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Found: 1343 articles, showing 100 - 110
... back." The child said, "Oh nuts! I was thinking to have his dessert." Once the 'mine' enters then you are a competitor with everybody. Once the 'mine' enters, your life will now be a life of competition, struggle, conflict, violence, aggression. The next step of 'mine' is 'me'. When you have something to claim as yours. suddenly through that claim arises the idea that now you are the...

... Srona. ONE NIGHT A MONK WAS RECITING A SUTRA BEQUEATHED BY KASHYAPABUDDHA. HIS TONE WAS SO MOURNFUL AND HIS VOICE SO FAINTING, AS IF HE WERE GOING OUT OF EXISTENCE. Of course he must have become very sad, he must have become very low and depressed, he must have lost all joy. He was torturing himself. He must have been a little masochistic. He was destroying himself and enjoying the violence. He must...

... replaced with non-attachment, you have moved to the other extreme. When violence disappears, it is not that there is non-violence in you. What is the point of non-violence? Violence has.disappeared, and nonviolence with it. The dualities go together. Now suddenly you are left alone, pure. If you get into one, you get into the other too. "Well, young man, I understand you want to become my son-in-law...

...!" If you marry someone's daughter you become a son-in-law too, at the same time. It is not possible to choose one out of the two; they go together. In fact to call them two is not right. They are one phenomenon just looked at from two sides. When you become violent, non-violence comes in. When you become non- violent, violence waits behind. They go together. All dualities go together. When sex...
... don't see the point. If they are so much interested, they can have eighteen balls and go on playing. But in America everything is possible. You enjoy boxing, which is simply barbarious. In California university they have been doing some survey last year, that after each boxing match violence increases thirteen percent to the normal rate. It remains for three, four days after the match and then slowly...

... settles down back. And still you don't stop it. And the people who are looking boxing must be somehow enjoying some identification with the boxers. Some kind of violence in them must be getting satisfied. And if the violence rate increases to thirteen percent, it should be a simple legal matter that boxing should be a crime and should be stopped immediately. Q:* DON'T YOU THINK IT'S BETTER THAT A LOT OF...

... THOSE FANS ARE LIVING OUT THEIR VIOLENCE VICARIOUSLY? A:* Those are the people who must be increasing violence. So it is better to stop that boxing completely. People should be given something better. This is something exactly the same. In Rome they were throwing Christians before the lions, hungry lions. And the very civilized people of Rome were dancing and shouting and screaming and enjoying when...

... the lions were eating the Christians. It is nothing different from boxing. The same principle. So it seems we are not going anywhere, going round and round. And the University of California has only studied about the increase of violence. They should also study increase in rapes, and I am certain they will find more rapes happening after the matches of boxing. They should find other things also, and...

... everything that is criminal will have a higher rate than normal because you are giving people opportunity. With your films you are giving opportunity. With your films you are giving opportunity to them for being violent. All your films are just based on violence. Your matches are violence. And still you think that the world should live in peace. Q:* WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT CENSORSHIP? SHOULDN'T A MAN BE...
... negative, suppressive, you go on fighting things which are not "good". So you fight sex, you fight anger, you fight greed, you fight jealousy, you fight violence - you go on fighting. But when a person is fighting violence he will never be non-violent, because to fight violence one needs to be violent. You cannot fight violence without being violent, so your so-called non violent saints are all...

... violent - deeply violent. Of course, their violence is not against others: their violence is against themselves. So no one objects; you can even applaud them. They are against themselves - very violent! You cannot fight violence. How can you fight violence without being violent? How can you fight anger without being angry? The very attitude to fight anger is a subtle anger. The very fight means you are...
... being exists, to decide what to do, what not to do. In fact any decision creates more confusion and a person becomes divided. A part of the mind says, 'Go ahead,' and a part resists. And any conflict, any split inside is bad. Any conflict creates a violence inside. So that's better. In the East that has been one of the traditional ways. A disciple goes to the master and says, 'If you feel that I am...

... with sex will become more angry, more irritated, more aggressive, violent Now sex is hiding behind violence. You try to solve it from violence; it will move somewhere else - because all problems are one problem deep down, and unless you tackle the one, nothing can be solved. You can go on playing around and wasting time. And the deepest problem - the only one problem - is that we are identified with...
..., whenever you sympathize with somebody - watch the inner workings of your mind; it is not friendly. It is not out of your goodness, out of your compassion, but just the opposite. It is your hate, your jealousy, your violence - but now there is no need to show it, the man is finished on his own. Now you can have this beautiful experience and a good night's sleep by sympathizing with him, by being a real...


... all those countries which have been living on exploitation, whose culture depends on somebody else's blood. It is bound to happen. It is simply the law of life. You cannot go on against the law for long. Sooner or later it takes you over. Now England is just a pauper country. And there is no way to create the empire again, those days are gone. England will suffer much violence in the future from its...

... own people. It has done that violence to other people; the ghosts of all those people will follow it. England has no future. Darkness and more darkness.... And all that old nonsense of being cultured and civilized is already disappearing; the barbarious reality is showing its face. This is going to happen almost everywhere, for different reasons. For example, in India only ten families have half the...

.... Reasons may be different, but everywhere violence is going to erupt like volcanoes. You are asking me: Can this happen in America too? If it cannot, it should. It is a strange country. The people to whom the land belongs have been forced to live in reservations - the Red Indians - and the people who are ruling the country and have become the owners of the country are all foreigners. This is the only...
... there may be a little information in the newspapers that the ex-president of the great America has died. Cruelty is nothing but a competitive spirit to be the first. If it means violence, then violence - but one has to be the first. It is there in the animals; it is in man. But why this rush to be the first? The existential reason is death. Life is uncertain: you are alive today, tomorrow you may not...

... are asleep or something, or just go to the bathroom and stand there. Your hurry and your unmannerly behavior, your violent push to me, simply shows something is missing in you." People who are doing wrong things are always psychologically missing something, and if they can be helped just to meditate a little, it won't be such a problem; at least human society can get rid of all violence. And if...

... the society gets rid of all violence, it will mean a healthy society psychologically and spiritually. But you cannot do anything about cruelty directly, you have to do something indirectly. You have to do something with meditation. And the people who have meditated down the centuries have all proved that they became absolutely nonviolent. Nonviolence seems to be a peak experience of those who have...

... understood that there is nothing that can destroy them; then all fear disappears. It is fear that creates violence, it is fear that creates cruelty. You cannot do anything about cruelty directly; you will have to do something about fear, from where it arises. The cat and mouse game is very significant. It is not only cruelty, it is much more. The cat is absolutely certain to catch the mouse. She is...
... as man or woman. And the moment of death, of annihilation, belongs to Shiva. At the moment of death Shiva takes over from Vishnu. He is the lord of destruction. And therefore mythology has it that no one will agree to marry his daughter to Shiva. How can one offer one's offspring to death? How can one give to Shiva a woman who is basically a source of creation? The incarnation of Vishnu does not...

... WHEN HE SAYS IN THE GEETA, "I WILL COME INTO BEING FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTEOUS AND FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF THE WICKED"? "Protection of the righteous and destruction of the wicked" - both these phrases mean the same. But it is necessary to understand how the wicked are destroyed. How are the wicked finished? Are they destroyed by killing? Killing does not destroy the wicked...

... retribution. But no one can really be killed, the wicked man will be reborn as a wicked man. So Krishna is not going to indulge in this kind of foolishness. "For the destruction of the wicked..." The wicked can be eliminated only through righteousness, spirituality. "For the protection of the righteous..." The righteous needs to be protected when he is righteous only in name, when his...

... of the two, between Brahma and Mahesh or Shiva. Vishnu sustains life. He is the middle part of the process. Brahma is needed once, at the moment of creation, at birth. So also, Shiva is needed once, at the moment of destruction, at death. Vishnu comprises the span of life between birth and death. So between birth and death there is life. Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are not the names of persons, they...
..., whether you are a Jew or a Christian or a Hindu or a Buddhist, in the same way, in the same science, the same laws. In every way science has made the whole humanity one. But religions go on carrying the hangover of the past, dividing man against man. The violence that they have repressed for centuries has come to a climax. The people want to take revenge, because they have been mistreated, they have...

..., violence, that any small thing brings it up, and it starts spreading like a wildfire. Secondly, man is tremendously frustrated because the leaders of mankind in the past have been giving him hope, hope of a paradise beyond death. Not a single person has returned after death and given his eyewitness evidence that there is a paradise, that there is a God, that your acts will be judged - you will be thrown...

... gracefully, and allow a new way of life which is centered in the present, so that something can be done to the human psychology. Man has immense capacity to love. If his love is given freedom, he will never commit anything that goes against love. Man has immense capacity to be compassionate. He will not commit violence on any slight excuse. But he has to be awakened! The religions have been giving him...

... killings. And the responsibility goes to your prophets, your messiahs, your messengers of God - and finally, to God. If God exists anywhere, he is the greatest criminal. To create a world with so much hatred, anger, rage, violence.... This is something strange. You make something wrong, and if it behaves wrongly then you punish it. Who has made you a sexual being? If God wanted celibacy, there was no...

... to meditate and in silence see what has been done to man in the whole history. And out of your silence and peace, if you feel that something has to be destroyed because it has been hindering the growth of man, his consciousness, that destruction will be totally different. It will not be of people. If will be of your holy books, it will be of your holy places, it will be of your synagogues, churches...

... spreads all over your periphery. And just as when you bring light in a dark room, darkness disappears, the moment you bring your silence, your peace, your love to your periphery, all the darkness that consisted of jealousy, violence, hatred, anger, competitiveness, disappears. You have not to do anything about it, you have not to control it: it is not there at all. You cannot control darkness. Either it...
.... And Truman, for no reason at all, bombed two cities of Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Big cities... each city had more than one hundred thousand people, and within five minutes all those people had evaporated. Such destruction had never been heard of. And it was a destruction which was not needed. Truman was in a hurry. He was afraid that if Japan surrendered, then there would be no opportunity to...

... available five thousand years ago. But since the second world war it is now absolutely clear from the description in the Mahabharata, that they had discovered something close to atomic energy. They destroyed a great civilization, but the destruction came from within their own civilization. Again we are moving towards the same situation. The destruction is not coming from some other planet, we are...

... like fire-crackers. By the year 2010, twenty-five other nations will also be nuclear powers. It is going to be beyond control - thirty nations having so much destructiveness that a single nation could destroy the whole earth. A single crazy man, a single politician, to show his power, can destroy the whole of civilization; and you have to begin from ABC. And the destruction is not only of humanity...

... don't have guts. Bad people have guts. This is the trouble. So just a few bad people have been ruling the whole of humanity, and millions of good people, seeing destructiveness, seeing violence, seeing criminality, just remain silent. They don't want to get involved in any trouble. The bad people are in search of trouble; the good people avoid trouble. We have to learn one thing, and that is, to fight...
... become non-violent. How can a violent person become non-violent? Whatsoever he does will be violent. In the attempt to be non-violent, he will become violent. He is violent, and if he poses as non-violent, he will remain totally violent within. He will use violence to become non-violent. But what is possible is that one day a person can become tired of violence. One who is full of tension - grief...

...-stricken and distressed from his suffering - may be so full of unbearable unhappiness that he will take a jump from violence. It is like suddenly jumping when seeing a deadly snake crossing one's path or like running out of the house that has caught fire. One may become so violent, violence itself can generate so much pain and suffering, that one can reach a point where he can never become violent again...

.... Something within may break and shatter, and one may find that now he has become non-violent. Thus, becoming non-violent is a happening, not a process or a progressive achievement to where one may climb step by step. Who will climb? That violent person? He will climb only with his violence; he cannot reach nonviolence. No matter how many steps a thief might take, the steps will be only those of a thief...

... me that many people are "taking" sannyas. To me, whatsoever can be taken at will is false. Religiousness that can be worn is false; religiousness that one tries to achieve is false. Life, death, hatred, violence, unhappiness, pain and anxiety - all these are not taken by us: they have come. Let us live them totally, and from experience, from that living totally, the transcendence will...

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