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Found: 2312 articles, showing 770 - 780
... going to be tough. Unless you are utterly mad after power it is impossible for you to reach. But your being is not outside, there, and there is nobody competing with you for your being. And nobody can enter into your being; you are alone there. And it is already the case; you just have to turn in, you just have to look in. So all that is needed is, Mark, sitting silently, doing nothing.... When you...

... money, power, prestige, you have to kick and create as much dust as you can. The more you kick, the more dust you create, the better. But for the inner world you have to stop kicking and creating dust so that all dust settles and you can see clearly who you are. So it is not a question of doing anything. Bliss is your self-nature - just discover your being and you will find it AS a consequence. Jesus...

... will. A really religious person has dropped his will; he allows God's will to flow through him. That's what Jesus says at the last moment on the cross: "Let thy kingdom come, let THY will be done." There are hundreds of books written all over the world about will power - that is nothing but ego power. The really religious person is absolutely egoless, will-less; he is just a hollow bamboo...
... TIME I THINK I WANT TO DO SOMETHING, THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE HAPPENS AND I FEEL AS IF I AM GOING CRAZY. IT FEELS AS IF I HAVE NO MORE POWER OVER WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME. Nobody has - because nobody is. The power is possible if you are there. You are not there. The whole is. These individual egos are not there. These are false entities, just illusions. An illusion cannot have power. That which is not...

... must confess that once in college, before I was ordained, I did have a little." Silence fell, and the Father said with a sad smile, 'It is better than ham, isn't it?"" The moment you fight with anything, you give it tremendous power. The moment you fight with anything, you give it tremendous attraction. The moment you fight with anything, it becomes infinitely inviting. Sex is not as...
..., desiring to find God. One who is searching is still in the world. The searcher is part of the world. One day he was seeking money, power, prestige; now he is seeking God, bliss, heaven, but the search continues. He has only changed the objects of the search, but he remains the same. I am here to help you to see the point that God is already the case. You are just like a fish already in the ocean. Maybe...

.... She has asked, "How to reach that stage?" The first thing is to drop envy and jealousy, otherwise there is no possibility -- because love cannot exist where envy and jealousies exist. Then your search is only for a certain type of power: that in the name of love you are just trying to fulfill the ego. And it is arduous to drop, because love exists only when all the negative elements of the...

... waist, and you will say, "I cannot put it on my neck, it is choking." People can come close also for wrong reasons, for political reasons. Now this woman has a political mind: she thinks Vivek is in a PARAMPADA, in the highest power position. This is a search for power. Those who are close to me are close because they have effaced themselves. At least they are sincerely trying. It is hard...
... will be enough to create the field, the energy field, in which the new man can be conceived. Even if people misunderstand it... it is better to understand the truth, but even if the truth is misunderstood it is better than a lie. Something of the truth will remain in the misunderstanding too. And truth is a potential power, a great power. Even if a fragment, just a seed of truth, falls into your...

..., man, them Jewish folks sure knows how to live!" The definition depends on you. The definition is always going to be your definition, how you conceive life, it will not be the definition of life. For the money mad, life will have the sound of money, of solid gold. For the power mad, the power maniac, life will have a different taste. For the poet, of course, life will have something of poetry in...
... power, this wealth -- and what will happen to me when I die? Can my power and my riches save me from illness and death? Is everything lost with the coming of death?" No one in the palace could answer these questions, but meanwhile, the fame of Zarathustra grew. So putting aside his pride, he dispatched a great caravan of treasure to Zarathustra and with it an invitation and a request. "I...

... seed of grain, you will find that there is an indestructible and mysterious power in it -- the power of life. The grain disappears, and in that disappearance there is victory over death." "All that you say is true," answered the king, "yet in the end the plant will wither and die and will be dissolved into the earth." "But not," said the philosopher, "until it...
... IN VERY TRUTH OF THE SUBSTANCE OF HUMAN NATURE. WE HAVE TOLD HOW HE MAY BE CALLED GOOD, BEING, LIFE, WISDOM, AND POWER, AND WHATSOEVER ELSE CONCERNS THE SPIRITUAL NAMING OF GOD. THEOLOGY is a perverse discipline: it is masochistic. It is a subtle way of torturing yourself, but very subtle. In fact, nobody has ever said that it is a hidden form of masochism, self-torture and perversion, but I would...

... and love for him. I can see the man knows. But the people who were in power were utterly ignorant of the truth. And he did not want to be burnt alive so he had to talk in a stupid way. Lao Tzu talks directly, Buddha's statements are absolutely clear; there is nothing airy-fairy about them. Mahavira says whatsoever he wants to say without creating a great camouflage of big words, theories, ideologies...

..., BEING, LIFE, WISDOM, AND POWER, AND WHATSOEVER ELSE CONCERNS THE SPIRITUAL NAMING OF GOD. He immediately adds that "We are not denying the positive." He is good, being, life, wisdom, and power, and whatsoever else concerns the spiritual naming of God. "All the names of God... we are praising and affirming all those things too. We affirm that God is the Father, we affirm that Jesus is...
... necklace. They may be immediately interested in her earrings, her hair clip; if it has a diamond, a big diamond, they become interested in the diamond, and via the diamond they become interested in the woman. Their sexuality has become perverted, it has become focused on money. And so is the case with power-hungry people, those who are after political power, those who want to become presidents and prime...

... MIND IS BOUND AS CLOSELY AS A CALF TO ITS MOTHER. In fact, Buddha does not mention women. What he is trying to say is: WHILE A MAN desires, HIS MIND IS BOUND AS CLOSELY AS A CALF TO ITS MOTHER. Any desire is a bondage. Desire AS SUCH is a bondage, because when you desire, you become dependent on the other, on the desired object. Whether it is a woman, money, a man, power, prestige, it does not matter...

... me he has been out with my wife and her sister, too, and there ain't a nickel's worth of difference between them." Every desire is the same. The objects differ, but not the quality of desiring. You desire money, somebody else desires God; you desire power, somebody else desires paradise. It is all the same. Hence there are no religious desires, remember. Nondesiring is religious. Desiring is...
... that you will go deep, dig deep within yourself and come to a conclusion that you are not capable of deciding anything - you don't have the power to decide, you have no power, you are absolutely impotent. But this is humiliating, so one never goes to the root - one begins to rationalize. One says, "I had to be angry because it is going to help the person. I had to be angry to change the person...

... unconscious thing in you, and the sahasrar is the most conscious. These are the two poles. We live around the sex center, move around it. Whatsoever we do is related with sex, howsoever distant it may look. Your earning money, your accumulating wealth, may not look at all related with sex, but they are related. The more wealth you have, the more sex you can have; it becomes more possible. The more power you...

... have, the more sex you can have; it becomes more possible. You may forget completely, and ends may become means and means may become ends; that's another thing. One person can go on accumulating wealth for his whole life, and he may completely forget for what he is doing it. But every power search is for sex. We move around the center of sex, we are bound to because unless we grow in consciousness we...
..., either my mother or my father shouts, 'Don't!' So I think this is my name. I am always called by 'Don't'." This creates a fighting attitude. Without knowledge you are against certain things. And if you are ignorant you cannot win because knowledge is power. Not only scientifically in the outside world, but inwardly also knowledge is power. There is electricity in the clouds. It has always been...

... channelized it. Now it is no more God's anger; it is no more at all related with God. We are manipulating it. Thus, knowledge becomes power. Inner anger is just like electricity, like lightning. Previously the lightning in the clouds was God's anger; then we came to know about it. Knowledge became power, and now there is no "God's anger" in the clouds. Your anger is again an inner electricity. The...
... within our understanding, we shall find that the process of death takes place every day, and in many forms. The eyes are impaired and finally destroyed by the act of seeing continuously. The ears lose their power of hearing by the continuous process of hearing. The same happens with the other senses. We die in the process of living. The very act of living is the arrangement for death. It wears us out...

..., even sharper; those with one have the power of all five senses put together. We cannot even imagine the profoundness of the sense of touch in an amoeba, which has one sense only. You may try an experiment. Close your eyes, your ears, your lips. Then, touch someone. You will experience an altogether different feeling from that which you feel normally. You feel a new current surging through your hand...

... energy than is necessary for the external senses. This is what is called moderation restraint. Moderation only means: use as much as is absolutely necessary, and allow the rest of the energy to flow inward. Look at the outside world only as much as necessary and conserve your power to see, for there is a bigger and greater world within. When the world outside is taken away from you, this world will...

... is better if a person smokes a little or has other bad habits rather than this inflated ego. That is why I never make the mistake of calling a person good unless he is so good as not to be inclined to view other people's shortcomings as sin. Before he does so, no man is good, no matter how exemplary his behaviour. A man should be so good that he sees no fault in others. To lose the power of...

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