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Found: 2312 articles, showing 1560 - 1570
... years they have never created any riot. To create riots, the politicians will be needed. And then to impose curfews and take the donkeys and buffaloes into jails, the police will be needed. Their power, the politicians' power, is in your unawareness. And this is not just the police officials here - behind them is the whole politics of Hindu chauvinists. I am going to be opposed everywhere for the...
.... It is strange: they have all the power, power over millions of peoples' life and death - but no qualification is needed. But if you want to be a painter, qualifications are needed; if you want to be an architect, talents are needed. But if you want to become an Adolf Hitler, no qualification is needed. And he took.... In my view, the second world war was nothing but a revenge against the humanity...
... that if people start confessing directly to God, then millions of Catholic priests will be out of employment. Not only will they be out of employment, if people don't confess to them they will lose their power over people. The greatest power in the world is to expose yourself before somebody. Particularly what you think is evil, a sin, you want to hide it. Once you have confessed to a priest, you...
... became afraid. He asked the priest to come, he begged. When the priest came there was a crowd. Many people were around because the sinner was a great, successful man; he was a politician, he had power, he had money. So, many people had gathered. The sinner asked the priest to come near because he wanted to say something in private. The priest came near and the sinner whispered in his ear, "I know...

... quality; how you transform what you take in, that's the thing. A lotus is born in the mud; the mud is transformed and becomes a lotus. The lotus never says, "I will not eat this mud, this is dirty!" No, that's not the question. If you are a lotus nothing is dirty. If you have the capacity of a lotus, if you have the transforming power, the alchemy, then you can remain in the mud and a lotus...
... and destructive? God, both good and evil? It doesn't fit. Because it doesn't fit, we create the devil. Christians have created the devil. Because if God is love then who is hate? And hate exists, in fact exists more than love. Hate seems to be more of a power, a greater power, and has more grip on the human mind, than love. Have you not seen it happening everywhere? When a country goes to war the...
... - those who have nothing to do with religion, those who are basically irreligious, because a politician can never be religious, his whole endeavour is anti-religious. Ambition can never be religious, search for power can never be religious; it is violent, it is ugly, how can it be religious? But they go on defining, so many nonsense definitions have also come in. Just the other day I was reading a few...

... becomes religion, power becomes religion. Whatsoever you are ready to die for is your religion. If you don't relax into your real being, you are going to find something or other to substitute for it. But you cannot get rid of it; it will come from the back door - in new guises, in new masks, but it will come. The atheist, the communist, the irreligious man is trying to get rid of it. The theist, the...
... is alive, VERY alive. That's what happens if you go on meditating: one day suddenly you find you are not, only God is. The fifth question: Question 4: OSHO, HOW CAN I GET BACK THE WILL TO LIVE? Wolfgang, YOU are suffering from the ancient German disease, will to live, will to power, will and will and will. You have fallen in wrong company here. Either escape or we are going to de-Germanize you...

... her. "This is a stick-up, not an office party!" You have to be aware of where you are. You are not listening to Friedrich Nietzsche - will to power. And you are not listening to Adolf Hitler either! You are in a totally different dimension. I teach you how to die, because that is the only way that one attains to eternal life. When the seed dies in the soil, the sprout arrives. And when the...
... on the heart of man, sooner or later. Every structure becomes a prison, and one day or other you have to rebel against it. Have you not observed it down through history? - each revolution in its own turn becomes repressive. In Russia it happened, in China it happened. After every revolution, the revolutionary becomes antirevolutionary. Once he comes into power he has his own structure to impose...

... otherwise false. A sannyasin is one who trusts in his own organism, and that trust helps him to relax into his being, and helps him to relax into the totality of existence. It brings a general acceptance of oneself and others. It gives a kind of rootedness, centering. And then there is great strength and power, because you are centered in your own body, in your own being. You have roots in the soil...
.... And it is good to understand that life is far bigger than you can conceive and its power is immense beyond our any conception; just we are waiting patiently, searching patiently, knowing perfectly well that we don't know the way, knowing perfectly well that we have lost our original eternal home -- knowing perfectly well that we are unconscious. All our efforts, our search, our seeking is groping in...

..., just a utilitarian identity; it is not your reality; but behind it is a mysterious being. You are becoming aware of gifts of existence, of mysteries. Something is happening through it; just allow it. Your function is not to prevent, not to be reluctant. Join your hands with whatever is happening. That's what I mean by let-go. Let existence cleanse you. Allow it total power over you. Don't be worried...
... HEALING POWERS? A:* No. For the sannyasins it can have thousands of meanings. For a non- sannyasin, no meaning because it is a question of your love, your trust. Then anything can have healing power. If you trust me, then just a glass of water from my hand will have the healing power. It is not in the water, it is not in my hand. It is in your trust. So to a sannyasin the mala is certainly of many...

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