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...They Kill Lust With Lust...

... Osho The Beloved Vol 2: They Kill Lust With Lust Main Books Headers Help Your browser does not support iframes. < Prev  Osho The Beloved Vol 2   Next > They Kill Lust With Lust From: Osho Date: Fri, 7 July 1976 00:00:00 GMT Book Title: The Beloved, Vol 2 Chapter #: 7 Location: am in Buddha Hall Archive Code: 7607070 Short Title: BELOV207 Audio Available: Yes Video Available...


..., WALKING AGAINST THE WIND. THEY KILL LUST WITH LUST AND ENTER THE CITY OF LOVE UNATTACHED.... Tremendous sutras, tremendously significant sutras.... "Those who are dead and yet fully alive".... How can you be dead and yet fully alive? If you become a witness to your body, then you know you are not the body. The body is born and the body is going to die; the moment you know you are not the body...

... the ocean; it must be going, because it is His river. This childlike trust is his only method. THEY HAVE NO WISH FOR HAPPINESS AT ALL, WALKING AGAINST THE WIND. THEY KILL LUST WITH LUST AND ENTER THE CITY OF LOVE UNATTACHED.... That's why Bauls say, "Even if lust has to be transcended, it is through lust." If anger has to be transcended, it is through anger. They know the alchemy of how to...

... tremendously alert and aware. This energy has to become love, and this love has to become prayer, and this prayer has to become ecstasy. The generative part is very minor as far as man is concerned. Something of greater value is hiding in it. God cannot give you something without a particular reason in it. THEY KILL LUST WITH LUST AND ENTER THE CITY OF LOVE UNATTACHED.... When lust is transformed and you...
... consciousness, with no experience to contaminate it -- you don't see Jesus, you don't see Buddha, you don't see Krishna standing there. That's why the Zen Masters say, "If you meet the Buddha on the path, kill him immediately." Followers of Buddha say, "If you meet Buddha on the path, kill him immediately." A great teaching. Hmm?... because Buddha is so beautiful you can be allured to the...

... who had designed to kill him -- now they have become the president and the prime minister and minister. And they were all his colleagues, and nobody is saying anything against them. Nobody is saying anything against them. The world seems to be simply unbelievable. Now they are great people. And somebody in their own cabinet may be trying to kill Mushtaque Ahmed. All politicians are murderers...

..., because they are not worried about you. They are worried about their feeling: they should be somebody. If murder can give them that feeling, then okay. If violence can give them that feeling, then it is okay. I was reading a few days before. I couldn't believe it, but it is a fact. I was reading a book about Lenin. Somebody invited him to listen to Beethoven's symphonies. He said no, and he said no very...

... cool love as cold. You don't know the cool term; you know only cold. You will see that Buddha is cold. He is not. All enlightened people are cool. Cool, because you cannot disturb them -- either way; you cannot make them more happy; you cannot make them unhappy. They are cool because they are centered. Question 9 WHY CAN'T YOU GIVE US SOMETHING THAT WILL KILL US INSTANTANEOUSLY AND PAINLESSLY INSTEAD...

... OF US HAVING TO GO THROUGH ALL THIS SEEMINGLY ENDLESS SUFFERING? I am giving it to you, but you don't listen. It is not a question that I am not giving it to you. I am giving you absolute poison. It will kill you instantaneously, but you don't listen to me. You go on thinking that something is wrong, you go on thinking that you are wrong, and sometimes, you even desire, "How to destroy this...
... would have its power over him. Then he could not escape death, as with sex, death enters. So they say that he was born without any sex act; he was not a by-productof sex. They say that because he was the son of a virgin mother, he could revive again - resurrect. They crucified him, but they could not kill him. He remained alive because he was not a by-product of sex. They could not kill him. If really...

... Jesus was born out of a virgin mother, it is impossible to kill him. It is impossible to kill him! Death is impossible! When the beginning is not, how can the end be? If he was not born out of a virgin mother, then death will be the certain, inevitable end. So the whole myth has to be maintained. If you say that he was not born out of a virgin mother, then the second part of the myth, resurrection...

..., becomes false. If you say he resurrected, that he denied death, escaped death, that death could not kill him, that he could not be crucified really, that those who were crucifying him were deceived, that he was alive and he remained alive, then you have to maintain the first part of the myth. I am not saying anything for or against, I am simply saying that the WHOLE myth has to be maintained, one part...

... remove my hand from the position where it is, I cannot move it. "Then try to remove it, and you will not be able to do so. Now the imagination is working. In this state where you feel the body has become a dead weight, you can cut yourself off from the world of activity easily. That is why this is suggested. You can now become inactive because you are dead. Now you can feel that everything has...
... said to his disciples, "If you meet me on the way, kill me. Don't allow me to stand between you and the truth. Immediately kill me, remove me; otherwise I will be the barrier." The true master is one who helps the disciple finally to get rid of the master too, so that the disciple can encounter reality directly, immediately. The false master is one who creates more and more dependence in...

... noise. HE HURTS NOTHING. HE NEVER KILLS. It is impossible for him to hurt or to kill, because now he knows that he is not separate from existence, that there is nobody else. It is all one, it is one organic unity. We are all waves of the same ocean. Hurting another wave is hurting yourself. It is like hitting your hand, one hand with another hand. It is childish, it is insane. Sometimes small children...

... do that. If the table has hurt them they hit the table hard; they are hurt more, but they enjoy. They think they are punishing the table. Whenever you punish somebody you are punishing yourself. Whenever you torture somebody you are torturing yourself - because there is nobody else. The master knows it. It is not only a belief for him, it is his experience. Reaching his own center he has reached...

.... But he can appear harsh to you - that is your problem. He is always sweet, and if sometimes he appears harsh to you, ponder over it, why he appeared harsh to you. Maybe something was inside you that started pinching, that started hurting. Maybe there was a wound inside you that you were hiding and the master hit the wound. He has to hit your wounds. He has to pull much pus out of your being. It...
... smoking against taking anything like coffee or tea. These are the basic requirements for being a mahatma. He used to get up in brahmamuhurta, early morning, and he will take a cold bath. His whole life was disciplined; there was no indiscipline in his life. The only difference was - which is not much of a difference, a difference which does not make any difference at all - that he used to kill others...

..., that he loved killing others. And Mahatma Gandhi loved killing himself. And if you ask me, I will say he is far better than Mahatma Gandhi, because when you kill somebody else, at least the other person has the possibility to defend. When you kill yourself... there is nobody to defend. The murderer is far better than the person who commits suicide. But both are violent. And it is a strange...

... feet? I have got two hundred thousand sannyasins... they will kill me if they are all standing on my feet. And you say they are not sure - only ignorance, stupidity is sure. Wisdom is never sure. Lao Tzu says, "The wise man walks as if passing through a very cold stream" - very cautious, hesitant, not sure. The stream is very cold, ice cold, unknown. Who knows? - the next step and you will...

... meet God I am going to hit him hard on the head, that "You son-of-a- bitch, why you created the world? And particularly why you created Devagyan? No zest, no juice... nothing excites him." Nothing excites me either. Nothing provokes him. Nothing provokes me either. Nothing challenges him . . You are almost close to enlightenment, Devagyan. That's how one becomes enlightened. When there is...

.... Remember the difference. I don't teach you meaning, I teach you significance. And you say: I AM ALWAYS TRYING TO BE JOYFUL... That is the best way to kill joy forever. Trying to be joyful? And you say:I AM PRETENDING TO FEEL... These are the surest poisons to kill all feeling. YOU SAY: I AM TRYING TO BE EXCITED, INTERESTED AND ALIVE. In the very effort you have accepted that you are dead, that you are...
... of a general belief that Ashkenazi Judaism was anything but monolithic in this sense. "They (Lazzaro and David) prudently responded that they did not wish to commit similar follies and that they (with Moshè) wished them ill, because God did not command such things; on the contrary, He says, ‘Thou shalt not kill’, and that child murder was a new ceremony and against the law, which did...

.... Imagining that the judges dictated these descriptions of the Seder ritual, with the related liturgical formulae in Hebrew, does not seem very believable. Goi katan, "little Christian", the expression used in referring to the ritual murder victim, who was usually nameless, is said to have been used during the act of adding his blood to the symbolic foods p. 179] to be exhibited and consumed in the Seder...

... placed their hands, now one and now the other, as if to suffocate the child, because the Jews believe that they render themselves meritorious before God by demonstrating their participation in the sacrifice of a Christian child". Isacco da Gridel, Angelo da Verona’s cook, in effect, affirmed this in his confession, by describing his own participation in a ritual child murder committed at Worms in...

... that three German rabbis, all of top-level importance, were implicated in the Trent trials in various ways relating to the transmission of traditions relating to ritual child murder, the use of blood in the Jewish Passover and the contemptuous commemoration of the Passion of Christ.Together with David Tebel Sprinz of Bamberg, we find the names of Jodenmeister Moshè of Halle, who also moved to Posnán...

... christianum" ["That all those present placed their hands on him to suffocate him, some of them placing one hand, some of them both hands, and that all the above mentioned Jews helped kill him, because they thought that all those Hebrews would be promoted before God who helped kill that Christian boy in any way"]. Deposition of Isacco da Gridel del 28 Novembre 1475. Cfr. [BonelIi], Dissertazione apologetica...

..., cit., p. 144. On this argument, see also Divina, Storia del beato Simone da Trento, cit., voI. II, pp. 34-36. It should be noted that, according to the trial records, the defendants accused of the ritual murder at Valréas in 1247 claimed that they had performed the rite of crucifixion out of revenge against Jesus, responsible for the tragic exile of the Jewish people ("debebant eam crucifigere per...

... scriptura inter Iudeos qui sunt ultra mare" (cfr. ibidem, p. 251). [41] On this argument, see K. von Amira, Das Endinger Judenspiel , Halle, 1883; R. Po-Chia Hsia, The Myth of Ritual Murder. Jews and Magic in Reformation Germany, New Haven (Conn.) - London, 1988, pp. 18-22. [42] "(Lazarus et David de Alemania) responderunt se nolle intromittere in illa re, quia dicebant se esse impeditos ad faciendum alia...
... buddha; hence it has remained poor in consciousness. Its religion looks very primitive and is based on fictions. Nothing has been contributed by monotheist religions to the world except war, because the Mohammedan God cannot tolerate the Jewish God, nor can it tolerate the Christian God, nor can it tolerate the Hindu gods. It has to kill all those gods and the believers in those gods. Only one God...

... monotheism: is it a necessary step? No, not at all. It is an absolutely unnecessary step, and not only unnecessary, but dangerous. It has created only violence, murder. Living people have been burned in the name of a monotheistic god. One god will not allow you to believe in another god. Polytheism is also an invention of priests, but far more liberal. Monotheism is the invention of the priests, but far...

... milestones." And the villagers said, "It does not matter. Any red stone represents God." You will see trees being worshipped, stones being worshipped. There is a complete freedom to worship. It is far better than monotheism, but I don't support it. It may be better than monotheism, but it is still poison, just a little diluted. It will kill you slowly, but it will kill you certainly. Every...

... disciple had multiple fractures, and Sekito was sitting on his chest asking, "Got it?" And the disciple really got it, he became enlightened. Who cares about multiple fractures, the real thing is enlightenment. At any cost it has to happen! People have never come across a man like Sekito, whose compassion was so great. He was ready to do ANYthing. Even in his old age he would hit so hard that...

... his own hand would hurt. And disciples would say, "You are getting old now, Master, you should not hit people so hard, because they are young and you are old. You are becoming every day more fragile." He said, "I know. My hand hurts the whole night, but I cannot see somebody groping in the darkness. If just one hit can make him awake, it does not matter if my hand hurts the whole...

... night. Sooner or later these hands will disappear into the earth, but if these hands can help somebody to wake up... You think I am getting old; that is true, but as far as I am concerned, even when I am dead if I see someone stumbling in the darkness I will jump out of my grave and hit him as hard as I can." This man was a rare master, apparently very hard, deep down so soft that he was ready to...

... jump out of his grave. My feeling is, if he had done that - he never has done that - just his skeleton would have made the person enlightened. There would not have been any need to hit. The person would have shouted immediately, "Got it! You just go down." Issa wrote: PEARLS OF THE DEW! IN EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM I SEE MY HOME. These Zen poets have transcended all the poetry of the world...
... there sufficient to kill, but there was unhealthy air there enough to injure. A further objection was raised: The scaffold [for stoning] was of the height of two men's statures.1  And it has been taught regarding this: When you add the stature of the convict there will be there the height of three statures. Now, if you assume that a fall can be fatal even from a height of less than ten...

... execution.'3  But if so, why not raise it still higher? — He would then become disfigured altogether. A further objection was raised: If any man fall from thence;4  'from thence' but not into it. How is that so? Where the public road was ten handbreadths higher than the roof, and a man might fall from the former on to the latter, there is no liability [in respect of a parapet], but if the...

... of] the case of [the second] lining it with plaster and cementing it,5  where the first digger made the pit of the minimum depth capable of killing, and yet it was said that the second would be liable? — It may be answered that the case there was where the unhealthy air was not sufficient to kill,6  and it was the other person who, by diminishing the size of the pit increased the...

... unhealthy air was sufficient neither to kill nor to injure, and it was the other person who by diminishing the size of the pit increased the dangerous effect of the air so as to make it capable of both killing and injuring.8 Raba said: The case of a man putting a stone round the mouth of a pit and thereby completing it to a depth of ten handbreadths is one which brings us face to face with the difference...
... summarized and restated in modern language as follows: (1929.3) 178:1.2 The kingdoms of this world, being material, may often find it necessary to employ physical force in the execution of their laws and for the maintenance of order. In the kingdom of heaven true believers will not resort to the employment of physical force. The kingdom of heaven, being a spiritual brotherhood of the spirit-born sons of...

... rulers to exterminate Jesus and his teachings. (1932.6) 178:2.3 David Zebedee, through the work of his secret agents in Jerusalem, was fully advised concerning the progress of the plan to arrest and kill Jesus. He knew all about the part of Judas in this plot, but he never disclosed this knowledge to the other apostles nor to any of the disciples. Shortly after lunch he did lead Jesus aside and, making...

... from Philadelphia bringing word that Abner had heard of the plot to kill Jesus and asking if he should depart for Jerusalem. This runner hastened off for Philadelphia with this word for Abner: “Go on with your work. If I depart from you in the flesh, it is only that I may return in the spirit. I will not forsake you. I will be with you to the end.” (1933.2) 178:2.5 About this time Philip came to the...

... witness to this gospel when I have gone, even as I directed that Lazarus flee from the wrath of man that he might live to make known the glory of God. If it is the Father’s will that I depart, nothing you may do can frustrate the divine plan. Take heed to yourselves lest they kill you also. Let your souls be valiant in defense of the gospel by spirit power but be not misled into any foolish attempt to...
... the death of the ego you are resurrected; you find a new space, a new being, a new eternity. 'Me' is just for the marketplace. And he said, "IF IT DOES NOT, I WILL BURN YOU TO DEATH" - because you and I are just a polarity of the same non-existential but utilitarian subject. Joshu is saying, "Just tell me - whatever you say, either I am going to kill myself or I am going to kill you...

..., but murder is going to happen!" THE MONK HAD NOTHING TO SAY. The monk was not a man of great understanding. He may have been a good painter, but he had no perception of the reality which is faceless, egoless, which is not a personality. Joshu is trying to remind him, "Don't waste your time in making portraits of illusions." Why do you go on painting the moon reflected in the water...

...-serious, a few laughs to make you light, to make this silence less heavy. Three surgeons are in the pub, chatting about their experiences. The first one says, "Once a guy came to me who had been in a car accident and lost both his legs. But I fixed him up, and now he is an Olympic runner." "Amazing!" says the second. "I had a patient once who had been hit by a train, and his...

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