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Found: 2312 articles, showing 2000 - 2010
.... Once you accept mind, the illusory, you are bound to go on dividing it. And once you accept that the mind is there, you will start seeking something or other. The mind can exist only if you continuously seek something. Why? It is because seeking is desire, seeking is moving into the future, seeking creates dreams. So somebody is seeking power, politics, somebody is seeking riches, kingdoms, and then...
.... You can brag about other things: money, power, atomic or hydrogen bombs, airplanes, that you have walked on the moon, that you have penetrated to the very secrets of life, your science, technology; you can brag about your affluence. Poor India has nothing else to brag about; it can only brag about something invisible so there is no need to prove it. Spirituality is such a thing you can brag about it...
... existence. Our situation is that of a small child in the forest who has lost his mother and is searching in the forest, not knowing where to go. This situation allows many exploiters... this helplessness is used by those who are in power, by those who have money. The helplessness is used to convert you into a slave, into dependence. Hence, all the religions have developed particular programs. They begin...
... enlightenment... In Indian mythology the god Indra - who is the highest god in heaven - becomes troubled, because if somebody becomes enlightened there is a possibility that he may be chosen by existence to be Indra, and Indra may be demoted. There should not be any enlightenment anywhere; that is a protection of his power. Otherwise there will be a competitor who may be far superior. So whenever somebody is...
... he is - he will know he is a rich man. He will have a certain identity. The man who is searching for power is basically trying to answer the question: Who am I? By becoming a prime minister of a country he will know: I am the prime minister. But these answers are superficial and are not going to satisfy really. They can satisfy only the mediocre. They cannot satisfy the really intelligent person...
... of God did they have in mind? Some murderer? Some murderous power? No, they were sacrificing themselves. They were trying to show God: "Look, we are not happy, we are very unhappy. Have mercy on us." That was their prayer: "We are so sad. Look, blood is flowing. We are in such deep misery. Have mercy on us." But I tell you, God's mercy is available only to those who are happy...
... penetrated into words a deep silence of his experience. Listen to his words - not only listen, imbibe. Let them melt into your heart. Don't memorize them. Let them move into your bloodstream and become your blood and bones. Imbibe, eat them, digest them, and forget them. And they have tremendous power to transform. Generated by PreciseInfo ™ ...
... thought him to be the worst, sin incarnate. When they crucified Jesus, they didn't crucify him alone. On both his sides were criminals; three persons were crucified together. He was crucified like a criminal. Not only that, every year the viceroy of the country, the Roman viceroy, had the power to forgive one person, to release him from the death penalty. Four persons were to be crucified - Jesus and...
... in the capitals, unfortunately, and they create wars and they create suffering and they create misery all over the Earth.... They are bound to create them - mad people in power.... You have given a sword to a madman: now he is going to cut many throats and many heads. Without a sword he was dangerous enough; now he is danger incarnate. Watch yourself. Whenever you feel ambitious go and look in the...
... there is no other reason at all. They have come from far better societies, more cultured families, more educated backgrounds, richer affluent societies. They have left their beautiful jobs, highly paid jobs just to be here with me. And I am not giving them anything, except my love. It may be the only place in the whole world which is run only through the power of love. But you can experience it only...

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How to Search

  • Enter a search word or a sentence (not too long).
  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).