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Found: 2312 articles, showing 930 - 940
... Supreme Power Directors and the Seven Central Supervisors... Changed to: ...the Seven Supreme Power Directors and the Seven Center Supervisors... — There is no other reference to Seven Central Supervisors anywhere in the text but there are multiple references to Seven Center Supervisors (primary description at 29:2.10-11 in the text) who function closely with the Supreme Power Directors and can be very...

... explanation, however, makes an impossible typographical error into common one — a mis-typed character. 41:1.1 First printing: Within the domain of this Paradise Son of God the Supreme Power Centers and the Master Physical Controllers collaborated... Changed to: Within the domain of this Paradise Son of God, the Supreme Power Centers and the Master Physical Controllers collaborated... — comma inserted. By...
..., hence more difficult to penetrate. And whenever you want to penetrate a thing, it is better to penetrate from the simplest form of it. If you have not eaten the day before, in the night you will have dreams about food: you are being invited by the king, you are eating delicious foods. If you are starving for sex, you will have a sexual dream. If you are starving for power and prestige, you will have a...

... when you fight you feel you are. Otherwise everything fits so beautifully, you cannot feel you are. If you say yes, you are not there. When a real yes is said, you are absent. How can you feel? You can feel only AGAINST, and then you feel powerful. No gives you power. And how can no give you power? Because, saying no, you are cut from the source of all power. It is a false feeling, it is a disease...
... is far more dangerous than the first! Let me repeat it, because ordinarily you think the second is better than the first. It is not so. It is very easy to awaken from the first because it is so stupid. If somebody is really stupid and thick, only then will he go on and on seeking money and power and prestige and respectability, and he will never become aware that he is seeking rubbish. For it you...

... substitutes are plastic. So one can go on and on earning fame, money, power, and deep down one remains very, very poor - a child. One knows that one has not bloomed because there is no blooming except through love. Money becomes the substitute, or power or prestige. But it is as if you have mistaken the menu for the food. You can have beautiful menus but they are not going to satisfy. Real food is needed...

..., because you don't know how to share, because you are a miser and a hoarder. So you go on hoarding money, and money becomes your beloved and power becomes your god. Or, if you are a little intelligent, these things will be finished with, then there will be knowledge, philosophy, thought - a far bigger realm of illusion than things. When you are chasing a woman you are at least very close to reality. When...
..., priests, politicians - and these are all in the same boat. Somebody is after money, somebody is after power, somebody is after fame, but nobody seems to be interested in one's own self. Nobody seems to be ready to go on that great pilgrimage of self-discovery. Buddha says: MASTER YOURSELF.... If you are at all interested in mastery - and who is not interested? - then become interested in self-mastery...

... always followed him. What else to do? This has been the way down the ages: either the husband dominates or the wife. In ninety-nine percent of the cases the wife dominates, because the husband is trying to dominate in the outside world, in the marketplace. He comes home so tired, he comes home so frustrated, he has no desire, will or power to fight with the woman. And the woman has been waiting the...

... birth control for the simple reason that it will reduce their numbers - and numbers are power. The more people follow your church, the more powerful you are. This is part of politics, power politics. They are not concerned about the future of humanity, they are not concerned with the misery of people, they are not concerned with poverty. To give birth to a child now is almost a crime, because the...
...; Now, he was one of the mediocre people who were in power! He has completely forgotten about whom he is talking. He was in power, and now that he is defeated he is saying, "So the people who were in power, or who are in power now, are all mediocre. A meritocracy is needed." I would like to ask Nani Palkhiwala, "Doctor Rajendra Prasad, Doctor Radhakrishnan, Doctor Zakirhussain, Pandit...
... tried in some way to control the sexual energy of man. It seems to be the greatest power over man. It seems that if man is allowed total freedom about sex, he will simply destroy himself. Skinner reports about a few experiments he was doing with rats. He has invented a new theory, that electrodes can be put into the human or animal brain, attached to particular centres in the brain and you just push a...

... to live alone. Monk, the very word, means solitary. Words like 'monopoly', 'monogamy', come from the same root. 'Monogamy' means one husband; 'monopoly' means one man's power; 'monastery' means where monks live, those who have decided to live alone. Ordinarily, you are seeking the other. The monk is one who has decided that the search for the other is futile, one who has decided to be alone. Enough...

... Buddha, what feminine beauty - and what strength, what power! Power comes from the man and the grace comes from the woman. Buddha is both: tremendously powerful and yet tremendously fragile, like a flower; can face the storm, is ready to face the whole world, and yet so open, so vulnerable, so soft, so delicate - almost feminine. Look at Buddha's face - so feminine. In India we have not even put a...
... you can exist as a head-oriented person - you will succeed in the world. You will accumulate many riches, prestige, power. In politics you will be a successful man. In the eyes of the world you will become a pinnacle to be imitated. But in the inner you will fail completely, you will fail utterly - because into the inner the head-oriented person cannot enter at all. Head moves outwardly; it is an...

... bigger and bigger. In fact, the power is there - the power of violence and murder, the power of law and language and logic. A lawyer is a logician. He knew well that this man had a condition: if you remain silent, he will give; if you ask, he will not give - 'But even then not all could keep silent.' It is so difficult to keep silent. You know, I tell you again and again: Be silent! - but is it so? I...
... power -- power blinds the eyes. It is very difficult to see that you are ignorant when you have money, respect, power. When others think that you know, it is very difficult. Shiko's fear was relevant. "May I be so bold, Sir, as to ask whether you understood?" The emperor shook his head sadly... but the Emperor must have been a humble person -- maybe blind, but still humble; may not have seen...
... because it has defeated me." This is absurd! Darkness has no power; how can a thing have power which is not? You are not defeated by the darkness and its power, you are defeated by your foolishness. In the fiRST place you started fighting - that was foolish. How can you fight with something which is not? And remember, you have been fighting with many things which are not, they are just like...
... simple reason that I am teaching just the opposite of what they have suffered at the hands of Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler has paved the way for me. Nobody can prevent me from taking over Germany. The German government is doing everything so that I cannot enter Germany. That is enough indication that the paranoia and fear have already reached into the hearts of those who are holding the power. They have...

... from the fact that if the people of Oregon become acquainted with us, they will forget the idea, "It is better to be dead than red." They will change it to the idea, "It is better to be red than dead." This is the fear. Why is the German government afraid of me? Why does the German parliament continuously argue about me? I am nobody - not a politician, no power in my hands. Why...

... to fill the whole of Germany with beautiful jokes. Such a powerful nation needs some dimension of creativity to put its power, its intelligence into. It does not deserve Adolf Hitlers. There will be many Germans here. Remember, to prevent Germany again falling into the same ditch... it fell into one in the first world war, it fell into it again in the second world war. And Germany still has...

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