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Found: 2312 articles, showing 2300 - 2310
...? You are just giving energy to worthless fantasies. Your mind is filled with useless illusions of this kind. If we examine human life in detail, we will find that ninety-nine percent of the life is lost in fruitless dreams like this. Some dream of wealth, others of power, and others of various conquests. What will you gain even if you attain them all? There was a great President of America, Calvin...
... have seen that very day when he had come as a disciple of Seigen, he must have seen the man, his strength and his power; he had asked a question and Nangaku had said, "Your question is very arrogant. You should ask in a humble way." And Sekito had said to him, "I would rather fall into eternal hellfire but I will not ask the question in any other way." And he had returned directly...
..., which does not lay any claim whatsoever. The members have no conflict with anyone in Vietnam. They are in no way involved in any dispute in Kashmir, and they have no ambition to occupy the citadels of power in the metropolises. According to them, there is one society belonging to us which believes that future holds out great possibilities, and another which is theirs, the slogan of which is 'here and...
.... "I want to talk to you," said the Mulla, "because my ethics have not been what they should be and my conscience is bothering me." "I understand," the psychiatrist said, "and you want me to help you build up a stronger will power, is that it?" "NO," said Nasrudin, "THAT'S NOT IT. I WANT YOU TO TRY TO WEAKEN MY CONSCIENCE." 59. Mulla Nasrudin...
..., THE DOER. THE SPIRITUAL ENDEAVOR IS RAMAN. ONE WHO APPLIES HIS TOTAL ENERGY, FOR HIM THE WORLD EXISTS NO MORE. Two ways exist of searching for the truth. One way is that of the male - aggression, violence, the scramble for power. Another is that of the female - surrender, withdrawal. Science is the male path, aggressive; religion is a female path, bowing down, submissive. Make this distinction very...
... where there is no will there is no life. The seed's will becomes its power. and with this power its tiny roots sprout, enter the rock and spread out, until one day they break the rock. Life always wins over death. The living force within has never been defeated by the dead obstacles without - and never will be. 41. Love. Your letter was received with joy When the heart thirsts so much for truth, for...

.... Those who are condemned to die live their lives in darkness; only the deathless have their lives rooted in the light. Blessings to the children and regards to all. 116. Love. There is no greater power than trusting oneself - its fragrance is not of this world; peace, bliss and truth flow from this fragrance. He who trusts himself is in heaven and he who mistrusts himself holds the keys of hell in his...
..., we have achieved every thing: we have achieved wealth, power, prestige, everything. And in this very pursuit we have lost ourselves; we have completely lost ourselves. We have now everything- except ourselves. If you ask me in terms of achievement, I will say: if you are prepared to lose you will achieve yourself. And you will lose yourself and lose completely if you are not prepared to lose, if...
... absolutely right end. There are times when you have to use means which are apparently wrong -- violence, murder. But what can you do with this humanity? If you are in power you will suddenly realize that the only way is to put people back to their senses. When one person is killed, a hundred persons absolutely understand that "this is a difficult problem, keep quiet." Those one million people...
... which is changeable. There is no other way. Our condition is like one who is in darkness trying to guess what light is. He has no other way. Darkness is only a very dim form of light. It is a condition of the minimum possible light. Where there is no light at all, there is no such thing as darkness. Light may be or it may be beyond the power of our eyes to grasp it. Our senses grasp things only within...
... sovereign force, one primal energy in the universe, and everything that is arises from this single primeval source. It is the same energy that brings forth a healthy fruit and a diseased fruit on the branches of a tree. It is not necessary to have separate sources of energy or power for the two - the healthy fruit and the sick one. It is the same mind that gives rise to both good and evil, virtue and vice...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).