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Found: 1858 articles, showing 1770 - 1780
... she used to leave one window or one door available for herself. And this was all unconscious, she was not doing it consciously. She would throw things out. I caught her red-handed. Her eyes were open but she was asleep. I had to shake her. She suddenly woke up and she said, "What is the matter? What is happening? Why am I standing here? Why is the door open?" The father and mother came...
... say. In fact, only an absolutely egoless person can say, 'I am the biggest egoist in the world.' Ordinarily, the ego tries to hide itself. You tell somebody, 'You are an egoist'; he will feel offended. He may be, but he will feel offended. The more he is, the more he will feel offended. The ego wants to function from the unconscious, from the dark corner. It never comes into the light. I can say to...
... are right. Call the woman: not only will she touch my feet, I will touch her feet too. This may be a message from God. This may be my last fear; it must be somewhere in my unconscious. You are right." Since that day, Punsi wrote in his diary, Ramateertha had a luminosity that never was there before. Since that day he was really free; he was freedom. The last shadow of bondage disappeared: he...
... mother and... a real belly-laughter. He must have used the first opportunity. These two names are known TO have used the first opportunity. The first shock, and they became awakened. The second opportunity in life is love. A few people have become awakened through love. And the second opportunity is available to more people than the first or the third -- because birth is almost unconscious and so is...
..., what are you going to do? Without surrender whatsoever you do will come out of your ego, will come out of your unconsciousness, will come out of your past. It CAN'T come from God, and it can't come from a conscious, alert being. And whatsoever comes from the unconscious is going to create more and more misery for you and for others. There is enough misery; there is no need for you to contribute more...
.... And it can be used for meditation too. As far as I am concerned hypnosis is simply a relaxed, deliberate sleep with a small opening, a little window, to the person who hypnotized you. He can tell you that your meditation will go deeper every day, and if this thought gets in your unconscious, your meditation will start going deeper. Just a few sessions and he can give you the last post-hypnotic...
... mechanical and anything mechanical cannot be good. It is a contradiction in terms. Goodness can only be conscious, nonmechanical; and evil can only be unconscious, mechanical. But I understand your question. It is relevant, because for centuries something like mechanical goodness has been taught to people because it is easy. People ARE mechanical. To bring real goodness in their lives, real virtue, you...
... is far closer to sleep than to any other activity, with only one difference: in sleep you fall unconscious, in meditation you remain conscious, but with the same relaxation. In the day it is difficult to sleep; if you want to sleep in the day you have to close the doors and the windows and pull all the curtains so it becomes dark. If sunrays are coming they won't allow you to sleep; sunrays...
... lost and you go mad looking for it. You look for it even in places where it could not possibly be. A man has lost something and you find him looking in the tiniest box, much too small for such an object. You are always ready to lose your awareness, or is it better to say you have no awareness to lose - you are unconscious! Nanak says: Through contemplation awareness is born within the mind and the...
... you always forget where you kept it. You leave it somewhere; your unconscious self tries to run away from it. Until your doubts are cleared away you will be seeking Him on one hand and losing Him on the other. You will be raising one foot to step in His direction and the other in the opposite direction. You keep alive the myth that you are a seeker, because it satisfies you and appeases your...

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How to Search

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  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).