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Found: 2312 articles, showing 500 - 510
... LOVE, and my love is not addressed to anybody in particular. And I have loved so many women, I don't think anybody else could have managed it. Even Gurdjieff is far behind me in that matter. He loved many women, but not more than a dozen. Q: IF SHEELA IS THAT SPECIAL, IS SHEELA THE POWER BEHIND THE THRONE? IS SHE THE HEIR APPARENT TO YOUR SPIRITUAL KINGDOM? A: No. There is no power, no kingdom. I am...

... kingdom of God here. In fact, we are waiting for God to knock on our doors some day and say, "Let me come in." We are just the opposite. Reverend Jim Jones and his people are really the logical conclusion of Jesus and the Christian theology. Q: NOT THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION OF THE POWER OF ONE MAN OVER A GROUP OF PEOPLE? A: That was exactly what Jesus was doing. That is exactly what the popes...

... have been doing. That is why I say he is the logical conclusion from Jesus through all the popes and all the Christian theologians. They have all been trying to prove the power, the glory of Jesus, his specialness and his special connection with God. And if you follow him then you need not worry about the future. He will take care of you. Here I teach people that nobody can take care of you. I am not...
... their joy something which everybody wants in the whole world. But the governments, the politicians go on promising, but the goods are never delivered. Q: WHAT WENT WRONG WITH SHEELA AND THE OTHER WHO (INAUDIBLE)? A: Nothing went wrong; just simple human nature. I was for three and half years silent, in isolation. She had all the powers, and power corrupts. And when you have absolute power, then it...

... propose and God disposes. So it was just, the whole power was in her hands, and as I started speaking, I knew this was going to happen, she was, she was continuously telling me not to speak because it will be against my health. I told her that even if I live five years less, there is nothing to lose because whatever I have to achieve I have achieved. But I have to speak because my philosophy of life is...

...) A: No, nobody will be able to find any gap as it is. But it is not a question of gap, it is a question of making it more circular, more deeper, and my people are now ready to listen on a deeper level, not just the intellectual. The day I started speaking, the whole commune went dancing on the streets, they were so joyous. But Sheela was sad. And I could understand her sadness because now her power...
... interests; to safeguard their vested interests they create a certain kind of slavery, a mental slavery. They want people to be obedient, they don't want people to be rebellious; hence they cannot allow intelligence. Intelligence is basically rebellious; it is radical, it is revolutionary. To be intelligent is the most dangerous thing for those who are in power. Hence every child has to be crippled and...

... sexually free and a person is allowed to live his sexuality totally, then his violence will appear. Then he will not be ready to do such utterly stupid things as killing people for no reason at all; it will be impossible for him even to conceive. He will ask, "Why? Why should I kill? There seems to be no reason. Just because a few power maniacs want to dominate the whole world we have to be victims...

... that way, they are manufactured. Individuality has to be effaced, completely effaced, because individuals seem to be dangerous to the power-holders because individuals will think, and they will say yes only if they agree with it, otherwise they will say no. I have heard: It happened in the Second World War. Many people were needed in the army so all kinds of people were being recruited. Everybody was...

... closed his eyes and disappeared. This is not death, this is something far more beautiful. This is let-go. This is surrender. This is love! He trusted me so totally. He died beautifully, silently, in utter relaxation. I am happy about him. I was afraid that he may not be able to survive even these years, but it was through his sheer determination, his sheer will power that he survived. The body would...

... not a good writer either - his writing is so tedious, so boring that if you can finish his whole book that will show great will power. I have come across many people who have been deeply interested in Gurdjieff, but they have not read his books; they all have read Ouspensky, Nicoll and others. Anubhuti, whatsoever you know about Gurdjieff is not about Gurdjieff; you don't know anything about him...

...; you have to dissolve, not to crystallize. Both are valid means; through both doors you can enter the ultimate. Either you have to enter through will power - and that was Gurdjieff's work, or you have to enter through surrender - that is my work. You ask: PLEASE SPEAK ON THIS FOR A SANNYASIN SUFFERING GROWING PAINS. You are just trying to understand me with your Gurdjieffian jargon. That won't work...
... of the vested interests. They don't serve you, they serve the powers, the masters, the oppressors, the exploiters. Whosoever happens to be in power the universities serve. They are not in the service of humanity yet. If they were really in the service of humanity, then the university would be the place to learn rebellion. The university would create revolutionaries. The university would not create...

.... The buddhas have been fighting against all these vested interests. Buddha says: MISTAKING THE FALSE FOR THE TRUE AND THE TRUE FOR THE FALSE, YOU OVERLOOK THE HEART AND FILL YOURSELF WITH DESIRE. Mind is desire, and you go on filling yourself with more and more desire, more and more ambition, more and more longing for power, prestige, wealth. And you completely forget that there is a heart beating...

... discover your nature. Your nature has become God. Aes dhammo sanantano - this is the eternal, inexhaustible law: your nature is to become God. Man is a potential god - a bodhisattva. Man is meant to become a god. Less than that won't satisfy you, less than that is of no use. You can have all the money in the world, all the power, all the prestige possible, and still you will remain empty - unless your...

..., utterly destroyed - at least distorted so much that even if you hear it you can't understand it. And they have succeeded. Unless you struggle hard against them there is no possibility of succeeding. Their exploitation is so old, their oppression is so ancient, their strategies are so cunning...and they have infinite power in their hands. And what are you against them as an individual? But if you go in...

..., if you listen to your heart, you will attain to such power that no power on the earth can enslave you again. FOLLOW YOUR NATURE.... But how to follow your nature if you don't know what it is? And you are not allowed to know it! You are given precise instructions as to what to do: what to eat, when to get up in the morning, when to go to bed. You have been given precise instructions. Those...
... saints and leaders are followers of their own followers. It is such a stupid world, so ridiculous, the whole situation. On the surface it seems the saint is the decisive factor; he gives people advice to follow him. But if you look deep down, you will be surprised - the saint is following his own followers. In fact, they decide. And they have decisive power because they can worship you and they can...

... insult you. They can worship you if you follow them, if you go according to the ideas, prejudices, that they carry in their minds; otherwise you are no longer a saint. They can degrade you - they have the power to raise you to sainthood or to degrade you to being a sinner. If you want to be a saint you have to follow all kinds of stupidities. You may know deep down that this is stupid. I sent him a...

... all. One politician is replaced by another; hence democracies live as two-party systems. One party remains in power for five years; according to the promises you go on hoping, then you are frustrated - nothing happens. Things get worse than they were before. But by this time, the other party that is not in power starts promising you. And the stupidity is such that you start believing the other party...

.... You bring the other party into power; for five years it will deceive you. By that time the first party that has deceived you before has again become creditable; again it has attained credit, again it has criticized the ruling party and again it has gained respect in your eyes. And AGAIN it has stirred your hoping mind. And people's memories are very short; hence politicians go on deceiving. Desire...

... is a politician. One desire keeps you occupied for many years; then, frustration in your hands, you are tired of it, weary of it, you drop out of it - but immediately you enter into another desire. Another politician is waiting for you. You were after money; then tired, you forget all about it and you start rushing for power or for fame. Desire is so cunning that it can even take the form of...
... encounter him. They waited for their opportunity in a cunning way: when Buddha died, then they started fighting the followers. When the light was gone, then it was the time for the owls, the learned fools, to reign over the country again. And since that time they have reigned even up to now - they are still in power. The same fools! The world has suffered much. Man could have become the glory of the earth...

..., but because of these fools...and because they are powerful they can harm, and because they are powerful they can destroy any possibility, any opportunity for man to evolve. Man has been moving in circles, and these fools would not like man to become wise, because if man becomes wise these fools will be nowhere. They won't be in power anymore - religiously, politically, socially, financially, all...

... their power will be gone. They can remain in power only if they can go on destroying all possibilities of wisdom for man. My effort here is to create a Socratic inquiry again, to ask again the fundamental questions that Buddha raised. In the new commune we are going to have seven concentric circles of people. The first, the most superficial circle, will consist of those who come only out of childish...

... all that one can hope for." But money or power or prestige are nothing, because death will come and all your great citadels of wealth, power, prestige, respectability, will just start falling as if you have made them with playing cards. Just a blow of death and everything shatters. Unless you have something that you can take beyond death, remember, you don't have anything at all - your hands...

... knowledge gives power. If there is something mysterious, you are bound to remain afraid because the mysterious cannot be controlled. And who knows what is hidden in the mysterious? Maybe the enemy, maybe a danger, some insecurity? And who knows what it is going to do to you? Before it can do anything it has to be understood, it has to be known. Nothing can be left as mysterious. That is one of the...

... good house to live in - he takes care but he remains aloof. Even when the body is dying a buddha goes on watching that the body is dying. His watchfulness remains to the very last. The body dies and the buddha goes on watching that the body has died. If one can watch to such an extent, one goes beyond death. DO NOT ASK FOR FAMILY OR POWER OR WEALTH, EITHER FOR YOURSELF OR FOR ANOTHER. CAN A WISE MAN...

... WISH TO RISE UNJUSTLY? The things of the world do not matter - the wealth, the power, the prestige, they don't matter. The buddha cannot ask for them for himself or for another. That distinction has to be remembered. Ordinarily it is thought that a buddha will not ask for himself, but he can ask for others. No, he will not ask for others either. That's where Christianity and Buddhism have...

... metaphor into an historical event is to destroy the whole poetry of it, the whole significance of it. A buddha will not ask - for himself or for his family or for anybody else - for power, prestige, possessions, because they are utterly useless. CAN A WISE MAN WISH TO RISE UNJUSTLY? That's impossible. Remember, the "wise man" is a translation of 'buddha'. An awakened man cannot do anything...

... unjust - it is impossible, it can't happen in the nature of things. The awakened one can do only the right, the just. And to ask for power, prestige, money, possessions, fame, is stupid. A wise man cannot ask for them, either for himself or for others. And the buddha knows whatsoever is just is already happening; there is no need to ask for it, there is no need to desire it. Existence is very just and...
... made capable of sharp and deep thinking. So develop the power of thinking in them. Don't give them thoughts, but give them the power to think. Giving thoughts is as good as giving beliefs. Given thoughts will be yours; the power of thinking will be their own. Only the full development of the power of thinking can make children capable of discovering the truth of life. Thinking is the path - belief is...

... Hindu father wants to make his son a Hindu, and a Mohammedan father wants to make his son a Mohammedan - that too when the child is very small and incapable of thinking and understanding. Such a wrong thing can only be done at an unripe age; it is difficult to do so afterwards. Once the power of thinking and logic has arisen it is not possible to throw dust in his eyes. The ability to think protects...

... dangerous, because instead of becoming self- confidence it can become insane ego. Courage is power, but awareness is the eye. One can walk with courage but only with awareness can one see where one is going. You may have heard the story of a blind man and a lame man. There was fire in a jungle, and the blind man and the lame man had to save their lives. The blind man could run but could not see. In a...

..., life to life, plane to plane. OTHERS HAVE COME TO YOU TO WHOM FOR GOLDEN PROMISES MADE UNTO YOUR FAITH YOU HAVE GIVEN BUT RICHES AND POWER AND GLORY. LESS THAN A PROMISE HAVE I GIVEN, AND YET MORE GENEROUS HAVE YOU BEEN TO ME. There have been others who have come with golden promises, and you have given your great riches, power and glory to them. Less than a promise have I given to you, yet more...

... anything to him, but he is still saying: Less than a promise I have given... I have not given anything to you...yet more generous have you been to me. "You have not given me your treasures, power, glory, have given me my deeper thirsting after life. The more I have watched you, the more I have become aware that there is not much time to lose; I have to go after a great search, and stake...

... awareness kills them. The story is told about a famous Sufi mystic of Egypt, Junnun. God became so much interested in Junnun - that's how the story goes - that he came to see him and asked Junnun, "You can ask for any power and I promise that you will have it." Junnun said, "I want only one thing: Wherever I walk, if trees are without leaves they should immediately have green leaves and...

... remain anonymous. "If you can manage that, then give me the power to do goodness; but I should not become aware that it is happening, and nobody should become aware that I am the cause of it. I must be always behind my back." I have loved the story. It is just a story, but it carries the same meaning as what Almustafa is saying. Okay, Vimal? Yes, Osho. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... suffering, whenever there is misery, whenever the good, the virtuous people are tortured by the vicious, I will come to save you. This is a promise." For five thousand years everything that he said has been happening every day, every moment. The good people are tortured, the vicious are in power, the whole of humanity has lived in misery, in suffering - and there is no sign of Krishna anywhere. But...

... they have made it clear: be patient. That is why, in India - which is the oldest civilization in the world - there has never been a revolution of the poor against the rich, of the powerless against those who have power. Patience is the antidote to revolution. Don't be angry, because that leads finally to revolution, and that changes nothing. Don't be sad, because it is only anger upside down, and you...

... inhuman. If somebody is sad you have to destroy it. The beginning has to be with your cheerfulness. Cheerfulness has a contagious effect: just one single cheerful man can change a crowd into laughter. It has tremendous power; we just have to learn how to use it. And your second question: "How can we forgive the people who put you in jail?" I can understand. But they have not done anything that...

... as Socrates and al-Hillaj and Sarmad... and that is a great credit. And now they are trying in every possible way, pressurizing the Indian government - because they help with money so they have power over all these poor countries - that no Western media should be allowed to reach me. That's why the Italian television crew were refused - because all the Indian embassies have been informed by the...

... should I be allowed? Then no tourist should be allowed unless he is a help to Germany. But one thing that makes me glad is that a single man without any power can frighten the greatest power in the world, can shake it from its very roots. I will be going around the world. If I cannot enter Germany I will be outside Germany, and my people can come to me. They cannot prevent German sannyasins from coming...

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