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Found: 2312 articles, showing 720 - 730
... Messenger’s personal sensitivity to the presence of this order of Spirit indicates that there is with us at this very moment, not over twenty-five feet away, a Spirit of the Inspired order and of the third volume of power presence. The third volume of power presence suggests to us the probability that three Inspired Spirits are functioning in liaison. (220.3) 19:5.8 Of more than twelve orders of beings...

... those beings who are brought into existence by the Paradise Trinity. None of them have ever gone astray. And yet, in the highest sense, they are all freewill endowed. (222.8) 19:7.4 Trinity-origin beings possess prerogatives of transit which make them independent of transport personalities, such as seraphim. We all possess the power of moving about freely and quickly in the universe of universes...
... opposable thumb while they progressively lost the grasping power of the great toe. The later ape tribes retained the grasping big toe but never developed the human type of thumb. (704.1) 62:2.2 These dawn mammals attained full growth when three or four years of age, having a potential life span, on the average, of about twenty years. As a rule offspring were born singly, although twins were occasional...

... as a safety measure at night, for like their earlier ancestors, they were greatly subject to fear. The increased use of their hands did much to develop inherent brain power, but they did not yet possess minds that could really be called human. (707.4) 62:4.5 Although in emotional nature the Primates differed little from their forebears, they exhibited more of a human trend in all of their...

... criticism of any of our efforts to improve the life patterns of Nebadon as established in the Satania system. (710.5) 62:7.6 These messages from Salvington, Edentia, and Jerusem formally marked the termination of the Life Carriers’ agelong supervision of the planet. For ages we had been on duty, assisted only by the seven adjutant mind-spirits and the Master Physical Controllers. And now, will, the power...
... temptation. You will in this way be delivered through spiritual transformation rather than be increasingly overburdened with the deceptive suppression of mortal desires. The old and the inferior will be forgotten in the love for the new and the superior. Beauty is always triumphant over ugliness in the hearts of all who are illuminated by the love of truth. There is mighty power in the expulsive energy of...

... the essentials of material success. Leadership is dependent on natural ability, discretion, will power, and determination. Spiritual destiny is dependent on faith, love, and devotion to truth — hunger and thirst for righteousness — the wholehearted desire to find God and to be like him. (1739.3) 156:5.8 Do not become discouraged by the discovery that you are human. Human nature may tend toward evil...

... imperfections of the mind or by the appetites of the body. Judge not the soul nor evaluate its destiny by the standard of a single unfortunate human episode. Your spiritual destiny is conditioned only by your spiritual longings and purposes. (1739.5) 156:5.10 Religion is the exclusively spiritual experience of the evolving immortal soul of the God-knowing man, but moral power and spiritual energy are mighty...
... so efficient in other roles; that's the problem. You must have learned how to become part of a triangle so you become like a buffer between two persons. And you enjoy it also, because it gives a certain power. When somebody is interested in you and he has a wife, you feel more powerful. There is a competition; a subtle competition between you and the wife. Triangles are always dangerous. It is...

... better not to get into them. The basic urge to get into a triangle is not love, it is something else. It is power. You feel more powerful because you can pull [your boyfriend] from his wife towards you. And the wife is also feeling powerful - she pulls [her husband], and he is just a football between the two of you. When he is hit by her, he comes to you. When you hit him, he goes there. It cannot...
.... Love is an opening to God. Love is becoming available to God, and the moment you are open, available, receptive to God, divine energy starts flowing through you. You become mightily powerful, but that power is not yours. You disappear when that power comes; you are not found at all. Only God remains; you become just a vehicle, a hollow bamboo. And God starts singing in you: you become a flute on his...
... going to be a great conflict in them. But when the heart is ready and only the head resists, it is nothing to be worried about because all energy comes from the heart. Once it is functioning then the head can be put aside. The head has no power: the head has power only when the heart is not functioning. Then it becomes tremendously powerful, immensely powerful; it exploits the whole energy of the...
... much power repents that he has wasted his life. The man who has painted great paintings repents that life has not been a real joy, not a real fulfillment. Even a man like Van Gogh commits suicide. Such a great painter, such a great genius, but still the fulfillment is not there. Even a genius like Friedrich Nietzsche goes mad. He philosophized and philosophized beautifully; in fact there has never...

... cowards shrink back - they want to protect their egos; then the door of the temple of love is closed. then you can have money, you can have power, prestige, name, fame, everything - except love. But nothing fulfills except love. So your name is a provocation, a challenge, a call to risk, and that's what sannyas is all about. It is risking all for something utterly unknown... risking the known for the...
... AND THE POWER BRIEFLY GOES OUT, PLUNGING THE WHOLE ASSEMBLY INTO AN ABRUPT AND SILENT DARKNESS. WHEN THE POWER RETURNS, OSHO WAITS A FEW MOMENTS BEFORE BEGINNING AGAIN.) Do you hear the rain? If you can hear it intensely, totally, this moment can become your enlightenment. It is not a question to be discussed, it is an inquiry into your own inner space. It is stopping the mind from its wavering...
... became afraid of music because music has tremendous power over humanity and it is good that it has. Wherever religion sees that something has tremendous power over humanity, religion becomes competitive, jealous. Food has tremendous power over humanity. There are many people who live to eat -- who don't eat to live. Religion became afraid. Their God became jealous of food. A competition arose. They...

... said kill this sensitivity of taste, otherwise people will choose food rather than choosing God. Music has tremendous power. It can possess. It can almost make you ecstatic. alcoholic. Islam became afraid. Music was debarred. Music was thought to be irreligious because the ecstasy should come from God not from music -- as if the music comes from somewhere else. It happened in an Emperor's court that...
... will happen to the world? There will be chaos. Everything will be destroyed if they are not there - they are holding everything in place. These people are very sick. The first type of people are absolutely sick but they are not very dangerous. The second layer of people are not so absolutely sick but they are more dangerous, because they become the politicians, the generals, the power holders...

..., millionaires, they accumulate money and power and prestige and this and that, and they play GREAT games. And because of their games millions of people are not allowed even a glimpse of life. Millions are sacrificed because of their games. If you are stuck in the second - become alert. Remember always there are two possibilities at every level. The first layer is a lubricant for a man who understand it...

... guest and you have to welcome him; not only welcome him but you have to give a kiss to him - and he hates the very idea; disgusting! But what to do? A child is helpless, powerless. You have power, the family has power, you can crush him. So he smiles, and kisses, and says good morning, without meaning anything; now he is creating a fifth layer. These are the five layers. You have to go backwards, to...

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