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Found: 2312 articles, showing 1880 - 1890
... fortunate ones, the blessed ones, reach the ocean. The secret is so simple and so obvious; that's why it misses you. Who are you to force situations? What power have you got to force situations? Situations are coming from existence itself. The wiser course will be to be in accord with them, not in discord. In accord you can ride on those situations; but the moment you start fighting... you are so tiny and...
... alone, because I don't see anybody who can take you further than I have taken you. So drop this whole idea of a master and being a disciple - and you can destroy any master because you are such a perfect disciple. "The masters are living and enjoying great dignity and power because of the idiots. They don't do anything; they just hang around. But you are so intent to reach that even we start...
... only interested in writing about boredom, meaninglessness, anguish, angst. They all come to the conclusion that suicide seems to be the only way out, but nobody gets out of the way. The West has reached, by its own success, to the ultimate failure. And this failure of nerve is very dangerous, because they are in control of enormous destructive power, nuclear weapons. They can destroy the whole planet...
..., which is being transformed. "The woman had proved it absolutely and you had accepted her; and still, when she died, you started lying again." It is a male chauvinist world. All Hindu avataras are men; not a single woman is accepted. Not that there have not been women of much more strength, of much more power than these so-called avataras, but they have not been accepted just because they are...
... there was the collective unconscious mind, the subconscious mind, the conscious mind and the superconscious mind, and the superconscious mind was in power. All the three lower minds followed it. These are the four legs. In treta yuga - treta means three, the third; the English word third comes from the same root as treta, three, that has become three - the superconscious disappeared, the best part in...
... reflecting that you are becoming richer and richer, you are gaining power and prestige. Your identity consists of your reflection; but others can only reflect things, they cannot reflect you. Hence, meditation is very, very necessary. Meditation means closing your eyes; not looking at the reflection, but looking at your own being. Otherwise, the whole day you are engaged with others. In the night also...
..., which are bound to be there because it is not his own experience; it is simply clippings from other masters that he has collected -- collected with tremendous intelligence. He almost deceived the Imperial Power. They honored him as the "Buddha Sun," as the "Sun of Enlightenment." EMPEROR HSIAO TSUNG BESTOWED THE TITLE "CH'AN MASTER OF GREAT WISDOM" FROM WHICH THE NAME TA...
..., and you can be in the present only if you are not ambitious -- no accomplishment, no desire to achieve power, money, prestige, even enlightenment, because all ambition leads you into the future. Only a non-ambitious man can remain in the present. Secondly, IF YOU AROUSE THE SLIGHTEST NOTION OF GAINING EXPERIENCE OF IT, YOU ARE RUNNING OFF IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. If you are thinking to gain...
... about merging and about having a heart-to-heart communion, don't take it that that's actually what I mean. Those are only indications towards a very subtle phenomenon in which I remain I, you remain you. In fact, you become more yourself than you have ever been before. If love cannot give you individuality, uniqueness, that love is impotent. The power of love consists of giving you freedom and...
... and prime ministers... and they have now all the power of destruction in their hand, and they go on increasing, piling up more and more nuclear weapons. Already, Soviet Union and America together, have so much nuclear energy that it can destroy this earth seven hundred times. Now, it seems to be absolutely absurd to go on increasing. For what? You can kill every man seven hundred times.... So what...

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