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Found: 3417 articles, showing 550 - 560
... exploiting and on whose blood they were living, were treated like animals. All these riches pouring in from all over the world made England really beautiful, rich, educated, cultured. But now the empire has disappeared. Now England is going down the drain. And now all those people whom England has trained to kill and murder are turning upon their own people. Every action has its reaction. You cannot escape...

... governor-generals - outside England. And the empire was vast. It was said the sun never sets on the British empire and it was true. Somewhere or other the sun was still there in the British empire. So it had a very simple way of sending the barbarious elements to the empire, to torture people, to kill people, and to bring all the riches from the whole world to England. Naturally, when all the riches were...

... minutes there were only corpses of children, women, men - one hundred thousand. It was such a blatant, cruel act. What punishment did General Dyer get? Only one punishment: he was sent back to England. You kill one hundred thousand people for no reason, and this is a cultured and civilized country? People in England were rich, not because they had produced the riches, but because they had exploited the...

... are exploited by this ego. And this never allows you even a glimpse of your real authentic self, and your life is there, in your authenticity. Hence, this ego only produces misery, suffering, fighting, frustration, madness, suicide, murder - all kinds of crime. A seeker of truth has to begin from this very point: that whatever you have been told by the society you are, discard it. Certainly you are...
... very dangerous; at least in self-defense, even if you are not going to kill somebody, you can show your gun. But the situation was becoming worse because in America you don't need any license for guns. They are freely available in the market. The license is needed for the seller, the shopkeeper, not by the owner of the gun. It is absolutely stupid to give people weapons that are dangerous to life...

..., but the constitution of America allows it. It was allowed in the beginning, but now it has become a solid tradition. The constitution allowed guns to people to kill Red Indians. Red Indians were killed just like animals - hunted, chased deep into the forest or into the mountains. Now America belongs to non-Americans, the whole of America, and strangely enough the American constitution talks about...

... the Terrible all killed... their greatness depends on how many people they have killed. Adolf Hitler killed thirty million people. Joseph Stalin killed in his own country one million Russians. It seems the main purpose on this earth is to kill; and particularly in America today they are piling up weapons, knowing perfectly well that they have enough weapons to destroy this earth many times. But it...

..., MAKING SOUNDS LIKE FLYING MISSILES THAT LAND WITH LOUD EXPLOSIONS.) Buttons exactly like these are going to destroy humanity. And why have people started carrying this toy? Psychologists suggest that it helps to release your anger. If there is somebody you want to kill, three ways are available. For a faraway enemy - this is the latest witchcraft - send nuclear missiles... (HE PUSHES THE BUTTON, MAKING...

... create war; there have been destruction-gods - for example Shiva, in Hindu mythology, is the one who will destroy the whole of humanity. I don't think Ronald Reagan will be able to compete with Shiva. He is trying his best to be the Shiva of Hindu mythology. This small instrument shows the mind of man. Death rays simply kill life; they don't destroy your houses, they don't destroy your furniture, they...
... what has one to meditate? Meditation begins only when there is nothing to meditate upon, when there is simply consciousness - you are aware - but you are not concentrating on anything. Concentration is a kind of imprisonment. And all our educational programs around the world are teaching people to concentrate. A man like Adolf Hitler creates concentration camps to kill people - his concentration...

... goes to the military. Humanity is living on only thirty percent, and the army gets everything better - naturally, because they have sold their lives and they are being prepared for death, either to kill or to be killed. This seems so useless. Why should there be wars? Why should there be violence? And why should nations continue after five thousand years of experience shows that they are cancerous...

..., but at least something in this world which is just like a desert... If some drug has some harmful effects, medical science is advanced enough to remove those harmful effects. Drugs can be purified to such an extent that anybody can take them and have the experience. Because no government has the right to prevent anybody from having any experience. He is not harming anybody.... The function of the...

... monasteries they have dangerous serpents, particularly cobras. If you are bitten by a cobra you are finished. And these people allow the cobra to bite on their tongues! In the beginning they have psychedelic experiences, and now the cobra poison cannot kill them... they are full of poison. The strangest thing is that the cobra dies because the poor cobra has never come across such a man - so full of poisons...

... East for centuries as a help to meditation. Now they have destroyed all possibility in the man that any poison, any drug can create illusion. His consciousness is far stronger now. No poison can kill him, no poison can make him even unconscious - he remains alert and conscious. As far as I am concerned these people were doing the right thing and it will be good if rather than behaving fascistically...
... BRINGS FOOD TO A FELLOW LIKE YOU AND LETS YOU EAT IT?" Encountering a Zen master means encountering a lion. He will hit you from this side and that side, from this point and that point. (SUDDENLY EVERYONE IS THROWN INTO DARKNESS AS THE POWER FAILS. SOME TIMELESS MOMENTS OF SILENCE WITH OSHO BEFORE HE CONTINUES WITH THE DISCOURSE.) Now, asking the monk, "Is he open-eyed - is he an awakened...

... AM STARTING ON MY JOURNEY." HE EQUIPPED HIMSELF WITH HAT, LEGGINGS, SOCKS AND STAFF, AND PUT ON A SHOE. BEFORE HIS FOOT HIT THE SECOND, HE WAS DEAD. Can you see the man? - what a great man! He is going on the eternal journey, so he is getting ready. This is why Zen masters ask again and again, "Suggest some original way of dying." Now this is an original way, equipping himself with...

... hat, leggings, socks and a staff, and putting on a shoe. Before his foot hit the ground he had died. He has left everything behind; his consciousness has moved on the great pilgrimage. If you understand Tanka, then it will be easy for you to understand his questioning... HAVE YOU HAD YOUR DINNER? He was not an ordinary man. WHERE ARE YOU FROM? He must have frightened the monk. He said, "FROM...

... enough of this. I have been working for days. I am through with it!" "Noah?" asks the voice. "Yeah!" shouts back Noah. "Noah," comes the voice, "how far can you swim?" Hamish MacTavish goes salmon fishing and at the end of a long day he catches a tiny fish, not even big enough for one mouthful. Hamish is just about to kill the fish when it speaks to him...

... would like a fortune in gold!" "Done!" gurgles the fish, "But MacPherson gets the double." "And," continues Hamish, "I would like a dozen beautiful women for my pleasure." "Agreed!" gurgles the fish, "But MacPherson gets two dozen!" "Okay," says MacTavish, grinning, "and my last wish is for you to painlessly remove one of...
... is afraid of life. Mind creates science just to kill every possibility of life. Mind tries to find explanations once an explanation is found, the mystery is dissolved. You ask a why, and it is answered, then the mind is at ease. What have you achieved through it? You have not achieved anything, you have lost something - a mystery has been lost. Mystery makes you uneasy because it is something...

... furniture of your mind - it is a dead thing. Whenever I am talking to you, remember this always: whatsoever I say is not to kill your inquiry, is not to give you explanations. I am not interested in giving you answers. Rather, on the contrary, it is to make you more inquiring, deeply penetrating into the mysteries. My answers will give you deeper questions, and a moment will come when all questioning will...

... there. The delight of TOTAL disappearance! Just as a dewdrop in the morning disappears when the sun rises, or just as in the night an earthen lamp burns, the wind comes and the flame goes out and darkness...the flame has disappeared and you cannot find it anywhere - the same way, you disappear. It is rare to seek suicide: this is suicide, the real suicide! You can kill the body anywhere, but you...

... cannot kill the self anywhere. Here you are ready for the final suicide - to kill the self. But don't make all these things explanations, they are not. I am always anti-explanation. If all this makes you more mysterious, if all this makes you more vague, so far, so good. If your mind goes up in smoke and you don't know what is what, that's the best condition. Question 2: BELOVED OSHO, AS WITH ALL...
..., you will always be a misfit." I used to laugh and tell her, "The very word 'misfit' is so beautiful that I have fallen in love with it. Now if I fit, remember, I will hit your head - and when I say that, you know I mean it. I will really hit your head, if you are alive. If you are not alive then I will come to your grave, but I will certainly do something nasty. You can trust me." She...

... laughed even more, and said, "I take the challenge. I again say you will remain a misfit for ever, whether I am alive or dead. And you will never be able to hit my head because you will never be able to fit." And she was certainly right. I was the misfit, everywhere. At the university where I was teaching I never joined in the annual staff photograph. The vice-chancellor once asked me, "I...

... hit on his table with my fist so hard that he stood up. I said, "Is there a spring in your table? I hit it, and you stood up! Sit down!" I said it so loudly that he sat down silently. He was afraid that others may hear, and perhaps rush in, particularly the man who was guarding the door. He said, "Okay, I will sit down. What do you have to say?" I said, "You call me here and...
... fold, then the Hindus will understand who is going to clean their toilets, who is going to kill and murder and butcher animals, and who is going to make shoes, and who is going to clean the streets. All that is ugly has been imposed on harijans. In fact this gives them great power. Nobody has ever told them that the work they are doing is such that if they stop even for seven days the whole of India...



...;THAT'S THE WAY TO IT." This kind of incident is impossible in this world today unless you are humble enough. If the master hits with his sandal on your head, you will start fighting with him. You will not think that he is a man worthy of respect. He will seem to be insane - you are simply asking the way and he hits you. But once a different world existed. Bokushu did both things: first he hit him...
... mind has to give way sooner or later. Different masters... For example, Jalaluddin Rumi did nothing but whirling. He became enlightened after thirty six hours of continuous whirling, without any stop -- non-stop whirling. In fact every child likes to whirl. Parents stop him; they say, "You will fall. You may have a fit or you may get hit by something -- don't do such a thing." But all...

... big sword, because in the past that sword was used -- and it is still used in the main temple of Calcutta -- to cut off the heads of animals as sacrifice. Ramakrishna was not doing that, but the sword had become part of the temple. He said, "If by the evening I don't have the experience, I will take the sword and kill myself -- the responsibility will be yours." A few worshippers were...

... there. They rushed out and told everybody, "That madman is going to do something... Now this is too much. All that he was doing before was okay, but now he is going to kill himself!" A great crowd assembled in the temple, and Ramakrishna danced madly, sang madly, the whole day. And as the sun was setting he pulled out the sword and said to the goddess, "So I am going to cut off my head...

... for six hours -- then I was back to my old stage." The master said, "You don't understand, it was not a real experience. You forced that experience upon yourself by your stubborness because you were going to kill yourself. After dancing the whole day and singing, your mind simply stopped, seeing the situation -- `The man is going to kill himself!' It had nothing to do with Kali or anybody...

... head; take the sword and cut the mother goddess in two pieces." Ramakrishna said, "My God, that is very difficult! I cannot hurt her -- and you are telling me to kill her!" But the man said, "Unless you do it, you will never attain. You try it and see." He would close his eyes, tears would flow from his eyes, and there was great joy on his face, and radiance. He would open...
...; you have made it stronger. But you do not understand that man is a whole: either he is sick or he is healthy, there is no station between the two. He should be taken as a whole organism. I will give you a few examples which can make it clear to you. Acupuncture was developed in China nearabout seven thousand years ago by accident. A hunter was trying to kill a deer, but as his arrow was moving...

... towards the deer, a man not knowing what was happening came in between and the arrow hit the man's leg. The man had been suffering from migraine his whole life; the moment the arrow hit his leg, the migraine disappeared. This was very strange. Nobody had thought about it in that way. Out of that accident the whole of acupuncture developed, and developed to a full science. So if you go to an...

... phenomenon, alive. It has a certain electricity - hence we call it bio-electricity. This bio-electricity has seven hundred points in the body, and each point relates to some part of the body which may be far away from it. That's what happened in that accident: the arrow hit a bio-electric point which related to the head, and the migraine disappeared. Acupuncture is more holistic. The difference has to be...

... structure. You also are a machine: your eyes can be replaced, your hands can be replaced, your legs can be replaced - and sooner or later brains will be replaced. But do you think if we can take Albert Einstein's brain while he is dying, remove it before death is certain and transplant it - for example in the skull of Polack the pope - do you think he will become an Albert Einstein? The brain is only a...

... do to people: it may remove a certain sickness, it may create many more. Science has to be more alert, more compassionate, more courageous. Only then is it possible to prevent sicknesses from increasing. Sicknesses like AIDS, which are nothing but death delayed... scientists are of the opinion that there is almost no way to cure it. It is not a disease; something inside the man has died. My own...
... to do things which were inhuman. They were being ordered to kill people, to poison people; and you could not even think - can I be behind it? I love life, love, laughter. How many times have I said to you that these three L's are my basic philosophy? When you were given orders by a fascist group who was dominating you to poison the water system of a whole city, to kill my physician, my caretaker...

... must be retarded. Can't you see a simple point? A man who has never been life-negative, who has been changing your lifelong habits of nonvegetarian food into vegetarian food, who is not willing even to kill any animal.... Don't you have even a small, logical understanding? A man who is teaching you to be a vegetarian will help you to destroy a whole innocent city, The Dalles, by poisoning its water...

... against human values, against the ideals of democracy, freedom." Now you don't even feel to go to worship. You need somebody with a gun behind you; then only can you worship. Hasya has removed the bodyguards, and she was thinking slowly to remove the guns from the commune. They don't fit with our approach to life. We don't want to harm anybody. We want to create a loving atmosphere. But just one...

..., and they created a fascist God - because if God knows about the future, that means the future is determined. Then where is the possibility of freedom? Freedom can exist only if the future is open. But about an open future there is no possibility of prediction. The man who was so beautiful may commit a murder tomorrow. Tomorrow is open. The saint can become a murderer. The murderer can become a saint...

... different kind of person than you understand a wise man should be - nice, polite, beautiful like Gautam Buddha. He was a Caucasian, very strong. He could kill any man just with his hands. And Ouspensky could not believe, when he was told by one of his friends, that "This is the man you have been searching for. He knows, but it is difficult to approach him. I will manage, I belong to his inner circle...

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