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Found: 3417 articles, showing 3060 - 3070
... her home in Delhi saying, "I will come and take you back...." He never went there. On the contrary, the mother of the girl came to me saying, "We don't want this third-rate man to be married to our daughter." They were very rich people; the daughter's father was ambassador in Russia. She said, "If her father comes to know, he will kill me. She is my one and only child."...
... station and move there." He said, "I can -- but you will have to come with me. If you are there then I don't care. But if my wife and I are there, we will kill each other." They loved each other -- it is not that they were not loving people. They loved each other, but I could understand his psychology. Having nothing to do, he opened a dharamshala -- a free house with two hundred bedrooms...
... up to me?" It has been always up to you whether to get into the mess or get out of it. It is none of my business. I have never bothered.... Millions of people have passed by my side, people who were ready to die for me, or were ready to kill me just if I said something that went against their prejudices -- the same people. It has been a tremendously rich life of experiences, but now I am...
... mind is a slave. Whoever has created it has created it for its own purposes -- to exploit you. Every nation fills your mind with nationality. Every religion fills your mind with the idea that even to die for your religion is the greatest virtue or to kill for your religion is not a sin. All these religions, all these nations, these political, social, religious ideologies, go on conflicting, fighting...
... energy which can pass through an electric wire. By further breaking it, we killed one hundred thousand people in Hiroshima. That was an electric shock! By breaking matter, by the explosion of a small atom, so much energy was produced that we could kill one hundred thousand people in Hiroshima and one hundred and twenty thousand in Nagasaki. So many people would not die by touching even the most...
... get it back. I inquired about him from all the people who knew him. They said, "He has never returned anybody's money. And people feel full of pity. Nobody is angry about it. They just think he is insane, obsessed with money." Walking on the street on a fullmoon night, he suddenly picked up something and then threw it away and said, "If I meet this man I will kill him. The son of a...
... so much? Denial always appeals to the ego. The ego lives surrounded by no's: no, no, no. It lives in a forest of no's. The moment you are full of yes the ego starts dying - a natural death, a very effortless death; you have not to kill it. Yes is the death of the ego. The Indian mind became egoistic about its spirituality, about its religiousness, about its sacredness, about its ancient heritage...
... THIS? HOW CAN WE LEARN TO ENJOY LONG PERIODS OF ALONENESS, AND DROP THE OLD MIND IN IT? This is nothing new for the modern mind; this has been always so. Mind cannot exist in aloneness; to be alone means mind will have to commit suicide. Mind becomes anxious - it is a murder. Whenever you go alone, the mind cannot exist in that aloneness. Mind can exist only in the society; mind is a social...
... with one person. Now you can relate, now love can flower. While making friendships and love with many women and men, you may come to know many techniques, many experiences of sex, but you will not be able to know love, what love is, because love needs seasoning. Just a hit-and-run experience cannot be of much depth - it cannot be. When you live with a person, and not only outward but inward wandering...
... also, because Bodhidharma was sitting with his staff - any moment he would hit. He tried and tried and tried. He looked everywhere, in every nook and corner of his being - where is that mind which is restless?? And the more he looked, the more he realized that the restlessness had disappeared. The more he tried to search... like a shadow it was not there. Two hours passed, and he was not even aware...

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How to Search

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  • If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround it with quotes (") like "what is love" or "how to meditate".
  • You can use AND [in UPPER case] between the words if you are looking for articles containing all of those words.
  • You can specify which collection and/or chapter to search. All choice in choice boxes - searches all.
  • Search will also search for synonyms (words with similar meaning) and all the words with the same stem (root).