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Found: 2312 articles, showing 2100 - 2110
..., because nobody wants anybody to get out of his hole, his power. And anyway, if somehow I can manage to pull him out, then I have to throw him in another well - so what is the point of it all? Just for your blank check? And my life is wasted unnecessarily. "He will be in the same game. Perhaps the jargon will be different. Now he will be carrying the Gita instead of The Bible, but he will be...
... are exuberant and that have you feel as unlimited power that moment people have declared themselves as God, Aham Brahmasmi-I am Brahman. The first feeling of Aham Brahmasmi I am God-is the feeling of the movement of the electricity that is sleeping in our body. The deep. fast, intense and involved breathing creates that feeling. Then every experience through the body becomes true to us. Everything...
..., whether it is worth achieving or not. You can be rational about it. It is not a question of feeling; it has to be calculated. You have to move in a certain direction cautiously, because the world is very cunning and everybody is trying to achieve the same goal - maybe power, money, prestige - but millions of people are running, rushing towards the same goal. There is competition. You have to be very...
... all, that's why it is pretending to be spiritual. It is just the opposite of it. If you look into the Indian scriptures, if you go back to the Vedas, you will be surprised: the Vedas are very materialistic. It is very rare to come across a statement in the Vedas which can be called spiritual. The RISHIS, the seers of the Vedas - the so-called seers - are asking for money, power, from God; asking for...
... skill; there is no miracle in it." No magician has ever done as much as Houdini has done. His power was almost impossible to believe. He was thrown in almost all the great prisons of the world, and within seconds he would be out. He was chained, locked, and within seconds -- the chains wouldn't work, locks wouldn't work -- something would happen, and he would be out. He would be out almost within...
... adventure there is. Going to Everest is nothing, going to the moon also is nothing; going to the highest peak of your being is the real task. Because in the first place, we are not even aware that the peak exists. In the first place, we are so unconscious that we don't know what we are doing. We don't know what we are doing with our lives. I have heard.... The manager of a small power plant was...
... that it is all nonsense. They will persist because it is not a question of science, it is a question of human hope. Unless hope is dropped, I CHING cannot be dropped. Unless hope is dropped, astrology cannot be dropped. It will have great power over man's mind because hope is gripping you. You would like to know little clues about the future so you can move more confidently, you can project more...
... can be hypnotized so much by it and its power that you can lose your soul. If you have completely forgotten how to be aware, then the ego is created. Ego is the state of utter unawareness. The mind has taken possession of your whole being; it has spread like a cancer all over you, nothing is left out. The ego is the cancer of the inner, the cancer of the soul. And the only remedy, the only remedy I...
.... Communism is a by-product of capitalism, just as Christianity is a by- product of Judaism. There is not much difference; only words change. The game remains the same -- translated into another language, certainly, but the game is the same. Power politics is as great in a communist country -- in fact there is more than there is in a capitalist country -- because we never change the foundation, we only go...
..., you accumulated wealth, you became very famous, you had prestige and power - this has happened many many times, millions of times. And you carry deep down in the unconscious, the reservoir of memories, and whatsoever you are doing looks futile, pointless, meaningless. I have heard: A newspaper reporter was interviewing Mulla Nasrudin on his hundredth birthday. If you had your life to live over,' he...

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How to Search

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  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).