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Found: 2312 articles, showing 790 - 800
... genitals start moving. You are only thinking -- you can do it right now! The thought is in the mind. It is immediately transferred to the genitals, but it always begins in the mind. The genitals don't have any thinking power. They don't have eyes to see which woman is beautiful. It is your eyes which see and inform the brain, and then the genitals start functioning. If you really want celibate people...

... peace Gorbachev can go beyond the limits -- he is already going. The death of the Soviet Union will be the death of all evolution, of all possibilities of a world without boundaries, of a world without classes, of a world richer in every sense of the word -- not only money but consciousness too; not only power but art and music and dance. Have you ever observed? -- there is a simple phenomenon that...

... father died. But the older man, who could not get into power, was very ambitious that his son should get into power. He had one hundred sons, because he had many wives. And a blind man... nothing else to do! He knows neither day nor night, and no other work was allotted to him, so he had one hundred sons. And the father of Arjuna had only five sons. Arjuna was a great archer, perhaps the greatest the...

... said to Krishna, "That's okay. This is what God has chosen, I am going to the Himalayas." But Krishna has been respected as the incarnation of God. Not only incarnation -- Hindus have many incarnations of God -- Krishna is the only "perfect" incarnation. He was so powerful that the brahmins simply praised him. It is always power that is praised. A man who has captured sixteen...

... of being destroyed, but now it has come to a point where it is one of the biggest world powers. It should not be reduced from its power. It is good to be a peacemaker, and perhaps soon Gorbachev will receive a Nobel Prize.... That is not very noble. I call it The "Ignoble" Prize, because the man who created the Nobel Prize -- it was his name, Nobel. But his function was -- in the first...
... -- mad for power. Many people are in the madhouses in the world: somebody thinks he is Adolph Hitler, somebody thinks he is Napoleon, somebody thinks he is Ford or Mao Tse Tung. They are in the jails, or in the madhouses, or in the hospitals, because we think they have gone mad. Somebody thinking that he is Adolph Hitler is thought to be mad, but what about Adolph Hitler himself? The only difference is...

... anything wrong. They may be a little off the track but they have not been harmful. Politicians are dangerously mad people, tremendously dangerous. I have heard that before Richard Nixon renounced his throne, he called a meeting of his colleagues and he threatened that he had the power to go into the other room, push a button, and the whole world could be destroyed in twenty minutes. And, yes, he had that...

... power. Millions of atom bombs are ready -- a button has just to be pushed. The power of the atom and H-bombs already made is seven times more than is needed to destroy this earth -- seven times morel We have become so skilled, super- skilled, in destruction that seven earths of this size could be destroyed. And nobody can say -- any day any president of America, or Soviet Russia, or China, can go mad...
... celebration, so psychedelic, so colorful! Such a dance of energy! When feeling it you simply bow down, you simply bow down on the earth. Not in a temple, not in a mosque, not in a GURUDWARA, not in a church -- they are all man- made. When you simply bow down before the sky, before the sunset, with no motive...what can you ask from a sunset? You cannot ask for money, you cannot ask for power, you cannot ask...

... IT WILL BE CALMED. " It is not so easy! It will not be calmed by SOME ice cream -- it will ask for more. It always asks for more. It will not be calmed by SOME cigarettes; it will go on asking for more. And it is not only a question of cigarettes and ice cream, otherwise the problem would not have been very complex. It asks for money, it asks for power; it wants to be the president of the...

... to digest it slowly slowly, gradually, so that one day the animal becomes part of your being. The animal has great energy, that's why it is called animal. 'Anima' means aliveness, power, vitality; 'animal' means one who is vital. The saints cut their roots from the animal; they became non-vital. That's why they have not been able to transform the whole world -- they were not even able to transform...

... their own selves. They became impotent. Rather than becoming more potent, rather than becoming omnipotent, they became impotent. Hence I am not for suppression. I am for understanding, I am for transformation. And if the animal is transformed and absorbed by the essence, you will feel great power, great fire. Your life will become such a passionate affair with existence, you will have such intensity...
... millions of times more powerful than poor old Adolf Hitler... My whole effort will be to expose America completely. It is not against the American people - I love them, they are beautiful - it is against the bureaucracy and the politicians. They have to be overthrown. They are the most dangerous people in the world today, because they have the greatest power, and I don't think they have any brains. I am...

... finished me." The more money you have, the more you want. The more power you have, the more you want. No, about Germans that is not true. About Germans something else is true... If you tell a joke to an Englishman, he laughs twice: first he laughs just to be polite, and in the middle of the night again he laughs when he gets it. If you tell the joke to a German, he laughs only once - because...

... lines of the American government. It is fascist. But because of the second world war and Adolf Hitler, the word 'fascism' or 'nazism' has become so condemned that the German government has to wear masks in the same way as the American government is doing; it has to pretend to be democratic. In fact, it is very difficult for any government to be democratic, for the simple reason that power corrupts...

..., and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Question 17: THE GERMANS ARE WELL KNOWN FOR THEIR LOVE OF TRAVELING AROUND AND MAKING PLANS. THEY ALSO TALK A LOT ABOUT HOW THEY WOULD RATHER LIVE THEIR LIVES, BUT THEY NEVER REALIZE THEIR PLANS. CAN YOU PLEASE COMMENT ABOUT THIS? It is true about everybody, not only about Germans. Everybody is dreaming, planning and wasting the moment in which he could have...
... can be against it? Right now, talking to you, I am using it. But I am the master; it is not my master. If I want to use it I use it. If I don't want to use it, it has no power over me. But your intellect, your mind, your thinking process continues whether you want or not. It does not bother about you - as if you are nobody at all - it goes on and on; even when you are asleep it goes on working. It...

... does not listen to you at all. It has remained in power for so long that it has forgotten completely that it is only a servant. When you go for a walk you use your legs. But when you are sitting there is no need to go on moving your legs. People ask me, "Osho, for continuously two hours you go on sitting in the same posture. You don't even move your legs once." Why should I move? I am not...

..., Buddha supports nonviolence; even Krishna in Gita does not support non-violence. Then Gandhi does a political trick again. He says the war in which Gita was spoken for the first time, the great war called Mahabharat, in which Arjuna became aware of the fact that millions of people will die and the whole thing seems to be useless - just for the power, for treasures, for kingdom, to kill so many people...

.... Just wearing orange clothes you will be known as a madman. That's what I want you all to be known all over the world: my mad people. God is only for those who are mad enough, only for those who are mad for God. Just as people are mad for money and mad for power, unless you are mad for God there is no hope for you. You are afraid because here something CAN happen. And you know that there is a great...
..., who have not chosen their successors, who have not made their religion a politics, a power in the material world? Isan did none of that. He simply lived silently. Of course thousands of disciples were attracted towards him, but it was not his fault. You cannot blame him for it - it was just the magnetic force that he had become by disappearing into enlightenment. The light shone to faraway lands and...

... beautiful houses, our desires are for success in the world - fame, name, political power. In terms of spiritual skill we have fallen, certainly. In those old days people were poor, with no science, no technology, but still they were superior in the sense that their whole longing was to search for the meaning of life. And anybody who was searching for the meaning of life... at least if you could not go so...

... ordinary life. You don't earn any money, you don't have any power, you live just on begging - just one meal a day. Because the society was so poor, Buddha told his ordained monks, "You should collect your one meal" - only one meal was allowed in twenty-four hours - "from seven houses. Just piece by piece, so you are not a burden on anybody." Now, just one monk going to beg from seven...

... moon, exactly in the middle. This is just symbolic. It is saying that the existential truth is always shining in the middle of this whole world of decorations. Power, all kinds of desires, motivations, longings - amongst this whole crowd, exactly in the middle, exactly in the center of your being, the full moon is reflected. Don't get caught in decorations. Question 1: Maneesha has asked: OUR BELOVED...
... simple choice - you are choosing me against the world. The world is big, the majority has all kinds of power. And they will be against you and they would like to destroy you - although you are not doing anything to them. Why do they become so panicky? There is a subtle phenomenon that happens. The moment anybody starts moving towards God, everybody who is living in the ordinary mundane world becomes...

... afraid, because suddenly the presence of the seeker makes them feel that they are wasting their lives. Suddenly the joy on the faces of those who pray and meditate, suddenly the dance, the change, the transformation in people's lives, in their beings - the laughter, the love - and people who are running after money and power become suspicious about their own endeavours. What are they doing? Is it right...

... famous because of their violence, not because of their love. How much you have the power to kill - that makes you famous. The more power you have to kill, the more important you are. Love? Who cares about love? It is good for poets to talk about it and painters to paint about it and mystics to sing about it. But these people are not the real people - they are not the real society, they exist on the...
... anything more than just a motto? What do you call your name? What do you call your identity? It can be burnt; death will take it away. Death is nothing but a cleaning woman. It will clean it away and you will cry convulsively. Then you will say, 'Death has killed ME.' Death has never killed anybody; death has no power to kill; death is the most impotent thing in the world. You make it potent by clinging...

... to the superficial. The power of death is not intrinsic to death, the power of death is given by you. Death is empowered by you because you go on clinging to the superficial. Death can take only the superficial, it cannot enter the depths of your being. But if you think your clothes are you, your body is you, your mind is you, then you have given power to the hands of death. Death will destroy this...
... surface. It is something else - it is a device! We have to use devices. Somebody comes to me and wants to become part of the commune, and I say to him, "Go to Deeksha." Deeksha is my device! I have given her total power - and I have given her total power because she is so loving, so soft, so caring. She wounds people, but she heals also. By one hand she hammers, by the other she consoles. She...

... of desires: to have more money, to have more power, to have more prestige. Because you have been told that intrinsically you don't have any worth, this problem has arisen. And I say that you are intrinsically worthy, that you are born as buddhas. Unaware you are, utterly oblivious of the reality of your own being, but you are hidden gods. What I am saying is so totally different from what has been...

... dissolved into your blood, into your bones, into your marrow. Let it surround you like an invisible aura. Don't go on simply repeating it. It is beautiful - and that is the danger. You can become so charmed, so hypnotized by its beauty, that you may go on repeating it your whole life. And the more you repeat, the more beautiful it will look...because these ancient messages have tremendous power and many...
... because he was the man who proposed that atom bombs should be made. He had written a letter to the American president: "Now it is time - unless atom bombs are made the war can go on for years and years and will be very destructive. Just making the atom bombs, the very threat of it, will stop the war." But once the power - any kind of power - reaches into the hands of the politicians, you...

... cannot control them, you cannot prevent them from using it. The politician is the most stupid kind of person - monkeyish, power-mad. Once the atom bomb was in the hands of the American politicians it had to be dropped somewhere. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, were bound to happen. And when they happened it was a wound, a great wound, for Albert Einstein. He repented his whole life. In the last moments, when...

..., trying to make great effort to attain something which once attained they will not know what to do with. That's how people are running after money, after political power. Once you have it you don't know what to do with it. A woman was saying to another woman, "Are you not worried about your husband? He continuously goes on chasing women, any woman - and you know it!" And the other woman...

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