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Found: 2312 articles, showing 880 - 890
... has changed, played with beautiful names but the same game. Somebody is seeking power here, and somebody is seeking power there - power there in the other world - and he calls it "God". Somebody wants to be special here, and somebody else wants to be special there. The disciples of Jesus ask him again and again, "We know that you will be exactly on the right side of God, you will be...

... on his right hand. But amongst your disciples, who will be next to you there in that other world, in that kingdom of God? Who will be next to you?" What is this desire? The same power politics, the same hierarchy, the same ego trip. The mind remains a seeker. The mind cannot exist with fulfillment, it can exist only in hunger. Mind can only exist in a state of starvation. If you are utterly...
.... BUT WHY SHOULD I TRY TO DROP MY EGO...? Who has said this? You must have heard it, that I can understand, but I have not said it. A young man went to a sex therapist for advice about his staying power. "Ah yes, " said the therapist. "Premature ejaculation is quite a common problem for many young men. It is entirely due to overeagerness and there is a definite cure." "What is...

... experience and comparison will make it possible for you to decide. Who am I to decide for you? I never decide for anybody else. The third question: Question 3: OSHO, I AM GOING BACK TO THE WEST. PLEASE TELL ME A FEW JOKES ABOUT THERAPISTS. Prem Elli, [AT THIS POINT THERE WAS A POWER FAILURE AND THE LIGHTS WENT OUT IN BUDDHA HALL.] IT is night.... You see how miracles happen! A therapist is walking down the...

... you are always united AGAINST something, against the common enemy, never otherwise. It is not a union of love. Adolf Hitler was aware of this psychology. He writes in his autobiography, MEIN KAMPF, that people are not united because of love - love has no power; all power comes through hatred. Create hatred and they will become united. And I can fully understand his insight. He may have been a...
... of Gurdjieff. He called it kundabuffer because of the nonsense that theosophists have created in the world. They talked so much about kundalini, the serpent power, and it was all gibberish; they knew nothing about it. They were just fabricating, they were just inventing theories and ideas. It was all guesswork. In fact, out of a hundred books that are written about kundalini, ninety-nine are...

... talking to his disciples, in a particular context. He was shattering the knowledge of his disciples about kundalini power - because the first step of a master is to destroy your knowledge, because your knowledge is basically false, borrowed. Before you can be made familiar with the truth, the untrue has to be taken away. Sometimes the master has to be very merciless, and sometimes the master has to say...

... things which are not really so. Kundalini is not a wrong idea, but for ninety-nine percent of people, Gurdjieff is right. Now there are again people like Gopi Krishna, who are writing books on kundalini and the serpent power, and the great genius that comes through it. It has not even happened to Gopi Krishna! What kind of genius has he? At the most, the only proof that he has given of his genius is...

... some absolutely worthless poetry, just like the poetry schoolchildren write. He has been a clerk his whole life. His poetry smells of his whole life's clerkship - it stinks! It has no beauty, it has no grandeur - it has nothing of the superb. And now he is propounding around the world that when kundalini arises your latent power of genius becomes manifest. How many yogis have won the Nobel Prize? And...
... communists came in power, and within ten years all that religiousness evaporated. People became atheistic because now they were taught in the schools, colleges, universities, everywhere, that there is no God, that there is no soul. They used to believe in God, now they started believing in no-God! They used to believe before, they are STILL believing. Before doubt was repressed, now trust is repressed...

.... The ego avoids saying yes as far as it can avoid. If it has to say yes, it says it very reluctantly, because when you say no you assert your power; no means you are somebody. When you say yes you are no longer powerful, you have surrendered - yes means surrender. Hence we go on saying no even when it is not needed at all. A child is asking his mother, "Can I go outside and play on the lawn...

... even about tomorrow, you don't know even about the next moment! A lover was saying to his beloved, "I am ready to die for you! Just say! I love you so much that just a hint from your side and I can commit suicide, I can sacrifice my life. I am going to get you - no power in the world can prevent me! Even if fire showers from the skies I am going to find you!" And so on, so forth. And when...

... very ancient scriptures there is a story. Meditate over it. This is the story: that when destiny was being planned, the archetypal representatives of various peoples and schools were offered their choice of gifts. The Japanese asked to be given the Zen koan so that people would always be attached to the power of perplexity. The Hindu guru asked for the mantram and the assertion that everything was...
..., not men, and for centuries they have been in power because you were ready to be reduced to machines. The only phenomenon that can bring you back to your real nature, that can revive you again into humanity, into human beings, is love. The whole human past has been against love. Yes, to write about love was allowed, but love itself was not allowed. In very cunning ways it was destroyed, killed...

... jealousy, possessiveness. It is no longer love, because love cannot be unconscious. You make friends only to create enemies. You earn money to be happy, but by the time you have earned enough money you are only deeply tense, anxiety-ridden, and there is no joy in it. You run after power, fame, and one day, if you make hard efforts, you certainly succeed. You become famous, but then you realize the fact...

... that by becoming famous nothing has been achieved. Everybody knows you, that's all. Everybody knows your name, but how is that going to make you happy? You have power, but what are you going to do with the power? In the hands of an unconscious man everything turns sour, bitter, poisonous, everything turns stupid. Give him some intelligent advice and it is bound to fall into wrong hands. The young...
... existence? For what? How will you postpone living? How will you hope? Life will become intolerable, impossible, if there is nothing to wait for. Somebody is waiting for money, and somebody is waiting for power, and somebody is waiting for enlightenment, and somebody for something else; but everybody is waiting. And people who wait are the people who miss. These two tramps are there just to wait. What they...

..., ordinarily we have been taught to live as separate entities, we have been taught to have our own will. People come to me and they ask me 'How should we develop our will-power?' Tao is against will, Tao is against will-power, because Tao is for the whole and not for the part. When the part exists in the whole, everything is harmonious. When the part starts existing on its own, everything becomes...

... desired: wealth, power, even health. He had a wife and children whom he loved, but he did not have happiness. Sad and wearied he sat upon his throne.... It is natural. The more you have of THIS world, the less you have of happiness, because the more you have of this world, the stronger becomes your ego, the more strengthened is your ego, more crystallised - hence unhappiness. So it is never heard of...
... accidentally, the third world war is almost impossible. It is very close, any moment it can happen, but it will be just an accident: some technological defect, some scientist getting nagged too much by his wife, some politician losing his power, his grip, some country wanting to have the attention of the whole world, some crackpot somewhere. There are so many crackpots, and most of them are in politics. Pots...

... without cracks don't go into politics; they have other, useful things to do. A crackpot is of no use. That's why politics is the only profession in the world where no qualification is needed. Everybody is perfectly qualified. Now there is so much power in the hands of the politicians that they themselves are afraid. They would like to win the war, but it is impossible; both the parties are equally...

... women are the superior sex - naturally, because nature has made the woman to create children. Man's function in creating children is negligible. Any syringe can do what he is doing, just a plastic syringe, use it and throw it out. Women are more resistant to diseases. From the very beginning, nature has an immense balancing power. If one hundred girls are born, then one hundred and fifteen boys are...

... to. So don't be worried about your energies. You have more energy than men. Man started suppressing women only because he felt inferior. His inferiority complex was the cause of his forcing women to become inferior, so he could cover up his wound and feel superior. It is stupid. And now because biology no longer has power over women, don't waste your energy in being a lesbian. This is the time for...
... interpretation, that Buddhas are against sex, gives the priests great power over you. If you transcend sex the priest will not become powerful, but if you repress sex he will become powerful - because by repressing it you will become guilty, unnatural, ugly, in conflict, continuous conflict, dissipating your energy in a civil war. You will become weaker and weaker every day. And the more weak you are, the more...

... easily you can be dominated, possessed. The priest has been powerful, not because he is powerful but because you are weak. His power is located in your weakness. Once you become powerful, the priest will fade away of his own accord. In my vision of a future humanity, when the new man has really arrived on the earth - powerful, life-affirmative, tremendously celebrating, joyous, positive, affirming...

... disciplehood. If you allow the Buddha, he starts pouring his energy into you. It is not a question of verbal communication, but it exists on the energy level. And then you will understand that Buddhas are never against life. They are always for life. Life is God - how can they be against it? Priests are always against life, because the priests can have power over you only if you are weak. And to make you...

... miracle - for the first time, electricity was functioning in human hands. That great energy, that tremendous power, was channelized into human service. And he had worked for almost thirty years on and off, and for three years continuously. And of course when the first electric bulb was on, he was dazed, mystified. He was sitting there looking at it. Half the night passed, and more and more hours started...
... became associated: a simple case of conditioned reflex. And once the child starts groping for the mother's breast, now the journey outwards begins. He has come to know one thing: that the source of his life is outside him. That is the original fall. Now he will always think of having more money, of having more power, of having more prestige... of getting more and more people's attention, because the...

... in me that wants to have much money, that wants to have great power, that wants to become famous... what is this longing in me? Who is this longing in me? What is its nature?" To know this longing is meditation. And to know it in its purity is to know God. Longing without any content, pure longing, just the flame without any smoke, is God. Meditation brings you to God, because it brings you to...

... all. Unless the mind takes a turn and starts moving inwards, unless mind takes a totally new dimension and becomes meditation.... Meditation is mind turning towards its own source. Meditation makes you mature; meditation makes you really a grown-up. Growing in age is not really becoming a grown-up, because I see people eighty years old and still playing games, ugly games of power politics - even at...

... the age of eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-four! The sleep seems to be so deep. When are they going to awaken? When will they think of the inner world? And death will take all that you have accumulated - your power, your money, your prestige. Nothing will be left. not even a trace. Your whole life will be nullified. Death will come and destroy all that you have made; death will come and prove that...
..., very powerful, so when a person becomes fed up with the world, feels frustrated with the world, sees that there is nothing there, and starts thinking about religion, again the old habit works: he again starts looking for God outside. He was looking for money; now he looks for God. First he was looking for political power; now he looks for religious power. But he looks outside. His old habit remains...

... you knock at the doors of reality. From there comes the realization of that which is. And you have been gone so far in the outside world - after money, after power, after sex, after this and that - that it takes very long to come back. And you come back very reluctantly. I have heard: A moonshiner in the Georgia hills was caught redhanded by a posse of revenue agents. The moonshiner, despite his...

... more you become attracted towards the guru, the more you become independent. The more you become surrendered to the guru, the more you feel that you ave freedom you never had before. So it is a very subtle difference. Remember it. If you are Pulled towards a man and that pull creates a slavery, that an is not the guru. That man may have charisma, may have magnetic power - maybe his great intelligence...

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