am still here, I should not be. I should have left any moment, still I am here. Every morning I...

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  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).